Transforming My Mom Into Me !! * brown eye contacts & everything *

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hey everyone so today we're doing a very exciting video in this video we're gonna be recreating and copying something can't quite remember what it is so watch to the very end and see if you can figure it out hey everyone this so today we are doing a very exciting video you guys know what we're doing today because it is in fact in the title and the thumbnail but there's one person doesn't who doesn't know what's going on I have no idea I have no idea what to expect here like like how can I be around so much and have no idea what you're up to it's honestly not a big deal I just thought it would be fun to keep you out of it oh so today we are doing an exciting video that I've been planning to do for quite some time no I'm not getting you a new wardrobe no we didn't run out your room today we are going to be turning you into your favorite person we just need I receive many comments on YouTube saying you look like your dad you and your dad look very alike and then I get a lot of comments that are like your mom is way better looking than you it's true and I'm not hurt about it as long as no one's being mean to you I don't know we've got a lot though some people who know us say that we have the same eye shape and some people that know us say we have the same smile but truthfully we don't look super similar I mean like your hair's a lot lighter your eyes are a lot lighter even your eyebrows are a lot different and your tooth shapes that's true so we do very much look different but I'm wondering once we get rid of the key features like the hair color and the eye color if we will start to look more similar that's that yeah that would be interesting for sure so I got some stuff one thing I'll tell you though lots of people say that we sound the same now we do the same mannerisms and we say the same things because even when I answer the phone and if I answer your phone like even are like your brothers can't get us apart dad yeah do you like my speaking that has been like a new thing that's been happening lately it was so I don't know if I mean my voice is like turning more tears or if it's because we're hanging out a lot it's happening looks-wise we're kind of similar every different today I went a little crazy buying stuff um I got a wig that I think is very similar to my hair I also got brown contacts it should be very interesting I think we should just get into this I'm gonna do my makeup on her I also already got her wing kind of a similar shirt okay so we will start off I'm wondering if we should start off with the makeup and then move to the contacts I think it's sure that order sounds good let's get into the makeup sounds good I'm excited okay so first things first we're gonna do foundation so I have up obviously you guys have probably seen this makeup before because I do it in every single video I don't change it up that often so we're gonna do the same thing same color and everything even though my mom is darker we're gonna ignore it she'll be pale today do you think you'll look like me I actually do it'll be really and you see you just look like exactly really good I think our faces might be similar shades we have quite round faces we do alright just gonna blend that in you already have concealer on it's a little bit and mascara tiny bit I told you not to get goes goes like you look up this is even lighter I like to put it all these spots oh this will be really interesting yeah I'm going to set it with the laura mercier translucent setting powder the one that you took for me and you know now we are going to sculpt your nose this is a big part of my day okay so we shortened slim the bridge did it do anything oh it did can you even breathe anymore oh yeah I used to not wear blush at all and now I really like it you should be happy about that yes I remember there was a time where my mom was like constantly flat you use highlighter I do but I don't blend it like this what do you do instead of filling in your eyebrows I'm gonna go grab the eyebrow little hat okay hats alright so here are the eyebrows there are a hundred percent human hair which is supposed to be a selling feature but it creeps me out a little bit always but so it tells how to apply the adhesive it does give an adhesive but I almost feel like I'm gonna use eyelash glue just to ensure it doesn't rip off your eyebrows okay yeah it's okay you are you can get whole eyebrow I'll just glue them on again and again now my eyebrows are thicker than this but I would say that they're about this darkness and then I'll just add to it okay okay let's see so they're gonna go like that oh my gosh mine's just a little thicker but like look yours is totally thicker mine's just a little Messier the right color a thing yours are darker even than that okay well can we use these a little more straight how can we set it different I'm shocked with what a difference it makes yeah I can make these work they're not perfect yet though you know yeah you'll you'll probably color them in a bit you look just like Betty Boop I'm gonna work on this one making it more my shade right okay let me really look at our faces okay so I really need to think that looks good no this way that ways better now yeah I think it's been you still just look concerned I feel like these look like my eyebrows like let's show what you guys think do you think that like keep in mind they're not carbon copies but they're close right okay I think we should do your contacts now and then I'll do your I make okay sounds good so this is making me nervous do you want me to put them in your eye for you yes please okay just got blinked on a little too soon is it in okay it's gonna feel weird so now it's suctioning to the eye is it covering my eye my eye still it's not super dark brown it's like freaking like hazel move out forwards and look right into the camera you can tell which eye has it end oh good I made a different I think they did too I guess your eyes were hazel now yeah yeah I think so too it told it took the the lightness out of them totally yeah just a little bit of lip balm and then we're going to do a just a mere outline on the bottom I don't know line the top anymore because I looked back at old videos and they looked stupid oh you're the queen and the ringleader of time [Laughter] all right are you straining to look like me like this called your hair I think so I don't feel like I'm looking in a mirror alright so that is the finish makeup we have the eyebrows and also the contacts which I feel like now that I'm looking at making more of a difference oh good definitely not as brown as I was hoping but I feel like they're closer to my eyes than your eyes were originally and I feel like her faces are getting kind of similar once we get the hair changed I think it's really coming together and that is exactly what we're gonna do next I can't take my hair at these buns and I have a wig for you okay so let's do that and let's see we look like all righty I've got the darker roots which is like so close and then the hair which you guys will see when I take my hair out of these buns I'm gonna take a look at the wig oh wow oh it's like so close yeah it was very good yeah thank you how did you find that honestly was pretty lucky I'm not gonna lie she is like really scary you have a lot of hair that you have to carry your own right I'm just gonna use a bit of brown eyeshadow on the wig just because I noticed like the roots are like really close to the head and then it changes whereas for my hair it's a little bit different so I'm gonna change this one up are you freaked out you can reveal yourself Mia 2.0 three two one oh my god I do look like you if anyone's wondering why she's sneaking on Maui's cuz the monitors over there I think that is pretty dang spot-on I think you guys will have a lot to say about which features you think we have similar now that you've seen us kind of have the same I think that hair is really similar oh yeah now your eyebrows are not looking as shocking I think they're actually totally cuz before it was like such light hair with such dark eyebrows bruising now it's like when I look at your face I'm not immediately shocked at your eyebrows no I barely noticed the eyebrows now oh my gosh we should do a video where you turn me into you yes we should okay not gonna be the next video that you do if you guys wanted to see it we will do that next make sure to let us know down below as always thank you guys so much for watching mom thank you for being back I don't mind them now though like if I could look like this every day I'd be really happy anyway thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye you totally looking at my totally yeah especially sitting here all by myself yeah where I'm [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 754,398
Rating: 4.9780569 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, transformation, 24 hour transformation, turning my mom into me, I have a twin, meet my twin, transforming my mom, getting my mom glam, makeup tutorial, head to toe makeover, changing our eye color, my other half, fun get ready with me, mama maples, mama maples get a makeover, makeover, first makeover in 20 years, meet my mom
Id: KovxakJEYq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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