House of the Dragon S2E01 Explained

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House of the Dragon is back. In Season 2 Episode  1, there’s bloody murder, and scandalous sex,   while the realm is on the precipice of war. So  who are all these blond people, what happens,   and what does it mean? This video has  no spoilers for future episodes – but   includes extra info from the books and from  interviews to more deeply explore HOT D.  In Season 1, the opening credits sequence showed   the Targaryen bloodline in a model city.  Now there’s a new sequence of a tapestry,   telling the story of Targaryen  history from ancient times to now.  So it starts with Valyria, which was the empire  of the ancient dragonlords – the Targaryens,   Velaryons and Celtigars  originally came from Valyria.  This next image seems to be the  Valyrians using blood magic to bond   with dragons or to create dragons – we’ll  talk about that at the end of this video.  And this woman is Daenys Targaryen. Daenys  had a dream that Valyria would be destroyed,   so the Targaryens moved to Dragonstone in  Westeros. Then, Valyria was destroyed in   a mysterious fiery Doom. And the Targaryens  were the only dragonlords who survived. In   a behind-the-scenes feature, a prop says that  Daenys the Dreamer was the first rider of the   dragon Balerion, which is some cool new lore. Next, we see Aegon Targaryen the First,   “the Conqueror”, with his sister-wives Rhaenys  and Visenya. One hundred and thirty years before   Hot D, Aegon took over Westeros. Aegon rode the  dragon Balerion – who was later ridden by Viserys,   before Balerion died. Rhaenys’ dragon Meraxes was  killed in Dorne with a scorpion bolt. And Vhagar   is still alive now, being ridden by Aemond. In Aegon’s war of conquest, his dragons   burned thousands of men – you can see this hand  sigil, which is the heraldry of House Gardener.   The Gardeners ruled the Reach for thousands of  years – until the Targaryens burned them all,   and they were replaced with the Tyrells. This castle is Harrenhal – Aegon burned   the castle and all its people, so  now the castle is said to be cursed.  We see lords kneeling to Aegon – Queen  Sharra Arryn, King Torrhen Stark, and Edmyn   Tully surrendered to Aegon. Aegon built King’s  Landing, and became the first King of Westeros.  Aegon’s son King Maegor the Cruel was terrible,  and he mysteriously died on the Throne.  But then King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne ruled  well. They built roads, reformed laws. Jaehaerys   made peace with the Faith of the Seven,  represented by this star. And this gold   could represent the prosperity of Jaehaerys’  reign. Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s dragons,   Vermithor and Silverwing, are both still alive  – we saw Vermithor with Daemon last season.  Next is the Harrenhal Council, which we saw at  the start of Season 1. This is when Jaehaerys’   grandson Viserys was chosen as heir to the Throne  – instead of Jaehaerys’ granddaughter Rhaenys.  So in Season 1, Viserys was king, but his family  was divided. Viserys wanted his daughter Rhaenyra   to rule Westeros after him. But Queen Alicent  and her family want her son Aegon to be king.   Aegon’s supporters are called the greens,  and Rhaenyra’s supporters called the blacks.  When Viserys died, the greens in King’s Landing  crowned Aegon. While the blacks on Dragonstone   crowned Rhaenyra. Both sides ask the lords of the  realm to support them – the green send messenger   ravens, and the blacks sent dragonriders. At the  end of Season 1, Rhaenyra’s son Luke was killed   by Alicent’s son Aemond. Rhaenyra and Alicent  both hope to avoid more violence. But after   years of lies and murder, war seems inevitable. The sequence ends with blank tapestry, waiting for   more history to be written. Last season, Heleana  said “spool of green, spool of black; dragons of   flesh weaving dragons of thread” – the struggle of  the greens and blacks is interwoven with the last   hundred years of Targaryen history. Their choices  will change Westeros – what will their legacy be?  Last season, Rhaenyra’s eldest son Jacaerys,  called Jace, flew off on his dragon to meet   potential allies. First, he went to the Eyrie in  the Vale, ruled by Lady Jeyne Arryn. Jeyne is an   ancestor of the Arryns in Game of Thrones. And  Jeyne is a relative of Rhaenyra’s mother, Aemma   Arryn. We don’t get to see Jeyne on-screen yet,  but she agreed to support Rhaenyra – in return,   Jeyne wants a dragon to protect the Vale. In the book, Jeyne sympathises with Rhaenyra   because the men in Jeyne’s family have also  tried to steal her power. Jeyne’s cousin Arnold   questioned her rule, so Jeyne imprisoned  him in a sky cell. She told Jace that “In   this world of men, we women must band together”. There are also.. rumours about Jeyne. Mushroom the   randy dwarf claims that Jeyne demanded sexual  favours from Jace. That is probably not true,   because Jeyne is likely gay.  