Our Biblical Role as a Wife in Marriage

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[Music] Hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube  channel. my name is Lana Savchuk and I am so   honored that you're here. I would like to  talk about 5 roles of a Biblical wife. Now,   that does not make me an expert on marriage  or anything of that sort, but I have a little   bit of experience and I'm just gonna dive  into the word of God and we're gonna see   where it takes us. So, number 1 role of a  Biblical wife is, a wife is a partner who   rules over the creation with her husband.  let's go to Genesis 1:27-28.   So God created man in his own image, in the image  of God he created him; male and female he created   them. And God blessed them and God said to them, "Be  fruitful and multiply fill the Earth and subdue it   have dominion over the fish of the sea over the  birds of the air and over every living thing that   moves on the earth." Now, from this verse we can see  that both male and female God created them equally   and he gave them Dominion to rule and subdue  the Earth and to rule over the creatures the   animals. We have to notice that God  did not tell Adam to rule over his wife   just because he was created first, no He gave  both of them dominion to rule us partners. Women were created from the rib of a man to be  beside him, not from his head to top him, not from   his feet, to be trampled upon him, but from under  his side to be protected by him, near his heart to   be loved by him. So, first role of a wife  is to be a partner in ruling over the creation.  Number 2, wife is a helper  to her husband. Let's go to Genesis 2:20. "So Adam   gave names to all cattle, to all birds of the air,  and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there   was not found a helper compatible to him." When the Lord created Eve from the rib of Adam,   he created her as a helper. When Adam was looking  for that helper it was not found a helper to him.  The word helper means, a person who provides needed help and assistance.   it's used 21 times in Old Testament and  16 of those times it refers to God. Now, being a   helper to your husband does not  make you less than, it does not diminish your   calling as a wife. Bible refers to God as a  helper, it's an honor, because God is our Helper.   And it's an honor to be a helper and an assistant.  Number 3, wife is a crown of her husband.   the husband is the head, but the wife is the  crown not the neck. In our culture people   say that a wife is the neck, she turns the head. This obviously is not scriptural, it's   just cultural reference which is against the  word of God because it speaks of manipulation.   We know that manipulation is not from God,  manipulation is literally part of witchcraft.   God created a woman to be in a place of  honor, in a place as a crown not as a neck to   be manipulative turning this way, that way. In Proverbs 12:4 it says,   "An excellent wife is a crown of her husband, but  she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones." That is a pretty strong word a rottenness in his  bones? The wife who causes shame to her husband.  What is shame, causing shame to your husband? I  would say it's constant criticism, it's like cancer   to your husband, constant negativity, putting him  down, nagging constantly, you might say, "yeah because   he is not a good man or he doesn't deserve to be  honored." You know that   you honor someone not because someone deserves  it, but because you're honorable wife, that's why you   should honor your husband. Even if he's not perfect.  I like how Ruth uh Graham said and I quote, "it is your job to love your husband,  and it's God's job to make him good." When we   give that trust to the Lord and we play our part  of what God expects of us as wives, to honor our   husbands, to be his crown, not to embarrass him,  not to talk down on him in front of children,   disrespecting him in public, that's huge! And as  women we have to understand that the primary need   of a man is honor and respect, and if you give  that to your husband something is gonna start   changing something's gonna start happening in his  heart towards you. When you speak and you   feed that primary need of your husband, things can shift and change in your marriage. Number 4.Wife is to submit to her husband. I know this one is tough to swallow, maybe   it sounds so contrary to our culture. How? I'm not  going to submit to men, you might say. I want you to notice,   that in the Bible it says, 1-Peter 3:1 "Wives, likewise, submit to your own   husbands that even if some do not obey the word , they, without a word, maybe won't buy your conduct   by the conduct of their wives." and also Ephesians  5:22-24 "Wives submit to your husbands,   as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of his  wife, as also Christ is the head of the church;   and he is the savior of the body. Therefore,  just as the church is subject to Christ, so   let the wives be to their own husbands  in everything." Now we must understand that   in the Bible we see this submission it's mainly  presented towards a husband not necessarily   women in general submit to men. Although I  believe that women in general should    honor and respect men. Because this is how  God wired both of us differently. Part of submission to Authority and especially  to a husband, because God has placed him   in the family in a place of authority, according  to the word of God, and we see the submission of   a wife to her husband not necessarily women to  men. A woman can have a very strong character   which is absolutely fine, she can run a huge  business and be a CEO of that business, she can have employees that are men, and they submit to her. This  is absolutely fine, but when it comes to the family   order, when it comes to being a wife, in the  family that powerful woman becomes more powerful   if she obeys the word of God and submits to her  husband. Submission does not make you less than,   we're not talking about submission as your worth and value. Wife you're not less than and a husband is better than you, and now you are to submit to him.. None of that! I want you to hear me out. Submission in   the Bible is voluntary, you should voluntarily  give that place of honor to your husband. We're talking about rank, we're not talking about worth okay?   