Exploring a Billionaires ABANDONED $40,000,000 MEGA MANSION **BOMB SHELTER FOUND**

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yo what's up you guys ethan again back at it we're back at a location that you've probably seen pretty recently and the reason i'm back so soon is because this house is actually going to be demolished in or probably like two days today's saturday um week work week starts monday and i'm gonna tell you why i'm saying that they dropped the excavator off to tear this down i didn't show the exterior the first time so i've got the bees flying around what the heck is there a bee's nest out there let's get let's do that at the end because there are so many like hornets flying around i think there's like a bee nest out there um this is probably the last time i'm gonna see it i just wanted to do one last revisit and just because this is probably the greatest place i've ever filmed personally so we're gonna do that let's just get right into this so again for those who haven't seen it this is new to you to those who have i know a lot of you really liked this so i hope you enjoy the ceilings the sculpted ceilings beautiful you also have look at the crown molding that's not fake like you know home depot stuff you buy and stick on that's the real stuff that's real crown molding so i guess a little bit of back history on this house was built in 1988 for robert campo um and uh he sold it um to a um i believe he was a lawyer and his wife who bought it in 2002 and yeah faucets are gorgeous so every there's not one part of this house that isn't beautiful so just this front entrance i just i absolutely love this you have another bathroom it's crazy to think this won't be standing in a week like just unbelievable i'm pretty sure that's not where the garbage bin goes but okay i think someone's been here in the past 24 hours because i was here yesterday afternoon and that was not open dining room a formal dining room chandelier was removed imagine the dinners that were had um in this room by some very very wealthy folks didn't even notice there's pocket doors here very nice butler's pantry most likely the high ceilings and then you have your elevator pretty cool kitchen so dark in here the trees cover any sunlight i've noticed that the floor plans used to be here someone took those i guess it's better than them going to waste someone gets to use them and have them and cherish them yeah this countertop the marble incredible got your two built-ins and then a microwave and then i'm not sure exactly what they ripped out but maybe some type of marble backsplash that's a fridge don't have a free hand to open it but that's a fridge stove top there and then that's another fridge double-sided elevator i didn't notice this the first time so i noticed this but i don't think i noticed the old tv that is so cool for the camera at the gate and there is an old camera at the gate so closet i don't think we went in the garage last time either four car garage um i can't really see anything nothing has anything to see but huge garage imagine the cars that have probably been in here oh no what the heck why would someone do that the house has multiple access points why would you try and break in man i almost made it without any vandalism let's do the basement first save the good stuff for later let's get the basement out of the way and then we can do the top floors what the heck what the hell oh this is so cool how it's all like they're all labeled that is so cool um 1976 1971 75 um elevator that is so cool i wish this still opened that would be so cool someone set off like a fire extinguisher or something the floor is all like a laundry room with the two washer two dryer system going on hmm then this if we can get it open big freezer this is very expensive it's like they have this in their house like it's pretty crazy i'm assuming that probably goes outside so let's be missed the first time and i'm excited to be able to show you this time i thought these are all closets and this kind of goes to show why i guess you should check certain things look behind this door there's a literal like safe room and then this heat pump we are going to go in there by the way but my buddy is currently in there so we'll do that after he leaves here's a little bathroom with a laundry tub is the thing oh man all your furnace and stuff is just like the value of just like the copper pipes in here alone is ridiculous so like if they really truly do bring this place down without salvaging anything that's just it's it's i i don't know what to say here is the music studio this is very dark um i should grab my other light um [Music] here one second guys i just i want you to see this and i'm gonna say is right here for a second and i'm gonna grab my other light out because i'll be honest i you need to see this and um sorry for not coming more prepared i really am um where is it here here we go little technical difficulties we're good to go okay okay much brighter much much brighter all right let's roll how's that normally people would cut that out but i'm not even going to do that because it just goes to show that there sometimes are cuts and little technical things that happen when these are filmed and i like when you guys see how the full filming process processes so this is so cool this is so cool having a house you even got the visa sign oh yeah it's so much brighter heck yeah not a whole lot to see just like storage and like furnaces and stuff all right let's go check out this though because like this is unreal so like look at these like tanks actually wait let's go underneath yeah look at that what does that say no idea what that means the floor is all wet ew ew and then it goes around here and the reason for these turns is because radiation can't go around corners fun fact that's why that's like that okay and then it comes into here so you have like a room with a room i don't know what specifically what rooms you would have been but then you have another room that brings you to your