Abandoned 1800s Nordic Renaissance Castle | Once Owned By The Danish King

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[Music] today we are venturing into a country  we have never explored before Denmark during   our exploration we stumbled Upon A stunning  castle that had been forgotten for quite some time in 1822 this Castle was created by  combining two neighboring Farms that belong   to the local count the result was a magnificent  castle built in Danish Renaissance [Music] stle   throughout its existence the estate  changed ownership several times and   at one point it even belonged to the ground  of Denmark predating the construction of the   castle itself Jurgen Lon a notable figure was  once its final owner but over its lifetime it   changed hands more than 20 [Music] times  we ventured inside the castle to uncover   its stories and where Amazed by its Unique  Interior from historic tile stoves to erish   special pieces of antique throughout the place  we even found a whole Library room filled with   books and [Music] artifacts regrettably this  one significant building is now deteriorating   some parts of it already require support and there  is considerable water damage within the property the place appeared endless  with rooms and staircases   everywhere clearly Hing to its former important [Music] significance before it is too late we want  to offer you a peek inside the walls of of   this forgotten Danish [Music] Castle welcome back  everybody to the Bros of DK I'm Leslie behind the   camera Danny like usual and we are documenting a  very special place today in the country of Denmark   Denmark of all place for the first time ever  and this is an abandoned castle everybody this   is just not any ordinary place it's an abandoned  castle built in 1880 and has now been left behind   for a couple of decades wow look how everything  is overgrown over here I never thought that it   would become that it would come to Denmark and  explore over here yeah did you espcially with   the castle this old yeah because Denmark is a very  rich country just like the Netherlands where you   don't find much abandoned places but here out of  nowhere appears an Immaculate Castle have a look   at this place it's very overgrown it's absolutely  amazing but I have to say to you before we start   this video that this place has been taken care  of by a foundation so I am in the talks with a   man who uh runs over this place and who also  attains the alarm of this place so this place   is an alarm don't ever try to come here we had  to ask permission for it and we got permission   for it to document uh its history and we're also  going to put a link in the description for the   foundation and there you can make donations to uh  yeah perhaps even restore this place and help them   out with uh the renovations of it they already  started it they put fences around it they're   working with scaffolding over there but of course  it's a very expensive process to restore a castle   like this super eager to take you inside of there  it looks incredible it's huge it's absolutely   amazing okay um let me show you a couple more  features of the outside of the place before we   go in as you can see over here things are slowly  crumbling away since the year that this building   got abandoned and uh the foundation is trying  to preserve it but I don't have enough funds to   keep up the place as you can see they're putting  scaffolding where necessary they're doing repair   Works wherever necessary but unfortunately their  funds are low and they are not able to completely   restore this place it takes Millions to restore a  castle like this it's a castle Yeah yeah it's it's   insane like everything has to be of course be done  in the original way but to do it in the original   way cost a lot of money nowadays yeah costs a  lot of money beautiful pillars standing here   keeping up this one entrance way into the place  I think these arches that we see down here Denny   they used to be up there yeah yeah yeah exactly  I also have a look this intrigu detailed work   on top of these pillars absolutely fascinating  this Castle is so different from castles that   we would normally see in France or Italy or Spain  it's like this is a really Nordic Castle I would   say yeah from the other sides with the tower and  everything I think it's pretty I think it's very   pretty Wow nature is really taking over this  place by now trees are growing everywhere I   hope the foundation gets enough Don nations in the  future to start a true restoration of this [Music] place I'm super honored to take you on a tour  throughout the insides of the H York schoss I   hope hope I'm pronouncing that right because  it's all Danish and it's not my main language   of course but right here we're standing in the  beautiful entrance hall of this castle built in   1881 I really love the Interiors of these places  first off have a look at the ceiling over here you   can see unlike French castles these have wooden  interiors and wooden features wow and everything   is painted wide in here for some reason yeah I  think they started painted white sport it looks   recent yeah and it's also not a very good job  that they did in here yeah wow as you can see   before we start the video there are alarm systems  inside of this place there's a camera up here and   there's alarm down there because we are filming  right now they switched it off but don't attempt   at all to come inside of here W here we have the  entrance hall really like the doorway two doors   that would open up to let you inside then a little  Stairway to come up to the level over here really   like the floor yeah the floor this Mosaic