The Abandoned Mansion of The American Myers Family Hidden For 4 Decades!

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Deep in the heartland of America stands a  remnant of a once-thriving family. A family   that for generations, built their fortune on  the booming industries that shaped the nation. Since the late 1800s, the Myers family played  a significant role in the region's prosperity,   dominating the mining and  processing of valuable minerals,   while also contributing to the  vast agricultural landscape.   As the area flourished, so did  the Myers' wealth and influence. However, fate had a different plan for  the once-proud family. The passage of   time saw the decline of the industries  that once defined this region, and as   people sought better opportunities elsewhere,  the Myers family faced a devastating reality.   Their once-vast fortune dwindled, forcing  the family to make a life-changing decision.   In 1981, the Myers family  reluctantly packed their bags,   leaving behind their magnificent home and a  treasure trove of memories, never to return. Despite its current state of decay, the  mansion remains a remarkable testament   to the family's wealth and the region  's history. Built in the 19th century,   it was a grand and opulent home that  boasted every luxury one could dream of. Join us as we step back in time and  unlock the secrets of the Myers Mansion,   uncovering the stories and memories  that still echo within its walls. Welcome back, everybody, to  the Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley,   like usual, behind the camera is Danny.  Hello, hello! Welcome back, my friend,   and we are showcasing an amazing episode today  in the United States, probably one of the best   ones we have found so far. Do you think so?  We're just at the top? Oh yeah, pretty sure   it's one of the best ones we've found, pretty  sure. Look at this! What do you think this is? I think it's the driveway. You're exactly right! This place got abandoned  four decades ago by John and his family. They   left it behind and never came back here, and this  is four decades of overgrowth, nature taking back,   and it feels like we are literally in a  lush jungle or a lush forest right now.   It's absolutely insane! But trust  me, right behind these trees over   here is a magnificent mansion with  everything still left inside of it. When the industry in this area started to  decline, John made the decision to move his   family out of here and move to a better area  of the United States. They literally left   everything in this place in an instant. They were  people of money, they had enough money to spend,   but I don't know why they left all their  memories inside of their abandoned house.  Oh yeah, it's over here. Oh yeah, I see the  roof. Yeah, wow! You almost don't see the house,   exactly. And when you approach it, you  think it's nothing, but when you get inside,   your mind is just blown. Okay, I'm going to  let you pass over here. Thank you, there we go. Isn't that absolutely beautiful? All the  vines, the ivy, and the trees taking it over,   and the house is also very natural, completely  made out of wood. Of course, because we are in the   United States, but the outside also feels and has  a sort of an architecture that looks like a cabin.   It totally fits in with the  surrounding area. I would say   this over here used to be steps  that led up to the porch, but yeah,   you don't even see them anymore, just vines.  Yep, the ivy has completely overtaken it. Wow, this is just the best porch we've  seen so far! Oh yeah, and it's a big one.   Like I've said this many times before,  but porches are a very American thing,   especially with all the chairs on top of it  and in the front of the house. In Europe,   we don't see it like that. We normally have  our garden furniture in the back of the house,   and we sit mostly in the back of the house.  But this is a very American thing. And   see, they had a beautiful setup outside here  where they could relax, sit in the summertime,   enjoy themselves. I love the chairs  and the rocking chairs also. Yeah,   they're absolutely amazing, but I was most  fascinated by the swing here at the back. Still see these two children  enjoying this one, Jack and Coral. Wow, and I also really like the bench  behind you here, Danny. Isn't that one   just magnificent? It is! It's like an antique  bench but then for the outside of the house.   Yeah, you can have a light switch behind  here. Oh, probably had some chandeliers. Oh,   they have some lights out there. Gotta  light up the porch outside here, wow!  Absolutely love it. Must have also been very beautiful  to live here, completely in nature,   away from everything, the forests around here. Even a barbecue still left outside here,  wow! Saw some debris from the grills,   from the grilling sessions that John did  back in the time. Cooked meat for the family,   they enjoyed it outside here on the  porch. Must have been absolutely amazing.   Okay, and then from the porch, we come  right to the front door of the house.   Ring the bell... after four decades,  it's not working anymore, unfortunately.   But here we have this beautiful wooden door  that opens up inside of their household,   and we are immediately greeted by a  fantastic room. This was the living room,   the place where the family came together in  the evening, enjoyed each other's company,   and I absolutely adore this one. Let's  have a look at the couches and everything   that's inside of here. Beautiful antique  pieces, nicely upholstered with leather. These people, they were people  of money. They had industry,   they mined minerals and processed minerals,  and that's how they made their fortune.   But we also believe that they were a noble  family, Danny, because it looks like it. It looks like it. You see that? John, his surname,   John Myers the Third. And he has some noble  touches in the things and how he writes in   the letters and stamps he does. So in that  way, we believe, we are not for certain,   we say that out loud, we are not for  certain, but we believe that he was noble. Well, they tried to fix this one up.   