Abandoned Home of a Toy Store Owner - 60 years of unopened toys left behind!

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[Music] foreign [Music] what's going on everybody welcome back to another exploration today we're inside of an abandoned house this isn't just any abandoned house you find on the side of the road this is one of the best abandoned houses I've ever stepped inside of I've walked around here for about five minutes just looking at what's here and so far there's about four feet of stuff on the floor four feet high of comic books Collectibles cartoon stuff what is that I don't even know it's a robot there's a million things here the story of this house is that I know the house was built in the 1960s it's not an old property it doesn't look great by any means nothing too spectacular but I know the guy who lived here he passed away in 2005 and I know he owned a toy store and clearly by the looks of it everything he owned was piled into this house I have no idea what all the stuff is doing here you're gonna see it for yourself I'm not exaggerating in the slightest there could be millions of dollars in this house right now and I'm not might there is everything in here is vintage to the 90s the 80s I saw some Matrix stuff over there from the from the week it came out and we're just gonna be touring this whole place it's gonna be a crazy Explorer to get through everything but I'm so excited um hopefully you guys enjoy I don't see how you couldn't but if you do enjoy leave a thumbs up let's go explore this place so we're starting to explore obviously in the front of the house and this is the living room we're joined by Chris here he's in the center of this mess of a room and you could see the absolute enormous pile of stuff here and I mean I'm just gonna look into this one box in particular we have these Gotham magazines Billy Batson I mean these look like they're just like this is this is just random stuff here but we have like more known stuff everywhere it's like so overwhelming it's a Gundam night from Bandai sale 75 it was 115. wow probably from like 1990 maybe yeah 1990 made in Japan damn so this was on retail for what for 115 at one point damn you can imagine that the majority of the things inside this house have just absolutely increased in value like look at that pick up that Star Wars wow Princess Leia on the Speeder Bike yeah yeah like um when they were fighting what year wow this looks a little newer old Hasbro logo I noticed say 90s uh this says 2003 copyright so it can't be it can't be later than that so before we jump into this pile of stuff maybe we're just gonna give a quick walk through through the house see what's on the surface as we keep moving along and maybe at the end we'll really do a deep dive because we're gonna run out of sunlight there's just way too much stuff here I'll give you guys a quick look we got the living room which is piled the stuff upstairs is piled the kitchen is piled there's like a guest bedroom over here this is piled and we have so much to look through in this house and it's not junk like it is a hoarder house but there there is some junk here but most of the items inside this house are just like the Star Wars look at this is this is vintage this whole place is filled with vintage stuff this is from Toys R Us too yeah it's got Scooby-Doo here chilling I love you but yeah we're gonna walk around we're gonna look at some stuff in here and let's see what kind of nostalgia we could pull out so you can see how one time this is actually a functional living room you got a piano over there and they actually have like family pictures and portraits on top of that piano but sometime down the road they just decided to use this place as storage and we have right here got the Batmobile bat cave I mean this is just one of the toys here this one is from not sure but they bought it for 15 bucks or 12 bucks not not too bad there's also a big torture up here it's gonna be really hard to show you anything this is just so much in here but yeah trying to get up here oh my God look at this so here right off the bat I can notice some things that stand out we have the Star Wars collectibles Princess Leia on it and we have the Star Wars Millennium Falcon right down here oh it's a Transformers and Millennium Falcon like hybrid for a toy that's pretty cool and then for any uh kiss fans we have some more stuff over here oh god oh it's a kiss polar bear that's funny before we move along the rest of the house I just want to pay attention to this beautiful portrait and frame it's like gold dipped with all these faces molded into it a very beautiful piece of um artwork for the frame a lot of detail what's in this bag oh Dragon Ball Z KB Toys bag yeah [Music] oh that battle suit from Dragon Ball Z really really cool wow it's only 20 bucks I've seen a lot of um businesses that are no more we saw the KB Toys I think that's no longer a thing anymore we saw this the toys R Us and now we see FYE we just got a bunch of comic books this guy bought from FYE just sitting in this in this box here everything's pretty well organized so this guy did have a mess in here but an organized mess we've got a bunch of what are these Star Wars books Star Trek Star Wars just this whole sci-fi collection in here I know some people that would love reading all this stuff a lot of this could be donated one thing I just noticed on the wall I really like this like suit of armor kit he has going on