Burning Hot! Salamanders vs Adepta Sororitas Warhammer 40k in 40m

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would you believe that before there was a battle between the adepto soras and the salamanders that this planet was an idilic Countryside with beautiful flower gardens and thatched roof houses well no longer today we will see whose promethium is the most holy and cleansing in this fiery episode of 40K and 40 minutes it's sisters versus salamanders flame on greetings 40K fans your host JT The Voice here and is it getting hot in here or is that just all the Holy Fire being sprayed about the battlefield Tack and his Bringers of flame soras take on Steve and his Gladius salamanders in what promises to be an actual barn burner hey everybody this is Space Marine Steve here at the play on tabletop Studio I'm so excited to be here playing my good friend Tac 4K and 40m again and sisters again super excited to try a different Detachment this time this is the second game with PR Nexus so that's really exciting the games feel fresh again I'm playing Steve today Steve is always fired to play he's a lot of fun this is going to get hot this is a contest of fire today I am playing the salamanders and I am excited to take these bad boys off the shelf and Flame up this place Space Marine Steve definitely doesn't mind starting a flame war against Tac and he's brought some fire of his own his Salam matters are definitely going to bring the heat and with the new paria Nexus rule changes he's updated his list to bring some some more battle line units to take charge and score some points Steve's Army consists of Adra agatone a captain in gravis armor with the otor veh enhancement and the captain in Terminator armor with the Adept of the Codex enhancement he's got one intercessor Squad a squad of aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets a centurion Assault Squad with twin flamers and seeg drills some inferus Marines big Squad all 10 infiltrator Squad a land Raider Redeemer and a Terminator Squad to round out his 1500 points oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I think it's time to light this place up get lit I'm really looking forward to seeing what a offensive Detachment can do with a sister battle ja is bringing his newly painted sisters of battle along with some borrowed models from our friend Matthew beas to make a list that might have just as much Firepower of Steve he's running the new bringer of flame Detachment to try to burn andate the C commers in righteous Fury his list consists of a canonist a dialogus and imagifier and morvin v a big Squad of battle sisters an emulator squads of arol flatulant a castigator an exorcist some Paragon War suits a squad of two peniton engines and a single peniton engine a retributor squad a seraphim Squad and a zephram squad we're going to watch the world burn today kids don't try this at home this should really be an absolute barn burner I know I've said it twice but I'm so excited that we're actually going to see a barn bur this episode is brought to you by our friends at combat cards hey everybody JT here combat card Enthusiast and voice of play on tabletop and I got to tell you I love playing combat cards I recently had the opportunity to build an actual campaign with combat cards and it was so much fun these folks really love what they're doing and are huge Warhammer enthusiasts just like us and it shows in the game if you use the code v as in morvin V VL you can get 40 cards 40 power cells and 400 coins just for keying in vahl into your game if I don't get to play half an hour at combat cards before I go to bed I'm a grumpy boy Tac is smiling in the background cuz we know he's got combat cards on Steam on his computer in his office he doesn't tell us he's got it but we know he has it there I love the speed mode because like can get two or three games in really quick like over a lunch break seriously though folks don't forget the code V vahl that is 40 cards that is 40 power cells and 400 coins just for keying in those fourl letters into your app combat cards download it try it play it we at plan tabletop love it and we know you will too today's missions will be drawn from the new Pariah Nexus Mission cards Steve how excited are you to try out a p Nexus I'm really excited to try a py Nexus this is my only my third game with sisters I'm going to be trying to torch salamanders we'll see how that goes it's going to get spicy we are going to be playing terraform objectives in no man's land you can go and perform a terraform action on them which also includes your opponents start the action in the shooting phase it completes at the end of your opponent's next turn if that unit is still there that then becomes your terraformed objective for the rest of the game you score an additional two points for every marker you've terraformed please give us some Graces this is our first time with this pack we don't know if you need to hold it or not actually doesn't explicitly say you have to still