Look at that chair, compared to the other one. I  also really... yeah, exactly what you're saying,   this one, it's amazing. But in the  corner there, it's broken, falling apart.   It's actually interesting, here you can see  the insides of one of these chairs, yeah,   one of these sofas. And this is straw, right?  This just plain old straw. And then that's how   they made it. Like you can definitely fix this  one up. You can attach it again, yeah, no problem.   Lovely carvings above here. And then over time, you also see on the couch all  the paint chips lying here. And that's just the   four decades of abandonment. Yeah, the ceiling,  all over the floor, also literally everywhere. You   can see on the screen, everything white. Yeah, if  you look at the ceiling, you know where it comes   from. Yeah, it's a very, very slow process,  but over the years, the glue behind the paint   just slowly chips off. And do you think this is  wallpaper or paint? I feel like it's paint. Yeah,   I feel like this is paint. Yeah, definitely.  Oh, yeah, it breaks apart. Yeah, absolutely.   I also had a wonderful brick fireplace  over here. Absolutely adored. Even if we   take this fire screen away, you can see  all the wood is still inside of there.   Even the last ashes, yeah, from the time that they  were still in here. I think this one was used a   lot. Yeah, this room was a common room. They would  all sit here together, all have fun in here. It   must have been wonderful. This painting is a  little bit out of the ordinary in the room,   but I like it, I must say. Yeah, I do like  it. It fits exactly on the switch too. Yeah,   a little bit of modern touch to it. Yeah, and  these couches, they're also magnificent. Oh, wow. So there's one strange thing about the story of  this house that we still have to discuss. We had   John, he had his wife Mary, but we also found  evidence that he had another wife, Jacqueline,   and we also found evidence that she lived inside  of this place. We're going to see it in a minute   because there are pictures of her. So we believe  that John, at the time, had two wives inside of   this house. And I was imagining these two red  chairs, that they were sitting there, both next   to the fireplace. But that's just a thought of  mine. I'm sorry for that thought. No worries. Then   we also have this wonderful cabinet over here,  again beautiful design, beautiful, beautiful. Let's see if the drawers still function. Lots  of things in here, even VHS tapes from the time   they left, still left in here. The Night of This  Studio, I still remember from when I was a child.   I woke up in the morning fast to the recorder to  record my favorite TV videos on the VHS player.   Oh, this one is still in a very good  condition, yeah, absolutely wonderful. Oh,   a lot of dust on it, yeah, your fingers were  there. And now we have this piece here at the end   of the room, a lot of little artifacts in there.  Oh, this, this one is super interesting, Danny.   DM from the family, oh, Myers, Myers, wow! I  was going to point out all the paint, yeah,   around it, everywhere, and the floor, and  everywhere, completely surrounded by paint. What a piece! But now it's time, Danny, for  one of my favorite rooms in the whole house.   It's my favorite room; it's my favorite  room as well. You're not going to believe   your eyes. Let's go in there. Welcome to the  lounge area of the house, the centerpiece of   this mansion. I'm going to ask you, Danny, spin  around, show this room. On every single wall,   there's one of the ladies of the house depicted  and shown. Well, I absolutely adore this one.   One more thing, above you, they had sort  of a skylight, but we think it's more of a   ventilation shaft inside of the house. I find  that a very beautiful addition to this house.   It's a lovely architectural piece, but I would  have loved to see the top of it as a skylight,   but that's unfortunately not the case in  this one. Yeah, it's a really dark room,   especially because there's no windows, so  we have to light it up a lot to show it. A little bit, you can see the lights. So  somebody in this house, we believe it's Carol,   the daughter, right? She was artistic,  and she loved to paint and everything,   and we believe that she made every single picture  inside of this house. And we're going to show you   later on why we think that is. This is one of  his wives, I believe this is Mary or Jacqueline,   and down below it, we have literally thousands and  thousands of peacock feathers inside of this vase.   Isn't that just beautiful? Wow, I  really love them in this room. Yeah,   they're deteriorating a lot, but it's  beautiful, and the vase down below it,   it's also beautiful. And then, right  next to it, this is a common chair,   and I already showed it a couple of times on  the channel. I will link it up here. I found   it in a castle in Luxembourg and in Belgium in  a house, but this is called a "Witcher’s chair." And, uh, yeah, it's not an antique piece, but  it's a very interesting design and a unique   style and shape of a chair. I really love  it, though. I really love it, I must say.   Nice clock on the wall there with an iron clock. I'm not sure who this lady is that's hanging  on the wall. I don't think it's one of his   daughters because the one next to her is his  daughter, but he only had one daughter. It's   also not one of his wives because she's way  too young, but I'm not sure about this one.   Down below is a wonderful red upholstered chair  that complements the walls inside of this place,   and the carvings on it are just magnificent. Look  at that, it looks like two birds kissing each   other in midair, yeah, wow! Oh,   but actually, the couch, you sink into it; it's  pretty nice, yeah, it's pretty low actually.   