A TRAD WIFE - 5 Roles of Biblical Wife.

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We're going to take a look at the, what it means  to have a role of a wife in a marriage. When   it comes to a Biblical teaching, and why the  Lord created a woman, and how did she come about.   So, something that's been trending on TikTok  called TRAD wife, traditional wife, which   stands for traditional wife is actually becoming  popular now on TikTok, and not that we take   cues from TikTok, but I find it interesting  that the role of a traditional wife is becoming   more trending, and a lot of traditional type of  wives, who take the role, begin to go online, and   share their experience, that is actually not as  bad as the culture makes it to seem. So, we will   look at five roles in the Bible, concerning wives  in marriage. Now, remember this is different than   women in the marketplace, in school, or in business.  We're dealing specifically with marriage. Now, for   those of you who are single, or you are not married,  you're like, man wrong Sunday I came to church. No   no no no. I want you to listen, and pay attention  closely, so that you will know what is the Biblical   role of a wife, and if you are a woman, so that you  know, what you're getting yourself into, what does   the Bible expect that. One of the biggest things  that marriages fight about is these unconscious   roles, or unconscious rules that exist, that people  bring into a relationship, that a lot of times do   not conform to the scripture. So the first one  is this. A wife is a partner with her husband to rule over creation. Now, what I did not say is,  the wife is a partner to rule over her husband,   nor, I didn't say also that the wife is to be ruled  by her husband. I want us to look at the scripture,   and so, we have a scripture at the back, and for  those of you who are watching, there are scriptures   that are going to be dropped the link where you  can follow the notes. In Genesis 1:27 through   28, it says the following, so God created man in  his own image, in the image of God he created him.   Okay. Male and female He created them. Let me just  pause it for a second. God created in the beginning   distinctions between a male and a female. Our  culture, today, tries to wash and blur the lines   between the male and female. Also, in our culture,  there has been very common thing, this transgender   ideology, where you can transition from the  male into a female or from the female into   a male. Now, I do respect the struggle that some  teenagers can experience called gender dysphoria.   A lot of teenagers struggle with their identity,  and some fall into that, and the culture instead   of helping teenagers to navigate this struggle  simply yield to it, and provide hormonal blockers   or puberty blockers, and surgeries to try to  cave into these struggles. As the scripture   teaches us, the Bible tells us, Christians are  renewed, transformed by the renewing of their   mind. So, what is a gender dysphoria is, when  you don't feel or in your mind you don't feel   what your body, biological sex was given to you at  your birth. As a Christian you go to Christ, you go   to God's word and God helps us to change this,  not to change that. So, it's completely different.   The culture says, let's go, and mutilate parts  of the body that are actually functioning well   because you have confusion here, we come to the  scripture, and the Bible says, no actually let's   work with this, let's work with our thoughts,  let's work with our minds, let's work with our   emotions, let's bring them into God's kingdom. And  so, that's just the difference, and the Bible says,   this that God blessed them. Let me say something,  God blesses your biological sex. God created you   and He designed for you to be born this way.  Now, you may say, but I don't like it, like that. We submit to God, and we believe that He created  us, And God blessed them, the Bible says, and then   He said to them this, be fruitful and multiply. Now,  be fruitful doesn't mean grow apple trees, be  fruitful, God doesn't mean like, hey, go garden.  That's not what this means. The God isn't   against gardening. Be fruitful means, and I'm just  going to speak in plain language, means, husband   and wife have sex, and make babies, and multiply,  meaning make sure that you have more babies than   two because when both of you die, so there is at  least more than two that continue on the Earth. So,   like four, my grandma has 16. God bless her heart,  took this verse literally. But, by the way, there's   nothing wrong with having just two children. Oh  yeah, we just want to make it clear. Okay, because   husband's like, yeah honey, I've been telling  you man, I want a soccer team, Pastor is speaking   the truth right now. So, we're not  telling how many people, how many kids y'all should   have. Each person should have as much as they want  to have and as much as they feel in their heart   where God gives them for, but the clear assignment  is that, be fruitful and multiply, fill the Earth,   meaning God says, this is, I find it interesting, God  makes everything on this Earth, and then He makes   only one human being, then He makes a second human  being out of that one human being, and then God   stops making human beings, God stops making people,  and He says, now, you guys go make more people.   You're like, God, that's Your planet, You go make  more people. God's like, no I'm gonna make you need   each other to populate this planet, and then not  only to populate the planet, but I want you to populate   heaven for me, and I'll give you this assignment,  and the way you're gonna make more human beings   is going to be really fun. We won't describe that,  you can Google that, and so, but you're gonna make   these human beings through physical intimacy, and  then you're gonna make a lot of human beings, you   know more human beings on this Earth, and then God  says this, have dominion. Now, at first you're like   yeah, that's right, I'm gonna have dominion over my  children. Nah, that's not what the Bible says, have   dominion over the fish, over the birds. So, meaning  we have dominion over God's creation. We were given   authority not to have dominion over each other, but  over God's creation, and we're partners. Husband   and wife are Partners, in what, in dominion over the  planet, and we are partners in the fact that we are   supposed to multiply the human race, and fill and  populate heaven. Now, someone's like, man the Earth   is already overpopulated, not really, oh, like, but  heaven isn't overpopulated and God wants us to   have children. Children are a gift from God, the  culture kills children, the culture disregards   children. God loves children. All of us, one day, were  children, and so we have to have a high regard for   children. And a husband and wife should partner  together for that. Now, when a woman was made, the   Bible says, that a woman came out of a rib of a man.  Could you read that statement of what that means? Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from  man, He made into a woman, and He brought her to   the man. Women were created from the rib of a man  to be beside him, not from his head to top him,   nor from his feet to be trampled upon, but  from under his arm to be protected by him,   near to his heart, to be loved by him. I  love this quote because that's how the   Lord made a woman, to be beside the man and be Partners, partnering in life together   not above him, beneath him, but partners, and to  be protected by him. Come on, Partners For Life. The second role. Number two role, wife is a helper  to her husband. Now, this is interesting because God   created a wife to be helping her husband. It's not  diminishing role, that simply indicates my husband   needs help. Can you imagine? At first, I did not  realize that, but then I realized, he actually needs   my help. Okay, and this is a very, maybe silly to you,  an example, that I'm going to bring up from   our marriage, but look at Pastor Vlad, he's so clean,  his T-shirt is ironed, very handsome, taking care of   his hair, is calm like, looks nice. Right? Come on, yes,  but yes, I was the one that helped him to iron his   shirt, to match his outfit, simply because he has  no sense of style, he cannot put clothes together,   and that's just him. Some guys do, okay, but why is  it important in our marriage, and we were just such   a wonderful match, because I have style, okay, at  least, I think I do. Yes, you do. Because, now it's   important to us, because this guy is literally in  front of the camera 24 7, and he needed a wife, he   needed my help in this area, to help him to like,  put all of those things together, and I'm just   so happy, he kind of like allows me to do that. Okay,  it's his job, it's his calling to speak in front of   thousands of people, and he has to look good, okay,  and wives your man needs help, maybe, in a different   area. Do not disregard yourself as a helper, this  is a very serious role. When you recognize that, and   men allow your wives to actually help you, don't  be stubborn, don't think you're old   much, or you don't need help. Even God thinks you  do need help. Right, and tell us tell us about   what helper actually is? So, the word helper, in  Hebrew, that's used for a wife is the word ezer.   Ezer, is the word that is used 21 times in the  Old Testament, 16 out of which is used for God.   So, think about it. Wives, your role of a helper is  really the role that God took in the Old Testament   to help his people. The Lord is my helper, you  know we use that phrase, and so that's the same   word. So, the idea that, you know, I'm gonna  live only for his happiness, I'm gonna live,   he has a purpose, I don't have any purpose, my only  purpose is in helping my husband. That has nothing   to do with that. What it has to do with is that  your husband needs help, and God fills you with   gifts and abilities to be able to contribute to  him, as well as, a person. And so, I think this   helps us as husbands as well to realize, that we  need help. yYou know, when I was getting married   like, I knew I needed help, but not like a lot  of help. I was thinking more my wife needs help,   and I was like I'm gonna be there, I'm gonna  help her, I'm gonna help her to be a woman of   God, I'm gonna help her to love Jesus, and  in that regard I am helping her, and so but, in   few things, and one of them is definitely  matching my clothes, the other one is in the area   of generosity, and the other one, and then there's  many. We can go down the list, but those things that   I thought, when she was bringing me help, I was like,  God I can live without those things. I lived without   those things. I will be fine. And so, on one trip,  I went by myself, you know, and I'm like, man I can   iron my own clothes, and I can. Every guy, probably,  should iron his own clothes, and I don't know if it   was I was mothered too much, or something but  I never ended up ironing most of my clothes. So,   I go to one of my trips, and you know I take the  ironer and get the stuff ready, I didn't have to   YouTube it, because I was like, I mean I knew you'd  turn it on, you just flip it upside down, then just   iron it. And so, this shirt, I get one particular  shirt, the problem with it is, it should have not   been ironed. I think it's supposed to be steamed. I  burned the whole thing to the ground. So, it got on   fire, and so I ended up not having a shirt to wear for my preaching trip, and so, I had   to use like one of the shirts and I texted  my wife, and I was like man and she's like, well, you   don't iron that, and I said well how was I supposed  to know. And, bought him shirts specifically so when   he goes on a trip he doesn't have to iron them. So,  I want to prove that, you know, like, I don't   need a woman, you know, I can iron myself. Turns  out, that thing didn't need to be ironed. And so, I   made a mess. And yes, I've learned that in  some regards I need help, and my wife has been   a great helper, but what I found out a lot of times  is very difficult to receive help from a woman or   to receive help from a man because in the areas we  need help are the areas of our differences   and those are the areas, we are usually opposites  in, and we typically end up chewing each other out,   because we don't want to accept that help. We want  to prove that we don't need help in that area. So,   for example, sometimes I know that it was in the  area of finances. I always bought cheap things   because they were not expensive. So, in my mind, I  always look at the price, I look at their budget,   and you know I do everything logically. My  wife is the opposite. She buys nice things because   she wants quality, and she wants to buy it once  in three years, and I buy once in three months,   and end up buying it many times. Why? Because it  keeps breaking apart or it keeps being worn, and   so, when we got married, and my wife would go, and  trying to buy, we're not talking about some brand   clothes, We're talking about just better quality,  and I was like that's so expensive, and she's like   yeah but you're gonna buy once, and you buy it for  a few years, and or you're gonna do like, you've   been doing, buying it every few months, because you  keep buying cheap. And so, we would fight over that   until I had to, honestly, in this regard, allow  her to help me, in this regard, to say hey, you   know what, let's do it this way, and let's just buy  less, but buy a better quality instead of buying   many times because I'm cheap. And our differences,  they are meant to complement each other's spouses,   not to bring the conflict. Now, in the beginning, we  all know that opposites, obviously men and women,   are so opposite, and that attracts. Right? But, later  on, opposites begin to attack each other, because   of the difference. And, there is a process  of learning, that those differences are not there   to separate you but they are there to compliment  you, and if we are humble enough to learn that, yeah,   to embrace the differences of each other, to  complement each other, with those differences, it will just, it will take your marriage to  another level. That's right! Learn to complement   each other. A wife is a partner, a wife is a helper  to her husband. Again, it does not mean she's less   than, in absolutely any way, because that would  mean that, God is less than humans if He's helping   humans. It's absolutely not the truth. And, number  three is, a wife is a crown to her husband. Now,   the culture says, a man is the head, a wife is the  neck. And some wives take pride in, I am the neck, that indicates control, because a neck really  controls the head, decides where the head goes   and so some wives have adopted that role, and  they say, I'm the neck, I am gonna control him.   That's a Jezebel spirit. The Bible does not give  a wife a role of a neck. The Bible gives a wife a   role of a crown on the head. So, wives, the scripture  elevates you higher than the culture. This should   be a good place to say Amen, but it's okay. Wives, the scripture elevates you to a crown, meaning   it's a place of Glory, it's a place of honor, it's a  place of recognition. Do not stoop down to the view   of culture, I am the neck, I'm going to control him,  and everything. No no, that stuff is not good.   