But Jeyne allied with Rhaenyra.  So then, in the book, Jace flew to Sweetsister,  an island of.. weirdos some of whom have webbed   fingers like.. Lovecraft characters. The Lords  of the Sisters agreed to support Rhaenyra,   but the Sistermen aren’t very powerful. Then, in the book, Jace flew to White Harbor.   White Harbor is the biggest city in the north,  ruled by House Manderley. Lord Desmond Manderley   agreed to support Rhaenyra, on the condition that  her son Joffrey would marry Desmond’s daughter.  Then, Jace flew to the north, ruled by  House Stark. The Lord of Winterfell is   now Cregan Stark – an ancestor of Ned Stark,  and Sansa and Arya and Jon Snow. Cregan is   a young man with heavy responsibilities.  In the book, Cregan’s father Rickon died   when Cregan was thirteen. Cregan’s uncle tried  to take his power, so Cregan had to imprison   his uncle and seize control of Winterfell. In Season 1, Lord Rickon swore to support   Rhaenyra. And Cregan wants to keep his  father’s oath. But winter is coming,   and Cregan needs to help the Night’s Watch  defend the Wall – beyond the Wall are wildlings,   and the legendary white walkers. In the time of Game of Thrones,   the Night’s Watch is weak, and not respected –  most of their recruits are criminals. But in the   time of Hot D, the Watch is better-supported  – each winter, the Starks send ten percent of   their own household to join the Watch. So Cregan  embodies Stark values of sacrifice and duty.  Cregan and Jace discuss Torrhen Stark, the king  who surrendered to Aegon the Conqueror. There are   theories about why Torrhen knelt. Maybe he was  just scared of Aegon’s dragons. But maybe Aegon   told Torrhen about his dream of a darkness in the  north, and Torrhen united with the Targaryens to   protect the realm from the white walkers. Later, King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne   visited the Wall. And, ominously, their dragons  refused to fly beyond the Wall. In the book,   Alysanne was disturbed that Silverwing  disobeyed her. Maybe the dragon could   sense the white walkers, and was afraid. Alysanne also visited the Nightfort, the oldest   and spookiest castle on the Wall. This is where  the legendary Night’s King married a corpse queen,   and made sacrifices to white walkers. Alysanne  was so creeped out by the Nightfort that she   paid to have it replaced with a new castle. That’s  why the Nightfort is abandoned when Bran’s there   in Game of Thrones. Alysanne also helped the  Night’s Watch by giving them extra land, called   the New Gift. So maybe Jaehaerys and Alysanne  helped the Watch because also knew about Aegon’s   white walker dream. Then in Season 1, Viserys  told Rhaenyra about the dream. For hundreds of   years the Targaryens remembered this duty – but  then in Game of Thrones, the dream is forgotten,   and people think white walkers are a myth. So Cregan keeps most of his strength in the north,   but agrees to send two thousand older northmen to  help Rhaenyra. In the north there’s a tradition   that old men will go die in battle so that their  families have fewer mouths to feed in winter. So   Cregan’s old men might expect to never come home. In the book, Cregan and Jace become close friends,   drinking, hunting and training together.  Cregan had a brother who died. And Jace   just lost his brother Luke. So Jace and  Cregan form a bond through duty and loss.  There are also.. rumours in the book. Mushroom  says that Jace secretly married Cregan’s bastard   half-sister Sara Snow – even though Jace is  betrothed to marry Baela. Mushroom also claims   that Jace’s dragon Vermax left dragon eggs  at Winterfell. That stuff might be untrue.   But Cregan and Jace formed an alliance between  Stark and Targaryen – a Pact of Ice and Fire.  Rhaenys Targaryen returns to Dragonstone.  She’s the wife of Lord Corlys Velaryon,   and she and her dragon have been helping  the Velaryons blockade the Gullet,   so that the greens can’t get supplies by sea. Daemon Targaryen is Rhaenyra’s husband and   uncle. Daemon wants go kill Aemond and his dragon  Vhagar, to avenge the death of Luke. But Vhagar   is the most powerful being alive, so Daemon wants  Rhaenys and her dragon to help him. But Rhaenys   refuses to act without orders from Queen Rhaenyra,  and Rhaenyra is taking time off to grieve Luke.   