Abandoned- Eerie old farm house hidden in trees/Old stuff left behind inside and outside

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[Music] oh what's going on explorers out in the country again you beauty so good to be back out here now i filmed a big old farmhouse yesterday and i saw this place while i was driving yesterday but i was running out of daylight so i'm back to check it out today it looks like a little well i'm not sure what size it is but it's in behind those trees there i think this used to be the driveway hopefully there's no cows and sheep in here anywhere oh here we go check it out it's definitely an old one but it's had um that fake brick rendering on the outside there looks like there's some old sheds down there we'll go down there at the end and got got the snake gators on again today i was in really long grass yesterday oh look at that overgrown shed there all right let's jump the fence and have a look definitely looks like um they've had cattle and sheep in here at some point now gotta be careful of there's a rabbit through there now it's gone i'm always on the lookout for beehives as well these old places the sun's not in the most favorable position to film the front of this at the moment getting a lot of shadows so there's the carcass of something more skulls over there looks like cow skulls and there's more in there well this place is starting to get a little bit creepy oh geez look at the spider webs there that front door hasn't been open in a long time better give a courtesy knock it's not open anyway it's like we'll be going around the back for a look i'll go this way actually we'll take a peek around this corner there's the old rainwater tank kind of an eerie feel to this place now that window is differently open no bees good my possums is it's a little workshop by the honor there's a little old-school retro dryer clothes dryer there maybe it was the laundry just wanna check this door oh man it seems to be jammed up the top there or locked one of the two okay we may be doing the open window policy guys yeah i think something there may be a latch up the top there somewhere i don't want to break it so what's this little room yep this is the laundry there's an old school sunbeam mixer cream beater not much in there okay and just see what's around this side cactus is that's not good no it looks like that other on that other window is the only option oh looks like it's just been left to ruin so all right i'll just switch this off and you know get through because me getting through these windows not a pretty sight i'll see in there all right i'm in i've got my dust mask on so let's take a look around straight away we've got the old his masters voice tv classic old make that they make old radiograms and things like that whole bunch of newspapers classical tongue and groove would work still got the nice old mantle there although they have put a gas heater in they're all agricultural magazines oh little birdie just flowing oh there's a nest up there i'll be out soon i'll be out soon little birds it's all right wow what an old kitchen eh olive green door look at that old fireplace okay i've got a newspaper there it says 2002 which probably probably seems about right for this place from what i can see so far that's an oldie not as old as some but it's still an old one cobwebs lots of documents on the ground i probably probably could get a name off i might at the end oh man no way yeah there's old food in there and not much in there but i'm not keeping that top one open getting all the uh fumes out of there so i'm not sure was that the back door or or there must be a porch out there oh it's locked i don't think i don't think that was the actual back door there must be a little porch out there but there is another little thing in here pantry or something cobwebs oh look at this wow a walk-in kitchen this is almost like the food prep room the prep kitchen everything's so retro love it yeah i think there's a back porch behind that olive door what is in there it's a little storage look something walking up in the ceiling had that yesterday in the home there was something walking around in a room and there was a possum up in the ceiling but that is pretty common in these old places yeah i wouldn't even know where to start to look for the key i might find it in one of the other doors wow look at the wallpaper look at the decay [Music] nothing in it anyone here there's an older cooper that is too it's a coober classic old aussie stockman's hat complete with rat holes i know i think that's one uh oh who knows is that a tailor-made hand hole i don't know it's cobwebs cobwebs okay this would have been either a bedroom or a front living room the old wallpapers just didn't stick to the tongue and groove very well did it is there a key in that door nope melbourne bitter all right front bedroom i'd say this one is yup well this one's had really ugly boarding chipboarding put over oh there's an old radio probably an old stereo it's probably a record player in there as well and what is that look at this that's almost like that stuff you put in the workshop to hang tools off and uh that's something different again on the ceiling what is this [Applause] some sort of machine if you know what this is guys hang on what does it say stocking stitch so it's some sort of sewing machine stitching machine if you know what it is guys tell me in the comments well they like to croco croquet crochet and knit there was a crocheted rug on that seat in the kitchen too it's the old radiator so it does look like there was an old um farming family in here yeah that's a record player and radio seen better days but so cool finding these things geez i found some treasures in the one yesterday that house was amazing hmm so not a lot was done to this house and what they did do was a very complimentary of the period of it now that only really leaves that back porch area and without a key we might not be getting in there but i did notice hmm no i thought it might just lift up but it's definitely going to need a key okay we may have to go out and check the sheds see what's out there all right i just took all my still shots so we'll take a walk to the sheds yeah that little porch doesn't seem to be all that big but just can't get in there guys that's just the way it is now old lawn mower bird cages not too much going on there there's more bird cages and maybe the dog kennels i'm not sure so really really old machinery farm machinery in here okay i'll get a look at the mangled truck there's a little bunny a little rabbit went through there as well [Music] that's old as the hills guys bedford of course it is just an old rust bucket now oh man there's an old horse and cart well not the horse but the cart that is ancient wow look at the brakes the old brake system it's just entwined in these uh thorn bushes it's been there for a decades oh yeah it's built for timber carrying timber logs i reckon yeah i'm not walking any further down there guys it's just old uh fuel tanks old trailers truck trays a lot of old stuff so i will head back to the house okay guys that's it we've seen a lot i'd say the last people to live in here judge him on the newspapers early 2000s um i'd say it was an old farming couple that probably either moved built somewhere maybe died who knows tell me what you think in the comments and i'll say thanks for watching and i'll cruise on to the next one wherever that is and i will see you guys there all right guys cheers bye you
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 67,585
Rating: 4.8812351 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, Urban exploring, Old farm house, Old house, Abandoned farm house, Abandoned house, Abandoned exploring, Abandoned, Rural exploration
Id: nJgL9QfRfEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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