Once Upon a Time in Deadwood (2019) | Full Western Action Movie | Robert Bronzi | Michael Paré

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- Hot damn. And we're each gonna be needin' a little bit of lovin' from you. Except, we're gentlemen. So, we'll go one at a time. You play nice... You might live through this. - Actually, you will do as I say and leave us alone. Or you die the same way your friend Morton died. - You killed Morton? - He left us no choice. You still have a choice. I lured you in and you're standing directly in our trap. Leave now, or we will gun you down, right here, where you stand. - We? We who? - I was trying to give you a chance. Very well, then. Colonel? Now. (Colonel groans) (dramatic orchestral music) - Well, you talk a good game, woman. Let's see what else you can do with that mouth. - Gotcha. (Ursula moans) (thud) (bandit groans) (thuds) (bandit groans) (Ursula pants) (Ursula groans) (thuds) (grunts and groans) (gun fires) (Ursula grunts) (Ursula groans) (Ursula grunts) (gun fires) (bandit groans) - Grab that gun and go watch the horses. (gun fires) (bullet ricochets) (bandit pants) (Ursula pants) (bandit yells) (guns fire) (distant gun fires) (bandit grunts) (gun fires) (gun fires) (bullet ricochets) (bandit pants) (gun fires) (bandit groans) And the horses? - You killed all of the villains, darling. I'm sure the horses are fine. I, on the other hand, am probably permanently scarred from the anguish I suffered, nearly being ravaged by those filthy animals. (moody guitar music) - [Bandit] Come on, hee-yah! - I guess there was another man. I realize the rest of the journey will take longer now but, we still need to go forward. - How much further? - By foot? I'd estimate another two or three days. Surely a strong man like you can make that simple journey. - But not with your poison coursing through my blood. - About the poison. - What? Talk! - I didn't really poison you. All I did was give you something to give you stomach cramps so that you would believe my story. As far as I know, there's no poison that works the way I told you. I apologize for the trickery, Colonel. There's no poison in your body. Please don't leave me! I shouldn't have lied to you, but I'm desperate! Colonel, you can't just walk away like this! You can't let the bad guys win! I beg of you. I'll give you anything you want. - Anything? (moody guitar music) - Yes. Whatever you want. - My love. You are a liar. (speaks foreign language) And the only thing I want from you, is your absence. - I've seen you in action, Colonel. I've seen your heart. You won't leave those girls to suffer. Nor would you leave me to face the abductors alone. Turn around! I demand you turn around this instant! (somber piano music) No time for tears. There is work to do. (melancholic orchestral music) (water splashes) (sister grunts) (door creaks) (man chuckles) - Why're you lookin' so sad, little darlin'? - Them prospectors are gonna be here in a few hours. You want your bath now, or after? - Go to hell. Someone's gonna come for me soon. - Suit yourself. I hear these ones have a tendency to be rough. - Oh, I think she likes it rough, Lemmy. After's probably better. Right, princess? (chuckles) (door creaks) (somber orchestral music) (wings flap) (Ursula gasps) (birds squawk) (Ursula grunts) (Ursula gasps) (Ursula whines) (Ursula grunts) - Hold this for me, darlin'. Nephew, you look like you could use some relaxin' with one of the beautiful women of the Gem Theater and Saloon. Go ahead, first one's on me. You gonna tell me what's on your mind, or are you gonna make me guess? - Just worried about the new girl is all. She says someone will be comin' for her. - Well, if someone's comin' for her, they're gonna have to go through you and your men, aren't they? Now I know you're nervous, but I tell ya somethin'. When I was your age, I had to do what needed to be done to get what we got, and now it's your turn, to do what you gotta do to keep what we got. Have a drink, son. Sierra. Get my hat, darlin'. (moody orchestral music) (Ursula groans) (leave rustle) (dark atmospheric tones) - I was told you keep a lookout for ladies tryin' to escape the town. I never thought I'd find one tryin' to sneak in. - This isn't what you think. - You lookin' for work? 