be there so I think we're going to play it card as written which simply says if terraformed you score two they'll score to a maximum of 15 victory points per turn and 50 for the game our mission rule is Swift action so battle line units will actually be able to fall back advance and still do actions that's a change in pan Nexus from Leviathan our deployment map is Tipping Point a new one in pan Nexus it's short table edges but with an extra step instead of an angle to give players an opportunity to push some units forward to be more aggressive on one flank while keeping other units behind and on that note we can play I think it's going to be a great game choosing attacker Defender four five all right I choose to deploy first yet sounds good looks like Steve's going to have to deploy first Steve has got his inceptors in deep strike T has put a pened engine in strategic reserve and his zephram Squad in deep strike would you mind putting this unit of intercessors right behind that wall the bottom row of Windows does block line of sight and the Arco flags are just going to go behind that R there I'm going to take my unit of infiltrators they're going to go right back here so the seraphim are going to go inside of the building centurions this is a retributor squad and they're just going to go on that objective they have a dialogus with them a squad of aggressors with their Captain so this is a squad of penon engines with eyes on that objective over there this squad of Terminators behind the squad of intercessors [Music] emulator is going to go right here it allows me to combat Squad I'm able to put half of the battle sisters in the emulator the other half is going to have to get deployed elsewhere inside the emulator will be the imagin fire lion Raider Redeemer and inside it is a agatone and all his buddies and that is my uh deployment so you can just go for it so this is a five Squad of the battle sisters the other half of what's in the emulator [Music] then we're going to take an Arco flag Ling Squad try to help me deny your in Stu just coming in taking a look at the deployment there's a lot of back and forth and they're really kind of mirroring each other so far both players are responding in kind and being very cautious flamers and meltas are powerful and can do a ton of damage and it's really best to avoid some early burn inations Steve's definitely deployed much more cautiously than Tac has Tac looks like he wants to rush those objectives first and terraform them as fast as possible it might be only two points per objective but those points will absolutely add up quickly especially across multiple no man's light objectives whoever goes first here is going to have an advantage in the ability to set up and potentially terraform some of those objectives I'm excited to see how this turns out all right so we are fully deployed would you want to go first or second in this instance I want to go first not the worst thing in the world going second so I really want to go first I really want to get outto those terraform objectives and get some more primary points all right so here we go here's the rule six six four you are going first have have a really good game Tech good luck to [Music] you oh boy here we go looks like Steve is going to have the first turn I'm excited Tac I want Tac to come out from his side of the board into my like Zone and radius of death start a battle round tax Miracle dice he gets a six that's going to be helpful and I just keep the role Steve is not going to use any doctrines from his Gladius this turn and he selects the penitent engines the two-and squad as his oath the moment Steve's drawn secure no man's land and Behind Enemy Lines not great but definitely secure no man's land is a scorable objective what I actually want to do is stage for devastating counter punches inter sensors Advance all the way to the closest objective and most likely going to terraform it in his shooting phase thanks to the mission Special Rule they will be able to advance and still do an action I'm just going to move those Terminators and put them right up against the wall Advance the land Raider land Raider advances up behind the cover it's going to be a big pain in T's butt if he doesn't get rid of it centurions are also going to advance I needed to get a little bit further to try and get right behind this wall right here they're just going to bump up against the exact corner of this wall here I'm going to move on to my shooting phase so I have no weapons that I'm going to shoot this round however I am going to begin terraforming that objective with those intercessors so the terraforming completes if they're still there end of opponent's next turn Steve has secured no man's land for two points he's discarded Behind Enemy Lines to give him an extra command point and Steve ticks up to two command points to tax [Music] one start attack turn now and he's rolled another six for his Miracle [Music] dice Steve's got up to three command points taxs up to two tax