he's got the two half helmets with the uh The Sword in the middle that's pretty cool but we're still looking around we have a lot more little toys to go through that people might recognize over here I noticed we have Thor's hammer Thor's lightning hammer looks like it comes the dart you can launch out of it what else we got here saw some stuff people should recognize Batman stuff you got this Matrix The Matrix dolls with Neo and uh I don't remember the woman's name wow that's so cool I bet Matrix memorabilia goes for a decent price what else we have here modern Soldier Vietnam War wow I remember having these as a kid comes with a little holster and Pistol I can't imagine they make these anymore it's kind of like a GI Joe cool stuff though I mean and it's just piles we got Green Lantern down here the Green Lantern corpse I'm not a huge like superhero fan we have like Transformer stuff we have Batman stuff I mean I could R2D2's over there I mean we got a whole crew of people chilling in this abandoned house but it's just under so much stuff I can barely reach it all right so Chris and I are going to split up now and explore the house separate because there's just so much stuff to see it's hard to be right next to each other so he's gonna head into the kitchen we're gonna head into this bedroom over here a little mid-century bathroom here pretty nice colors I like the uh like the peach and the and the green like the pistachio colors yeah so this was one bedroom here and the bed is I barely even saw it it's covered in so much stuff The Dark Knight Rises t-shirt this guy was a huge fan of basically anything superhero involved oh this jewelry here I do believe the guy who lived in this house so he was uh wow this is insane this goes for 18 or did go for 18 the guy who lived here he actually was a colonel in the military at one point I do know that I know he had many kids also I think he had like five to six children just gonna step on the bed to get a look at this dresser the more jewelry here an old film camera oh it's Hollow Maybe told you this guy was in the military here's a little patch on the floor got some more things on this dresser though we have this old radio if only it worked it'd be cool to hear that oh wow this is an old like 90s or early 2000s point and shoot camera it is really Slim design I don't know if there's any film in there off some like family trips or something oh we got some rounds in here these are really old they're Dusty bunch of rounds it's a bunch of personal letters and stuff foreign stuff as well a souvenir patch from Norway I found this cool little Kodak film protector canister it's like it's made of like a clay or something it's kind of cool I looked a lot in this area some of all this jewelry here there's a pocketbook here too nothing but hair pins in it insane that all this stuff is Left Behind Marvel Universe Savage Frost Giant this room has a lot of clutter though we're gonna move on [Music] massage belt this is so cool this is one of these like 1950s massage belts so there's a route to that room over there from this bedroom I I hope I can make it there might have to find an alternate way because I don't want to jump on all this stuff so we're gonna head to the kitchen there's just so much here to see thank you a bunch of hats and Polaroid camera that's cool nothing in it 45 dollars brand new okay okay wow okay we're able to go over here so much so many books there's so many books on the floor I guess this was his Library or something holy hell I'm stepping look how my head is up my head is touching the ceiling and I'm standing in a room with like eight foot high ceilings there's like two feet of Just Books underneath me right now yeah so we got one bookshelf this one's tipping over and you just have shock everywhere Batman this that is a look with the toy box is the toy box is hidden underneath all the books oh my goodness hopefully I don't fall I'll do all this Thor Thor Thor Spider-Man all a Spiderman Justice League America Thor The Incredible Hulk are humans skull okay this place is getting weird but this is insane oh you this is a whole there's so much money in this house it's so overwhelming I just there's not many words to describe house like this got a Hitachi cassette player with radio it's how many more magazines and [Applause] that's insane look at that old TV right there that gold star TV just hidden in that corner you could barely even see it yeah so this must have been one of his son's rooms at one point and then you just turn to storage I mean this is ridiculous I still can't believe that my head's touching the ceiling pretty much insane house and all these are in great conditions I mean I know they've been in the elements and kind of in the elements I mean they're not protected by anything they're just sitting in this abandoned house but it's abandoned houses in pretty good shape even got some more comic books in here these are kind of protected the league of Champions there's so much here all right wow you got like a Wonder Woman trash can in there so much memorabilia yo this house is starting to piss me off I just fell so hard on my knee I just slipped under the comic books and I just took a Plunge but I'm gonna grab my mask I have in my bag because this place is a little Dusty all right so I always keep an emergency mask in my bag for places that get a little too Dusty and this is one of them um we're just moving things around trying to see what's