Inside the Abandoned Farmhouse of a US Family Broken by Tragedy

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[Music] the bean family's abandoned Farmhouse stands as a testament to the enduring love of Gilbert and Camille who met in high school as teenagers and remained Inseparable ever [Music] since Gilbert and Kamil dreamed of building a life together on the Family Farm where Gilbert would follow in his Father's Footsteps and pursue his lifelong passion for [Music] farming their dream of building a life together on the farm came true and they were blessed with two beautiful daughters whom they raised with love and care on the sprawling lands of their [Music] home however tragedy struck the family when Gilbert began to suffer from medical problems due to overwork he eventually became unable to work and passed away shortly [Music] after this left Camille in dire Financial circumstances but she managed to raise the children and live in the house until our own passing in [Music] 2000 time has taken a sto on the big and family home and the children no longer dare to enter its grumbling [Music] walls but we will take this risk one last time and bring that story to life [Music] welcome back everybody to the Bros of DK I'm Lesley today behind the camera yet again Denny thank you so much man you're welcome like you can hear we are both still sick my nose is blocked but I can't just stop exploring and we have another incredible abandoned place for you all and for the first time ever in the United States let me go down carefully first time ever in the United States we're filming a house of a farmer an abandoned house of a farmer I'm pretty excited to show you and it seems to be very unique over here so it's going to be a very cool exploration let's go over there did you lock the car bro yep okay so peaceful over here in this part of the United States I must say I'm a nature person and these states these nature States I love them the most and exploring over here is just an extra treat for me the house that we're going to explore we found this pathway towards it right now and it leads us there without being seen we have yesterday we had a little look inside of the house it's a very big one but a lot of dangerous D dangerous as well dangerous yeah this is one of the most dangerous houses that we are going to do in the United States dangerous in the sense of not of being caught but the house is just very unstable the whole kitchen has sunken into the basement then he said to me you're not going to walk onto the kitchen floor you're not going to walk on the kitchen floor I'm going to do it no you're not we'll see he's not doing it we will see maybe a little bit Benny there's the beauty we're going to film today wow isn't she mesmerizing I love the outside of this property okay let's quickly cross the road here see some cars coming there okay probably some guards from the other side as well okay going to go through the backyard and then we're going to go into the basement and then into the house does that look like some sort of a barn yeah maybe this was a place but the former owner used to host his animals used to see it's a very small barn anal would say and there's also nothing in there except for some straw you can definitely see that emol were housed in here at some point it's completely falling apart jeez let's make our way over to the house let's go inside little partway for you there you go I believe we got to go into the basement here right oh I'm stuck yep you're stuck your head is stuck there's STS everywhere the ons everywhere okay bro okay I'm in you made it inside here I am as well who oh it's immediately very cold here in the basement can feel and smell that you're entering an abandoned Place jeez I actually love this basement DD that's good mud mud yeah there literally mud on the ground everywhere and this over here here what you see is literally the kitchen above us completely falling apart there's literally also no support from the basement and behind us is the stairway that we're got to take to the top floor the the no existing stairway yeah the half stairway I would say yeah you can even Peck your head through here that's how destroyed it is okay let's start an amazing episode Danny come over here man I know you're already upstairs but I still got to make the climb and I want to show the people how we sometimes have to enter into these abandoned places this is literally dangerous to go inside this place has been abandoned for 22 years right now and the whole stairway over here has collapsed just going to use these side beams to make sort of a mate up stairway inside of the house oh look at where we coming inside of oh there's already something that I really adore inside of this house these are probably ice skates from jilber or what's the American name Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert yes I think Gilbert and Camila those were the former owners and the black ones were probably from Gilbert and the white ones were probably from Camila and there are a lot of lakes around here like I told you I'm going to show you run right now must have been amazing for them they just took their skates off the wall went over to the lake Gilbert and Camila would be lovely skating over these lakes here in Massachusetts absolutely amazing do in my country in Belgium we also do ice skating but