secondary are call The Horde but there's no units on the table for it so it is going to be discarded thanks pan XIs he's drawn defend stronghold that gets shuffled back into the deck cuz you can't score on the first turn he's drawn bring it down and extend battle lines I think Tac might be eyeing that land Raider for bring it down if he could do so it's a huge Point jump and a big loss for steeve sisters on that objective give Tac another miracle Dice and a four up and that is a four Tac sits with a six a four so I do sticky that objective now so then we go into the movement phase I'm going to try to move around and try to get the trifecta of vehicles on that land Rader because it's going to give me a lot of bonuses unfortunately you've set it up so I need to risk my neck out I'm going to get counter punched hard yes you will it's a good reminder I'm playing Gladius so I've got either advancing shoot or advance and charge in the pocket battle sisters here are going to get out of the transport sisters jump out of the emulator to get wholly within the building and in range of that objective looks like they're going to be able to terraform it morid V in the Paragon War suits Advance 6 in to get really close to the intercessors the retributor squad they're going to get in so they are now inside of the emulator emulator advancing forward rushes the other objective it looks like both players really want to get those terraform points early pened engines are going to move Arro flags are going to stay there so advancing up the [Music] castigator then we go into the shooting phase Tac is terraforming the other objectives in no man's land sisters and the panit at engines are doing so targeting the land Raider now St spends a command point on Armor of contempt plus one to hit because you are a vehicle plus one to wound because you're a vehicle we rolling the Paragon War suits have shot it up pretty good though hitting with every shot Steve fails only one save Tac uses a miracle dice to do six damage to it morbin valf fires and Steve makes all his saves oh yeah and The Exorcist is just going to uh punch shots into the firing into land Raider at minus one eight shots but only hits twice wounding on fives that is one three up save I fail uh I will six the uh that one the miracle dice are wonderful here I have taken the line Raider down to only four wounds remaining so sisters players I did mess up the order and this is why refs are so important I forgot to shoot the emulator first playing sisters you got to get your orders right I could have taken cover Away by hitting you with one of my heavy vulture shots so that's unfortunate but that's on me so then we are going to fire three heavy vult shots into the land Raider because I can I hit you twice sixes nope nothing yes the land Raider lived now all I have to do is make sure he doesn't get overwatched to death that is turn one with five points scored for extend battle lines and the land Raider barely holding on Tac has decided to discard bring it down not a bad idea as Steve can probably just hide that land Raider and make it untargetable because Tac discarded bring it down he's going to go to three command points and Steve sit it two [Music] I think my turn two is going to be huge I'm just going to kick tack off of all of those objectives start of turn two now Steve choosing the assault Doctrine so his entire Army will be able to advance and charge he is going to elect the peniton engines again as the oath of moment so if I kill them no terraform for you and Tac rolls a one for his Miracle dice C scores 10 on primary to go up to 12 your 10 points comes from four from your home objective four from this objective and initial too because you terraformed CE pulled storm hosle objective and extend battle lines this turn again both absolutely achievable advancing his centurions he needs to command roll to get the result he needs that's going to take him down to two command points two whole inches he's now got an 8 in charge to reach those penitent engines Andra of the retinue of Infernus Marines jump out of the land Raider right into the battle sister's face they're yelling at each other like dogs who hate each other when the windows are closed I get paid for this this is kind of cool looks like he's aiming to take that Center objective and deny any opportunity for attack to terraform it I think I'm going to advance these aggressors just going to go into this corner here Steve's inceptors come in behind the building possibly to charge the penit and engines attack OverWatch for a command point with his zimulator into the inceptors only three wounds but Steve still loses an inceptor that is rough yeah go to my shooting phase I'm going to take the land Raider and it's going to shoot its uh hunter killer missile hunter killer missile from the land Raider does only one damage but Steve command rolls it into a four and attack takes three of them rest of the weapons from the land Raider go into the Paragon War suits and one dies