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looks like a little connecting thing to the Attic here there's a room on the other side of this attic what's up explores the location we are exploring today is a very interesting and old abandoned house in southern Ontario from what we could gather this property was home to a family of six a mother a father two girls and two boys that lived in the house from the late 1960s up until early 2002 the peculiar thing about this is that the youngest child appeared to have vanished from any and all family records and photographs at a very young age it was hard to find much on the history of this location and what happened to its inhabitants but inside the house laid several clues and documents that help tell this family's story what it first started out as any other typical Explorer quickly took a dark turn as we discovered more about the family and the various belongings they had left behind join us as we explore the house to find out more about the history of the location and the unique people who lived here we've just made our way inside here and it looks like this that we came in from would have been the mudroom and you can see there's still some flyswatters hanging from some nails on the roof there it's got pretty hazardous board and then there's a stairwell leading down to the basement boom check that out later look the heavy use tools a little scraper you can see the the lathe and plaster design that would have made up most of the house didn't make them like that anymore hopefully there's no asbestos though I don't think so yeah but usually what they do is they have these lathe and plaster strips on each side of the wall and honestly this has been built in the late this place must have been abandoned for at least like 20 years like look at all the decay and just like from the tools that they have to like these aren't like shell shell hits another layer it's interesting yeah looks like some sort of fire maybe a little bit of set and he said that you thought this was like a telegram Jane I think that's what it is although there's a lot of those like looks like transistor coils around the house so maybe it's 12 gauge very interesting they got these religious newspaper articles all over the place January 10th 1985 okay so this place very well could have been debated 95 May 10th oh I think this is a collection Jacob some sort of Christian newspaper the Christian beacon because this is May 20th 1982 yeah the 1980s Christian newspaper they got so much different stuff what done Presbyterians and pornography yeah comet is coming to color our skies just like this wall here this wall would be where they'd hang some tools you can see some scotch tape on the wall a couple of little things some screwdrivers wedged into the cracks there so this probably just would have been like a storage and you see like under the stairs they had shelves let's move into this room here with Jake [Music] [Music] [Music] shelves still stocked with stuff oh yeah oh okay I shouldn't touch that rust you see the rust stains those Polaroid film Dan this is classic Polaroid the high-definition puller a clearer sharper pictures they definitely weren't like photography these are like glass window panes so if they like broke a window pane they have extras and they stored them out there it's like an old looking milk jug these work boots steel toes you can see there with leather this little kitchen with moms baking and washing tools still hanging above the sink where the sink isn't even hanging anymore this whole this whole hanging by a thread oh yeah yeah this is damn this is old school they would have had these pipes that would have heated the whole house this is just completely come down you better look into the kitchen you can see the pantry still with lots of stuff I'm trying to be careful where I touch I'm not wearing gloves right now they got it this is like a makeshift bed here like this looks like a ten crafted you can see like the wood along the beams drop down yeah and then they have like shelving though I don't know because the showing is like in it yeah it's weird I wonder if you just slept underneath like their little shelves here and they put like their books if members of their organization possibly probably the Christian family yes so much here new handbook of the heavens today we're finding a lot of like space related stuff space and religion like they have like these scrapbooks or these scrapbook pages of like random stuff that they've made like collages interesting preparing raccoon for raccoon rabies old cassettes lots of tapes tape recording why does it say there's they have a like listing of what they recorded there's more on mrs. parks there's Gordon and Miriam so I guess he recorded his family when they were talking parks talking about us penske a Spence key I don't know what that means maybe it's the person the items Gordon had left behind were certainly interesting but the more of his recordings that we sifted through the more we could tell just how disturbed he really was there's the Mayfair logo right there along with a bunch of cassettes they're all well-documented found along Highway 3 or 56 May 20th 1996 Monday so like the name of like a serial killer tape min stone mouse stuck on sticky pad June 17th 1998 and to what looks like the porch here so you got like a screen door some signs looks like a golf club bag these would be soft dryers see that it's in the shape of a socket they'd wrap their sock in there and then hang the socks out to dry very old-school now let's have a look at this scrapbook that Jake was talking about say postcards from Nigeria this is like various pictures of like the same guy I wonder age 18 all of this is Gordon this is one of the this is one of the people that lived here this is a photo of them oh there's a high school graduate maybe this is the family yeah I think this is the family my birthday card there's some some biblical photos some cars some hot rods more of this Margaret Johnson she like a news Telecasters coming back in the day name sounds familiar I don't know exactly really because there's news really WG oh yeah TV oh so maybe maybe the grip this girl is like who he kind of like likes yeah cuz look this is a note from one of them from Sheila I keep flipping cuz that this sheet right here is from the news Sheila Murphy says thanks for your it's really hard to read but essentially I guess he wrote to one of the these people and they wrote back to him yeah she's kind of cool I'm sorry what'd you say this is that level right there the clothes thank you for your kind letter kindest regards Mary Stuart this is another look at the date Oh 1976 global television network - so he's writing to these like maybe yeah these news anchors they're writing back to Mary Stewart yeah these are photos of her he's kept and this is like her response another photo I can autograph ha look at that so can we see this Oh Jake look it's Disneyland is that yeah that looks like um what's it called main town yeah that's Main Street or Main Street yeah oh my god yeah that's it all comes together the Disney man it all comes together everything the rest of this room this they turn this porch brennon into essentially a bedroom look how creepy this pictures are you ready for this it's a picture of a news anchor but it looks like something of poltergeist that's that is frightening that's cool that is a really critical pleasure actually that's when you take a that's what happens you take a photo of a television yeah television well especially with this camera cuz it couldn't expose the yeah that's weird the foreground he