The husband and wife they're both worth the same,  they are qual in the eyes of God   in their worth. But we're talking about the  rank.You know how in the military, in the Army we   have soldiers, we have sergeants, we have commanders, and it goes up the chain, right? And because of that order the Army can function . Well, guess what? The Lord in His wisdom   created this beautiful order in the family that  a husband is placed as a head of the household,   which means he carries more responsibility and more weight. The Lord will ask of him more,   he's responsible for his family. But you as a wife,  he placed you underneath of him, to honor him as   the Lord, to respect him and to give him that  place, almost like a pedestal. I know it might   sound completely contrary  to our culture, but we are here talking about   the word of God, which we believe that the Word  of God is our standard, and if we trust the Lord,   He created us and He created this beautiful  institution, marriage, and if we follow His example,   if we follow this beautiful institution that  God created, we will be blessed in our marriage.   If you choose to follow the culture, you're  gonna see very fast that it actually does not   work. The word submission from Greek  (huppotasso) means to place or arrange under,   often used as a military term, meaning to place  oneself under the command of a leadership, so you're   pretty much voluntarily placing yourself under  your leader, your husband, who is the head   of a wife and a family. When you're giving  him that place you're submitting yourself   under his authority. And of course husband is  submitting himself under the authority of Christ.   Martin Mouser said, "Submission is a humble  attitude where obedience is rendered within a   relationship." Submission doesn't make a wife less  than her husband otherwise Jesus would not be   fully God because he submitted to the father. Think  about it, Jesus being fully God on this Earth and   even now He submits himself to the father. We  see this beautiful order in the Trinity how the   Son is submitting to the Father yet they have such  a perfect harmony. How it works is absolutely   beautiful. And the last one is, a wife is a builder  of her home. A wife, a wise woman, she builds her   home not just her career! Proverbs 14:1  it says, "The wise woman builds her house, but the   foolish pulls it down with her own hands." I  encourage you wives, let's build our homes,   let's create this beautiful harmony. I believe that  God gave a woman this natural ability to be a   homemaker, to build her home. Titus 2:4-5 it says, "This then they can urge the   younger woman to love their husbands and children,  to be self-controlled and pure to be busy at home   to be kind and to be subject to their husbands  so that no one can maling the word of God." The Bible teaches wives to be homemakers to create and to build their homes.   A 2018 study conducted by Welsh  foundation reveals, a stay at home mom's work on average 98 hours per week. Think about  that that's about the same as working two and   a half full-time jobs and that is crazy!  Our culture right now is trying to   say it's okay, you don't need to stay at  home, you need to climb the ladder of success, you need to do business. They're trying to pull a wife out of the home, not to raise her own children. And guess what, someone else will be raising your kids.   I understand that there are  single moms and there are circumstances   where both, a wife and a husband must work.  And you know what, we must do what we must do to   take care of our families. But if you can stay  at home to raise your own children it's better not   to make an extra buck, and to live on less if possible and to raise your kids at home. Daycares are so overcrowded in America, they are so expensive, and guess what, you you're going to work and   you still have to pay for the daycare. Many times it's not even worth it.   If your husband works, if he brings  the money, dedicate the season to raise your children!   And after that season you can resume your career, there's nothing wrong   with a woman building her career. But if you  can, dedicate this time, it would be the   best. The study also found that stay-at-home moms Their kids have increased in school  performance, child has less stress and aggression,   greater involvement in child's day-to-day life,  and then wives they feel good about their choices   to stay at home and has less stress about the  job. I actually just recently talked to one   of my young moms who have five kids and she said  when she made a decision to stay at home to raise   her children, her stress level  decreased dramatically. Even though she has five kids and staying at home,  being a full-time mom, it is literally a full-time job,  her stress level is a lot less.   Because she is in her lane, and she's dedicating  this time to raise her kids. I would   like to encourage you moms if it's possible for  you to stay at home and raise your kids, it would   be the best. Now if you cannot, if you are a single  mom and you're just trying to make it. You're trying   to provide for your kids you're trying to meet the needs, there is absolutely   no condemnation to you! I just pray that the Lord  will give you the strength, financial provision and blessings. Also that He blesses your  motherhood and gives you the ability to raise   those kids without a father. I just pray  for your family to be whole in Jesus name! Thank you so much for watching. If you like this content, comment below, I will   be producing more more videos. If you  have not subscribed to my channel yet, would you   please be so kind and do that, I would appreciate it! Also, comment below what is one thing that   stood out to you from this video, or  share your opinion on something. Maybe you have   a different opinion than I do, I would love to  actually read that, drop a comment below and  share this as well. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time!
Channel: Lana Savchuk
Views: 141,737
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Keywords: biblical marriage, marriage, biblical marriage advice, biblical roles in marriage, what is biblical marriage, christian marriage advice, biblical gender roles, what is a wife's role in marriage, christian marriage, roles in marriage, what is a husbands role in marriage, sex in christian marriage, what is a christian couple allowed to do in sex, marriage in the bible, what is the role of a husband in marriage, biblical qualities to look for in a husband, biblical
Id: 7nQGbL8QKsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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