How To Know They Are The ONE

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Today's stream is going to be about: How do you  know if he or she is the one? So let's dive in. So   this is what we're going to do, is we're going to  share first four biblical principles that I feel   like we need to subscribe to, before we can dive  into the practical. And then I'm going to share   13, it might get to 14 practical pastoral  examples. They're not in the Bible but they   are what we've seen in our life and what we've  seen with other people's lives, of something that   I believe it will help you to know if that person  is the one. So we're going to get through the more   foundational thing and I really want you guys to  pay attention to that. Because I believe if you   don't have the proper framework for this, you  are not going to be able to because everybody   wants to know, like concerning the preferences  instead of the principles. Come on somebody. We   need the principles, not just the preferences. So  what is the first principle of how do you know if   that person is the one? Yeah. So number one. The  Bible actually focuses more on walking in purity,   than on how one should date. Now when it comes to  purity, you must understand is that purity is more   than being a virgin because virginity is physical,  purity is emotional and mental. Actually purity is   a heart issue. The Bible says in Psalm 24:4 that,  "To he who ascends the hill of the Lord must have   pure hearts and clean hands." Jesus says in  Matthew 5:8, He says that, "Those of pure   heart will see God." So purity is to be without  mixture. It's meaning not allowing the world to   get inside of you. You actually, you're a virgin  until you get married but you're pure for the rest   of your life. And so God actually wants you to  focus more on your purity than on your romance   and your relationship, and that should start right  now. That should not start when you get married,   that should start right now. Whether you're  single, whether you're ready to mingle,   whether you're not ready to mingle, whether  you're coming out of a heartbreak or broken   relationship. Whatever the situation is, the  foundation of relationships according to the Bible   is purity. Now, one thing that I've learned about  purity, is that purity is not a point you cross.   Meaning, oh I no longer watch pornography, I no  longer you know have a wandering eye, I no longer   undress women for men, or for women, I no longer  watch erotic you know novels. Now I am pure.   That's a point but purity is not that. Purity  is a pursuit after God. So if you stop pursuing,   you're no longer pure. Even if you're not watching  pornography, you're not masturbating, your not   fornicating and you're not committing adultery,  you are not pure. So purity is a pursuit.   Purity is a heart issue and that is the foundation  of relationships. And I love how you said,   how you mentioned that the purity is a heart  issue because our goal is to be pure in the heart,   and out of the heart everything else flows: the  pure life, what we watch, how we date, what we   allow ourselves and so on. And so principle  number two is the Bible focuses more on being   the right person than finding the right person.  What would you say about that? Well, it's true.   It's actually harder because many times we  want to focus so much on finding the right guy,   finding the the man who's gonna love me. But what  about you? Have you thought that God wants to   prepare you, more than He wants to prepare someone  else? Even though yes, God wants to prepare   someone else for you but He wants you to be the  right person before you're going to find the right   person. Because if you're the wrong person,  meaning bad character. Can you imagine if you   find a guy with a good character? It's going to  be very difficult for him to live with you. Now the Bible actually has very little to say on who  you should date or who you should marry, but the   Bible has so much to say about who you should  be as a Christian. So, if the story of Adam, and   would you hand me my Single Ready to Mingle book?  I'm going to take a little promotion right now.   Check out the Single Ready to Mingle book.  You can get it on amazon or download it on my   website free of charge. I go through the story  of Adam and it's honestly like, it's been my   like example for young people and what they should  do with their season of singleness. Adam first was   put into the garden by God and Adam knew God. Adam  had a job and then God gave Adam a wife. And so   this example is perfect for us, that before you  find the right person, make sure in the very areas   you want to have this person, that you are good  in those areas. For example, I want him you know,   I want him to love God or I want her to love God.  The best way to get the person who loves God,   is to be the person who loves God. The reason  why, because if you don't love God, you won't   settle for somebody who doesn't love God. You will  not find somebody and they will not go with you if   you don't love God. You know I want them to take  care of me. Great, do you take care of yourself?   Do you take care of your health?  Do you take care of your finances?   Do you take care of your car? Is your bedroom  clean, okay? Is the sink clean, okay? So,   do you take care? Are you a person that  takes care of yourself because if you don't,   you will settle for somebody who is not taking  care of you. So most people don't realize is that   we, we like and we desire somebody who  is opposite of us but we usually end up   somebody who has a similar personality or  similar character. And so it's very important,   that as a Christian, you must understand God  wants to develop a fruit of the Spirit in you.   Many Christians work too much on their desires  and their expectations, and too little on their   preparation. That doesn't mean that you'll  ever be ready for marriage but God wants   you to raise your preparation and honestly, lower  your expectation when you go into a relationship.   What is the third principle? Yeah, principle  number three is the Bible limits our options to   actually "only in the Lord" when it comes to  who is the right person that you should be with.   Now would you read the scripture for us  in so actually it's 1 Corinthians 7:39.   1 Corinthians 7:39, "Wife is bound  by law as long as her husband lives.   But if her husband dies, she is at liberty to  marry, to be married to whom she wishes, only   in the Lord." Come on somebody, dropped that in  the chat: Only in the Lord. So only in the Lord.   Let's do it again. Only in the Lord. The Bible  limits our options as Christians, to only   in the Lord. Meaning this person has to  be in the Lord, not just in the church,   not just they will start coming to church. Not  just, "Oh, I just led him to Jesus yesterday."   But they have to be in the Lord, only in the Lord.  That is the right person that you should be with.   You can marry whoever you want the Bible says  but as long as they're only in the Lord. The   second verse that I would like to share in 2  Corinthians 6:14 and if you can read that verse. "Do not be unequally yoked together with  unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness   with lawlessness? And what communion has light  with darkness?" So this verse, a lot of times is   used for actually to say that Christians cannot  have demons, but there's actually verse in the   context it's talking about being unequally yoked  together with unbelievers. Not in the sense that   you cannot work with unbelievers, you cannot be  friends with unbelievers but that you cannot enter   into a covenant with unbelievers. Now for those  of you who got saved and your husband or your wife   is not a believer, this is not referring to that.  This is referring to people that are believers,   who are about to enter into a relationship  and they already know that the other person   is not a believer. They're not in the Lord.  They're not grounded in Christ. They do not   know Jesus. They do not love Jesus, and so  that person is already no go. That's in the   Bible. Now let's dive to fourth principle and  then we're gonna get to some practical things.   So the Bible doesn't teach that God plays lottery  with relationships. He gives liberty to mary   whom we wish. Again I'm gonna read the verse  in 1 Corinthians that Lana read, 7:39. It says,   "If her husband dies." So this applies to a  widow but this also applies to anybody who   is single. "She is at liberty." Come on,  somebody drop that in the chat: at liberty. Tell it to the neighbor below you and above you:  at liberty. I want to emphasize that, she is at   liberty, okay. Not only he is at liberty, she  is at liberty. At liberty, means she is free   to marry whom she wishes. Somebody  dropped it in the chat: Whom she wishes,   okay. Why is that important? It does not  say here, listen to this very carefully.   For those of you in there who believe that  God is the one that chooses your spouse,   listen to this. The Bible says, she is at liberty  to be married. It doesn't say to whom God chooses.   To whom she wishes. To whom she wishes. You  are free to marry who you like. Nah Jesus.   Come on somebody. I know a lot of people,  they really love to spiritualize this aspect.   Over spiritualized. Yeah, thinking that I have  to know if God wants me to marry this person.   But there is only one criteria, is that person  in the Lord? Does he or she walk with God? Does   he or she have a relationship with the Lord?  Then you can marry if you like that person.   That's how simple it is. It's very simple. That's  it. So young man, if that young lady is in the   Lord and you wish to be married to her, what  are you waiting for? What are you waiting for?   And if you're a young lady, you know  it's time to maybe send him this video   and maybe crop this very part, where this could  be applied to men as well. This is not just for   women. Imagine, women at the time did not have  rights, for Paul to say for a woman who is a   widow. He says, "You can marry. Listen girl,  you can marry whoever you like." That's amazing.   Because a lot of people, listen this stereotype,  this mental like stronghold that exists especially   in charismatic, pentecostal circles where  people feel like God chooses for you. Remember,   share your story. I know you already shared it  once, how you were expecting for angel of God   to speak to you to confirm if I was the one.  And what did you do, how did you decide that   I was the one? So and I see some of you maybe  are chatting right now or saying, "Well but you   need to pray about it." No 100% absolutely, yeah.  But you know prayer is not what's going to bless   your marriage, it's obedience. If you're praying  for your husband but you're dating a drug dealer,   your prayer doesn't matter. You're disobedient.  And a lot of people, they pray for things,   where they should have been obedient. Oh God show  me if this is the right person and the homeboy is   literally a pot dealer. He deals, he deals weed  and he doesn't go to church, he doesn't serve   God and you're saying, "Lord confirm this is my  husband?" Like you're disobedient. But once you're   obedient, you don't need to ask God for audible  voice. Now can God give you an audible voice   confirmation? Yes. Can He send you an angel to  confirm? Yes. Can He give you a dream? Yes. Can He   give you absolutely nothing? Yes, because He gave  you a Word. So in His Word He made it very clear:   only in the Lord, whomever she wishes. These  are the two very simple things that we can now,   I'm going to share, we're going to share right  now practical things that you should avoid. Red   flags that you should avoid as a pastoral advice  or preference. But these are again, these are not   necessarily in the Bible. You know I'm reminded  of David, when David committed adultery and   Nathan came to David and he said this. He says,  "Because you disobeyed the Word of the Lord."   