Exploring a Millionaires ABANDONED 1980’s Party Mansion | FROZEN IN TIME

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what is up you guys Ethan again back at another epic adventure and today we're checking out this this was an artist's House was built in the mid-60s it was renovated in the 80s it's incredible in there and today we're going to be checking it out um you guys are really going to like this one you're going to want to stay and watch the whole thing because this entire place is amazing so I will uh keep this short and sweet and I'll see you guys inside I'm only showing you the outside the front because this is going to be demolished by the time you see it the fence is all up so we have these pillars like look at this like a big lion statue that's so cool and then this big driveway there a double entrance it like loops around and it goes over there there's the house three car garage there's excavator I don't think that's the one that's going to take the house down I don't think this is big enough but it's definitely a start there's the other entrance to the driveway comes up over here yeah looks like they're just clearing out trees and stuff get ready to tear this down down see the power meter there is gone yeah they're just clearing out trees and all that stuff um I don't think the garage connects to the house so maybe if we can get in there I'll go show you that quickly right now um you have this little like bridge that crosses over this little like it would be like a pond when it wasn't Frozen in winter but there's the front of the house I don't know is the garage open yeah it is okay it is not attached to the house so I will show you this so more wood it looks like for the fencing and then more demo extra like fencing there's a plant yeah huge interesting where does that go oh just the back yeah today what I have for you is a house that we have seen in the past but that's okay because it gives it a chance for people who haven't seen it to see it and those who have seen it for a refresh and to see what's different this house is going to be demolished this week the fence is up there's an excavator in the driveway which is I normally wouldn't show you the exterior of this house um but we're going to be showing you the exterior today solely because when you see this this house is going to be it's going to be gone um so this house was built in 1965 originally um it was originally built for a an artist and that will be very apparent uh as we get into this video you will see why um and uh he since moved to Italy and someone else has since bought it and lived here for a period of time and they have chosen to now demolish this to rebuild a new mansion which is such a shame because this is such a big like custom unique house it's such a shame to see it go but it is what it is unfortunately um there are some like mid-century modernish kind of design here uh aspects of this house that I think you guys are really going to like um it's huge I think it's like 6 or 6,500 Square ft or something it's a massive house um but I thought I'd give one last little tour of this place for you guys and um yeah so we're going to try and just keep this at a minimum intro and um is there anything else I need to say I don't think so excuse me jeez all right let's get into the video okay guys I'm going to start this video off in the basement because we've uh we got big banks with us today and he is upstairs so um let's start over here I think and we'll work our way back so there's a staircase which we'll get to here's a I presume probably a bedroom I was in this house somewhat recently but I I do so many places it's like I I forget details and such so if I act like surprised even though know you guys know I've already seen it it's because like I genuinely like have too much to remember I see so many places and you see some things and you remind yourself oh yeah that was in that house you know so anyways this is a very like 1980s bathroom well actually I meant to mention in the intro this house it was built in 1965 but it had a pretty well full extensive renovation in 1989 so these are very 80s tubs tiles sinks countertops and toilet and such um so it makes sense but there's your first little bathroom probably like a spare bedroom with a little closet yeah we'll get to that here's a another bedroom I like this wood this design here that's a very this is probably from the' 60s this is a very retro 1960s 70s I design this wood so that's pretty cool you've got a little closet here nothing crazy now the first time I did this house this hardwood floor used to be carpet same with that room and same with uh another main part of the house out there which we'll get to here you have your hallway of closets um I think this is probably yeah so your water tank and stuff look at the old new tone fan that's definitely from the cool wait was there anything around no okay closets empty closets these old wooden doors oh track lighting another closet this is probably just like a storage area another bathroom already we're already at two bathrooms I'm going to try and keep a count cuz I think there's going to be a lot of bathrooms in here this one looks more recent even than 1989 like this is a very [Music] modern uh sink and shower this looks past 15 years what up guys nice little bathroom I don't know why You' need it when you have one already down there for those bedrooms but ah yes I forgot about this