style  floor it's actually not mosa it's beautifully made have a look at this slotted scen you know  what that means no slotted says on the left side   and Slot know in German means castle and scov  scova scova yeah that that must be forest look   at all the forest the areas that we have around  here or that we have on the pictures beautiful the   forest around this place is absolutely magnificent  me and Danny already took a little walk throughout   it and yeah it's it's beautiful oh even a old foot  of the castle Yeah that's what it's before it was   completely overgrown yeah oh look at the one above  there that's from the castle in winter time yeah   wow the snow and everything around it wow that's  beautiful beautiful absolutely love it even the   old candle holders are still standing here imagine  back in the time the candles would be lit up you   would walk inside of this place that would have  must have felt like very powerful later on we're   going to take a stroll up to the staircase but  first let's go to the right side over here and   let me show you the dining place of this beautiful  castle wow dining table around here still a lot of   glasses and everything on the table very typical  drink for this area this is actually a German   drink but I suppose that they also would drink  it here in the Danish culture probably I like   it I I let you try it right yeah yeah I Tri it  what did you think about it it's good it's good   it's alcohol look at this cabinet over here my  the wood carvings on it are absolutely amazing   wow very intrigued design I saw it from a far  away that's also a part of Danish culture and   and Nordic culture a lot of wood carvings and  a lot of wood used inside of the buildings wow   all these details look even a crown and everything  yeah but I love the details on this one because he   has like like all the plates all the cups all the  cigarette pipe everything man just having a lovely   time talking around in the cafe and they're  all different yeah wow but there's something   that stood out to me on this room yeah that's you  cannot miss it when you walk into here you cannot   miss it this is a typical Nordic stove I would say  or Nordic fireplace I would say yeah a wonderfully   white fireplace and I have actually I'm still  figuring it out but I don't know why they make   it so tall and me and Daddy were puzzled by this  but this could be to have all the heat transferred   throughout the room but that's just an assumption  yeah yeah I have no idea but it looks gorgeous   and very Royal as well yeah everything coughed  in there yeah I can I'm very small but look up   there I will take it over from you and give you a  closer look at the detailed Works inside of this fireplace this must have been the most important  dining room inside of this place you can see all   the crown molding up there absolutely amazing what  a place yeah this place is a little bit empty but   it's just because they are restoring stuff the  foundation is taking out a lot uh the items that   they want to preserve for when the castle gets  restored in the future they have all taken that   out there are some rooms that are still furnished  oh yeah there are rooms that have unique Furniture   we're going to show you that later but first here  we are entering into another room with another one   of those amazing fireplaces a lot of detail on  here as well again you actually the only a very   small space to put wood inside and then a very big  chimney I would suppose do you think this is to   hide the chimney oh yeah maybe that's to hide  the chimney that could be right right because   normally all the fireplaces that we see they just  have the chimney and I see the whole the up there   so maybe that was hit yeah that could be very  true this one is also beautiful a chest in the   room 1835 this chest 1835 this chest is older than  the building itself the building has been built in 1881 what do you think is inside probably  empty yeah and you're completely right a   couple of things but nothing of much interest  wow oh and here we enter into a very Grand room   look at this one wow this looks like it's was  some sort of an event room back in the time or   maybe a chapel or something where they had held  weddings or something like that and that's also   the side entrance of the place the one that  we were in the beginning yeah exactly here   people could come inside of the place yeah but  you're clearly right let me show you better the   stained glass but this room looks absolutely very  important very a room that needed this stand out   from the rest of the castle this is probably also  something made by the former owners of the castle   because they were uh very deeply intrigued  in the yeah manufacturing of porcelain and   looks very handmade yeah I love it the VES and  then the cross up there lot of color a lot of joy now we have the organ still standing here  beautiful one this is not going to play because   an organ needs electricity not per se but yeah  it's not going to play it's not going to play   look at this one this is probably the most  magnificent piece of this entire Castle the   most magnificent fireplace of this entire Castle  it's it's the exact same that was in the dining   room but only this middle piece is different yeah  because the other one it's a corner piece this   one is a center piece so that's why you don't  see it it's also built into yeah an engagement   here look at the the tiles just breaking  away yeah you see they try to put cement   or glue in the middle there over the years  of firing it up it broke it cracked oh yeah wow and you see on this side there's the chimney  pipe oh yeah so it goes all the