WE FLIPPED A HOUSE !! *2 year process, before/afters & what I learned*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video as you guys can see by the title today i am going to be sharing some big news this has been over two years in the works it's so crazy because two years ago when i started this project the word covid had never like left my mouth and now we talk about it every single day and it's just like so crazy to think about how things can change that's not what this video is about obviously but it's just so crazy how long this process has taken so before i show you guys the house and the process and everything i just want to give you guys a little bit of background because we did flip and when i say we i mean me and my parents no i couldn't have done this on my own we split costs we both had a mutual interest in trying our hand at flipping houses and so we dove into this together to give it a shot so for as long as i can remember we used to move houses a lot as i was growing up and whenever we'd move into a house we would usually do little reno's just like make it our own and whatever stuff like that like if it wasn't exactly perfect we would you know tear down a wall put up a wall paint the whole place just like little renovations like that and i think probably seeing that as a kid really sparked my interest in like home makeovers and stuff like that but it was over two years ago that i really started to dive into hgtv like i just loved watching like the flip-flop shows where they buy a house it's run down it's in a nice neighborhood they just make it absolutely beautiful and then they sell it and they like make a profit it was just so fun to watch and it seemed like every episode the house was super successful so one day my parents and i decided after like so much time talking about house flipping and like having an interest in it we decided we wanted to try and flip a house together now most of my knowledge from flipping houses had come directly from tv shows and i think tv shows do a great representation of the ups and downs of flipping and things like that but they don't really get into in detail some of the process and that kind of leads into this video because i feel like i learned so much on this house flip like it wasn't overly successful i'll just say that right now like the house in the end i believe is beautiful there's way more to house flipping than just making a beautiful house and like i am not by no means an expert i am what is the word amateur but i don't feel like you have to be an expert to try i also feel like one of the greatest ways to learn how to do something is to just try your best and i think a lot of the times you learn as you go and this was a perfect example of that and now i feel like if i was ever to flip another house i would have a better understanding and i just really want to share some of the ups and downs and things i learned with you guys in case this has ever been an interest for you or if in your future you ever see yourself flipping house i'd like to give you the things that i learned on my first house flip so that you don't make the same mistakes i do or that i can just share a little bit of insight because i really feel like if i would have watched this video before i flipped a house it may have went a little better so i went ahead and i made a little sheet of the things that i feel like are important to know before flipping a house but on top of sharing my experience like i know there's a lot of people watching aren't going to ever want to flip a house or like that's never been an interest they just want to see the video they just want to watch it so i'm definitely going to be sharing the house that we flipped as well i'm so excited to share the before and after i don't have a ton of footage from the process but it's a fair bit like i went through it the other day and like there's enough in there to put in the video so that will definitely be in this video as well but i'm also going to be sharing some tips i also feel compelled to just say a humongous thank you to you guys every single door in my life that is open has been opened because of you guys i am so thankful for all of your love and support like i i don't know how to repay you but i just try to do it through making content that i think you guys would like and that i like and that i stand behind and i'm passionate about like i truly could never thank you guys enough and i hope that one day i can make it up to you guys like you have to me but before we get into what i've learned i'm sure a lot of you guys are itching to see the before of the house so like over two years ago of course i filmed a walk through before we even touched the house so i'm going to put that footage in right now and just remember this is me two years ago like i'm it's my eyebrows for me like i didn't realize my eyebrows had changed but like they look so different but you can see for yourself i'll put that in now oh hey come on in we're in the kitchen so as you can see it is a little bit closed off it's like a square kitchen so what we're wanting to do is expand basically demo this expand this into an l and hopefully add a long island the cabinets are actually not too bad i think for this video we are going to try and spray the cabinets in here we have a really small pantry some reason the door opens inward which isn't like the best use of space for a small pantry so i think we'll plan on opening it outwards keep in mind all the ideas i'm giving you is what we've discussed but are not for sure like decided on main floor bathroom this caused a lot of issues also there's a lot of flies in the bathtub but we have to figure out where the flies are coming in from we don't want any more dead flies for the sake of the flies and us and walking down this hallway this is kind of like a circle shape around the staircase and there is a bedroom right here as you can see everything is