this like little basement kitchen so you have well it's a combination of a kitchen and like a preparation kitchen and like a laundry area so there's your washer and dryer um you have a newer very modern actually countertop for the sink um that's some interesting wallpaper I don't know if that's it's showing up on camera oh it's textured too that's cool um but then you have this little separate like preparation kitchen so there's your GE uh built-in I love this stuff I love these old built-in ovens [Music] um that's so cool I know to a lot of you these were like normal and like you grew up with this type of stuff but to me this is some you know someone who like this is before my time I think it's cool um and then there's the old frigid a um dishwasher so that's pretty cool another uh dryer probably the old one for when they replaced it with that one there's your panel lots of panels and switches and all that fun stuff and there's your alarm panel as you can see it is off um yeah and then yeah so then you have a separate kitchen so this is super cool so you have oh oh it does close okay you have this Tile Design This retro striped like geometric tile design that is very like 1980s um your stove top but then you have these white and red uh cabinet doors and even a red sink um this even looks very 80s modernist almost if you will this the style of the tap here so that's pretty cool um yeah this is awesome this is a really really cool kitchen um the stripe so it starts there and it runs down runs all down the backsplash and then goes up there so I thought that was pretty sweet no uh then the red obviously on the top of the countertops just a super cool 8s kitchen I like it a lot um yeah that's awesome and then in here yes this was the sauna this is a big sauna so you have this lovely wood smells great in here here is a shower okay there's your shower and then this here you got like your timer all that stuff there and then this is obviously your your main sauna area there's your rocks and then your benches it's pretty big in here very spacious um I'm 6'4 and I can't stand straight in here so it's a low ceiling but uh first time I did this house this house had power still and I remember the light worked in here and everything it was it was really cool okay um I guess we'll go this way so double French doors into the main basement area before we get into that I want to do this back room um this is like a sun room style thing these windows remind me of something you would see at a Wendy's in the 80s or 90s I just love this stuff man this AR architecture it's just I don't know how to explain it it's just it's so cool to me floor's bubbled up there's been some type of water damage or something is this door unlocked or is it locked it's unlocked I kind of like to have it locked while we're in here more orless it's like a safety thing not that like if someone wanted in they wouldn't get in if they wanted to but it's I don't know makes me feel better um I'm wondering if this was an addition this room cuz look at the exterior brick and like there's windows so I'm thinking they added this and that was exterior so like that bedroom on the other side we did first was there and all this this was like doors or whatever but I think this was added on at some point in time now we'll be able to find out maybe is there a date on these windows um cuz often they're stamped with a date on the frame um and if it said like 1989 or something then I'd say yeah they probably added this sun room when they renovated the house let's see uh 91 is the date on this door so I mean I wouldn't be surprised if this was added then this is a uh design of that time and I could see the adding this I just can't see why you'd build a house with like exterior windows on the inside it just wouldn't make sense um but I could be wrong I don't know anyways enough of me yapping this is a very big sun room got two entrances so doors over there and doors over there and then you have the two sun room windows um nice wall sconces you have recess lighting or as we call it here pot lights in Canada that's often a term we use um we'll go in there later I don't want to skip this main part or do I want to do the main part last yeah let's do that we'll go around we'll do this part first and then when we go upstairs we will cover the main area so um don't know what this room is for there's double doors there and a door there you could honestly like you could probably use this area as like a workout area or like a gym area and there's no mirror or anything like most gyms have but uh I don't know I don't know what else you'd use this this space for it's just weird you know maybe in there you'd have like a pool table or something but I don't know what you'd put here another panel uh oh yeah this bathroom I forgot I remember this now this pink sink with this kind of like salmon colored granite countertop um these pretty 80s wood cabinets and then in here here you got a little bathroom just a pink toilet and I only showed you that because of the cool pink toilet other than that I wouldn't show you a dirty toilet so I apologize pink blinds that's cool cool Tile Design there's your shower and there is your hot tub I love this room this whole athetic of this room I think is so cool you know big windows you have a door here um yeah that's wicked look at the Jets man you get a good look at the pool it snowed last night um and that's why there's snow on