Exploring Abandoned 1970's Family Home - Found Baby Cribs

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign today we're going to be checking out an abandoned house one of my favorite and your favorite guys places to explore that is abandoned they hold sentimental value you usually learn a bit of the family and you find similarities with yourself at least I do with some of the things you might find toys things that you grew up with these people grew up with too and we're gonna find some of those inside this house I know the family left sometime in the 1990s maybe 2001 just turn of the century and that's pretty much it we're going to be going inside looking at Clues the video will speak for itself hopefully you guys do enjoy and if you do leave a thumbs up now let's go check this place out this is the back porch it's completely sinking looks like a pretty good house here wow this place is deteriorating pretty rapidly had a record player on the ground and this was actually the record station look all the moths this house is filled with moths everywhere they're all getting attracted to my light but this is the old record station Alice in Wonderland this is a record that's it hasn't been opened it's still in plastic but it's all wrecked water damaged got some more records here got this old the Fisher Professional Series stereo a child's introduction to patriotism Pledge of Allegiance Yankee Doodle Star-Spangled Banner America the Beautiful you could see this entire set was bought in one you got the stereo here these were the speakers and I guess this was um their record player there's even still a record on here says the Columbia Records taken Miss Mary to the ball wow records out Catholic stuff religious music The Ballad of Smokey the Berry of so many children's finals in here and none of them are opened these are all unopened probably still in good condition we need to have a few more stacks of these vintage things just completely hidden under this piece of ceiling that fell on top of the place a lot of the records are like ballet records I've noticed I'm going through them right now oh the fair I always find New York World's Fair stuff in houses 1965. this was the Steel Industries gift to New York [Music] Transit Authority has 430 spanking new picture window cars for the elevated ride to the World's Fair Express trains start at Times Square and Grand Central and you're safely at the fair in less than 20 minutes take it easy take the subway yes [Music] [Applause] just the whole history of it this is crazy you have a Statue of Liberty Liberty Island New York Harbor I don't know what this is just has a bunch of people just standing around with a little lighthouse in the middle huge display on top of this record record dresser but we're gonna try to get a view just a little bit over here in this living room I mean very horrible setup I mean they're just sitting on metal outside chairs really I mean no television in here it was like before all that okay I'm falling to the floor slowly yeah it's not too great over here this tells you the humidity rain chance and the temperature that's a pretty cool thing here in the front of this house this is actually the front door right next to here nothing too special got this very old just straight to the point fireplace just completely brick and we're gonna try and head to the kitchen wow is a pretty cool retro kitchen here pretty Untouched by time all the colorful dishware still hanging up even those mugs still hang on the hooks just waiting to be used collecting dust lavish built-in shelf here gotta love the old details of homes all the curves see some hand knitted stuff I just assume a grandma lived here okay got some seven up glasses in here these are cool look at that it's like Christmas themed green and red see if we could find a year on these no nothing regular US patent looks 19 to 50ish they're both different I thought these are the same glasses you could see the little goes a little different here we got a pink bathroom not going to be stepping into it because it looks like the floors I just made a cardboard [Applause] definitely a very dated kitchen maybe 1940s 1950s era house we have a sneaky little upstairs and this caught my attention right away this like little Medical cabinet here all white really nice you could see it was metal and they painted over white looks like something I find at Old State hospitals definitely beautiful and vintage I gotta love people that reuse so inside this cabinet we actually have some food left behind I just noticed these nuts lightly salted glass jar probably expired about 20 years ago still got plenty in here also some canned stuff down there I'm not quite sure what that food is kind of looks like corn kernels from over here could be anything though by now look at that Lysol packaging I haven't seen Lysol ever look like that at least in my era of living here on planet Earth but we do have some other cleaning products and stuff up here even got a little high chair still next to the kitchen so they had a baby when this place went abandoned still a little baby sad you could just imagine whole family sitting here baby at the head one two three four five six people total still got the dish towels hanging up this place is pretty untouched wow check out this old bedroom wow you still even have the nightgowns on the um a little rack here next to the bed space heater on the floor it's possible somebody was living here after the residence left like squatting in here but I do like this room you could see the stone in the walls here very cozy just facing nature check out the wild west wallpaper here we got some old boots and Spurs got a pistol holster a nice big old hat just western themed here this old wallpaper but it looks like it's it for this tiny little room which kind of stuff everywhere Definitely Maybe a small woman look like 90s clothes here we have the dresser but it's just sinking into the floor because of all the water getting into it just mushing all together we do got some clothes and stuff left in these shelves but that's gonna do it for this little room here before I fall through the floor my goal is to find a calendar so we can get an idea of when the last people here left usually refrigerators tell you a little bit of that story so far it's just telling us the owners love cats got all sorts of Looney Tune mugs got Sylvester these are all from the Pepsi company it says collector series Warner Brothers 1973. wow these must be collectibles Yosemite Sam let's put them all out here Yosemite Sam Tweety Bird got Road Runner Road Runner Road Runner three more road runners I guess that was their favorite character I could see why those are very entertaining let me know if you guys like the Looney Tunes these are some really cool vintage mugs pretty untouched glassware for being almost 50 years old if they came out in the 73 cool