How To Make Sausage For Beginners - Easy Homemade Sausage

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's play barbecue on today's video we're getting out of the comfort zone we're going to be making some sausage for the very first time stay tuned as you can see look at this bark is crazy oh man it's perfect it helps to start with a nice sharp knife okay oh my goodness look at that all right so before i get started on the sausage making i want to go over the ingredients that i'm going to put in the sausage and i gotta tell you i'm a little bit nervous about making sausage this is my very first time but like everything i remember my first brisket i just did it and you kind of learn as you go but as far as the seasonings you have to weigh them out you can't really use cups and and those types of measurements you have to go by weight okay so there is a rule of thumb when it comes to making sausage so i'm cooking 25 pounds and it's going to be half beef half pork 25 pounds total so 25 pounds of meat equals 11 350 grams of meat there's about 453 grams in a pound and that's how i came up with this number okay so you take the grams times 1.5 percent and that 1.5 percent is gonna be my salt now you can go up to two percent but again this is my first time making sausage i don't want to make it too salty i can always add but if i add i can't take out now i use the salt to gauge exactly how much i wanted to add of the other spices so i am using 45 grams of paprika 45 grams of black pepper i don't think that's enough black pepper but again i can always add i'm also using 32 grams of turmeric turmeric powder is going to give the sausage a very light flavor but it's going to give it a really nice color especially when you slice into it and that fat comes out of it's going to have a nice kind of orange reddish color to it i'm also going to use 45 grams of granulated garlic 40 grams of onion powder and 32 grams of ground mustard okay so i'm just gonna put this in a bowl and set it aside for now there we go i'm going to hold on to this all right so i've got my spices in a bowl i'm just going to set this aside i'm going to be grinding up a brisket and also a pork shoulder i'll be right back all right so here's my 12 and a half pound brisket then i have 12 and a half pounds of pork shoulder i just cut this pork shoulder in half and again that gives me the 12 and a half pounds it's going to be a 50 50 sausage okay so we're just going to cut this brisket into cubes not too small cubes but about three by three cubes just like this this is gonna definitely fit in my meat grinder nothing fancy i'm not trimming any fat i want that 70 30 meat to fat ratio which is the perfect sausage and you're going to get that 70 30 ratio with a whole pack of brisket like this okay and this is a prime brisket you can see some of that marbling got a good amount of fat cap on it all right so i've got the brisket cut up and same thing for the pork shoulder i'm gonna cut some big cubes so don't worry about cross-contaminating the beef and the pork again these two are gonna be friends here pretty soon really close friends okay so about that big i'm going to finish cutting these two up and we'll be right back all right so i've got the meat all cubed up and one thing i failed to mention was that i did put these in the freezer for a little bit in fact the pork shoulder pieces of it are actually pretty frozen like this one right here and some of the brisket pieces are kind of hard as well okay so they're kind of mid-frozen if you will just going to spread enough into each bowl and then mix it by hand just like this and get in there and mix it up it smells really really good and the reason i cubed it up is so that it fits down the chute of my meat grinder and i don't have these big chunks in there that are going to get stuck on me i'm going to be grinding it obviously with the spices on there and i might even grind it twice depending on the texture after the first grind all right so i'm going to keep mixing these i'm going to set up my meat grinder and we'll be right back all right so i've got the meat all cut up now it's time to grind it up so i'm just going to feed a few pieces down the chute here you want to try not to start your grinder dry so just to get it started just like that turn it on so all right so i am using a coarse dye which is the number 10 dye and again i probably will be passing this twice i do want a little bit of texture but i also don't want it too chunky okay all right it's looking really good as you can see there all right i'm gonna finish grinding this up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got the meat ground up and i gotta tell you the coarseness of the meat is a little too coarse for me so we got some big chunks here so i will be putting a smaller die which is the four and a half millimeter die once i pass it through the grinder again so what i'm going to do is i want to mix this by hand first since i have a lot in this bowl i'm just going to transfer some into smaller bowls and then mix it up it smells absolutely delicious okay so this is good i'm just going to go ahead and mix it by hand get it all incorporated get that brisket and get that pork shoulder mixed together who is really cold and that's what you want you don't want this to warm up whatsoever all right so i'm going to change out the die take out the 10 millimeter die and put that four and a half millimeter in all right so as i mentioned earlier i am going to pass the beat to the grinder one more time with the four and a half millimeter die just pass it through there shouldn't really need a plunger but just in case oh yeah this is looking really good look at this this is what i want right here all right i'm going to finish this up and we'll be right back all right so i've got the sausage mixture all ground up and this is where we're at right now i wanted to show you the difference between the 10 millimeter die and the four and a half millimeter die you can see the openings right there again this is the 10 millimeter and this is the four and a half so that's why we got this finer grind if you will so from this point again this is still really cold but before i do anything else i'm just gonna grab a small patty and i highly recommend that this is your first time