I love it, wow! I'm right next to the sofa  here, when you were sitting down, you could   call somebody, lift up the phone. Oh, I love  these telephones, aren't they absolutely amazing? Now we have a postcard, I believe. Oh, wow,  look at this. Yeah, this is a postcard from   the son, Mr. Jack Myers, and he sent  a letter. "Dear Jack, I have been— oh,   this is written to Jack— I've arrived to you  for many months. Thank you for your note and   photographs and your lovely home." Isn't  this one just fantastic? It's sent from   somewhere in Europe, I believe Greece or  Italy. I cannot pinpoint this monument.   It's lovely to see. This stand that we are  standing next to is also pretty unique. I really love it, yeah, me too. And  there are some lovely books down below,   encyclopaedias and books, and is this a photo  album? It looks like it, with a leather cover.   Oh, it's unfortunately empty, and  it's falling apart, literally.   Oh, okay, carefully, thank you, Danny, for  placing that back. That's how we do things. And then over here on the wall, we have their  lovely daughter Carol, and we believe that she   even painted this picture herself. Carol was the  one who made all the drawings and the artworks   inside of the home, and she just loved to  do that. And right below it are, again, two   beautifully upholstered chairs, and they are a set  because you can see over here, first and foremost,   the carvings are the same as with the one we saw  on the sofa, and the upholstery is also completely   the same in this one. Sort of gargoyles that they  have here at the end, I would say, but they are   birds for sure. You can see they have like a beak  at the front and then a paw underneath it as well. Literally, all the pictures of the family are left  behind. Over here is one of their daughters, this   is probably Carol. This might have been her again  over here. Down below, we have a family picture;   this might be Jack, Carol, so we have John, Jack,  Carol, and Mary, I think, Mary or Jacqueline. I'm not going to lie, it's a bit weird, but  that's not the house. No, it's a bit weird,   like you said. Let's get back to the two wives.  Yeah, it's not common, let's say that. This is   not a house, no, because those are two stories.  Yeah, those are different houses. Maybe they lived   somewhere else before, and they were a rich  family. Maybe they had multiple houses. Yeah,   and we see somebody in the Navy as well.  Nothing on their back, unfortunately. I   don't know who this person is, but it could have  been John, though, maybe in his earlier days.   Two lovely ladies over here as  well, two lovely girls, I must say.   Then, right next to them, we have the same kind  of upholstered chair, also with the same carving,   but the upholstery on this one is different,  though. So I don't know why they did it, but I   would make them all the same, of course. But maybe  it ripped, and they just wanted to redo it. Yeah,   because it's nice, though, it's very nice. And then the centrepiece of the room,  the piano, and this is a very unique one,   I must say. I don't know the exact name and style  for this piano, but I do know that this is a very   American style of piano. We don't see these that  much in Europe. I've already found three of these   pianos inside of abandoned places, and this one  also still plays, wow! Let me just do this tune. See, the keys are falling off, that's how old  this piece is and how long it has been standing   over here. But the snares and everything still  look pretty good, I must say. Yeah, you're right,   it looks tuned, kind of, kind of. And then, above  it, all the pictures of the family are still left   behind. Most likely Carol over here, this is a  very old picture, though, so I'm not sure. Yeah,   then we got a historical family picture, maybe  of their ancestors still left here. Look at that   frame, though, it's amazing, it's beautiful.  You can tilt it, place it like that. I love   the carvings. A very big family, though, a very  big family. Lovely pictures over here as well.   I love the one of the two ladies over here, the  two girls. That was really an event back in the   time when your parents said, "Get ready because  we're going to take pictures." That was literally   the event of the year, and nowadays we just click  away all day long. Can I just point out one thing?   Yeah, of course. I think these, yeah, and that is  the same woman. Oh yeah, that might have been Mary   or Jacqueline, or maybe a grandmother from the  family, but she looks lovely. I love the hats that   she's wearing. The hats, a particular style, it  was a big thing, the hats back in the day. Yeah,   the one Carol, she was very, very talented  in painting. And then this time, everybody,   to welcome you to one of the children's  bedrooms. I'm not sure which child,   which of the two children, slept  in this one because there are   three children's bedrooms throughout this  house. So let's figure that out together. A lovely bed over here, it seems like a bed that  was used by a young lady or something like that,   yeah, a girl, I must say, but I'm not 100%  sure about that. I love the style of the bed,   the vases carved into here, and  then down below, it's still made;   all the pillows are still lying on it. Isn't  that just wonderful? After four decades,   you just gotta remember that everything inside of  this house has been literally standing here for   40 years like this. That's longer than I'm alive,  longer than that is alive. Yeah, for most people,   it's longer than they are alive. So it's crazy to  think about that it all has been left like this,   and then slowly over time, it starts tearing  apart. Animals come inside and eat on it,   and yeah, that's just it; it's just time. Time  takes it over. I love that the curtains in   this room are also complementary to the bed  linen on the bed; they're exactly the same. And then we have this drawer over here, and it's  also super, super interesting. A lot of pictures,   as you can see over here as well. Let's look at  all the people and then all these bound envelopes.  