Abandoned & Frozen in time for 20 years - Italian Alchemist's Mansion

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Somewhere in rural Italy, lies a house that stood isolated from civilization for many years. It was once the residence of the Italian alchemist Giovanni and his family. The property is now in an extremely dilapidated condition. Nature has inevitably taken its place over time. The place now is a ticking time bomb and it will not last long until all its relics within will dematerialize and get buried under its collapsing ceilings and the vegetation that is slowly invading. Morning dawn in Italy and we're yet making our way to the next destination of today. You've seen a lot of exquisite places. I mean, the bunker was such a great adventure. You've seen a ghost town in Italy. And you've seen the magnificent villa of the wine family last week. But right now, we're actually making our way to a mansion that used to be owned by a dentist or a doctor. I don't know the accurate story yet, but I guess we're going to find out, and, yeah, we need to walk this pathway for a few more miles. And then, we will reach our destination. Some olive trees over here. The olives are still very young and growing. Just right next to the pathway. Wow! This must be it. Have a look at how the morning sun is just shining through the trees. And there it pops up! It's a pretty big property, my gosh. And there is literally not a single house around this place. It's solely this house. And have a look, wow! It was a pretty big hike. That looks very decayed. The roof is also not present anymore there. You see? There are even roots growing on the roof panels. - Yeah. I can't wait to enter this place. Wow. Wow. What a time-capsule did we just enter? I can't believe my eyes. This is literally unbelievable. So, here I am sitting at the wall of portraits. And I dug a little bit into the history first. And the man... I think it was a family living here. And the man's name was "Giovanni", that's a typical Italian name. And he was actually not a doctor or a dentist as I told you in the intro, but he was an alchemist. And he left his home around 2001. So, that means that the home has already been decaying for 19 years. Furthermore, I think the man died because of an older age. He had a pretty bad health condition. We found cerebral pictures of his brain. So, he might have suffered from an infarction or a tumor. We don't know yet, but we are going to find out eventually as we investigate it all. So, yeah, let's start exploring! So, there we go. There's a painting of a horse over here. There are so many things to see, and the most beautiful thing about this place is just the natural décay combined with the fully-furnished state of the rooms, that have not collapsed yet. But look at the chair here in the front. It is literally that mother nature did its job, slowly and sadly reclaiming the property and the property is now literally left to rot. Mr. Giovanni was a very well-studied man. That's one thing for sure. Over here lies a very decayed portrait too. And look at this one: it is close to collapse and be leveled with the ground. The same counts for the cabinet right next to it. It's completely skewed and I think it won't last long until it just falls down. Wow. Look at the sofa. It looks so and so dirty. There are also a lot of collapsed parts on top of it. A lot of molds. And then, over there we can actually see the outside of the property. Have a look at this! This was the property back in its former glory. Over here is actually another building I'm going to show you later. This is the building where we're in right now. This is the garage. The garage is also still there. But as you can see, it was roofless back in its days. And in this part, it seems that they have tried to renovate it, but apparently, those renovation plans never finished. A china cabinet over here. And it's just incredible, as it still has all its chinaware inside for as far as that's possible. Because you can also see that several compartments have just collapsed. A beautiful wooden cabinet. Wow, look at this. Over here are numerous plates but then over here the plank has just been rotting away, and the plates have now just fallen on the ground. All by natural decay, and that's oh so fascinating. Over here there are some bottles of wine: red wine, I think that's some liquor too. A book. It was just a narration of something. Look at this. I am wondering, did Mr. Giovanni not had any children or people to inherit this property and his goods and belongings? Why was it all left in this state and now, 19 years later, just forgotten about as a whole? As you know, we always check out all the cabinets. Over here are just some food products, not very interesting. Let's have a look down beneath here. Yeah, just a few plates here and there, but in general, quite empty. Then let's see if I can open this one. It seems quite stuck. Well, oh, there we go! Damn, what's this?! "Ford", black and white prints. Alright, so, let's open this envelope. Oh, wow! Look at this! I think this must have been Mr. Giovanni. Or maybe this was him and this was his son. Or maybe this was the father of Mr. Giovanni. We can only let our imagination run wild, but getting an exact story is always very difficult. So, let's see if there's a date on this receipt. Hmm, no, there is no date. But it was from a fast-service in black and white photos. Is there something else? Oh, yeah! There is a picture of a woman. Have a look, it's actually a beautiful woman. This might have been the wife of Mr. Giovanni. Well, as always, I found these things in an envelope and we always leave everything the way we find it. Of course, not only for maintaining the integrity of the place but also for the next people who want to see it. Everybody should be able to have the chance to see it and explore it in the state it was once left behind. And what's this?! It's a very big envelope. Oh, it is from the compartment of