It's interesting. God never  told David not to have adultery   verbally, He said it in His Word. And God judged  him because of what David did not do according to   His Word. God clearly gives us the green light, if  the person is in the Lord. Now when we were in a   relationship and you know Lana was in the Lord,  I was in the Lord. I was seeing her already and   I liked what I was seeing, I liked what I was  getting to know. I wished to be married to her   but I did not have or feel this liberty. In fact,  I felt that God needs to give me a supernatural   confirmation that she is my wife because I  am a preacher, and because I am a pastor and   I was special. So I think a little bit of pride  was going in. But the real reason is that because   I heard so many testimonies where the angel of God  came and confirmed and the audible voice came in.   So I was like, I'm not worse than those men of  God. God should confirm it to me. And so instead   of proposing to my wife, what I was doing is I  was waiting for an angelic sign. I was waiting for   this divine, like prophetic word or some kind of  a really powerful confirmation. And what happened?   So I went to TJ Maxx to get some stuff. I meet  this guy that I went to school with and you know,   I'm like, "Hey what's up? How are you doing?"  And he's like, "I'm married!" And I was like,   "You're married already?" And I was like, "How  did that happen?" And so I don't tell him that   I am in the relationship and that I'm waiting for  a confirmation. What I'm just telling him is, I'm   asking him his story. I said, "How did you propose  to her?" And he says, "I proposed in the airport."   And I said, "Was that planned?" He says, "No, we  went on a mission trip, I liked her." They didn't   even go out. On the mission trip, for seven day  mission trip. Mission trips are dangerous, a lot   of stuff happens on mission trips. So I know quite  a few couples that got hooked up on mission trip.   So he says, "On the mission trip it became obvious  I want to be with this person and I felt that this   person wanted to be with me." And so I asked him,  "So did you like get a sign from God?" He says,   "No. I mean she's serving God, I'm serving God,  we like each other." I mean this guy went radical,   okay. He didn't even talk to his parents or her  parents. Like on the way back he found a string   in the airport, got on his knee and proposed  to her with not even a ring, a string,   and the girl said yes. So he's saying this to  me and I'm thinking in the back of my head,   he's an idiot. I'm like what kind of a guy would  do that? And as I'm thinking those thoughts,   I get this impression that I'm the idiot, because  here I have the person that I want to be with. You   know I've talked to my parents, I've talked  to my pastor, I've talked to her pastor. I   crossed all the dots and we already were dating.  And we're already dating, It was official and then   I'm still waiting for some kind of a sign. And so  right there in that moment, I think it was Monday   or Tuesday. I made a decision, this Saturday or  this Friday I'm gonna propose. So I tell Lana   that I'm gonna go and visit her on Saturday, you  know she lived in Vancouver Washington. I lived   in Tri-Cities. So I said, "I'm gonna go visit you  on Saturday." But then I called this ring place,   I asked him to prepare the ring by Friday and I  came on Friday at her workplace and I proposed in   front of her co-workers in the workplace. And I've  never looked back and I'm so glad that I did that.   And this verse later on became the confirmation  for me that she is at liberty to marry whomever   she wishes, only in the Lord. Now I understand,  I've opened a lot of can of worms where a lot of   people like, oh praise God you know my drug, you  know addicted or maybe porn watching or abusive   boyfriend is Christian and I like him. I want to  get married to him, so I'm going to go now and   get married. You know my parents don't approve  but it doesn't matter. So right now we're going   to deal with some other things that we believe  as pastors and as your online friends maybe,   that you have to watch for. Yeah, now if you  are married right now and you're gonna look at   these red flags and you're like, oh shoot I made a  wrong decision. You did not make a wrong decision,   okay. The person that you're married with is the  person you need to be with. You don't need to go   right now and escape this marriage because you're  married and you realize every single thing on this   list is wrong, because two wrongs do not make one  right. So keep on being with that person. But all   of you single people we can make it, you can do it  better by making a decision that will honor Christ   in a very, very powerful way in your life, that  I believe will affect you in a great way so. Yeah I wanted to add actually something. For me  personally, I was thinking about that and thinking   oh, how cool would that be if an angel of the Lord  would actually tell my husband that I am his wife.   I had those thoughts but then I kind of changed  my mind because I was thinking about it,   and I'm like, that is kind of scary. I have  more respect for him because it was his choice,   not angel's choice. I was thinking  about it and I was like, oh my gosh,   that's kind of scary. Now if something goes  wrong in our relationships, we have hardships   in our marriage or whatnot. And now this man who  received a word from an angel that I'm his wife,   gonna go back waiting on that angel to fix  things or to you know. And that would be very,   I would have a hard time respecting that kind of  a man to tell you honestly and I'm so glad that   he's a very decisive man who can take this kind of  decisions. I mean looking at the Word of God and   saying, "Okay, she's in the Lord and I'm just  gonna make my own decision and I'm going to   propose to her so." And definitely I had peace  about it, so it wasn't like you know, I was and I   was not against God's will. There was no red flags  that we are going to be mentioning right now.   Yeah there was no, there was no red flags and  it's what I want to highlight also, is that   I actually was convicted about that. I felt like  when I was praying to the Lord and I was saying,   "Lord, you know who would you want me to  marry?" And I felt like, it was kind of crazy,   I felt like Lord was saying, "Hey, I already  chose my bride you need to choose yours.   It's you who's going to live with her not me." I  mean, yes of course the Lord's going to live with   us. So in that regard that's what I meant in the  sense that I'm gonna be the one married to her.   And so and I really felt that you know, then we  take responsibility for those decisions. Instead   of because I heard people who go to the prophet,  again no judgment to those who go to the prophets   to get a confirmation. But they go to a prophet  you know and say, "Prophet who should I marry?"   And then you know the prophet chooses a person for  them and then they get married. And when something   doesn't work out they blame the prophet or they  blame God. Look you send me this wrong person. And   so in order to avoid this, I think this is what  you need to do is you need to follow God's word.   Yeah. You need to follow common sense, which we're  going to talk about in just next few minutes, and   then you need to follow wise counsel. Can we say  that again. Three things, follow God's Word. What   does God's Word say? Purity is more important.  What is the second thing God's Word says? You need   to work on yourself more than you're trying to  work on the list that you're trying to find this   magic person. What is the third thing God's word  says? Is that you need to look only with those who   are in the Lord. What is the fourth thing God's  Word says? You actually have the total freedom   to marry whomever you like. That means attraction  has to be there. Yes, absolutely. That word "wish"   is an attraction. That means you have to have  a little spark, there has to be this click that   is there. So they are in the Lord, but see  there's like billions of people in the Lord,   not every person you're gonna marry because we  don't do polygamy, okay. So we do only one person.   So how would you from the Lord, go to they are  with me, they have to be the one that you wish   to be with. Meaning some kind of a spark is there.  There has to be a desire to be with that person.   Come on somebody, drop that fire emoji. For those  all the single people, receive that right now,   amen, amen. So yeah, there has to be this  desire to be with that person. So practically,   to narrow everything down is that you find that  right person: by following what God's Word says,   by following common sense which we're going to  talk about in a second and then by following the   wise counsel of people in your life. And this  way you'll be able to, to really kind of make   the right decision. Now before we share the 13  flags, red flags, we want to invite everybody.   We see more people tuning in to youtube right  now. Those of you could you help us out right   now and hit thumbs up. If you are rewatching  this let us know where you're watching from   in the comments, stay engaged in the comments even  if you're re-watching. If you're re-listening this   on the podcast during workout or a train ride or  whatever, we welcome you. Don't forget to leave   a positive review on where you're consuming this  content. Thank you guys so much and those of you   on facebook, don't forget to share. Everybody  on instagram and on tiktok, we're also on   youtube. Now 13 red flags that you are with  the wrong person right now. What is the first   one? So number one is the relationship with God  is not a priority for that person. When God is   not the most important for that person, it's a  red flag. If you are the most important person   for the person you are with, that's a red flag.  That's scary. You know I always told even my wife,   that you know I love Jesus more than I love  you and because of that, I will love you more   every single year as we grow together. Yeah,  yeah. I think when we understand this truth,   it doesn't become scary. It actually liberates us  and makes us trust that person. When I was single   and I was praying, "God would you please give  me a husband that will love You more than he   will love me." And that's exactly what I got  and I am so thankful to God that I you know,   prayed those prayers and my mindset was correct in  this area, to understand that a person needs to be   attached to God more than anything before he is  attached to you. So ladies, good prayer to pray,   instead of saying, "Lord send me a Mr  Handsome, send me a person that loves   You more than me. And I also got  a Mr Handsome. Amen, praise God. Red flag number two. Actions and words don't match. That's a big one.  That's a character flaw. Yeah. And even if that   person is in the Lord, if what they say and what  they do. I'm not talking about once or twice   but you're noticing there's a pattern. This person  says one thing, does another. They make promises   they don't keep, they keep breaking their oaths,  their commitments. You're dealing with the person   that either is immature, likes to be admired  for the words he says but doesn't have the   character to live out his commitments.  To me it's a huge, huge red flag.   