Making Satisfying Decor From TikTok !! *rug tufting & candle twisting*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be doing some diys that i swear i have been wanting to do ever since i saw them and it feels like it's been a really long time and like i am so freaking excited for today like i can't wait how many tones did i just hit during that her range is so large [Music] wow the heck i just like looked in the viewfinder and i was like am i wearing like a chunky ring but it's actually just a band-aid okay anyways so as you guys can tell by the title today we are making some room decor diys i don't exactly know what category this would be under but it's all decor pieces to some extent and i saw all these on tick tock so that's what we're doing today we're going to be trying them out there's actually only two but they're quite extensive diys so i'm sure that will be more than enough for one video but you guys can be the judge of that tell me if this is not good or not please like it please enjoy the video please i'm in a weird mood i'm in a really weird mood today because i'm going to be tufting a rug and i am so excited i literally had to pre-order anyways okay i'm getting way into it anyways okay today we are going to be doing decor diys that i've seen on tick tock that just so happen to be very satisfying to watch i don't want to ramble on because i really want to just get started so let's flip let's get started you'll see what we're doing let's begin [Music] okay so the first diy that we're going to be trying is tufting a rug i don't know what the actual term tuft means but i'm sure it's got something to do with a rug a bunch or collection of threads grass hair etc how they're growing together at the base okay anyways it's a bunch of in this case yarn put together and there are these tools called tufting guns and i feel like it's easier to show you than explain it so let's go over to tick tock okay let's go under the hashtag rug tufting 44 million views on this now i just want to try and find a very satisfying video because there are quite a few so these are all like the details like the tracing the setting everything up but what i want you to see is what made me so intrigued like this process toughs this rug like nobody's business so quickly so satisfying like i for some reason have this weird feeling like there's just no way it's gonna go that well for me like there's gonna be some sort of hang up that i don't see in these videos like it just looks too good to be true and also a little bit too easy to be true but you can make any rug under the sun you just have to have the right colors of yarn and the idea like look at all these they're so unique so fun so abstract i don't think this is really the style i'm going to be making i have an idea in my head to do like a flower with like different layers which actually might be way too difficult for the first rug first of all the size of this rug i'm not making one this big for my start let's watch this one because this is kind of the look that i'm wanting to do like a flower like this i just want mine to have more layers like look how beautiful it is and then you just cover the bag you cut up the thing and we have a beautiful rug custom to whatever we want i have been watching so much tufting videos on youtube and on tick tock they're so satisfying to watch and it feels like every single rug turns out beautiful and then people start to get a little bit more extreme with it like they start cutting the yarn on the opposite side so that it has waves to it the possibilities are endless and you guys know i love area rugs anything fluffy and soft and comfortable for my feet to stand on is great so i have a slightly aggressive inspiration for my rug i'm thinking like these kind of 70s retro looking flowers i want to have like different colors all around i have an idea in my head i have a frame set up let's just go ahead and try this i don't know how it's going to work i've watched so many videos i'm hoping it goes smoothly and i'm hoping we get a beautiful rug but we gotta try it so let's go and try it all right you guys we have a setup this took a second there okay this thing behind me let me just explain quickly this is basically where you hook up the rug paneling there are tutorials online that are a lot better if you're actually trying to learn but if you just want to be entertained or see my rug that's why you should be here so there are like a lot of tufting supplies websites where they will sell frames like this i think it's called a rug frame it's like that simple but they're a little bit pricey and i was looking at it and i was like i wonder if like we could make one and sure enough making one actually only costed about 25 so if you guys are at all interested in how we made this i could definitely show you guys on instagram or something like that if you're wanting to try it out but you don't want to purchase an uh more pricey one and you just want to try making one on your own i think it should be good we have everything we need it is clamped to the table right now so i have scissors a sharpie the backing for the carpet some wd-40 and i have five different colors of yarn