really really really like TV news anchor it's a meet-and-greet for a nice swimmer so he's we should put ours in the newspaper here's more photos society and personals there's that might be like a family photo or something okay draped up these curtains to divide the room up I wonder if this was like a boarding house or what because there's like it must be there is like so many different beds like these would have been twin beds right here you can see the headboards there little light bulb look at these shelves of projector reels or like telefilm reels look at this nine millimeter film and realistic jakey tell us a little bit about realistic realistic was it's really interesting to see it in Canada because it didn't last very long in Canada but RadioShack owned they made their own private label for computers like actual radios tapes like this on a brand called realistic and that was their logo and that was owned by RadioShack but of course they left in 2003 and I think realistic was discontinued by the company far earlier than the shelves and shelves of this nine millimeter different brands each with its own recording bit so this guy was really into making film here's another one of his collages except these are all of like dead animals and I might have to blur out that one looks like a hanging raccoon that I guess he hung up that's kind of twisted so I guess now we're gonna we're seeing a bit of a darker side of Gordon he's that that makes sense of some of the other tapes we found in the in the room like there was one labeled mouse stuck in sticky pad yeah like he recorded a mouse stuck in sticky pad recorded totally but no sound on track two to three wonder what's that on it now I want to see what some of these recordings were there's so much footage here video games series are complete illustrated guide to the video game phenomenon that is sweeping the country is that like the Commodore I think so yeah each room has so much we have more pictures of the family I don't know if I'll be able to get to all this guys something kemp's so this would have been a clock oh yeah look you can see the hands on the left hand side here gonna clock oh my god that just scared the crap out of me oh it's the clock as soon as I put it back against it was wound up and it just like sprung back and sounded like a machine gun all these different instruments and just very neat odds and ends and bits and bobs it's old headset for listening to cassettes there kinds of bulbs that's very interesting and the piano with some sheet music look on that wall beside you Jake it looks like they had um certificates or something look at all that you can see all the outlines of like stuff hung up yeah they're all tape see the ironing board - yeah oh my god this I don't want to be careful where I step here in this room is like a deathtrap [Music] okay now these two back rooms this is the room we just explored right there and now we have this looks like a washroom the only washroom we've seen in the house so far doors locked a little bit congested there's a bathtub and you can see the roof just falling in this is interesting because this dresser would have been sitting up against the sink there it looks it looks like so this message would have actually been covered it says this toilet may be used flush with I don't say anything else there's no care there's the toilet little shelves this is what looks like the would have been the master bedroom photo there that says all about mothers in the top left some Bible passages like a photo of the family that lived here and then a certificate from the Bible Institute of Chicago another Bible verse and this iron bed here some more Dean Martin and the vanity that just fell over I'm guessing due to time because there hasn't been much graffiti or vandalism it all just seems natural decay surprisingly enough Gordon's documents weren't the most disturbing find of this explore as we headed upstairs we made a shocking discovery that suggested a lot more was going on in this Christian family's home than meets the eyes looks like a little connecting thing to the Attic here I think that's like there's a room on the other side of this attic okay we gotta check that he saw a raccoon in this area so let's get to it I'm gonna try and stay on these supports I try and make it to the secret room for you guys okay that's a lot of feces what the heck this is a bedroom you guys can see this is like a car and there's like a dresser there I don't know if somebody would have lived in here or I'm so confused right now the closed area there you put your little belongings little lots of spiders I swear they put somebody in here this is just messed up what there's a painted Barbie some choice locations it looks like more of that tortured animal photography this is starting to get weird yeah oh look at this this has been like a vinyl player here and then a TV set that's like 70s right there very seventies flick the floral pattern and this whole room is just pink and this would have been a tiny bed this is like half of a twin homemade bed here how many people lived here session I think because it's all pink yeah that's what I think the boys were downstairs and the girls were upstairs yeah everything was pink with a floral pattern and look at this room they had like a globe and some more film reels binoculars maybe the whole family was into film I don't know dressers [Music] this is interesting here see the old little lamp guess speaker or like a light or something because it looks like it looks almost like a speaker built into the wall here and we'll start with the right hand room and look at this this room is like I mean it's pretty untouched it looks like people have been through it but the vanity that old bulb television the bed here and it looks like they didn't have closet space so they just hung their clothes from the roof and this vintage draft dress right here two vintage dresses jeez [Music] the things about fashion this television even the old suitcase right beside [Music] even after editing this video I don't think I'll ever quite fully understand what actually went on in this house things like the number of beds really threw me off as it suggested that a lot more people than documented actually lived there if you guys had any theories on what went on here I would love to hear your ideas in the comment section below thanks so much for watching that was our abandoned strange house video if you guys did enjoy the video please as always feel free to like comment subscribe share the video with your friends guys let's get the word out there we have plenty of other great videos that you can check out on our channel be sure to hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on our next Explorer also links to our social media will be in the description below so be sure to follow us on there so you can stay up to date let us know in the comments section where you want us to explore next and as always guys we'll catch you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Uncharted Travel
Views: 45,929
Rating: 4.8871703 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned untouched, abandoned untouched house, abandoned houses, urban exploration, spooky, House (industry), Urban Exploration (Hobby), Canada, abandoned ontario, abandoned places, abandoned canada, abandoned left behind, abandoned mansions, abandoned cities, abandoned buildings, Urban Exploring, Bright Sun Films, decay, decaying home, deserted house, deserted home, haunted, exploring, urbex, house, creepy, ghosts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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