Daemon says “The mother grieves as the queen  shirks her duties” – Rhaenyra’s emotional needs   clash with her political responsibilities. That’s  one of the main themes of this story – conflict   between the personal and political, between  desires and duty. Work-life balance is hard!  Daemon has also lost people. His brother  Viserys just died, and his stillborn child   Visenya. But Daemon doesn’t stop to process  emotions, he just wants action – he wants   violence. But without Rhaenyra, he’s can’t do  anything, so he’s so frustrated that he lashes   out at his allies. Daemon blames Rhaenys for not  killing the greens in Season 1. But Rhaenys wants   to end the war without murdering her cousins. Daemon and Rhaenys are both powerful strong-willed   people, and their tension’s intense. Actor Eve  Best says Rhaenys and Daemon are like “a panther”   and an “electric eel” – a “dangerous combination”. But they are family. Daemon’s dragon Caraxes   was once Rhaenys’ father’s dragon. And  Rhaenys’ dragon Meleys was once Daemon’s   mother’s dragon – so Daemon and Rhaenys  are connected, by fire and by blood.  Rhaenyra flies to Shipbreaker Bay, where Aemond  and Vhagar killed Luke. Some fishermen found   Luke’s cloak and his dragon’s wing.  So Rhaenyra weeps for her son. Luke   was always the more vulnerable and sensitive  of her sons. He didn’t want political power,   but Rhaenyra pushed him into it. Rhaenyra sent  Luke to Storm’s End, where he died. So Rhaenyra   feels guilty. And she feels fury at Aemond. The fishermen run from Rhaenyra’s dragon in   terror. Last season, Rhaenys’ dragon Meleys killed  lots of innocent civilians – all those people were   someone’s child. When high lords play the game of  thrones, civilians get caught in the crossfire.  Lord Corlys Velaryon rules the island of  Driftmark. Last season, Corlys almost died   in battle on the Stepstones, but now he finally  controls the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea.  Corlys is sad at the death of Luke. Luke was  Corlys’ heir, set to inherit Driftmark. There   was that whole ugly struggle for Driftmark  in Season 1 – Corlys’ brother Vaemond died   so that Luke could be heir, but now Luke is  dead too. Corlys’ daughter Laena is dead,   and his son Laenor believed dead. Most of Corlys’  family is dead, partly because of his relentless   political ambition. His granddaughters Baela  and Rhaena are in danger, tied to Rhaenyra’s   war. What will survive of Corlys’ legacy? Corlys speaks with a sailor named Alyn,   and thanks him for saving Corlys in the  Stepstones. Alyn seems.. distant uncomfortable.  In the book, Alyn and his brother Addam grew up in  the shipyards of Hull, sailing from a young age.   In the book, Alyn is just fourteen years old.  But in Hot D he’s an older, more experienced   sailor. The actor, Abubakar Salim, says Alyn is  confident, and capable, but also “conflicted”.  At King’s Landing, the greens build scorpions  – weapons that can kill dragons. Meraxes was   once killed with a scorpion bolt. And in  Game of Thrones, a scorpion kills one of   Daenerys’ dragons. But it’s not easy to  kill a dragon – and the blacks have like   eight of them, while the greens only have four. King Aegon Targaryen visits his sister-wife Queen   Helaena. They have a daughter named Jaehaera, and  a son named Jaehaerys. In the book, Jaehaerys has   six fingers on each hand. Maybe incest is bad! Jaehaerys is Aegon’s heir, in line for the Throne,   so Aegon wants to bring his kid to work,  so he can learn politics. Helaena says   Jaehaerys might not want to be a king, but Aegon  doesn’t listen. Otto forced Alicent into politics,   then Alicent forced Aegon into politics, now Aegon  forces Jaehaerys into politics. From generation   to generation, the parents push their problems  and their trauma onto their kids. In the books,   Tyrion says “We are puppets dancing on  the strings of those who came before us”.  Helaena has dreams of the future – though  her visions are unclear. Her father Viserys   also had prophetic dreams, and was  tormented trying to understand them.  