Abandoned Collapsing 1970's Mansion - Multiple Classic Cars left

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome to today's video today we're on site and another abandoned location this time you can see behind me sweating an awesome abandoned house it was built sometime in the 1800s and honestly that's the last known history or half of it as you can see it's really old behind me wooden really falling apart we're gonna take a look inside we're not gonna be pushing our luck too much because as you're gonna see it kind of collapsed but what I'm really surprised about so far is the amount of stuff left outside so we have one car here remnants of a water tower you have a red car in front of the house and just when you thought two cars was a lot you have two more so like I said this place is cool a lot of stuff here hidden in the woods just rusting away might be a short video but if you guys enjoy give it a thumbs up now I'm not a car guy so I'm not really sure what kind of cars these are I want to maybe say Chrysler coz that logo don't kill me if I'm wrong these are pretty cool a nice baby blue interior and for a moment probably people did kill me because it's a Chevy not a Chrysler but at least it's american-made and I was right about that that's a no-brainer this one got the nice red interior looks like there used to be a shut over here and a collapse this is cool old can of Maxwell Cup Maxwell House coffee just a bunch of other things the same time period don't want to step on a nail though so I'm not going to jump in that over here buried by Mother Nature have some sort of agriculture device probably what was used to mow this giant property when one time long ago now I'm gonna be heading up to the main house I wonder if this is a Chevy also white interior is never a good move oh here we go a lot of spider webs in here but Center on side panel says it's still not sure I really what brand but a lot of people on the Internet are smarter than I am when it comes to cars Wow maybe the place isn't too old because that agricultural device that would cut the grass isn't as new as these so these are probably the last things that were used and probably would give us a good indication when this place was abandoned based on when these things came out look at this the seats ripping it's almost like this Moss underneath it just growing like it was already in there is what I should say before we try to go in the door I just saw gonna walk around the remainder of the property and get a feel of it okay so I had two porches this house was a cool typewriter right there I have a little round balcony going that way or porch not balcony it's a nice chair you know a house is old when stone steps start the king got a cool iron here oh wow so if we fall in here we're going right to the basement which is a probably a six foot drop step on those support beams and they should hold me here's a view of the kitchen because of how much the ceiling is dipping down gonna refrain from going in here but certainly it looks like there's a bunch of cool stuff and they definitely didn't do the dishes before they left anyway behind us washing room still gotta watch out for holes old TV a peek over here this part of the house completely collapsed oh it's a pool table there I don't even recognize it that's sad that this thing got destroyed like a half spiral staircase is where the house is dipping down entirely and I really shouldn't be spending too much time here but seems like the best room okay leaving the living room and we have another staircase this must have been the master one really nice woodwork here at the bottom of the steps just have a bunch of old magazines tossed around so I'm gonna grab one and this one's from 1973 so there we go that's our date I've got a lot of Good Housekeeping magazine another really old piece of furniture with hay on the inside that's how you know okay this side is really really dusty and destroyed not gonna step in this room because I could just smell the dust but pretty cool that little lantern hanging from the ceiling might be the coolest little thing at least I think is about this house that really tells how outdated it is in the history of it gonna try them going up these stairs Chris said that they're okay not the best stairs ever but honestly I'm nervous standing right here which one's coming by sorry for the noise okay so the room in front of me is where the house is dipping down on the outside you could tell which looks like a bunch of cloth and garbage in there anyway okay about a wrap it up here saw a lot of what I wanted to see is a view of the room that the pool table was in must have been the game room would have been cool if he could have made it up there but the stairs and everything just I just couldn't can't can't fall got to trust your gut sometimes so basically where we stand gun slick oh wow this is a gun cleaning kit this is empty it's empty pretty cool though anyway guys thank you for watching this place is certainly cool definitely gives off a really historical old vintage vibe apologies for not being able to explore the whole house but sometimes you just got to trust your gut trust my gut and know when things may be a little bit too sketchy then you wanted to certainly risk was higher than the reward for here but we certainly saw a lot if you guys enjoyed leave a thumbs up and I'll see you guys in the next video peace out [Music] perfume bottle on this porch I'm gonna smell it actually really good it's actually really like a lugg luxurious it smells like just a luxurious woman someone who has a lot of money it actually smells really good though I'm not gonna lie on no idea when this is from it certainly looks old but not bad
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 451,821
Rating: 4.8948064 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell, abandoned, creepy, vintage, renovation, old mansion, historical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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