Number three. If she or he has close friends that  are not committed to the Lord. And I think this   one is actually huge because this is how you  can actually see with whom that person is more   comfortable with. With people who are more secular  or with godly people, and that's a very huge sign   to see who the person really is. It's important  that we always have non-christian friends but if   your closest and your best friends and all of them  are not believers, and you feel very comfortable   and you don't seem to click with believers, to  me that's a huge red flag. Yeah. Number four.   If a person, he or she. More of a guy  but sometimes she, has a wandering eye.   What do you have to say about that? So a wandering  eye it's when the person is constantly, it's when   a guy is constantly checking out other girls. I  would add to that also, following on instagram.   Oh yes, this is huge. Ladies, I have to say it.  If a guy is interested in you, I beg you make sure   you go through his followers and see everyone  who he is following. Big, big, very important   okay. It's very important. That way you can  actually see if a person, if a guy is like, okay   looking at other girls or you can even tell if he  has the issue with lust or issue with pornography.   Maybe he doesn't follow like you know, porn stars  on instagram but you can kind of see who. You know   maybe those celebrities that are half naked,  and you can tell if the person has issue with   lust. Somebody said that he was following a lot  of prostitutes on his instagram. A wandering eye   when he follows instagram models. To me, I think  it's supposed to be a red flag when a believer,   a young man, a man of purity is following  female models, female workout working out   trainers. And because I mean all of that working  out trainers, I mean it's soft porn pretty much   and stuff. So I mean you know whatever, you girls  can follow. But for a guy to follow somebody with   tight pants, or hollywood stars and exposing  their breasts and everything and it's just to   stay "relevant" or to "Oh, it's not a big  deal I'm just my friends [mumbling sounds]   and stuff. So to me that's a big, big deal. I'm  not saying that as a girl you should control   but you should definitely, you can't  ignore that. Take a note. Yeah,   you got to take a note. You gotta you gotta see  that because that that is a big sign, and so   sign number five. He or she has recently gotten  out of a relationship and they didn't heal yet.   And so and this is deals with the person  who just broke up recently, my personal   encouragement is for people to take at least 6  months, 6 to 12 months depending on the depth   and the closeness of the previous relationship.  Especially if the previous relationship ended in   immorality or fornication. Like there needs to  be repentance, there needs to be inner healing,   even sometimes deliverance. And when a person  jumps out, the reason why it's a red flag is   because you don't really know if the person loves  you or if the person uses you as a band-aid,   when they're jumping into a relationship  with you right away. What if they say   okay, I just had a big breakup and this person  is giving me this attention and they're helping   me to heal. What do you say about that? I  wouldn't say that it's always a bad thing.   I would consult counselors, mentors, to  kind of monitor this person's heart. Because   I can't say, I know some people who get married  like that and honestly they have a thriving great   relationship. They still had to deal with those  issues but to say that, that this is healthy   or this is wise, it is not. And so because a  lot of times you know you're dealing with this   hurt and you're dealing with this thing. And then  three, four, five months later you actually have   withdraws and you actually want to go back  to the person that you broke up with. Like   and I'll be candid and honest, I've had  a relationship before I met Lana. It was   a dating relationship with a young gal from our  church and I broke up with her. A few months later   I went back to the same relationship even though  we didn't fit together. It didn't, it wasn't   for me and I wasn't for her. But the emotional  attachment, but the emotional attachment drew it   back. The worst thing would have happened is for  me to go to another relationship because I would   have missed this person and go back. You don't,  you know, when the guitar stops playing music the   strings are not removed. Just because you walked  away it doesn't mean all the strings are gone,   so it takes time. Time is the great revealer and  so and the person who just broke up or separated,   please go into a healthy small group, go into  relationship. If you're a woman with other women,   get a counselor, go into church, find a good  hobby. Begin to rebuild yourself. Don't jump   into another relationship without learning  the lessons that you had to learn, you have   to learn even if it was not your fault. Because  statistics says your next relationship, marriage   after the divorce, the chances of it ending  in divorce is higher than the first one. So   the idea that, oh I learned so fast that  I'm gonna jump into a next relationship   is actually baloney. It's not how this works.  You didn't learn anything because statistics   says that you go back into actually worst case,  not better case. And so I would really encourage   to take time to pause and don't jump to be in the  relationship with somebody. Or like for example,   going into dating with somebody whose divorce is  not finalized. Oh yeah, yeah. Like I think that's   a big no. That's just a hundred percent that's  a big no. Oh we're still finalizing you know   or it's been finalized. You need to cut the, cut  the cord. This cord has to be cut. Person has to   deal with that stuff first, before they go into  the next relationship. To me that's a big red   flag. Red flag number six. Number six. A person  shows signs of controlling or abusive behavior.   This is pretty self-explanatory but I think  it has to be mentioned because a lot of people   miss those signs, especially the signs of control.  I think this is when a person is controlive.   Even if it's like already in dating  you can see the signs of control   if a person doesn't like you to hang out  with your friends that you used to have,   or a person constantly showing signs that they  only want to be with you. Only you are theirs,   you're their world. This is  actually very unhealthy because   later on when you marry that kind of a person,  you're going to be very miserable. That person   will take another level of control and will  be... Sometimes it gets out of control.   Yeah. I think that as well, what I would want  to mention is there's a difference between love   and obsessive love. When a person has  an obsessive love, they don't love you,   they are actually having a problem and they are  possessing you.They are trying to control you and   that is very, very dangerous and so we have to be  very careful because that becomes extremely toxic.   At first actually, if you have had a problem with  you know having somebody love you, like you will   actually fall full prey to that. And you'll  be like man, this is so amazing. I am wanted,   I am desired and everything. But in reality  it's not. When the person is obsessed with you,   they will become possessive of you. Here are the  six characteristics of obsessive love. Obsessive   love is when a person cannot live without you.  When a person demands unreasonable amounts of time   and when the person ignores the other aspects of  their own life to be with you. When a person shows   jealousy toward anything and any activity that  compels for your attention, that competes for your   attention. When the person follows you, checks  up on you when you're not together. And obsessive   love begins with an intense motion, intense  emotion, flattery, and intent and attention   but slowly it grows into unhealthy possessiveness  of you. Yeah, yeah. That's big. I think love,   it's completely opposite. Love always gives  freedom, trust, a choice, encourages a person to   have relationships. You know cultivate friendships  and even like, even cultivate the friendships,   create new friendships that you know a  couple can enjoy together I would say, the   freedom. Number seven. The person has the same sin  habits, addictions and struggles and doesn't have   freedom. Shouldn't we give a chance for people  who are struggling? Or do you think that when   the person for example is addicted to drugs,  where is the line between you know dating them?   Or addicted to pornography, or addicted to  smoking, or addicted to lying or maybe other   stuff. Where's the line of dating them if they're  addicted? So the line is you just don't. You do   not date people who are addicted, who have really  terrible habits that will eventually destroy   the marriage or a relationship. Period. That  person needs a rehab center not a relationship. If a person especially is addicted to alcohol,  drugs or even addiction to sex. So a person who   is addicted needs a rehab, not a relationship.  Oh come on somebody, drop that in the chat right   now. A person that's addicted, they need a  rehab. Yeah but because they need a rehab,   they think they will find their rehab in the  relationships but it's a very false notion. It's   absolutely untrue. That will actually destroy  another person's world and not heal that person   who is addicted to something. Now if you are in  a marriage relationship and you are addicted,   you know we are not saying, okay dump your spouse  right now and then dump them into rehab. And also   a lot of people who are addicted, I feel like  they need deliverance and discipline, not dating.   Yeah that's good. Drop that in the chat. If you're  addicted, you need deliverance and discipline,   not dating. So it's important that you take time  to get free. So for those of you who are right   now watching and you're single, please  don't feed that addiction. Get freedom,   overcome that, get into deliverance. Come to our  prayer line and get delivered. You know go through   my prayer videos and get delivered, experience  deliverance. It doesn't mean if you get married   you have to be perfect, you know we all sin and  stumble. But when you willfully, habitually,   intentionally continue to sin without repentance,  it destroys the other person and if kids are   involved it's extremely, extremely difficult and  damaging. Marriage is supposed to be a blessing   but you will make it a battlefield because  of that addiction and it just makes it very,   very difficult. So if you're single and you're  dating somebody who is addicted to porn right now   and they do not seek deliverance, they do not want  to put any kind of discipline in their own life,   drop them like a hot potato and run from them  like from a plague. Yup. Number eight. The   person doesn't respect purity and has no desire to  wait until marriage to have sexual relationship.   That's huge. If from the beginning this person is  not willing to set boundaries with you, and not   willing to help you guard those boundaries, but  they are opposite. They're like, no I want to make   out, no I want to have sex or no I want to have  all these other sexual activities that are not you   know intercourse or anything. Or some people, some  guys, they say, "Yes okay, yeah I can do that."   But then they push the envelope. They said one  thing with their words but with their actions   they're pushing the envelope of purity. So that's  a huge risk. Yeah they're not interested in that   and they are just simply wanting to, they're  just in there not for love, they're in there for   lust. They don't love you, they love pleasure.  