Last season, Helaena said Aemond would “close  an eye” – then, Aemond lost his eye. Helaena   warned of “the beast beneath the boards” – then a  beastly dragon burst up from below. Now, Helaena   is “afraid” of “The rats”. In behind-the-scenes  footage, we see that Helaena has made drawings   of her dreams. There’s an image of Daenerys on  fire in Game of Thrones. And there are drawings   of rats, including a rat-man with a crown. Rats  can be a metaphor for sneaky scheming people like   Larys – could he be the rat king? Rats represent  the moral corruption of the royal family. And rats   can also refer to the people creeping through the  Red Keep’s secret tunnels. Later this episode,   a rat-catcher kills Helaena’s son Jaehaerys.  So Helaena is right to be afraid. But no one   listens to her warnings. Helaena is like  Cassandra in Greek mythology – cursed   with prophecies that no one believes. Aegon doesn’t try to understand his wife,   he just says she’s a “mystery” and leaves.  So Aegon continues to be a shitty husband.  Queen mother Alicent Hightower has  secret forbidden sex with Criston Cole.   After the cunnilingus they causally chat about the  weather – so it seems like they’ve been having sex   for a while. How long has this been happening? Actor Olivia Cooke says Alicent and Criston   became closer after Viserys’ death, and may  have started having sex then. Alicent has been   attracted to Criston ever since the beginning of  the series. And after her long exhausting marriage   to the decrepit Viserys, Alicent finally gets to  experience a relationship of passionate desire.   For years, Alicent did her duty, allowed  her body to be used by others – now   she discovers pleasure “for herself”. There’s a shot of Alicent’s foot – remember,   last season, Larys masturbated to Alicent’s  feet to humiliate her. But with Criston,   Alicent reclaims her body and her sexuality.  It’s all wonderfully liberating, but this   relationship is also dangerous. Criston is a  Kingsguard, sworn to never have sex. Alicent   is queen mother, she can’t have sex outside  marriage. And it’s particularly hypocritical for   Alicent to break these rules. Alicent always  played the proper lady, a religious woman,   who followed the rules of her society. Alicent and  Criston hated Rhaenyra for years because Rhaenyra   had secret forbidden sex. But now Alicent and  Criston are doing the same thing. Having sex in   the same room where Rhaenyra and Criston had sex. How does Criston feel about this? In Season 1,   Criston said he didn’t want to be Rhaenyra’s  secret lover, her “whore”. Is he comfortable being   Alicent’s secret lover? Does he feel obligated to  obey his queen? If anyone finds out about this,   Criston could be tortured and killed. Alicent puts Criston’s Kingsguard cloak   back on. Last season, Rhaenyra said Alicent’s  “righteousness” is a cloak, her moral superiority   is a lie. How is her side more deserving  of victory when she’s entangled in secrets,   adultery and murder, just like Rhaenyra? Otto notices that Alicent and Criston   arrive together at council – does  he suspect they’re having sex?  The green council has a new map, as though  the game of thrones is a strategy board game.   All across the realm, lords are taking  sides. Cregan in the north and Jeyne   in the Vale are supporting Rhaenyra. But Borros  Baratheon supports Aegon – because last season,   Aemond agreed to marry Borros’ daughter. Jason Lannister in the westerlands also   supports Aegon – Jason is the brother of  Tyland Lannister on the green council. So Jason   rallies Lannister forces at the Golden Tooth. Aegon is also supported by House Hightower, who   are now led by Lord Ormund Hightower. Previously,  the Lord of Oldtown was Otto’s brother,   Hobert Hightower. So apparently Hobert has died  and been replaced by his son. Last season, Hobert   pressured Otto to push their family’s ambitions.  How does Otto feel now that his brother is dead?  Orwyle suggests that they ally with Dalton  Greyjoy, who rules the Iron Islands – he’s   an ancestor of Theon Greyjoy. The ironborn are  great sailors, and could help counter the Velaryon   fleet. Though Dalton is a loose cannon – in the  books he’s called the “Red Kraken”, and he’s   just sixteen, but he’s famously bloodthirsty. At the centre of Westeros are the riverlands –   Aegon and Aemond want to take Harrenhal, and force  the riverlords to support them. But Alicent warns   that Rhaenyra’s dragons are too dangerous. She and  Otto tell Aegon to wait and gather more allies.  We see Aegon’s affection for his son Jaehaerys.  Aegon is a bad person – he raped Dyana,   he neglects his bastards. So the actor  Tom Glynn-Carney says it’s interesting   to explore how this twisted person is capable  of love. Aegon never got much love from his   own parents. Viserys hit Aegon. Alicent hit  Aegon. Otto hit Aegon. So with Jaehaerys,   Aegon is trying to be the loving father that  he never had. He tries to include Jaehaerys   in politics, like Viserys never included Aegon. But Aegon encourages bad behaviour in Jaehaerys.   