i purchased these colors before i had an idea of what i was gonna do but i definitely think these will work for my flower design and the biggest most important piece i got a tufting and this is making me nervous like this is a power tool you guys i hope it goes well i watched like i said a lot of videos so i should know how to use it but yeah [Music] we all know sometimes when i'm cutting expensive fabric i tend to measure it wrong and then i don't cut enough and then i waste the entire bits try not to do that i'm gonna hook it on to the little like carpet grabber if that makes sense it's just got like little nails sticking out then you're gonna pull and hook it on the bottom [Music] like i don't know how tight to make it but i want there to be like some springiness to it oh yeah that's not tight enough this is so satisfying already you guys like i don't even have a rug yet but i'm already obsessed with topping now this is where i have to draw the design that i'm thinking and i want to do like a flower i've seen this design of a bunch of different little flowers and i really like the look of like this one right here but doing a little bit more abstract so i'm just gonna start drawing and see where it takes me okay now i'm up on the table so let's see if i can do this i kind of was thinking this rug would be like the perfect size for like chip to sit on so that's kind of my hope i guess i'll just do the center circle is that big enough i don't know i want it to be a little bit abstract so not all the petals the same size okay but i don't know if i like how small actually do i like that maybe i do like that now enough can i try and do another this is gonna be really hard i feel like i don't know how i feel about that i feel like i just picked a really difficult design okay now i feel like it's time to start tafting i mean no time like the present this machine comes with all these parts that are making me nervous because i don't know what they're for so maybe they're just extras sure yeah they're just extras now i have seen people do hand tufting like they'll just do it by hand but one of the big allures of this was this machine because it's just so quick and so fun looking i also had to pre-order this gun it was on backorder for like three months so clearly lots of people are interested in posting nowadays now my color thoughts is that i'm going to do like one thread of black on all the lines and then fill it in with color quick setup guide for using both a loop and cut excuse me sir the loop part where wait where did he put it through [Music] how am i managing to get angled up already nothing's happening also make sure the gun is like not plugged in and off while you're doing this because this is a power tool what is everyone talking about like what hole is literally everyone talking about i can honestly say already i'm loving this thread this through up here that's apparently where it should be this is my practice because apparently going angled is kind of difficult it's probably directional that it has to go like that this i don't know i think we just gotta give it a give it a go i'm nervous huh i'm scared wall put the pressure oh my gosh that did not go very well my gosh it goes so fast i was like i'm just going to take it easy you can oh oh my gosh i'm pulling it all out how do i snip it oh no what okay wait hold on what am i doing hold on a minute back to the drawing board something's going on here okay i just watched more videos and re-threaded my gun but i'm starting to think i'm not pushing even close to hard enough on this thing like i need to like push [Applause] well that was a little better still didn't cut for me though it's tighter at least oh my gosh i think i've just realized i got a cut pile tufting machine rather than a loop pile wait no i got a loop pile and didn't get a tufting pile no that means i'm gonna have to do the cutting okay at least now i can stop being confused so the difference is theirs will cut it off whereas for me i have to do the cutting let's try this one more time okay now when i pull out and grab my scissor before i accidentally pull everything out oh gosh okay all right i'm getting the hang of it kind of i can see why they tell you not to do angles like just to do lines for your first time because like this is going to be you know a little bit messy not going to lie to you but i mean it's what it's the design i was excited about i can't stop my excitement that was dangerous be careful with these guys all right what does it look like on the other side oh my gosh it's a little rough i'm not gonna lie but like it's my first try oh my gosh it looks cute over here okay you guys i'm gonna film back here so you guys can watch some of the magic from back here how's it looking back there does it look good okay it's been like an hour my card was full but like look at what i got it's kind of a mess but like it's cute right i'm gonna add some color now but i need a snack but uh it's going okay all right we've got some purple i'm getting kind of kind of groove a bit now i'm sort of getting it [Music] oh my gosh you know what people aren't talking about the back pain my back this is crazy i definitely