the ground it's almost mid January and this was like our first like real like snowfall that actually stayed it'll be gone in the next two days it's supposed to heat up and get to like seven degrees and it's going to rain it'll be gone again anyways this is this is super cool I love this and then this can I open this where is it locked well it's not locked uh the lch is not in it at the top why isn't it opening oh because there's a nail in the bottom of it I going to show you the pool guess I could go over here should I do this separately or do it now there a nail on that one too why Ain it opening oh there is it what the heck weird anyways nice recck room here like I said probably put like a pool table here or something to that effect this would be an amazing room to play mini sticks like mini hockey um it'd be a little hard on the news cuz it's like wood but this would be a good time in here mini sck tournaments at the woo like oh it'd be so fun that was like my favorite thing to do is a kid was play mini hockey with my friends in the basement and just seeing this this is like the perfect venue for that um we have a little Den here little office that's a very 70s light fixture little Den here you have the built-in I guess you call it a library if you wanted to you go the built-in shelving unit there lovely French doors double French doors on each entrance um this area used to be carpeted with the first time I was here this whole area did they put this like gross cheap looking like laminate floor here's a bar nice wooden bar okay what's up guys look at all this wood man obviously the water's off yeah yeah still got the copper pipes I'm surprised that hasn't been like taken by Scrappers then again knowing the area this house is in I'm not surprised I guess it's not a lot of like degenerate people this way but that's why I kind of try to keep these places on the quiet because that's how degenerate people find them that's neat old door and then you have like a conversation pit sunken living room like this is so cool the stairs here yep yeah this area looked way better when it was carpeted I'm not going to like lie like and it also bothers me like why that one strip is white and the rest of it is just like brick wallpaper looking stuff that's incredibly weird lots of lighting like this is a huge space like you know you've got uh what's this over here this is the furnace cool nothing back behind here just like spare supplies and stuff um excuse me um yeah it's about it just your mechanical room and then um we'll shut that door look at that it like Blends in I totally can't tell that's a door this is really nice this fireplace this like Stone it's like the same uh Stone they used on the the exterior um I don't know this this the perspective from like here gives you just like a an idea of just how big this this space is I think it's incredible like look at that anyways always wanted to see a conversation pit and here we are look at this new wood already broken it's already falling apart like what's underneath the wood is that there's no way they covered that up look at that lovely Stone they covered up I don't get people man there built-in like shelf area and then that's like the main Landing here like a lot look at the wood like the the the the beautiful finishings like even up here this is just so nice I love when they just put detail into stuff you don't see that anymore you know um there's a motion sensor up there looks like an older one and then this area here so I think this was like a little water fountain I think and it ran down into here I I I believe that's what this probably was um but that's beautiful and it's a shame that that's going to probably be destroyed I think someone the owner perhaps or the last resident should have taken this because toen this is not a word taken taken is a word working on the vocabulary because I get I get uh critiqued for that a lot not that I care but anyways you know what I meant you know what I meant it's not that deep but uh this is a beautiful little area definitely something an artist would have in their house just something like this and then you have this like very artistic just beautiful architecturally pleasing staircase like look at that man just the curve on it these railings very minimalist and then there's the art it begins so I don't want to just you know show you the best part right off the bat so we're going to go this way first up these stairs and work our way over that way let's go this way first so you've got a bedroom bed was obviously right between those two lamps what's the design on the lamp that's cool that's a big chicken my gosh it's big as the child almost that's cool oh shoot what did I do how do I okay huh nice big bedroom that door is open and now it is locked is that a mirror oh it is there's your closet and then look at this oh man that's very ease only the blue toilet was still here yeah this is a pretty 80s washroom if I do say so myself these like weird shaped sinks these were big during that [Music] time that light fixture certainly was tiling the blue tubs and toilets and all that stuff right this is a nice bathroom it certainly was 35 years ago but that's a great first bedroom and another door there look at this someone was standing there oh to get the pot lights down someone took all the lighting the glass is so cool here's the kitchen very nice kitchen what are those oh these L on gotcha microwave