Together, they humiliate Tyland, and  say Jaehaerys should ride Tyland,   as though Tyland Lannister is ahorse. Alicent joins in in shaming Tyland.   Alicent has often been permissive of  Aegon’s cruelty. So again bad behaviour   is passed down from generation to generation. Larys Strong is the Lord Confessor – the official   torturer. Larys has ways of knowing things, and  he feeds information to Alicent. But Larys tells   Alicent that he knows she was having sex with  Criston, which is a deadly secret. Last season,   Larys implicated Alicent in the deaths of  Lyonel and Harwin. He has dirt on her. So   if she doesn’t give him what he wants,  he could get her in serious trouble.  Last season, Alicent told Larys to try to  kill Mysaria, because Mysaria had spies in   the Red Keep. Now, Larys says he has removed  Mysaria’s spies, and has replaced them with   new people – who are probably spying for Larys. But Larys does not remove the ratcatcher Cheese,   who does know Mysaria, and who kills Jaehaerys  this episode. Was this a mistake by Larys,   did he not know that Cheese knew Mysaria, or  does Larys allow Cheese to kill Jaehaerys?  Because Larys replaced the staff,  Alicent no longer has her old maids,   like Talya. What did Larys do to Talya? The  new maids are all Larys’ people, and Alicent   doesn’t trust them, so she sends them away. She scrubs herself in the bath, trying to get   clean. She feels dirty working with the evil  murderer Larys, and for breaking Criston’s   oath. She feels guilty for the death of Luke, and  for putting her awful rapist son on the Throne.   Alicent tells herself this’ll all be worth it,  that she’ll guide the Throne for the greater good,   but can Alicent ever feel morally clean again? She  “feels more alone” and “more paranoid than ever”.  Aegon sits the Throne. This is what  the greens are fighting for – all   those murders and plots and lies were so  Aegon could rule – so.. is he worth it?  Last season, Aegon loved being adored by the  people. They give him the love that he never   got from his family. So Aegon tries to be good to  his people. He says he’ll give a peasant all his   taxes back. So then Otto has to explain that the  government needs taxes to pay for things – Aegon   has clearly never thought about politics before.  Will he do the work to learn to be a good king?  We meet a blacksmith called Hugh, who’s helping  the greens build scorpions. In the book,   Hugh is called Hugh the Hammer, and he’s  described as a “brute”. But in Hot D, Hugh is   a dutiful father – the official website says he’s  “trying to make ends meet for his sick daughter”.  It’s a reminder that while the royal family  squabbles, there are thousands of people   who depend on the king for.. governance,  security, prudent economic management. Will   Aegon provide this to his people? Larys flatters Aegon by comparing   him to King Jaehaerys. It’s funny to  compare the great and wise Jaehaerys   to the incompetent Aegon on his first day. But Larys says Viserys was “controlled” and   manipulated by Otto – which is kinda true.  Larys says Aegon should have a different   Hand of the King. Larys is pushing Aegon  to follow his impulses, which could make   this war worse. Like Littlefinger, Larys  uses chaos and conflict to gain power.  Alicent is frustrated that Otto undermined her  at council – when Otto complained that Alicent   refused to kill Rhaenyra. Alicent needs Aegon  and Aemond to respect and obey her. Cause she   wants to influence Aegon, rule through him,  so that Alicent can finally have real power.  Last season, Rhaenys said that Alicent’s attempts  at power are an illusion – only a “window” in her   “prison”, in this world dominated by men. In  this scene, there’s a prominent window in the   dark room. So will Alicent get real power? She  wants to minimise violence, but her sons want war.  The Velaryon blockade captures Mysaria, on  her way out from King’s Landing. Last season,   Larys burned Mysaria’s house, but she  survived. Or maybe Larys let her go.  Previously, Mysaria worked in a brothel, and  she and Daemon were lovers. But Daemon put her   in danger with his.. tantrum on Dragonstone. So  Mysaria became a spymaster, and sold information   to Otto. It was probably Mysaria who got Daemon  exiled by telling Otto about Daemon’s ‘heir for   a day’ speech, and about his hookup with Rhaenyra. So Daemon’s angry that Mysaria helped his enemy.   