underneath certain things and it's getting a little Dusty so we're just gonna head into the kitchen now keep going along with our tour if you're enjoying so far leave a thumbs up I don't even know if we have yet to see the best thing here but I'm looking so forward to it because around every corner here it's a huge surprise wow old wallpaper in this kitchen that's for sure Wizard of Oz stuff Wicked Witch of the West is this ooh Mystery Machine you got Fred Jones driving the whip Scooby-Doo's are my favorite shows growing up they got this at Walmart for 350 on clearance that's pretty good it's a pretty good gift uh price for any kid the refrigerator is just covered in different magnets of sorts a lot of Disney World stuff so they were definitely Disney World goers you know late into life yeah we also have some Batman Jurassic Park it's probably a picture they took and made into a sticker from their time at at Disney World just another memory of this guy's life just sitting here on the fridge we also have a pretty good nice chandelier here but they threw some sort of like animal on it but this animal was real and they made it into like a purse don't always like stuff like this yeah you could see it's like a fox head that's disgusting but someone threw it on the chandelier pretty nice Chandelier very old looking Place definitely never refurbished since the 1960s when it was it was purchased and built look at this we even have a ton of food left in the in the pantry here we got frosted fudge Pop-Tarts what are these strawberry brown sugar you tell me what your favorite your favorite pop tart flavor is mine is the brown sugar here's the other side of the pantry got some like saltine crackers some some pasta up there I mean crazy stuff oh my goodness oh geez this is Real Deal jewelry here look at all this gold and silver yeah look at all this gold and silver is left behind to the left here in the kitchen monkey there's money here too obviously from different lands other than America this is 1760 it stated trying to figure out where it's from I can't really tell I think it maybe says chili these are like ancient civilization coins and it's really cool this one isn't it a Wooden Nickel I've never heard of a Wooden Nickel oh my God there's so much over here I didn't even see all this stuff okay this is fake I could tell this is plastic actually this stuff is real this is all real metal this seems like it's all plastic over here crazy stuff all left here more comics too and I've seen this inside of vacant homes around the same period so this place was built with its own radio slash intercom inside the house a lot of houses had this it says radio intercom so you can just pop it up and you could communicate throughout the house upstairs and in other areas there's probably speakers you could also play music throughout the house that was on the radio um I do believe I saw one of these speakers in the front by the front door yep here we are right next to the front door and here you go so yeah pretty neat thing I kind of wish they put that in homes a lot more got a bunch of fake money all over the floor this little bar setup I guess is where they sat and ate besides that table like a breakfast nook type of thing got all the spices still in the cabinet over there oh here's another Star Wars figure oh it's Darth Maul and look at that we have a Darth Maul oh wow Adam's Family cereal The Adams Family fortified with nine essential vitamins and minerals oh my God it's filled uh no price on it I think there's an expiration date either I'm not opening this though I'm not going to be the one to ruin this does anyone remember this it looks pretty old there's no there's no year on it Adam's Family oh yeah 1991 there's a copyright which doesn't mean it was made then but if it's that old and it's still in this shape that's super impressive we've got another one here comes with a free reusable flashlight this is really this is under plastic hmm getting here let me read what this stuff is getting too old for the same loops and letters in your cereal and you're ready for a new taste adventure with The Adams Family sweetened cereal as if it's not already sweetened enough delicious demented this new cereal has a mysterious flavor you're going to love and the skulls headless dolls and thing cereal pieces are bizarre as The Addams Family is pretty cool stuff I'm not sure really what was in it looked like flavoring ingredients I don't even see ingredients so I noticed this closet here in the kitchen oh my goodness oh hell no dude this is one of the scariest looking basements I've ever came across in exploring look at all the food oh God and the farther you go down the food cans are actually opened and there's so much Decay down there there's probably so much cool stuff but it looks so scary maybe we'll save it for the end okay moving along out of the kitchen anything cool over here buddy tons of stuff wow one thing I really want to show you come here real quick okay let's see this is the coolest thing in here we got this Beetlejuice cookie jar oh and the roof is the removable top yeah let me see that oh it's so wrapped up in everything yeah put it straight up it's heavy yeah it's a real deal huh yeah it's glass yeah that's amazing in there [Applause] so this is actually the only part of the house that actually has some decaying and damage to it looks like some water was coming in here but they I don't know if they removed it and got