Radiology. "Doctor Carlo Desanti". And over here it is saying that it was from Mr. Giovanni. Okay, I think those are maybe some X-rays or something. Woah! Okay, if you follow me to here and you turn out the light. - Ah, sorry. No problem. Hmm, let's see... Yeah, there are multiple X-rays. Have a look. Hmm, this is not the right side as well. This is the right side. Look, you can also see his name over here. So, this is all the brain. This is actually a transversal cut of the brain. Over here we can also see where it was probably made. I think, yeah, you see? That's the skull with the face. And those are all cerebral CT-scans I think. He might have suffered from an infarction or a tumor. But this was from him. And the strange thing is, the calendar said 2001 in this place, but those photos were made in 2012. So, what I think is that the home was left earlier and Mr. Giovanni went to a hospital. Eventually, on a later day, he passed away, sadly enough, and ever since the home was just left neglected and unloved. So, I just discussed it a little bit with my friend, as 2012 is quite an odd date. This one over here is saying 2002 like the other photos. And this was actually not a cerebral photo or a CT, but this was an echo. So they made these ones with ultrasound. I think this is the right side to show it. Yeah. Well, it's... - Is this not an image for pregnancy? No, no, no. Of course, they also use echos for pregnant ladies, but you know, if they start doing radiology, they most of the time start with an echo. It is not as sensitive as the other imaging techniques, but this is not hazardous. Because if you have electromagnetic waves (MRI) it is also not hazardous, but if you use X-rays (radiation) then it is hazardous if you get exposed too much. So, they always start first with this technique. It's of course, also way cheaper as well to do an echo, instead of an MRI or CT. And after that, if they do not see anything on the echo or if they hesitate about it, they go to the next step. Okay, so I put everything back where over here where I found it in the drawer, but that was absolutely a very fascinating find! And that is actually always the way how we go through everything. We want to reveal a little bit more about the story because this is not just a building but this was once a home where people lived and people spent their lifetime in and made memories. So, this must have been a family member. And I think this looks like a way older portrait, so that's probably a family ancestor. Then, I'm really wondering who this person was. Of course, this could have been the alchemist and he let someone make a portrait of him. Or, maybe this was his father or a very important person in the family tree. But have a look at the details. It is absolutely so fascinating. Wow. Just mesmerizing to look at all these paintings. Over here, is yet another old photo. And I always love it if you're in this Italian country, but also in Spain, or in France, that you can always see that these people were of a different origin of this European country. And that makes each home very different from the other. This is actually a letter from the year 2000. A little reading book. And look at the glasses that are also still left over here on the table. Ah, and over here we can see the man again. I think this must have been the last resident. I think that was definitely his mother. And it is so sad. You can probably hear it in the background, but it's raining today. It was even thundering last night, we could barely sleep in the camper. And the rain is all just fallen down, leaving this place to degrade more and more in time. Another pair of glasses and this photo. Maybe their son. Oh, this is dated from 1912. And do you know what this was?! This was an identity card! I've never seen an identity card like this. It's literally only a printed piece of paper. 1912. And it was from Mr. Giovanni. So, that means that this man actually reached very old age. He nearly became 90 years old. Probably even slightly older. Then it's only normal that this man got a worse health condition as he grew older. Over here are two chairs. Then I think this might've been an example for him, or he liked to listen to this person's music. And then, I think we covered it so far for this marvelous room. We can, unfortunately, not go to the other side because most rooms have just been entirely collapsed. Have a look! As you can see, the building consists of three floors in total. But we can only manage to access the second floor and furthermore, everything is just falling down. And this is the calendar I was talking about. It's saying March 2001. I think that's one of the last months this building was lived in and then I think Mr. Giovanni passed away in 2002, approximately. Probably he died in a hospital. Alright, let's continue. And look over here at this beautiful washing sink with the mirror. There is a big sofa over here. Also, all their coats are still hanging up on the coatrack like they were left yesterday. A beautiful crucifix in the middle as well. Oh, look at this. Again, the name "Giovanni" is mentioned. "Medicine". This was probably from the care home where he was actually treated on day. Oh, yeah. And over here, they made a complete medical record of him. He did not have rheumatism. It looks like he suffered from a nephrotic condition. Diagnosis... oh, he was rheumatic! Do you see? Rheumatoid arthritis. And that was his professor who treated him. And this was already in 1983. So, the man was already diagnosed with several diseases before he actually departed this earth. And, of course, they were very religious in this time period. The Roman-Catholicism was very important. Also in Italy. Yeah, well, there is a lot of paperwork, a lightbulb, but not anything very interesting I have to point out. Oh, there are shoes over here. This might have been a tile from the outside of their home. And another pair of shoes over here. Oh, look over here in the corner at the old-fashioned