Making Pinterest Worthy Mini Lunchbox Cakes !! * I'm obsessed *

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are doing something that actually hasn't been requested from you guys i kind of just really wanted to do this so i hope you guys find it fun too because i literally cannot wait so today we are going to be trying our hand at making these miniature adorable cakes inspired by korean lunchbox cakes i've been seeing these so much literally my entire pinterest feed is this i've been watching so many videos on youtube which by the way would probably be better for you to watch like if you're actually interested in an instructional video i will link some down below of ones that i've watched like i'm just going to be trying it i'm not a baker i am not i'm not a trained professional i just want i just gonna have fun but who knows maybe it will turn out good but yeah if you've never had the blessing to see some of these cakes i will flash them up on the screen they are so so adorable like i'm sure they taste amazing but honestly i'm more obsessed with the way that they look they are so cute so colorful so pastel i'm nervous because i have like high expectations but i also have like limited talent so we'll see how it goes as you can probably see i did dress up i got a bow in my hair and a dress on i actually have sweatpants and sketchers on so hopefully you don't see that though but okay i think without further ado let's get into trying to make some of these cakes hopefully they look good we'll see let's go okay so i'm probably gonna start with doing like the cardinal sin of all baking but i'm actually gonna make a box cake i know i know i'm sorry honestly i probably shouldn't be doing this just more excited about the decorating than the cake so i kind of just need a cake this will work and i mean i love rainbow bit and i feel like that would be really hard to make sorry i know you're booing i'm sorry it's just what we're gonna do i like cake boxes okay i think they taste good they're probably better than what i would make from scratch but yeah so here's the cake that i'm using it's the betty crocker rainbow bit super moist so if anyone's interested okay they're probably not uh yeah again i'll link videos down below that have people who actually are good at baking and they will give you homemade recipes that will probably be better oh my goodness i should probably start the oven i can't just throw this stuff around now i'm actually having a food sensitivity test tomorrow and i almost think i'm going to have to be lactose free gluten free and possibly egg free okay i have all my ingredients here i'm like literally shaking i don't know why i don't know if it's because i'm excited or because i'm nervous but okay first things first the cake mix my goal is to hopefully make three little cakes i don't exactly know the plan i just know i really like the cloud one and then i really like when they say something in two layers of icing clearly i have almost no guidelines i'm gonna mix that all up i literally almost forgot a super important part water i almost forgot it oh my gosh i need to stay on my toes baking is not my element i want it to be like i really really have been obsessing over like homemade pasta and like homemade breads and things like that so i'd like to get better at cooking practice does make perfect or at least close to or at least better than before we're seeing the colors i love it now i'm a chocolate cake type of person but honestly a rainbow bit cake is the funnest to look at in my opinion that's why i gravitate towards it plus with all these cute exteriors you gotta cut in and have something cute on the inside my carpal tunnel's flaring up time to stop wicking whisking mixing mixing okay now assembling the cake pans so i have this pan here and i went ahead and i had actually this little tin i don't know where this came from so i didn't know i had that so i had bought these mini spring form pan set for reference in case you're using this video as an instructional video they're about four inch tins and so i was planning on just setting them on here like this now you don't need these little tins a lot of the videos i saw will just pour the pancake mix oh my goodness it's not pancake mix they'll pour the cake mix just into this pan here and then they'll have like a little cookie cutter and cut out the layers and put it in and then it's a cake but since i did order these i'm gonna use them like i should probably wash these because i haven't washed them yet okay clean okay i have a little bit of oil in here so i'm just going to put this around the tins because the worst thing that could happen well not the worst thing in life but like the worst thing right now for the cakes would be is if i stuck everything to the pan so then when i went to release and like pull it out it just broke into a bunch of pieces [Music] the oven's ready did see this thing on tick tock about this on how to do this perfectly but i'm now forgetting what it was i could just take one of the bottom bits and just cut it out would that be worth it i don't even know like this isn't necessary at all why am i doing this why aren't i stopping doing this sure that's that was a good idea actually why don't we test if it's necessary i'll only do it on two and if those ones come out good then we'll know that was something you should probably do there we go who said this wasn't going to be instructional oh that was me okay time to scoop the cake mix into the little tins so i'm not gonna fill it up all the way to the top because that has served me badly in the past i guess we didn't need this big tin good thing i oiled it up for no reason when i watch pastry shows they often will like to get the air bubbles i really don't think it's necessary right now but it doesn't hurt so we have them all ready to go let's put them in the oven i'm so excited middle rack oh my gosh i must just drop them all okay okay so 14 minutes which still feels kind of long but i'll start