That's the culture. The scripture says, you are  a crown on your husband's head. Let's read that verse.   Proverbs 12:4, an excellent wife is the crown  of her husband, but she who causes shame is like   rottenness in his bones. Wow! that's pretty strong  language. Right? It's almost like, it's either   a crown or a cancer. Yes, and this is what cancer  equals to, in this concept that we're talking about.   Criticism, a woman criticizes her husband all  the time. Another one is, making fun of him,   comparing him to other men. You know, could you  be a little bit more like my dad? Could you   be a little bit more? Man, I wish you could be  making as much money as this person is making,   I wish you could be more spiritual. That's a  big one. Wake up a little bit earlier, lead   the whole family in devotions, because look  that's what the Bible calls you to be, a priest   in the house, you're not a priest in the house.  Then, disrespecting him publicly. That's huge.   Belittling him in front of the kids, shaming  him for not being spiritual enough, always   lecturing and nagging at him, always complaining  and being negative, controlling, manipulating with   tears, and withholding sex. Now, wife when you  withhold sex from your husband, you are making   him feel humiliated on the inside. He might not  show you, but that crushes your husband's, like   inner being. That's how serious it is. We're not in  here, I don't think the Bible encourages, we're not   talking about abuse, or that you become a doormat.  What we're simply advocating for is, this is that   a wife, we will deal with husbands next week, but a  wife, to be the one to understand you have so much   power. Think about it. Eve influenced her husband  Adam to bluntly disobey God, and the guy followed.   Abigail influenced David from bloodshed, the  guy was about to go kill the whole family,   and he was, in his mind he justified it, and Abigail  didn't come and say you bloodthirsty murderer, what are you about to do? Are you crazy? David, you crazy man. No that's  not what she did. Abigail came and says, David   you're a man of destiny, the prophetic words  were spoken over your life. I mean you are a   man of integrity, you're such  a great man about to do such a stupid thing.   You don't need to do that, God is going to  exalt you, and that weirdo was actually her   husband, who disrespected you, that guy is not  gonna make it, but you don't have to do that, and   David spoke back to Abigail he says, God has send you  and your advice and your wisdom has kept me back   from making a mistake. If your husband is in the  wrong, you can guide him into the right, but not by   criticizing, shaming, belittling, embarrassing. And, I  know sometimes, that's how a woman would feel, you   know feel a little bit disrespected or feel like  you know she's not loved, man, I'm gonna get him, I'm   gonna let him have it, I'm gonna correct him, I'm  gonna change him, but even the Holy Spirit, think   about it the Holy Spirit doesn't even do that to  us. Holy Spirit, when He changes us, He convicts us   of one particular behavior, but in a way that  actually wants us to change, instead of coming   in and saying you [__], you terrible human  heathen, and horrible person. Holy Spirit doesn't   do that. The devil does that. And so, when we do  that what happens is, we actually, partner with   the devil, and we can destroy a marriage. How  do you go about, if your spouse is unbelieving?   So, 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 1, and this is very  important, wives likewise be submissive to your own   husbands that even if some who do not obey the  word, they, the husbands without a word may be one   by the constant nagging of their wives, no that's  not what it says, by the conduct of their wives,   that means, these women, in this verse, were having  husbands who are not Christians, they didn't go   with them to church, instead they just watch  football in the morning, or went to play golf,   and the wives were like, man, how do I  get my husband to come to church? How do I get   my husband to love Jesus? And Peter doesn't say,  just go and anoint the house with virgin oil, and   you know like, and spray hose him with oil, and like  get the demon out of your husband, because someone   should be like that's the solution, I need to get  my husband delivered, and maybe that's true, your   husband probably needs deliverance, 100 percent, nobody's  doubting that, but the way you get to the point,   where your husband actually comes to deliverance  is one, you don't leave your husband just because   he's not a Christian, number two, is stop lecturing  him. After you've told him about Jesus, after you've   told him about your testimony, after you've told  him that, and after that, the Bible says, maybe   without even a word, but with your conduct, you can  win your husband. A husband is usually not an idiot.   When he knows that the wife is changed, and the  wife has an encounter with God, who he does not   like at this moment, or doesn't believe in. At first,  he's like, you know what, that's cool. I'm glad you   found religion, good, but that's not for me. You  really want to get his attention? Be different,   be honoring, when he is wrong be loving, be  prayerful, that changes, that gets anybody's   attention, that really will and can transform  it. That's what the Holy Bible says. One woman   was trying to divorce her husband. Went to a lawyer  and said, I'm divorcing my husband. and he said, okay.   How do you want to go about it> She's like, well, I'm  ready to divorce him today. Create the paperwork,   I'm going to submit the paperwork, and give him the  paperwork so he signs it. I'm done with him, that   joker, he's horrible. I made a mistake marrying  him. The lawyer says, I have a proposal for you,   what if, you would, for the next three months,  don't nag, don't complain, don't fight, be nice,   be kind, compliment your husband. respect him on the  good things that he does, leave the bad things he   does alone, and do all of that for three months, and  after three months shock him with the divorce news.   He will not know what hit him, because he will  get used to you being nice, and then you're like,   I'm divorcing you, it's gonna hurt him so bad, and  he says, that will hurt him more. The wife's like,   I like that, because I want to hurt him more. So, if  this could help me to hurt him more, let's do it. So,   they both agreed. In three months, you hurt him more,  by being nice first, and then throw the divorce   paper at him. So she goes home. One month passes,  the second month passes, she does exactly what they   agreed with the attorney, in the third third month  she actually doesn't call the attorney. So, the   attorney follows up with the phone call and says,  hey, with a divorce, I mean when are you coming, so   that we can finalize that the divorce, and the wife  says, what divorce, we are on our second honeymoon, and she changed her husband, by being respectful,  and being kind. Now, does this mean that every   single marriage is going to be fixed like that?  No, but I do believe more marriages could benefit,   if we will stop being a rottenness in the bones.  