vacuum cleaner that has been completely swallowed up by the cobwebs. Over here they had a little dining area I think. They would just have a meal here. There's also an ironing board over here on top of the sofa. And, yeah, just some paintings on the wall. And what's inside of here? Oh, this was actually an old storage part with still some bottles, but I can barely reach it. Some holy water over here as well. And a religious artifact on the wall. There's also a lot of mice and rats dropping in this place. Always has a very typical smell. When you enter these buildings, you can already smell and know if there have been rats inside or not. Well, another sign that Mr. Giovanni was an actual older person. There's this walking cane. Also, still his hat on the table. And some nice stories to read out in these books. I think those are the keys to the property. They're also still here. Oh, look. This was some medicine in some ampules. So, over here we have a letter that was written by "Matteo Rubens Lunardi". I don't know who this person was, of course, but it might've been a friend of him. And he is writing the following to Mr. Giovanni: "Today is a great day for me. Jesus descended into my heart. I desire that his body and his spirit always remain in me. I'm happy. And then: "Matteo"" It's a strange letter. Also, look at the sides. It almost looks like this was a dead note of someone. Well, what are your thoughts about this letter? Just leave it down in the comment section right down below, as I'm going to enter the next floor now. Oh, the roof has already collapsed over here too. All the parts of the ceiling and the bricks have just leveled. Wow, have a look at this corridor and at the end of it, there is this sole child bicycle standing. Well, so we have three ways to guy. I can head straight forward, to the right and to the left. And I firstly want to show you this room. You might barely believe it, but this is how some floors just look like. They are just almost completely reclaimed by the heart and the force of mother nature. Look at the director's chair over here as well. Still, the books over here are left on the shelves. Also, quite a few ones have just fallen out. There's another director's chair over there in the corner. But, yeah, the rain is just falling through the holes in the roof and that will only progress the state of decay of this property. Then, over here there's a bedroom. Some books over here on the shelves. A beautiful lamp over here as well. This is actually about animals: zootechnics. You can tell, the man was a well-studied person. There are so many books in this room that are mostly about scientific things. The radio over here as well. This was a dictionary about chemistry. Oh, look over here. Yeah, I had this in school too. Over here the "C" and "H" atoms in a molecule. And this is a pretty old book. I'm curious about a date, actually. A topographic dictionary about science, from 1949. Very impressive! Mr. Giovanni must've been an intelligent person. It's sad that nobody cares about his belongings and his home anymore. However, we have full respect for all of his items and we want to share his home and his story with the world today, before the property, just ends up being collapsed as a whole. And nobody will be able to remember it and see it in its physical state anymore. Again, there are more books. Also, some books from the University of Roma. And I think this is the most recent picture inside of this place. You can see a lot of gentlemen united around the table, having a very chic dinner somewhere in a restaurant. I'm wondering which of these men was Mr. Giovanni. I'm maybe thinking he was the person in the middle with the glasses because he also looks the most familiar with the person in the portrait. And then again, there's a book about chemistry. Ah, look at this room over here. It's a bedroom and it smells like it is full of mice droppings. It's strange how there is still foil around the clothes, but they are still hanging up here on this coatrack. Well, they also had a fireplace over here. Some mechanical items on top. Oh, look at the television. It is actually one of the early models of Philips, a Dutch brand. Wow, this looks so post-apocalyptic. Still, all the books are left in the front over here. And the bed over there as well. But I'm not going to walk in this part of the floor over there, because it is already slightly collapsed. And I think it will soon just get leveled with the ground floor. Again, there is a photo over here of Mr. Giovanni. There are so many books here. Most of these books were just stories to readout. This was about the tragedy of Mrs. Butterfly, haha. This is actually a very neat sofa that's standing here in front of the bed. I like its colors. Then there is just a typical wooden Italian bed. Well, the room on the opposite side has actually a lot of cabinets. Oh, you can see the leakage on this floor and ceiling as well. I really like the lamp over here in the middle. This is actually a very broad and big cabinet. Ah, it is locked... I can't open it. Look at the way that cabinet is designed. Over there you could just place some things and probably over there on the ground they placed their shoes. And over there is just a mirror. Time to continue following the corridor. Over here is the child bicycle I was talking about. And this is actually a tiny bathroom. Damn, look at the stove. A very traditional piece. And you can tell that the roots are just growing inside of this place. But then, you probably are not going to believe it, but over here the entire floor has just collapsed. This is the aftermath of 19 years. And this is definitely evidence of how strong mother nature actually is. Because in the end, it will reclaim everything. All the rain is just coming inside and it's raining on all the collapsed parts. Slowly and slowly, decaying in time. This room probably used to be very magnificent one day. Right now, it is literally not more than a