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[Music] all right guys welcome back to the channel today dale and i have come to this abandoned time capsule in wales i'm not saying whereabouts just wales just wales it's absolutely down can't wait to get inside hope you enjoy as much as we're gonna remember to like comment subscribe hit notifications about future explores and let's get straight in it guys cheers [Music] do [Music] do [Music] before we get started with today's explore i just want to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor surf shark for supporting this week's adventure this year all being well we are hoping to start traveling again using planes trains and like myself campervan so i will be uploading editing and streaming whilst being on the road using public wi-fi spots which could potentially be a gold mine for hackers and scammers vpn stands for virtual private network which is basically a tool for securing my private data for examples usernames passwords and bank details which would be a disaster if any of those 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and also three months extra subscription for free they also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's absolutely no risk to try it out yourself the link and the promo code will be at the top of the description box below so you can go check it out for yourself once again a huge thank you to surf shark for sponsoring today's explore now let's get straight back in today's abandoned adventure alright guys so we're straight inside here just in this little uh hallway bit but look at this we don't have any history on the place whatsoever we are going to look for names trying to find out what happened to the people as we go and just have a good look around this place looks incredible it looks absolutely untouched and a real time capsule wow what do we have here bathroom oh my days this out looks like proper nature lovers a lot of animals that will oh my god look at that check that out guys place is beautiful there's some seagulls on there wow no vandal damage nothing's happened span my head on the thing without all these potions hey check that one out there wow same again here everything left inside real green more things like that so far does look like a fella oh check out this seahorse candle and the uh oyster is up next to it just starting to see the rust in the bath coming another oyster there wow what a place look at the wood around the windows that's amazing but check this look at this back door cobwebs everything hanging yeah the chateau oh wow look at this old uh that crutch that's like one of those seats isn't it one of those uh like portable seat things all shoes and trainers back there wine at the top behind his wellies loving this jacket raf i think like this is it it's got the wings not sure see if we can see anything in this fridge i don't even know oh it's a lift up one i'm not to move all that guys so let's head into the next room here why i will in a sec look at this the old irons at the top there let's look at this fireplace check that out all wax candles and old-school hair clippers there this place is amazing dale right this place is amazing i think that's an auger looks like one wow oh no one of those uh royals intruders beware of what laughs out loud yeah so we've had some airbags here before it looks like oh yeah look at that the size of that machete don't want anyone coming back and grabbing that do we more fridges and stuff there see any dates anywhere yet dale nothing oh wow check this out apron on the back of the door wow look at the dust on here all the books and that few uh vases no way this is incredible what i find this is a few bits at the top look at these camels oh that one's heads fell off that's why i didn't know what it was some ciders uh a lot of animal stuff elephant head above the door here oh wooden one rolls razors some bottle cap sir yeah it's incredible isn't it you know farmhouses with the beams wow well impressed loving that stone work at the back yes love it how dark is this kitchen pretty dark another timer there for the cook the hell of the size of that microwave uh a big microwave that all these kettles and uh everything there all the garlic and that's still hanging oh it's fake it's fake but wow look at all this he's still got the dirty pots in the sink this is absolutely stunning house all this food and that there see where the shelves are bowing starting to go now oh moldy in the fridge yeah let's look for some dates not too keen on looking on dates on these uh jars because they're from any time aren't they long shelf life 2014 though there you go all these utensils in there oh look at this all the herbs and spices seen it dale wow there's pots and pans and what have you let's have standard kitchen stuff really isn't it there you go paint glasses nick them from the pub everyone has so i'm not judging what are all these though these are crazy anyone know what this stuff is let me know wow there's seeds there as well that thing's at the top here uh cereals a lot of curries here i notice but check this out look at this nice and that cook has seen better days hasn't it because they don't know oh one of the older grinding pots oh milk date date 16th of june nothing's got a year on hmm what would have a year on guys it's not too old that would have a short shelf life it's all jarred isn't it need a calendar or something maybe all this fridge magnets up wow so dog can't