Roy Danny is from have you ever ice skated in your life no I'm going to teach you man I'm going to teach you next year we're going to ice gate together and here we come into some sort of a little side entrance to the house there's some stuff left behind here a piano back there but let me show you that in a second there's first one thing I got to show you over here before we go further couple of things I have to navigate myself but I found this very interesting here at the end we have a sort of food pantry and is still completely filled with jars can see carrots over here mushrooms onions and everything is preserved in here and the food that's over here still actually looks pretty good even though it has been preserved this one since 1996 it says on the label wow this has been here before I was born this literally this jar is from 1990 and I think inside of there are onions crazy this what people did back in the time they preserved food they made food for the coming years for Harsh Times And even a fridge down here okay got to give this back to you Daddy yep oh my gosh oh also love this little bucket that's hanging here with the skill and everything and this is actually a pencil sharper that's on the wall they see there's a lot in the United States there's something else that also peaked my interest jber Gilbert and Camila sorry I'm probably going to say it wrong 20 more times but Gilbert and Camila also sold Easter Bunnies uh that's was probably from the farm that they had they also farmed they uh made bunnies how do you make bunnies bunnies how do you call it when you uh I thought it was chocolate bunnies I don't you think they were real bunnies why not white plus black white oh maybe they are chocolate bunnies I don't know it sounds like it right I thought yeah I thought it was chocolate yeah this house was built in the 1900s by Camila her parents and as you can see all the Furnishings the stoves the house itself the woodwork everything in here screams that it's more than a century old look at this wonderful stove that we have in here even the tray that you would place in the oven has in intricate design on it absolutely Ely amazing it looks like a fence that you would yeah it looks like a fence yeah exactly I was thinking about that this is an absolute wonderful piece can see the top of it has unfortunately broken down it's still a wonderful stove and there's also piano in this room as you can see wow this one has seen better times I don't think it will play anymore little bit let's close this up and let's protect it wow behind this door is a little patio that we show you at the end of the video but here you can see the first signs of deterioration but hold your breath because now we're going to wander into a room and you're not going to believe your eyes this is the kitchen of the household and we just showed you in the basement how it completely sunk into the basement and this is the kitchen from the upstairs I've never seen anything like this in Europe before but in the United States this is very common that after 20 years of Abandonment the whole building starts to cave in and everything is coming with it you can see the fridge over here that's falling the stove right next to it if you give me the camera I will go a little bit closer to it I will be careful then he then he doesn't like it when I do stuff like this but the floor is literally going to the basement yeah it's it's going to the basement I I give it like a few more years and then everything is just going to cave in on itself and fall into that basement slowly go from this side as well and show you I don't even know how this whole structure is just hanging yeah it's crazy there's even a bathroom behind here you can see it's completely in Nice condition still the wallpaper and everything's still there and even still a towel hanging on the shower but I'm not going to go in there because as you can see it's just too dangerous there you go bro get it back to you let me try to get out of here safely yes here we are two sick man filming a video we are really die hard explorers Dy yeah in the winter time in Canada we still explored we we're sick we're still exploring I think we should take a few days of rest after this one yeah but that's wonderful over here on the wall you can see this is a picture of their three grandchildren we're going to see it a couple more times throughout the house but they had two daughters together Camila and jilbert and the two daughters had three grandchildren wow everything is literally falling on the floor what kind of room would this have been it's just like a living area maybe yeah a laun room yeah launch room for the family when they came together there's not much to see in here because this is the main kitchen right yeah yeah because there's another kitchen there's a second kitchen indeed but this is the main one here they had dinner together and then maybe afterwards the whole family would be sitting here together in this sort of lounging room there's also still a Christmas tree left behind so presumably this place got abandoned Camila passed away around Christmas time yeah the calendar says January so yeah then it's definitely uh we're going to see the calendar in a minute though don't worry snow globe without water still in there no water anymore I think it broke somehow okay let's go into the hallway here we