A VERY EXTRA ETSY HAUL !! *crazy clothing & great quality*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video before we get into what we're doing in this video i need to address the elephant in the room and that is this hairstyle what was i thinking you may be asking yourself and like i have no explanation to why i did this i actually cried whoa this morning i woke up and i was like let's do something fun with our hair like we're filming an extra haul it's gonna be fun we're gonna be trying fun outfits so we need some hair to match and i have seen a few people do this style on instagram and it really reminds me of the 90s and early 2000s which i love that style so i tried it myself and i look like a giant 10 year old so there's that so we're just not going to talk about it okay just ignore it just this all is blurred don't look at it but hair aside we are doing a very very fun video today as you guys know on my channel i have done very extra wish hauls quite a few times in the past i haven't done one for a very long time and today i'm doing that but with a twist instead of from wish it's going to be from etsy i love etsy got some really really fun and crazy pieces like absolutely no theme here other than eye-catching and a little bit crazy out of my comfort zone we're going to be looking very extra by the end of this video and i can't wait so i think without further ado i've got a big box of stuff from etsy all very extra let's dive in and do this let's do this thing let's try this stuff on okay let's start off with the bang this is a rainbow tool dress and like from the picture is it like see-through like i'm definitely going to wear things under it obviously like this is rated g on this channel but like i don't know what to expect i guess the only way i'll figure it out is by looking at it we've got a gorgeous model here on the front thank you for your order at house of forest okay let's see oh pieces are flying out oh my gosh the most beautiful colored tool it's so roughly and so crazy if i didn't remember what i had ordered i would be very confused and like i'm kind of like waffling on that like this is a dress right like i think you just take the pieces close it up and then use this straight piece to tie it up and it's either like a dress but it probably also could be worn as like an overcoat i'm not gonna lie the product pictures sold me on this one i definitely didn't go searching for like a rainbow tool dress but when i saw it i was like seriously contemplating i was like you know what that's pretty extra it'll do oh yeah and then it's got like sleeves kind of like a dress shirt right here very very unique honestly just looks like a giant clump of rainbow mesh fabric so let's put it on i'll style it as a dress and then also as like kind of like a little overcoat and we will see how we like it so as you can see i decided to dress up a little bit i didn't want to just throw this on over my sweatpants set so i tried to pick some colors that kind of went with it i even put on some heels and now i'm feeling like really weirdly dressed up but okay this is the main focus let's see how this looks because i was thinking it could kind of be worn two ways first way oh my gosh hold on excuse me this is so cute are you joking i don't know what it is okay this complete outfit like even with the braids like as much as i was like doubting the braids like with this look it all seems very in place right now okay but there is also this belt so i think you're supposed to put it like this and just tie it around pretty straightforward for me personally to wear this i think the most wearable way would to wear it kind of as like a statement overcoat just like this like i love this and it's so extra it gives me like clown energy but like in the most sophisticated way if that even is possible i don't know clown and sophisticated not sure if those are the same thing i think as a dress this would be a huge statement it would look gorgeous in photo shoots but yeah for me like i'm liking the coat part it is a little itchy on the seams but i think that i would put up with it just because of how good it looks also like who would have known that i would have an outfit that would look good with this like where did these two pieces come from like excuse me yeah i love this this is adorable 10 out of 10. okay this i am so excited for i actually want to do an entire video around latex clothing because i feel like i've had my fair share of trying on latex pieces and they always look dreadful on me like seriously it's just not a look for me but that never stops me because i bought another latex piece this is like an honest latex top like this actually feels like rubber oh my goodness it smells like a balloon like listen to that like that is a balloon top this is a full-on balloon top and like the cellar was so sweet they were asking me like what color zipper i wanted and i said like oh if it could match the thing that would be gray and they were like anything you want we can do and i was like that's so sweet thank you there's also like powder all over this i think so that it doesn't become like all sticky which of course i'm a huge fan of drag and i've seen full latex outfits on there and it just like it sticks to you like it's like why do i want to say water but like seriously it's like stuck it's like a second layer of skin so we will see how this looks it's just like a pink jacket it would provide absolutely zero heat but maybe it'll be a look i'm getting powder all over my hoodie so let's just put that on i got powder all over me and i just got a new matching sweatpants set new to my collection and it's already covered in powder from an extra haul that's very fitting very fitting this my plant sprayer i'm gonna clean my hands okay all right you guys this rubbery top i'll jump