a timer and we'll check on them and we'll make some icing now now this is actually funny because i remember so well times as a child where i was trying to make icing with icing sugar and it would go so bad so bad that it wouldn't even taste good like how do you make sugar butter and milk taste bad i don't know i didn't know was possible but i did it many times so i just googled a recipe and i have like three of the key ingredients so i can already tell this is going to go bad so i have these worst case scenario we can just use pre-made icing but i'm hopeful that i can actually make some let us see what we can do i'm going to just eyeball it i'm throwing away my recipe so maybe this is like an icing you could make from things that are in your pantry you know it's not about the journey or maybe it is a little bit about the journey oh should i be melting this oh the butter attacked me it was like please don't please don't do this sorry butter for flavor and smell now i'm gonna take this which will probably blow this powdered sugar all over the place but i think it's a good idea for my carpal tunnel and for the dish i'm gonna start low speed oh my gosh that's so fast okay oh my goodness gracious [Music] okay the consist oh my gosh the timer let's see oh my goodness they don't look ready at all they don't look ready at all okay i'm gonna add a bit more powdered sugar because this actually looks really really terrible like it looks like spoiled milk i'm having flashbacks to when i was a child and i would use all of our powdered sugar and i would still have no icing this is literally exactly what i did as a kid like i have not leveled up at all it's too thick oh my gosh it's so thick it's not even folding really oh i feel like it's decent though to go back on everything i just said about it not being good i feel like it's okay i don't know what to think of this because it's not too bad of a consistency i don't think it's even close like a buttercream frosting and i definitely filled my lungs with icing sugar which is probably not good for you let me try it not awful not a resounding review though so i'm going to cover this icing we'll see how it works tomorrow i'm gonna refrigerate this and also the back of icings because i'm pretty sure we're gonna need them but i will see you guys in the morning okay guys it is the next day another cute outfit on the top but then sweatpants and sketchers on the bottom the cakes are completely cooled and i'm having like a moment because i just really don't want to mess it up especially now that it actually came out decent it's like the stakes are higher you know so i just want to get these out without ruining them oh that one actually popped right off its stand okay good i wonder if this one will pop off they still look really moist which is interesting because i literally had them in the fridge oh i think the ones the ones with the parchment are coming out really easily oh okay maybe that was worth doing this one's gonna give us a bit of trouble i think i'm a little concerned oh my gosh is it okay oh my goodness okay we've got our four cakes a little crumbly but not bad okay so i have four cakes but my goal is to make three so we have some wiggle room i'm going to try see i'm trying to figure out should i cut them into layers and make them a little bit taller i don't know i'm like really at a loss right now i don't know what to do i have like some cool little tools um this little thing which like you use to spin but then this i guess can cut layers in your cake i'm going to try and take this one because as you can see it's a little bit like round on the top i'd like to even that out now i've never done this before should i really be using the best one like this is my best cake trying to make it level how would that go oh oh not bad okay not bad at all actually okay i might cut this one a little piece of this one off basically just putting together some cakes [Music] okay so now say we were gonna do this it's a little uneven it's a little uneven and the cake is so sticky i feel like we can make that work and i feel like that's tall enough as well like we could make that work oh yeah okay is it bad to just use a butter knife maybe this will be one is it too tall okay let's cut the tops off the rest of them and just put them together all right our three cakes and now we have all this extra cake i can taste it oh my goodness it tastes really good when you see a layered cake normally there's usually like even layers but of course what were you expecting of course i can't do an even layer so i think now we gotta do icing i don't know how this happened but magically overnight my icing turned into a giant tub of buttercream icing it had nothing to do with me going to a bakery and asking if i could buy a pound of icing it had nothing to do with that it just happened overnight it was magic okay no but for real i was looking at my icing the other day and i was getting seriously worried that this was going to ruin the whole thing and i honestly think it would have but i bought this huge tub of icing and seriously when i bought this i literally ate so much icing it was ridiculous i can hardly even look at it it's so good but there is a lot of this so i'm going to take a second and just make all of the colors i need i have a few inspiration pictures i'll put on the screen right now those are what i'm inspired by so i have to make quite a few different colors so i'll do that right now okay how many colors do i need to make i feel like i need a piece of paper like how am i going to keep this sorted i definitely need a lavender and a white which we already have blue and then i'm thinking a yellow and a pink yeah okay so for the lavender oh my gosh this icing look at the consistency how do you make this icing it's so fluffy and so beautiful and it just holds its shape so nicely look at that how beautiful is that and it tastes so good it's ridiculous i actually didn't really know you could go to just bakeries and