Abandoned- Late 30`s home/Art Deco interiors/Plus 4 Edwardian clone units! Owners forced out!

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[Music] oh what's happening house lovers and explorers all right we're gonna pick it up where we left off last video and we're gonna move next door and take a look through this home beautiful old home another beautiful old red brick home and once we're done going through this one i'm quickly going to jump across to a group of edwardian clones they were also demolished as well let's get into it guys hope you enjoy okay this is where we started guys that gate so we're going to try this one now and the sun's still bright right up there now i think this one's a bit later maybe a 30s late 30s early 40s build whenever i see those columns those round columns i think 30s 30s early 40s see if it's open [Music] no that's that's art deco 2 so that's another reason why it's probably 30s i reckon we'll try down here okay that window's open um i'll just try the back door to see if that's open first there's a camera up there the power's turned off so it's not even gonna know that that's why wire door's not even open i've got a feeling this is split into a duplex some reason but it looks like all right i'm gonna hop through here guys all right we're in definitely 30s 40s i'm thinking at late 30s for this one deco dark floorboards yeah we'll go through the front first but look at the woodwork you really hope all that wood can be saved and reused and that i think that pulls away from the wall maybe oh look old baker light power point in the mantle obviously no one's been in here and taken these handles because that other one most of the handles were gone another one there [Music] someone's had a candle hanging from something in that hook you can see this smoke mark there all right i've got some sliding doors on this one nice they're all matching too at least i can maybe just walk out the front door still the window what is this maybe there was a wall safe in there at one point oh look at this scone sliding art deco maybe it's not a duplex all right deco doors beautiful wood beautiful high architraves too scooting boards i haven't seen any wall cracks yet we got the kitchen i've got a bit of a blend i think they're the original ones or at least a 50s upgrade and these are definitely new doorbell now that's where we came in yep that's the room we got through the window okay so this is the laundry going to and i know this this is the official laundry and there's a toilet there but i think there's another bathroom over that side we haven't got two yet look at that this is another one of those things i'm sure they had a purpose at some point maybe to pass something through the kitchen wood maybe [Music] okay this will be the new bathroom or an updated bathroom it is the original bathroom though because that's the original wall cabinet between the two windows and there is another bedroom here a small smaller bedroom so this door must lead through oh that's been sealed off i wonder what's there so maybe it is a duplex because there is a driveway that runs down alongside there i did notice that maybe there is another um area around the side all right um we will go and check because i think we've seen everything in here so i might actually go out the front and up the side see these are the two bedrooms there's a driveway here oh lemon tree it's i think that one's vacant too so we'll go in there next but this definitely goes back into another section it's got gotta yeah look oh yeah so i'm thinking this was one homo at one point originally because this this side definitely looks like it's smaller all right let's start in the kitchen my light was flickering there this is definitely a modern kitchen laundry area huh see the door handles are gone here and the taps laundry area and shower and toilet so bathroom and laundry oh there's a nice little desk same doors as the other side so this must be the bedroom yeah this is very small compared to the other side so i think this was an original bedroom to the whole house and at some point they turned it into a um a duplex because i reckon that door was that sealed off one over the other side what do you think guys i i think that's huge cupboards there see they're all matching all the doors all the cupboards i'll take a look down the back of this one yeah see more grapes they're grapevines there they have there all right we've got the garage whoa what the spider webs everywhere just let me check for low-hanging cobwebs like that one right there because i'll end up in my head that's just a bunch of tiles ceramic tiles [Music] it's a big tub tank something it's a tool board beer bottles southwest bitter and i can't see the other ones oh some old padlocks there hmm ah looks like they're all from shoe heels oh look at that barrel i didn't even i looked straight at it and didn't even realize what it was it's an old wine barrel is it okay guys as i mentioned in the intro i'm gonna go over to a group of four units now and take a look now these units are back over the other side of the bungalow right here as you can see these have been demolished so let's check these out now and then i'll throw back to where we just work and then we'll wrap up the video it's all deserted and vacant yeah check it out they're clones of old federation federation villas which is a lot better looking than that um little boxy brick neighbor unit see they've even got some lead light glass there too oh hello i don't think anyone's going to be in here okay it looks like maybe they've sussed out where all the wiring or copper is or something so a little ensuite your shower toilet and bath ah two toilets these little units were alright um don't really care that they're being demolished other than they were someone's home but because they're not that old so they're not really um historical importance so it's the laundry but still people would have been happily living here until they were told to sell given no option compulsory acquisition by the government something along those lines it's called all right we've got the little courtyard you see that's the unit next door how bland looking is that at least they kept with a little bit of style in these ones i don't know there must be about six or seven of these in here they probably all look the same but we'll have we'll take a look [Music] hmm yeah they're pretty much all the same format someone left their jeans behind yep two toilets bedroom there living in kitchen here and those help those homes over that side they're safe they're safe from the up road upgrade that one's got um that's a that's a pretty solid door that may be um at least a second hand or older one it's far more solid oh no there's only four i was getting ahead of myself there's that one that one the one we'll just in and this one so there's four no that one's locked from the front yeah that one's all locked up it doesn't doesn't seem to have the holes in the walls which isn't and these these two on this side may be all locked up oh someone's got that window open looks like they've tried to get in there well it looks like they've tried to get in there as well that one's all smashed up it's just locked anyway they're all the same well it was good to get a little look but they're not old anyway not really too fussy about these ones getting demolished all right let's see what else we can find all right so i'm gonna try that one next i think we've got enough daylight well enough daylight to check it for sure all right guys well i'll wrap this one up here and start the next one if i can find a way in there other than jumping this fence all right guys i will see you over there cheers for watching jump in the comments if you want to
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 18,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploring, Old house, Abandoned house, Abandoned, Abandoned exploring, Art deco house, Adelaide houses, Portrush Magill Road
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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