into it i'm not gonna put it on over this i'll take this part off so just give me a second oh my gosh you guys first of all this outfit looks ridiculous like i feel like i'm like okay hold on let me think what do i feel like like first of all putting it on was so cold like this is genuinely like serious latex like every other latex i've ever worn has not been latex like this is latex like i get what you guys mean when you say mia that's not latex like latex is different like you're right this is way different than what i've tried the other stuff is like imitation this is like the real deal kind of looks like a watermelon right like pink and green watermelon look listen to it i feel like i would be like casted as like the villain in some sort of like kid's film i would be like that villain that's like are you really wanting to do that right now like just the villain that is actually not threatening in the slightest and like a pink latex jacket like i kind of love this but i also know what i need and i need like a matching pair of pants immediately let me know down below if you want to see an entire video of trying latex pieces because this has now got me like really excited like i want to put on like a skin tight latex drag outfit it's a must-have i want it it's coming and it's inspired by this like this is great and like the craftsmanship on this is amazing like it feels awesome it's such a nice pink color it's not skin tight like i should probably should have sized down a little if i wanted it to be like super super tight but yeah i like this i just don't like where would i wear this honestly like i don't know now speaking of drag i don't think this is specifically well nothing's just a drag outfit like you know what i mean you can wear it however you want but like when i think of like beautiful glamorous extra outfits i can't help but think of drag queens they just bring it every single day all the time and this is gonna bring it i think if it looks like the product picture which it does this is like what wait hold on a second it's like actually see-through wow i'm gonna be showing a lot more than i thought i was gonna today so on the back there's like this champagne color and then on the front it's gold with very very light mesh on here and like these jewels are heavy like i'm actually surprised because this goes up into a turtleneck but like that doesn't feel strong enough to hold the sheer mass of jewels on here i mean i guess we'll see when we put it on but like this looks expensive like okay this is pretty like these jewels are not cheap you guys like they're beautiful and like really really secured on here nicely like whoever made this is very very talented this is beautiful oh my gosh i'm so excited i feel like my hair won't make any sense with this though like not at all like these are not the same vibe at all like i should have like big bouncy curls like marilyn monroe short style with this dress i think but that's not gonna happen so we'll put it on with my normal hair okay i quite possibly am showing this in the absolute worst way i wore blue underwear today because i don't have a brain head empty don't got one sorry bright blue and like i just don't trust these crystals to like cover enough so i'm just gonna leave my bright blue underwear on thank you very much okay so at first glance i really really like this especially if you only look at the top half like it is quite beautiful the jewels are like very luxurious feeling also they kind of like cut off the jewels halfway to give you like that hourglass look like they're definitely faking that like i don't naturally have that like i feel like you have to continue the jewels onto the back so if the back was a continuation of the front i would give this like a 10 out of 10. like it is beautiful i mean it's not my style but this isn't about being my style this is about being extra and this is very very extra i just like i feel like what am i doing like literally what like this is so out of place like the hair is out of place my blue underwear is out of place the background's out of place like what am i doing i look like a mess but like it looks like the picture the jewels is what i was mainly worried about and they feel great they're on here really good like none have fallen off i would say that this is actually pretty nice like if you're looking for like a gold outfit like this i would suggest this one okay and then this pink dress uh this is another one where the like product picture like product pictures are so important to anyone who is selling on etsy make sure that you spend some time on your product pictures because that can seriously sell your product like i saw this picture and i was enticed immediately like look at this like come on where do i have to go i have to go to vegas i can't go to vegas because of cobin but no words no words brain empty so this is kind of like the style of the first dress we tried on it's almost like reminds me of a bathrobe you just throw it on and then you secure it with this little tassel which freaks me out a little bit because if anyone just walked by and pulled the tassel like for many reasons that would be really weird but like one being it would open up the dress completely but this would also be just like a really cute thing to throw over like if you were wearing more of a casual outfit like jeans and like a white tank top and then you threw this over like you just went from like normal to like extra really really quick i love this i love these little things they're like iridescent little tassels i love the noise too like you would just hear me coming in like who's that so pretty let's put it on okay my initial like review of this is i feel like i'm like a boxer like this is what i would come out in when i'm like hyping up the crowd and everything and everyone