I was curious to see which area they are from  and who wrote them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford,   it says on there, 1976, only five years before the  house got abandoned. There are a lot of letters   left over here; I'm going to leave them because  they are historical. They need to stay like this.   A couple more pictures here. The  girl over here might have been,   I don't know about the other people in the  pictures, though. And this might or might be our   beloved charm; it could be, but I'm not sure about  that either, so I'm sorry about that. And then we   have a letter written on a typewriter. By this  time, you must be wondering what happened to me;   neglecting friends has no way to keep them  going. I'm not going to read it in full,   but I'm going to show you for the people  that want to read it. There you go,   take your time to read it. Back on top of it,  these are like portraits of different girls;   one of them must be Carol, but I'm not 100% sure  which one is hers. Wow, but what do you think,   Danny? Check, I don't know. There are things  written on the back here. Oh, that's okay,   yeah, Carol, we found her! Carol Smith, this  was the daughter. Wow, she looks lovely, wow!  Then to the side here, we have some shoes  still neatly standing in front of it,   and then the sofa right next to it. A couple of books in here, and  right above it, we have a picture. Maybe Carol when she was younger. And they had—oh,   sorry, before we go further to that door, I just  have to show you this drawer/vanity combination.   Again, some lovely things on there, wow! Oh, a lot  of pictures inside of this room. These look like   pictures that were taken when the whole class  attended school or something, but I'm not sure   about that. Maybe they exchanged pictures back  in that time. Such as lovely, and every single   picture that we see inside of here has the name  of the person written on it: Mary Lynn [Music].   All the people that she used to accompany with.   Family dinner, we have over here. Oh my God, have  you seen this one? These are two police officers,   and they are like, yeah, not going to  say it, they're humping each other. Oh my gosh, okay, I'm sorry for showing that.  Oh, look at that, having fun on vacation,   absolutely lovely. I feel like this was a boy's  room from everything that we've seen so far,   but I'm not sure, I don't know. Me neither, you  can't even tell with the hat and everything still   hanging here. I was like, maybe this is a boy's  room, I don't know, you can't tell that much.   I just want to have a quick look at  it. Okay, yeah, this gives it away,   right? Yeah, these are all men's clothes,  so most likely this was a boy's room.  Yep, from door to door, to the next door  over there. Oh, this is a common bathroom   space that divides the two rooms, the two  children's rooms. They used it together,   lovely bathtub over here, a toilet, very simple  but elegant. I love the curtain above there,   yeah, beautiful pink curtain. And then  all the cleaning products and everything,   all the grooming products are still left inside  of here [Music]. Then a little washing table. What do we have over here? That's a  toothbrush, that's a toothbrush inside   of this little mythical animal, it's a cover,  yeah, nice. But then we enter into the next room,   and then you have already looked at it,  and we believe that this is Jack's room.   So welcome you inside, oh my gosh, these doors.  I'm gonna welcome you inside of Jack's room.   He had a simple, very simple room, I must say,  way more simple than the other one we just saw,   but still, it's very elegant. Again, a very small  bed in here, and I think this is rugby, right,   this ball? American football, American  football, sorry, in Europe we call this   rugby. So Jack might have played rugby or  football when he was back in high school   or college. Even his helmet and everything  is still left here from that time period.   I'm just gonna place it like this,  pretty cool. Uh, three places like this,   nice, small bath next to it, we have his drawers,  nightstand, pretty intrigued by this over here,   the stone La Mach, La Marhold F1, it says on  it, lovely stone, maybe he collected those. Is this a rocking chair? Yeah, wow, a Wall Street  rocking chair. And I think that's a bow and arrow,   yeah, but it's been broken, unfortunately.  See, but whatever, on top of it, wow.   And then they also had a couch inside of this  room, lovely leather couch. And for some reason,   this whole suitcase behind here is filled  with tile, why? Yeah, mysterious. Yeah,   even underneath it, it's completely filled  with tile. Everything is falling out of here.   That's pretty strange to add that in a room,  why would you do that? That's super strange.   Even more pictures of the family left over  here as well, funny bodies. People when they   were in the house, any of these photos, they  don't look like they are from this house. No,   that's true, you're completely right about  that, so that's strange, right? Yeah,   this looks like Geraldo, but I'm not 100% sure  again. No one, unless you're not tired, no,   off, I don't know. Yes, so there are some strange  things going on in here, like a lot of different   pictures. This one is this, however, though, in  front of the house, you can see the porch there. Do you think so? This maybe not,  no, no, no, there's also no door,   there's no door, yeah, so that's not it. It's  from January 1946. Wow, this was from 1956.   Well, those are old, yeah, these are very old  photographs. You should show this one better.   And this one might have been from Jack when  he was still very young, and it's from 1957. That's amazing. This is absolutely amazing.   And here's a letter. One last name I'll show you,  this Rule, and this is directed to Jack Mayers.  