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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be trying on some wigs i actually did my hair for like i do my hair like once every two weeks and i happened to do it this morning i straightened it and now it's proving to be for no reason because we're just gonna toss on a wig so there's that but you guys i am beyond excited for this video like i feel so stupid right now because i have been bursting with excitement for these wigs i feel like when i have to wait a really long time for the wig or like anything in general if i have to wait i just like my excitement just rises rises rises till eventually it's at this crazy high expectation that there's no way anything could ever live up to it and i'm very much at that point right now with these wigs so i was overlooking my channel and i've tried affordable amazon wigs a mystery box wigs wish rigs party city wigs um i think that's it actually i was about to go on to like 10 more but that was it but today we are trying something a little bit different we are going to be trying expensive wigs now expensive wigs is kind of a term that i don't know if it's explaining enough because some wigs are like 10 grand and we are not trying those expensive wigs today by expensive i mean like two to five hundred dollars which i would consider very pricey especially because the wigs i've tried in the past i really liked and like the most expensive one was like 100 so these are what i would consider expensive wigs and not only are they expensive but they're also crazy wigs okay like i was looking on etsy and you guys etsy's like my new obsession seriously i love it i also love that it's like individual sellers and it's a lot of like crafty people making things and making their own little business i love that and i have no problem spending a little bit more if i feel like i'm supporting an individual seller so that's what's today so we have six wigs to try today they are all very extra very glamorous wigs some are super bold and big some are really fun colors i'm super amped about this wow i haven't said amped like my whole entire life i'm amped about this you know you're excited when you start talking weird so i think without further ado let's just get into this all of them came in like big individual boxes i think because they didn't want them to be like compressed or anything like that i've had to wait long because the shipping took a long time and then also i had to quarantine everything so without further ado let's get into it we're gonna put a little cap on so we can put these wigs on which is always quite hilarious so let's get into trying these okay one of the wigs that i'm most excited for i'm just gonna start with i know a lot of people wait like best for last but i don't know if it's gonna be the best i just know it's one i'm super excited about so this is a 90s club kid lace front unit now this picture looks like it has an absurd amount of volume and i have quite a few wigs now from doing all these videos i donate some but i also keep some because you know i'm a hoarder i have hoarder tendencies and i always keep things expecting i'll use them and then i'll donate them a little while later because it'll prove that actually i don't need a light purple wig but this wig in particular i have no wigs like this i have never had a wig with this much volume and styled this well and this was one that like the store owner was actually making it like seriously people are talented one thing that i've never been great with is hair you guys always say oh your hair always looks the exact same why do you think because i don't know what to do i don't know how to do it i can do like a simple braid that's why it always looks like this so this was 240 dollars so a little bit pricey but also tons of work seems like it's going into it and also you can it's like a custom wig so let's get into it okay so here is the big box that this wig came in i literally can't wait oh my gosh i don't want to be like annoyingly excited but seriously i and you could get this in any color you want but i picked orange just like the product picture because you know it just looked so good okay so there's like a face imitation of what my head would be oh my gosh okay it's packaged so nice like they really don't want to squish them you know after they've been styled and everything look at this ball of orange okay very well packaged very cute little pin in here okay so here's the front so let me grab it by the front oh my gosh it's so cute oh my gosh oh my goodness oh no i am sorry like i get overwhelmed and my eyes just water like you know i used to say i wasn't the type of person who cries but like i have this kind of thing happen a lot like i just get overwhelmed and like super excited and like you guys this wig is so beautiful look at this volume i can't it just makes me think of like drag queens which is just a huge source of happiness for me it's lace front which is awesome because then you can actually glue it down and it'll almost look like it's your real hair you can cut this mesh right here and just glue it down which i like i mean i'm gonna have to like i'm definitely going to do a look around this