another has two wounds remaining it sceps into the penitent engines down goes another's got three wounds left there some clutch clutch rolls from tac here I'm really upset that those inceptors did not kill that Ben in engine so that's kind of all my shooting and then we'll go to charges Adra agatone charges into the sisters so what we're doing here for the sake of the fight just so that we don't need to reach into the building they're just on top they're behind otone so they're like over here cuz aon's right there right centurions make it into the pened engines with an 11 that is huge this guy cannot base and so he's going to go 11 to [Music] here the 3-in pile I'll be able to get within an inch of the pendant engine Steve shooting phase was not great but that role might spell the Doom for the pens and engines and the terraforming that t was hoping for yeah we'll start with adx aaton unit he's spending his last command point on H to the chapter which gives this unit here Lance so Plus one to wounds and it also gives them plus one AP because I'm in the assault Doctrine attack responding with Shield aversion for a command point so it lessens his AP by one all The Inferno Marines so in on threes and then this is on twos rrolling and then I get to pick up those ones and roll 21 wounds AT AP minus one and then you are you bring that back to AP nothing let's see if the two up holds not a single one not a single one what a roll I did not roll a single one it is a miracle can adrax agatone do some damage I rolled triple ones no he can't he takes out a single sister T still has control of that objective one goes into the Penance engine and then two into the emulator we'll go into the Penance engine hitting on threes with the siege drills uh rrolling because you're the ultim moment Target so on threes rrolling cuz it's twin links twin link here we go so two three damage a piece Emperor guide the dice nope six damage in total I don't think I make that many five Ops I I made two and then into the emulator no sustains unfortunately so on four is rrolling four a minus twos so I have five UPS I make two five offs you take six all right so the emulator is now down to Five Wounds remaining and I've stopped the ter performing on this objective I get to e back with the sisters into your Inferno Springs hit with everything put on fives two of them make them both ulator will probably do nothing yeah you killed my precious pened engines not not very happy about that but that does gain me a miracle dice so I gained a four solid turn for Steve five on storm hosle he's got five on extend battle lines 10 on primary he's at 22 points as we head to tax turn two turn one was a bit timid turn two is where the action is really going to happen I'm going to roll a dice for my Miracle dice because it's another turn I rolled a two so not great I've got a one a two a four and a four I am below half strength with the emulator so that could battle shock emulator is not battles shocked T is drone assassination so there is a HX in in the middle and recover assets because I remained in control of that objective that one has become terraformed I scor an additional two points because it is terraformed 10 points on primary for ta Seas him up to 15 to Steve's 22 Steve's got one command Point taxes with three I will try to gain a miracle dice with my saram for up I get it uh that is a one I do not get a miracle dice there that land Raider is making it very difficult for t to be overly aggressive the threat of OverWatch is really making him make some hard choices trying to stay out of your flam range cascader has shifted into range of the land Raider it's just a sliver visible but that's all you need that said a two up in cover is pretty hard to shift battle sisters falling back from that objective it looks like Tac is really getting to throw as much as he can at those Inferno Marines he needs to get rid of them their py blasters are absolutely heinous and if he doesn't get rid of them he's just going to keep picking up sisters after sisters after sisters AR fance up Steve has really made it impossible for TAC to bring his reinforcements in deep this turn solid lockout movement from Steve I'm unable to draw a line of sight here you got Inferno marines that can roast the zhim as they come into play so I'm not going to place them this battle line unit with swift action they're still able to perform an action so they're going to try to recover assets then this uh Squad of Aral falance are going to try to recover assets over here and of opponent's next turn and then yeah we're going to go into the shooting phase on ATT attack shooting phase emulator opens up with his missiles and bolters into the land Raiders and flamers into the Centurion he spends a command point on cleansing flame that's going to give him devastating wounds on his flamers fire the H killer first at the land Raider hitting on threes so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to burn a four so that I make sure I hit and