They don't love the person and that is that is   a big red flag. If somebody from the beginning  says, no I wanna you know, don't buy a cow if you   don't drink milk from it. Don't buy a car if you  don't test it. If that's their view of sexuality,   then you have to present to them say, "Hey listen  home slice, sexuality is more like a super glue   than a milk from a cow or a test driving a car  and you don't play around with super glue. You   don't test super glue on your finger because it's  gonna stick. That's why people develop soul ties,   get demons and sexual transmitted diseases, get  unwanted pregnancy and so many other things.   And sex has to be reserved for marriage. In  fact, I'm gonna go as far as to say this:   One of the best ways to know if the person really  loves you or they want to use you is deny them sex   until the altar. Yes. And then you will  see if they love you. Love is patient,   they'll be with you. If they don't, if they're  only lusting they're going to walk away and   find somebody who will give them what they really  want. They don't want love, they just want lust.   Red flag number nine. You don't want kids to  become like him or her. That is a red flag.   If you're looking at this person and you're  like, I would never want. I'm not saying that   the kids will not look like that person okay.  Just become like them. Because a lot of times,   this is what I realized about guys and girls.  Before we get married we focus on our wants. The   moment you get married, you focus on your needs.  You know before, before you get married you know,   you want him to be handsome, you know you want him  to be you know rich and everything. When you get   married you want him to be there for you, you want  him to take care of you, you want him to notice   you, you want Him to be responsible. You want all  of those things when you get married and so that's   very, very different. Now number 10. Number 10.  You don't have peace about marrying this person   and this is big. If you're a believer, I think  it's a must. It's one of the god-given signs   that you know the Lord, that person fits you  well is you have to have peace about that. Now   number 11. Your mentors and family feel iffy  about this person. Now this one is more if your   mentors and your parents, they are godly  people and you know you trust them in a lot of   of their advices and things like that. And if they  don't feel good and they see something further   than you see when you like someone, because  when you're like in that infatuation stage,   you're kind of wearing those pink glasses.  Please, you do need an input from people that   you can trust and many times if they feel  iffy about it, most likely they are right.   And then and another thing you have to  keep in mind is the moment things go bad,   guess who you're going to go to? Those  people for help. You're going to go   to your parents. Yeah. You're going to go to your  mentors. So it's important to pay attention to   the words that they speak. It is your decision  but it's important to pay attention to the words   that they speak. And number 12. Being with  that person has distracted you from Christ,   the church and your closest friends and this is  huge. I've seen this happen every single time,   left and right. Where someone gets into the  relationships and they are no longer in church.   They're pulled out like a magnet out of the  church, out of the fellowship with friends.   They're secluded, they're nowhere to be found  until they come back broken. Unfortunately. That   is so true and that's one of the signs. It's like  that obsessive love is that infatuation. And some   people are afraid, they're like, oh when I fall in  love or when I start dating this person you know,   I feel like it's a distraction to my walk with  God. Like to some degree you will be. Like   there is going to be this thing where this person  is going to be on your mind. As long as you are   still with your church, with your family and as  long as you're still with your closest friends.   But to some degree, there will be this season  where there will be a little bit of distraction.   So of couse, that's natural. It's normal, don't  feel bad about it. They did not become an idol and   they are not an Isaac that you need to sacrifice,  okay. So like because I know and this is when you   know you're not mature. And I always tell people  when you are from 13 to 19 and you still have   the teen attached to your age, a relationship  will always distract you. It's very difficult   because you're still not emotionally super  mature but then when you hit about 21, 22,   your level is different. You're thinking not just  with your heart, you're thinking with your head,   you're thinking with your conscience. You're kind  of revaluing everything. And these relationships,   even if they kind of will infuse you with a lot  of emotion and love and thoughts and but you'll   know that hey, this is a good thing. This is  not distracting me from God, from the church   and everything. But when you're a teenager,  like it's literally like nothing exists, this,   only this person. You're thinking, living only for  them 100%. And so that's why I always tell people   that do not date if you're not ready for marriage  and don't think about marriage if you have a teen   attached to your age. And number 13, you're  already praying for God to change that person. It's funny but. Lord I love him but please  can you change him in this area or her.   Save him Lord, save him Lord. Don't make him  look at other girls. Lord, please help him to   stop being lazy and playing video games 24/7.  Lord, help him to be more responsible and then   you're looking for a job for him because  he doesn't want to work you know. Like and   it's just like it's better to not to bring.  So in final thoughts, I'm going to share   three things concerning this. It's better to  wait for God to bring the right person to you,   than to wait for God to change the wrong  person that you bring to God. And when I   say wrong person, it's when you ignore all  the red flags and you still do it because   you know, you really are infatuated. It's not  that, oh they are in the Lord and you wish to be   with this person. As much as you're just ignoring  the common sense, you're going against the wisdom   of the wise people in your life and you're going  against your own peace. There's tension right   there, like in that but you're crossing all  of that because you're infatuated and because   you just don't want to miss out, nobody's going  to love you, you will never get another chance,   this person is hot. Well hell is hot, you don't  want to date hell. You know, oh but this person is   like so amazing and everything. And you know that  they are everything that your ex wasn't, you know   everything that your ex couldn't be. And so like  now, the fact that they're missing the other 80%   that maybe your previous relationship had, you're  looking blindly at that stuff. Closing your eyes,   hoping that they will change and then you start  kind of like going into the relationship knowing   that they need drastic like construction, remodel  in their lives. Spiritually remodel in their life   but you're jumping in and you're hoping that  I'm going to pray them out, I'm going to fast   them out. Listen. Now if you're in that situation  already, keep going. Do not give up. But if you're   not in that situation, please don't do it. Why  would you want to do that to yourself? Destroy   your life like that? Why? when you can spend your  life being with the person that can help you to   move mountains, establish God's kingdom.  Where you don't have to fight about tongues,   or cessationism, or fight about going to church  or not going to church. Why would you want to   do that and stuff? It's better to be single and  whole, than to be married and be in some kind of a   emotional prison. And so I just really want to  encourage you guys, marriage is not that easy   and it's so difficult when you're married with the  person who does not share your values, who doesn't   have respect for you and who is chronically  narcissistic or controlling, manipulative. Imagine   walking with two types of shoes, one shoe has one  size, the other shoe has the other size. Like you   won't walk for very long. Imagine running like  that? It's uncomfortable. Now can you still do it?   Yeah. So people sometimes like, oh but it's not  wrong, the Bible doesn't say it's wrong. No,   it's not wrong but the question I want to ask you,  is it wise? Is it wise? Is this the best thing for   your future in light of your past, in light of the  calling, in light of the advice that you received   from your mom and dad, in the light of the peace  that you don't feel in your heart. Your God says   run, your God says you're making a big mistake. In  light of all of that, is this the wisest decision?   So yes, the Bible tells us they have to be in the  Lord. The Bible tells us you can marry at liberty   whom you wish. But the Bible is also a book of  wisdom and the Bible gives us people like Vlad   and Lana, like your mom and your dad. Gives us  other people who walk alongside of us and say hey,   you don't camp at it's not wrong,  move to the side that it's wise.   Now the other two final thoughts  that we want to give them is, don't be blind to what you're seeing during dating  as we mentioned. Spoon food in dating, is tons in   marriage. Meaning ah, it's just a little problem.  In marriage, it's gonna be a big, big problem.   Whatever is in dating, usually gets magnified  in marriage. Like if this person is not clean,   they are not gonna get clean because  they're gonna get your last name.   If this person is not punctual, I can tell you one  thing. Marriage vows has never changed anybody to   be punctual. And so like just remember, you know  don't be blind to what you're seeing right now.   And don't hide it under a carpet because  it's not going anywhere after the wedding.   And the third thing is that you know I  mentioned before, you get married, we seem   to focus on what we want; when we get married  we begin to more focus on what we need. Now,   the final question and we're going to go through  some questions that you guys have. So guys,   we're going to now answer how we  knew that we were the right people   and then how we knew that the people that we were  with before were not the right people. But before   we do that, make sure that you hit thumbs up to  the video, help us with the algorithm. There's   590 of you but only 570 likes on youtube. Let me  refresh the page. 572 likes. So everybody go and   hit like, thumbs up. Thumbs up on youtube.  It costs you absolutely nothing, all just   got to do is hit thumbs up and then share it on  facebook as well. Now if you are re-watching this   make sure you hit thumbs up as well and and share  this with somebody. And if you are listening   to this we welcome you as well. Now how did  you know I was the one for you? Yes I think number one thing that I had this inner assurance   that you were for me. Really? You know many girls  kind of ask me, "How did you, how did you know?"   And I usually like to say, "If you're walking  with the Lord, you will know." You can't   really necessarily pinpoint of "this is how  I knew", but I knew. Like they say, you have   peace in your heart, even though I had fears. I  had a lot of fears about him and about a lot of   different things. Fears? Why would you have fears  about me? Yeah some of the fears were instilled   in me by my parents you know, and but deep down  inside when you like, when I dug through my fears.   I knew that I knew, that you were the one  for me. Even when you broke up with me. Oh   yes. Yes, it was very hard when he kind  of broke up with me after our first date   but I already knew he was the one for me. I  was so devastated. I didn't know how to like   understand that feeling inside, but  eventually everything worked out.   