like would be like oh yeah go girl give us literally nothing like like it feels like this is like the before the look like it's a look but like i would rip this off and like the gold thing would be underneath it one thing with the fabric is so slippery like i would be so nervous like we have like silk holding it all together the slipperiest of all fabrics i think if you pose the right way this would definitely look good in like an instagram picture like if you were just like this was being worn for a picture but like to actually wear this out i would assume you'd be wearing it out like to some like maybe event or party or maybe even like going to the club i mean not now because of coven but you know what i mean i feel like it is a little bit of a dangerous fabric like i would be nervous i would definitely do some taping like i'd be like tape it here tape it here tape it all over my body just duct tape me into this dress i mean it looks like the picture and i definitely think under a flash lighting i would be an actual disco ball which i kind of want to make happen like that's pretty cool you know like it might be worth the risk of it flying off to be a literal human disco ball so yeah i like this very extra very loud be fun to dance and see already i'm like flashing everyone oops literally i'm just shaking a bit and my outfit's like falling off dangerous so dangerous okay last but certainly not least we have this reflective set now when i saw this i immediately thought of like coachella because look at this top like what like a little short don't you think like it's one of those like where it's just the top bit and then you can still show off your shirt and then we've got the dress bit by the way this looks like a really basic fabric but if you guys know reflective stuff like as soon as you put a flashing light on it it's going to reflect back when i try it on i'll take a picture so you guys can see that but it's basically like a big skater skirt and then the top and then the cool little jacket like definitely see this as kind of like rave clothing very very cool this fabric does not feel like a fabric i would normally be drawn to but it's a reflective fabric that's the pro of it it might not be the comfiest fabric we'll see when we put it on this is also from house of virus which is the same as the first place we bought from so let me throw that on oh my gosh you guys like seriously this is ridiculous like this is so short also like it flares up so high oh my like look at it just curves under my butt just just covers i feel kind of like an alien oh also you're seeing a bit of the reflection like it's weird because when i look in the viewfinder it's very metallic and shiny but when i look in the mirror it's like a dark gray so it's already shining back this is the style the dress is so tight like just fits like do you guys ever put on something way too tight and then your stomach you can hear it like shifting around like trying to find room and like there's just no room because it's way too tight that's what this dress is doing to me like i'm trying to take a breath out like i needed to size up that's not the seller's problem or this outfit problem um this is super extra i think like without the top it would have been less extra like more just a normal you know it's kind of fun because it's reflective but like adding this two piece to it like the top takes it to a whole nother level like this is coachella where this is rave where like well wear it wherever you want but like that's what it screams to me and like why is my hair been able to like match everything we've put on like in different ways though so yeah i think this is cute i think we should definitely take a flash picture so i'm gonna shut off all of my lights and then we'll take a flash picture in this hold on okay it's really dark as you can see so i'm gonna grab my phone my gosh you guys this picture is actually nightmare fuel okay hold on can you see me okay i'm in the dark but look at this picture like it's crazy but like how cool is that it really reflected a lot like for that i give it a 10 out of 10. like that's pretty good it's fun i like it let's go to our final thoughts with some better lighting all right you guys so that has been this extra etsy haul i really hope you guys enjoyed it it's been a while since i've done a extra haul so it was a lot of fun to try these products like you guys know me i dress very basic like i'm literally in a navy sweatsuit right now and i plan on wearing it all week but i gotta i got a piece inside of me that just admires extra clothing and i love to try it on and i always donate most of the things that i have in these videos so someone definitely gets some wear out of them after i've had fun trying them on for five minutes but yeah i really hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to let me know down below which piece was your absolute favorite and if there are any links to pieces that you guys have been seeing that you just think are so extra that you'd like to see me try make sure to also comment that down below because i can for sure do some more extra hauls from etsy or from anywhere you guys would like to see and as always thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 829,455
Rating: 4.9634771 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, etsy, extra haul, extra clothing haul, glam clothing haul, try on haul, trying cheap clothing, expensive clothing haul, shopping small business, very extra clothing haul, very extra Etsy haul, very extra wish haul, wish, shop with me, finding my style, trying on drag costumes, expensive, haul, glam shopping, transformation, makeover, my extra makeover, styling myself
Id: MzGI3-pZHDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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