UNTOUCHED Abandoned 1970's Time capsule *EVERYTHING LEFT BEHIND*

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yo what is up you guys it's even back at it again today what i have for you is just absolutely incredible this is quite literally um a 1970s time capsule completely untouched from like like it's nothing's been changed in here and normally i do like vacant or empty houses this is the complete opposite this is in the middle of nowhere and i'm super excited to show you guys this place um this place was built in 1972 big big split level house a bunch of levels to go check out so we're gonna go do that anyways we got a lot to cover let's go check it out all right you guys starting at the front door you know that's where he likes me to start you know so first of all before anyone's alarmed yes this house still has power but as you'll see throughout the video it is completely clearly obvious i'm going to point out there are massive massive cobwebs everywhere so here's the first one right here like that's just like huge i don't know if it's showing up on camera but it's it's huge so there's the front door big double door you come into this real groovy 70s bathroom like look at these floors still has toilet paper massive cobweb right there [Music] and jake just got scared jake definitely just got scared i apologize guys what is up you guys let's go check out what's uh what's going on i was like what the hell just fell from the ceiling is everything okay gents this jake was showing he's like this is a nice picture of the property and i dropped like a little tin can lid right behind him and it made like a well it's gonna [Laughter] his closet sorry about that guys look at this kitchen like this light fixture yes but like look at the wallpaper crazy 70s and yeah you're seeing a peek into the living room and i was going to try and save that but not much i can do total 70s this house was built i don't know if i said this house was built in 1972 um and i mean it's quite clear that the um the decor in here and just everything about it just shows that it's um mostly all original even these curtains like the lighting up underneath there look at this print of this thing of pringles right barbecue pringles look at the expiry date 2001 november 2001 almost 20 years ago wasn't even 2 years old and that expired this is crazy it's just like you know like why um you can't imagine this is like someone's just life is just like forgotten here you know right over there nice flooring i like the it's like a little liam look at that that's cool and you come into the living room with this like yellowish greenish shag rug look at this beautiful chandelier wow wow it's just everything left behind look at that cobweb it goes from there all the way across into the corner look at that wow there's a tv got the lord and you got a bird big view of the backyard at what i had got some old records down there like just everything is here man look at this we have photos of the house wow baby photo three weeks is there a date no that's insane some family photos i'm not gonna get too close to those i'm not really here to expose anyone's like personal stuff like you know look at that fireplace that's big big stone fireplace i got some use out of it you can see the the marks up here on the uh stone i had a lot of good use out of it a lot of clocks everywhere the guy that lived here was actually a clock maker you'll see that when we get downstairs but um but yeah pretty cool main level i mean it's just completely untouched all right let's head upstairs here got some green shag carpet oh yeah green 70s so let's go left here so we got a bedroom obviously with the bed still here you have clothing you have just that a sombrero is that a sombrero i see back there wow what's up you guys sellers zellers that's how you know it's been there a while zeller's has been closed for like 10 years almost hasn't been a thing this old lamp oh two of them double lamp retro wow blue carpet oh man the light probably does work but i'm not touching that switch maybe it doesn't i don't know i don't like to look at that switch so i'm not going to touch it all right we got a closet we have a closet with vacuums okay so we have what i think this is probably the master bedroom given the fact that you can get to the bathroom behind me from it sound like an ensuite so the bed's like completely made so you have a painting back there like it's just crazy man the glasses are still sitting on the desk look at this got a bowl what the heck is that don't know what that is i'm not gonna try and guess because every time i guess and get it wrong everyone just goes off you don't know what that is that's not what that is it's like all right well i just won't say it then try our famous peanut butter and jelly that's sounds good wow what's up guys this is probably all full of like clothing and stuff someone's picture probably lived here another little clock that's cool oh man wow and then here this is the bathroom look at that cobweb wow this wallpaper is just like whoa can we get a little bit of light in here helped a bit nice like robin egg blue toilet jeez that's old you got like a drawer here full of medical supplies band-aids and stuff like that that's cool no water no no one thing that i forgot to check was the hydro last time oh yeah power though oh no power in here oh wait there we go i think that's like this is like the main power right and this is like right right look at the difference right like it's old razor oh wow that's old that is so old look at the case it's in there that's phillips shade dusty tub matches the toilet in the sink i obviously get over this old floor pattern like that's just so like it's almost like arts and crafts though yeah literally like this is so cool what's up guys all right let's keep going another bedroom can't really get in here it's blocked so i'll peek in if i see anything i'll point it out see cobweb probably good stuff in here but i can't really get to it interesting wow oh yeah you guys got to see the whole light oh it's the bathroom where's the hall so this one yeah very bad very back we're all right here yeah it's amazing i would love to have something like this in my own house that is so cool look at that view that's a cool view right up into the light the cinematographer ethan that's so cool all right and then oh that's awesome they're like gold that's so cool got the back door here this smells very good in here oh man the cobweb with some lights like just so cool and