Okay, it's time to show you the other two  bathrooms, and they are, to be honest, thumbs up,   they're better than these, oh yeah, hands down. Thank you. From the centrepiece of the house, here we can  walk into this hallway, and this leads us into   two other beautiful bathrooms. But first, there  is another bathroom. It was a two-bathroom house.   Over here, to the right side, lovely bathroom  again with a bathtub and a shower combination.   Even the towels, Mary and John, are still laying  there. Look at the picture of awesome lightning.  Doesn't happen anymore. It's a  little lovely. Oh, the mirror. Cleaning and grooming products, baby powder up  there. I was looking if there's also like a razor   blade hole somewhere here, but I don't think  so. And over here, they also have the shower   inside of this one. Not even this, washing  clothes and everything is still down there.   And right in front of us here, we have  the master bedroom where John and Mary,   or John and Jacqueline, used to sleep together.  Yeah, it's strange. Look at this beautiful oak   wood bed, still made, and all the  carvings in the top are just wonderful. Pillows still lying here on the bed, still made  after all those years. Even in front of us here,   we have this basket. It's filled with all the  bed linens and an extra pillow. Somebody was   getting uncomfortable. John and his wife,  they loved books, they loved magazines,   they loved all of this. Everything is  completely filled with books and magazines. A plush chair over here. Have you  seen the corner of this room, Danny?   Yeah, oh, watch out. I got you, I got you, almost  fell over. Yep, but this bookshelf over here has   completely fallen apart, and it's a little sad  how everything fell on the ground here. There   are even some handwritten  letters over here, look at that. It's amazing. Hello, are you here?   You are here. My question is about whether Jack  and Caroline can... oh, so bad, it really comes,   it's complicated, it's true because we don't do it  anymore nowadays. And I have learned to read it,   but still, it's difficult for me. A  lot more magazines and books in here. Cope the hawk that became a friend to Josephine  and myself, George E. Meyer. Myers, that's maybe   one of the family members, probably friends  or family, yeah, probably family. This whole   book talks about a hawk, or that's a hawk, right?  Yeah, yeah, I think so. Yeah, Jack the hawk, wow. That's lovely, that's absolutely lovely. Somebody  made this complete book, and I just love it.   Over here, we got some diplomas, as you can  see, from a former family member. They're   not directed to John or anybody in the house  that we have over here. Cadillac LaSalle Club,   what's this? Maybe he was  part of the Cadillac Club. This man was, of course, wealthy. John, these  are pictures I took that I got in Virginia when   I bought it, says over here, and they were looking  for a Cadillac. Look at that, wow, that's amazing.  Amazing pieces, they're just wonderful, and I  probably bought it and it might be somewhere.  I love it, completely directed to John himself. Well, that is beautiful. Even the  inside and everything is on it,   so he's a part of the Cadillac  Club. Yeah, this man was wealthy.   Even some atlases left here, maybe he also  enjoyed going out to hunt from time to time.   A picture of his beloved lady right next  to it, and I think here in the corner,   that's supposedly a car radio of some sort.  That is, yeah, it looks like it's playing   here in this room. You can even see there's  a speaker down below it and everything. And   then we have a jacket of his. Is this a flute? A  flute, sorry, we call it "fluit" in Dutch, but oh,   it's a whistle, right? I'm sorry, sometimes I mix  things up with Dutch, but this was John's whistle,   as you can see. Oh, and this is from the US Army,  look at that, really? Wait, I cannot see Army. So he might have been in the Navy. That picture  that we just saw might have been of his. Wow,   and look at this: John H. Mayers, excuse me,  but that's a, uh, especially for him. Wow,   I absolutely love it, that's in London. Wow, but  behold, because the room that I'm going to show   you now is absolutely mind-blowing, not because  of the furniture but because of the story.   The story inside of this room tells the whole  story of the house. This is the room of Carol,   the daughter of the house, and like I told you  before with the paintings and pictures that were   hanging around the place, she was an artist. She  loved to draw, and I think her parents allowed her   to draw on the walls of her room and make artworks  because you can see all throughout the room,   Mrs. Carol drew paintings and pictures everywhere.   She drew all the furniture, everything on the  walls, and as precisely as possible, it is   also in place, like the bed standing  over here with the clock above it,   the clock face above it. I just love it, it makes  sense, that's what it is, it makes absolute sense.   Oh, this, oh, oh my God, that creeped me out,  that creeped me out. The batteries in this one,   oh no, no, no, please, please, that's creepy.  [Music] I don't like Teletubbies anyways. Can   you believe it, how it has batteries? She even had  a telephone next to her, also still functions. It   even has an emergency number in the middle over  here, wow. Lovely old books right next to it,   bed completely still made with  all her plushies on top of it.   Huh, even a baby carriage in front that she  completely filled with her most beloved plushies.   You can see her teddy bears, there's  a camel, oh no, it's a llama, yeah. I also really adore the fireplace down here. She  had this fireplace cover and she drew the whole,   like the wood burning, on top of it. I love it,  this lady was talented. I believe she's still   alive right now, she must be, or she must have  died from some sort of disease, but I don't know. Look at this lady, I'm not  sure if it's Carol, but she   looks like the one in the photo, so  maybe when she was older, yeah, exactly.   