see nothing that would have a short shelf life little measure love this bookshelf though that's brilliant nice nice nice bit of a mess on here like looking here though look at this all like a native american stuff the feathers look at the cobwebs let me get close to that look at that all the cobwebs covering up all these little trinkets and models wow amazing blank blank there guys oh that is absolutely full [Music] what an absolute time capsule and i mean it oh 2008 oh he's got all the moons for the whole year though wow never seen that before calendar for the moon check this room out wow living room obviously size of this fireplace oh check this out he's actually got a thing holding the beam up here hmm that's a a bit worrying dale's walking around upstairs probably come through and land on the other look at the size of this fireplace wow more models down there what's that not really sure he is 288 pound no 2885 pound in that there on the electric wow a lot of these knocking about here loving it they're loving it what do we have over here tv setup it's the sky plus nice hey look like middle eastern fella there with a hawk on his shoulder oh look at this look at that shield wow that is heavy as well little uh native american there this is amazing disco ball you like to party marble collection we have here computer monitors there so it might have been like his little office area a little work area maybe a little foot buffet there oh it's quite heavy i will put that back guys don't worry just check out everything else first what a room though it's almost like he's just gone the shops or something this is it's crazy obviously not that looks look at the cobwebs all the dust everywhere this guy's peeping on me that's more feathers all actually we had upstairs another little lock about don't want to miss anything those dressing gowns hanging on the back there oh look at this this is pretty much the same on every uh windowsill all the feathers or rocks but laid out there's actually some cool stuff outside i won't mind checking out a i'm poncho i'm coming wow downstairs absolutely amazing let's head up now [Music] do [Music] do now you can see where all the damps coming through the wall you know look at this it's got boomerangs on the wall i've never seen one that shaped that one doesn't come back to you no wow i've got some art straight away bedroom number one let's hear anyone pick a double bed that's strange isn't it yeah yeah that's two single mattresses next to each other so that's like a king size queen-sized frame no something like that maybe wow i don't trust this floor like seeing what's holding it up downstairs no oh that beat yeah like a bit of scaffolding mate no way yeah you can feel it here yeah you can see it dip a little bit obviously we have to be careful with the lights yeah i know celtic wisdom there you know who knows this old trunk chest little clothes in there that's nice that's a nice find isn't it it looks like he's just got a much cooler when they go over the wall tapestries oh yeah just covering all the like crappy damp walls the room there there no way i didn't even see that and it's been covered up i wonder what's in there there's a feather in there [Applause] ah divi my face this is in the roommate it's nothing it's just a cupboard is it yeah anything in it there's stuff in there like clothes ah wow what's that guy braider and rossy italians italy's best firm moth it's a drink isn't it i think wow this is amazing look at this chair here oh there is a woman here yeah these like biker boots ponder boots wow just go by this window turn that off oysters there little trinkets little ship on the top there look at the view out there though amazing isn't it what a place this is i i this is probably number one places i'd live yeah out of all the places we've been to you could live here yeah absolutely amazing untouched not even been disturbed i think that's where he's put all his stuff yeah that's where all the mess is because everything is tidy monica are friends i have to take from that silence you don't watch friends yeah you do how much friends why what did you say said monica she has a cupboard didn't she no one's ever seen it though yeah or is it did they seen it once i think they tried why are we talking about friends look at this how low this wardrobe is oh suitcase here there's stuff in that's quite heavy all the bad in the nut in there there we know what's in there what's that say revelation can you open that down yes yeah oh is it locked with the keys i think it's locked doesn't it hold up just for keys oh look at that it's all like uh it's like middle eastern and a lot of stuff like that all pat middle eastern patterns on there why would you eat one be moldy as oh my god these are cool aren't they headrests roly-poly pudding beatrix potter the uh stuff from all over it's like a proper mix of cultures isn't it strange getting like indian vibes or something you know i actually have a lot of a lot of stuff like oh yeah this is the uh this is the messy room where do you start look at this wow just looking around just to see if there's any addresses or anything look at this too is that shilling i think we said raja cigars oh it's nailed to the wall that's strange little cupboard back here coats up on the walls look at this this is the definite messy room oh there's all like tambourines there's his lockers i wonder why everything's thrown in here let's check that out little watch more favorites there