then now I'm wounding on threes that is a five good to go heavy WS into the land Raider as well I got two twice one is sustained and one wound AP1 two up good to go but now I've taken away your cover so then here we go with the flamers into the centurions how many flamer shots do I get I only got six so not great putting on fours and sixes are devs I got one Dev in there and uh three saves all make two but one guy takes two damage so what the castigator is going to do here the battle Cannon is going to go into the inceptors heavy Bolter one of them will fire into the L Raider and then two of the heavy bolters will fire into the infer marins strum Bolter will also go into the inference Marin failure to wound with the castigator but the cannon only takes out an inceptor I thought I would uh do better than that so then the extra AP on something that I shot will go to the furnace Marines two multi melas are going to go into the line Raider I think I can do it with just multi meltas and Moran V will fire her shots Into The Inferno Marines Steve's going to spend his command Point here on Armor of contempt to try to save his Inferno Marines so these are the melted shots into the land Raider on fours all of them six is the land Raider goes down to the Paragon War suits and it explodes and it takes out two terminators that is huge that hurts land Raider is gone and that's not feeling great and then fidalas will fire into the verse Marin so two at1 I take one you kill a guy am I within 12 I'm not so just five b gun shots battle sisters firing their bolt guns into the inferus Marines and only one takes a wound go go armor of contempt Into The Inferno Marines using his ability to use cleansing flame for free that is a lot of fire cleansing flame is probably the best stratum in this Detachment I get to do sweet sweet devastating Wings 20 berating shots I took an enhancement on her which gives me an additional one attack per flamer I winning on fours sixes are devastating that is 25 flamer shots though but only one devastating wound that was not a good roll Steve saves seven of the nine wounds and only loses two marines pistols managed to take a wound off another inferus Marine Exorcist firing its H 100 kill under the inceptor and its heavy bols and the Cannons at the inferis Marines missile hits and takes down that last inceptor using the four from his Miracle dice to make sure to finish it off Into The Inferno Marines now and the combined weapons take down two more Marines because the exist Cannon hit you uh you owe me a battle shock test and the Marines have failed their battle shock now they won't be able to OverWatch when Tac decides to charge that is not good for Steve and fantastic for tack that's cool charge face now and the Paragon War suits into the intercessors fail nothing that helps me in my mirle dice cool command Point roll and it fails even worse oh no how many times have we seen that Sim Squad Into The Inferno Marines swooping into hand and [Music] combat Exorcist chares The Inferno Marines as well using his last command Point tank shocks only one wound not the greatest span however he's got a lot of units into those Inferno Marines I don't know though if he can take them out at the start of fight face Divine Deliverance on the canones and she gets plus three to attacks and she gets lethal hits so with the armor tracks off of The Exorcist Exorcist wounds twice Steve fails both and that takes down another Inferno Marine Here Comes The Sur from spot hitting on threes winning on fives saram do nothing canis now but only one dead Marine Centurion fighting back here Tac losing an emulator and then there are uh six guys inside I lose two oo that's rough and loses two sisters in the Carnage as well he does gain a four on his Miracle dice three sarpam go down to The Inferno Marines agatone with draus bunch of hits and on twos do pre rolls uh so five a2s I've got two sisters left so you are the five up on those sisters I make one one's dead five up on the sister the battle sisters are gone and the canonist goes down as well that could have been better I really needed to do more the devastating wounds on either side I'm not rolling uh any sixes that is turn you're going to do everything in your power to kill out these sisters which is going to stop me from recovering assets so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to keep assassination and I'm going to uh ditch recover assets the end of round two we have a score of 22- 15 in favor of Steve okay here the end of turn two tax secondaries didn't go well wasn't the most effective turn for me I just didn't take out enough enough and now here comes Steve's clapback start to turn three and Tac gets a two on his Miracle [Music] dice Steve's pulled containment and sabotage both two new secondaries from Parian Nexus that's an okay draw for secondaries for Steve that's going to give me a little bit of a chance to catch up here inferus Marines pass their battles shock test Steve scoring more points on primary