And then we have, I'm sorry, can I just show it  again because I don't think I showed it in detail,   yeah, it's not the area of the house because  there are no mountains around the house, but   maybe like another house or vacation house  that they had that she drew over here.   I love the gable slot she has over here as well. Now we have a small sitting area. She left a  couple of things on here, a beautiful pink hat   still left here with the flower at the front  of it. She loved flowers, she loved nature,   as you can see. There are some books over here and  then what I also really adore, one of her gloves,   red velvet gloves, is also still left  here. Upholstered chair in the corner, oh!  And a complete box of jewellery  is also still here. Isn't that   just amazing? The clothing pin  and everything still in place. The lamp as well, that broke. Oh,  wow, this is sort of a grooming set   with a brush, little mirror,  and everything's still in there. I'm lost for a second, what's this? Is it  a television? It's a really old television,   I don't know, 1956? Oh my, that  says, I think that's just dust.   Wow, it's just supposed to be black behind  there, that's why I didn't recognise it at first,   but this is indeed a television,  definitely like 50s or 60s America,   Philco. Never heard of that company, I would  think it's like Phillips, but it's Phil.   So, speaker down below here. I love this one,  it's probably very rare and very unique. Yeah,   even has the logo of the television written here  at the front. No, Predicta, it's not the logo, but   it's nothing else, they're probably the name. Wow,  what a place, and then over here in the corner,   oh sorry, I just saw the bird, the birdcage  back there. Wow, I think it's a lovely box.  Oh, oh, her hats are still in here. She loved all  those hats, and we saw it in one of the pictures,   and I think it's the blue one. Oh  wow, it's beautiful, it's this one,   yeah, yeah, absolutely adore it, with  the feather on there and everything.   We even got a couple more over here, a red one, a  black one. What are these? Are these sketchbooks?   You're kidding me. This, this says, even,  oh, oh, I gotta be careful with this one. Oh, that, that, that's indeed a scrapbook.  Down here, for Mike, it says over here. Oh,   this was her hand that she painted, that  she probably did in kindergarten. "Happy   Birthday!" This complete scrapbook and she  saved it over the years, everything she   made in kindergarten and school and everything.  Might be one of her dogs, clothing pin on there.   I'm stunned by this room,  I'm literally stunned. ABC's. Always be Christian, be a Christian. Is there more? Oh yeah, oh, this is  furniture design. She must have become   an artist at some point. Something else, oh,  look at that. Can you... it's hard to show. And probably there's more underneath. So many  artefacts of her left in this room. I absolutely   love it. Excuse us just for a second because  our camera gear is on the bench, but look,   just look past it and look at the bench. That  is... let's take the bags... wait, wait a second,   wait a second, and the bags are out, there we are,  the bench is clean, and look at the masterpiece   that we have in front of us here. Beautiful  upholstery, beautiful woodwork. I absolutely adore   it. When I saw it at first in the home, I was like  this is one of my favourite pieces of furniture   in there. Oh yeah, and then I love this sofa also  behind it. Yes, that makes it like extra special.   And I'm sorry, I have to point out, I  love that she drew the frame and then   around the framework on top of it. All  the teddy bears are also still here,   and I love that there's also a cat  number one on the sofa here. Yeah, wow. I hadn't given any attention to this piece of  furniture. Have a look at it. It's like a seat   and a little bench where you can read,  especially made for a child, I believe.   Absolutely adore it. Wonderful piece of furniture.  And then behind it, we got some paintings   she made. Over the top, that's upside down,  am I? Yes, here we can see the landscape with   the blue sky in the back. Wow, and even  a little bit of clouds on the left side.   And then behind it is a very abstract, retro  landscape with sheep and cows with grace. Okay, Carol, you were a special lady, and I hope  you're doing well in life right now. What a lovely   room it is. You'll love that though. Let's go to  the last part of the house, but then afterward,   we got even more to show you, so don't click off  yet. Don't click off yet; this video is going to   be still even more epic than it is right now.  Let's go back to the hallway, back into the   centrepiece of the house once more. This room  keeps amazing me, and I love that it's attached   to everything. Every single room comes out of  this one. It's like a spider web, I must say,   sort of, sort of. And here we come into another  little area with the basement down there. Yeah,   let's have a quick look in the basement  before... because it doesn't...   okay, yeah, just, I'm always interested  just to see it. There are like a bunch   of Bud Light cans here, and it seems  like this also, it's flooded. Oh yeah,   it's flooded. Oh, there are only trash  bags inside of here; they're awful, sure.   They seem to be awful, of course, light.  What? There are literally thousands and   thousands of cans of beer inside of the  basement. Why would you say that? Okay,   we're not going to go in-depth on that, but that's  pretty strange, I would say. Yeah, somebody in the   house might have been an alcoholic, and  really, he was a fan of Bud Light. Oh,   I must have been chipping off, sorry, it's been  chipping off the wall here as well, so beautiful. Oh, and then we come into  this typical American kitchen.  Look at this stovetop over here, very small,  very narrow, I would say. Yeah, space, no space. Yeah, it's a very nice cooktop over  here, everything still left on there.   Some pans for Mary and Jacqueline to cook  food on. Oh my god, oh, that's so retro!   What do we have on there? We'll take Half House  Wilton, well, Westinghouse, it says. A lovely oven   that we have over here. I noticed one thing up there. Yeah,  there is a built-in clock above the sink.   