That's really what the Bible describes. These are   not my words. I wouldn't have the audacity to say  that, but the scripture says, and we become the   crown. It was Ruth Graham said, it is not your job  to change your husband, it is God's job to make   him good, it is your job to love your husband. And  again, we might ask but why, why is this conduct   of a wife can possibly change my husband? You have  to understand one thing that the primary need of   a man is honor, and respect, and if you don't give  that to him, it's very hard to function for him as   a man. But, if you start to kind of like, feed that,  and actually give him honor, and respect, you know,   you can give honor and respect without saying a  word, a man will feel it from his wife. And when   you do that, this is one man's like, you know what,  I don't want to lose this kind of woman because   they need that honor and respect. Just like us  woman needs security and love, this is how men   need honor and respect. And it's huge, it's huge.  Like, I remember, you know, I get compliments from   people, but from my wife I get affirmation, you  know. A thousand people can say, a great sermon,   but my wife, when my wife says that, like, that's my  bread. When y'all say that that's a gum, I chew it,   I'm like this tastes good, and I gotta spit it  out, I can't swallow this, but when my wife says   that it's different. And so, and a lot of times  after the sermon, I'm gonna ask her, how did I do,   and you know, she if she's, and I know when she's lying,   I know when she's trying to be nice, and sometimes  she just tries to fake it, you know, fake it, till   she makes it, you know, and or, when she gives  me a flattery. Flattery is not the same thing,   but when she genuinely, you know begins to say, hey,  this was really impactful, there were sermons that   after I preached them, I wanted to quit Ministry.  I was like, I ain't preaching again for the rest   of my life, I'm not called to do this, I can't  put my words together, I don't even know why   I'm doing this and everything, and so like, I just  I got so discouraged because I'm normal a human   being who sometimes gets bombarded with all kinds  of lies of the enemy. And so, and then I would, you   know, get in the car, and I was saying man, I felt  like I was pushing a semi truck up the hill, and   then I didn't have the energy to put it over the  hill so the semi truck run me over and I'm dead.   She's like, wow, that's an interesting illustration,  and she's like, why are you describing your   sermon as a semi truck, and it ran you over? I was  like, that's exactly how I feel, and she'd be like,   you kidding me, she's like, that was the one of the  best messages I've heard, this was so incredible,   it touched so many people's lives, like, I felt  the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and I was like,   you did, and I'm literally like a kid in a candy  store, and I was like tell me more woman of God.   I am like deliver this heathen right now,  I'm like, lay your hands on me right now,   like, I mean, I'm like, save me, heal me, deliver  me, you know, I'm just, talk to me, just and so,   she would, you know take a few minutes, and she  would, you know, say those words. And, next thing   that next thing, I would be like, you know  what, I actually think I'm called to preach.   I'm gonna do it again next Sunday. I'm gonna show  up again next Sunday, and this is it. There's some   of you are laughing, and you think I'm exaggerating,  I'm actually not exaggerating. This is huge, and if   my wife, after that message, would come around  and say, honestly, I don't even know what you're   doing there, you're terrible, you're horrible,  like those things, they will hurt way deeply. A   critic can do a video, I have critics  right now, who actually have nothing else to do   with their life, but devote their whole Channel  to trying to destroy me. They can do that   I absolutely do not lose sleep. That doesn't touch  me because I don't know them, but when the person I   am this close with, who will not honor and respect  that, and some of you may say, well, you know, it's   easier for Lana to do that because look, you're  changing people's lives. It has nothing, she's not   doing that because I'm changing people's lives,  she's doing it because she's an honorable woman.   Wives, the reason why you honor your husband is not  because always your husband is the honorable man,   it's because you're an honorable woman. And again,  we have to be fixing toilets, yeah, it makes no   difference. Your attitude is what changes that man.  And we had to learn that. You're not born with   this amazing wife, you're right away this amazing  woman of God, no, you learn, we learn, and this is why   we're here, we're learning to be Godly wives and  Godly women. Did it come easy for you to honor   me in that regard? Yes, yes, I would say so. I was  remembering, I was remembering. Yeah, I am a daughter   of a pastor ,so, I kind of already knew, I had  respect for my father, and it kind of transferred   but there were moments that I had to learn. I  did mistakes, I said wrong things, I disrespected   him a few times, like not on purpose, but then I  caught myself. I'm like, oh my gosh, I cannot do   that to my man. Okay, he's a man. So, yeah. Alright,  alright, thank you baby, thank you. Praise Jesus.   Amen. Number four, now, let's go a little bit deeper.  A wife is to submit to her husband. Now, this is   hard for some people to swallow. We live  in a culture today, where first of all American   culture, you know, is not necessarily very honoring  of submission. I mean we rebelled against the Great   Britain, and praise God we did that because we got  our own independence on 4th of July, you know,   1960s, says, hold Jesus hippie, not Jesus the  hippie movement, Jesus movement, came out of that   honestly was really made a rebellion a virtue.  As humans we're just rebels. We follow the dark   one the devil, and he rebelled against God, and then  he turned us to rebel against God. So we, rebellion   is kind of like our second nature. It's so much  easier to do that. So, the idea of submitting, just   the idea of submitting, it sounds scary, it sounds  like, oh my goodness, you're gonna make me to do   something I don't want to do. I'm going to be less  than, I'm making, I'm being made a doormat, heck, no   that's not gonna happen. And so, we have this very  huge fear when it comes to submission, but few   things that I want to remind each one of us, is the  Bible does say, 1 Peter, chapter 3 verse 1, wives   like was be submissive to your own husbands. Now,  some of you may say, well Vlad, you know this part   of the scripture, probably should be updated, but  is it? Maybe, it's our lives that should be changed,   not the scripture. And, I understand maybe you're  the woman in here, and you're like man, but this   is the part, that is difficult. But, in Ephesians  chapter 5 this is what the scripture says, wives   submit to your own husbands as to the Lord, for the  husband is the head of the wife, and then the Bible   gives us an example, as also Christ is the head of  the church, he is the savior of the body. Therefore,   just as church is subject to Christ, so let the  wives also be to their own husbands in everything.   And the word submission, in the Greek is, hypotasso,  which means to be placed under, or to be arranged   under. It's often used in military, when one person  puts himself under the command of a leader, and is   presented as something that is of a voluntary  choice you do, so, it's not forced, Submission   is not something that a husband can demand.  Guys, listen very carefully. Submission is not   something that a husband demands of his wife. The  moment you have to tell, submit to me you're wrong.   