making sausage like it is mine to make yourself a little patty and fry it up in a pan and make sure you like the texture and also the flavor of your sausage before you even start to case it okay because right now is the time that you want to add maybe more salt maybe more pepper i can tell that i do need a little bit more pepper and this sausage for my liking anyway so i will be adding more pepper but before i do that i'm going to fry this little patty up i'm going to be putting this in the fridge i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got the sausage patty cooked up let's see how we did nicely cooked you know the only thing it needs is perfect on the salt and the seasonings it just needs a little bit more black pepper so i'm gonna go grab the meat out of the fridge and add just a little bit more black pepper all right so as i mentioned the only thing missing from this sausage mix is a little bit more black pepper and i'm gonna go back to my sausage making instructions and i did add 45 grams of black pepper so i'm gonna add another 25 grams of black pepper total of 70 grams of black pepper okay so i've got my scale right here i'm just going to switch it to grams and add another 25 grams of black pepper 27 okay just went a little bit over now you can see that it's not a whole lot of black pepper so i'm just going to distribute this like this and also we're going to be adding some water just to emulsify the sausage mixture a little bit you know it's kind of separated a little bit i want to bring it together and adding some ice cold water is going to do that so i've got two cups of ice cold water i'm going to add one cup to start with and we'll see how that looks okay that's good right there so i'm just going to mix this together and really incorporate that black pepper and that water mixture so right about now is when i wish i had a meat mixer and in fact i might look at getting one because i'm liking the sausage making all right so i am going to add the other cup of water again this is ice cold water and continue to mix it all right so i'm liking this consistency right here this is exactly what i'm looking for and again i saw a lot of videos so thank you to all of those youtubers and people that wrote articles on making sausage because i was reading a ton and watching a ton of videos on making sausage so there's a lot of good information out there so a true test if you got the right consistency is to grab a bunch and kind of make a patty and it shouldn't fall from your hand like this it's really nice and sticky so i'm going to go with this i'm going to go ahead and set up our stuffer and we'll be right back all right so i've got my canister here and the instructions say to spray the inside with some spray oil now i don't have any so i just soaked some olive oil in a paper towel and wiped the inside just like this and got it all coated up on the inside so next step is to load the sausage mix into the canister right here you want to make sure that you really pack it in there don't have any air pockets because that's going to again create an air pocket in your sausage casing so this is a 20 pound container so we'll see how much of this we can fit in here all right so i've got about half of the sausage mixture in the container i just made an audible last-minute audible i will be adding some green chili to this mixture that way i have some green chili sausages as well so i'm just going to set this into my stuffer [Music] all right so let's set up our stuffer i do have the container again mounted in my stuff we're just going to crank the handle a little bit slowly i can see we have some air pockets in there but we'll see how that acts here in a little bit so you want the meat just to show up a little bit right on the tip of this attachment right here not too much there it is right there then back the handle up okay so at this point i am using these ps seasoning hall casings these are natural hog casings this company does sell seasonings and stuff i just found this i went to cabela's and was able to find these hog casings and i went online to their website the ps seasonings and they have a bunch of seasonings and a bunch of sausage making ingredients so so the trick to these hog casings is just finding one end and rinsing all the salt off of it running it through some water a couple of times warm water a couple of times for about two hours or so and then just leave them soaking in some water and it's kind of like blowing up a balloon those real small balloons you got to find the end so once you find the end like this you want to stick two fingers in the casing just like this okay stick two of your fingers in there and pick up some of that water it's gonna do two things okay it's gonna make it easier to put the casing on the tube right here and also it's gonna open up the casing as you're putting it in right here okay just making it real easy to put the casing on your tube you're also able to find out if you have a leak inside your sausage casing because it will leak water obviously if there's a hole so just continue to feed that gently all right so now we're at the end of our casing and i'm just going to tie a knot at the end right here just like that and feed the rest on all right the moment we have all been waiting for now a little trick that my cousin told me is to put some water inside your pan right here i do have an aluminum sheet pan and that's going to make the sausage easy to slide around okay all right so i'm going to be turning the handle to my sausage stuffer with my right hand and then guiding the casing with my left hand now i'm a right-handed person so we'll see how this goes and you just have to be gentle with it don't over stuff it because you will have a blowout if you will so just feed it it's nice and tight just put a little bit of pressure just to get that sausage to go into the casing okay that looks good to me right there so at this point i'm just going to twist the sausage in one direction just like this this one's actually a little bit loose but it looks good to me so just about eight to ten times and again i twisted this one towards me the next one will be against me so i'm going to try to put a little bit more sausage into this casing here because that one was a little bit loose there we go