Aaron Kaufman Builds 1200 HP FERRARI TWIN TURBO F12 for DDE: Episode 1

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my name is ding-dong two months ago I spent $300,000 on this Ferrari f12 the first thing I did was smash some donuts no not those donuts these Donuts then I loaded it in a trailer to get it across a snowy mountain pass then stop for some more donuts few days later my friend Dave and I did a 21 hour road trip to Los Angeles he would like to say then installed a screaming fi exhaust yes it was straight piped new wheels said I broke something expensive all these brewery clutches were strong not in the hands of that I got us one fixed I took it to a go-kart track as you did then I had the idea to twin-turbo it because that makes sense on a 13 to 1 compression engine then someone ate a backside today again Aaron Kaufman and Dean Kearney called me and said we will do it so I asked my friend Mark who lives in Los Angeles to drive 23 hours across the Dallas Texas so I could capture all the epic footage for you guys I said yes so that's my story so far and now you're on your way with Mark to watch the build will I sit at home [Music] yo hey I think I'm here I think I made it yes sir I think so see you semi Oracle hmm see in a second yo what's up man oh man nice to meet you yeah how you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's not me today it's going my name is Aaron Kaufman have a shop here in Grand Prairie Texas called arc light fabrication now I've been in this business a long time in fact this is kind of the only thing I've ever done building cars or cutting them up has really been something I've done professionally since I was 18 we've really made move more into racing and then in the past where we were in a long time and hot rodding old pickup trucks and we still build hot rods and we still build pickup truck parts but as I've been able to spend more time behind the wheel afforded to me by more opportunities I've found that I my heart is in racing that I enjoy that community I enjoy those people so as a business we exist more in racing these days but we're definitely hot rodders fairly acquainted to look like the underside of this car over the years okay yes exactly what have we done so far no the car had aftermarket exhaust on it that's already been removed which was a bit of a job so we've got the factory exhaust manifold or factory header and this has got to come out so we start examining like how much room we have to get around it we've already made some decisions about what's gonna happen the upper intake is prohibitively large like it puts the throttle by right what we need to get a pipe through and then we can get with a cold side back so we've decided to alter the intake manifold to a great degree and then I'm getting like the factory manifolds off and then so tonight we're gonna start looking at some of our options as far as routing and packaging we already know where we're gonna put the turbos it's just getting tomb and from them back to the rest of the exhaust and a clean and telogen manner or at least best we can do so when we figured out now so I'm probably gonna jump on my scooter and run grab some of the drink but when we get into this here in a minute we're gonna go ahead and pull the the manifolds the headers off of it right now for one reason is that need be able to match up flanges so that we can move forward put flanges out start connecting tubes to it but the biggest reason is is the one get the header down what I'm looking for is packaging solutions how do I get all the exhaust from underneath the cylinder head like on the bottom here get up above the valve cover and then in a way that allows me to keep heat off the valve cover off the coils off of the cam phaser solenoid you know sensors so it's just like there's all these things that don't need this kind of heat on it and so we're gonna try to figure out how to get from the head up to the turbo with doing as little damage as possible and also so that when we put heat shielding on it it doesn't look stupid and so that's really is trying to figure out all these things and so basically yank the headers off let's see what it takes to get up top I have imagined well in my imagination if we just stopped with this we could I bought some do I popped it up there the other day I tossed it up on the other side whoo howdy if I did that I'd have to pull the motor out because like they need to be so tight I'd have to build them on the floor but like oh man like you look handsome wow that would be so just it's just a looking family like straight up like if they were tucked in there you go oh my god that's where they are huh yeah when it comes to what the f12 is doing what the f12 is doing in the shop here arc like the DD guys had I don't really know exactly how they came to have a relationship with Dean but I believe that they reached out and talked to Dean or Dean and reach out to them so the question came up was I interested well I'm always into building anything interesting and there obviously are no twin turbo kits for and have-12 it's not a car people modify often as it is and I love bad ideas and so I was all game this is a little different than a lot of cars that they're so popular that a lot of people make components make parts for maybe there are a kits or portions of kits and this car really nothing existed it has its own problems because as packaging goes and it's a really really tight really really well stuffed car and so adding turbos to it posed another issue but like I said I like bad ideas and so I was all game we've got a variety of turbo projects going on in the shop right now and quite frankly they all have different turbos on but on the f12 we're running precision turbos at the moment I can't remember the sizes on it but one of the biggest things that we're after it's not this maximum power number we really wanted a much a really smooth power curve and we also realized that we may be limited by the engine itself in its current configuration and so we're the turbos are a little smaller there's a lot of benefits to that is that is a is getting into school very very quickly obviously their weight and so in animal once again the packaging and the smaller turbo makes things a lot easier but as we get into this we may we may find out that there may need to be some changes made the sizes of the x2 sir inducer the housing on it but right now it's like speaking with precision about the size of the motor of the RPMs and our goals on it we picked what we think to be an appropriate size for a little port and I said these Precision's we're gonna you know I've not seen a set on an f12 so we're gonna put them on to see how it works oh bundle snakes pretty cool headed now we get to do it again check this side check that side okay yeah yeah congested