Inside the #luxurious #ngong 2Bed #cottage #housetour #lifestyle #mansion #realestate #dreamhouse

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[Music] in each andever we set targets big small long-term and even shortterm the journey is usually not the smoothest and that is why we take time off our passs and go somewhere to just take stock and unwind welcome to all [Music] [Music] Tower in the bana community satawa means giraffe which is synonymous with the many giraffes that Ro over this beautiful land especially during the dry season as they look for pasture in the Masai Community also Tower means a place of Peace an attribute that has been passionately woven to the fabric of this space join us on this retreat at the comfort of your home [Music] [Music] welcome to Ulsa Tower located in Kuka a few minutes from gong Kiko and behind me is Kima town and you can actually see the road that connects suswa to V from here and we can also see the views of gong Hills and I would actually like to hear from our audience how many of The Gong Hills Have you climbed actually didn't know that there are so many of them I thought uh there are like two or three but I just found out that there are so many spread out across yeah and on this side we have some turbines over that hill and over here we have the beautiful Cottage sitting at the hillside of one of the gong Hills and specs of this place it is a cotage that sleeps four people and you're going to see how the space is spread out inside and above we have a living Lounge that is all glass wall so that you can enjoy the beautiful views of these ples and actually let's head over to this side where we are is the parking area that can do how many cars Willis I think maybe three I think it's big three yeah you can do four cars yeah and you can do maybe others over here and over here you have extra carport and uh yeah in fact this one is covered so in case you need some shade for your car and this place gets a bit a little bit hotter yeah and it would be quite hot this is you know other side of where we don't have the the uh winds the winds are not so strong because of the hillside being on the hillside yeah over here we have a fire pit that you're hoping to make use of tonight tonight we say we must come here and have a good time chill over with the speaker and so on and uh from here again we can see this window that opens to the living Lounge that we're going to see later on and then you have this staircase that you're going to take into the cabin and one of the things that you notice as you're taking the stairs is the stones that they have used all these Stones were collected from the hillside of this property yeah in fact actually most things on the property are reposed yes including this wooden uh stairs yeah and do you notice the lighting fixtures that they have they all solar powered yeah that is one of the beautiful things about this property that it is off grid totally off grid M and I thought uh how wonderful because we're encouraging people to make use of the sun especially where it is this hot yes so in case you get here and you're so tired from cribbing the stairs you can just take a rest over here take before you walk in yeah before you walk but let's uh walk into this um by this tented door into this beautiful space we about to have lunch that is why the table has been set for us and it's quite an expansive living Lounge you have this space heater just for those cold nights then uh how many people do you think you can have here day oh you can have quite a lot of people around AG 10 a lot of people 10 people but they limit the number of people we using the rooms on it for yeah but that's for now though because they are adding they adding extra cabins in in fact they have uh they had to hold on to the uh with the construction so that we first film but once you off this place they're going to continue and if you book in 2 3 months time there'll be space for more people yeah yes and uh over here is the glass was that I was talking about that make it very easy for you to enjoy this beautiful view and especially at night really yesterday we had a very good time sitting over here and we couldn't even do anything else we're just like we have to soak in the views yeah it is so big beautiful it is beautiful first of all getting views of all these places you know I know you know it's almost like a you almost get uh 360 yeah yeah probably a 270 270 or yeah yes I mean it's crazy then you have the hills on that side you have a there's a station that we saw over there that we couldn't tell for sure whether it is the train station yeah oh the one for Su the one for Su maybe someone can confirm to us and uh you can see how Kim is just an upcoming settlement you don't have many people living here but over here as the owner was telling us most of the guys who have bought the land By the Hillside are developing it into Cottages so you're going to see a lot of beautiful things coming across this area and also like the way they have decorated this space with Planters and uh you know just to spice it up and they even carried the Planters outside but I was just wondering how they water that space I can tell they it's not like the have a door so I'm sure it's but you can you can walk around you know from from that space all the way you can walk around the white thingy unless you're Spider-Man and moving on to this other side we had talked about the sitting area you have a uh what what you call baby coat yeah yes so in case you have a little baby with you you can stay and I thought this was very thoughtful of them yeah this place is actually very family friendly yeah I and you'll see in one of the rooms they have even a they really have thought it through about kids yeah and uh I wanted to come to this side so that maybe can help me there's something I missed on this side uh they have a projector yeah just in case you want to watch movies over here though I really doubt when you come to this place you want to watch a movie with the kind of view that you have over here I even tried to