like sink your storage area there all the tanks are probably like i'm guessing air or water and then you have like a toilet in there a shower here that also has a gigantic pipe that goes like way underground and then all this stuff here so pretty freaking crazy like you just don't see that in a house i'm so tall i got a duck it's so freaking short what does that say psi uh [Music] okay okay and then let's go uh over here oh just your furnace oh it's starting to flood what is this water coming from what the heck yeah it's starting to flood that's not good it's your electrical panels your vents and all that stuff you know hot water tanks look at all the pipes holy geez is that all copper like i can just imagine the value of this the copper piping like i said earlier in here now oh yeah there's water everywhere on the floor is this the address on this okay it is i can't show up but there's a something for the furnace from 1989 no idea what that's about and then this is yeah this is a safe so like look how thick the door is that is freaking unreal i think we looked through it last time obviously there's not gonna be anything in it but like still it's still very cool to see and then this room oh yeah people were definitely shooting off like fire extinguishers like idiots because look at the floor the bar with the lovely lovely it's like a this reminds me like a bar you'd see in like germany like the style of the uh the countertop and just like to just you know when this up here so cool oh yeah this fireplace love that fireplace and then i think this is the sauna broken light that's a very 80s the brown toilet sink big shower i don't like the style of shower personally but oh with the old phone oh my gosh this wallpaper is pretty crazy too there's your sauna all the rocks are still in it the sonomatic i love the smell of the wood oh that's cool some like it hot cool oh yeah you can see the water damage in the ceiling and then this was just like the stuff underneath the pool we're not going to go through it again but that's all this was so again it looks like there's water all over the floor over there so something like it's stuff's starting to leak okay so let's go um up over here and then we'll work our way to the other side the freaking basement is absolutely massive make sure we didn't miss anything down here i don't think we did oh this maybe oh yeah it's just a cedar closet nothing special okay okay let's go cover the rest of this i believe this was a bathroom yeah it's a bathroom like a two-piece little yeah and you guys know actually i gotta wipe the lens i think i have to wipe the lens because like the way yeah i do that's a little better just because like the way i've seen the windows the way it was reflecting um i don't want to forget this um yeah this is insane this whole front foyer is just like incredible the dome ceiling again would have had the uh crystal chandelier at one point that was removed thankfully but even like this fireplace mantle like that's real like marble that was imported from france or italy and i just really hope stuff like that gets removed before this gets destroyed next week you have this lovely room here like this is just amazing you could say it over and over um how beautiful this place is office this house has an office and a library and this one was the office tv i see someone took the other tv that used to be there the dvd players vcrs or something and you've got a bunch more of those like 80s phones this is nice and bright in here which is unusual this room is very dark before this mantel was actually imported from france i found that out um there's a video on this house when it was still lived in and that's something that is in that video that that is from like the 1400s or something again history literal history right here so i really hope they they take that out because that would be just a shame if they didn't built in bookshelves everywhere because if you're rich you probably like to read and stuff so that's like real paneling that ain't no cheap stuff rk floor pretty nice and then this room absolutely incredible the murals painted like france i'm not going to try and pronounce these because last time i did horrible i'm not french at all so and then i noticed the room that goes into the pool has a lock on it so we're gonna have to access that from a different point which is okay but it's just like kind of a pain is all let's go upstairs and um oh man it's hot up here i guess it doesn't help but i have a jacket on on a date that's 26 degrees either yeah that's freaking nuts man like look at this like what it's just like i could probably film this place 10 50 100 times and i would still have the same excitement because it's just that cool you just don't see this stuff you know i need a light in here don't i i don't need the actual big light because it's a smaller room but i love this like a little like coat arms type thing oh my gosh it's hot like unbelievably hot upstairs and then you have [Music] this beautiful room fireplace herringbone floors yeah pretty freaking impressive oh look at that i just noticed the clam shells it is way too hot in here look at that you go up and you pan down and there you go closet nothing a wide open window oh come on not that it matters but you know a little bathroom with a shower there yeah i guess we'll do this first before we go to the other side of the house a room of some sort with a big cedar closet and then there's your pool big spiral staircase i wouldn't want out that not like the steel ones you usually see i love this little cup dispenser that's such a cool little feature this is cool you guys told me a lot about this in the first video the comment section in my first video apparently there's not many of these left in the world and it's very rare and i guess it's from like the mid 50s or something aerotone bath ssv certified hide chess chess shire i probably didn't pronounce that right again the smell of the wood just such a nice thing this is an olympic-sized swimming