Abandoned House UNTOUCHED - ANTIQUES, vintage stuff left behind!

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hi everyone we're in Georgia Ralph the highway sorry about the traffic noise let's check this place out I Becca watch again first because the door situation wow it's like no one's ever been in here is awesome Wow everything's here oh yeah those things like fan blast this is me so great just hit the jackpot okay we're gonna take your time here cuz this is gonna be a lot of stuff now I think that gak next to room so we'll get that later oh nice time some toothbrushes still there well if there's any toothpaste yep you could brush your teeth right now all these towels in here and then we're always hoping to come across yeah this might be our truly like completely untouched like we've been to mostly untouched what more people obviously been in but they didn't really mess around with it too much like that resort but this place it's like no one's been in here we'll get oh my gosh look how bright it is yeah I know that room there's old heater of an attic like almost or just so bright okay nice sorry I just want to be thorough because there's so much stuff okay what the war pose the floor yeah Oh what is thinking this place is awesome I'm so lopsided that's just a better bad I think I'm gonna go around the other way okay I'll meet you get a glance from the other side yeah that way what oh the living room did you check did you see this old spawn over your ex work although all the living room you're right okay on your monocle a little bit then she'd probably just check out the kitchen along here [Applause] I see a 1997 calendar yeah maybe probably this is really cool yeah I also see a thing when they service this Walker back in 97 mm-hmm : it does what it call any of death go back in there are like a million ants in there why not yeah you're right I'm seeing 97 all over the place yeah that's like a whole ant calling me later than that jar so it kind of started oh man there might be stuff in the fridge I'm scared I'm scared what's our powder it has to be stuff this is the force which we've ever seen here I need to get down in here well remember you can get there you go till you need to oh oh sorry about that people oh it stays oh it smells horrible [Applause] this is what we do for you folks oh wow the fridge yeah good enough I think so did you open that oh that's okay till tobacco did you see in this cabinet yeah look okay yeah those are neat it's been the other side no we got beans and oh oh there's all kinds of critters lipid in okay it's pretty gross you actually can go this way but look at this first yeah I did oh we took the thing off I'll put it back on I was just showing everybody the rotary thing let's go in here this is the main living you can step down here just shakes the whole floor but it's okay that's alright it's strong enough yep um it looks like our battery might be really on the low side but yeah just make sure we get a brownie to sense some of the place this is pretty incredible I guess it's pretty small but so much stuff it's really neat though because it really just looks like everything was left here it was I look at that I know no TV we're gonna have to get closer on this side man okay for sure the floor in the second looks like we got maybe a Bible here yep it's got the name on it too it was given to somebody in 1978 James my law like old King James our new Oh little pictures on the walls this place is really special it is okay let me show what yeah how the floor you can tell house caved in that much and that's nothing like this this is really incredible it's pretty much zero vandalism here yeah I really don't think anyone's been in here I mean maybe people get in here but no one's like mess with it like no one's thing goes people always break stuff for me I don't know man there's some really incredible stuff in here like in this cigar box let's take a look at this off the TV oh let's yeah yeah light helps a lot I tried to open in that bottom part my grandma has a TV like that okay this stuff definitely deserves a good do you mean a hold it up there so I can see better but the coke bottles and stuff really neat really really there's collectibles in here like this is incredible what is that toilet water what this is toilet water on it light clearly it's not toilet water it's something else that's definitely a mother Engel thing right there oh we're not who's getting alone okay keep this done quick look at these books you guys can probably see the books why are you doing that I'm gonna open this up and see what all is in here oh yeah this is a car box okay let's take a look man good there's Lucky's old old tobacco pipe look at this there's old pocket knife or something look at that Algeria Brier bad old shave Rebecca as you call it I call the razor Beckett call them shavers shave with the shaver you look at these old these manages those have got to be really old I mean this stuff is so cool okay I got a look we got a little yeah we got a looking this um destroy here I'm gonna put this right back where it was bugs don't worry it was right up there okay oh yes we got oh no way well old cap gun and like a harmonica to the work it says The Lone Ranger