that's nice and tight right there okay that looks good again this one is going to go away from me just like that oh yeah that's nice and tight all right this is the best one so far it's nice and tight nice and plump look at that all right i'm going to keep on stuffing and i'll bring you guys right back as soon as i make my green chili sausage all right so i've got the first batch done and i got to tell you i learned a lot making these sausages okay some of these are you know perfect sausages like these and then some of them are really thick but one thing that i learned is that you can't go much thicker than this i did have like two or three blowouts some of it may have been because the casing was already punctured but i think i overstuffed them so i'm glad i experienced that so i got to experience the limits of the casing you can see the size difference right here again overstuffed and again this is the perfect sausage right here so i learned a lot i tried to test the limits of the casing to see how much i could put in it and i learned that so i had again probably three blowouts all right so when i had the blowouts i just cut the casing with my knife tied a knot tied another nut on this end and started over it set simple the excess meat i was just throwing it into a pile and i added it to this mixture again so i've got about 30 maybe 40 sausages here i didn't count them but i will before this video is over so i'm adding one pound of green chili now this is that triple x green chili which is really really hot so that's why i'm only adding one pound i finally chopped it so i'm just going to mix this in real quick and get some of that green chili all over the sausage all right so i've got these sausage mixed up and you can see some of the green chilies in there so i know this sausage is gonna have a punch to it okay so i'm just gonna stuff the container right here again pack it in really nice and tight all right so i've got it stuffed and it's about maybe three quarters of the way full so i'm thinking i have maybe 12 pounds or so so i'm just going to put this in the stuffer and we'll start stuffing these stay tuned all right so i've got my second batch ready to go now on this clip i'm going to show you some of the things that i learned okay so starting with the casing again open it up with two fingers and put enough water in it okay this is one of the things i learned put some water in it and instead of immediately putting the casing on the tube right here just lift it up and run that water through the casing what that does is it untwists the casing so see like right there kind of bound up pass the water all the way through just like that and then go ahead and add a little bit more water and adding that water is going to make the casing much easier to put on your tube right here see that it's a lot easier so when you're passing the water the first time it kind of untangles the casing or untwist it if you will so what i do is i pass it all the way in and then pull it out go ahead and tie your knot just a simple knot try to get as close to the edge as possible nice and tight okay just like that all right so i'm purposely going to leave this sausage a little loose one of the things that i learned is you can actually put that sausage back in just like that so the tip of the tube is right around here at this point i could put more sausage in there if i wanted to just like that okay and the other thing as i went i was twisting the sausage i'm not going to do it on this batch i'm just going to make one long continuous link and again i left it a little bit thin so i'm just going to push it on the tube and fill it up just like that again lift it a little thin and just continue to fill up your casing just one continuous roll kind of guide it very little pressure right here on the tube again lift it a little bit thin right there so i'm just going to go back and fill that there you go all right so i've got this casing completely filled up so right now i'm just going to twist the sausage again probably five five and a half maybe six inches so what you want to do is kind of move the sausage aside if you will and just twist and turn and hopefully you don't pop the casing if we do i'll show you how i can fix that okay just like that i'm twisting this sausage towards me so the next one we're going to pinch again right here pinch it and then twist in the opposite direction these are a little short actually but that's okay just like that i'm going to make this one a little bit longer pinch right here and then twist towards me there we go so again this is my first time making sausage so be easy on me so that's the perfect one right there okay next one pinch and go away just like that and these are really nice and meaty okay pinch right here towards me so now i have this longer piece so what i try to do is somewhere in the middle just pinch it and this last one really doesn't matter which direction you twist it okay and there's our links you can easily roll it up just like that alright i'm gonna finish this batch up and we'll be right back all right so i'm done with this batch here and i got 42 sausages out of this batch 95 total sausages out of the entire batch okay and one thing i want to show you is some of these are different sizes and i think that makes it more homemade you know some of these small ones some of these real thick ones you know some of these real thick long ones like this one here so another tip is i did add some ice cubes in here because these are sitting on the counter for a little bit while you're stuffing you don't want the the temperature to get too hot inside the casing so from this point i'm just going to transfer them onto a sheet an aluminum sheet pop them in my fridge so letting them rest in the fridge is also going to develop a pellicle on the outside so it kind of a coating if you will and that's what the smoke is going to stick to once you do smoke them all right so i'm going to be putting these in my refrigerator overnight tomorrow i'm going to smoke a handful of these and see how we did stay tuned all right so it's the very next day and the sausage was in my fridge for 24 hours and i got to tell you the skin really firmed up and they got a little bit more plump than when i initially put them in i'm going to bring you