Anyways, so that's what I usually like  to say. This inner assurance. Inner   assurance and even despite of the fears, and  then you were in the Lord. And you had qualities   that I dreamed of and prayed for to have in my  husband. And one of those qualities were that   you loved the Lord. You loved the Lord so much,  you were committed to God. That was number one   thing. And the fact that you loved the church  because even before I met you, for me personally,   what's important was I promised God that I will be  in the church. In the house of God, specifically   in the church and I will build the church. Before  I met Vlad I made that promise to the Lord when   I got saved because I really love the church. I  love the assembly of God and the people. So I see   people are asking, "What happened? Why did you  break up? What was your mental problem?" Of   course you all will be asking that. Let's leave  that for a time when we're gonna do coffee with   Vlad and Lana. Sure. Yeah so, we will leave  some of those questions for some other day   but in a nutshell, I had a problem  with my mind. I had strongholds and   I dated one person twice and I broke up with them  before I met Lana. Like from age 20 to 22 and   so I knew after that, that I had some problems. I  had a problem with decisiveness and it's one of my   strongest characteristics right now is I'm very,  very decisive but I was not like that before.   I was constantly going back and forth, back and  forth in my mind and then I met Lana. I right away   that night I broke up with her and stuff. So  because I was like... Not when you met me,   when we started like our first date.  Yeah after the first date I broke up,   yeah. Partially was because of, and for  those of you who know our testimony,   Lana's testimony is very powerful which we're  releasing in a few weeks on HungryGen youtube.   And you will hear it, you know she comes from  a pastor's family, she's pastor's daughter.   But that means... Yeah and she did  not walk with the Lord all her life   and so I had certain expectations, and I felt  like, oh, these expectations are not going to be   met if I marry her. And so and that's again to the  first point when I mentioned about expectation and   preparation. And so and then we went on the 21  day fast, I felt like the Lord dealt with me,   with my heart as well and with my mind and things  just kind of shifted. And so how did I know that   you were the one, is that I, I had assurance. I  most importantly had peace and I had no fear about   your past. My biggest fear was, before  the fast was that if we get married,   that your past will bother me all the time and  I will be bringing that up regularly and we   will fight about it. That was my biggest fear.  So it wasn't necessarily... And that's fair,   that's fair enough, yeah. It wasn't  necessarily that I did not want to,   that I did not want to date the  person. It's just I did not want to be   somebody, that will be with somebody that  I have to constantly fight in my mind   to keep my mind pure in the sense of not bringing  their past into the present. And I knew that you   know, I'm a person who did not have that past, it  would be difficult for me and so knowing myself.   And so but the Lord really dealt with my heart and  I almost felt like He said, "Hey, you know that is   gone. That's covered by the blood." And you know  and that's a cliche that I could use but something   happened to me. I had this peace about Lana, and  I like Lana from the beginning. I like the way   she looked physically, she was very attractive.  So I had definitely feelings and by now I had   this peace and I had absolutely no fear. The Bible  says, "Perfect love casts out fear." And so and I   feel like that love casts out that fear that I was  willing, and not just willing but I really felt   like I would embrace her. And I feel like after  that, I've developed a greater grace toward people   who are coming back to Christ from a very terrible  past. Yeah and I just want to add something.   I have a past right and my biggest fear was  that I will never be good enough for a good   guy that I want, and I had to overcome that  fear. But what made it all kind of like   intense for me, when he broke up with me all my  fears came to the surface and the devil started   whispering to me, "See I told you because you have  a dirty past you can never be with the good guy."   And I had to battle and fight in my mind that I  am worthy because Jesus Christ cleansed me and   I am pure now. I am a new creation, my past is  over. Jesus doesn't see me like that and I had   to battle and battle. It was very difficult but as  soon as I overcame and I stood on the Word of God   and I said, "No the Lord loves me. I  am clean. I am worthy of a good man."   And after that, the funny thing is he  went into fasting during that time,   I was battling this issue I overcame in my mind.  I still I'm like, you know what no, God loves me.   I'm going to marry a good man even if it's not  going to be Vlad and I just kind of moved on. And   less than a month passed by and Vlad reached  out back to me and he overcame his fears,   I overcame my fears and I feel like God kind  of like set it up that way that we enter   a relationship with no fears. With resolved fears  and with a clean slate. So just oh man this is   so good. I think this is leading to the end where  you just touched on something that in a nutshell.   And guys we're being vulnerable as well, I stayed  as a virgin physically until you know the age of,   until the time of our wedding night. But I did  have pornography issue when I was younger before   I met my wife. And so to some degree while I  prided myself that I was a virgin and that's   one of the things the Lord used during that time,  is He said, "No emotionally you're not a virgin,   mentally you are not a virgin. You're only  a virgin physically." And so and you know to   some degree this pride had to fall in me. I'm not  in any way saying that if you have expectations,   if you're a virgin to only marry a virgin.  That is a bad expectation. But what I do know   for what happened to us, is there was a sense  of humility, grace that has happened. And I   love the fact that our marriage can simplify and  give hope to people that are watching right now,   who feel like maybe you're not good enough. Who  feel like I screwed up, I made mistakes, I lost my   virginity, or I don't deserve a great marriage, I  don't deserve to be with a great person. Or maybe   you are that person who you feel like you are a  great person. You're only great by the grace of   God, only God's grace kept you. It wasn't your  own doing. And if you adop, if you embrace that   then you'll be able to come alongside the other  person that you maybe love, that is maybe the   right person for you but today you're holding back  because you're like, well they're not good enough   for me. That is not the grace, that is not the  power and so and that's what happened with us and   you know, ever since then the Lord has really been  working in the marriage. We've never had that,   I would say in the last 12 years of our marriage,  not one time in an argument where I brought Lana's   past in that. Now there were times we talked  about it just like casually or laughed about it,   or even and she never brought my problem you know  that I had an issue with pornography. She never   brought that up and you know said, "Oh but look  at you," or anything of that. And even when there   were times where I would feel a strong temptation  or an attack coming upon me and I would come to my   wife and you know say, "Hey I'm feeling attacked.  I feel like this, this thing is attacking me."   Like whether it was lust or whether it was sugar  craving or some other stuff. And I'm like, "Hey,   I'm struggling in this area." You know and she  would come alongside with grace. She received   grace, I received grace and we both grow in  grace and so Jesus Christ is the best. The cross   is what is the foundation of our relationship and  she's a great example that God can redeem anybody.   I'm a great example as well, that God can deliver  you perpetually and permanently set you free   and you can be free indeed. Can somebody say,  "Amen." We just broke 800 on youtube and I see it   keep cutting off the sound. Guys hang in there,  don't give up on us. We are coming back. So,   would you like to add anything concerning that  because that was such a beautiful ending to what   you just shared? No actually I just want to  add that I am so glad that God led us through   this path. I mean obviously not ideal, but  coming through that just kind of taught us to   be more gracious and extend, you know that  mercy and graciousness towards people. Knowing   that we are not perfect, even if we think we are  perfect in certain areas we still all need the,   It's only by the grace of God. And we cannot be  so stuck up and thinking we're all this and that   if we are a virgin or what not. It's good. It's  very good. It's praiseworthy. It's important   but it does not give us the right to look down  upon people or think that we are better than   other people. Awesome, awesome. Well  guys did you receive something today?   If you received something today, if this was a  blessing to you would you let me know that in   the chat. Some people are saying, "It's powerful.  It had me in tears. Lana please share how your   husband is saying 'tempted to watch porn,' how  did you deal with?" So that's not what I said. I actually wanted to still ask you a question.  How did you know that the person you were dating   before me, what were the signs that they were  not the one? I think that it was definitely had   nothing to do with not being in the Lord. And a  lot of things, I think that for me personally it   was some cultural things that it didn't fit.  For other people it would, it would fit. And   I feel like when I was trying to change that  person, that person was trying to change me.   There was a lot of changing of each other instead  of accepting of each other and to me that,   that was the biggest sign. That's why I  always say to people, that do not marry   somebody you're trying to change already. And  so because to me that was kind of like the thing   and it almost felt like if we were to get married,  you know it will change when we get married. And   another part is that financially, it was already  in that place where financially I wasn't able to   be living as a married man. And so, like there  was a lot of these kind of small red signs,   red flags that were there. My parents were  kind of like hesitant about it as well but   they had their own preferences and so parents will  always have their own kind of like preferences,   which is we should always heed to them. We don't  always maybe accept them because we have to make   our own decisions, but it's important to listen  to your parents. And so but mainly the one of   changing a person instead of accepting the  person who they are. And I think you have to   find the person that you, you're accepting  them for who they are instead of trying to   change them. Thats huge. What about you because  you were with the person before you met me.   Yes in fact actually I was dating a guy right  before I met Vlad and he was a great guy. Very,   actually very good guy but there was... If  you're watching you are forgiven. I just want   to let you know, I forgive you. I'm not going  to punish you. There was just two things that   it was just a red flag. And I knew it, I should  have not even dated that guy because I was in   a different spiritual state in my life.  