Submission is something a wife gives to her  husband of her own decision. Husband doesn't   take it and husband doesn't demand it. It's Christ  who commands that submission. Now, before we get a   little bit, you know, sensitive about this, I  want you to see something. In Godhead, we as   Christians, believe there are three persons, God  the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.   Now, many of us think is that in the Trinity, as  we see now, we see that in the Trinity, many of   us think that, what's happening in the Trinity is,  they just simply vote, because they're all equal,   God the Father, God the Son and the Spirit, they're  all equal. God the Father is not greater than God   the Son, God the Son is not greater than God the  Spirit, they're all equal, yet Jesus submitted to   the Father, yet he was one with the Father. The  spirit glorifies Jesus, yet he is one with Jesus,   so they're equal, yet they submit to one another,  Jesus submits to the father, and we see the Spirit   glorifies Jesus. So, God, who created the humans,  He created us kind of like the Father Son and   the Holy Spirit. We have a husband, a wife and we  have children. We're all equal in the family,   but God tells us to have a chain of command, not to  belittle us, and not to make us less than, and He's   giving us His own example, and He says, guys watch  this, I the Father, we have Jesus, we have the Spirit,   we're in unity. we love each other, we are equal, but  in the Trinity, there is a like a chain of command.   It's, from the Father, through the son by the Spirit.  It's not rock, paper, scissors. The Trinity doesn't   have majority rule. It works in a conjunction with  unity, and on some decisions the Father calls  for the action, the Sons submits to the Father,  and then the Father gives all the glory, and all   the honor to the Son, and He says, the Son's name  is above every name on the earth.   If you reject the Son, you're gone. You're gonna  go to hell, if you reject the Son. And so, Father   glorifies the Son, and then the Spirit comes and  glorifies the Son, and Jesus and the Father says,   you say something against the Holy Ghost, We're not  going to forgive you. You see the   persons keep glorifying each other, yet there is a  chain of command in the Trinity, as it's revealed   to us in the plan of redemption. So, then the Father  comes to us, and says, guys, you really want to get   along, while you're equal? Here is how, learn from  Us. So good. Well, most of us say, no, I know better,   but see you've lived here for 50 60 70 years.  We don't know better. They've existed for   eternity, they don't have fights, they don't have  arguments, and yet they have a chain of command, it seems like, and there's equality there. So,  I want us to learn from our Father, how He   relates with the Son, and the Spirit to relate in  a similar way in our relationships.   Now, some of you'll say, I don't need the head in  marriage. Anything without a head is a dead corpse. Others of you are like, no, we have two  heads. Anything with two heads is a monster.   We need a head, and the Bible makes it very  clear, who is the head, it's not somebody who   has more degrees, well my wife has a PHD and I have  a GED, therefore in our marriage the one with the   PHD is the head. That's not what the scripture  teaches, but she's smarter, that doesn't matter.   When you're on the road, let me ask you a question,  and you have a yield sign, let's say, I'm driving   a semi truck, alright? And you're driving a  Hyundai or Kia, okay, Honda. Let's give Corolla   a little tiny, nice, little or a Bug, you know that  Volkswagen, or whatever you're driving, Mercedes.   I'm driving a 18-wheeler. Yield sign is on my road,  to yield to you. What if I was saying, nope, I'm   not, I'm not yielding to you. Why? Because I have 18  wheels, and you have 4. My car can crush yours. My   car is bigger than yours, plus, I don't like rules.  What's gonna happen? We're gonna have an accident,   So, God sets these rules in relationship not  to limit us, and control us, but to empower   women, empower men, to live being equal partners,  have a chain of command, and God says, the same   way We have it there, I want you guys to have  it here, and live in that perfect Community.   We overthrow God a lot of times, overthrow  God's rules, and we're like, we know better,   we're going to do it our way, and next thing you  know those marriages don't last, and if they do   those people are like hyenas in the zoo. They are  attacking each other, hurting each other, cursing   each other. Why? Because God doesn't bless mess,  God blesses order. And God outlines this order   not to belittle women, absolutely not. When I yield  to another car, it's not because my car is trash.   Sometimes, I can drive a nice car and I'm yielding  to another one, because there are rules on the road,   and that is the way we avoid accidents, when we  learn to yield, when we have a yield sign, and God   gives us those yield signs, for church members  to do that with their leaders, for people to do   that to the government, when the government obeys  God, it's like paying taxes, you know, following the   rules, as long as those rules obey God, and  same thing in marriage. Now, let's say that   your husband wants you to do something immoral,  illegal or wrong. Do you obey him? Absolutely not.   You respectfully say, I cannot do  that, it's a contrary to the scripture, but when   it's things that are more of like house chores  and other stuff we come to mutual agreement and   when we cannot come to mutual agreement then  wife says, hey, the final word is going to   rest with you, but keep in mind, if your husband  makes a wrong decision, God's going to get him.   God's going to judge him. When he is  responsible, he carries responsibility.   So, it's not necessarily that he's better, he's  actually more responsible. I believe this is   what's going to happen. When we die, I think  all the wives, and the children are gonna go   in one lane to heaven, and there's going to be a  separate lane for all the men, and God's going to   judge him way heavier. Remember when Eve ate of  the fruit, gave it to her husband, guess who God   came first to? You would think, He would come to  Eve because she was the one that ate first. No, God   came to Adam, and said, hey, what did you do? And  Adam, like a lot of guys do, not my fault, she.   A lot of men, guess what they do, is they shift  responsibility instead of taking responsibility.   But, if you think that a man being the head simply  means a woman is less than and a man is greater   than, absolutely not. The only thing that's greater  with men, in this regard, is greater responsibility,   which means that God's gonna hold every man  responsible for his family. I believe every father   that left his kids, abused his wife, is going to  face severe severe judgment before God. Why? Because   all the tears that those kids had to go through,  all of the stuff, guess who that goes on? I know   this is not a popular message because a lot of us  love Daddy God, Jesus, Santa Claus kind of like, He   just loves us, and I can do whatever I want, destroy  people's lives, and not carry any responsibility.   No Christian message is this, a wife submits to her  husband, a husband lays his life for his family, and   for his wife, and takes care of his family. Yeah, but  more is to come for men next Sunday. Okay? So, make   sure your husband comes next Sunday. Alright? Now,  it's important to point out again the order that   God set up, as a husband as the head  of his wife, is for marriage it's not for outside.   