what is that it's gonna leak dead dinosaurs run all over the ground parking house that's a really cool way to look at it come on dead dinosaurs yeah that was a t-rex that's what they smell like yep I think they'd smell mine go ahead and go at 17 T all right huh aside from the mess I just made we've got both headers off the EGR lift tubes off all the heat shields back and we're basically ready to start like coming up with the solutions although the turbos up tomorrow and kind of figure out where they're gonna go and then we have to figure out a pathway or like ultimately the packaging how all the headers get from the heads up to the turbo and then from the turbo back down hook up to the rest of the exhaust so we get our first look at how things are gonna look tomorrow Dean what do you say we'll see everybody tomorrow I'm gonna stay all night and get this finished Oh Harper take it off man we're kind of hanging out today for parts for the Ferrari on for the boy aks back in the shop he's drawing up some parrots flanges for the f12 headers we're on a summit run at the moment I have want to get some hardware that we're going to eat proactively before the rest of the piping and tubing comes for the headers tomorrow I think are our first day I'm not too sure it's a brand new summit right yes this is brand-new summit so it opened at the back end the last year and then covenant 19 hey just before I got here so I've never been inside the news so much store well I've been in the parking lot to collect cards there are 50 times in the last month so so this is gonna be my first trip there to actually walk inside check it out you know I remember being a kid and I was still my uncle's Summit magazine and like just to look cool like I didn't know what just looking through these carburetors does that mean when you go right because all NASCAR's gonna have some car brother obviously works we go on a date but when you go right this it run out of fuel legit question so answer [Music] I think we should walk down every single while just to just to do it because you know why not hey I'm gonna enjoy the AC what they can oh it's okay cuz you're only going one way just the other way ten years in the making Compass AMA 10 years and I walk out with wit by bullsh where 10 years to buy 500 off so dean for the viewers that don't know what's your backstory how did you get started and like what you do now came over here at 10 years ago used to race over home I had my like heart said I want to do some aspect of rally or whatever you know then this war call drifting came up out of nowhere they had their first ever event in Ireland and we went up and I borrowed my older brother had his on 240sx like bone stock falls down went up and on the first competition in that car like finished anything for actually good so stuck it out a little bit longer border cameras actually my dad walking in caravan completely honest with that gave me of which to this day he tells me you all behavior he gave me a lot of a grant to play my first or opera drift car would the first three events that we've done with it then started picking up a couple of sponsors along the way I suppose from that point and I started chasing them to dream a little bit kind of fast-forwarding on a bit further or one day European Championship in 2009 so two days after a win championship bearing in mind this was out of time was the biggest recession the world had ever seen a known ion so there was no chance in cell lamech race car so the only way I was able to make enough money to come to the states and actually rent a car over here was sell all the parts of it so I sold all the parts or enter the car over here for the last event that our whanau in October 2009 I've got three laps and broke the motor how's it going on I thought the dream was over Dan it was all said and done just as look happened I got a phone call about four weeks before the season started in it has been 10 here in the US from a team and they had a free seat it was not a paid drive but I also didn't have to bring any money there was two conditions one I had to move over here which kind of sucked because I was a young enough kid at the time I didn't really know what I wanted oh my god the other condition was I had to try to track the trailer for every event which honestly I was stoked about because not a road trip all over America on someone else's money yeah sign me up that's how it start of autumn just ever since then it's been they are per day year after year just shades not dream [Music] [Music] oh so it's oversized on purpose there's every 40 I went to 375 on so the flange is bigger and are you gonna tell him into tree three six I'm gonna do a threes you know the engineers spent a lot of time on this car they and they know something's up and so they didn't run six of them in a row now Rena that are welded together but the front of the header flange the manifold was moved all the manifold is three and three the gaskets are three and three now there are there could be some purchasing reasons they did this but I think the guys everything is also filled into seven it's kind of what I was thinking but the possibility that in this is a heat and harmonics design that being the case I don't want to get us out of those boundaries we're never gonna do a project like this it I mean doesn't matter what it's on it I mean very cheap car very small motor very expensive car very big motor it's like we we need certain components one we need the turbo we need all the raw goods all the tubing but one thing that's really important is the manifold flange the part that actually gets bolted to the cylinder head so we need to build flanges so I can build an entire exhaust manifold from scratch we have different concerns also the car was originally you know I actually asked for it it drew air in based on vacuum we're now shoving it into the turbo so the exhaust side of it can change quite a bit because it doesn't have the same job anymore that being said we're missing a component I can order all the all the mandrel bends all the stainless all the bolts I can wear all kinds of stuff but I can't get f12 exhaust flanges so we had drums so the first thing I really needed to do was basically tear on the motor and one of the components I needed off of it was the left and right exhaust manifold once I got them off basically set of calipers tape measure square start measuring things out and basically copied it I drew it you know in the computer so that I can have them laser-cut put them on the car and build off that and so on some instances you might be able to cut off the manifold flange and use that but we didn't want to destroy a part that a has a probably a very high value and there's nothing wrong with them and so put those on the show and it doesn't do our job the way we want it done so