way throughout   it and the chimney probably disperses the heat  throughout the fireplace and heats up the tiles   as well so this might be quite cozy and hot in  time and then the they would you think yeah I   think so yeah yeah because we also do it at  home and our towels also heat up and uh then   this fireplace could get hot it's so beautiful  it's it's it's beautiful it's massive I'm looking   at the camera I'm looking at the camera seeing  you and seeing the fireplace I'm like half a   stall as this one yeah yeah crazy over here  we have another room in the place as you can   see over here also the castle is completely  falling apart a lot of it has been built with   wood and it's deteriorating very fast that's a  typical feature of Nordic countries that build   a lot of the houses and castles as well out  of wood and uh that makes them deteriorate in   a faster place than Stone love the painting over  here though yeah it's gorgeous and it's massive   also yeah a Danish landscape yeah love it even  the baby has a little crown on as you can see   yeah nice accountancy desk over here as well very  important to do accountancy in such a huge place oh W yeah the floor feels very Hollow yeah  you feel it that it's falling feels like a   washing dish area preparation area  yeah something like that from the   kitchen all the plates and pots  and pans are also still left in here see what's on here schw schlagen Walt okay this is from  a foresty area probably Germany or Denmark   but it's made in this area of the world  love the plates and everything that are   in here oh and here we come into the kitchen  area look at this stove wow cast iron stove   still standing here see cannot really  read what's on there can you see it CH   Hassen son Heen I have no idea going try to  pronounce Danish but yeah the Danish vog is here look at that then we have a very ordinary  kitchen I would say for such an enormous castle   Yeah I think this has been remodeled a bunch  of times the kitchen looks new even the lamp   everything is new looks new even the ceiling  is lowered down as you can see because the   window is cut through the half yeah and this  uh calendar over here looks like a sort of   Ukrainian or Russian place or something like  that looking From The Towers oh yeah and from   the language as well the langage this from 2008  that's the year that the castle got taken over   by the foundation wow don't know why that is but  somebody must have hanging up here oh Dan have   you seen this one oh that's the castle it's a  painting from the back side I think yeah yeah   the yeah it was kind of a church yeah church  or Tower here with a cross yeah that's where   the sting glass is yeah oh yeah and then the  main tower in the middle here which also had   a cross on top of it yeah at some point all the  glasses and everything are also still left in   here okay but then oh and the time stopped at  3:00 never to take again and now it's time to   show you the rooms that we are most fond of in  this place welcome inside the library or the   reading room or however you want to call it yeah  wow all I feel like this was a meeting room yeah   exactly next to the entrance big table welcome the  guests and meet over here talk about stuff look   at this and this this still looks original yeah  all the wall wall coverings and everything with   the wood and the colors seems very original and  all the books still left in here the history of Denmark friends contemporary wow everything is  the Polish history history of Polish culture   think the calendar was polish um no no that's not  polish it's definitely Uh Russian or Ukrainian   okay okay look there's even a little pamphlet  about the schot lying here so back in the time   people could visit it through the foundation  but for some reason probably because it got   so deteriorated yeah it's very very dangerous  they closed it off we got a warning that was   dangerous here you can see all the original art  pieces that was that are at one point inside of   here and people talking about it that's why  the glass uh shelves outside you remember in   the entrance in the beginning of the video that  was a yeah so it might have been a museum at   some point or just a place where people could  visit yeah I love this one over here it's like   little encaved in the wall with all the books  still here in here 1,000 years of Irish poetry   wow that seems like an interesting book yeah  various books about history people that lived   here were very literatur love this room radio  that we have here it's like a suitcase that you   would fold up and take with you and then fold  that out whenever you wanted to listen to some   nice radio look there's a bunch of cities  throughout Europe Paris n Fallon wow that's amazing now we got the desk over here  but everything from the former people   still left on top of here the candle holders  even the pens and everything W have a look at   these letters that we have down here these are  definitely from the time before the foundation   everything written in cursive this is also in  English we would simply a person can you recurs   uh of the organization we simp would simply  it's difficult to it's really difficult yeah   and this one comes from the Netherlands yeah  I saw they it's a governmental yeah so very   interesting yeah lots of paperwork inside of here  yeah but have you seen oh my gosh I haven't seen   it yet this beautiful there a mosa Woods yeah  sculpture of our plate that they made over here   wow it's beautiful that a beautiful L piece  and then then have you seen this one yeah I   saw it this is definitely another very unique  piece and then also made completely in green   