Isn't that just wonderful? I  absolutely adore that one. Yeah,   now we have the kitchen area  where they would do everything,   with a dishwasher and everything still there.  Love that the bleach is also still left here.  And the mixer back there. Penny, I'm looking at this  right now, and doesn't this   look familiar to you? Yeah,  wait, let me grab something.  I just have to show this because that's literally  what she painted. That's literally the same.   Wow, this painting resembles that artefact  that we see here in the kitchen. So Carol took   inspiration from that to paint this painting.  Okay, I'm going to place this over here in the   corner for a second, and then we're going to go  further with our video. But these little details   make these houses so interesting. You can really  attach a story and weave something together when   the people still left here, still left here. Wow,  even the fridge over here is still left behind.   They put some important  figures on top of the fridge,   the Cleaver family. Unfortunately, coming from  Europe, I don't know who any of these people are.  See, there's also a daughter's  cabinet. Look at this;   they must have stored something inside of here.  Extract a little bit of it; maybe cereal  or something else would be placed in there. Okay, before I go out there, I want  to show you this section as well. Yeah, I was going to say, I think these parts of  the house are the ones that I wanted to show. This   showcase of decay inside of here, you can see the  lily, the whole window is falling out of the room.   After 40 years of abandonment, this house has  become worthless; it's irreparable, as you can   see. It's just falling apart; it's absolutely  sad. Let's show it from the outside as well.  All right. Here we have a couple; this was  there like washing, drying room.   Even a dog cage in the corner there, they probably  also had an animal, a couple of animals, maybe   some cats and dogs inside of the house. And here  we can exit the house again, and we are outside   again. Oh, too bright! Oh yeah, it's very bright  outside. Yeah, it's a lovely day over here today.   Look at that. Annie, oh my God,   the whole house is literally just falling  apart, everything is crumbling and decaying. Sad to see, definitely sad to see, because this  is such a beautiful place in nature. And I think   definitely somebody might have enjoyed this house  if it was safe and restored. Okay, let's show you   the garden right now. We're at the backside  of the house right now, and as you can see,   you can barely see the house anymore over here.  Nature has taken over everything here, but I have   already made a little lap through the garden, and  I believe if I'm right, and we go through here... Oh my gosh, this is going to be difficult.  Okay, let me guide you through here. Oh! Sometimes I ask myself, how do we find these  places? I'm good, I'm good, yeah, okay. Yes, here we come to the very lush pool area that  over time has turned back into a lake for the   animals that live in this forest. Wow, I love that  it's still filtered, everything is still in there.   Isn't it just beautiful? So green. These people  must have enjoyed this pool every single day. Don't touch it, don't, don't. Yeah, you know me,  I have to touch everything that's filthy. It's   filthy, that's for sure. Okay, and over here, the  garden goes on and on. This property is enormous,   but it's impossible to wander through it anymore.  You can only show you this section of it. And   there's one more thing we've got to show you,  that's the garage. Let's get over there right now.   Let me show you the last section of this property,  the garage. This was John's proudest possession;   this is where he probably spent the most time. And  you're not going to believe this place. I just had   a quick peek, but it's completely collapsed  and falling apart. It's absolutely amazing. Again, through the forest, making  our way to the garage of this place.   Oh my gosh, I love how you say "garage."   Oh my God, what was that? That's a vulture! Oh my  God, I just saw it, then it flew away. [Laughter]   Look at this, Danny. Oh my God, this was the  family car for sure, slowly standing over here,   and then at a certain point, the tree  completely fell on it and crushed it.   Wow, I want to show it from above. Let me  see if I can get up through the screen.   Look at this from above. Doesn't it absolutely  look dystopian? Even the tree completely has   fallen on here. Oh my, it's actually a very  nice family car that they had over here. I think   it's a Buick Eight, but I'm not 100% sure about  that. Let's see if I can make my way over here. Yes, oh yes, definitely a Buick, and I was exactly  right about this car: Buick Eight. Love the hood   and love the style of this vehicle. Back to  me, back to you, hello, hello there. We go.   It's sad to see because if they took the  car out, it would have been saved, but   unfortunately, that never happened. Let's make our way carefully back down. Let's see what more we've got in this place.   I can see another car standing there in that  garage that's completely collapsed. Okay.  Do you think we can...? It looks  like it's collapsed. Oh my God. Oh, that's it, I saw it. Yeah, I saw the car.  It's beautiful. Can we...? It's also a Buick   Eight. Try this side; it feels like it's  better, feels a little bit safer indeed. And there's even another car over there. Oh my  God, in the middle of everything. We'll show that   at the end. Yeah. [Applause] I think this was one  of his proudest possessions that we have in here.   Look at this, with the suicide doors and  everything. Probably he got chauffeured   around in this one. This man was rich, having  a mineral extraction and processing company.   He must have been insanely rich. Just show the  inside of the car; look how beautiful it is.   