ABANDONED 1890's Victorian Farmhouse with Power Still On (20k Giveaway Winners)

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what's up guys it's Noah here and welcome back to my channel before this video starts we're going to be announcing the two winners of my 20,000 subscriber giveaway before that though I want to thank everybody that entered the contest everybody that's subscribed that's liked then shared the videos everything I really really appreciate it it's helped my channel grow so so much and it's really humbling to see how many people enjoy the series and how it's been getting them through covin 19 and stuff like that that's just nuts to me so truly I really really appreciate all of your guys's support and this is just my little way of being able to give something back to you guys so without further ado let us choose the two winners so I obviously got the list of comments and I got my girlfriend to randomly pick two people as the winners and this is who she chose so number one Chrissy urbex Fame you'll see your comment right here if that's you make sure you comment down below so I'll be able to contact you and I can message you we can get your address we can figure out what size you need for a sweater and then I can get it sent out to you and the second winner I apologize if I don't say your name right Tashia wheras so if that is you also make sure you comment down below so I'm able to contact you and I can get your size address stuff like that congratulations to you to that one I hope you guys enjoy the sweaters when they get in and to everybody else that participated again thank you so much for commenting and Entering and if you're actually interested in one of these sweaters I'm also releasing today my merchandise from home Ontario you can see it down below under the description and you can go over there buy a sweater if you want to support the channel I have sweaters t-shirts they come in a bunch of different sizes and a few different color variations they're pretty cool so if you're interested in that make sure to check that down below let me know if you could have one but yeah no further ado we are going to be going into this amaze historic abandoned 1800s home places crazy power still on everything like that so I think you guys are really gonna enjoy this one and thank you all again for all the support over the past years for my channel [Music] [Music] alright guys so we're starting in the main foyer of this home and you can see already that kids have tagged up this home unfortunately for whatever reason they've left the power on in this house makes that a lot easier for us to explore but we've got beautiful hardwood flooring just everything about this house the railings the carpet on the stairs it's all very unique and classy this right here's the front door guys a huge entrance absolutely grand just looking at this straight on we're gonna be going right Wow look at the big bay windows you can see it's all boarded up obviously you try to protect the house a little bit doesn't seem like it worked too too well though you can see all the wall sconces still lit up and all the spite rubs up there might not be able to see it but these rooms are very high they have very very large ceilings in this house I mean it was a grand old farmhouse it's not super surprising so there's one fireplace here this looks like the back patio door somebody just ripped it off of the hinges it almost looks like they tried to salvage some stuff from here before they put it like this but obviously hasn't helped much Wow look there's another fireplace there so both rooms in this area of fireplaces all the windows here have been smashed out it's very odd home that you don't think they'd let something so historical go to waste like this and guys this home is quite historical but a lot of the details that if I gave it it would tell the location of the home and I don't need or want to see more people coming here in destroying this place it's a unique one for sure so unfortunately I have to hole with hold some of that historic information but do trust me when I say it has quite an interesting history behind this home again basically this whole house has wall sconces as their light fixtures nothing else really so this is probably where that patio door came from we're gonna back entrance of the home I don't see somebody kick the door down brand-new boards it looks like too centering this room guys first they have like crystal door handles right here on like that so this would have been their kitchen very large very grand kitchen indeed looks like this would have been a fireplace at some point but he got bored it off for whatever bricked off for whatever reason what you can see kids just came through and smashed everything to pieces look at that light fixture - that is quite interesting there's a lot of staircases in this house there's one to go upstairs right here behind that brick wall there's another staircase that goes upstairs I don't even know if this opens this is a door that leads you back into that two different room and there's a staircase here that leads you to the basement weird what's weird too is that there's police tape all in this house in multiple different places so I wonder if somebody came through while this was owned and they just destroyed a bunch of the stuff in here so over here is the other staircase I was talking about we're gonna go up the main one and over here it's just another entrance to the home interestingly enough there is another section here if you basically have to go through drywall here to get to it but it leads you to this washroom right here which is weird and to the only door that's not boarded up and that's the door that's opened this here looks like it was a nanny suite or a mother-in-law suite it's got its own kitchenette it's God's own fridge it's got two entrances one from the front one for the back a tiny room and another staircase that goes I believe to the Attic not tons to see in this area but it's interesting nonetheless and this is the staircase that goes up which you can see goes to the Attic which I've checked and there's just nothing up there okay back through the hole so we've covered all this area if we continue back house is slightly confusing we're back at the main entrance you