Are The Black Templars The Most Powerful Space Marine Chapter? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and gal this may ruffle some feathers but not all space ring chapters are created equal not even close some are significantly more powerful whether that be due to better training better equipment more Warriors or just straight up Superior genan seed the pentak of blood made up of some of the most ruthless space ring chapters that ever exist were able to wipe out the false Primark and the 11 chapters that joined him they were less than half of the number they killed but which chapter is truly the best the most powerful who would you call when goes Super South I would argue the black Templars before we get started it isn't just a roll of the dice why some people have glowing skin going into their 30s and other people look like sunbaked roadkill it's skin care which I have partnered up with geology today to help you guys get on the glowing path if there was one thing I could recommend to people to quickly and easily improve their attractiveness it's skin care I'm 25 now and 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choice God damn that is value then use my link below or the QR code on screen or code major kill 70 cheers to geology for sponsoring this video today we'll look at the most powerful space Fring chapters and compare them with the black Templars as well as looking at all the girth behind the weaponized autism space Maring chapter that we all know and love oh let's get into it to understand why the black white boys are so Fierce we need to understand their Origins the Imperial fist were one of if not the most straight edged reliable and level-headed Space Marine Legions however they arguably also cut the most amount of out of everyone they were the backbone of terror's defenses and holy was the siege of Terror a terrible time for the Imperial fasts constant demonic incursions hallucinations and the like rogal was also locked in a cornite pocket dimension for centuries and almost fell to chaos then to make matters worse post heresy most of the Imperial fist Legion died during the events of the iron cage where ral's temper and pride made him crush his own Legion in an near suicide attack on Perabo needless to say a lot of the Imperial fists were no longer very chill the least chill of all was the legendary Sigman the greatest Space Marine Warrior to ever live during the Crusade and heresy he led an Elite Force known as the Templars and while he started off quite levelheaded he also gained faith in the Emperor as a God and was actually turbocharged by his faith going from highly impressive but beatable Warrior to a one-man apocalypse that genuinely terrified chaos during the siege of Terror alone sigman's only objective was to locate and slay as many chaos Champions as possible and hold holy did he do just that he would just Leroy Jenkins run around in one shot C Champions like it was nobody's business on team traitor Khan had the same role run around and slay as many loyalist Champions as he could so inevitably the two Warriors met and my God Sigman slew the tits out of KH with Khan being so horrified by this aspect of death and cold detached Fury that sigy had become so with that context when the legions were broken up into chapters to prevent any one man holding as much power as Horus did Sigman founded the black Templars made up of the most ruthless Z and angry Imperial fists while the Crimson fists were made up of the most straightforward and non-autistic Imperial fists as evident by Alexis poock being their chap Master the in between his stayed as Imperial fists Sigman would lead the black Templars for almost a thousand years until abdon returned sigy was the first to face him came to fulfill his vow of slaying him see during The Siege Sigman was hunting abdon with abdon keeping away from him at all costs the amount of traitors that died so that abdon could live was insane however abdon was still in his prime and was Juiced up by chaos sigy was th000 years old which is quite old for a Space Marine imagine abdon being 30 sigy would have been 50 so not weak or feeble but definitely not as fast as he once was abdon remarked that the passage of time had not made Sigman weak it merely brought him down to everyone else's level if this was Prime Sigman abdon would have lasted about 30 seconds or less even despite his age Sigman would still kind of technically win the jewel as he was able to impale abdon on his sword a killing blow but no one quite has plot armor like abdon so Abby somehow managed to tank The Sword and then cut cut sigin in half which killed him but not before sigy managed the final roast so you've got a chapter full of the most psychotic rage Lords who hate the out of the enemy founded by the greatest Space Marine Warrior to ever live who would have taught them absolutely everything he knew that is the ultimate combo for a Fier as hell chapter sigman's Legacy has endured into the current setting most notably by one huge Advantage the black Templars have over other chapters they are literally blessed by the emperor himself see the black Templars have a unit called the emperess champion prior to big battles all black Templars will meditate one of them will then likely have a vision from the emperor infusing them with faith and even greater superhuman abilities they will then visit the chaplain who will either confirm or deny their ascendants if confirmed they will then be given a black sword special new armor and declared to be the empress Champion just like sigi was 10 Millennia prior the emperor's Champions will seek out enemy leaders or Champions and then slay them in single combat their presence acts as a huge morale boost with the potential that they even emit an aura that boosts nearby black Templars to Greater levels of power and heroism now it's not super explicit what exactly the is is going on here but it is definitely Supernatural and not Placebo anyone can randomly become a champion even a neoy and they will gain swordsmanship skills that is Way Beyond what they currently had they will also gain instincts such as where to find enemy Champions or where to find like a lost Relic or something