I just started over the scratch pulled the headers off drew new flanges had them cut out of the local laser show up so we're at a point now that we can actually start chopping tubes and start laying it out access developing the exhaust manifold I love the way she doesn't get off hey guys there's a cat back from the floor she's like hey it's gonna go wheel it's gonna be pizza boy no he's a boy I'm just the help huh yawning 60 seconds I had a pizza boy than this we're gonna have me shelby's right here those pizza into it keys on your mind all right [Music] [Music] well I think I'll pass it right on the other side 100% I can see the wall get in there pretty quickly I might be 6 foot 3 foot nimble like water tank of fuel I'm ethanol so around 7 minutes of full drive fun get all the stuff out of marks seat over here so go for a ride any minute me yes yes I mean dude insane kind of foggy around here what's that about hazy there's considerably more grip here than what I expected actually yeah when I dropped the clutch I was like mark my diet daily drifted exotics not driven now oh do we have a competition you have some say - Daymond Dave you motivated me to get into cars man do channels my favorite brought a Ferrari for you guys if people's the Ferrari out in the middle of do Donuts around it oh yeah you can't say no are you excited deep I get to drive a racecar for the first time since our last course my excitement it's pretty cool oh and you find that yellow at 4:30 in Mexico and it's kind of unusual it is unusual well we see if it works [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Dean there's like a madman dude I don't know if you could see but he was loving it he was [Applause] [Applause] [Music] whoa I'm speechless man that was that's it's so sleepy here it's so hard to kind of put down the power on the ground and the car is built for so boy not for forward so I has more grip when the cars actually sideways then when it's actually the straight line Oh Dean we didn't think about a Ferrari Oh Marianne if he left without giving me a driver and he said he would he said he doesn't let you do donuts all right so what are we doing now Dean we go back to work on table two in the Ferrari [Music] by that line up all the holes with the stuff there's a pain in the rear Madison is the actual vodka then they could be yeah they're really I wouldn't put myself I don't think they could be coming I like Al are yeah they still decides to get on the one the right side the ones has a lord this one could have been broke up as one unit but since the other one couldn't I went ahead and just still both have calves you know so at this point on the build largely we've been ramping up so a lot of it has been disassembling the car to get clearance can get to the area that we need to work on I've managed to actually get the turbos mounted on the car now the turbo actually attaches itself to the outgoing exhaust and the incoming header like the exhaust coming out of the head into the turbo so there's a couple of ways that is attached and most the time you see a turbo it is mounted exclusively on to the header or exhaust manifold now it's a personal thing I really don't believe that as you start putting pressure and heat on these tubes that if you mount the turbo not directly above or directly beneath the header that all those forces can really cause it to move around too much and not to mention if it's a lot of weight out on the end of the lever and so I like to support the turbo vertically and then we can run the exhaust out to it so having the towers on this car and having the turbos mounted basically to the end of the cylinder heads really a supports the turbo so I think that we're gonna have a much much longer lifespan on the manifold because it won't be under stress all the time and it won't be stressed on the turbo the joint or the manifold but also it gives me my B location a is the cylinder head and all the ports coming off of it and then B is the inlet on the turbo and so I effectively have my roadmap now one thing about mounting them onto the end of the cylinder heads as opposed to just on the exhaust manifolds or anywhere else is that if you build the exact same mount one tower or one turbo will actually lead the other one because in every car with a V engine configuration one cylinder head has to lead the other cylinder head and so imagine for every every lobe on the crank they have a left and right bank 1 bank two connecting rod well they can't share the same space so one connecting rod is in front of the other well since the cylinder heads and block have the same bore spacing on it naturally once cylinder has to be further forward than the other one typically about the width of the connecting rod in this case millimeters I'm not sure it is I've stopped my head but about 3/4 of an inch and so when I built the towers first we built identical ones looked at and verify the distance on it and built the second tower that basically steps back and actually allows the two turbos in the car to be in the exact same place now on when you look at it up the motor one turbo actually sits further back on the on the engine that's to get them in the same place in the car because when the cylinder heads is actually further forward on it you'll find this in every car that has a v6 of v8 b10 b12 one cylinder heads rather for social reasons the brackets are different ultimately the the turbos are at the same height they're the same width we don'twe from the frame rails and I guess it allow it gives me my view location a location put some in the car support some it really knocks out quite a few birds with one stone fix it soon about four - all right there's so much of them there's a broad definition but ultimately about - is is like more respectful it's like I'm about to do that and like you're going to get to it but I'm fitting to me it means one or two things either get the F out of my way I'll do it whenever I get ready or it means like that's already done you're asking dumb questions what are you gonna get the Ferrari money are you a really well evolved car and so to have such a wild feature on such an evolved car definitely you'll get noticed the cars it's vicious already it's very loud and I it makes it makes a statement and it's about to make a lot bigger [Music] it's so much fun we really are children
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 2,038,393
Rating: 4.8756762 out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Kaufman, Arclight Fab, Dean Kearney, Team Karnage, Formula Drift, Drift Viper, Drift Ferrari, Twin Turbo Ferrari F12, Twin Turbo V12, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Fast and Loud, Gas Monkey Garage
Id: DiZNegOugWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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