it's like the other ones not as intrig designed  it's still a very you don't think yeah the other   ones were way more in tweak yeah yeah but this  still has this charm and as you can definitely   see it's been repaired lots of times yeah to not  fall apart something Peak my interest over here   oh it's like a little hidden door you think  that's yeah think that's a vault see here's   the keyhole oh yeah that's a vault for sure  yeah and the keyhole covers even the face of a man but it's not going to open anytime soon I  think okay another one of those book en Caven   over here and more books down there the doors  in here and everything so beautiful and here   we come into the big reading room all the  books on the walls still smells in here oh   yeah from back in that time definitely there's  even a suit oh yeah do you think there's a suit   seems like a suit um a servant suit Cricut  suit Cricut suit we call it in Portuguese a   cricket suit it's one that has the long Parts  in the back oh yeah and that those flaps I   would call them yeah it's beautiful still  hanging here from that time period all the books lot of history books yeah it's beautiful  seeing all of this this corner yeah we smell   it throughout this office space we smell it this  pack down here all the paperwork still in there   all the handwritten notes this one is from  1900 wow Darby they're writing to dairi Dair gabin wonderful let's place this back nicely and all the   tools and everything there also  still left in here look at this knife look at this massive book that's on top  of here it's even falling apart yeah yeah don't   I have to be very careful but I want to open it  very carefully whoa there's so much text in here   I would literally fall asleep reading this with  I wish I would what type of book is that I have   no clue at all oh yeah it's falling apart yeah  I know I'm going to place it back case it back   even this sculpture of a goat probably an as or  something like that smoke a big cigar inside of   this room it's a jar with a snake inside yeah and  I think it's a real one yeah they would preserve   it and they would put liquor and then a snake  in there and then they would have snake liquor   oh okay that's interesting deot and everything  I love this coat that we have over here it's I   think it's a wine thing yeah you would fill it  up for sure with wine and then you could pour   it at the dinner table and serve everybody  nice glass of wine beautiful auler chair we   have over here this little side table that  you could place next to it that's uh little   or that's maybe to get books from the Shelf  yeah yeah that that has a name in Portuguese   I don't know in English I also don't know and  then the wonderful chair that we have over here   a Danish apol strey chair yeah and I think  that's the cabinet with the oldest books you   are most definitely right about that looking  at their covers I can see here a Bible that's   completely deteriorating Biblia they call it  over here same in Portuguese ah we call it B a on Dutch and even one little bouquet to this side  every little corner look and Granny that would   fill up with bookcases and of course in  this room there wasn't enough place for   all that books so they had to move it on  to this room as well over the years when   they collected all these books I find it a bit  sad nowadays we read all on our e-readers and   we don't have physical books anymore but  there's something Charming about having   physical books I like reading physical  I have it in my hands it's not easy for   us Travelers but no when I'm traveling  I never take uh physical books with me Stalin Soviet times then there's one last room  here at the back on this down floor with even   more books what did you guess yeah the Last  Supper above there there's even this pencil   painting over here from 197 1927 from this this  Village this very typical Danish Village and you   can see the church and everything's still in its  original condition there it's beautiful oh my God   I'm surrounded by incredible books look at this  Monette over here there are farms outside that   date back before the castle and these are probably  yeah I saw that one these are probably from their   restoration they probably want to restore them at  some point as well and they displayed these Monett   over here off that farm have you seen all the  religious artifacts in this room yeah like it's   like they collected everything inside of here and  uh yeah it feels like they put everything inside   of this one room the farthest room yeah Danish  people are not very religious anymore nowadays   but they probably still wanted to display it  to the people and all in one room then probably oh my gosh or first let's look at this one  we have this piece of cloth oh excuse me   this piece of cloth over here with the crest on  there look at that and then underneath this is   a former drawing the hot yeah wow it looks  so beautiful beautiful back in its opulent time oh you can see all the  inside pictures of it all the details wow I wish I could take one of these books  with me oh look at how it was it's amazing back in   the time even the architectural drawings are  in here do you think this is this is the SES   of this is the this is this side the site we're  standing right now and this is the other side oh   with the stairs yeah with the chel yeah you  can see the tower above it do you think this   is the restoration book like I think these are  original architectural but they could also be   the restoration of the place yeah you can see  at the time 27 M was the maximum height of the   building wow wow so that's about 90 ft for  our non-metric people very tall