painted light blue which is a really pretty color i really like it but for the whole house i don't think we're gonna be leaving at that good sized room we got here the master bedroom it's a lot bigger and i think the bed would have been probably between these two windows that kind of seems like the design demoing all these walls this way and putting up new walls in line with this straight wall this probably will make literally no sense in this corner we're going to stage a really small living room with a sectional the stairs are not finished we want to finish them and also these stairs come out farther than the wall does flush so we want to kind of talk to somebody who might be able to make the stairs fit because if you look from over here the stairs come out like a full stair past where they're supposed to so this room is kind of unique up here when we first found this house we didn't know what we would do because it's a huge it's a huge space the ceiling gets down to the point where people can't stand this bathroom is honestly so weird like i'm not trying to be a hater but the bathroom goes down to like three feet like here's our bathroom it's like good square footage but nobody's talking about how the ceiling gets this low spoiler alert the downstairs is not finished at all so we are planning on finishing it all cement down here empty no walls there's lights there's electrical there's heating for the flooring upstairs in this corner we're going to do hopefully a staging of an office space but not close it in let's get in to the renault okay so that is the house that we had purchased for this house flip and it was unfinished just so you guys know like someone actually set out to finish it and then it ended up being too big of a project so they had put it on the market for what we thought was a pretty good price but i do have a few points about before you purchase the house things to look for now i'm sure a lot of people probably know what a pre-purchase inspection is especially if you've already bought a house um but if you're a first-time homebuyer or if you're looking into house flipping or if you're just interested to know for the future however far it may be i believe that a pre-purchase inspection is a really good idea if you're thinking about flipping a house or living in a house the inspection could find things that are more dangerous like inspect asbestos or mold or something like that and that's something that when you rip down the wall you really don't want to find like it's worth a little bit of money to figure that out before you jump into the house because getting like asbestos removed would cost far more than the inspection would cost and even just when it comes to like furnace troubles water troubles i believe that the inspection is worth it because you might find things that make the house not desirable for you okay this is one that i would have liked here so it's don't rush into buying a house set a purchase price and then just wait so my issue wasn't the purchase price like we stayed within the price that we were willing to spend my issue was i wanted a low square footage house so basically i wanted a small house where we could really like beautify the whole house but we ended up getting like quite a few story house so it was like it took the renovation and just like multiplied it by three you see something and then you have all these dreams and excitement and i mean i love decorating i love renowing so of course i wanted to do it right then but i think it's really important to like set some like things that are like for sures that you want whether that's square footage you don't want to rip down walls or like whatever you have a checklist of what you need and what you don't need and stick to it okay this next point they talk about a lot on hgtv and that's keeping an eye on the market and seeing what comparable houses sell for so that you can stay within that price range to make sure that you can make a profit after your renault that again can be very time consuming because you have to watch the market you have to do your research and things like that but in the long run it's a really good idea because what i found is i almost i was very naive and thinking that a nice house will always sell but it really does depend like if it's over the price limit of the neighborhood it's not gonna sell well it might but it would be harder to sell usually okay so those are the few pointers that i learned for before you're buying a house or while you're looking for a house but now let's say hypothetically you have a property i wish someone would have said this to me while we were doing it and it means like be creative and have like lots of fun with it and that really really directly relays into give yourself enough time to flip the house we had a pretty aggressive time limit on the house because we had a certain month we wanted to sell in because it's like a hot time to sell in the area but that was really difficult to have such a close time limit now for renovation costs with saving money this is so weird because with the brain that i have right now i would have thought me two years ago would have already had this sorted out but i didn't i don't know why i thought like you get tiles at the hardware store you get tiles at a tile store but really if you want to save some money it's a really good idea to look on like facebook marketplace for tiles like i've actually been able to now purchase tiles where like the square footage was like a tenth of the cost it would have been and now that i've had a little bit more time to shop around there's a few local tile stores where they'll have like end of season sales or something where like a pebble this is like the perfect this is the example i always think about but we paid about twelve dollars a square foot for the tiles in the shower they're beautiful pebbles i really really love them but 12 dollars a square foot was