Abandoned- Grand 1935 home with old English/arts n`crafts/art deco themes. Nice 2nd level addition

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welcome back to another video house lovers and explorers in this episode i'm going to take you for a walk through this beautiful 1935 home this is actually the neighboring home of last video and this style home is actually often considered art deco in adelaide but it's also influenced from the old english style and arts and crafts as well but as we look at the facade here i'll point out a few of the features that are very distinct to the 30s which you can see here the steeply pitched gables and that archway at the door there and also the corbels which is the brickwork around the base of the gable here the contrasting red brick that sort of juts out from the facade that's very distinct to the 30s and also the staggered design of the chimney as you can see right there i will also do a blog on my facebook page and that style brickwork is pretty much on display in all of those homes from the 30s that i have explored photographed anyway guys let's get on with the video and i hope you enjoy it i think the front door might be open look at the led light windows [Applause] if you can hear kids they're bouncing on a trampoline over the other side of the road there there's also a neighbor there as well all right the metal doors open that one is not okay we'll take a walk around the side so [Applause] so another huge yard it's taken up by a concrete though i didn't notice those windows were unlocked in that sunroom there's the kitchen so okay may not be able to get in this one [Music] [Applause] okay guys three days later we're here just in the nick of time as you can see we couldn't uh gain excess during the day this is a late afternoon three days later they've already started picking apart next door's house the one we were just in so we're going to check this one out before all the floors all the nice things are gone all right i just walked in the front door as you saw so it's sort of getting late in the afternoon i just finished work so let's check this place out we've actually taken the front door off let's hope that's all they've taken yeah as i said this one's built 1935. look at the floorboards those fancy curtains pulled out the heater yeah we've literally got here in the nick of time i think they'll they'll start picking this one apart tomorrow this is most likely your living room look at the doors though the etched glass this may be a little dining room so that's the front foyer area so we'll go around this way which leads into the kitchen so yeah i reckon that was the dining room right there kitchen's definitely had to modern it looks like they've pulled the curtains down over there so yeah that's the one over there what we saw in the last video guys still some champagne flutes there yeah probably a 90s remodeling so that's the entrance foil behind that door lots of cupboards yeah i came straight from work because i had a feeling that i were gonna attack these places this week with that fence being up what is that some sort of chime [Music] let us know if you've seen one of those before and what it is this home being older than the other ones has definitely had more remodeling going on it's definitely had some more modern touches beautiful floors again at least i'll save all that stuff sorry lachlan there you go i know i skipped the fan sometimes all right bathroom probably number one oh look at that that's the original wall cabinet the basin probably original pedestal sink probably sat underneath that window as there would have been a mirror door on that cabinet now it's the shower and bath and spa it's got jets in the bottom of it [Music] wow look at the colors on that one small room made smaller by how big those cupboards are if you look look how deep the cupboards are too there is neighbors over there with their kids playing so i'm being a little bit careful with the light well not really heirloom deluxe there's a bit of a maze going on here and this is the uh boys room skylight no windows in this one maybe there used to be now what's down here oh yeah it's a back study or a sunroom or not really a sunroom there's a thermostat underneath that so this room comes off the kitchen what is that that's storage underneath the stairwell okay i'll just show you where we were before guys so it makes sense there's the kitchen and we went through there and around so we'll just check this area which is the laundry and toilet number two yep there's that lead light from the inside i've got a photo of that on the outside right there's upstairs so there we go they've got the french doors from there and this this is the back room sun room rumpus room yeah there's those windows i checked from the outside it was unlocked just couldn't budget so yeah they'll take all those windows and what does this say god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change courage to change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference there you go okay that leads out to the courtyard let's go upstairs i think this is only one room maybe what's this probably a crawl space for the rest of the ceiling yep so all the ducting and insulation is just on dusk here so let's say this is probably a boat upstairs bedroom so yes with an ensuite and a walk-in rope probably the parents bedroom nice skylight yeah this house very spacious but a lot of alterations modifications and additions this would not have been original this has been added into the ceiling space and i'll switch the light off and we'll get a shot of the balcony what a view there's the moon but this is a really really um expensive neighborhood suburb all right fast forward six days here we are again now i'm going to finish the video with a quick walkthrough of this home again and next door because the selvage process is well underway they've taken all the wooden trims off the veranda and they are pulling up all the pavers palleting them up they'll be all saved and reused so let's go they haven't really touched too much inside here there's a bit more mess lying around footprints and uh stuff yeah they haven't really got to this one all i did notice was a big hole in the wall upstairs but next door neighbor that one's been pretty much see there's a huge hole in that uh probably seeing if there's asbestos or anything i'm not sure that's an extension up there it's all the guttering tin roofing pulled up all the pavers here and over there there's like a bird avery over there it's kind of a fitting day today's raining dark cold gloomy and they've knocked a hole in the fence here so i'll walk straight through there now this one they've got most of the floorboards from front rooms checking where all the wiring is in there that's the gas heater flooring gone haven't really got to the kitchen yet probably save the stove they've got the taps taps from the sinks i haven't taken the parquet yet i've got the floor there that had really really wide flooring the old the old good stuff tap fittings and i did notice they broke the fireplace look at that if you snapped it and just knocked the top of the mantle off poor art deco fireplace it's not going to survive geez they're pretty rough they've got the picture railings they're out front sitting on the lawn so depending on how long they take to clear strip that one down will depend on when they start uh coming in cutting trees down i'd say which is sad because as i showed in the last video look at this gum tree so many birds up there at the moment too now i can confirm that there is a enormous development um going to take its place a whole heap of townhouses as usual and with that said i guess i'll wrap it up here and say goodbye to these homes i i don't live too far from here so i might do a few drive-bys and see how all the demolition is going to progress and um give some sad updates but thanks for watching guys jump in the comments let me know what you think and on to the next one and we'll see you in that video cheers guys bye you
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 83,537
Rating: 4.8902836 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploring, Abandoned, Abandoned house, Abandoned exploring, Old house, Arts and crafts home, Old English style, Art deco home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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