watch something on my laptop yester night when we were here and I just Co in like you exactly your concentration is taken off because you want to enjoy the vi especially with the way the pool lights up at night yes just beautifies this place they're like wow where is this place yeah it's really beautiful and for those who are wondering this place they charge 20,000 on weekends per night and 15,000 on weekdays that is from Monday to Thursday yeah and you can always book through us all you have to do is call Mon he's going to tell you how you can book and come down over here for people who know who m is m is Ray Ray so call Ray call R yeah as we always say at the end of our videos and that is only for self-catering yeah so in case you want a chef included in the deal it is a it's another Arrangement that will be done at an extra cost that you will agree upon yeah okay let's continue to this other side because there's more space to see here and uh I really like how they have used this uh tent together feeling but you still have grass you have these swing chairs that you can make good use of in fact we are sitting here in the morning discussing how we going to do this shoot and uh yeah oh my goodness it it's quite an amazing space to be at you know can you guys continue the show and we just leave you here yeah yeah I don't think our viewers will even watch missing Mark in this you know guys I'm really happy having a good time come on guys you Kenya is beautiful it is it is quite indeed you know beyond just uh touring houses it's also really nice when you see people doing such amazing stuff the owners of this space had only done this space for themselves for their own family but then they realized that people are asking can you come and and use the space when you're not there and that's how it ended up becoming a their friends are like we we're going to pay something just let us and it's a good concept I really like what they have done with the space it's a 5 acre plot of land and as will was saying earlier they building extra cabin so you can imagine how this space will look like in a year's time it to look very gorgeous and and really is I forgot something there's something you telling us about this game are you going to show us later how it is played oh yes I'm going to show you guys but you guys don't even drink what is it called I don't know the name of it yeah but uh what there's essentially that part and that other part you've left there let me let me show you that cboard this one yes so what happens is the tot glass starts at the center of of this board yeah and then both of us the players will try at the same time to get this uh these Rings inside that that hook yeah so the more I the more I get it the more it the drink slides to your side okay yeah so if it gets to the end of it and then I add another one it hooks so you have to take the short okay yeah I'm going to try I don't I don't think I understood understand someone can tell us in the comments the name of this game the name of this come on guys I know you guys are bougie not and with that we're done with this space now we want to go to this other space so that we can see more of this space see what has to offer yeah yes and uh on this side you have another door and a staircase that uh leads you to a washroom that you can use when you're up here yes so you don't have to go all the way around the house and we have a kitchen that was actually done as an after thought this one came after because they have a selfcatering kitchen within the house but they did this in case you have a chef taking care of you then you don't have to do your meals inside or you need a bigger space for your cooking then you can use this space and above it is their water tower and they also have the solar that power this house yeah on that water tower yeah MH and then on this side you have the fence so keeping you safe from the gong Forest because uh but they told us the only thing you have in gong Forest is dick dick yeah dick dick giraffes yeah so Harless Harless animals really that is why toi was saying man you can just give the dick dick to the forest and give me that road but B he didn't get it it was it was renamed to Dick Dick road yeah yes okay and uh moving on to this other side one thing I like about this space you see even some of these plants yeah they they are really try to make uh this is Rosemary for those who don't know so in case you need Rosemary for your tea or for your cooking you have plenty of it over here and I like that that they have these hubs for you so making it cheaper for you in terms of instead of you having to carry Rosemary all the way from CF yeah speaking of tea there's that tea the chef made for usest good that even mon doesn't milk and he was like I'm going to take this one so on this side you have a COI and the Beautiful infinity pool that you're going to talk about later on and on this other side you have a barbecuing space uh own W was asking whether we going to doy and I told him that we'll do that at night yes definitely so I don't knowy or fire man I have to be here by the pool okay as it's happening and moving on to this other side we have the spa area and in case you heard the sound of water and you're wondering where they get their water from here there are people who have settled on that other side which is actually Kiko yeah yes the other side of the hill is Kiko Kiko yeah so they get uh those people have done B holes and that is where they get their water from so welcome to this beautiful spa and my goodness this space is really beautiful in fact you can repurpose this space as you're going to see where is com with me as you some of you might know I do run a spa business in kasarani so I respect these spaces yeah this is a Holy Ground and it's so peaceful it's so quiet it's actually Serene yeah it is yeah yeah and these seats are very comfy and we are sitting on them yesterday and saying when we grow old yeah these are the kind of seats these are the kind of seats you're going to have yeah and uh this is a facial machine for those