he's up to 36 to 15 one command point for Steve and two for Jack he's selecting the Paragon War suits as his o the moment and Steve is spending his only command point to put his Terminators into the assault Doctrine Terminators Advance forward they're going to try to get in and hurt something real [Music] good so then I'm going to go to my shooting phase aggressors doing containment and so do the intercessors the Centurion unit is going to split fire both of the twinlink flamers into the Argo uh flag Lance all three Centurion bolters plus the twin melta gun into the sister Squad so 2d6 shots from into the flag Lance from the flamers okay here we go seven shots so on threes rrolling C swi six saves I made one five UPS two so that kills one and and you kill one and a half splitting fire into the battle sisters takes out two Inferno Squad in the sisters Tac loses four wow four ones no bueno this my Penance for Rolling 21 Dice and not rolling a single one Adra Zone tries to take out the leader but Tac rolls his way out of it so you do one one to the magar centurions are going to charge the battle sisters seven and ferus Marines charge The Exorcist and they now control that objective Terminators charge Paragon War suits tack overwatches for a command Point kills two and leaves one on a wound remaining the Terminators are way less scary now decent OverWatch it's a very good OverWatch I have lost turbinator so effortlessly this game he blows up a land Raider and I lose two Terminators he overwatches and I lose two terminators [Music] so the centurions are all going to attack and moving on two TN link seven ap2s the sister is dead five saves to make on a four up inval and I've got a pocket for there I'm alive I'm alive uh three damage and die and then you move back onto your objective INF ferace Into The Exorcist and The Exorcist takes three wounds it's down to eight Terminators on the Paragon and Steve using rights a battle to give that unit land so they're going to be plus one wound and plus one AP hitting on twos cuz you're my old Target you're rolling cuz you're the old Target here you go and then on twos so three AP minus twos Tac loses one suit but uses a miracle dice to only lose the one Captain takes out another one then I get to hit you back with the uh Exorcist T fights back and no joy so we're good the ret beers get him a miracle Dice and the paragons get a four for a miracle Dice and a turn three Steve discard sabotage and has scored six points on containment to go up to a 42- 15 lead that is a incredible score from Steve that's a mount for me to climb however I can still maybe pull this out I think fingers crossed I might walk away with this one maybe unless my dice turn on me and it's all cursed and all just spirals into this endless loop of [Music] sadness Tac draws engage on all fronts to go along with his assassination he gets a six on his Miracle Dice and he scores more points he's up to 21 to stees 42 both players H it two command points Steve's got an OverWatch in his pocket let's see if he chooses to use it we go into movement here oh that's a character over there for assassinate sweet he's got to bring his reinforcements in this turn as well the battlefield looks a little thin but he still has a peniton engine and a squad of zephram in support the C get her back so that I have line of sight on the centurions peniton engine drops in behind the intercessors and the zeph land in the building for free cover so then we go into uh shooting cator first one heavy Bolter into the Terminators here storm Bolter and two heavy bolters into your centurions and the battle Cannon also going into the centurions St spans his command point to armor of contempt on the centurions TAC fails to win with the castigator weapons it's battle Cannon whiffs pretty hard only doing one wound Steve command rerolls it and saves it that is unfortunate but Steve is out of command points I will add additional AP against uh this Target and Morin V attacks the Terminators and using a miracle likes to get additional attacks hting on twos winning on threes that is all four AT AP minus one effective AP minus 2 four invols oh wow all the invol saves all day long that would have been Miracle dice for me if I was able to kill them exorcists all the weapons of The Inferno Marines only one dead so far missile launcher pack using a four from his Miracle dice to score an additional hit three wounds for Steve and he fails enough to lose The Inferno Marines but adrax agatone is still standing Vulcan lives tax spends a command point for cleansing flame forsus penitent engines and they burn an eight into the intercessors got one six in there for one devastating wound again only one and a half die from the Flames what do I do to score my points sisters into the centurions do nothing and the imag fire fails to wound time for the charge facee panitan engine charges the intercessors and fails zephram Tred the same charge their built-in roll is even worse morvin VA makes it into the Terminators