rid of the problem because there is some mold there but some stuff collapsed clearly besides that we do have a really nice statue just chilling here with some odd so easy to fall here yeah we got these beads on the statue Pamela Anderson as Valerie irons it even comes with an ID what movie is this from Pamela Anderson is the world's hottest female TV personality and the sexiest actress in Hollywood stars as Valley irons I've never heard of it maybe some people have moving along into the room the Chris showed us that that cool cookie jar we also have a Hellboy a little uh not little at all actually it's pretty big but yeah Hellboy more magazines more comic books I mean I couldn't go any slower through this house The Matrix online more anime stuff gone falling over it's so hard to walk through here it's so hard it'd be so easy to miss something so cool in here because there's just so much the hell Harry Potter Hogwarts School also in here I'm noticing some more family pictures on this one right in front of me is a woman in military uniform so I know the husband was definitely in the United States Army at one point I don't know if he his wife was as well we're learning that now we got some more family pictures here of um you know soldiers real formal outfits United States military also got Johnny Depp chilling in this house as well prior to the Caribbean at World's End oh look at this this is a real GI Joe pack oh my goodness oh shoot now this is this is cool GI Joe limited edition Navy Gunner with twin Mount anti-aircraft gun that even comes with the rounds you could see them right down there you could just prop fill them wow what a cool thing I mean they really just don't make toys like they used to maybe I'm just the only one that thinks this stuff is cool oh Ghostbusters oh my goodness there's so much memorabilia in here Transformers Iron Man Harry Potter what's this down here another GI Joe and this one's a Harley Davidson version this is really cool US Army Courier with a WLA 45 Harley Davidson what a cool little thing here what a cool find this whole house is an amazing find so much amazing stuff left behind so we got some more memorabilia here but I mean I can't overpass this it's like four and a half feet high of junk um not junk but just random stuff and uh we do have some more stuff over here Star Wars Speeder Bike power of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Star Wars thing over there you could see that there's so much here a whole bag of Star Wars stuff including Batman or Batgirl laughs oh look at that girl Barbie as Dan's Leroy Tacoma is all in Spanish this guy probably purchased this out of country hoping to resell it but here it sits it's all right next to the room we're just in connects to the garage one car garage no car inside two of an attic but the stairs look very sketchy [Applause] they're like lopsided this way a little bit as much as it would be cool to go in there I don't think I'm gonna try for my safety I had a friend of mine who fought who fell through an abandoned house floor recently it's in the back of my head and I just want to be safe also we have some toy guns here oh this one's pretty this one's pretty heavy actually doesn't actually spin so it's not real problem [Applause] got a collection of different toy handguns we got the uh German rather pistol here toys obviously of course it looks like he pulled us actually and it probably charges it up to make a sound like that cool little toy handguns I'm not gonna lie definitely can't be walking the streets with these though these are too real they're pretty heavy too another rather pistol all right everybody um I think we just finished exploring the first floor we still have a whole other floor to go up to I have no idea how many bedrooms I haven't been up upstairs Chris went upstairs very briefly but this house is absolutely amazing I'm still trying to find little things here and there to show you guys that are interesting but I mean there's almost too much I'm gonna head upstairs now and see what the bedrooms look like hopefully it's not too cluttered but I wouldn't mind seeing some more cool stuff here we are back in the living room area you can see this is what I was talking about before that's where those night you know the sword is and everything you can't even walk over this like if I was to walk over this I'd feel so bad I'd be damaging so many toys already got some cool stuff that I'm saying oh my God pretty sure I'm looking at dead maggots everywhere yeah look some animals got into the Pop-Tarts here yep let's see what they ripped a hole in that thing oh my goodness right away oh my goodness there's so many toys there might be more up here than there is downstairs okay so we have this room oh my God oh my goodness oh my God I almost fell there's so much stuff here but look at this this is like a little girl's room oh my goodness I'm the children of this man probably had like the best childhood ever with all these toys [Applause] oh my God oh my God I gotta get out of this room this is nothing but food like literally nothing but food Ramen Goya beans rice there's probably wild animals all in here these are bags and bags of food look how much food is in here I I have the mask on so I can't smell anything do you smell this room I'm dying you're dying it smells bad I can't smell cause I got the mask on thankfully but this room is insane we're gonna try to make it towards the bed oh yeah there's