have the front of the house this doesn't open up anymore the stairway that leads us to the upper floors going to take that up later but also here in the hallway there's a wheelchair Left Behind that's actually very creepy yeah seeing that wheelchair standing here at the end of the hallway it's very creepy Camila must have been in a very bad health condition probably she wasn't able to move anymore that much oh and there's a can r on top of the a can of food uh I don't know and I'm not going to touch it no no don't do that but yeah it's absolutely crazy okay a couple more rooms to show you downstairs here before we go to the upper floors here we have yet another living space I would say couple of seats what I love the most is the clothes still hanging there they look like traditional United States cloes at a farmer lady how would you say what is there a specific name for a farmer lady no we have a specific name for that in Dutch it's called burin a specific name yeah specific name for the lady of a farmer burin it's called okay and so so we have B that's the farmer andin oh yeah the the male in the female version oh yeah no in English there's only one version I find that strange so this was her clothes the the burin her clothes I would say then wow I love the style of it I don't feel like that's clothes for a farming person but no but she was the more church or for the church indeed and this was uh Shelbert his uh his jacket Gilbert his jacket wow there's probably even more clothes in here yeah come have a look oh these are amazing let's put this nicely back now we have this lovely room two seats Gilbert and his wife Camila would sit together enjoy themselves and also here in the corner you have this lovely sewing machine Singer sewing machine a little bit of a newer model I would say 1970s 1980s model but what I love about this one is this packet of needles still lying here traditional shape traditional design and even it says the price in there 30 cents that would be so sheap nowadays even the instructions are still on the back and a new hat for the sewing machine as well is over here oh spider web's covering it already 20 years of Abandonment all her needles and everything is still in here I love the packaging of these old products look at that okay let's close this beauty up see that I don't get spider webs all over me that mirror standing there is quite weird I would say yeah somebody maybe a big a big stand of mirror paper maybe to change up in the morning or something like that oh here we have them again then the grandchildren lovely picture there's no date on there together with the telephone and everything's still lying here even this lovely plate a home in the wilderness that's what I would love a home far away from people yep yep here is that calendar that we were talking about January 1998 I believe it's from yeah just checked it out it's from 1998 indeed from Washington DC we can see the White House on there lovely 1998 was the last date that somebody lived in this place and afterwards it got abandoned forever jeez see a typical farm and clock standing here you can see a man sitting in a barn that's lovely and then the Blackstone Valley diary so somebody yeah probably gilber won a priz maybe with his Kettle as you can see there's a lovely trophy we got another one to that side as well he was probably very good at his job and now I'll welcome you inside the second kitchen of the house I'm not sure where they used this kitchen for but but grabs my attention in this one is this completely intact stove it's the same one as the other one we saw before but this one has everything still how it used to be what I like the most about this one is that it has little cupboards at the top of the stove here where you can store things oh here we got a very old advertisement for lawnmowers $129 for that lawn mower is a steel but probably this magazine is a couple of decades old yeah wow look at this stove it has six stove tops you would burn it with wood oh there's even ashes still falling out of here look at that this is the last ashes that I used to heat the stove with oh this one also opens up and this side we have again the oven section of the stove and it's such a lovely piece and even a thermometer on there it's probably Fahrenheit Glen glendal never heard of that brand before wow that's lovely now we have this kitchen over here and I think they use it some sort of uh as a working storage area or maybe as a working kitchen or something like that there's nothing in the cabinets anymore unfortunately I think over here yeah there might be some cups and plates and everything still left in there so they used it for Bo purposes I think wow then to this side oh look behind here Denny wonderful television still left behind it looks like they had a television that was made into a vanity of some sort see the television down there and up here is sort of this compartment that would host a mirror inside this piece of Furnishing that looks like the top of a vanity and it looks like it's one piece also yeah that's the strangest part of all then of course the ironing board as well in front of it okay I'm sorry but I'm don't you hear that what I hear birds no I was hearing a weird sound a weird sound I'm not sure where you com I don't know sorry no worries sometimes while exploring you oh you see see oh I know okay oh this