ABANDONED Untouched Restaurant & Motel With EVERYTHING Still Inside !

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okay what's up explores the location we are exploring today is an untouched motel and restaurant this establishment was built in 1973 and operated until its initial abandonment in nearly 2014 abandoned originally after failing to meet the state living standards for several consecutive inspections the property racked up quite a few different health and safety violations later that year the land was then sold at a very low price to another company from the city the interesting thing about this is that the company that purchased the location was actually owned are the same entity as the previous company possible reason for this transaction could be the same company trying to open the motel under a new name in an attempt to shed its previous bad publicity after these new owners attained several more health and safety violations the motel was once again forced to close and the entity responsible for these two companies actually ended up losing their accommodation license as the property sat it stated Akay the structures on site were soon condemned by the state and abandoned in late 2015 the property is currently listed for sale at nine hundred and ten thousand dollars while the land itself is valued at two hundred and forty five thousand dollars with an estimated demolition cost of three million dollars there are no eager buyers to purchase this money pit of a location join us today as we explore everything obviously that was left behind this actually would have been the hot tub you can see something ceramic but now it's like it's all overgrown and just turn into a pond this is actually an uncommon move by the Health Department it's been an investigation going back to April inspectors have been back out here almost every month since and these conference and inspection reports indicate that some of the most serious dangerous problems still haven't been fixed right now I turned my air condition on and I get flies comes through there good news an April inspection found windows broke in trash all over bad wiring some of it exposed bedbugs and Rodin's leaks the most dangerous a tipping water heater spewing carbon monoxide it's gotten to the point through deterioration and things not being taken care of and in the manner that they need to be that moving forward we have a concern with the safety and the health of those opposed [Music] so Jake what do we have in here buddy well it appears that this is a full meanings from the stand up a ladder you can to the rest of the building yeah yeah this looks like all the the pool pumps in chlorinator I would have been used to maintain the pool looks like somebody's been smoking around here we're gonna try to get a door open for you ever enter and lock one of the inside doors for Yugi Schneider right nice and in the bar yeah I don't worry professional amateurs and we're into the bar look at this they have all the glasses and stuff for beta what are you use at the bar all the workings behind the bar here see they had like their water soda different drinks that they'd pour you see that would have been contained the syrup for the juices it's a product entertainment their little stage there this is crazy they have oh this is like Captain cola a little chalkboard here they got like couches and stuff and then looks like some lighting for little performances probably out like karaoke or some shows okay now moving on to Holi I think this is the restaurant this place is insane it's like untouched like frozen in time they still got everything like decorations the ornaments Matt tell us a bit about that the atmosphere and like the just like just like how it was exploring this place it's hot I'm sweating it is very hot one of those explores that you always think you want to find you know you want to come across this Thai restaurant I mean it looks like they could sweep it up and open it up tomorrow so it still has power everything's still on yeah it's insane this is the state of this place it's unbelievable it really is tables been set and everything oh my god this is this I think it was a Thai restaurant and you can see by the design but there's just so much stuff in here like they left the owners just up and left everything behind this is insane I love like the stained glass workings or the welded glass and then these Chinese lanterns I'm just blown away by this place I mean they have everything here little paintings pictures a stiched picture of a 1959 Corvette there and like a cast-iron pot we were going through these drawers and we found an autograph from Bobby Hendrix although I don't know if it's I think this this part here is printed but I'm not sure about this so so he faked his own famous person's autograph I think there was more in this tour that you said right all this man just literally everything whose pictures alone no it's not Disney can you believe this place Jake all right I don't think we've ever found anything quite like this wait untouched like this well where's the line what is this oh look it's a jukebox yeah this place does power look at that old jukebox actually they once were a bit more modern but it's like designed to be like have a vintage look this would have been Mike Pyke a bar yeah I don't know if you guys can see but there's like a little bird in there look at just everything at this main desk here well hello come on oh my oh I don't know he was on a postcard in Florida oh my god what else do they have some weird stuff here this isn't I cannot believe I cannot believe that everything is just left like this like this just boggles my mind behind the front cash register the area it looks like they have various types of CDs dance music empty fridge with some China in it there were some ashtrays I can't really tell look at all these cassette tapes this is all like Thai music that's insane this is all just left behind like pictures of the owners bottles microwaves mini fridge nothing inside doesn't actually smell either which is nice I wonder what happened here because this place is just untouched gee you said there was still a dial tone hold it up so we can hear to the mic to the speaker yeah oh here we go darling no nothing I want to listen to some Christina Aguilera you sound like that guy in the spongebob episode I want it I wonder if it'll actually play oh my god well that doesn't really sound like Christina Aguilera to me mm-hmm maybe the remix these have the most random stuff in here but it's so cool this is quite the find man [Music] look at that firework decoration or firecracker decoration as you can see some parts of the building actually do have power you can see everything here is blinking and working this would have been one of the back rooms it looks like they just closed down for the night and just never came back like without the mold and dirt and stuff you'd think this place isn't even abandoned [Music] here's all the coffee makers they would have had and the fountain drinks don't work anymore unfortunately yeah they have like