pool that does in fact have a floor that goes over it and you can make this a ballroom which is pretty crazy i'm not gonna go down there's no point but there you go three walkouts to outside which i always say i'm going to show the outside and i either like i i forget i'm very bad for that so i apologize so i'm gonna do my best to show you this time because this place won't be around much longer and i won't be able to do it next time so we'll do the master suite first so it had a his and hers bathroom and dressing area so this is the his this italian marble lovely fixtures and uh toilet they're pretty looking gross your shower all this there's in the suits they would have had in here just like incredible you have like a sitting room and then you come into the master bedroom this fireplace is so cool i love the little cherubs and then you got this guy with an 80s phone oh look at that everything's labeled imagine this view freaking incredible when this would have been like maintained just beautiful ensuite bathroom now these fixtures are gold plated i got a lot of comments in my last video that said they weren't there is an article out from about 10 years ago that states that the master bathroom fixtures are indeed gold plated that window is just wow and then there's the herbs side of the dressing room i can just imagine again there's that i think it stopped recording and i case i in case i missed it we're gonna do this quickly one more time the dressing room here hollywood lighting mirrors what's up guys yeah that's insane okay let's keep going still got a little bit to go um we have this bedroom with its own ensuite that sink is cool it's like floating it's not even like attached to the ground and then you have your shower with the dark green marble same as on the floor there um elevator this was probably your servant's area or the maid or whatever we really had in living in here with them here's a bathroom so there's 10 bed 14 bath is the exact numbers i believe above the garage right now technically um final step the third floor oh it's getting hotter the higher up we go as you know heat rises so this part might be quicker because it's not really that crazy anyways but i do like this this whole system with this staircase here and this awesome light elevator goes to all floors obviously bathroom and then another very large room with a beautiful fireplace that is a closet i believe oh there is a bathroom what the heck oh yeah this is the one with like the weird like raised countertop like the texture to it nice faucets and then the shower how many crawl spaces and stuff for like the vents almost done i think i've done my daily steps just alone filming this house furnace vents ducts whatever you want to call them and uh oh someone took some copper that's it though all the copper to take you go for that this bathroom is pretty cool like this flower pattern everywhere that's pretty interesting more gold faucets and more what's up you guys hey we did it that's a closet right yeah we did it we did it there it is um probably give some history because we're gonna go outside now and i'll show you that but on the way down let's talk about history so yeah um it's built in the late 80s and uh 30 000 square feet to be exact like i said 10 bed 14 bath um and it's it's been in tv shows it's been in suits it's been in it takes two um there's been parties here for uh pierre trudeau and uh jane fonda has had a party hosted here for her so pretty interesting stuff but um i just like you don't this is like a once in a lifetime kind of like explore and you just that's kind of why i'm doing a revisit so soon um you know i just uh it's gonna be gone in a few days and i just thought you know i thought you guys might like to see it again so um we're gonna head down this staircase here we're gonna show you the backyard and wrap this up outside let's go at this door here okay good it does open yeah these steps are freaking insane i didn't show the exterior last time i don't think so i'm gonna do it this time there it is so you'd walk up here came down that one let's go down this side or up this side rather i don't think i'm gonna have to go back inside so let's pull this door shut we're gonna go around front we're gonna wrap this up i know some people really like to see like the grounds in the outside so for this one we will do it there's one of the basement doors that i pointed out i heard a weird noise over there it's probably obviously on camera but cobblestone driveway is not cheap beautiful property even overgrown as it is stunning nonetheless now a lot of people have had ass too what these orange fences are basically they're just around trees that they're not allowed to cut down during the demolition of this house or the construction of the new house so there it is guys let's get a shot of that excavator on it there we go and then there's with the excavator i dropped that off i believe yesterday look at the fountain i think it's funny because how's you know how high end this house is look what it says on the excavator if you can see that see it rolex how assuming that a excavator that says rolex on it is going to tear down canada's canada's formerly most expensive house look at the weeds i'm 6'5 and that is up to like my chest level okay that's gonna do it guys i really hope you enjoyed this revisit it's probably gonna be the last time that i'm ever here unfortunately it was really great i got to show you guys this place that i was able to document it so even if they do tear it down in three four days i was able to document it and technically it's around forever now so if you did enjoy this video please hit like hit subscribe leave a comment down below tell me what you thought that being said i'll catch you guys in the next explore okay peace you
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 158,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E7ba95ciZSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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