That woman must obey men, no, it's the wife that  must obey and honor her husband because a woman   can be a CEO of a huge company, and men submits  to her, that is absolutely normal, but when it   comes to the family unit, when it comes to the  husband and wife, God created a specific order,   and He blesses that order. Okay? And so, one thing  I would like to read for you guys to just kind of   go off of what we were saying. Martha Montgomery  in her series, The Godly woman shared, submission   does not imply on an inferiority of a person, but  only subordination in rank. As a person you   will be no more inferior to your husband,  than the citizen is to his government or Christ   is to God, yet the citizen is subordinate and  ranked to the governor, Christ in His humanity   was subordinate to God the Father. Okay? We're  talking about the rank, not necessarily submission,   as the worth. Some of us know wives who do not  obey, I'm sorry, who do obey their husbands,   but they're not truly submissive. A wife who obeys without respect is not in submission.   You are to reverence and fear your husband. Now,  fear and reverence in this is shown as respect   as we fear God, not that we're afraid God or afraid  of our husbands. We respect, we give them honor that   they deserve. Okay? And so, the church's reverence  for Christ is our pattern. You may not agree with   the decision in his position as a head, the mother  who enforces her husband's rules and disciplines   but lets her children know that she does not agree  with her husband is not respecting her husband   before her children. Does this topic, and does this  idea of wife submitting to your husband, and for   you, how do you take that? Does that make you feel  less than? Absolutely not, it actually makes me feel   secure, knowing that the honor, and respect that  I would give him, placing him above myself, makes   me feel secure, more secure than, not because as a  woman I am wired to be secure, I am wired to have   a protector, emotional and physical protection  from my husband, and for me personally, it just   makes me feel more secure. And, when I obey the word  of God, I can see the blessing upon our marriage.   You know, I am not obeying my husband because he's  God. Okay? I am obeying my husband in giving him the   final decision, if we disagree, I give him the final  word, and final decision, and this is how I honor   him as ahead of me, as a head of of our family, and  that does not make me less than in any way. That   makes him more responsible, and if this is how, if  this is the order that God placed, I trust God that   he knows better. I do not know better, and this  is the attitude that I carry. I walk under,  you know, under God, we all do, and I try to obey Him,  and trust that the Lord knows better, and the rules   and things that He told us to do, and showed  us an example, they actually work, they actually   work. But, in the in our marriage, this doesn't mean, you know, a wife submitting to her husband, does   not mean that I make all the decisions. In fact,  a lot of times, you make a lot of decisions, and   I'm asking you to make those decisions. I mean you  always consult with me, and especially, if it's a   big decision, husbands do not, you know, disregard,  you need your wife's help. Trust me. She has   senses, she has intuition, that men many  times don't, and this is how we partner, and work   together. But, if there is an issue that we strongly  disagree on, okay, that means a wife must yield to   her husband's final decision, but it's actually  it's very rare. We've had, we were trying to find a   decision where we struggled because I also have  developed huge respect for your intuition, for   your your contribution to our marriage, where  sometimes I feel very strongly about something,   and I come to you, and you're like that's dumb. I  don't think that, I don't think that she you know   pokes holes at all of my brilliant spiritual  ideas, and stuff. And so, and before you know I'll be   like, no girl you don't understand, you didn't talk  to God, I've been fasting for the last 20 days. So I   I know better, and then you know sometimes what I  would find out is actually my 21 day fasting did   not do as much as, you know, her getting 21 minute  nap, you know because she would wake up and she's   like, God, you know, gave me a vision, and I was  like, no He doesn't speak to people who don't   fast, you know like, I would say that, but I kind  of had those very self righteous thoughts, and   so we were trying to figure out yesterday, there  was one decision where I felt very strong to give   almost all the proceeds away from one real estate property, and my wife wanted to give, but not   all of them. And so, she pretty much said, hey, I'm  going to leave that decision with you, which that   scared me by the way, because I'm like man, if I'm  wrong. And I just simply trusted that He heard from   God. If I didn't, it didn't feel like it, you know, if  you have intuition, and you walk with the Lord, that   does not mean God doesn't speak to your husband.  Yeah. And this is where you yield. And this is where   I had to trust him that the Lord spoke to him,  and I'm gonna trust Him. But, I do remember, you mentioned, and   you said, you know, I don't mind, us giving all the  money, and you being very generous with the kingdom   of God, but I remember something that my wife said,  she said, I just want to know that I will not be   forsaken, abandoned, or that you  will be generous with me as you are generous with   the kingdom of God, and that just kind of hit me  because in the Bible it says, husband love your   wives as Christ loved the church. The Bible doesn't  say, husbands love the church, as Christ loved the   church. Yeah, that that is big because we can be so  generous with certain things, and yet a husband is   not generous with his own wife. That's a big No-No.  Yeah. And so, and I think with time also submission,   you know, a lot of times, you know, in small  areas, like, hey, we're going to eat you're like,   Mexican, I like Italian. That's not how it is. In our  marriage, I don't even know what I like.   And so, and like, hey, so where you want to go? You  know, and my wife would say something, and I'm like,   I'm not really interested, but hey, let's let's go  there, and so, to really prefer to honor the wife in   preferring what she would want, so this doesn't  mean a wife to submitted her husband, doesn't mean   that husband always gets what he wants,  because then the Bible tells the husband to lay   his life on his wife. So, technically it's really  one person saying, hey, I'm gonna submit to your   leadership, and the other person says, hey, I'm gonna  lay my life for you. It's like this beautiful cycle   You know, how sometimes people have very bad  cycles, they attack each other, and nobody can just   be mature enough to stop the cycle, humble  themselves, but this is a beautiful cycle,   where a wife honors, and gives the husband that  almost like a pedestal. Okay? And then, a husband,   he lays his life down and lives for his  wife for the good of his wife, provides for her   being generous with her. It's just beautiful. Lives for Jesus but,  yeah, lays his life for his family, and for his   wife. Yes, because husbands we live for Jesus, and a  wife honors the Lord. Assuming that we all live for   Jesus. You know, when the feminist movement started  in the beginning in Europe, and the United States,   it actually started really good, in a sense, in a  positive way, that a woman deserve to have equal   rights of voting opportunities, to have equal pay,  if they do exactly the same job, they shouldn't be   getting paid less than a man, and it's very very  good. But, what has happened with the feminist   movement, and I do want to address that, because  a lot of women, unfortunately, have become pawns   in the politically correct, a lot of that  even that cultural thing, that's been   happening, is this, is the feminist movement  today, has morphed into, women don't need men.   