should have set this up so standing all right you guys i decided to make an executive decision to cut off this one loop for a few reasons first reason my back is killing me and i love my back and i'd love to treat it well so i'm gonna take that out secondly the frame actually isn't big enough for this part that's why it's so far down and thirdly this blue i feel like wouldn't go with these colors so i just want to do pink and then make the black a little thicker i've been doing this for like three hours i really just want a carpet you know i don't want to do this anymore i just want to have a carpet now thank you okay but we are on to this pink color let's go [Music] oh yeah that really defines the edge yeah yeah all right guys here we go now i'm just going to clean this up seriously it's been like five hours i had to take a small break because my wrist was actually doing some like arthritic type of situation i've had that problem before so i just had to give it a second but it's looking really good so now i'm just going to grab a floor adhesive and i'm going to cover this and let it dry overnight i'm so excited i don't know where my little paddles went off to so just going to use this massive one maybe i should use a paintbrush i saw a few people using paint brushes painting on a generous coat trying not to touch my face because i have glue on my hands now anybody who does tufting for a living must have very strong strong wrists very strong [Music] all right i think we've got everything covered this adhesive needs to dry for 24 hours hopefully not too much more than 24 hours because i'm excited to see this finished but yeah oh my gosh you guys it is literally like a week and a half later i don't know what i stuck to the back of this but it wasn't glue it was something that like needed a certain reaction to actually harden up i don't know like make sure you use the right adhesive but it took like a week and a half to dry but it's dry now so i went ahead and i cut around the whole flower and i curved in the back and added a backing because that i just thought would take forever and now i have the finished flower rug here is what it looks like it's a little bit rough like i definitely can see the mistakes i made in my first time around and also with the loop carpet maker you can definitely see where there's some open spaces like i definitely think the other uh tufting gun would be a lot more forgiving than this one but i'm not gonna lie even though it looks a little rough i definitely i'm gonna like hang it on the wall or like make it a mat for chip it's like the perfect chip size i did in fact since doing this ordered the other tufting rug so if you want to see a redemption video on making a rug make sure to let me know down below but i don't know i don't think it's a fail i think it's cute like imagine hanging it on the wall right here that's cute right am i just convincing myself does everybody hate it because like i like it but okay that was that [Music] okay the next decor diy that i saw so much on tick tock like i don't actually even know where this started i only know it on tick tock there was probably a store or someone selling these before and then people started to make dupes of them this is twisty candles like candlesticks have just come back in full force like they're used so much for decor so aesthetically pleasing and now you can apparently put them in hot water and bend them and then when they dry they stay in that shape i've seen so many adorable tick tocks of like a light pink pastel candle and like swirled all around but this one i really feel like i might not be able to do i've seen a lot of people try it and it doesn't work like the candle will like crack or something but i'll show you guys some tick tocks i saw this this must have been where it was for sale and it's 40 so that's probably why people started remaking them so i already got candlesticks to choose from but you need candlesticks okay then you gotta let the candles soak apparently 45 minutes and add hot water often okay sorry i'm like watching this for the first time again oh my gosh they're breaking okay mold it while it is still in the water i'm so nervous i don't want to wreck a bunch of candles it looks so easy though oh my gosh it's so satisfying look at that squiggly one like come on those are so cute and i just feel like there's so many spots on like shelves and stuff where i could just stick one of these and it would just look so cute apparently you don't usually burn them they're more for like a decoration which i'm fine with i also saw this one which was like an honest twisty candle which is kind of different from the ones that are all bendy but this one looks so beautiful like look at that i want to make one of those too so this one i'm like a little bit less picky about i'm just hopeful that i actually get a cute candle and i don't just like rip them all apart we will see the trials of doing this i have no idea how it will turn out but let's make some candles now so i have a kettle going right now and so i think we're gonna start with one just one also the fridge is being loud i'm sorry the audio's bad bridge decided to go super super intense