here the skill handsome skill I was hearing like a okay sometimes while exploring you get a little bit paranoid I would say and yeah I was looking for sounds and I was hearing that sound start hearing sounds especially when you're alone and then every s single little sound sounds like it's something dangerous or big or something like that kitchen drawer is also completely over here oh and here we got a lever letter direct to ca this one's from 1996 I see on there see if there's something interesting in there it's a thank you card oh completely written thank you card from enri enria it says on here dear begin beggan and Camila I thank you very much for the money you have uh given me I had a great graduation I've I've already went to the beach it was a blast oh so probably this is a grandchild and the grandparents gave them some money for that graduation that's absolutely lovely okay next up everybody I'll welcome you to take a stroll up to the upper floors even the wallpaper here on the walls is slowly peeling off and letting loose signs of dek it's in my name and I love to see it it's of course very sad to see these buildings deteriorating but it also has something beautiful I would say it's nature just crumbling away and taking over again oh first maybe this room Denny I saw this wonderful dollhouse probably from the children maybe also the grandchildren played with it there's even still some pieces of Furnishings left behind in here oh what's this is this tape this looks like some sort of a uh recording of some sort see that's on here I'm not sure what it is I think it's burned out or I don't know it's film maybe right probably I don't know yeah see if there's something on the downstairs floors of this dollhous no there's nothing in there okay quickly want to go into this room as well I think this was one of the children's rooms as you can see it's beautifully uh with with the blue wallpaper and everything but the room in general is a bit trashed but I want what I want to show you in here is there are some pictures Left Behind of the former grandchildren and children that used to live in this place some memories of those of that time period very blurry picture back in the time when you took a picture you only had one shot yeah he didn't know if it was good until you developed it and that that was actually the beauty about photography back then exactly I actually missed those all days I can still remember myself going on this school vacation and my mother gave me this camera and it had 25 shots on it that's the only thing I got you get you had to think about what you made a shot from and nowadays with our iPhones you're like like making pictures of everything and it has sort of Lost it's Essence yeah yeah true even the bank statements of them are still here this one is from February 25 1993 for $113 and it's from cam lovely children's books on the ground here from both of us that oh this is sort of a thank you car towards their dad Mike what does it can you read it no but it's for Father's Day even all that clothing and everything all that papers all Left Behind here oh we got a lovely old letter still left here handwritten letter your wife it says over here we had a birthday party now we have this hand written letter with a picture with it oh when the child was 6 months old that says over here wow people one more thing here's another child picture wow and there on the back it says a chai lying on the blankets I made her two days that's amazing they get a little bit emotional from that oh my it's crazy to see everything laying like here like this here even another picture of the child what no I did it just for fun no I swear I didn't know this place has been abandoned for 22 years and this still works 24 24 I'm sorry two years more then of course this one is also going to work yeah oh my God and the lights that they still look pretty new I would say yeah they look those lights are not from the '90s those lights are from like do you think they maybe change them out at some point I don't know this is this is those lights are are new because everything in this house seems like it has been abandoned for 20 years but only the lights they seem pretty new yeah the lights are the only thing new here in the middle of the hallway okay sorry I got to wrap my hand around that the lights just turned on here in the middle of the hallway we also have this sort of bench I already said to Danny that it for me looks like a Convention Center or a concert hall would have these benches in there no what what do you think there are because they are always separate they they are never together I'm not sure but you could open these up and make this into some sort out of a seat lovely to see but anyway I don't know why this is here yeah the cinema and theaters they they always need to be separate because if you need to take them out you need to take them out one by one okay I don't know it's too strange to see them here but then everybody leem de la crem the cream on the pie this lovely bedroom and I believe this was the last bedroom where Cam used to sleep because everything from her is still in here can see her night robe still hanging there and everything is still in pristine condition let's start over here to this side Denny let's show this drawer this cabinet see if there's still something in there the blankets are still in