pretty expensive and i went into a tile shop uh probably like eight months ago and they were having an end of season sale and they had those exact same tiles for two dollars a square foot so if i would have just like known about that store and been a little bit patient i probably could have got them for a lot cheaper so with that point it's basically look for renovation supplies like tiles paints flooring all that kind of stuff either second hand or on sale it will save a ton of money like there were certain overkill supplies that we did get too like we ended up ripping out all of the tiles and if i could go back in time i've seen so many amazing tutorials on youtube about painting tiles and then like they look so good afterwards and that would have saved some big bucks there too for this renault i remember i did get um certain tiles on sale and i just remember being so excited about it like i think they were regularly like five dollars a tile and they were like a dollar seventy and i just remember being like like it's quite rewarding and fun do what you can yourself with the time that you have a lot of jobs seem a lot more difficult than they are like my dad was so impressive during this renovation there was times where he would tell me he's going over the house to do something and i'd be like wait you're doing that on your own and he's like yeah i'm just gonna try i'll watch a youtube video and he was able to do it and save quite a bit of money by doing it himself i think this is the red white and this is the blue white are you sure i don't know we're doing evening look at how hard of a decision this is okay is that a good idea i think we can get paid yet always make sure to be safe like don't take on a job that is too big for you what would be something dangerous rip down a deck all by yourself also tearing down walls and putting up walls can be a big expense if you can't do it personally like i def i don't know how to build a wall or take down a wall it's not my expertise so there was a little bit of contractor expenses there so sometimes finding a house that's already configured correctly for what you like then you just have to do the paint the baseboards that kind of thing it's an easier reno one little configuration that we did that i'm so happy with was the kitchen so the kitchen was like a horseshoe before and we ended up chopping off a part of the cabinets and then moving it so it was an l kitchen piece was the one that did the little jet out in the u we just took it off and then put it here to make a little l kitchen yeah that's way better now i can envision the island better way better than before and then we purchased an island and that was a really good way to use what was already in the house and just add a little bit so the kitchen was surprisingly like the reef configuration of it was surprisingly inexpensive but i think it made a really big difference okay now to touch on the point of staging staging is a huge deal and we first started this i kind of knew it because i always heard this number if you stage your house it can add thirty thousand dollars to the list price if you don't stage your house you lose that thirty thousand that's just a statistic it wouldn't be every house it would be maybe more for other houses plus me loving decorating of course i wanted to stage the house but at the time of doing this house i was still making youtube videos as a full-time job and like i wasn't having a ton of time on the side so we decided to try a staging company which ended up being very pricey a staging company is a really good idea if your house sells fast and sadly that wasn't the case for us so we decided to carry the house into the next year but we didn't want to pay for the staging the whole year while the house sat so we decided to try staging it ourselves which i'm really happy we did and with staging i would give probably the same advice as with the renault cost and that would be getting things second hand would be a great idea because like a brand new couch can be anywhere from like a thousand to like i mean ten thousand but like that's an expensive couch so like maybe like a thousand to like four thousand but when you find one on facebook marketplace they can be like 400 so if you were staging a whole house that would be a major expense so getting things secondhand it'll look just as good but it'll be less expensive and also you save some time because you don't have to put the furniture together it's already put together like that's a huge one we sell we spent like two days putting furniture together so i think if i could give an overarching word of advice to anybody wanting to try house flipping or looking into it and also to pass me before i started this house renault would probably be set a budget try to get things second hand watch for deals and also give yourself enough time so you can really really be in it and creative and enjoy it okay but now i really want to show you guys the finished project i'm so happy with how it turned out i definitely think that we could have brought the renovation cost down a lot if i would have done some shopping out pieces better but you know what you live and you learn i'm happy with it how it turned out it's actually kind of funny because you guys will probably recognize a lot of the decor pieces from here and my mom's place because when we were decorating it on the second year we like kovid was starting up so we didn't want to go out and do any shopping so we just like borrowed and like took things from our own places to decorate it and i think it turned out really good but we'll see what you guys think here was the finished [Music] [Music] place i just thought i'd pop in here because if anyone was confused by the staging change it's not two different places it's just the professional staging and mine i'm putting both of the final looks in because i like them both [Music] okay [Music] come on in to