I was after God, I was pursuing the Lord   and but I was already of age and especially in a  Russian community there's a kind of like a little   pressure, "Okay, what are you thinking? You need  to get married." And then there is this you know   good guy that is kind of liking me, pursuing  me. So I started dating him. And number one   thing that kind of was a huge red flag, is that he  was Christian but he was not dedicated Christian   and he had, his close friends were not Christian  at all. They were drinking, they were like,   and to me I knew that is a huge red flag, just  like we talked about it. And I told him once,   I'm like, "Hey I'm not okay with those friends.  How about that and that." And obviously if a   person's heart is not changed towards the Lord,  how can the person change the influence and   friends that. And I knew right away, I cannot  be changing this person into someone he is not   and I'm not going to be dragging this person  to church. Man has to lead a woman to church.   Not the other way around, a woman dragging her man  to church and I was just not gonna be doing that.   And I remember that night you reached out to me  and started talking to me on skype. I was still   dating that guy and I knew, I'm like, I can't do  this. Like I wanted to talk to you and I was like,   "Oh my gosh. This guy, preacher, talking to me!  And I'm like, "Ah what's going on?" So I actually,   I broke up with that person the same night and  I told him, "Hey, I can't do this anymore. I'm   really sorry, it's just not gonna work out. We  are not on the same path and I started talking to   this guy." Not the best way but it's truthful. So  technically you started to talk to me right after.   Well it was kind of like overlapping but  by a few days I would say. Wow, okay. Yeah   anyway. If you're watching if you're that guy and  you're watching. I'm sorry but I think it had to   happen and this was right. Amen. So guys we're  gonna go through the questions right now. If you   are on tiktok or instagram, head over to youtube  to drop the question. We will try to go through   as many questions but before we do that, if this  was a blessing to you guys, I want to ask you to   sow into the ministry today. You can either do it  by one time donating or you can become a partner.   If you're on youtube, I want to invite you,  there's 653 of you. I want to invite you to   become a member of our channel. You can do,  there's three layers and you can get some certain   emojis and everything. So that's one of the ways  you can sponsor and support our ministry. You   can become a member, you can become a partner of  our ministry. Something as low as $10 a month can   help us to read, write more books, translate more  books, release more e-courses. We don't just spend   this money to build a studio. The studio's already  done. We're spending all of this money so we can   help to support the staff that we have, that works  on this content and then translates the content,   releases the content. As you know one thing,  that our ministry offers everything for free   and so we were able to do that because of people  like you guys, so thank you for doing that. So you   can become a partner or you can give one  time. You can give on cash up, on venmo,   you can give on paypal, you can also give  through the youtube chat. Just straight in   the youtube chat or on facebook. You can give  through stars and so all the links are dropped   right now. I'm going to simultaneously just read  through some donations and as well as we're going   to read through some questions. So I just want  to say huge thank you to everybody that's giving   and everybody that's supporting and if you  cannot give, no problem. We do appreciate you and   we are here to serve you. We're really  glad that you are with us today now. Now let's go through some questions. Sure.  Do you think people should marry with people   the same gifts? Who have the same gifts, who have  the same, excuse me, evangelist with evangelist?   I don't think so. No I don't think so no, yeah. A  lot of people don't. You're marrying somebody to   be with, you're not necessarily trying to marry  to be in the same station. Yeah, I think it has   to complement your callings, for example Vlad is  called to be an apostle and pastor and he is. And   I am just his big fan and I am called to be in the  ministry too. Maybe nothing super specific. I am   so satisfied and happy where I'm at, supporting  my husband and pastoring a church with him.   I'm yeah, we just compliment each other. Rowena  thank you for your donation on Cash App. Thank you   for Shaquaiya. I apologize for miss pronouncing  your name. Thank you for your donation. Joseph,   also thank you for your donation on Cash App.  What about kissing before marriage or how far   is too far? I think you answer that. I think that  I would highly discourage kissing before marriage,   for this reason is because it does lead to  other things very quickly. It accelerates.   Is it true that in the Bible it does not tell  us that you know it's a sin? No, it doesn't   tell us but it does lead to other things, and so  I don't believe that it's not a wise thing to do   and I would highly discourage. May  your first kiss be at the altar.   This is what I tell people. Invest as much into  relationship as you're willing to lose without   feeling embarrassed by looking at that person  afterwards. If something doesn't work out. When   one of the things that I did when I was in the  relationship that I mentioned about and that was   a long time ago. I actually performed a wedding  for this person 10 years I think or something   later. And one of the reasons why, is because when  you don't cross the physical lines, when you don't   cross the the lines of physical context or sexual  immorality, you will be able to then actually   have a decent Christian friendly relationship with  that person without feeling awkward, or switching   churches, and you don't have to worry about soul  ties. And so that's kind of my encouragement. Can   we hear about the breakup? We already share that.  Lana, please share how you deal with your husband,   husband saying he's tempted to watch porn? That's  a good question. I think number one thing, ladies   please don't freak out. It's huge not to not to  freak out and I remember how God actually dealt   with me with this issue. Because I remember Vlad  kind of confessed, not that he was watching porn   while we were married but how he was tempted or  he looked at something he should have not looked   at the woman or something along those lines.  I remember I freaked out like crazy. I went   almost into like this hysteria mode and I think  I've felt worse because the way I reacted, than   what he actually did. And that day  the Lord taught me and I told myself,   no matter what, I will never react the same  way again. I don't want to be that person.   You just have to be so secure with God  that your happiness, your state of peace   does not depend on your husband. I think this  is huge. Just talk about it, give him grace and   pray for your husband and everything's gonna be  fine. If he's a good man and he wants to change,   it's going to be fine. Yeah and I think that it's  very important not to jump right away to if it   takes a lot of courage to confess. Exactly, yeah.  And I do encourage men, that if you have committed   those things that you have to, even if you're  struggling I think it's important to confess to   another man. That's probably the best. But at the  same time, in my case when I do struggle I trust   my wife, she's my co-laborer and she is my partner  in crime. Well not in crime, she is my partner   in sanctification and in holiness and so she  helps me to walk in righteousness. And when   she has an attack, you know at night or some  kind of a negative thought and I pray for her,   and when I get attacked and especially in this  area. This is nothing to do with her. It's hard   to kind of disconnect that it's not because you're  not beautiful. It's not because of that. It just   has to do with you know I'm a human being and  I can come under attack and I have a safe place   and I trust her to handle that by praying for me.  I have also other people but because it affects   her as well I do. I don't believe that every  time you had a thought you have to come to your   wife and confess it because otherwise she's  going to kill you after a while she's gonna. She's gonna be like, dude get your act together. But I think it goes the same  way towards the husband. If   I am emotionally not stable or something,  he doesn't like bash me for freaking out or   sharing my emotions that might overwhelm  him a little bit. He actually helps me,   he's like everything's going to be fine. He  doesn't take it personally. Yeah. So yeah.   Before we read the next question, Lupe thank  you so much for your gift on youtube and it's   a channel. Welcome to the spiritual soldier  member. As well as Tommy, thank you so much for   your donation on youtube and we appreciate Julie  for your donation. As well as Euphemia, thank you   for your donation and Jasmine, Jessica and Joseph.  Thank you for your donation. Next question.   Although the grace of God says He forgives you of  your sins, does the consequences of your past sin   last forever through generations like David? Can  I think like marriage even after I have trauma   like daddy issues? So it is true that your past  is forgiven but the consequences of your past,   they are going to be still there. And people  who think that just because you were forgiven   and just because you were now accepted that you  never have to renew your mind or deal with some   wrong images, scars or even some trauma that  you receive in the world by living a life of   sin or deliverance. Definitely, I do believe that  sometimes deliverance, renewing of the mind and   counseling will be required for some people.  We did have to address few things in our past   and I do think that we don't know to which extent  some of the things we fight with, battle with are   rooted in the things that we've done before  we gave our life to Christ. That we have to   kind of walk now in righteousness, in holiness  and so that's why I would really encourage to,   purity and holiness is the way to go. And if you  do get married, the grace of God will cover but   there are some consequences you will have to face.  You will have to face like if you have children   from your past they don't disappear just because  you got saved and they were born out of wedlock.   You know they don't evaporate. And healing  is a process, especially from trauma, yeah. Where are these men that are committed  to the Lord? They are in the church,   those that love the Lord and those that love  the church of Jesus. Come on. That's where I   found mine and they are on your knees praying. So  they exist, these men exist, these women exist.   You just have to be patient and if you're like  Adam you're looking and you can't find, you need   to go to sleep and then Jesus is going to cook  something up and bring it to you at your right   time. So make sure you don't forget that. George,  thank you for your donation and Stacey, thank   you for your donation on the website. We really  appreciate that. Let's go to the next question.   So do you have to go to church to meet men  that love God more? Personally my opinion,   yes. I would have not gone anywhere else to  find, to look for a man that loves God. If a   man loves God but he sits at home and does not  attend the church, it's a huge red flag for me.   She said it. In the Bible a lot of men  of God met their wives at the well.   