so that's something right ball spending a miracle dice again for additional attacks Steve doesn't make enough saves the Terminators are gone T gets two Miracle dice out of this and gets a one and a one one on the second Miracle dice wow okay dice tells stories this one's a sad one the miracle dice want me to play normal 40K adrax otone tries to fight back but no joy Tac does score assassination and two points onage in all fronts takes him up to 28 Dees 42 as we head to turn [Music] four step has engag at all fronts and establish L Locus establish Locus which is the new deploy teleport homers so same thing st's using the Devastator Doctrine for most of his army but spending a command point in centurions using adaptive strategy to put them into the assault doctr they will be able to advance a charge Tim Target is the Exorcist Tac gets a five on his Miracle dice I score 14 points on primary again wo it's 56 28 for Steve what are you doing to me Steve gaming it aggressors advance to get closer to whatever he wanted really but that was a really short advance centurion's advance to get closer to the Exorcist that's rough noty charge they will be able to charge because of the assault do 7 or 8 in charge probably at least intercessors Advanced to block any movement from the penitent engine and the zephram from any [Music] Shenanigans tax SPS a command point to OverWatch and ises one of the intercessors centurions charge The Exorcist and they fail so close so then as a Defender I get to attack ARX first I guess Exorcist into Adra agatone and he feels fine adrax responds tack using a five on his Miracle dice he only takes three wounds down to Five Wounds but will need to take a battle shock test on his turn and a st's turn four he scores two on engag at all fronts not a big secondary score for you so hopefully that keeps me in it Steve has jumped to 58 points he scores two points on a engag at all fronts and has discarded established Locust to gain him a command point I still have a lot of units left on the table so don't count me out start attack turn four gets a five on Miracle dice he's pulled storm hostile objective and defend stronghold both players jump up to two command points immediately spending an extra command point on insane bravery to pass with the exist T scores more primary points to take him the 38 to 58 does not get an extra Miracle dice however so he's running short of that resource what we're going to do with the girls here is fly six and then fly six this way to avoid your engagement range zarifa mov towards the intercessor sticki objective so that takes that objective away from you that frees up morvin V to go chase down the center looks like morvin V has had enough of Adra agatone castigator pushing forward to get a line of sight on those aggressors battle sisters move up to get some shots at the centurions not sure how much they can do but Tac needs those centurions gone Arco flagellant move into the objective to hold it Arco flagellant move forward to the centurions she's going to spend a command Point here on Squad tactics to surround that objective give him a free move and make it harder for TAC to take it magifire is going to move uh six into the building and just uh hold that objective again phase ends and so the sticky goes away shooting face now peniton engines into the intercessors and Steve loses one of them morvin Val opening up into the intercessors using Miracle dice to get extra shots oh she takes him down that's huge T gets a miracle dice of a four out of that firing into the aggressor Squad with his castigator Miracle dice to get more hits five at 81 Ste passes to but the aggressors are all down as well only the captain in gravis armor is left exist with this missile into the captain everything else into the centurions Steve armor of contempts on the centurions the missile wounds but Steve makes a save Centurion armor holds no damage five bolters from the battle sisters into the centurions actually managed to do a wound charge face now this is big Tac is charging adra's otone with morvin the Arco flatulence also into the centurians I expect he's going to use their extremist trigger [Music] word morvin v spending a miracle dice to get more attacks into agatone and manages to take him down that is another objective cleared for the battle sisters T gets a three on the Miracle dice for doing that devastating wounds for the win poor igra there arle flatulence into the Centurion spining a Comm point on righteous blows and there it is their extremist keyword hazardous weapons but they're going to hit hard three lethal hits and a few more but Steve makes all the saves oh T passes all his hazardous checks centurions fight back and they wipe the Arco flagellant oh Mylanta it does give t a three at his Miracle Dice and ends his turn with storm hostile scored defend stronghold still in his pocket and a score of 42 to 58 in Steve's favor [Music] Steve's final turn now he's got the lead can he hold on Steve gets bring it down and