I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it for you to wake up ready Mike those final long look at these all playing cards so I don't want to kiss and say hi to my lips yeah that's so cool wait it's not focusing give it a second all right flip the Ron again those are so cool this is amazing like look they got the old he's old Matchbox cars 1970 something got an old truck here what's this six-six-six al I know what this stuff is Oh hammer what is this that looks old more salad of course I'm ignorant I don't know what salvaged another braun shaver it's just you know basically everything picked up gets blurry in focus okay what's this I hear uh old crowns oh cool but they're ready just rats know they're in there they see backs bucks ten cents for a box of crayons way down there wanna see one well I don't want to mess up the string or nothin okay oh look old style does this open one maybe high-octane gas aha oh hi are you still going yep all right you peoples I don't know if you can see what this is but these are tax tokens hmm this is Louisiana and I've got another one I'm a little lazy down tax token let's see there's something else like look this is old oh yes old school and Christmas lights the real Christmas lights 120-volt this thing that's like a toy some kind of tractor thing from a long time ago what's in the box my team the box jigsaw puzzle thing see how cool the actual jigsaw puzzle this and yeah I guess that doesn't put the stuff back I know it's right in there perfectly people but our battery's running low and I don't have time to make everything just perfect so I'm sorry okay what else man this place is fascinating is it not it is fairy I mean I know I don't always sound extremely is what I'm looking for I'm not super expressive but this is really awesome I just don't express it a whole lot cuz I know some people are like oh you just saw bored all the time and the truth is I'm not bored I really enjoy exploring I just I'm not like back you got the bed you got a picture over here I gotta open these what's in here it's just more books people it's just softcover books I'm not gonna bed on the bed oh we got [Music] got some blankets and some okay oh yeah okay [Music] oh man that just is filled all right would you find that stuff these matches you can just tell by even looking at that little car on there that's gotta be from the 40s the nice thing about the iPhone is you can get really close up on the stuff not have a blurry yeah you know focus issues yeah oh yeah that's cool there's matches in there this one yep a full book of matches from like the 1940s and you can really see what's in there I have to put the camera there's like an old belt and stuff down in there let's look at the next area here look at those old bottles of stuff you gotta be kidding me what does that say Sloane's minimun look at that what is that I got a smell it oh it's oily whoo kinda smells like old man perfume I just love these kind of places you guys where we can go in and you know see all this all like old stuff like it's just really neat I'll see ya I saw something else back here I wanted to get Newmont massage chest and back blah blah blah look at the phone number 1187 that's the phone number so I guess you'd call like what the operator or something I got smell this stuff and baby powder now that looks like one of the newest things in here yeah more rats nests yeah more sheets and junk what is this mayor like come down or something oh it's one of those flipper kind Jess just a bunch of mouse poop and clothes and I I'm not digging through that but I'm gonna close it because it was close when we got here just because we're digging through things going through here doesn't mean we don't respect the lives of the people who lived here if anything we're trying to preserve their memory whoever they were we're not just merely willing going through here and me and disrespectful a lot of people accuse us of that but we don't see it that way we really don't we honor the people that lived here that you know that lived and reason here so anything else we should look at yeah yeah I got that well know that I can get up close on to stuff is there any other things in the drawers I should get closer up on these all in world products check this out we got stuff what is this oh it's like oh look at that so the box full of old stuff like old bottles and that's incredible if it wasn't like totally disgusting I would totally dig through there and look at all that stuff that's cool this radio okay okay there's newspapers I got a look at one of them sign give you guys a date 94 for for this one but we know the house was done and after 97 sometimes you get a look at those comics you know what to do clean this mess up that is so much better so much better all right everybody I guess that's good enough for this place I hope you enjoying it I'm sorry about our camera battery dying but okay [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Exploring with Rick & Bekah
Views: 248,632
Rating: 4.7823057 out of 5
Keywords: exploring, exploring with rick, bekah, abandoned house, vintage, retro, urbex, abandoned places, frozen in time, time capsule
Id: 1mWP305Rf3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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