there W even the dress of her is Left Behind in here a lovely white drawer and also a lot of news articles still left on top one is from 1985 I always love to open these up and see what happened in that time period Soviet us arms series of meetings planned talk giving PayPal uh papal so they're talking about the Soviet times wow jeez what more do we have over here the picture word ah there a coloring book from the children also still left here even her jewelry might this be real gold I don't think so me neither but it could be right could be here all our jewelry would be stored probably already stolen after 20 years oh there's even still a watch face Left Behind look at this that's amazing that look at this very unique television that we got over here wow the Olympic television I love that there's like a glass pedal in front of the TV and just the shape and design of it is very unique to me you don't find these in Europe no no very typical for America and then the record player Masterwork record player yeah I think I think America is still very vintage in some areas yeah I I I just knocked his off I'm trying to yeah put it back lovely record player and even the walking eights for Camila are still here probably at the end of her life she was in a bad health condition and she needed those okay nothing of interestes in here but we still got a beautifully made bat everything the Blanket's still on there the pillow still at the top and her praying beads of course for at night she did her prayer before she went to bed these are actually pretty fancy ones I would say yeah love the iron work love the crystal in there some books at the top of the bed to read something at night to relax and unwind that's what I always do when I go to bed just read a little bit then you fall asleep see to this side yet again this ventilator you also see over here wow it's also a pretty vintage one I would say yeah love that it's completely made out of iron and I bet if you put this ventilator back into the power outlet it will still work maybe we're going to try it no then he says no I got to listen to my boss to my boss this is again directed to Shannon Sharon another letter again from8 1985 oh shells shells from the beach or from the Lakes no no no I'm just guessing nope there's no shells in The Lakes everything is still in here wow okay oh watch out you're bumping against I think the box for the sewing machine really yeah a group picture of all these people together it's amazing these are my maybe the grandchildren again what are these devices oh these are Shavers oh probably everybody's thinking like wow lastly you don't recognize [Laughter] that and then we got this side over here which yet again a Singa sewing machine and this one is a little bit older than the one we saw downstairs it also has these knobs to the side that that intrigued me a lot oh here you can choose the style of knitting you want you can see the styles of knitting on there you just use e or C and then you can get that complete style of knitting with the machine but think this box that you just bumped into Dany I think it's the box from the sewing machine they you can transport it somewhere if you want yeah everything is still in there you put the sewing machine in here all the trads are also still present then you can take it to the job wherever you got a knit and then when I was earlier in this bedroom I found this booklet over here and this is completely filled with newspapers from back in that time period when Cam and gilber uh they they got together and these are all from the time period when they first got together 1952 just post war when they uh got married when they had children they uh collected all of these pictures and all of these news articles and they are all from just the town over here quinton's 18 Awards diplomas here we see a lady that has children but I'm not sure if this is Cam no that's not Camila it's just lovely that they collected all of these newspapers in here here we got one from the local church wow and even still some advertisements and everything is in here all stuck together okay let me try to put this back together nicely but I love when people collect things like this because that those are meem mories and you're going to look back with at those with great memories and if if you have them then you will be happy for the rest of your life with it okay let's go to the next bedroom last bedroom of the place got to watch out there some wallpaper hanging here but here we come into yet another completely pristine bedroom as you can see bed still made pillows still on top like we always see it when we explore these abandoned places wow even still a doll left behind here and this one looks really creepy creepy oh my creepy looks like a foodo doll oh we got a lovely upholstery chair underneath it red upholstery do you know what this picture frame is completely blank no would there be a picture in here it looks so oh looks so weird you're okay D yeah I'm sorry yeah we're sick so it's okay I'm sorry we got a picture this lady up here but I don't think this was one of the inhabitants of the house I think it was some sort of a model I love the picture though Leona Simon Leona Simon it says on there maybe she's a famous model or actress or something probably farmside horse riders and the cows and it's painted by Tim wart in 1978 also completely