stuff let's put them back where they belong and how they how I found them [Music] got an old bread box here lemonade pitcher cold cookery and recipe digest this is a pretty cool 1950s 1940s pamphlet on cooking and refrigerators love all the text the colors everything just pops out not like today even have animations check this out Ripley's Believe It or Not an orange refrigerator so the same one we got here this fridge is a Kenmore so that must have been their old refrigerator they kept the manual for people always want to see what's in the refrigerator so I can't disappoint nothing but some old water got a miniature timer for cooking don't think it's don't think it works anymore so I don't know anything about this house but that's kind of the reason we're here is to just learn and find Clues and figure out what happened here so far it looks like an elderly person probably lived here until the end of their days so far it's looking like probably was abandoned sometime in the 1990s haven't really found any evidence of that yet but we're going to be continuing our search to see more cool things and clues of that nature very claustrophobic in here oh wow the floors are horrible look at that I could see right down into the floor beneath us that's the living room so we're only gonna really only be able to get a view oh my goodness look at that cabinet that looks like something that was on the Titanic look how beautiful that is hand-painted hand carved I know the floors are messed up but there looks like to be really cool things in here look at these cabinets it's a whole set left in here all the same style you even have that old coat fancy pea coat for a woman hang up on the closet beautiful room shame I could see right beneath you could see how thin the wood is I mean it's really just like that thin and over the years you could see that there's really nothing here it looks like there's a little bit of floor but this carpet is really holding a bunch of this weight still up water damage just affected its way into the home one reason this place may have been abandoned is because a tree perhaps fell on it here jeopardizing the entire structural Integrity of this place beautiful old cabinets love the green I just wish they would be saved instead of rotting in here even got an old chest left behind I wish the floor was more stable here man I mean I feel like if I step on the beams here here and so forth I might be good it's just super sketchy man okay I'm gonna try to walk across to that the doorway there I mean I do not recommend this I'm just going to be walking on the studs here every um like two and a half feet I got a giant stud if everything is holding up here hopefully you could hold me all right I made it okay we got a secondary bedroom here looks very small definitely a child's room looks like we just have a little bathroom here too wow and a tub that is just filled with feces from a plethora of animals I'm sure interesting wallpaper cool bathroom there it even has the little cups to dispense water when you're brushing and whatnot definitely a beautiful clawfoot tub though you can see right down there I hate seeing these all destroyed because they're so unique you know they'll make things like this anymore but let's see what else is in here yeah definitely a child's room look how old that stuffed animal dog looks that's so vintage looking at this drama modern American drama just completely ripped apart by animals probably making nests or something gotta say craftsmanship on the nightstands and everything in here pretty top notch got the drawing here looks like a fisherman I actually know it's like a Roman Knight you could see the helmet I'm just saying Roman could be anything though got a book in here fingles Quest to put it back looks like a cool book though okay got a little Court a little deck here really chill room just completely surrounded by Nature can't really ask for anything more so I just reached into this bag that was over there in the corner and I pulled out this record player kind of looks like Mickey Mouse before they um you know redid the appearance on him I got this junior jukebox really old stuff Junior jukebox Mount Vernon New York Hudson electrical corkman definitely vintage probably 19. 50s 60s based on the um the appearance of that Mouse I think it is Mickey Mouse I can't really tell though I just found look at this old briefcase we got all these old clothes stacked up and then underneath it we have that beautiful blue briefcase let's take it out see if anything's inside it's really heavy it's really heavy really really heavy foreign a dining set but we have a Macy's bag and a lot of old magazines [Applause] oh it's People magazine okay from 1981 Yoko Ono how is she holding up how is she holding up I don't know Jackie Kennedy wow a lot of iconic magazines I could see why they save these huge names Barbara Walters Kathy Beck Bach wow look at the old cigarette ads that's how you know it's an old uh magazine pulled out of New York Times from 1978. I mean if that has been sitting in that corner for 50 odd years that's crazy I just opened this up just hidden under so much clothes no one would ever see it you could see the the amount of doo-doo on the ground s what kind of card is s S8 B two l I'm not familiar with these type of cards geez that is so soft it's getting up close view of this cabinet though look at that beautiful hand painted stuff here I wish the floors here weren't so bad because I do want to navigate to that side of the of the house but the bed is just blocking the wood I have to walk on to get over there whoo never gets easy there's nowhere to hold my hands foreign okay I'm here barely but I'm here wow okay this might be one of the coolest rooms here two bedrooms oh and a crib oh I'm so glad I came over here what an insane room look at this hat look how cool that is summer jobs 1989 with the rainbow how cool and retro is that Snapback here I mean it makes sense this house could have been abandoned that long I mean look at all the spider webs here cobwebs if you can make them out here in the closet and we still have all the clothes check out this 1970s looking shirt here with the flowers on it wow this stuff is basically untouched look at the cobwebs pull out these slippers wow timeless I still can't get over this hat here children definitely lived here at one point this bedroom has one bed normal sized bed I mean I could sleep on this that looks like a kid's bed and we have a crib here left behind I wonder what happened here I mean a lot of stuff is Left Behind must have been a girl this is so cool you have the old stickers superheroes just on the dresser still this actually says 1994. so that's actually the more recent date of seeing in this house other than that hat which does make sense looks like a 1990s house but let's see if there's anything in this dresser still some animals