'Cause we've got plenty for a pretty lady like you. - No, I'm here to find my sister. - Well, I don't know anything about that. But I know the boss will pay me plenty for you. (dramatic orchestral music) (Ursula groans) (Ursula pants and grunts) (thuds) (man groans) (Ursula groans) (thud) (Ursula groans) (thud) (man groans) (Ursula grunts) (gun fires) (man groans) (moody orchestral music) - Now, I want those miners to leave every gram of gold they've got, here in Deadwood. So what we're gonna is build ourselves a banker's booth at the end of the bar in the Gem Theater. Past the lovely ladies, past the whisky, you understand? (moody guitar music) (gun fires) Get inside, darlin'. Nephew? This woman could be trouble. So, I want you all to flank her, and I'll flatter her until we know exactly what she's gonna do with that gun. You are not gonna believe this, but you are just the girl I've always dreamed of. It's amazing, you know how time seems to stand still gazing upon such a visage of beauty as you are. - You abducted my sister and one of my house girls. Bring them to me now and I'll let you live. Bring them to me not and you die, right here, right now. - Oh, my. I surrender. - I accept your surrender. - You might wanna put that gun down, before someone gets hurt. Especially since you are surrounded. (suspenseful music) Go ahead, take a look behind you. - I'm willing to die for my sister. - That's too bad. (moody orchestral music) (gun fires) (man groans) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gasps) (grunts) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (screams) (gun fires) (Swearengen groans) (grunts) (distant guns fire) - Who's shooting out there? - I don't know, it's down the street. (sister gasps) - Did anyone see you take those? - No. - Hurry, hurry, hurry. Let me see. It's this one. Got it! Let's go. Let's go. (distant guns fire) (yelps) (distant guns fire) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (Ursula grunts) - That's them! They went that way! Colonel! (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (sister groans) (somber orchestral music) (sister coughs) (sister gasps and groans) - Hide! (moody guitar music) (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) (distant guns fire) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) (guns fire) (gun fires) Hee-yah. (gun fires) (guns fire) (gun fires) (gun fires) Hee-yah. (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) - [Man] I'm tellin' ya, I heard gunshots up here somewheres. (man whistles) (moody guitar music) (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) (guns fire) (man grunts) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (guns fire) (gun fires) (Daisy sobs) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) - Get up there. (gun fires) (gun fires) (man groans) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (guns fire) (man groans) (distant guns fire) (bullets whiz) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) (gun fires) - Colonel? Colonel! Colonel! (pants) What news, Colonel? - Sorry to report. Your sister was killed. (somber orchestral music) (Ursula sobs) I was able to save your servant girl. (whistles) (Ursula gasps) (Ursula sobs) - Are you hurt? - No, I'm fine. - I was so scared. - They killed Abigale. - I know, but you still have me, and your big sister won't let any harm come to you. - She's your sister? - My father's daughter. When my mother passed away, my father started to take a liking to one of my servant girls... Maria, the one I told you about? My father married Maria. And nine months later, I had a little sister. (somber orchestral music) You're a good man, Colonel. I knew you wouldn't let the bad guys win. (melancholic piano music) I'm going to bury Abigale. And take my little sister home. We have a big house. And it's going to be empty now. We have lots of space and rooms. I was thinking... Maybe one day. - Maybe one day. (click) (suspenseful music) (moody guitar music) (suspenseful guitar music) (guns fire) (bandit groans) (bandit groans) (gun fires) I don't let the bad guys win. (thud) (bandit groans) Or leave. (moody guitar music) (percussive tribal music)
Channel: Flix For Free
Views: 114,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, Dreadwood, Times in Deadwoord, Dead Wood, Once Upon a Time in Deadwood Trailer, Once Upon a Time in Deadwood Free Trailer, Once Upon a Time in Deadwood Official Trailer, Once Upon a Time in Deadwood Full Trailer, Trailer, Free Trailer, Official Trailer, Once Upon a Time in Deadwood, deadwood trailer
Id: VjiLR-o3wmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 50sec (5090 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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