wig i'm so i feel like honored to own this like this is an amazing wig i've been talking about it for five hours let's put it on you know what that means i gotta get my hair in a little bun oh my gosh like is my head too large for this like am i just realizing i have a massive head oh i forgot my i forgot oh my gosh i'm getting way too ahead of myself i forgot to put my cap on oh i'm getting way too excited it's not a wig video until you see me in the cap oh my goodness how far do i have to go back oh oh my this might be the best wig that i own i don't know i haven't seen my wigs recently but i have not only had a wig make me feel like this in a while let me tell you that the only initial critique is i think my head is genuinely too big for this wig like i feel like i have a lot of head going on in the back that should be in it but honestly you guys i have a massive head i get called a bobble head a lot which usually i would think wow that's kind of offensive but honestly like yeah you're right i am kind of a bobble head i am obsessed with this wig i love the style like there's something very modern yet retro about this wig i love the huge teased ponytail and these with these bangs like i've been like obsessed with like bangs that go above the eyebrows lately i love the angle it's such a fun wig i honestly do not have one negative thing to say about it because i'm not going to critique because my head is massive not critiquing it for that because honestly i would say like 9 out of 10 people's heads this would probably fit but yeah so here is the first very extra wig i get so bored of my normal hair i feel like a wig is the perfect escape from hair boredom and this wig is doing it for me i love it but i will put on the next one okay next we'll slow it down a little bit with a custom-made 27.5 inch pink purple girl wig lolita cosplay wig headband head wear imported high temperature high temperature that's triggering okay but this was actually a little bit different than the others because it was only 58 which usually it's not only 58 but in this case and i really liked the look of this one i feel like because of the way it was styled on the ad i'm excited to see it i love wigs with bangs i just love it so we'll see so far the color looks gorgeous i always like to find a wig that i have no other wigs like it and this one definitely is those pastel colors and i have nothing these stick to everything like my new wig like seriously they stick to everything get out of here off with you okay here is this wig definitely not packaged as delicately as the last one let's give it a little brush i also don't think this is lace front no it's not so we got no mesh going on so in here there is purple pink and yellow pastel so pretty usually with like a wig with bangs i don't need the lace front i find it doesn't hurt right oh my goodness these these springs are a little long do i push it back further or is it just supposed to like the bangs are supposed to be in my eyes a little oh my goodness how do people have bangs i mean i had bangs i feel like i would want to cut these bangs a little they're a little long that of course is like such an easy fix it's easy to cut bangs okay let me try and get a little bit higher because this doesn't have a ton of volume up but it's got a lot of length below oh my gosh it's so cute look at all of these colors in there pastel colors really get me like pastel is such beautiful shades i'm obsessed with pastel for sure okay what were they doing in the ad like they had like the hair done all nice okay well in one there was like braids and then pigtails which i feel like would be cute oh oh my god that's cute actually let me do some braids check it out you guys i know how to do hair too check it out boom boom she's such a hair stylist this is thick there's a lot of hair on this wig oh my goodness this is adorable i love the colors i love the feeling i love the cut i'm going to change it up just a little bit but honestly 58 would buy again all right next okay this next one is probably the craziest one i don't know how to pronounce rococo wig not sure but marie antoinette wig historical wig with feather jewelry green 404 oh my goodness so expensive but like look at this wig like if it looks like this like no wonder it's 400 like that is a lot of wig that is a lot of work and like this is really cool and i must admit in social studies marie antoinette the big gowns it was just all very interesting and like you can't help but notice the wigs like they're very dramatic they're very interesting and you don't really see anything like it anymore so i'm excited to like jump into like the history of a wig because they they wore wigs and they looked like this and like i've never worn one pretty interesting i don't know am i the only one am i being weird am i being nerdy oh my gosh i'm acting stupid sometimes i just can't control it this one came in a huge box and it actually came on ahead oh my gosh and it looks just like the picture oh what this is crazy like why do i own this honestly why do i own this like extra wigs yeah i think so um this is handmade as well like somebody made this and to them i say your craftsmanship is impeccable you are talented hopefully