empty oh I I love the wallpaper in there though yeah from the ships and everything okay lovely painting on the wall look at this small piano or or I corrected myself I'm okay some many in this place there are a lot of music NOS throughout it sing we all know Hal Allelujah so these are all church songs for the choir and they were practicing on this organ over here before they went to choir together baby Maxim Shon Sharon and uh cam together all went to choir even got this box where guitar used to be in or viol violin excuse me I was I was hoping it was still there yeah me too but I expected it to not be there yeah a lovely chest over here as well the suitcase to travel the world he was still addess in there wow then we got the drawer over here you can see there's still some pictures on top of there I think that when Maxim and Chiron or vice versa I don't know with their with their husbands yeah isn't that just lovely they probably B married now both live another life I don't know why they didn't come in here to retrieve the few memories that have been left behind but it seems like they took already took a lot out of the house yeah because there are not a lot of memories left behind just a few also got this book over here some writing in there I don't think this was from the former owners oh and then the forest this is definitely a forest somewhere around the house you can see it from the style of the trees and everything and then of course a little working area over here with again A P sewing machine not a saving a swing machine so that we're not loyal to the brand of singer but the love Puffs as well we see them way more in Europe than we see them in the United States singers are way more common over here lovely machine everything is still set up to start working again the chair is still in front of it the box of the supplies is still over here and even these big scissors the cut fabric wow singer hem Stitcher ham Stitcher you know what this box contains oh just oh that's another head for the swing machine okay then on top of here we got again the pictures of Maxim and Chiron and this is Maxim I don't know what to do Maxim or shiron who got married and a little blessing to the family let's see what we can find over here on this attic this is actually not the last part that we got to show you because outside there are also some cars left and even a boat but that's for later on let's f show you this attic have not been up here just going to have a look around it doesn't really look that interesting normally eics always behold like the dearest memories of the people that they want to store forever but here on this attic I mostly see tools a broken down chimney you can see a little pile of rubble over there and it goes down into the house okay oh and this desk over here as well then let's make our way outside and let's show the people the cars of Camila and Gilbert so we're outside again just looking if there's nobody over there I think we're good to go bro okay let's climb up here thank you okay D yes there you go bro you good need a hand yep I'm good okay let's make our way to the front of the house yes sir okay here we are um this over here is the complete front of the house beautiful building I love the woodwork on there absolutely magnificent and typical for this area of the United States but across the road here there's also a couple of cars that I want to show you and I think they used to be of the former owner of this place Gil and cam wow this one's really lovely yeah in between here oh it's only a cabin Oh I thought it was a complete car yeah I thought like this is too small there's a cabin of a truck I think yeah looks like it something like that maybe from a former business yeah okay okay that's very interesting but the most interesting part of it all is that one there there's l a speedboat left over here isn't that just insane have I ever showed an abandoned speedboard before I don't think so wow this was Mr Gilbert his speedboat if you give it to me I'll will give a quick glance inside this boat wow look at the years of DK inside of here absolutely insane okay my man woo I'm stuck in the DNS oh yeah you're really stuck wait wait wait let me I'm completely stuck thank you thank you woo that's exploring everybody but wow there front of the house going to thank them both going to thank their family what a fantastic place to explore gave a lot away lovely farming family and uh yeah I absolutely enjoyed the story of this place I want to thank you all for watching this week's video was an amazing exploration please like the video if you like to subscribe to the channel if you're new here there's also a link in the description for patreon there you can support the channel and help us go around this beautiful world bye-bye everybody I see you next week in another epic exploration love you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 110,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, bros of decay america, Abandoned usa, abandoned america, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned mansions in america, abandoned mansions with everything in it, abandoned tragidy mansion, urban exploring abandoned places, abandoned farm house, time capsule, urban exploring
Id: pc0ccJo7ExQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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