ruin. Anyways, over here is yet another room. Oh, one of those director's chairs as well. Just some blankets inside of here. That one is closed as well. I'm not going to force anything. Look over here at all these old cans. Looks like most of them are filled with paint. And then I think we almost made it to the endpoint of this video already because there would have been another floor. But I think this used to be the exact floor where the stairs would've been going to the floor right above me right now. Well, so, this was actually the shed. Right underneath here. The entire cabinet has just fallen down. Some sofas over here. There is a heater in the middle of this room. And wait for a second! It's going upstairs over here! Okay, I'm going to check it out because I did not know about this. I have to be very careful. But have a look. My gosh! Look at this. Incredible! Over there we can see the chimney of the roof as well. I am going to try to reach that part, but not right now, I firstly want to show you this over here. Some tools and everything. Okay, so, I'm going to give it a go. Well, to be honest, this looks quite boring at first sight. There's another stairway over there. Let's check it out. Look at the broom. There is nothing here, man. Just have a look, we can walk down but over there is again collapse. - No, just a stairway that is collapsed. Yeah. Just collapsed. I don't think over there it's going further. - No. It's going down but to where? There is yet another part. That's so strange! - There must be two other floors, but... Argh, only for this?! Really?! - Nothing. Only for just a door that they've closed with some bricks. Like a bricked wall. Well, at least, I think the people should leave a thumbs up because that was quite brave what we've just done. - Yeah. Time to go back now, man. - This risk for this? Yeah, it's a bummer, but it could've been way better. You never know. - Yeah, of course. Well, we are going to go back. Look at the last piece of the floor that's still hanging over there in the corner. And, of course, you know why we risked it. Never stop exploring, that's the motto! Alright, so we're back! Well, this room is actually nothing. And look at this. Okay, this is actually really cool. It's a very traditional toilet. Well, at least if you want to call this a toilet. It's literally just a hole, going all the way down. Okay, so it's raining. Not the perfect weather conditions to end your exploration. But look over here: this is what I wanted to show you. The shed is shown from a downstairs perspective. You can still see the "Singer" sewing machine there, right under the collapsed parts. Unfortunately, I did not manage to open these doors. And that's actually the garage building that I've shown you on the exterior photo that was hanging in the living room. So, lastly, I want to show you the renovated building on the other side and the garage over here. I want to do this quickly because otherwise, I will be completely soaked. It's very bad weather today in Italy. The last days were sunny, but today it's not. Look, I think that perhaps used to be the main gate over there. Ah, alright. Well, this was the garage. There's still a washer. There's also an oven. Oh, look. There's even a bicycle still standing here. It looks like they were starting and planning to renovate because look at the tools and the machinery here. They were used to put concrete inside. Alright, lastly, we will go to the renovated building, but I will not go into detail. I will just show you the first floor, so you have a little bit of an idea how it looks like. Ah, my feet are already completely wet, but so be it. Okay, have a look! This is actually it. So, this used to be another part of the house as well, but over here they were willing to build a new part. Actually, that happened in 2008, but, yeah, it was never finished. I quickly check out the upstairs and then it's time to go to the next spot of today! Oh, this is actually a bedroom. It's still pretty pristine. Well, only some trash here and there, but not too bad at all. Because look at the bookshelf. That one is still untouched. And there is a photo of a couple that's happily in love. Yeah, just another bedroom. And a bathroom. Look at the tiles. They are pretty beautiful. Time to leave this magnificent place. And this was actually a very fascinating explore. I'm going to close everything in the way we found it, to prevent everything from the rainwater from getting inside. And I gotta say, it was actually a beautiful experience to look into the life of the former resident who lived here, Mr. Giovanni. I think he was a very talented and well-studied person. And actually, time-capsule homes like these ones belong to my very favorites. And I'm very curious about your opinion too, so leave that down in the COMMENT section. And also, of course, if you enjoyed it, hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to our channel if you don't want to miss out on any future episodes! If you want to SUPPORT us on our trips, that's also possible. You can check out our Patreon page or our PayPal link will also be down below in the video description. And then, as always, I want to thank you for watching once again! Peace-out and we'll see you on our next adventure! Bye-bye!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 27,534
Rating: 4.9585013 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, frozen in time, abandoned and frozen in time, abandoned italy, italy, urbex, urban exploration, urbex italy, urban, exploration, explore, exploring, urban exploring, italian alchemist, alchemist, alchemist mansion, mansion, house, castle, frozen in time for 20 years, 20 years, abandoned places, abandoned house, everything left behind, time capsule, timecapsule, explomo, steve ronin, the proper people, bros of decay, exploring with josh, italian, for, time, frozen
Id: GDAilD4gjzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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