feathers everywhere oh look at that oh fruity hey dale you seen this oh fruit machine crisscross look two i had three of these my granddad converted one from a yeah a 10 cent to a um to a 10p i had three of them yeah i mean oh this is usually around on the weekends with me mom and we'd play it but my mum always used to win and the kids never yeah that's dollar sure they rigged it look how old that is one i'm sure that's chilling dime dime is it american yeah that makes sense isn't it cigars that's on the wall up yeah oh beams why are you breathing so heavy what's wrong with you mate yeah i'm just a heavy smoker you say everything in here mate like you said or something like indian or something in it yeah it's not even been open that's an actual parcel frank though yeah i think we're going to stay out of that room yeah it's a bit lethal isn't it yeah it looks massive from outside this place yeah it's only only seems quite small doesn't it [Music] loving it though it's got all paints and candles over there so much to see in here i just don't want to be climbing over and knocking stuff because we've got looks uh vaz is right at the edge here don't want to knock them over wow hey all those little birds up there too check them guys out right this door let's have another little pan around each room look at this love that so the name does sound indian or something like that i'm not going to say it i will add it out just in case it gives a location away because look at this we don't want people turning up and trashing this place which we've seen a lot of lately isn't it dale it's the worst thing ever a little seal sir people putting dresses on their instagram yeah just no respect that's all it is mate loving these little elephants seeing all this stuff up here this is like so much older hey look same as the other place on our way uh the player got the fad packets expect that though to be honest a lot of the same collectibles and well yeah probably from the same time uh 2008 this looks like but there's stuff from all over the top all over isn't there yeah there's a newspaper here if i can get to it it's angling but uh i should have a date should still have a date now 1995 that it doesn't look like us like it's as old as some of the places we do though does it no it's absolutely amazing i'm loving it yeah for untouched this is up there well it's mad though because me and you have had this place pinned for ages yeah she's getting around to chatting yeah that's it we got bear pins guys that is the problem right because we uh because as you know guys i only upload once a week so it looks like we're quite far behind but we're actually are the times we've been out this week four or five times already this week yeah so it's just catching up and getting through our pins and everything isn't it through our locations that's it yeah hitting all these empty houses but then you come across swimming like this and it's all worth it in it yeah definitely it's what i feel i love it mate i absolutely love it right guys that's inside the house i do want to take you outside and have a look because it's such a so different out there it's very unique garden with all the stuff in there all the ornaments it's uh quite nice actually there's cars outside as well you can have a quick look at them before we leave but uh just gonna go around now get some pictures get some cinematics for the video so i'll be right with you guys all right guys going to make this as brief as possible out here because it's absolutely chucking it down but you just want to show this garden how it's uh there's so many random things like in the house it's crazy that looks like the guy off never-ending story but it's obviously like a dragon what let me store it remember that my childhood i never seen the ending what i've never seen the ending same it doesn't happen but check this out this is a nice area in the sun isn't it yeah like a fish in there brothers i love it very like uh hippie style it's like surfers out here really fishing that's so all this junk over here really the effort's just pretty much thrown over here isn't it what's that it's like they collected anything like even a a strangely shaped stick yeah well i was saying that yeah they did yeah here's some oddly shaped sticks isn't that crazy more wind chimes mirrors outside that always flags my head but it's so cool isn't it out here there's like so much to look at got a few bird feeders and what have you up here third houses hey look at this pond dale check that out that's a quite a big pond that going for the dick you're going in that's a nice pond it does go back there but there's another house there just like an ornament mate there's so many cool little different things here though it's nice isn't it right guys we're gonna head off now um we're not gonna show the front of the house so we're going to stop filming about now i hope you've enjoyed it amazing time capsule you loved it dale loved it as always see you next time guys that's my bit um yeah remember to like comment subscribe hit notification bell for future explores we'll see you next week guys with another brand new explore every sunday two o'clock and um yeah yeah that's a bit weird isn't it all marked off as police tape police tape
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 70,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: 4xFkMMc2ZjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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