Castle yeah   oh here you can see the full grounds of the  place with the castle over here the barns   from the Monette that we just saw all the  residential places that are around it here that's probably definitely for the restoration  of this of this property and they have a sort   of ecological Village here people live a bit  secluded from society here but they all live   around the castle which is very beautiful actually  can you lift it here's the website and the castle   so if you want to donate to the place the link is  definitely in the description but here you can see   it already again and uh please uh if you want to  see this place restored in the future definitely   check out their Foundation I think definitely  they should make a museum out of this because   it's for sure beautiful and they Danish history  yeah and they have so much stuff to show exactly   love these paintings in here we have as well and  I saw oh the typewriter oh I saw this so tin plate   of the Last Supper beautiful the typewriter  is also amazing Ru typewriter German brand   I believe beautiful piece even still a piece  of paper in there they never finished writing this couple more bookcases and here you can  see as well all the religious artifacts are   collected inside of this room every single pie  peace is in here yeah that's amazing it's crazy   and there's again polish books and there's more  yeah Ukrainian Uh Russian yeah I'm wondering   what that had to do with the history of this  place yeah maybe at some point the Polish or   Ukrainian or Russian people lived here owned it  but or the or the people that live here spoke   it yeah yeah exactly yeah or the servants or  anybody who was inside of here yeah [Music] [Music] wow it's time now to make the walk up  the stairs to the second floor W it's a   beautiful stairway I must say as well love  how it's different from other castles that   we have a visited yeah it's way much simpler  simpler yeah simpler but still very beautiful   yeah and very Nordic I would say as well  with the wood wow can see here on the wall   at one point there used to hang a mirror  somebody sprad some graffiti around it and   that gives this Contour around the mirror  here we can still see that the mirror but   it's also sad to see that somebody sprayed  graffiti inside of this place must have been   a beautiful mirror that H here yeah then we  can go up further to the second floor of this place here you can definitely  start to see the deterioration   taking place not only start to see  it but seal it in full action have a   look inside of this room oh my it's  falling apart yeah pretty fast very sad this gets me very emotional yeah this  this upper Parts you can definitely see   the The dek Happening fast some  chairs and everything standing in here the paint slowly shipping off the ceiling  oh wow sorry I just spotted that can you see   it what did you see oh wow didn't even see it  oh my it's a complete town that I drew on the   wall here yeah with crayons I think this is a  children's yeah it looks like something that a   child made back in the time so this might have  been one of the children's bedrooms but it's a   very intrigued detailed one yeah wow it's very  hard to spot in the blue wall and I also don't   have that good eyes as you have yeah love  the stove that we have over here look at it wow six chimneys on top of it looks like an  engine of a car yeah it does it is BU Bulgarian   it says on there Bulgarian probably a very  efficient stove oh my yeah I I want there   going where you where you are because yeah  I should probably not stand here yeah some   of some parts of the castle we should not go no  because I can feel the floor cracking underneath   my feet I think people can hear it yeah love  the colors on the wall as well in the Nordic   countries they always paint a lot the outside  and the inside with very beautiful colors I'm not   sure if they do it in Denmark because of their  because in the winter there's no sunlight but   in the Nordic Parts they do it because they  give a little bit of joy in the winter time oh my God that's that's an amazing bat oh  W it's a bath it's a sofa what what what is   this I absolutely adore This Bat even if it is  is even the bad yeah I was questioning that it   looks like also some sort of a sofa or something  like that but I think it's too long to so somebody   probably slept in here somebody small child or  something I love all the ENC carment in it the   mosaics they laid it with you can see it those  all hand laid because they're falling out over   time and you also can see that it shines let  me show you up close it shines with the with   the light it's beautiful I've never seen a  bat like this before me neither this is a   clearly Unique Piece yeah and it's for sure  too heavy to take it out yeah they probably   couldn't save this one unfor orally they had  to leave it here I love the paws underneath it   as well yeah that's what I was saying look like  they are huge Paws yeah wow it's beautiful what   a room here we have one of the bathrooms of  the place also falling apart see very simple   toilet and Bot up in there and another room to  this side some furniture in there nothing much   I want to take exact same stoves as well in  the corner there wo look at the candle over   here it's standing in front of it looks oh oh  looks like a gun like a bomb shell and then a   candle on top of it wow interesting okay here  in the middle of the hallway they also have   a skylight protruding light into the place cuz  it's otherwise this hallway would be very dark   Corridor would be very dark in a time I also love  how the two step stairs come up on either side and   