it's almost like some sort of possession with some theor stating that sigman's Soul was so powerful and awesome that upon entering the warp it was able to ward off predators and now looks over the black Templars blessing some of them with a Shard of his power there can be multiple Emperor Champions alive at the same time but never in the same area generally it's one Empress Champion per crusading force now all of this is Handy Dandy but the main thing that makes the black Templar so freakishly overpowered is the fact that they do not follow the Codex of st's limit on how many Space Marines they can have in their chapter due to them finding and exploting a loophole Gilman said that only if a chapter was on Crusade could they fi More Than A th000 Space Marines so Sigman was like it Eternal Crusade meaning the black Templars have been crusading for over 10,000 years nonstop hence made themselves exempt to the Limit it's not clear what their total numbers are especially after the arrival of the primaris but most put it at between 5 to 10,000 Marines up to 10 times more than a standard chapter now the reason why they get away with this is a who wants to with the black Templars not me no sir and B they always split their chapters into multiple crusading fleets so they rarely ever bring their format together it's similar to how even though the Dark Angels are split into multiple chapters they share a ruling Council and can even reunite into near Legion strength when they need to such as when they sieged the Warped caliban to try kill vasor so you've got a chapter that was founded and trained by the greatest Space Marine to ever live that has numbers greater than any other chapter with a shitload of really powerful gear due to their status as a first founding chapter and it is stacked with Legendary Heroes such as Supreme Grand Marshall hre or reclusia ramaldes yeah I can't really see what we compare with such might they have been present and pivotable in some of the imperium's greatest wars such as the third war for Armageddon the first Black Crusade the war of the Beast the fall of kadia the resurrection of Gillan the octarius war the arcs of omen Wars and many many more including the howling which was when the Black Templars literally managed to kill an alien god I'm not joking look it up however it's important to note that they aren't perfect not even close one of their crusading forces rejected their primar reinforcements and tried to kill them which caused a super mini Civil War in which a custodian had to get involved and killed a bunch of black Templars the chapter also cannot fi Librarians since the events of the howling it's unclear if this was a consequence of killing the alien god or if they were so put off by the psychic power of the god that they banned the use of psychers within their chapter either way not having Librarians is a massive disadvantage however black Templars are so stubborn and zealous that they are still highly effective against enemy psychers or demons so now we have the measure of the black Templars let's compare them with some of the other top tier chapters to see if they are the goats first off the ultramarines the ultramarines are extremely well funded and equipped they have the best of the best gear and were recently injected with a shitload of primaris Marines however as they were extremely codex compliant they never numbered more than a th000 Marines prior to g man's return sure there is a shitload of ultramarine successor chapters that can easily be United with their parent chapter to create a legion sized fighting force like what happened when the ultramarines and the successors attacked the night Lords and permanently shattered their Legion but if it was just one-on-one chapters the black Templars are a lot bigger the ultramain do have Librarians and very powerful ones with tarius being in the top three most powerful in the Galaxy but I would still have to give it to the Templars ultramarines have been shown to not be the best in melee combat as evident by them struggling against the world eaters during the shadow Crusade so if the superior numbers of the Templars close with them which they would then the boys and blue would be the space sharks and Minotaur chapters are very powerful but other than their individual Marines being beasts and their chapter Masters being insane the Templar has beat them in all other categories such as numbers gear quality and so on sure the chapters that belong to the pentar of blood were able to take out twice their number but the black Templars aren't these scattered faithless dogs each Templar is a hero in their own right and all 5 to 10,000 of them would fight in a unified indomitable chapter the only loyalist chapter that I see standing a chance would be the Dark Angels especially if they were allowed to Rally The Unforgiven chapters to make it a fair fight numbers even without that though the Dark Angels still have a lot of access to Dark Age of Technology weapons and gear including guns that destroy your soul enslaved men of iron and just some other wild that puts them highp in the FBI's most wanted list however the Dark Angels also have their shortcomings they can be way too overzealous which would play to the black templar's advantage and if they catch a whiff of the Fallen anywhere they all develop severe retardation and will attempt to abandon the War inid battle the only way we could give the advantage to the Dark Angels is if we said that the lion was with them as well as the Risen in which case sure the dark Ang are the number one but aside from that I'm just going to say it the black Templar are the most powerful single Space Marine chapter they have the quality and quantity the only saving grace for their enemies is that they rarely ever attack with their full force if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have a boatload of battle m 40 million hentai a bunch of live action nude cosplays and highr Warhammer 40K fan arts hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more black content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 121,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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