ask them if they have frosting but sure enough you can and normally if they don't have it they can make it and that's really nice so okay lots of food coloring here so i'm going to make the pink oh i have a purple wow okay purple was this one one of these okay this is when i start fearing for my new turtleneck because i really don't want to get food coloring on my turtleneck this is very potent so i'm just gonna put a little bit to start now the key with these is to try and make pastels well i guess you can make whatever color you want but i want to go for like a pastel color okay that's pretty cute one dot to start with this is seriously a lot of work like you gotta have muscles for this little yellow moment i don't want this to be orange i want it to be yellow oh my gosh i love that color that is so pretty oh my goodness oh my arm alright lastly blue for the clouds [Music] okay but without further ado i want to try icing a cake initially i was going to put my icing in the center but now i'm kind of like i don't know the icing that i made is so much worse than the ice thing i bought maybe i should just put that in the center you know i also bought these really cute parchment sheets to set them into the little boxes so i'm going to actually ice them on here with the hope that i'll just be able to pick it right up oh my goodness i'm eating through the whole thing okay hopeful that i could just pick it up once it's iced so i'm gonna do that i don't know if that's a good idea though i really don't know whatever okay i'm gonna take some of the icing that i bought and then pop the top off and just put that on the inside this is the first time i think i've ever made a layered cake so this is exciting stuff i'm nervous though i just want to get it all like thinner pop the top on just like that oh my gosh it's so cute what okay let's start with purple i've been watching lots of baking videos so let's see oh my goodness it's flying around too much gotta get this parchment off bad idea you'll come in later i'm just gonna start on the top i'm so nervous okay oh my goodness is this gonna go okay there's anyone watching who is like a baker or just loves baking it's like their hobby and they have any pointers please do not hesitate to leave some down below [Music] okay it's pretty well covered so now i'm gonna try and just even it out a little bit i already feel like it's pretty cute but the ones i've seen it's just like they make it so smooth and so soft on the top like this is already worlds better than the cakes i normally make so i'm pretty happy but you know i've got high expectations for myself okay i'm gonna try and use this i don't know why i don't know why i would try and use this tool but my goodness this is actually really helpful i think i think that's not too bad like i feel like that's really not too bad i'm just gonna put a little bit of this on just because i need some fresh icing up [Music] top oh my gosh i'm so impressed that looks pretty smooth that thing i don't know what this is but i got on a baking kit and it works pretty well how do you pick this up how are you honestly supposed to be able to pick this up have you ever seen someone fill a piping bag worse i'm gonna do a test run on this extra cake let's just see oh my gosh it's so cute oh my gosh i feel like the consistency of the frosting is just making everything way easier to be honest okay get a wide stance going [Music] i love it oh i just put my hand right on my mic that looks so cute okay now i'm gonna try and lift it oh my goodness now i love it so much i do not want to wreck it oh my gosh it's so heavy oh my gosh yes yes yes this is the most beautiful thing i've ever done in my entire life and like i cherish it so much i don't want to wreck it okay i'm gonna put in the fridge until we ice the top next one makes me nervous okay i'm gonna do the tall one very nice and tall and super uneven but you know what that's just that's just how my cakes are okay trying to figure out if i should do the blue one now or the yellow one it really doesn't make any difference i guess i'll just do the blue now let's see if i learned anything from my first go big blob on the top work it down my cake is flying all over the place and then start to drag it now this my literal favorite thing [Music] okay for the blue cake i want to do kind of like a cloud inspired thing so i'm going to fill a bag with white now do i have more piping bags do i just get one that would be a bad idea that wouldn't oh no i got some reusable piping bag kit 24p6 look who's thinking okay now this is actually funny so funny um i'm actually gonna use the same piping bag tip as the last one but i promise i won't use the same tip the whole time it's just i want this one to be like a puffy cloud this is honestly so much fun i can't even describe it you guys ah so fun baking is like the underrated workout [Music] hmm oh my gosh that is so cute like it really holds its shape so well this is so cute oh my goodness i love that it's like 3d and this wasn't my idea like this was inspired by a different cake i saw again i'm going to try to move this oh this is so stressful this is definitely the tool for that with like the angle this one's a little bit harder because it's flat but i'm just going to make it work because i only have one oh my goodness okay we've got a little bit of issues going on on the bottom here that's okay that's okay everyone don't freak out don't freak out baker is here me oh my goodness this is gonna finish it off so cute like i don't know why but i have to freak out when things go well because it's just like i have high expectations but i also am very like real about the fact that i usually mess things up so this is really really good to hear we're going to slide it off and set it in the fridge don't stress don't stress don't stress okay they look so cute together this is the last one and this is arguably definitely the most broken cake i hope you guys are liking this video because i would love to