you have a little walkway over here amazing it's  really intriguing and again you see the buckets   full of water because it's raining inside the  whole roof is broken some furniture here and there wow here we come into a couple more  bedrooms there were a lot of bedrooms in   this place I think this upper part was just  bedrooms yeah all sleeping places I think   this is also a very typical Nordic bed if you  could see from the wood carvings as well yeah   this is the symbol of something to see right  I don't know what but it's a very common thing   in in Iceland as well we saw it when we were  filming over there the bats would be coughed   magnificently yeah yeah if you haven't seen our  IC lamic videoos definitely had up there it's a   must watch yeah yeah that's a whole different  story for the most part these upper floors   are a bit empty only thing I can see be standing  behind there is a nice cabinet beautiful cabinet   actually I must say wow again depicting the lives  of the people back in the time wow all handcarved   and like you said everything still hanging there  even The Grapes on top of here here meticulously absolutely spider web's covering it look at  this man rubbing his beard absolutely amaz   beautiful it's like sort of a sitting area  here at the back probably where they could   enjoy themselves in the evening have a drink  and then they even had a balcony over here do   you think it's safe to go I think it's pretty  safe we hear things moving around I got scared   for a second yeah me too it's just the wind  wow look at this WOW here we can Overlook the   forest that surrounds the castle it's crazy  back in the time it must have been amazing   to live here you also can see a bit of the roof  tiles the shingles little chapels up there the   chimney as well wow it's going to take a lot of  time and effort to bring this back to life yeah   I want to see what's up there in the in the  tower of the place but uh we're not going to   go with two people yeah I I don't want to go  there and it's pretty unsafe so I'm going to   take you all on a little tour up there going to  be very careful reversing my way up the stairway   the top floor I can hear things cracking  underneath my feet I don't like the sound okay now okay got a very bright room in here lots  of beautiful colors but you can see over here the   stairway is absolutely undoable I'm not going to  do this this is just too dangerous I'm not going   to risk my life to show something okay let's go  back down there's one more run down here it's   our little bedroom there's also a Stairway but I  already had a look up there and there's nothing   to see and it's also way too dangerous but have  a look in here I think this room was still used   recently because everything in here as you  can see it's a bill or letter or something   like that from 2004 yeah wow what's this all  of this all documents and papers photos yeah   oh I see photos wow there's a complete photo  album here no way oh this is probably here at   the farm look at that all the children and this  man front of here look at him casually drawing   over here wow that's maybe the person we saw the  drawings from throughout the house yeah yeah the   drawings of the castle Yeah here he is again you  know where this is uh Berlin yes exactly my friend wow wow that's incredible so many pictures  oh here you can see him sitting in front   of his artwork he was definitely an  artist yeah maybe even this painting   that we see back here might have been  of him this might have been his room   yeah it's all possible there's another one  here this definitely looks like an artist room wow beautiful I can really  appreciate this yeah here you can   see him again staring away into the distance  oh and this picture is definitely also what   you have to show oh wow all standing  in front of the barn outside of this [Music] place [Music] so that was it everybody I'm very grateful that we  got the opportunity to document such a wonderful   place and I'm really happy to have been able  to put on the internet forever Danny how did   you like it it's it's beautiful there's not a lot  of castles in the north yeah of Europe and seeing   this one it's absolutely a treat to be able yeah  to uh do this one look at the stairway where I'm   standing on yeah it's completely falling apart  I really hope from the bottom of my heart that   they will find enough funds to start a restoration  process or that anybody will buy it that has the   interest of repurposing this place and giving it  a new life but for now the only thing I can say   is go down in the description if you have any  interest or if you want to donate please help   these people out thank you all very much watching  this week's video If if you liked it please like   the video subscribe down there if you're new to  the channel and write me a nice comment also shout   out the man behind the camera Danny he makes Vlogs  about our adventures to Denmark and Sweden and   Norway that we're going to go now and definitely  worthwhile checking out thank you thank you so   bye-bye everybody see you next week with another  epic documentary love you very [Music] much
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 122,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, abandoned castle, abandoned denmark, abandoned castle denmark, abandoned mansion, exploring castle, urbex europe, castles of europe, denmark castle, abandoned house denmark, abandoned danish castle, abandoned house restoration, urbex gone wrong, abandoned places then and now, brosofdecay videos
Id: Jl8Y1VAAE-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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