guys in closer to take a look at those here in a bit but i do want to talk about the stuffer that i use in the video this is not the one that i used for the video i actually went down to the store and purchased a stuffer now there were some things wrong with that stuffer that i didn't like just some flaws in the design and i wish i would have gotten this one i just received this meat stuffer today i had ordered it but they may have been on back order but i got it in today i'm really happy with this design it doesn't have the flaws that the other one does i'm gonna do a video on the comparison between both before i return the other one to the store but i want you guys to know just a buyer beware if you will but this one is definitely gonna be the one that i'm gonna use in the future so let me bring you guys in closer to the sausages all right so here's the sausage and like i mentioned i think they got a little bit more plump when they sat in the fridge and they got this really nice color you can see right through the casing now and this is just my regular beef and pork sausage and this is my beef and pork sausage with the green chili and you can see that through the casein now this has a little bit of air pockets now if i had a bigger air pocket i would definitely pop that with some kind of bobby pin something really sharp just to get rid of that sometimes the grease will collect where you have an air pocket like this but that's a very small air pocket i'm not too worried about it you know the sausage overall looks really good all right so i'm going to grab five of each flavor we're going to be smoking these in my yoder y640 pellet smoker i've got it set at 250 degrees let's head outside all right we're outside of my yoder y640 pellet smoker and i'm going to be smoking these sausages on the top shelf now i didn't cut the links i'm just going to leave them whole just as is got five of the green chili sausages and actually have six of the regulars so just gonna spread them out on the top shelf just like that we're gonna check back on them in about 30 minutes all right so it's been 30 minutes since i put the sausage on oh yes look at that they're getting nice and plump so i'm just gonna flip these over oh yeah look at those grill marks this might be a little tricky because they're still tight together there we go but they are looking really really good now the internal temperature that i'm looking for is 160 degrees and again it's only been about 35 minutes so i'm going to give it another probably 30 minutes i'm gonna come back and get an internal temperature stay tuned all right so total cook time is one hour it's been 30 minutes since we flipped the sausages so i'm just gonna check the internal temperature on one of these and i hate to do it because it's gonna pop the casing but i gotta make sure that these sausages are ready so i'm just gonna poke this one right here at the end oh yeah 180 we went a little bit over but that's okay and check one of these 174 so these are ready again we were shooting for 160. um we got enough fat content in there that they're not going to be dry they're still nice and plump so i'm going to pull them off and give them a taste stay tuned all right so these sausages are ready and they've only been resting for about five minutes so they're still pretty hot i'm just gonna cut the links here separate them and grab a couple of these and a couple of these right here these are the regular all right so i'm going to slice into the regular beef and pork sausage and see what the consistency looks like oh yeah nice and smooth surface and you see that yellow kind of fat dripping out right there just squeezing it and i wanted that and the turmeric helps with that okay so you got a really nice smoke ring around the sausage so just going to grab a couple of slices so we can give this a taste really nice texture one thing that i was worried about is that it was going to be too too crumbly and it's not you know it's nice and smooth and that's what you want on a sausage okay here's our green chili slice in this one as well oh yeah that looks really nice nice and juicy as well nice smooth texture you can see the green chili in there oh yeah let's give this a taste all right the moment i've been waiting for for two days i'm gonna try the regular sausage first and even though i went a little bit over on the temperature it's still really juicy as you guys saw so regular sausage first that texture is really really good the seasoning is perfect even got a small smoke ring on the sausage so that is really really tasty i'm really happy with that um i'm gonna try the green chili the hatch green chili again this is a triple x hash queen chili which is really spicy and i've got a few pieces in here cheers all right so the flavors are really similar but this one obviously has a little bit more spice i use the same sausage mixture i just added some hatch green chili to the green chili ones alright so my favorite out of both of these is definitely going to be the green chili so i'm going to make myself a little sausage dog here got some spicy brown mustard gonna add enough of this oh yes i love spicy brown mustard look at that let's see we got a snap all right so again this is my first time ever making sausage and it's work but i got to tell you the end result is definitely worth it i'm going to leave links in the description box on where you can get your meat grinder and your meat stuffer also the casings that i use in this video if this is your first time here hit that subscribe button until next time joe with smoking joe's put bbq see ya
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 125,101
Rating: 4.8841701 out of 5
Keywords: how to make sausage for beginners, sausage making machine, sausage making process, sausage making at home, sausage making for beginners, sausage making recipes, sausage making with kitchenaid, homemade sausage recipes, easy sausage recipes, grinding meat with kitchenaid, stuffing sausages by hand, italian sausage recipes, how to make bratwurst sausage, Texas hot guts sausage, hpw to make sausge, making sausage, Sausage stuffing, yoder, ys640, smoked sausage, smokin joes pit bbq
Id: WZwpzSsrBD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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