then that leads us down here and i think for the sake of you know just seeing a bit better it's a picture of the property with the house from back in the day because as you can see there's no forest behind the house there's a massive forest behind the house now so it goes to show how old that picture is well i think orange carpet this is what i was talking about the whole clockmaker thing it's amazing can you hear it there's like oh man it's like springs and everything up here so much like tools and it goes on and on there's a bathroom an old bathroom oh those are from the 70s for sure english modulated heat wow in the garage you have the car is still here guys look at the dust on it i don't think there's a plate no they're not okay good look at the dust all the wood for the fireplace like this is crazy guys all the tools saws everything it's just just here like it's just untouched it's just here like all the cases of beer canadian molson canadian here we go bud that's pretty cool eh alrighty so this is well some will think this is the coolest part of the house so you thought that was the basement well no it goes down again some red shag carpet steps we have like a sitting room big fireplace obviously this one you can see isn't it used as much as the one upstairs was pool table whatever this is looks like the maybe a little pond yeah it did you can see the water shot up there look at this bar oh is it insane like there used to be so much like so many more clocks hanging on the wall on the shelf it's the same that there are people to shame other people that have to you know feel the right to come in here to places like this into someone's you know house and then continue to you know take their stuff and it's just like you know i was here once in february early february it's now uh late october there used to be so many more clocks in here man like on that wall like on these shelves it's just an absolute shame people steal stuff like that you know somebody who's passed on you know worked out worked on that stuff you know for so long you know built them and left them in their home where they've lived forever just for someone to take it's just like it's just wrong to me a little workshop area here or maybe more like a storage area parlor organ that's old like 1800s old crappy it's just insane the old jacket still hanging up chrome hardware bulk pack price multi-temp glue stick 60 pack 8.97 and that was a long time ago imagine they're probably more expensive now i don't know what they are used for but eminem meat shops oh boy that's old logo hasn't looked like that in a very long time hey george jones oh my gosh that's freaking awesome wow for once i find something music related for someone that i know of and i yeah i've heard of jordan george jones before that's cool look at that [Music] still have to take photos after i'm done filming so hey what's in the store oh wow it's a wine cellar oh it smells like wine it smells musty oh boy that's gross after you leave it open for a second oh man bottle opener kitchen clock is that a barbie oh man you got drinks and stuff in there like just insane if you guys are enjoying this this is really cool i was here like i said once during the winter but it was at night and i was tired and cold and i didn't film it and then every time i kind of regretted it and now i have a chance to hopefully do it again here and you know look at that old is that a tv how tiny it is but anyways super cool it's cold down here oh man so cool well whoever i'm not sure who it was but whoever owned this place had a beautiful home and uh parquet floor and um you know it's just sad that it's just sitting here it's a great blue heron i love great blue herons my favorite bird all right hey is that another photo of the house believe so california san francisco los angeles golden gate bridge san diego death valley palm springs lake tahoe in california you learn something every day all right that's it guys hey wait wait look at this arch that's cool that's cool i like that okay anyways i think that's it you guys have seen the whole house i hope you've enjoyed it um i'm gonna flick my light off here and then i'm going to do a little outro over here where it's brighter so let's get some light on me here flip this thing around alrighty guys that's gonna do it for this one now first a couple words um to you guys so first of all just wanna say thank you for um for getting me to the point i'm at this is the 40 000 subscriber celebration video i wanted to post something cool something special something i know you guys would really like um i wouldn't be here without you guys i i appreciate you guys so much and it's just it's there are days i just i think and it's just it doesn't really feel real like i don't i can't really believe that i'm at this point you know it's just we grew so quickly this year and um i i'll never be able to thank you guys enough so thank you for that um i hope you guys enjoyed this place as much as i did you guys know how i am with the 70s man it's cool as hell um and uh yeah so i know you guys you know a long video well kind of a long video i'll let you guys go all right hope you guys enjoyed make sure you hit the like button hit the subscribe button make sure you share this make sure you comment all right tell me what you thought of the place and i'll catch you guys in the next one and hey upload schedule people ask i'm gonna make it clear so i either will post mid-week either wednesday or thursday and then i will post on a weekend so saturday or sunday so two videos a week that's that's what we're gonna try and focus on and doing here and um that's the schedule because i know i've had quite a few people asked to figure throw it in here so i'm done talking now i'm sorry guys thank you guys so much for everything i'll catch you in the next one already peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 133,786
Rating: 4.8628283 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned time capsule, abandoned 1970s time capsule, abandoned 1970s mansion, abandoned 1970s house, abandoned 1970s, abandoned untouched, abandoned forgotten, abandoned untouched forgotten, abandoned untouched forgotten time capsule, abandoned million dollar, abandoned canada, abandoned ontario, abandoned toronto, abandoned retro, abandoned vintage, abandoned middle of nowhere, urbex, urbex canada, urbex onario, curbex, exploring
Id: fbresUxzykg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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