Mysaria says that she’s common-born, she  doesn’t have the power and protection   Prince Daemon does. She just did what she had  to do to survive...Though we know that Mysaria   has deeper goals. Last season, Mysaria told  Otto to close the child fighting pits. Will   Mysaria keep fighting to protect common people? Erryk Cargyll is a Kingsguard – he used to be the   sworn protector of Aegon. But he saw how terrible  Aegon is, so Erryk bravely left the greens,   and left his twin brother Arryk, and came to  help Rhaenyra instead. He made a tough moral   choice. How can he keep his oath to the royal  family when the royal family is fighting itself?   In Game of Thrones, Jaime Lannister faces similar  dilemmas – he broke his oath to kill the Mad King,   and was forever hated for his most heroic act. Daemon just gets mad at Erryk for not   killing Aegon. Daemon seems really  determined to piss off all his allies.  Rhaenyra returns to Dragonstone, full of grief  and fury. She says she wants Aemond, the man   who killed her son. And this is the only line  Rhaenyra says in this whole episode. The actor   Emma D’Arcy says Rhaenyra is almost ashamed that  she wants revenge. She wants to be merciful and   ethical, but inside she has that violent Targaryen  fire that she shares with Daemon. That’s why   they got married. And we know how destructive that  fire can be. Rhaenyra looks similar to Daenerys   in Game of Thrones before she burns King’s  Landing. Will Rhaenyra’s rage bring destruction?  Jace returns from the north. He tries  to tell Rhaenyra of their new alliances,   but.. breaks down crying. How can you be a  prince and a grieving brother at the same   time? How can Rhaenyra be a wartime queen  and a grieving mother? In a political world,   it’s hard to find space for human emotion. They hold a funeral for Luke. They don’t have   his body, so they burn his possessions. Rhaenyra  just had a funeral for her unborn child Visenya.   And her father Viserys just died. Emma D’Arcy  says Rhaenyra is “devastated” with “grief”,   and needs to find a way to travel  back “to the world of the living”.  Joffrey is the youngest son of Rhaenyra and  Harwin. He holds this horse toy, which had been   Luke’s in Season 1. In the book, Joffrey swears  “a terrible oath of vengeance” against Aemond,   and his family have to stop Joffrey from flying  off on his dragon to get revenge. In the book,   Joffrey is eleven years old, and he seems younger  in the show. But he still has his dragon Tyraxes.   Will he join the war that killed his brother? We see Rhaena crying at the funeral. She   was betrothed to marry Luke and to rule  Driftmark with him. What is her future now?  Alicent also grieves. She prays for her mother,  and we learn that her mother’s name is Alyrie   Florent. We don’t know much about Alyrie, but  according to interviews Alyrie was religious.   After Alyrie died of illness, Alicent uses  faith to feel connected to her mother.  Alicent also lights a candle for Viserys.  Viserys’ bad choices created this conflict.   And Viserys subjected Alicent to marital rape.  But Alicent still has love for her dead husband.  Finally, Alicent lights a candle for Luke. In  Season 1, Alicent once tried to cut out Luke’s   eyeball. But she’s cooled down since then, and she  sympathises for Rhaenyra’s loss, mother to mother.  This sept is the same place where Alicent and  Rhaenyra once shared their feelings. Last season,   they were so close to rekindling that friendship.  Now we see that these candles still burn,   connecting Alicent to Rhaenyra’s fire.  Can Alicent and Rhaenyra reunite?  Aemond and Criston want violence.  They discuss the crownlands,   the area around King’s Landing. Many of  the minor lords here support Rhaenyra. So   Criston and Aemond want to attack them.  They wanna go to Rosby and Stokeworth,   and to use Aemond’s dragon to convince those  lords to help them fight the rebels. We saw   Castle Stokeworth in Game of Thrones, when  Bronn almost married Lollys Stokeworth.  Aemond is frustrated that Alicent blames him for  killing Luke. He says Alicent started this war   by crowning Aegon not Rhaenyra. Criston defends  Alicent, but seems uncomfortable – Criston is   secretly having sex with Aemond’s mother.  How would Aemond react if he found out?  Otto appears and is angry that Aemond  and Criston are plotting without him,   and again tells them not to act yet. The greens  are increasingly divided. On the brink of war,   can this family hold together? Aegon has new friends – Martyn Reyne,   Leon Estermont, and Eddard “Red Ned”  Waters. A hundred years from now,   House Reyne is destroyed by Tywin Lannister –  that’s what the song the Reynes of Castamere is   about. House Estermont is from the stormlands  – Robert, Stannis and Renly’s mother is an   Estermont. And Waters is a bastard name – Red Ned  must be the bastard of some crownlands nobleman.  