It has really pushed into promoting lesbianism,  promoting homosexuality, promoting abortion,   and blurring gender lines. Now, if you're not a  Christian, the Bible is not God's word for you.   God is not your authority, honestly, you're your own  God, you make rules as you go. I wish you good luck,   but you will stand before God, and give an account  for your life. If you are a Christian, you cannot   take the cues from culture, just because they make  you look more tolerable, and because you're afraid   of the cancel culture, and so you adopt the cues  of the culture, say, no, I just don't want to sound   like those weirdos, or like those people, who  just, they seem to hate women, they seem to, you   know, transphobic, and they are homophobic. I just want to be like   the world, but I also want to be a Christian. Like  you have to choose. Being a Christian doesn't mean   that you're hateful. It just means that you love  God, you love God's truth, but you also understand   that sometimes that truth stands in contrast  with the culture. Like for example, the Bible   clearly states, you know, that human life has  value. In our culture, life doesn't have value.   We protect dolphins, and kill babies. That's  our culture. So, we can't simply say, well, we're   just going to embrace the culture. We're going  to embrace God's word, and sometimes some truth   in the Bible is not super comfortable. Like, I  went to the doctor, I go to the doctor regularly,   you know, once in six months or something, and  the kind of doctor, I do not like is a dentist.   No offense, I just do not like dentists, and  they're good people, amazing people and those   nurses as well because like they always tell me  about the problems that I have, and I don't want   to hear, I want to have compliments not problems,  and so I would go up and I would go and I   am blessed with good good teeth, and so, I would go  to this dentist that I still go to, and he might be   listening, so, and I might be going to his office  in two weeks, so, I need to be careful what I say.   I would go, and you know, he would say man, you have  no you don't need to have any fillings, but your   wisdom teeth, we need to pull out your wisdom teeth.  And I said, I oppose that, I am against getting   wisdom out of my life. I want wisdom. I don't want  you to take wisdom. I rebuked that in Jesus name.   He's like, no, I don't want to get wisdom out of  your life, I want to get wisdom teeth. I was like   you know, my dad still has his wisdom teeth. So,  I am not going to let you take my wisdom teeth.   So, six months, and he's like, man you gotta  get those wisdom teeth. I was like, nope, I   knew you're gonna say that, no. I come back next  time, and he said, there's a little infection   beginning to build by one of your wisdom teeth.  I said, nope, the lie of the enemy, I reject that.   Literally, I didn't say that to him, but I  was like, nope absolutely, I'm not moving   my wisdom teeth. It doesn't hurt there. It's  my policy, if it doesn't hurt, don't touch it.   I come back next time, the nurse who's there,  she's cleaning my teeth, and she's like oh   yeah the infection is spreading. She's like,  oh, it's just you know, we've seen people   develop cancer in their bones, in their mouth, and  we've seen stuff where they have to completely   remove a lot of teeth, not only wisdom teeth, and  she's talking like we're having a conversation.   And I was like, woman you're scaring me, she's  like, no I'm telling you the facts, and I was   like, no these are not, these are intimidation  tactics. I said, okay I got it, I will remove   those wisdom teeth. Can you stop scaring me? And so,  you know, I did not want to get those wisdom teeth,   but when I started to see the reports, that it  started to build up an infection, only in one side   I was like, you know what, it is what it is, I got  an appointment, they had to surgically remove two   of the wisdom teeth here, and and they're like do  you want to remove the ones on the top? I was like   like do they have infection? They're like, no, but  once they do, we'll have to do another surgery to   remove, and I was like remove all of them. If I have them somewhere  in my toes as well remove them as well. I'm   like, just let's get all of this stuff out.  Was it comfortable? Absolutely not, but I trust my   doctor, and I trust that nurse, of course, after  two years. I'm stubborn like everybody else, and   and I got those wisdom teeth removed, they put  me on the under anesthesia, and then you know, they   had to sow stuff up, and then they put certain  things where I couldn't touch with my tongue   you know, those corners of my teeth, and it was not  comfortable, and for a few first three four days, I   had to drink everything, and eat everything, through  a straw, and it was not comfortable, but I am glad   that, that infection did not spread, and that was  prevented. When you have certain truths in the   Bible, that you absolutely, is like this doesn't  make me feel good, please understand, God is not   always interested in your immediate happiness,  sometimes, in your well-being, God is so much   more interested that he will take you through a  surgery, by saying, hey, this is not right, this is   culture, but it's not in the Scripture. Do not  conform to culture, conform to the Scripture. Amen. Are you guys still with me? Are you gonna  still come to church next week? Some are like,   wives, they're like, oh yeah, I'm bringing my  husband, that's for sure, because this is hard   for me, I can only imagine how bad it's gonna  be for him. I'm just kidding, okay. Number five,   wife is a builder of home. And, I would like to  talk about this one actually. Wise woman builds   her house, not just her career. Now, I understand  that we have single moms that have to work.   They have no other option. They have to support  their family for both, for husband and wife. And   I am sorry that you are in this situation,  and for you, if there's no way around it,   you must do what you must do. Okay? But the  ideal is, for a wife to stay home, and raise   her children. And what is the statistic, when  a mother actually doesn't send her kids to   daycares, and just goes to work, but actually  stays at home and raises her children. And we don't have any   problem with daycare. Daycare is a great thing.  We do have daycares overcrowded in the United   States, and we see, statistically, that if a child is raised by a stay-home parent, there is   an increase in child school performance, there's  less stress and aggression in the child's life,   the parents feel greater involvement  in the child's day-to-day life,   usually the mothers would feel good about the  choice that they made to stay home because they   see the fulfillment of this child's life growing,  and they have less stress about job. A lot of women   they have this pressure, now, we're talking about  right now women who can afford to stay home, and   whose husbands actually encourage them to stay  home, and to raise the children. Some people even   homeschool their children, but some women are  pressured by the culture, and they feel like   no, but I want to go, and I want to compete, I want  to win, I want to, you know, fulfill my career. And   sometimes I had these people, who would come  up and they're like, no, you know, I want to be   in a marketplace. I'll rather put my kids in a  daycare. You know, when I find out the kind of   work they do, where they're just literally stuck  in a cubicle for eight hours, and I'm like, listen   you're not building your career, you're building  your boss's career. You're literally there   from nine to five, but at the same time, you're  not the one that's that's receiving a raise.   