i will wear it well look at this part so fun like i don't know i just find it really interesting like i know it's not really a wig that like lots of people maybe would be shopping for but like maybe a lot of people would be i'm not sure all i know is when i saw it i was like that is an extra wig like maybe not like what we consider extra but like this is extra you guys let's put it on oh my gosh i'm in love oh my gosh okay hold on my buns being down low are bothering this wig so i'm gonna move them because they can happily sit on the top of my head with this wig because it's so tall okay give me in give me and give me in i love it oh my gosh this is crazy did people actually used to wear their hair like this it is so much work oh my god okay let me back up a little because like i can't i literally can't get the whole wig in here there it is you guys i'm like sitting on my back i am absolutely obsessed with this wig this is the craziest wig i've ever put on in my entire life i literally feel honored to be able to have this much fun because this wig is everything arguably best four hundred dollars i ever spent like on top of how it's making me feel the craftsmanship that's in here like first of all there's probably an entire can of hairspray on this wig and also just like all these little intricate curls perfectly placed like i can appreciate how long this probably took to make and it looks great i love it i'm sure there's probably like a market for wigs like this and i think it's usually not like me buying it i think it's probably more for like theater performances okay but sadly i think we have to change in to the next wig but you guys take it all in take a good look at this wig oh my gosh like should i just wear this in my next haul video just so we can really look at it for long enough because i have not had my fill okay last thing i'll say about this is we must do a marie antoinette inspired makeup look with this goodbye i love you okay next we'll put on one that i don't feel as confident about it's 53 1950s high top bee hive theatrical custom wig okay the reason why i got it is it reminded me of marge simpson because it went up so high so i'm really excited to see if it actually can like stand up on my head like it's kind of defying gravity so we'll see if we can do it i'm pretty jazzed about it okay this is a black wig it definitely feels more costumey oh my gosh what the heck should i just put it on like this like it's so long again i'll put it over my bun oh my goodness oh my gosh it's standing up i feel like oh my goodness wait i feel like a who from whoville why do i feel like that right now oh my gosh i attached it it like doesn't fall off okay i'm going to kneel on the ground so you can see the whole thing oh mg like i want to spray paint this blue and be marge simpson for halloween because like that would just be too perfect this is standing up i thought for sure i would put it on and it would just be to the side but like it's staying good the only one thing is like from the side it kind of looks like i'm just wearing like a long hat i don't know i think it's supposed to be more straight up i can like fully flatten it like my wig this is literally amazing this took my wig collection to the next level seriously you can't say you don't love this wig and like it feels nice and soft there's all these cute little curls like getting into actually the quality of it but like honestly i just love it for a little bit of a laugh this is amazing i love this one this is the one i was worried about because i was like man i don't know if it'll be great quality but like this is everything like we have to do looks around each wig that we bought in this video because this is crazy these are beautiful so inspiring i'm inspired by you like why do i kind of like the way i look with black hair like should i be dyeing my hair black talk me out of it just kidding we know i won't make a big decision like that i love it i love how it just sits here like this like what is that oh it's just my wig looks like a leg warmer okay we'll do this one now because the other like the last one is like it's a show stopper but okay this is a blonde crimped lace front wig with statement braids 300 this is another one that looks so fun and big it was in a box i had to rip into a few of the boxes just because i had no idea what they were but i have not actually tried anything on or even looked at it look at that just a giant box of hair like if this delivered to the wrong address they'd be like what is this oh my god beautiful omg this is huge like never could i ever get my hair like this also it smells really good okay i'm gonna cut this lace front and we'll throw it on some people have commented about cutting the lace they're like don't cut it i'm like maybe it's a personal preference but i definitely don't like when i can see the lace i'd rather have it the shorter the better but do whatever you want but yeah i tend to cut it more oh and on the cap goes get in there get in there all you hair you're not nearly as fun as the wigs oh my goodness my head my head is flying oh my gosh this is huge also i look crazy whoa see it's fun with wigs because you can make your forehead however big you