this morning i have a wide variety of candles here i have certain ones that i'm so excited about like that color is beautiful we've got like a mint green a bunch of different pinks some green some black i guess i'm just gonna pick out which candles i want to start with i really hope this doesn't go bad i've seen some people do this and the candles all just like break and i'm like please no here's every color that we have to choose from i think i'm gonna take out like three of each also the sound candles make so i'm gonna put hot water in here oh my gosh it's boiling oh my gosh this water's so hot okay i have one more kettle boiling you can hear it but i think this will be enough water so let's put them in [Music] oh my gosh it's too hot ah the color's coming out oh my goodness i'm so crazy why do i always have to take things too far like it said hot water so i did hot water but i think it's too hot all the colors coming out oh no oh no you guys this went bad this one's very very bad obviously it's too hot it's like way too hot like it needs to be warm not so hot oh my gosh wait though it's like working though like i'm bending this candle i was gonna let it soak but like if it wants me to bend it oh my gosh what the heck you guys i was gonna let it soak for like a really long time but now i'm like maybe i just need to soak them in really hot water one at a time because i mean that looks cute just keep dipping it in and moving it okay i was gonna fill this with cold water to set them like i am so problematic though like so many of these got ruined like with this green one they just all stuck together did i just try and twist these like they're already stuck together oh no oh gosh that's awful okay i think i've learned something so i'm gonna set this one back in here okay so this is become a mess yes it's true okay that is not bad for a first candle see i like how it's bending but do you see there's just a bunch of different colors of wax on here so you guys i make the mistakes so you don't have to this candle's hardened up oh my gosh it's actually so hard now oh my gosh listen look how cute that looks oh my gosh it actually worked this one's not as good but still cute okay that was me testing it i think now i don't need to soak them for 45 minutes i think my water is more than hot enough but i'm not gonna dump a bunch of candles in i'm gonna take two because i have an idea for them so i'm going to just do these two in here they match my shirt oh my gosh hey [Music] i'm getting ahead of myself i want to soak another one i'm just going to keep them far away from each other okay you stay here you stay here now that they're starting to get a little bit soft i'm just going to slowly start moving them and bending them and then dipping them back into the water i'm trying to get these to be like at a 90 degree angle basically without cracking the coating just being very careful because you know i wasn't careful last time and it didn't do me very well okay now i've got them at a 90 degree angle so i'm going to start trying to twist them these ones have like a thicker base which makes it a little bit more difficult [Music] the idea would be to push them together i don't know if you can do this oh my gosh that's kind of cute i'm gonna put that in the cold water have it harden up proving to go okay like at first i was a little worried but i mean like even the first ones i made that's pretty cute like just sitting on that thing i still like it dang it dang it look how cute that is just a little curve i love it my conclusion on these candles are they are amazing we must do a montage [Music] all right you guys quite a long time later here are all of the candles i made they turned out so cute like i'm actually obsessed with them they're definitely gonna be set all over the house like i started to really like making these little ones like those are so adorable i think my favorite one might be this one i don't know it's i'm loving it [Music] all right guys so that has been trying out some tick tock tutorials on some fun aesthetic decor what do you think of what i made i'm actually filming this outro before i even know how it turned out so i'm just being really like optimistic that it turned out good but like how'd it turn out you guys know before i do this is a weird time thing but anyways i really hope you guys enjoyed this video if there are any more tik tok or diys just decor in general that you want to see me try and make make sure to comment them down below or send me links over on instagram and i will be for sure getting to those but as always thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 930,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, wish, tiktok, tiktok diys, trying viral tiktok diys, viral tiktok review, tiktok made me buy it, instagram made me buy it, bending candles, pinterest twisty candle diy, diy, tufting a rug, my first time tufting a rug, cheap diys, crafts, expensive diys, tiktok made me do it, making my own rug, making decor for cheap, making Pinterest decor, viral decor diy, how to decorate
Id: dpidIhS6vD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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