You could have been raising the next generation,  and temporarily putting a pause on your career.   Nothing wrong with building your career. That has  its place, but at the same time when you have an   opportunity to have three little human beings that  can be raised or two little human beings that need   that attention, and need that care, this is so  much greater and lasting effect than just simply   punching in numbers in a spreadsheet, and then  having your kids being taken care of by daycares.   And we know stuff that happens sometimes there,  and we have people in our church who own daycare   so we don't have a beef with daycares, or anything  but there are stuff that happens there with some   parents are like, man, I don't want, and I'm not  sure I want my kids to be there. I want my kids   to be raised by, you know, by me, I want to have the  care and that attention. Yeah, and that way you're   actually instilling the values and faith into  your child, since, they are little, instead of having   someone do that for you. Okay? And the culture, they  want you to leave your children for the government,   for them to teach your children, and not you, and  you go and you compete, you go and you work and and   then there's the husband, that you want to want to  split the bills, and things like that, but honestly,   guys, it's worth it for your wife to stay home, and  build her home if it's possible. I would say   even, it's it's better, if you don't have a lot  of money, but you invest in your children, then   you make an extra buck, and then your children lose  at the end of the day. Yeah. Okay? And so, what does   the Bible say? I would like to read Titus 2:4.  Okay? Then they can urge the young women to love   their husbands and children, to be self-controlled  and pure, to stay busy at home, to be kind and to   be subject to their husbands, so that no one will  malign the word of God. Okay? And I want to read a   comparison between the word of God and the culture  right now. The Bible teaches young wives to love   their husbands, the culture teaches them, you don't  need a husband, you can do it by yourself. The Bible   teaches to love your children, culture says, my body  my choice, abort the children. The Bible teaches,   to be self-controlled, culture says, be wild. The  Bible tells us to be pure, culture, sexual autonomy.   The Bible tells us to build your home, culture  says, get out of the bondage of   homemaking. Bible says, be kind, culture, woman be  mean, rude and bitter. Bible teaches us to submit to   your husbands, culture tells us to rebel against  authority. You know, my grandma had 16 kids.   She still, is alive, comes to our church, and she's  a powerful woman of God, and she grew up during   communism. She grew up when the socialism that  was in communism, you know, and a lot of our young   people today think that socialism is a cute idea.  You should ask my grandma, they   had no food. The socialism, it made people not have  food, basic necessities. My grandma, she raised 16   children, who are all healthy, who are all doing  well, her doctors and people in her village, said,   you won't make it. Why you keep having these  children? You don't have nothing to provide for   them, and even people called her irresponsible. And  so, she, and my grandpa, you know, this is what   the Lord put on their heart, and they had this  many children, they provided, God provided, God   helped them, and they raised them, you know, and my  mom, who, when I was growing up, you know, I was very   fortunate, we didn't have a lot of money. My dad had  to work outside, and go to another country to work   for a few months because the times were very  difficult in the Ukraine, but my dad, you know,   did whatever he could so that we could be provided  for, so that my mom could stay, and teach us the   Bible, teach us those things, and you know, I'm so  grateful today, you know, she's able to work, you   know, once we went to school, she started to work  and everything and stuff. And so, I really just want   to kind of encourage that, in our team, we encourage  our team members, that if you can temporarily, even   you know, maybe, not have as much finances, but  the daycares are so expensive now, that you are   able to raise your family. It's very important. Our  children are important. Just kind of saying, hey,   we give birth to them, but we abandon them, that  is not a Biblical way. I know it goes contrary to   the culture where everybody's trying to climb  the corporate ladder, but at the same time God   wants us to build our homes. God wants us to build  our families. God wants us to raise Godly families.   If you are here today, and you are a single mom or if you're a single mom, you're juggling   two jobs, probably, and you know raising your  kids, I want to say, man, we're praying for you,   we're standing in the gap with you, and I also want  you to believe that God will send you a husband,   because it's not an easy  work to do, and I pray that God will send you   a good man in Jesus name. If you are here, and  you are a stay-home mom, a statistic, somebody   did a statistic and they said that technically a  stay-home mom is doing 10 jobs at the same time,   and she should be getting paid  115 thousand Dollars a year from her husband.   So husbands, I know you can't pay that, but just say  thank you. Just be grateful. I know sometimes   husbands will be like, man, what you do all  day? You know, I you know, I still see a mess in the   kitchen, or anything and stuff, so because you know  we measure everything by, you know, spreadsheets and   but statistically, it says, that they actually  are juggling about 10 jobs, and a lot of them are   working average of 98 hours per week/ It's the same  thing as working 2.5 full-time jobs, and so if you   are a stay-home mom, we love you, we appreciate  you, we we thank you formaking   contribution to your children, and to your family,  and that God will bless you, especially those   of you who are homeschooling, God bless you, God  strengthen you. We are praying. Thanks for watching   to this sermon. If this was a blessing to you, would  you let me know in the comments below what stood   out to you from this message? What are you taking  home with you from this message? Also, if you enjoy   these messages, would you help us and hit thumbs up  to this video, and subscribe to our channel, so you   can get new videos every single week delivered to  you on your YouTube app. If you go to hungrygen.com/sermons, you'll actually be able  to download the transcript, the notes, and the   quotes of this sermon, and the rest of all of  our sermons free of charge. Until next time. [Music]
Channel: HungryGeneration
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Keywords: deliverance, Pastor Vlad, hungrygen, Holy Spirit, hungry generation, raised to deliver
Id: 8YGkpEKwZj8
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Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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