the finished renault that took a lot longer and a lot more money than we were expecting welcome it used to be like a horseshoe we had green countertops this is a fun sink you guys all these little details is the stuff i really like like in here this used to be kind of a mess and now it is a nice pantry when we first got this place the stairs went up on this side and the stairs went down on this side and then we reconfigured it so now instead of like jumping off the last step that would be here and then being like so close to the island now it's a little bit more free-flowing around the corner okay i'm coming back in here again i just don't want anyone to be confused but i'm using pieces of both final walkthroughs the one with the professional staging and the one with my staging which are also a year apart i know it's kind of confusing but it's the footage i had and for the first run through i went through the whole house for the second run through i only went through the staging so it's a little bit messy it's a little confusing but if you see this outfit it's the professional staging and the final look of the house and if you see the next outfit i'm more just showing the staging i did if that makes sense okay enjoy we wanted to bring in a little bit more color this time just because i feel like color makes people feel happier so as you can see we've got a fun colorful rug here just a table kind of in the same spot as the staging company did we got really inspired by them but then we wanted to put our own twist on it i always felt like this should have been a living room and initially i was thinking oh my gosh a sectional would look so good here but the professional said this was the way to go i'm literally scared to sit here because everything's been like poked and put the exact way that it's supposed to be i guess if a family wants to get in here it'd be a good idea to have like a tv on this side and a little living room reading area over here so of course we've got the fun pops of color and it's funny because a lot of the decor in this house is actually stolen from our house these are actually from my bathroom so right now they're in the living room got my favorite picture ever the rockefeller picture right here and then we just did some bed side tables the light super fun over here we've got a barn door with black hardware look at all this tile we've got the same tile which we got on special by the way me and my mom found it blowing all the way through on all the way up the walls of the bathroom this is what was initially the closet space in the other room and we're like nah let's just turn it into a shower this is like doing my shoelaces when we started this house you weren't even born yet all right then we just did a little bit in here nothing too crazy i really like what we did with this kids bedroom we got a mates bed because this doesn't actually have a closet in it so it's nice to show people who are looking through here that well you could do a bed like this future projects will definitely be adding closets okay now we're gonna go upstairs a few things changed up here and when you look up here you can see our beautiful light around this bend we got a cute sitting area which i'm obsessed with and then over into this bedroom which i showed you guys we took lots inspo from the stages initially we were thinking of maybe framing 10 by 12 bedrooms up here thank goodness we didn't because as the roof slopes it like makes things feel smaller obviously desk and then a bed the only difference is we added a little bit more color to it this is another weird one because the roof does slope so much so instead of trying to use the extra space behind here we just turned it into cabinetry and downstairs is probably my favorite part so let's go i love the soft carpet there he goes bookshelf here all of this decor is from accumulatively like every house so this is what we decided on down here we've got kind of like a suede looking couch and we played into yellow and navy and then over there we have a little desk area we have another bathroom there's a lot of bathrooms in this house and then here's the laundry room my favorite flooring of all time so what did you guys think of the house flip like what did you think of the before and after do you guys like what we did with it i definitely am happy to have finally shared this with you guys and also gave what i learned during this house flip process so that if you guys ever do it or have been thinking about it that you don't make the same mistakes or that i can just give some advice from my experience to you guys i hope it was helpful and fun to watch i definitely don't think this is the end of house flipping for me i have a few things up my sleeve for 20 21. we'll see but uh i hope to take you guys along with me for another house flip but uh with a little twist i got some cooking up also for anyone curious we did sell the house we ended up getting two offers at the same time but we did not make a profit sadly but i mean like it's not always about making money on the house like i'm really happy with what i learned and i i think if i was to do it again maybe you'd be more successful but anyways i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] i
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 731,852
Rating: 4.9769406 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, my first time flipping a house, house flip, how I flipped a house, 2 year house flip, Is house flipping like on tv, hgtv, hdtv house flip, flip or flop, makeover, full house makeover, before and after, expectation vs reality, old to new, flipping a house at 21, turning this old house into a beautiful house, renovation, renovating an entire home, transforming this old house, transformation, room transformation, diy, on a budget
Id: _otc8vUPhwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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