see the staircase there wonder what this is for closed open check let's go to chain has to do something nice washroom in here got the toilet right there sink that doesn't work nice little behind him your storage do I can't get over this main entrance is beautiful up in here so there is one room that we didn't go into s is very symmetrical it has a nice bay windows on both sides of the main entrance and again it is fully lit up just by the wall sconces right there there's nothing on the ceiling kind of interesting you know it's an old house too when you see um vents that look like that all right so we're gonna head up these stairs like I said before got a nice carpet all on them very farmhouse esque it's a very very nice home with very nice woodwork as you can see though kids have mutilated it just look at that though guys what a house Wow so we're gonna start in this first room over here you can see that massive amount of graffiti that somebody painted here which is unfortunate wallpapers kind of interesting though with the border got the horses playing I'm gonna quit quickly check in this room and you guys got to remember this is a historically designated house and this is how they've let it go so in this room it goes over this way looks like a big closet area as weird because this house breaks off really awkwardly so this leads back to that staircase but there's a washroom there another room there and then this room so we'll start with this room looks like your standard bedroom got a tiny little closet right there that's interesting border it's cats Wow [Music] all the glass is shattered here this is why it's so cold in the house so this is one of those staircases guys that leads back down to believe to the kitchen you can see how aggressive those are and much rather just taking the the main staircase that's interesting Brockville Ontario manufacturing by the genes smart mfg Co limited does the vent cover I guess looks like this would have been their security system room for this house nothing's left behind from it though this was probably originally a laundry room they'll base off the border that's in here that's what it looks like and in here this would be the master bathroom I guess got your jacuzzi tub right here this is weird got double the power you got the one up here and you got the one down here I honestly don't know why this one's here so if you know why if there's a reason that there's two let me know it's almost like you'd fill water up for like a cup here question is do these lights work they do that's cool that mirrors quite interesting too got your shower right there I like the ceilings in this room the wood kind of reminds me of the log mansion again glass or crystal door knobs so continuing this upstairs is just fantastic so again this is another staircase that leads down into the kitchen there's a secret door here just a storage area but that's interesting look at this whole house the wallpaper is just questionable I mean least the colors match then in the corner here I've got a very battered up bathroom a lot of glass everywhere spreads didn't break the toilet and you have a very like make sure shift looking shower sort of the glass I stepped on it scared that I stepped on that leaving this room give you another look we're here looks like somebody kicked in there's a door to get in pretty aggressively I might add it's like plaid in this room that is quite unique it's probably the nicest looking room of the bedrooms because it's not super aggressive on your eyes but I know I'm not the biggest fan of wallpaper but it kind of gives more character to the house it's a Navy poster on the back of this door your power to see interesting so guys that's the whole upstairs or is it it's actually not the entire upstairs because there is an attic there's a third floor and it's over here let's go check it out kind of as I figured it was gonna be doesn't that look creepy wow what a spectacular third floor no it could have been made into something cool like a loft but it's obviously not that they wanted be great for storage though I will admit that all right guys basement time oh jeez these stairs are so awkward ah I knew you were here too it just didn't know where I was it annoys e down here that's good yeah it's oh cool look at the brick arch look at that guy's that's super cool so my guess is that they have the power on literally just to be able to run the fans and stuff down here that would make the most sense is it very cool I love that brick exquisite guys you know this kind of reminds me of the women's prison in Kingston the doors like where they kept all the solitary confinement prisoners this is the same kind of feeling it had just weird I think that's a grand place to put your furnace it's a different what's gonna help yours its side or used to at least you can see all the stone and brick work this place is nuts you got a pump some pump against working right here and you say yes it is working Oh that stone is very loose I know it's a step today I was a few guys are wondering what that was almost looks like they had a uh-oh is this a laundry chute it's got a weight yeah it's like a elevator cuz it's got a pulley system all here that's what it's for you would unhook it from there and then you would let it slowly go up and then you'd pull it down oh there's a weight on the other side wait so if you yeah but it's not working right but if you pull it goes up that is cool alright guys that's it that's the entire home I hope you enjoyed this place was absolutely amazing again thank you to everybody that entered the twenty thousand subscriber giveaway I really appreciate it I'll be contacting the people that won as soon as this video goes up and yeah I make sure you like comment subscribe see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 25,107
Rating: 4.8912621 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion ontario, abandoned farmhouse with power, abandoned with power, Historic farm house, abandoned ontario, ontario abandoned places, abandoned farmhouse, farmhouse, farm house, abandoned house with power, power on, noah.nowhere, giveway, 1890's abandoned home, abandoned places canada
Id: 7O_u-NEcEuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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