of you who have never been to a spa I almost thought this is a dentist thing because of the lighting so use this to steam your face yeah and when they're steaming your face they might need the light to see you know those tiny pimples that needs to be yeah yeah okay now I need a SP because I need to know come over come over to glamour so that you can see how it happens yeah yeah and our grammar clients if you want a quieter space I found one for you over here you can come here so they normally have them if you want use the spa you have to make an arrangement with them a PRI Arrangement so that they can organize with the muscles because they're not stationed here they have to make that uh prior arrangement yes so that they can come all the way yeah yeah so so that they can come all the way and it can serve to people and you can actually open those cutting so that you enjoy the views as you enjoy your your massage and then when you're done there's a bathroom over here you come take your shower and after your shower you in case you know you need to use the water closet there's space for that I really like the roofing that they have used it really makes it a a proper cage yes and com it also I think it it it adds on to the uh to the what do you sound proofing sound proofing of the space because it's so quiet on inside there you don't you don't even hear anything from the outdoors unless you open the doors yeah then on this side you have your jacuzzi so I'm hoping to you know you are hoping yeah I must you must get inside you have to choose either it's going to swim or you're going to use this I can do both you can do both yeah yeah so I can only imagine resting over here and then with a drink there you know I've actually seen pictures of people of couples in this Cas in this in this yeah yeah this Tu this must be perfect I can only imagine yeah I can only imagine really nice you have the the heels on this side yes the only thing you hear is this the sound of the buds it's it's it's quiet and it's rain there's one thing you are saying the only thing that misses on this place is an outdoor shower that's the only thing that actually when I came I was looking for it I couldn't believe that there was no out of shower I expected it to have an out of shower and uh I've just been told right now as we doing the show so in case uh you know some people don't like being open people are no no what if there a spy a drone yeah so you can cover this space which means you can also use use it even when it is raining so this one can go all the way it can cover the whole area fully so in case or it can be so hot like today it's hot yeah today so if you want to limit the amount of natural lighting remember like the Spa we saw in some I won't me the place but ARA oh yes yes yes yes it was a nice one if you actually cover it it's going to look like that that part yeah definitely but this is really beautiful I have to give it to the developer you have done an amazing job with this place I love how you have curated it and uh we have this St before we go inside really I just figured out something you know someone told me I should stop with my fantasies on the show no guys I have to fantasize a b bit so you know when you come here with a person you can be just chilling in the tub and you're just here you know having conversations with them yeah talking about uh Life Is Good Life is Beautiful don't you think so yeah life is beautiful life is amazing yeah so then this door opens to a bathroom space where the beauty of this space is that in case you have uh you're with your person having a massage or you're just friends having a massage I know ladies like traveling in groups so they might come here for a spar treatment day and uh one can use the other bathroom and the other one use this bathroom yeah yes so for those guys who don't know this is a towel warmer so you don't you don't know when when you after you have enjoyed your massage you don't want a cold towel on you you want a warm face towel so warm it with this one then this is for waxing so this is how you hit your wax yeah yeah and the wax is over I so there's a there's a tin over there that has your wax so you hit it and uh you apply on the areas that you want to at this point you'll have to demonstrate I might have to you guys can come to gramar I'll show you how it it is yeah and with that we done with this very beautiful space now we can proceed back to this other side so that we see the pool area from the spa let's proceed to this other side so that we can talk about this infinity pool that uh we said we going to talk about and you can see even the sides of the infinity pool they have used uh the stones corrected from this property to clad it and uh we was telling me earlier on that uh every pool should look like this Yes Man like if you have an infinity pool it better have views yeah you can't have an infinity pool without views is not yeah like what's the purpose of an Infinity if it's not the views yeah yeah so and and one of the things about this pool is just next to the barbecue area and the bar where you can chill with your friends so in case you want some shade you can chill over there then if you just want to Sun bath you can come here enjoy the views and uh the only thing we're missing is more people to enjoy to help us enjoy enjoy this yeah like I was here I was like we should have really come with some more people yeah with but maybe when they put up the other cabins we can come back with others yes yes that would make sense at least you have they would have the capacity to hold more people so it will be more fun I know you can't wait to get in ah you have just read my mind how how warm or cold is it it's actually very warm it's very warm yeah you know I want to swim at night because of the way it lights up it lights up oh it's like I feel like a there's that fish that lights up oh yes so like I feel like that and how amazing that can have such an space existing for those wondering the pool is currently not heated they are actually working on that system and I'm sure you