combination we got the Thermador built-in oven and microwave combo so I'm assuming I just yep it's actually pretty clean wow cool those are glass double-sided glass you've got your stove top here cutting board I'd like this so like on the corners so you don't hit your head on the corner of the that would hurt that's a really smart idea double cutting board look at that a random vent in the middle of the floor that's weird to me and then these cool little cute tiles huge sink that is massive like a another Wendy's sun [Music] room yeah the center Island's huge it's that kind of cord oh Rogers that with the rest of them I guess so much cabinet space man nice big fridge to match the cabinets that was a luxury thing back then if you had a fridge that matched your your cabinets that was a ritzy thing now look at this I don't know how well this is going to show on camera but the floor so I'm going to hold it straight on the floor look at the dip it's caving in the sun room's caving in maybe it would be better if I stood on the side here like look at that dip in fact the window is literally see how it's even here level here the window is sinking down up guys yeah like look at it sinking the windows wow that's incredible wow these blinds are a mess terracotta roof tiles that's cool but uh yeah um can we go here yep we can get to the dining room okay so we're going to tease you with that we're going to come back here's your formal dining room chandelier is gone I think that was here last time I was here but you have these gorgeous wall sconces everywhere okay so I just answered my own question I think remember how earlier downstairs I thought that little sun room area which would be below this was an addition here's why I know it was if you look here so this would have been a door or a window um if you look here there used to be curtains that ran all along which means this would have been a door or a window you wouldn't put curtains over an archway into the entrance of a sun room you just wouldn't it wouldn't look right it it just wouldn't make sense so I'm pretty sure I just answered my own question because that is definitely old [Music] curtain uh Rod so yeah I think this this was added on and in fact when we go in there we're going to check the date on those windows I'm just very curious now is all prob we had a nice china cabinet just pushed back in there I would well actually maybe not because it would block the um these beautiful wall sconces that's not so beautiful that water damage um and I bet you the chandelier in here was quite nice I don't remember it but I know it was there when I was first in here nice French doors that just goopes out to where we were um I guess we'll go here first long narrow skinny hallway way scotting is very nice here's a bedroom with a closet nothing crazy what's up guys what is with all the oh attic that's why there's bugs everywhere falling because someone was up in the attic decent bedroom can we like move that I'm not going to touch it but like gross man it just makes the shot look gross when it's just like a random Kleenex sitting I didn't touch it it was all it was all sleeve um yeah another 80s bathroom mirrors and cool tile ceramic tile the brass fixtures um yeah it's hey the molding is nice crown molding looks like real stuff too it doesn't look like that cheap crap you get it like Canadian Tire you just like stick on I hate that stuff so much I like lights yeah they are huh there's a little closet and another bedroom with a big closet there this is a huge bedroom what the heck this massive come on open not much EXC lighting going on in there interesting wallpaper it's like checkered I don't know if I'd want this in my room it's kind of I don't know not my vibe but big freaking room wow like two big Windows huge bedroom so that's a shared one mushroom between the two rooms obviously you guys seen that don't need to restate that here's another closet pretty big closet oh there's crown molding out here too it's probably everywhere W sconces they look so weird if the light bulbs in them like look at that one and look at that one Wayne scotting hardwood very nice and then here is your formal big foyer um I'm gonna move his tripod to in here so we don't run into it put it somewhere we already were look at this so John Angel was the artist that's beautiful like look at this this used to light up I remember when we were first in here the power was still on and the uh this is all lights in here that is so cool another painting here I don't know where these are based like this picture looks like it would be in like actually I know this is France because that's in French the sign that's cool it looks like an old like church or something those are really cool that one I mean they're probably all Europe based there's uh looks like the ocean like waves hitting the Rocks that's pretty cool wow so unique so cool what is this oh the old security system wow another bathroom this is unusual to see a bathroom with a jacuzzi tub right at the front door but cool TI cool another one of those weird shaped sinks there's the front [Music] door oh look at this is that rocks what the heck is that they're like stones that's so cool closet wow look at that amazing um do we go I'll go in here first here's a uh probably an office or a den took all the pot lights out the wood in here smells nice nice floors yeah this is this would have been a nice home in its day I love this