do more baking videos like this because this is so much fun now this cake is going to take a lot of leveling lots of work we have lots of yellow so hopefully we can do this it looks so cute okay i might have to make like another cake just to use up all this icing oh my goodness i don't think i'm gonna be as good at this one [Music] oh my gosh okay now my best work but like that's pretty cute now this is a different type of parchment it's got like flowers on it i think this is going to be adorable slow and steady wins the race then why am i going so fast oh my goodness oh my gosh they're so cute every time i open the fridge hit with a cuteness overload we're gonna decorate this is usually where my too much jean comes out so i'm gonna try not to do that but we'll start with the purple because it's been in here the longest looking literally so cute can't even believe how small this little spot is for like writing things i don't know what to write in here because i was gonna write like happy birthday but it's way too small for that i've seen people write hello that's kind of fun maybe we'll do that we'll do that grab the icing bags i put the pink into an icing bag as well so what i want to do for this one is i want to have 3d so white and then pink on top this is the great part about these bags where you can just change the tip that's like so convenient now this is going to be so stressful because i literally get one shot at this how am i gonna put two layers on there like that is so thick already oh my goodness i think this is a thicker tip oh my gosh okay i gotta get low do i like that i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know but i feel like i would like it after i put some sprinkles on i have like some rainbow sprinkles i feel like would look pretty cute actually my goodness i need like a tweezer or something to put these on here like it is that serious okay let's put these on here [Music] i'm just gonna add a little bit of icing on the bottom this one looks pretty cute not amazing but like it's cute right i feel like it's missing a sprinkle much better this one is done and it is so cute oh my goodness okay this one i feel like doesn't need a lot of frosting but i feel like we could do something fun with it you know because i have like these little pearls which might be kind of cute i don't know if i had white sprinkles oh would i do something with those oh i have white sprinkles all right well now i gotta pull up see like would it be cute to have these big sprinkles in here maybe they look almost like fun fine dust all over that's kind of cute i don't know what this is maybe it's snow i don't know it's just glitz and glam [Music] okay oh my goodness this one's so cute okay this one's done this one didn't take much okay this yellow one is kind of gonna have the most to do with it firstly i'm gonna add around the edges just like another ring i had an idea to write something on this one but now i'm like is that what i want to do okay my main camera cut out i literally have no idea when because i was just like so involved with doing this so i'm thinking about i'm not even thinking about it i'm just doing it doing like a a paint swatch that looks kind of cute doesn't it right tell me it does i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what to do with this one like is this enough i feel like i have to write something on it i'll write something in pink in big letters [Music] this is how you know you've been doing this too long when you write yay on a cake i don't know why i did that i don't know okay i'm gonna clean everything up and then we're going to put them into the boxes and that should be it i'm so excited okay the cakes are out i think they're doing really good like i love the way they look i don't know which one's my favorite i feel like the purple one is my favorite right now at least actually it's in order favorite middle least but they're all cute but anyway i got these boxes these are like bento boxes which is what i've seen most people put their cakes in and i just think it looks so adorable and it really makes it like a lunchbox cake when i sized them up initially i thought this was gonna fit but like now um yeah i'm not gonna be able to close them so let's just set them in here i'm gonna just pop it in i needed bigger boxes for sure i'm just squishing them in these are heavy cakes like oh my goodness [Applause] they don't fit at all in their boxes but the ideas there oh my goodness they are so adorable take a look okay you guys this was probably the most time and effort i've ever put into a cake before and like it shows these are so cute so adorable i'm so happy that i was able to try this out i've seen so many pictures and i've just been so inspired they are absolutely adorable so cute they make me happy when i look at them and usually that's how i judge if something's good or not i'm like if it makes me happy when i see it i think it's good and these really do that like they're so cute i don't i don't even want to bite into one like i'm a little bit protective of them they're like art i don't want to wreck them i really don't so i'm not going to i really hope you guys enjoyed watching this video i know i don't do a lot of like baking or cooking videos on my channel but i hope you still thought this was fun and if you want to see more make sure to let me know and as always thank you for watching and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,032,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, mini lunchbox cakes, Korean inspired lunchbox cakes, Pinterest worthy lunchbox cakes, pinterest baking, making mini lunchbox cakes, trying my hand at baking, lunchbox mini cakes diy, diy, bake with me, pinterest diys, trying viral baking tricks, baking viral lunchbox cakes, Korean lunchbox cakes, making aesthetic cakes, making mini cakes, making minimalist mini cakes
Id: 4P3g4Ofp3cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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