we captured it on the Drone yeah yeah they they're working on it but the system is not up to standard yet yeah H once it's ready maybe in a month or two by the time you visit you'll find a heated pool yeah so which means like in a month's time because they already have the panels already have the the system uh done it's just a bit of a few adjust yes yeah yeah yeah so and that means you can even swim at night but during the day this place is hot believe me you you will need the pool to be cold and next to the pool you have an area purposed for uh mini golfing yeah uh that what do you call that game the gate gate ball gate ball that we played earlier on who won the game by the way was missing everything it was missing on purpose he said he said is said there's no good in playing with balls yeah so when was just there missing on purpose then there was a there was another game the one the thr game what oh yeah I don't I don't know the name of a French game yeah yeah yeah I can't remember the name but it starts with a P so someone should oh I don't know noting someone tell us in the comments yeah I'm sure you can see what you're doing and so we don't know what we doing just we know it's a fun game to play so yeah again that one then you have more games over where we started the show we have the archery then we have table tennis and uh there's uh what what is badminton football yeah but I I don't think we'll get through all those games but we are going to try I know we are going to play B Oris we we try to get as much as possible yeah by the time you we also have to swim we still have up to tomorrow you know oh yeah we still have up to tomorrow and with that you're done with this space now let's go to this side because I'm sure most of you are waiting to see how the cabin looks inside and uh one thing I give with this space is the Landscaping that they have done they have really done a good job with the Planters because as you some of you might know gong is quite a dry area it has it is the rainy season that's why you might think it's normally green but that's not how it looks all the time then I like how they have all these small fire spaces everywhere because these are space that you can utilize for chilling at night or in the morning so if it's too cold you can just have a fire over there and uh enjoy the space quite um I mean and one thing when you mentioned about uh the the the other place being dry is that now the giraffes come uphill okay yeah so now they are close to you you can see them just walking around and you can interact with exactly it's a beautiful place here when it's dry yeah when it's rainy they don't the giraffes go to all the way to S ples because they don't they have enough food over there but when it dries up they come over here they come to the hills yeah they come to the hills yeah yeah and uh this door opens to your living space and you have a sitting space over there that we chilling in the morning having some discussion then this is the couch that has very beautiful views of Koka and the PLS yeah when I woke up I was just actually slept here this is where really slept so and he had a very good time over here and he woke up he was like just woke up to those views you actually SLE to the curtains open yeah with the curtains open because like I knew when I wake up in the morning this is the view that you see ah my goodness that's that's amazing it was intentional yeah yeah don't you also like the T the table they have oh yes it's basically a drum yeah it's a drum yeah it's actually a drum you can make music in here yeah sure sure [Music] so there you go it's it's not heated well so it has to be heated the surface for it to sound you know to be pitched and the space inside is it's interesting it's quite cool during the day but at night it was warm yeah yeah so I think it maybe have something to do with the materials they have used and uh yeah you'll actually enjoy this space over here they have a an outdoor speaker that you can use I'm hoping we going to use that at fire and uh they even for those of you who might who like to make content they even give you a a triple a trip make it easy for you so you can come here alone and still make good content then you have a TV here in case about that life and guess what is playing on the show of our marj tour if you haven't watched this tour go and watch it was a lovely space to see this SP you need to see it then you have your table console and uh the space really smells nice with all the the diffusers the diffusers and you have your fire extinguisher and the kitchen space on this side so in case you don't need a chef and you want to do the cooking for yourself you can use this space it has everything from a fridge to burners to a sink everything that you need in a kitchen coming over to this side I like these stones that they the white stones and can you remember the story about these Stones yes apparently these Stones they come all the way from ISO is samburu yes samburu for those of you who have done that trip to samburu yes and sced ATO these stones are corrected on yeah there this is amazing it's actually magical to think that someone would be at third place and be like yeah I need to carry these stes need to carry these stones from my house so beautiful and they they really made sort of spiced up that space yes then over this side they have one of the bed spaces this yeah so you can close it off if you want to or you can with the curtain or open it up and you can see how you can actually see how this space was just meant for the family yeah yeah and then they of course with their friends coming and seeing the space they're like are you guys can be enjoying this or yourself so it was made in a very easy way it's just a bed SE and a living space over there but then of course guys you know and I can I mean I would love to like I know I'm coming back to this space definitely CL it's about 1 hour from Nairobi town and it's um I mean it's it's not uh expensive yeah it's so expensive it's very manageable to your pocket yeah so I mean definitely I'll