Abandoned- 2 lonely old Cottages built around 1900/ Eerie vibes/Squatters did not even stay

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[Music] oh so what's happening explorers okay that home next door i explored yesterday and i didn't realize that this house right here this cottage is actually on the same redevelopment proposal so this lot and the next door one now the reason i found that out is because i went home yesterday after exploring that one and looked up the address and both of these homes were built in 1900 according to the real estate agents site but the development plans for this are meant to be finished by uh 2021 so we're going to check this one out too i think that door's open but there could be squatters so i'm gonna have to be uh a little bit wary here oh trough that bing's quite new so hello is anybody here okay there was there was someone staying here by the look of it what about this old lean-to kitchen maybe this was the little kitchen but this would have been the original little lean-to kitchen with the original cooker in there yeah the real estate agent says 1900 for this one but i wouldn't be surprised if it's a little bit older very little the front door just opened hopefully it was the wind i think it was a wind i didn't even think to check the front door there's the old well it's a very simple archway hello anyone there i had to have been the breeze well at least oh man what the hell was that it has to be the breeze making doors shut and open that's my nose level these doors are level with my nose hmm classic old pull down switch [Applause] there you go i'll let you decide what they're here for packets of chips another updated ceiling that's an art deco pattern that i think the wire door the screen door must have blown shut because that was open i think when i uh looked at the front i don't think any squatters are actively uh staying here and if they are they're not using any decent sort of bedding or any fresh bedding oops that's a whole bunch of rubble from the ceiling up there we'll just close this over the mantles are gone all that mantle is gone so what i might do as i said before i've already explored the home over that side but i might actually just walk across and explore it again so i can continue this video thought i better show you in the shed too which is empty very very old shed though look like onions not nothing left backyard does go back way way into where those shrubs and trees are i'm not going to walk through there though but there's a shot of the it's also a shot of a cottage from the back so as i said let's go over and check that one check out the old tiling on the veranda [Music] right see this is a beautiful old villa too and when we get inside you'll actually see it's not that big but it does have a sandstone facade but it's got a it's got brick walls but that big sign there right there is in the way so i can't really get a good shot at the front without giving away the location this front door is kind of dodgy beautiful old door though just try and get that to stay shut yeah so um there is a mattress in there too but there's a lot of dust on it so i don't think anyone has stayed here for a while but yeah check it out it's got the old corrugated tin ceiling and straight through there is the back door so it's not a very big home at all i think it's just two bedrooms and a living room and a kitchen so let's have a look yeah there's a lot of leaves and dust all over that bed but it does say touch my stuff i'll know as i have eyes everywhere now i did look back through google maps google images and there was occupants in this one around 2009 and maybe up until about 2013. so since then there's probably been a squatter or two in here the old mantle's been taken door's going to blow open again just crank up the light a little bit pram so even the rooms aren't that big this one is a decent size but for a front room of a villa it's not that big the windows are still huge though just trying to figure out if there was there was an archway there i don't think so i think it's just salt damp see there's a kitchen there one little room here and then just one more room there and the the old bathroom and toilet are out the back so it's almost like this this room here was the uh little dining room that came off the kitchen the unit a unit i used to rent an old art deco unit had those exact kitchen bench tiles and a very similar sink cabinet although the sink's gone there lots of cool colors it was pink and blue and in the other one and peach and purple in this one so this either was the formal living room usually with the older australian homes the bedrooms there's my lights flickering i just switch it off and on again yeah the bedrooms usually the front rooms and the dining and lounge rooms are at back so could very well be the case with this one taking the mantle again looks like they've done some patchwork with some tin there on the floor but yeah the backyard really overgrown like the neighbouring house back door there now i walked up the side yesterday to get to the bathroom but let's take a look of nature coming through i can hear the neighbor right behind me very very small bathroom so yeah those neighbors over there all right that is it for this one we will see what else we can find around these suburbs and again these were uh this this one here was a random find yesterday so i stopped off because i saw the sign and found out the next one is up for development too all right guys thanks for watching on to the next one jump in the comments i'll see you there cheers bye
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 37,429
Rating: 4.9345336 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploring, Old cottage, Old houses, Abandoned house, Abandoned, Abandoned exploring
Id: Cd--Cltw8xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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