lived in here you could see some nuts and some cotton from the clothes looks like a squirrel or something got in here we got some cards this one hasn't been opened in years I can't even budget really amazing house I mean something happened here there's a story here that I can't complete but what a very creepy home there's still some baby stuff left behind like baby powder this is filled oops I didn't mean to do that I thought it was closed yeah still smells like it too but yeah there was a baby still here when the place shut down or when the owners left kind of sad you know you gotta think about there's a grown-up out there that's an adult and they grew up in this room little do they know what has happened to it you got kids clothes all over the floor here just completely discolored from all the water ain't got some blankets Left Behind as well really sad sight too much sure what else we'll find over here except this retro light fixture but that might be it the switch to turn the lights on in here was a little traffic light pretty cool you can see the strawberry hand knitted probably by the grandma here or the mother we got some more knittings here and a pile of them there I mean these are just becoming so weathered because of time here it's so so sad I wish I could see all these things you know not destroyed but this this closet is truthfully amazing I can't even get in there more but I'm gonna try to see some more clothes oh look at the denim jacket or the denim vest very small for a child that's cool that's nice and retro let's try to pull that out so many bugs are coming out because of this but this is so cool you got to bring back these colors look how beautiful they are they bring you right back in time this closet's like a hidden department store for old vintage stuff I mean look at this even the nightgown here old got all these crescents on there try to take a piece out here we go 100 cotton completely washable Robbie Brooks yeah you can see the rust has gone through and stained the shirt for sitting in here so long just imagine a little kid wearing this girl a boy looks like a girl this is one of the coolest dresses here looks like something straight out of like um Rocco's Modern Life if anybody's seen that cartoon um but the the shirt or the dress here so cool it says United States of America on it awesome retro stuff [Music] foreign [Music] yeah so now the picture is kind of being painted this was the master bedroom I would assume the bed would be settled right there between those two nightstands this is mom and dad's room over there through that room that was the outside deck and there was a guest room there and behind me this was the kid's room probably a reading chair right here in this corner he had multiple kids I definitely have seen things for girls and boys while exploring here so they definitely had them both we could see a little bit into the master bedroom closet we have something here look at this funneled cigar box oh there's some change in here I could see it popping out already got a nickel here trying to open it it's like locked it's totally changing here though there we go yeah so we found what looks like we found like a dollar it's funny let's put that back [Applause] I was gonna say so you could see some of uh the parents closed here I only see women you got this kind of business you know not really business actually but kind of looked like a pea coat I got some more clothes over there but I do see some ties and other stuff here check that out I love all the Vintage clothes here all the Fabrics a shoe actually fell beneath the closet I could see right into the living room so I'm not going to be stepping any closer to that foreign really cool house [Applause] okay I'm alive so I noticed late that right above this fireplace is the children's room and since the wall is decaying here we have some of the old child's toys coming down you can make out what's left of a slinky there on the right and a child's backpack just stuck in the wall and you know I'm a 90s kid so I'm familiar with most toys and I noticed this Echo singing microphone I remember commercials for these let me know if anybody remembers these leave in the same way we came in side door here and I didn't notice until now this huge stack of newspapers and I think we'll be able to tell pretty quickly when this place was probably left behind and that says September 1st 2001. so yeah that makes a lot of sense this place does scream out 90s and you know before that in every way crazy how the last newspaper delivered is when Leia died long time ago now also have a trampoline there cooler a baby seat for eating at a kitchen table just a really cool vintage old home here let's go take a look in his backyard used to have a Shack out there completely collapsed you had their own fire pit and barbecue here homemade just out of bricks and cinder blocks that's all you really need to build a stove let's try not to fall through these stairs I want to take a look at that chill around we saw see it breaking away from the foundation here nice chill room here definitely could see myself spending many days and nights even just out here admiring everything except that Dam playing above us oh look at this keys left behind skeleton keys wow because of this purse this uh this purse is really cool looking look at that made out of straw right next to these other Keys here and this iron so cool I love finding skeleton keys wow these probably go to a couple closets or something inside the house that's really cool to find good thing I came out here all right everybody that's gonna do it for today's explore cool home side of the road finds are usually some of the coolest you could find out here exploring the Wasteland of America not knowing what's around every corner this one was pretty cool old home pre-2000s that's the era of homes I really love to find before the internet there was just something different around about the world you could see it in that house all the old furniture left behind the records Left Behind the kitchen the appliances everything was so vintage just very appealing to the eye and I can't forget the Wardrobe upstairs in the closet probably my favorite thing about the place just a shame that a lot of the stuff inside this home is destroyed but nevertheless I'm super glad and thankful I was able to get inside and explore and navigate safely you know before this place fell on itself basically thank you guys for watching thank you for joining if you did enjoy let me know by leaving a thumbs up leave a comment let me know what your favorite part is and hopefully I'll see you in the next one stay curious and peace out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 43,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: Mnq2eY4W5pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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