defend stronghold again secondaries that are absolutely achievable Exorcist has been chosen as the oath of moment no Doctrine for him he's using adaptive strategy on the centurions TAC gets a three on his Miracle dice roll and Steve jumps up to 68 points centurions have moved closer to the Exorcist to charge six in charge yeah just doable looks like the infiltrators are happy to just reposition captain and gravis armor also moving towards an objective nothing in it for the shooting phase it's time for the charge phase Centurion charg the exist attack spending its only command point on OverWatch but nothing hits the centurion's hit it hard and it goes up in Flames how appropriate does he explode and take one of you with them no keep close T gets a miracle dice five from that D I get two points on bring it down at the end of my turn end of Steve's turn five sees him at 70 points let's see how many points the T can score hopefully my lead was enough to bring me a big old W on attack turn five now he gets a three on his Miracle Dice and both players have a single command point so I score three on defense stronghold he's got Mark for death and secure no man's land I've drawn Mark for death this is a new P Nexus One Steve has to elect three units that are on the battlefield and I get to score five points by killing at least one of them unfortunate for Steve he still has three units so he has to Mark every single one of them I don't even want to know what the score is but let's try to make it close I'm going to try here for the full 25 point turn Arco flance moving towards the centurions Ste SP a command point in Squad tactics he can move 4 in to ring that objective again to make them even harder to kill T advancing his imif fire with a miracle dice to make it onto that far objective peniton engine advances the three on the Miracle dice to get to that objective as well ad sisters are closing in on the captain or the centurions looks like they have a choice morvin V closing on the centurion's V is Unstoppable cator Clos to the captain zephram towards the centurions TAC is trying to score as much as he possibly can here opening up the shooting phase morvin V spends a miracle dice to get more shots into the centurions Steve finally loses one of his centurions cator firing to the captain and the captain uses rights of battle for free to give him armor of contempt the storm bols are shr how many shots from the cator cannon six shots six Tri of this hitting on threes ooh that's not good only two May one so three up saves I pass one fail one Captain has taken two damage he's down to four Alters from the sisters into the Captain T uses a miracle dice out of five to get a wound deals one wound to the captain from a failed saving throw okay so charges charge face the Arco flatulence into the centurions fail zephram charging the centurions T uses a five out his Miracle dice to confirm the charge and they are [Music] in morvin V into the centurions as well Morin wall is going to activate Morin wall is going to burn a miracle dice for righteous repents hitting on twos the winning on threes I'm going to roll all about one just in case uh I got three sixes is in there three on there so you have three saves to make oh that's three devastating wounds and three saves to make Tac finally has killed the Centurion that is going to give him five points on Mark for death she does it again everything she touches dies there's really nothing else for me to do at the end of his turn he secures No Man's Land he marks for death his Target and he got it however that defense stronghold that Steve Drew is going to be the difference Tac gets up to 70 points Steve to 73 with paint your winner ladies and gentlemen Space Marine Steve 83 to 80 three points incredibly well played sir t What can we say but for your third game with sisters you took Steve to the Limit and thank you for a fantastic match great game good game that is one of the highest scoring games one of the closest games we've had in a while yes oh yeah just by this much though Tac pushed hard in the into the game there phenomenal stuff T congratulations Steve fantastically played game you learn so much more from your losses and your wins till we see you next time play on this episode is brought to you by our friends at combat cards seriously though folks don't forget the code V vahl that is 40 cards that is 40 power cells and 400 coins just for keying in those four little letters into your app and of course a big thank you to you for watching if you like what we do make sure to like subscribe and share this video or if you really like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it from all of us here at the play on Studios on their behalf this is your host JT the voice saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on bonting bonting the country da da da da
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 80,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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