definitely animals in here at one point because there's like crap everywhere this mag gets all over the bed dead maggots the black ones over there that's all that dotted stuff is yo this is disgusting look there's just this food everywhere it's all opened I don't even want to step over here man it's disgusting it's literally disgusting look there's bags and bags of groceries so this actually confirms that this man was a yeah he was an actual hoarder you didn't just hoard cool stuff he ordered the nasty stuff as well because I can't tell though is Maybe a family member used the house after he died for sure was storing a bunch of stuff in here for sure I think everything is very nicely put up yeah around the mess yeah like those typewriters all set up nice a typewriter this place is a time capsule man all right we're gonna walk a little bit into this room just a little bit because this place is disgusting in here look at this all the food is black macaroni all this stuff pictures on the on the dresser you could see all the clothes in the closet that that pole just gave up gravity took its way but we're gonna walk over here oh my goodness I thought these were all tampon bags they're all just black tea oh oh my God it's so disgusting over here just wanted to get a good view of this typewriter over here in the corner so we're rummaging around the room and I just heard squeaking in that corner so there could be some rats or mice still living in here but we're gonna see the other room that this place has to offer on this floor didn't get a chance to look at the stressor here but this room is really disgusting and I need to get out wow so this place the upstairs only has two bedrooms oh my God this goes on and on this looks like the chillest house ever when it was active if you could move it smells in here I smell through the mask thank you oh like I didn't think there could be this many comic books in here this whole desk is just covered in them Star Wars Electronic Talking Bank see if so works just try me nope of course it's dead oh look at this wow look at the Star Trek collection of all these books this is a whole collection here Star Trek Deep Space Nine Deep Space Nine the whole collection here [Applause] this is really cool we got a Spider-Man alarm clock sitting on uh on the clock tower there got very Americana wallpaper here George Washington American Revolution Style cozy room like I really I really like it in here so this was a kid's bed too it's completely covered in stuff I'm sure when the kids moved out that's when the father he just started putting all this stuff up here I mean this is overwhelming I don't doubt that the family members know about all this stuff but they just can't come in and do anything about it most of the stuff is either ravaged by animals there's like feces and maggots in here or it's just a hazard to be in here really it's a shame that all this is rotting though got Daredevil here another uh that's a little figurine yeah he is Dusty this looks like a cool old like 1980s 1970s game of course none of the board games in here I've played as a child this is a little too old for me but the comic books a lot of the pop culture references right up my alley when it comes to uh in my childhood and such we're gonna hop in this corner here because look at this we have a whole Superman world Daily Bugle with all the buildings and such imagine being a child like you have almost everything you want I don't even notice this at the top of the stairs when I came up this is some pretty nice artwork real um real classy especially for the house run I mean it's not really a big or classy house by any means but I do enjoy that very nice work the one thing we didn't do in this video is open the fridge but with how much stuff I've seen in this house I do not want to open the fridge because I know there's going to be something in there something I don't want to smell all right everybody that's gonna do it for today's video we just explored the entire house this place had a ton probably more than most places I go to this is a true hoarder house not in the sense that it has a bunch of junk which it did it definitely had a lot of junk the food upstairs and the food downstairs ridiculous the rest of the stuff in here the comic books the old 2000s Nostalgia stuff the 90s Nostalgia stuff the the action figures this place is filled with money filled with joy you know the kids that lived here had a great childhood I'm sure the guy who lived here had a great life he clearly was wealthy enough to purchase and have I guess everything he needs but besides that this house is abandoned it's kind of sad I don't know what the state of it's gonna be I don't know if the people who are family members are going to knock the house down they're going to sell what's inside I don't know it's a pretty sad state that this house is in especially with all the cool stuff inside but regardless of all that stuff hopefully you enjoyed today's exploration if you did leave a thumbs up it lets me know right away comment your favorite part and that's gonna be pretty much it I want to go get some burgers and get out of this moldy house yeah Chris likes our Burger sound so we're gonna be out peace out guys I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 512,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: L9cqhvPNxaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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