old wood that's definitely from the original part of the ' 60s part of the house this old wood that's really cool wonder what that means I've seen a few of those where they like just put a hole in the wall and then marked it yeah same way in here pot lights are all removed what a mess it definitely wasn't like that last time I was in here wow this is definitely the master here's your closet your double sink brass fixtures got like a black marble or [Music] ceramic it's huge in here even the pot lights have the brass coloring on it wow toilet and a bedet a massive shower I love this oh it's textured that's awesome what a nice place like just [Music] incredible this is just going to be torn down how could you leave this man even crown molding in the bathroom like yeah it's definitely the master this is massive is that another closet was it yeah it is these are so nice so different look how new these lights are September 2020 like brand new and then this I don't even know what this room would have been because the dining room is over there so this could have just been like a family room I guess so huge yeah there's another one of those marks in the wall weird I don't know what that was for and uh another big room probably like a office or something no that would have been at the front I don't even know there's so many rooms and they're all like huge rooms I have no idea big porch area and then finish off with this sun room here this is incredible fireplace there and gas fireplace but like look at this oh man unreal this is a very like mid-century modern design jeez is there a date on these r no to give us an idea um no there oh yeah there is 98 so I don't even know um I did say I would show you the outside I think we'll go through the basement so I think that's it these lights are cool what is this oh never mind so many different style of Lights yeah is that not amazing like wow I think that's it um so I guess I'll go back downstairs and uh I'll show you the backyard excuse the sniffling guys it's very cold today okay oh yeah I locked it not much warmer outside there's your swimming pool what is that actually before we go this way that's cool like the heart on it cool door sinks got like a little sitting area here with like an outdoor like Grill fireplace thing don't want to go too far over there cuz the neighbor's house is just right there but yeah this place is freaking massive gosh oh I should have wore gloves today should have wore gloves I did not come prepared the heck was that diving board wow this is so cool too I love this this like just got to stand back here so you get the whole thing in the shot this like conrete Spiral Staircase so freaking cool hot tuob room in there I see those sheds are empty I'm not going to bother don't know what that was for but that is amazing is there a way probably not I want to get like a like a good angle I think I might have to go all the way up here yeah there we go look at that wow so anyways guys that's it I think oh that's what wanted to show you we got to go around um I wanted to show you the sinking sun room by the kitchen you can actually see it's dipping down right there isn't that crazy so looks like they've added this this wood as support but it's not hanging on much longer so that's it you seen the whole place I'm going to do my intro not fac or sorry outro rather not facing me so I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did comment like subscribe and I hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I did because this place is uh absolutely insane and it's literally going to be demolished this week the excavator is in the front driveway and this is going to be gone such a shame it's such a unique artistic just incredibly like architecturally pleasing house has to go and it doesn't make sense because everything else like surrounding it like that house there that house there like the ones down there like they're all this like' 60s mid-century modern style like you can see that house house there flat roof like that's a mid-century modern style house that is a mid-century modern style house the two down from it it's going to just completely ruin the entire like style and character of the neighborhood and um I I wish there was a way that like we could put a stop to it but you just you can't really I step there I wasn't going to go over here but you know what we're already here and I know there's probably going to be some people who are curious like I am and just want to see what is in here so I'm going to show you that door is done okay yeah it's literally an empty shed I thought it was I thought I could see it from a distance that it was just empty oh there's an animal in the wall you guys hear that scared me oh he's in the wall okay we'll leave you alone we will leave you alone beautiful forested yard I don't what is this I genuinely don't know what this is no it's not a batting cage is it I don't know maybe that'll give us oh that would be a cool shot wouldn't it staircase with the house except if the wood fence kind of ruins it but okay now we're done thank you guys so much for watching and uh I love you guys keep you guys uh keep yourself safe and I'll see you on the next adventure peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 79,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T3Gf3rTjR0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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