Moses, at the well, Jaco,b at the well. Even Jesus  met a woman at the well. So this is my advice,   find your well and you'll find your man. Finds  your well, you'll find your woman. Yeah. Now   if you cannot find... Make sure the well is not  dry. No if you can't find a man in the particular   church and you meet him some other church, that's  okay. Come to Raised to Deliver. Yeah. Come on. No   actually yeah, you can go to other churches  as well, you can go to a conference. Yeah,   there's nothing wrong with that. As long as  the man is in the church. I have a solution,   HungryGen internship. Just not Mormon church.  Yeah, yeah. HungryGen, actually it's surprising   how many people in our internship, our  fall internship have gotten married.   It's incredible. It's true actually. There's  nothing wrong with that. People come to seek   Jesus and that's how the Bible says, you know he  who finds a wife. The word "finds" it means like   you're running your race, or like you're doing  something and you notice it's on the side. And   so it's same thing as you're pursuing the purpose  of God, you're not chasing it and then you're   just gonna find it. It's over there. So yeah, so  come to Raised to Deliver, come to our internship   and come to like, because it also if you're a  demon slayer, you believe in casting on demons and   you're gonna go to a, like a reformed conference.  And God bless them reforms Calvinist or you're   gonna go to a Baptist conference, you're going  to go to a conference where people like literally   they think it's a freak show and deliverance  is not for today, healing is not for today,   gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today. Then  honestly like... Okay Jocko is making some noise   over here. He needs to go, if somebody upstairs  can open the door for him. So if you do that,   then you're definitely going to be finding a  person that you either have to compromise your   beliefs or you're going to have to fight a lot  about those beliefs. So I would encourage you to   go to places that are similar to what you are and  go to their internships, go to their conferences   and mingle with other believers. There's nothing  wrong about that. There's nothing, there's nothing   unholy about. It's beautiful. Let's go to  the next question. So let's first thank you   Perry for your very generous donation on venmo  and then thank you as well Bernice for your   very generous donation on youtube chat. So how  do you balance waiting for the Lord to bring you   your spouse versus online Christian dating  sites? If you are, I mean if you are a lady I'm not sure. I think you should probably  focus, what do you think? So it's both,   it's both. It's waiting. So it also depends on  your situation, depends on a lot of stuff here.   One is that your time and your season. There's  some waiting where you have to wait like Adam.   You have to go to sleep, close your eyes, stop  searching, stop looking because you're recovering   from a past, you're not ready for marriage. And  so but if you are ready for marriage and you are   at that age then I'm not against online dating. A  lot of people meet each other, I think there's a   lot of deception that's there. And so I met  my wife actually through facebook, my first   interaction with Lana was on facebook. It was  not in person. Then, I met her in person and so   but I would just really encourage that as a  Christian that you don't become desperate to   become married. You should be desperate to  be holy, desperate to be in love with Jesus   and that's what you should use their desperation  for. Marriage is not your identity, your identity   is Christ. You are in Jesus Christ and so you can  wait on God and but you also have, the Bible says,   "Faith without works is dead." So faith in God  without any kind of works, whether it's you know   going to conference, putting yourself out there.  Meaning like if there's some kind of a gathering   you go there and when you go there, please don't  come like Mordecai. You know ripped, ripped   garments and then ashes on your head, meaning like  you absolutely you're not cleaned up, you're not   washed up, you don't have any you didn't prepare  yourself you know. The Bible says even Naomi told   Ruth, she says when you're going to go to Boaz,  girl get yourself ready. And it was night, the   guy didn't even, couldn't even see her. She still  put some makeup on, you know clean up her hair and   you know looked all pretty and stuff, put some  smelly stuff. Yeah, and I think if it's a lady,   two things are very important. Number one  is prayer. You have to present your desires   to the Lord. He hears you, you are his daughter.  He knows and He's gonna bring you that man okay,   who will pursue you but bring that in prayer to  God. And number two, please make yourself look   pretty and presentable at all times you are in  social gatherings. I like what one person said,   he's supposed to find a wife but it's okay to make  yourself in the position to be found. Exactly.   That's a good one, that's a good one.I like  that answer. Yeah because guys are super visual   you know. You don't need to, oh he needs to love  me for how I am and who I am and I woke up like   this. I brushed my hair and that's enough. I want  him to love me like I am. No ladies, please you   have to be presentable, put some makeup on, look  fresh you know feel fresh, smell fresh. Guys are   attracted to things like that, even the man of  God. Yeah, yeah. Boys usually fall in love with   our eyes, women with their ears. If my boyfriend  is against deliverance and doesn't want me to   believe it? Then your boyfriend has a demon. Maybe  that's, maybe that's very jabby but honestly,   if somebody's against deliverance and it's in  the Bible. And so if you are against deliverance   or if you're with a girlfriend that's against  deliverance, I wonder what else they're against?   And my other question would be, I wonder what  else they are for? Are they domesticating some   demons in their own life why they're against  deliverance? And so I would just be kind of,   I would not ignore that when somebody is  against deliverance. I'm not saying that,   you know people who are against deliverance  should be with people who are against deliverance.   And so but Jesus was delivering people and I  think that that's something that we should be   on with the person who is for casting demons  out, healing the sick and preaching the Gospel.   Because I mean I wonder if he's going to stop  with after that... It's such a basic fundimental. This is not even like speaking in tongues  you know. I wouldn't even be with somebody   if they don't want to be or against speaking  in tongues. Like it's one thing if they don't   speak in tongues, it's another thing if they're  against speaking in tongues, okay. So it's one   thing if they don't cast out demons, okay. We can  live with that but if you're against casting out   demons and you don't want to believe in casting  out demons. Come on bro, like it's in the Bible. Now which one is next? Is it okay to marry to my  husband who doesn't believe in Jesus? Is it okay   to be married to my husband? If he is already your  husband and he is not a believer. You're probably   married already. You have to stay with him, that's  according to the Bible. Unless he walks away,   as the Bible says. Unless he walks away but you  don't leave him and with your godly behavior and   prayers you will win him to the Lord. Yeah but  if you're not married and if it's your boyfriend   and he's unbeliever and you're a believer, you  are unequally yoked and according to the Bible   he's not in the Lord and you should not marry  that person. Amen, amen. Now thank you guys for   watching. Make sure, those of you who are watching  hit thumbs up to the video if you're enjoying this   content, if you're re-watching make sure you  do the same. Let's go to the next question. God   won't make me marry someone I don't like right?  I got rejected by a girl from a church I go to   and I think that I'm in a situation where another  girl I don't like at all is trying to hit on me. Oh I love the transparency. So I think that you  should not pursue a relationship with somebody   who you do not find physical attraction  for. That doesn't mean you can't be friends   and you cannot provide opportunity to see if the  attraction might come. I know people who have had   friendships and then this attraction came, but at  first they started with like having no attraction.   Before I met Lana there was a person that I, that  I liked, okay. And then we were just talking,   I knew of her, she's believer and all this  stuff. And then when I kind of told her over a   text message, was probably not a good idea, that I  liked her and I wanted to pursue the relationship.   You know she gave me this cold, actually no  response from like seven in the morning until   seven pm. And then seven pm I got an email and  you know when you get an email, that's not good.   And the email started with, I just want to start  with you're a great preacher Pastor Vlad. And this   is, you know this is not going to be good. And so  she just said, I just don't see you like that and   you're more like a man of God and a preacher.  I just you know would never be able to look at   you that way. And anyway, it was embarrassing  and I got pretty much rejected and so she just   didn't have feelings for me in that sense. Then  we actually continued to build a friendship and   she kept feeding me with this thing that you know,  if we keep on pursuing this relationship I might   have a feeling in the future but I just don't have  one right now. And I don't know, to me it was not,   I didn't want to play that game, so I let  it go. And then when I met Lana you know,   I felt that mutual attraction. She felt that for  me, praise God and then I felt that for her and   then we build that relationship. But definitely  attraction is not the most important thing   but our faith, but it's also a very important  thing. So if you had a girl who didn't like you,   you know let it go because you know marriage  is not a prison, and if you have somebody who's   hitting on you and you don't like. Honestly  I would say give this person a chance maybe   but don't necessarily jump head over heels just  because... Don't make any promises that the girl   will feel like, oh you know you liked her, now  you don't. So but if you're not attracted to the   person our advice is don't pursue anything. So  Pastor Vlad and Lana, what if we have things on   the list you shared we need to work on? I'm  assuming you're married. I'm assuming they   are married.Yyeah. So if you are married then  you have those things you need to work on,   I would encourage you to really go  in as a disciple of Jesus. Begin to   work on your relationship with Christ, who will  in return work on your character. Begin to do what   Jesus commands you to do in marriage. Husbands  love your wives, wives submit and honor your   husbands and then you will begin to see that God  will begin to work things, one after another. If   you're addicted you definitely need deliverance,  you definitely need breakthrough in that area.   So that's just that's a little bit more step.  Anything you would advise for couples who are   maybe going through, they have those red  flags and they are married? I mean no just,   just work on it and yeah, maybe  get counseling or something. Another question. What do you think about the  age? Is there an age when a person should be?   The age difference or? So the age difference,  what about the age difference and then what   about the age? So first is the age. I  think that you're ready for marriage,   you're ready for dating when you're ready  for marriage. That's my stance on this.   When it comes to age difference, I mean  Abraham and Sarah were 10 years apart.   