Now that Aegon is king, he attracts courtiers,  flatterers.. brownnoses, people who befriend the   king and try to get stuff from him. Leon declares  Aegon “the Magnanimous”, and “the Generous”,   then asks him more wine. What influence  will Martyn Leon and Ned have on the king?  They ask what Aegon’s royal epithet should  be. Like, Aegon the First was “the Conqueror”.   Maegor was “the Cruel”. Jaehaerys  was “the Conciliator”. How will   Aegon be remembered? He likes “the Dragoncock”. While Rhaenyra grieves for her son, Daemon plans   to murder a son. He puts on his mischief hoodie  and sneaks into King’s Landing. Daemon is let   inside by a gold cloak – a City Watch man. Cause  Daemon was once Commander of the Watch, he gave   them their gold cloaks. He held parties for the  gold cloaks, and used them as his personal army.  Otto planned he’d remove gold cloaks  who are loyal to Daemon, but there are   still gold cloaks who love their old commander. Mysaria told Daemon about a certain rat-catcher at   the Keep. In the book, this guy is called Cheese. Earlier, we saw Cheese working in the Keep – it’s   normal for him to be there, so he won’t  attract suspicion. And Cheese knows   the Red Keep’s secret passages. These passages  were built by King Maegor the Cruel. Then Maegor   killed the builders so no one would know about the  passages. Daemon and Rhaenyra used the passages   in Season 1. And Erryk did with Rhaenys. So  now Cheese will use them to enter the Keep.  Daemon also sends a gold cloak named Blood. And  he tells the men to kill Aemond, to avenge the   death of Luke. Cheese says “What if we can't find”  Aemond, and then the scene ends. What did Daemon   say? It seems that Daemon replied “A son for a  son” suggesting that if they can’t find Aemond,   they should kill his innocent nephew Jaehaerys  instead. We don’t know for sure if that’s what   Daemon said. Showrunner Ryan Condal says  it’s “open to interpretation”. But it sure   seems like Daemon ordered the death of an  innocent child. And this is surely not what   Rhaenyra wants. Daemon is defying his queen,  pushing his own desire to escalate this war.  So Blood and Cheese enter the Keep. And their  mission does not go to plan. Ryan Condal says   it’s “a heist gone wrong” by two “incompetent”  hitmen. Cheese sees this mural of the burning of   Harrenhal – a reminder of what Targaryens  do to their enemies. So Blood and Cheese   don’t find Aemond, but they do find Helaena  and her children Jaehaera and Jaehaerys.  It’s surprising that there aren’t guards in the  Keep stopping Blood and Cheese. Maybe that’s   because the Kingsguard Criston is busy having  sex with the queen. It’s like in Season 1, where   Criston was absent while the royal children fought  – maybe he was having sex with Alicent then, too.  Another explanation is that Larys just  removed a bunch of the Red Keep staff,   and replaced them with his own people  – maybe Larys allowed this to happen.  In the book, Blood and Cheese have a smarter  plan. They can’t get to Helaena and Aegon cause   security’s too good. But they can get into  Alicent’s room, by climbing up inside the   walls of a tower. So they capture Alicent, then  they wait for Helaena, because they know that   Helaena and her kids visit Alicent each night. In Hot D, Blood and Cheese can’t tell the   difference between the boy Jaehaerys and the girl  Jaehaera. It’s like how Cersei and Jaime looked   the same as kids. In the books, Cersei wondered  – if boys and girls look the same, why are they   treated differently? Why are boys worth more? Blood and Cheese force Helaena to tell them   which of her children is male. Blood says  she’s lying, but Cheese looks in her eyes,   and lowers his knife, and says “She's telling  true”. It’s darkly ironic that the one person   who listens to Helaena and believes her is the man  who murders her son. Helaena’s family don’t listen   to her. But Cheese sees that she speaks truth.  Then he murders Jaehaerys in front of his mother.  