be coming back here this is but now with the people that we saying like you know come with your people come with the right people so we are the wrong people so you have your bed very comfortable bed this is one slept and uh you have a very nice uh wall treatment behind there looks amazing with the headboard and even that Shing the painting as well a window overlooking your the hillside I also like the bedside tables and especially that they are floating and uh uh holding on to the as part of the treatment of the water and on this other side you have a really nicely regulated um what you like a a working desk a working desk Clos as well and that could be aning only one person who Canon on a holiday that is mon yeah yeah at this point you have to call him Iron Man I that's a good one then welcome to your washroom area and Willis mentioned something earlier on about uh this place being kids friendly yeah and you see why they have a water cruiser for kids as well and on this other side you have your vanity which is a tree trunk repurposed nicely and even the sink looks amazing then you have your grass shower incrossed area and moving on to this other side they have an an incrossed bed space so you have this beautiful mirror spicing up the walls and uh you have your vanity area then your washroom area with a shower and water closet and your beautiful bed with a W treatment this really stood out for me I was so amazed by this because they look like tasks yeah yeah but uh they actually hold the lightings and the wire fixtures the electrical fixtures that light up this this looks really beautiful yeah it is nice especially at night yeah that is I was like man I came the wrong I saw I saw you taking videos here before you sleep so I was to my person I saying yeah we need to then you have H this door that opens to the barbecue area and the simming pool so you don't have to actually come uh inside you don't have to go through the main door if you want to come to this space and you have a beautiful bench over here where you can sit and relax yeah and this side you have I don't know what this tree is called in English someone can tell us but where I come from we call it moo so someone tell us in the comments what it is called um wow this is a beautiful space for those of you who want to you know we mean most of the times we tour houses but uh in case you have just bought a house and you're really stressed out with that mortgage you can come over here and uh unwind yeah yeah I mean the city quite has a lot of hustle you know exactly times it's nice to unplug exactly and actually most you don't just have to be stressed to come here yeah it should be part of your routine once in a while you go somewhere unplug have a good time enjoy yourself actually if you do that you there'll be more productivity in you when you when you go back to work exactly yeah so it it it makes sense for you to be doing this oftenly maybe once a month or even or even you know once once in two months yeah yeah yeah that's a very good thing and I'm happy that you got the opportunity to see this space and to it and even show our viewers what you can do with uh spaces yeah because there's a lot you can do with these spaces I know some of you have uh very unique uh lands yeah lands that sit on hillsides lands that sit uh on look out to the ocean and uh even rivers rivers so this is just to show you that uh there are many ways you can build yeah like not just the normal houses that you have in Nairobi or in your shags you can come up with something different something amazing something that will interest you and even interest other people because I'm very sure if these guys had just put a normal house their friends wouldn't have said oh let's come and stay there yeah so no one would have said anything everybody okay we saw the house yeah it's a nice one it's a nice one but in this case they're like oh we want to go there yeah so thank you guys for watching this episode in case you been interested to visit you can talk to Reay he's going to tell you how you can come down to Osa Tower and uh it would be nice if you book through us so that you get that commission yeah those commissions help us to keep going and to make content more content for you yeah yeah any last words pleas or what what would you say about this place magnificent magnic yes you you have actually been going crazy about this small living yeah yeah um um you even said that you would actually have this as your house yeah I would I would I would definitely live in this comfortably yeah given the chance yeah but I'm I'm quite of tiny house person so yeah I might like the big house but uh um mostly home is where tiny homes are yeah they just the way they feel homely the cottage Cottage really make are warm yeah yeah and they you know the big houses sometimes look like hotels it's funny we saying that because this should be the hotel one but it doesn't feel like the hotel it feels like a home yeah it just speaks to the beauty of the space yeah and with that we come to the end of this beautiful show we have more things to enjoy so let's figure out which games we are going to play and uh probably before that go for lunch cuz it's lunch time and the chef has made made uh really amazing meals for us so with that have a good time and see you on the next episode bye-bye bye [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the biggest [Laughter] Miss fly talented that's a very talented [Laughter] [Music] Miss hey [Laughter] why to out out n
Channel: Mansa Plus
Views: 83,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olsotowa, Tours, destination, tourism, Ngong, beautiful places to visit, Nairobi getaway, mansa plus, house tour, house tours, Ngong getaways, best places to visit in Africa, luxury, lifestyle, lifestyle living, luxury living, pools with a view, infinity pool, suswa, kimuka, kibiko, best destinations in Africa, Nairobi real estate, real estate, mansion, maisonette
Id: cav-B-Dr_R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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