all the decorations and doilies and stuff so Matt says he found one of these that actually works still which is crazy oh my god yeah now that doesn't work well it's definitely some stuff came out of there was probably take its last couple of drops yeah earlier it was like it wasn't like pouring out but it was like a steady stream oh that's so pretty though oh that one droopier definitely came out of that one now we're into it what I think is the kitchen and holy guys this place just like the rest of it has everything I mean everything inside that's exhausted and food and stuff [Music] [Music] this is insane guys they stick like I'm amazed by this we still like all the sauces spices you can still smell like the Thai spice sync cuts you faster anymore no it's long gone sort of been like a dishwashing station this is just crazy those jugs you can have the pots and pans still hanging on the wall and then all their cooking utensils and the cupboards here somebody's cooking apron [Music] all the silverware back room here with everything still left behind another one just storage this place is crazy no wonder why stem your club with the black sorry I'm trying to show you guys everything it's just there's so much here to see that I don't even know if I could show you everything all on the video or even to videos this is all the plates and dining utensils they would have used some boxes always like receipts in the accounting all the accounting for the place its place this is like some sort of hand carved decoration you can see it's wood from the pieces that have chipped off and it was painted gold this place is just off the rails [Music] because he just like pots and stuff owners handbook and problem solving guide I wonder what materials padlock on it oh this is like the were there network their system would have been set up all but it reeks in here so I spent too much time all the computers the computer system private their internet you may or someone else jacked mostly hardware someone through here you can tell I'm going on to the bulk of the kitchen here and there is so much to see there's like all their Tupperware's looks a little deep fryer some spices some various stuff stove [Music] look at everything back here look these jars still have it smells like ginger still inside and they have the these tags to put on their produce and groceries too I say what days are good until buffet table here and then another one they probably would've rolled out like an all-you-can-eat buffet [Music] I missed this place I so sad [Music] I'll show you and said look at all these old range style grills - there's a pot still on the grill you can see all the grease somebody was trying to cook something I don't know what this is like dried peas looks like you can see they have all the glassware in plates still intact and no God I don't know if you guys can see but there is a gauntlet of fridges before us it's time for the gauntlet of these wonderful fridges for me hopefully there's nothing inside so please don't be smelly hey yeah that's not bad I'm just gonna fire through these machine gun around so two for two baby we're doing good I have not looked in any of these so don't know not know what's going on hey I mean not this one I think they're pretty much all I'm guessing so please don't oh my god oh my god that sticks did you know that was in there where we're standing right now or where we're sitting right now is the Taira stirrer on which is conjoined with the hotel lobby next to us which connects to the rest of the hotel this place likely closed I'd say in 2015 probably because most of the brochures in there from the parks have stuff from 2015 so we just got in the lobby and this place is crazy I mean like untouched power-on as you can see it has everything still and intact all like the rules and regulations and stuff it's like an old universal poster like a calendar 2014 so it's probably been abandoned since then see you probably closed down right around Christmas time because there's a lot of Christmas decorations you can hear that fire alarm it's running out of battery so it's beeping like that this is just insane the standard tacky picture frames there is still coke cans in this vending machine like it is still stocked and here they have like a Disney painted wall here so here we're headed in behind the front desk here you can see a lot more Christmas themed ornaments and such [Music] [Music] I mean they just left everything behind like this place is chock full service yeah like you look there this is like China with some like gold spoons some really fancy stuff here no that's just all paper plates yeah I think filing cabinets with all their files laundry [Music] areas BHS tapes Shrek I see there's just so much stuff here guys like I'm just overwhelmed right now all the keys probably to the rooms would be kept in here because was part of a motel and they have all these safety deposit boxes maybe we'll see if we can try and get one or two of them open and see what's inside it looks like they need multi keys as you can see smaller than a big one I don't even know how you'd open those but none of them seem to work and I don't want to spend the whole time just trying to unlock some boxes but this is insane the amount of stuff that's just left here so this is behind the front desk so you can see everything years just still here you have like lays frisbee boy don't know what that noise was this is just insane main office for the motel yeah when I probably sat there various keys on the cabinet [Music] there's a bunch of cutlery okay you're just gonna cat a cat a live cat I think guys so much for watching this video I hope you guys enjoyed this explore it was quite a unique location and I'm joined by bright Sun films and Matt's on SWA and yeah we all had a blast exploring this place a really really cool place to check out yeah it was very very unique very interesting it's always nice it's fine locations like this with no vandalism well Manimal aside from the broken glass at the bar well it is very convoluted to get into this building but yeah yeah so much watching feel free to like comment subscribe for more subscribe and Jake as well I'll leave the channels in the description below and yeah we'll catch you guys in the next one there's a spider on me you don't blink good you let it flow then it's no problem it becomes positively beautiful
Channel: Uncharted Travel
Views: 404,079
Rating: 4.7759471 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned restaurant, abandoned chinese restaurant, abandoned untouched, abandoned, abandoned places near me, abandoned florida, abandoned motels florida, everything left behind, everything still inside, abandoned untouched resort, abandoned motels, abandoned safe, abandoned places, florida, exploring abandoned, bright sun films, dan bell, abandoned restaurant near me, inside abandoned restaurant, abandoned thai restaurant, exploring abandoned places, creepy, haunted, urbex, ghosts
Id: PjL2AkQNffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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