In the book, it’s different. In the book, Blood  kills some guards and a maid. And they corner   Helaena along with her three children Jaehaera  Jaehaerys and Maelor. Maelor is another son of   Aegon and Helaena, who doesn’t yet exist  on Hot D. In the book, Blood and Cheese   make Helaena choose which of her sons they will  kill. Helaena chooses the youngest, Maelor, so,   cruelly, Blood kills Jaehaerys instead – and tells  Maelor his mother wants him dead, making this as   traumatic as possible. Blood and Cheese could also  kill Helaena and Alicent, but they choose not to,   leaving them alive to remember the horror. In the show, Helaena runs to her mother,   and finds Alicent having sex with Criston.  The final shot is of Alicent’s face learning   her grandson was murdered. Just like how  last season ended with Rhaenyra learning   her son was killed. Is peace possible now? Alicent might think that Rhaenyra ordered   this. Helaena might blame Alicent and Criston  for not guarding her. Aegon will be furious   that his beloved son was killed. And Rhaenyra  might be furious at Daemon. This murder could   create division not just between the greens and  the blacks, but also within. Each act of violence   tears this family further apart. And when the  house of the dragon feuds, the realm burns.  Let’s talk about the weird part of the tapestry.  But first, this video was sponsored by.. Alt   Schwift X? My bastard half-brother Alt Schwift  X made a twenty-three-hour-long video about   Jon Snow with Glidus. They also made ten videos  discussing Hot D Season 1, and now they’re making   weekly videos about Season 2. This is fifty hours  of brand new dragon talk, and you can watch these   videos now on Nebula. Nebula is an independent  video site owned by creators, where we can make   ambitious projects that can’t be uploaded anywhere  else. Nebula has exclusive Originals from creators   like Isaac Arthur, Tale Foundry and Lindsay Ellis.  Lindsay has that Lord of the Rings documentary,   and a new one about John Lennon and Yoko Ono.  And there’s Philosophy Tube by Abigail Thorn.   Abigail’s award-winning play, The Prince, is on  Nebula, along with her upcoming movie Dracula’s Ex   Girlfriend. And Abigail is in House of the Dragon  Season 2, playing Triarchy admiral Sharako Lohar.   So to support Alt Shift X and Glidus and.. Grand  Admiral Sharako Lohar, and to watch fifty hours of   Schwift and Glidus talking dragons, sign up to  Nebula at the link below,   Or Choose your side!  Using the link you can get an annual plan   for just two dollars fifty a month. It’s a  great way to support Alt Shift X. Thanks.  So the new opening sequence starts with  Valyria, then shows this strange scene.   It looks like a dragon with wings of fire  and.. a human head? The books hint that the   Valyrians created dragons through blood magic.  Possibly by taking wyverns and imbuing them with   fire. Viserys mentioned the blood mages last  season. And in the books the Valyrians bred   humans with beasts to create hybrid half-human  creatures. In Hot D there are murals of humans   having sex with dragons. Targaryens believe  that they are “descended from dragons”,   and have “the blood of the dragon”. Rhaenyra  and Daenerys birth dragon-like babies,   as though the Targaryens have some.. dragon DNA.  So this image hints at some of the weirdest deep   lore in Game of Thrones. That the dragons and  Targaryens are bound in blood by black magic   and inter-breeding. These black candles might be  glass candles, Valyrian artifacts that let people   see across distance and enter peoples’ dreams. These people might be Azor Ahai and Nissa   Nissa – according to legend, the sacrifice  of Nissa Nissa created a flaming sword,   which might be a metaphor for creating  dragons. This dagger might be Aegon’s blade,   which we’ve seen throughout the series – Viserys  said that this blade dates back to Valyria. Maybe   this blade was used for the sacrifice of Nissa  Nissa, that created the bond with the dragons,   thousands of years before that blade was used  to destroy the white walkers. This is just all   speculation. But Hot D is revealing surprising  new lore. What other secrets will we learn?  Thanks for watching. We’re making  weekly videos for each episode of Hot D,   and we are livestreaming right after  each episode airs at 10:10pm Eastern   time Sundays. So like and subscribe and press  the bell. You can listen to the livestreams as   audio on podcast apps and Spotify, links in  the description. Thank you to the Patrons,   including Frida Isachsen, Johannes Skov, Erik  Nilsson, Kate, gay_frogs, and Ecologal. Cheers.
Channel: Alt Shift X
Views: 85,374
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Id: wtA8ufYCM5c
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Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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