So I know some people they're like six, seven.  We are. I'm older one year. I'm one year   older. 10 months. Oh 10 months. Okay then, Vlad  and tomorrow is his birthday and I told him not   to talk about it. I'm not supposed to talk about  it yeah, it's not about me it's about we. Anyways   tomorrow we're actually going to be the same age  yay, finally. But anyways, it's not a big deal at   all. I think if a gal is older than her husband  by a couple of years, that is totally okay.   If it's more than like, I don't know, if it  goes like 10 years and that's a lot. I wouldn't   recommend and yeah. I feel like 10 years  for me is like it's a deal breaker already.   I wouldn't go past 10 years. I think like  even father Abraham didn't go past 10 years.   It's different when a guy is older than a girl by  10 years but when a girl is older than a guy, then   there could be some issues there but sometimes  it works. I know couples that are like that and   it supposedly works. Okay, so we are going  to answer the last question, the reason being   is because we are going to do more of these. I  think that if you guys enjoyed it, if you enjoyed   it let me know in the chat and we might do coffee  with Vlad and Lana very soon. So we like these,   we like spending time with you guys and so last  one. My family wants to marry my same ethnicity,   what do you think on that? Okay, I think it's  very beneficial and it's going to be a lot easier   for you to marry your own culture. There is  going to be a lot of unnecessary tensions   and things to work out or work through  if it's two different nationalities. And   even Vlad and I, he's Ukrainian, I'm Russian.  We have certain differences but if it's   completely different cultures, it's even more  differences to work through. So your parents,   they do have a point in advising you but  it's still your choice because it can work.   It can work but it's going to be a lot harder,  even if you don't think right now that it's going   to be hard, you guys are all the same, it doesn't  matter. It does and when you get married and you   establish your family and then you pretty much  bring families. You marry into family not just   your husband or your wife. Into the family. You  will see those differences, you will bump head you   will misunderstand, you will have to kind of like.  Now what we're not saying is that if you marry a   different culture it will not work. Yes we are not  saying that. We actually are different cultures.   I am Ukrainian, my wife is Russian and if you  haven't been watching news these two countries   are at war right now. Yeah. Okay so we have a lot  of people on our team and in our church, we're   Russian, Hispanic, Ukrainian and Hispanic. And so  like very different so we do not say, especially   I think that parents many times say this mainly  so they can communicate in their native tongue.   Especially if they don't speak English really  well. So we understand that but it's also very   important to. It's not a, I don't think it should  be a deal breaker especially if you are around   people... But you do have to consider it. You  have to consider, I think you have to consider   more the family that you're marrying into,  then even the culture. Because each culture   is already unique but each family's culture  is different. You can be a white caucasian and   their families, they're so like education based  and there are those that are just more of like   you know, they are not for education. Then  there's those that are kind of more into   sports and clearly they worship sports and so. And  then there's Russian families, they're like you   know construction, truck, driving and pretty  much almost every Russian family is either   construction or truck driver and so and so  there's that component you know. They all   get their cars from auction and so there's  a lot of like you know, women stay home   mainly and they have a lot of children. So like  predominantly and not in every case is like that,   and so you have to consider. You can't just go  in and say, "Oh it doesn't matter, I love her.   She's Russian. She's you know, she's good looking  and stuff." And then she's going to expect you   to provide a 100% for her and because you are  used to 50/50 in your family. Yeah for example,   like in a Russian family like in our, like I'll  give you a little cultural like explanation about   the culture. Like for example in Russian  culture, we don't do 50/50 okay. We do a   100% and then 0% meaning Lana gets a hundred  I get zero. And so that's, that's how we do it   and so and people a lot of times, a  lot of guys have seen. They're like, oh   I love how Russian girls look you know. Like they  oh they're so beautiful and everything. You just   don't know how much Russian girls cost, okay. Like  this beauty is not cheap, all right and so and you   can't go in and they get married. I've known guys  who got married to Russian girls and they're like,   oh my gosh you know, like they're married to  Zara as well you know. Not just, not just to   me but they're like because they want to buy this,  they want to buy this, they want to buy this and   a lot of times. Expect you to pay for it 100%  . And some of them, you know they will not work   because they really believe that in their family.  Not that they don't work but they will not work as   much. They do see that a man is the leader, he's  the head and he's supposed to provide because that   is the kind of a cultural thing that you grew up  with. So here you go in and you're hoping that   you know you're going to get by with the minimum  paid job and she's going to work in a minimum page   job. And next thing happens is that she doesn't  have it, she doesn't she doesn't think like that.   So there you go. You know so when you step in  and you don't know the cultural differences and   you're completely oblivious to the drastic family  culture that they're in. Like most of us like   who grew up for example in America, we've been so  Americanized. Like our cultures are pretty similar   with our friends but still the taste of food, what  do we do on our vacations, what do we do. Like how   you kind of grew up with that is very big and  so especially like you know with kids. You know   one of the reasons you were scared of getting  married to me is because my grandma has 16 kids.   So Lana was thinking that I'm going to have so  many, I want to have like 16 kids. And you know   we've been married for 12 years, we don't have  any kids yet we went to the other side. And so   but there's just a lot of, a lot of  differences that people need to consider   in the culture where a person. I think it all  depends on how deeply the person you're interested   in is committed to their culture. Yeah. How  deeply they're committed versus like, oh they're   a Mexican, or oh the Russian, or they're  Chinese or you know or like they're you   know African-American. You know like the question  is that what kind of a family culture they carry   and how deeply committed they are to it. You have  to just consider that. It doesn't mean it won't   work with the guidelines God, the Bible gives  us to follow the fruit of the Spirit. Listen,   it will work with anybody. And even in our  case, like if we have children we're going   to be asking a question: Which language are  they going to be speaking at home? Ukraine   or Russia? That's a good question. Right. We need  to decide that.They will be speaking Russian.   No, oh okay, okay. Okay, yeah. Yeah. We're  deciding right now right in the live stream. I   don't know what my dad's gonna think about that.  I'm okay with being Russian. I just, I'm just not,   like what about just learning English  straight forward you know. That will come.   Yeah but so yeah there's a lot, there's  a lot of things you know. I think that's   where when you're going into relationship  consider those things, consider your values.   Meaning like you know how many kids do you want?  That's values. When you get kids, who is going to   stay home or are we going to get a babysitter?  That's, that's values and you have. That's why   I believe premarrital counseling is so important  because you got to discuss all of those things.   And then you have to ask also concerning is  the person is more of a spender or a saver?   Everything is cash, everything is credit. How do  you see money? Yeah you gotta consider that. They   see money as nothing as what they can buy for  me. Because when we were, when we were dating   we went through, we took classes and we kind of  found out that you know for me money means like   a future, security. For Lana you know, money  is a means to a goal. So it's very different.   Like an example, I would go to store you know  and buy something and then you know I would   first check at the price. Lana would buy it  because it's high quality and sometimes not   even look at the price and so because it's just  she views it differently. And so if you don't   you know understand these differences already, a  lot of them are culturally but most of them are   family based. How you grow up in your family, how  your dad is, how your mom is. You pick up a lot of   stuff. That's why I believe in generational curses  and generational blessings because that stuff is   real. You pick up generational things from your  dad and from your mom. Like sometimes I would   hang out with somebody, get to know somebody and  then I meet their parents and I'm like, oh my God,   you're just like your parents. You know even  if their parents are not believers. There's so   much similarities and so remember you're not  marrying a person, you're marrying a family.   Not only that you'll be interacting  with the family throughout your life but   you also will see certain characteristics of that  family within your future spouse. All righty,   amen. I think it's time to finish. Guys we got  six, seven hundred. I almost don't wanna end right   now. We got 734 people watching and stuff, so  thank you again. Please don't forget to hit like,   this is gonna be your birthday gift for me. Hit  like and go to the deliverance prayer, subscribe   and then share this video with some of the single  people. Especially if you're the youth pastor,   share this with others and then we will try  to do some of these more often with Lana.   It seems like Lana told me because last  Thursday she was-- He'll ask me later if I will. Last thing. So, so we have a store, guys. We have  a store. Yeah that's right We have a store called   Savchuk store. If we could drop in the chat our  store link where you can get "be still and know"   and the "believer" t-shirt. There's other ones  "demon slayer." I love this t-shirt it's amazing.   Yeah same thing, I like this one. It's very, very  comfortable actually and so we wear them. Get   yourself a t-shirt guys, support. It will  help to support and we appreciate it, yeah.   Yeah, so thank you guys so much. We really  appreciate it. God bless you, until next time.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 62,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the one, how you know they are the one, are they the one, how to know he's the one, how to find the one, is he the one, how to know you met the one, how to know you have met the one, they don't know about us, how to know if he’s the one, how god reveal the one to you, finding the one, how a man knows shes the one, when did you know your partner was the one, are they the one?, is she the one, vlad savchuk, livestream, thursday livestream
Id: TU78q4096VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 5sec (5825 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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