want like okay i want a one inch forehead there we go it would look more legit if i glued it down we know this oh my gosh my mirror is like not big enough to even see all of this oh my goodness did this like triple in size since i took it out of the bag this is huge this is amazing also sorry if it seems like i'm looking off in that direction i truly am just looking at myself in the viewfinder because i can't get over the wig so sorry i'll try to look at you but honestly like this wig this wig this makes me feel like if i was like a lion when they have like the big mane i'm sure this is probably what it kind of feels like to some extent what does this look like from the back though like does it stay equally as poofy like if you were like at the grocery store and the person in front of you all you saw was this this is an extra wig all right last one last but certainly not least we have more of like um what is this like a showgirl headpiece is that what you would call it holographic burning man shiny rhinestone wig headdress headpieces rave stage dancer dj singer wear tassel hat costumes it's around 273 dollars look at that picture as soon as i saw that i'm pretty sure this is actually the picture that inspired me to try wigs from etsy because i just wanted to see this so badly oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay so the hair is in braids is that how it was on the ad is it supposed to stay in braids no okay i'm supposed to puff it up look at this like this rhinestones gorgeous this feels like it will be uncomfortable though like this is definitely one of those things where like the look is worth it because it's not that comfortable like you gotta really love the look oh my gosh this elastic is what's gonna keep it on my head so it's rather important no way how do people put up with stuff in their face though like i just have no tolerance like i can't see anyone hello oh oh my gosh omg i understand why this needs a chin strap because honestly it's a little bit heavy on my head these like rhinestones are so nice and cold touching my skin it's very nice and relaxing let me see you let me see you hey okay so this is amazing this is probably the most extra in my opinion crystal headpiece with this long white ponytail i feel like a horse you know those really bougie dressed up horses i feel like that very much the only one critique i would give is i wish this hair was a little bit like softer just because it does get kind of caught in the rhinestones but honestly like this is obviously just like a show stopper it doesn't matter what the quality of the hair is as long as it looks big and fluffy that's what we need i feel really funny because like there's literally no chance of me being able to see like i would just be walking in the walls like hello oh excuse me everyone would be like oh what a cool like cool headpiece and then it was like i'm just bonking into literally everything it like makes it less cool i feel like also my bun sticking out it also ruins the fantasy a little bit so just get back there you get back there hair i don't know where i would put my hair i feel like i would have to braid it and like wrap it around on my head like i know i say this all the time but i am so excited to have this in my collection i love it it's amazing it's probably the most extra item i own which is so crazy because honestly there is some competition actually so yeah i'm floored to have this i love it love the craftsmanship it feels amazing it looks just like the picture i'm obsessed okay oh i can see again oh my gosh you guys that was literally insane like etsy pulled up with some extra very glam pieces like i am so impressed when something i don't know why like i should expect this i'm surprised and pleasantly surprised when i order something and it looks as good or better than the picture so round of applause for all these products i literally love them my head is spinning at all the looks i want to create that i know i don't have enough talent to create it's ridiculous i really hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to let me know down below which one was your favorite wig i'm so curious to hear what looks you want to see if you want to see any and just in general which one was your absolute favorite like if you could have one of them which one would it be but yeah thank you guys so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did make sure to click the subscribe button and also go check out some of my other wig videos if you're not wigged out yet and yeah thank you for watching and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 653,193
Rating: 4.9622955 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, trying wigs on, wig haul, try on wig haul, handmade wigs, trying expensive wigs, trying affordable wigs, trying glam wigs, trying very extra wigs, trying the most expensive wig, Etsy wigs, handmade Etsy wigs, colourful wigs, wigs with volume, trying glam headpieces, etsy, trying historical wigs, glam haul, glam clothing haul, very extra clothing, extra clothing try on, wish, wish haul, crazy wig haul
Id: V6YMlnVC15g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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