Wow, they even have a little ashtray in the  seat pocket over there. Yeah, I love it. I think it's completely locked, unfortunately,  and then a spare tire was housed in here. And then also have a look at the  magnificent front of this vehicle.   Love the headlights' shape;  it's sort of like a raindrop.  In the grill, all very narrow  together, these vehicles. I think this one, in particular, would run for  a hundred thousand dollars right now, at least.   I'm not a car expert, but yeah, this  one should have been saved, and it's   too late. It's like it's a museum piece. Yeah,  it is. I haven't checked out this garage yet,   but this one still seems in a very good condition,  and I hope there might also be a car in here. It's this sort of greenhouse area  at the back here for some plants. Okay, again through the forest. It  looks difficult. Thank you. Yeah,   there we go. I see an open window here at the  back. Yeah, the vehicles are in there. Oh,   oh, let me... Oh my god, oh, that one is open. Ow, these thorns. I'm realizing something,  Danny. That's a Cadillac, that's the Cadillac   from the pictures. Do you think he restored  it? That's the Cadillac from the pictures   from inside of his room that were directed to Jean  and the guy that got it from Virginia. It's big,   it's massive, it's like a boat. Okay, yeah,  American cars for me are like boats. Yeah, can   you take it? Yes, sir, there we go. Oh, the other  one is also fascinating. My gosh, look at that. Our first showcase: the other one over here. We've  got a Packard, a Packard that's a car brand that's   not around anymore. Right now, I have never  heard of it. Look at the emblem at the front,   it's like a swan spreading its wings. It's  beautiful and it's massive as well, it's   like a foot long, like 30 centimeters. Wow, what  a masterpiece. There's moss all over this vehicle. Oh my, the interior is still perfect.   These two cars are still in very good condition.  Check out the emblem inside of here. Can you   open the door? It's easier. Yeah, I will,  if you insist. Wow, there you go. [Music]   It looks royal. Yeah, these are not cheap  cars, very thick doors as well. Look at that,   pretty sturdy cars. Oh, I just  bumped it into the other one. Wow,   I love the seats that they were just doing  together, so fast, like sofas. Yeah, wow.   The inlet fans are inside here, and  this is where you would fuel it up. August, it's the last time it was restored. That's  just fascinating. It looks like a royal crest of   a family. It does, it really does. Okay, and  then over to the Cadillac. It's probably his   proudest possession. This was John's car;  he got it from Virginia, he restored it,   and he made this wonderful piece out of it.  Probably only drove it on very special occasions.  About... He completely restored this  one because, on the pictures,   it was in a way worse condition. Oh yeah, I  love the wings on it. Yeah, very very retro. Take the whole family on trips with this car.  Unfortunately, its beauty is slowly deteriorating,   but these two cars can still be saved. Luckily,   they are safe in here; they  are very safe in here. Wow,   let me show you the front of... Yeah, I'm  speechless, man. I'm speechless. Me too, it's big,   it's really big. Escalade, wow. I love  the two wings on the front here as well.   Oh, sorry, yeah, it's locked,  which I don't blame you at all. Look at this, the registration plate.  Last registered in 1981, it says on there,   and it's the time when the house got abandoned.   Wow, let's check out that one last car that was  in between all that greenery over there. Okay. [Music]   So we found a way to get to the car over there.  Oh, it's a little side tour, little detour.   Oh wow, wow. Why is it standing  here? Oh my gosh, look at this one.  And this is, again, a Buick 8. A wonderful  vehicle. I love the emblem on this one even   more than the other one. It's like  some turbine. I'm speechless, yeah.  This is the best car Grave Shark  has found so far. If you can even,   not even a car graveyard, it's just  personal cars. There's no course. Yeah,   wow. The intakes on it, the Roadmaster.  You can definitely say that. The interior, then the dashboard.  I don't know what it's-- And I love the sloping back of this  vehicle as well. It just makes the vehicle. Next to Sean's alcohol addiction, I'd  love to drink some beers. I'm gonna   take a seat on the side of the car here, and we're  going to end off this episode. But, oh, still,   to this point in an episode, I'm speechless.  Speechless with what we have found, speechless   but what's left inside of this place, and that we  just found it here in the middle of the forest.  I want to thank you all so, so, so, so, so, so  much for watching this week's video. It was an   incredible place to explore, absolutely adored  it, and it's going to stay in my memory forever.   Thank you very much. Like  the video if you liked it,   subscribe down there if you're new to the  channel, and also write me a nice comment   in the comment section. There's also a link  to Patreon in the description if you want to   help out this channel and help us go around the  world to document these places. Please do so. With that, all said, I want to thank you very  much, and I'll see you next week in another   beautiful episode. I love you. [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 1,075,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, abandoned, urban exploration, urbandecay, decay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, exploring, explorer, Forgotten Abandoned Mansion, American Family, Timecapsule Mansion, Decaying Mansion, Forest House, Abandoned House in the forest, Cabin in the woods, Abandoned Cabin in the woods, Everything left behind, Crumbeling industry, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned houses in america, bros of decay USA
Id: TXxZbbDCGus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 21sec (3681 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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