Where Did Cain's Wife Come From?

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thank you for joining us today for our weekly Bible study and in our study today we're going to be answering the question who was Cain's wife and uh if you've been a Christian for any amount of time or been a student of the Bible for any amount of time uh this is a very common question especially for brand new Christians many Christians get their first Bible and they open it up and like many books they begin reading in the very beginning and they open up to the Book of Genesis and begin reading and all of a sudden they hit that mental hurdle wait a minute who in the world did Cain marry where did these women come from did he marry a sister did he marry a niece and uh many questions arise because of that not only that in another Bible study in the days ahead we read another often asked question about Cain and that was what was the Mark that God put on Cain to separate him visibly from other people and uh that's a question for another time let's begin with today's Bible study who was Cain's wife and if you have your Bible go into the Book of Genesis and the fourth chapter Genesis chapter 4 beginning to read at verse one and I'm going to read down through verse 17 reading today out of the new living translation the Bible says now Adam had sexual relations with his wife Eve and she became pregnant when she gave birth to Cain she said with the Lord's help I have produced a man later she gave birth to his brother and named him Abel when they grew up Abel became a Shepherd while Cain cultivated the ground when it was time for the Harvest Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord Abel also brought a gift the best portions of the firstborn Lambs from his flock the Lord accepted Abel and his gift but he did not accept Cain and his gift and that would make for a future Bible study as well why was Cain's gift rejected and why was Abel's gift gift accepted I don't have time to go there today but stay tuned if you have not already subscribed to our YouTube channel or to our podcast Chan Channel or to Facebook and you enjoy bible studies and especially Bible prophecy that we spend a lot of time in our Focus uh be sure to subscribe and and follow verse 5 but he did not accept Cain and his gift this made Cain very angry and he looked dejected why are you so angry the Lord asked Cain why do you look so dejected you will be accepted if you do what is right but if you refuse to do what is right then watch out sin is crouching at the door eager to control you but you must subdue it and be its Master One Day Cain suggested to his brother let's go out into the fields and while they were in the field Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him afterward the Lord asked Cain where is your brother where is Abel I don't know Cain responded am I my brother's Guardian but the Lord said what have you done listen your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground now you are cursed and banished from the ground which has swallowed your brother's blood no longer will The Ground yield good crops for you no matter how hard you work from now on you will be a homeless Wanderer on the earth and Cain replied to the Lord my punishment is too great for me to Bear you have banished me from the land and from your presence you have made me a homeless Wanderer anyone who finds me will kill me the Lord replied no for I will give a Sevenfold punishment to anyone who kills you then the Lord put a mark on Cain to warn anyone who might try to kill him pause right there as I've already mentioned we'll come back to this incredible question what was Cain's Mark but I do want to emphasize that in the very first first book of the Bible the Book of Genesis we read about a mark and in the last book of the Bible Revelation the last book of the Bible ends with the Mark or the mark of the beast very interesting we'll come back to that in a later study verse 16 so Cain left the Lord's presence and settled in the Land of Nod East of Eden Cain had sexual relations with his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch then Cain founded a city which he named Enoch after his son and run a highlighter through verse 17 Cain had sexual relations with his wife and she became pregnant why do I want you to highlight that because this is the only reference in the entirety of the Bible that mentions Cain's wife and we really have to speculate it would seem who was this woman who did he marry was there another race of people that God had created after Adam and Eve and the intermar of these races is this where Cain's wife came from and there's been many question questions such as I've just brought forth but today the Bible does provide an answer and we're going to share that with you in today's study where did Cain's wife come from as always let's take a moment to pray Heavenly Father once again as we open up the Bible we humble our hearts before you and we ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to Quicken mind body and spirit and father I pray that you would even uh touch my voice uh in this busy schedule that I've had over the past week I pray that you would strengthen me to communicate the truth of God with every life and every listener and above all I pray that at the end of this study when we pray for individuals who perhaps do not have right relationship with God or have wandered away from God or feel God could never forgive them I pray that today would be their hour of decision and that many would come to know you as Lord and as Savior and live ready in these final moments of human history to meet the Lord now we ask these things in Jesus name and all God's people said amen and amen who was Cain's wife is one of those uh frequently asked questions by almost every serious student of uh the Bible one author wrote perhaps no woman mentioned in scripture has caused more confusion among Christians and yet as frequently as that question is asked it seems that many Bible scholars and many Christian leaders avoid providing a straight biblical answer to those who asked I'm not sure why perhaps there is an awkwardness about it perhaps the innuendo of incest and improper sexual behavior and the Bible saying so little leaves people feeling that they'd rather bypass it than deal with it but today we're going to give it to you in three bite-sized pieces as always we have thousands of new students every month who are finding us on social media the YouTube channel and the podcast channel on Facebook and we always ask people if you're a new student always bring a Bible always bring a way of taking notes and we do encourage you to bring a highlighter by the way I often times say this whenever I'm home on Sunday Judy and I go to our church we Faithfully attend a church I have a pastor uh who is my pastor who I submit to and love and appreciate as well as a dear friend but you can ask my wife Judy every time I go to church I have a Bible I have a way of taking notes and I have a highlighter and I encourage you to do the same I just find these to be habits of people who are going to separate themselves in retaining the knowledge of the Bible that we love so question number one who was Cain let's break this down into bite-sized pieces number one who was Cain well the Bible's pretty clear that Cain was the very first biological child to be born to the human race uh Cain's biological father was Adam who was created by God as the first man look at Genesis 2 verse 7 Genesis 2:7 the Bible says then the Lord God formed the man Adam from the dust of the ground and he breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils and the Man became a living person so we know that Cain's biological father was Adam and Cain's biological mother was Eve who was created out of the side of Adam where do we see that in the scriptures go down to Genesis 2: 21 and 22 the Bible said so the Lord caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while the man slept the Lord God took out one of the man's ribs and closed up the opening then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and brought her to the man here's something else that's very important about Cain's Mother Eve Eve was the the mother of all the human race why is that so important because in my years of Bible studies I've read in commentaries and from some liberal theologians that perhaps God created another Adam and Eve another man and woman and that Adam and Eve were the first but God continued to create other men and other women who like Adam and Eve had children and so forth and that there was marriage and relationships between the varying human races uh trying to justify the possibility that incest was not involved in other matters that sometimes make it awkward for theologians to dress uh sexual proclivities and so on but I want to be very clear that is an untruth God did not create another Adam and God did not create another Eve Adam was the father of the human race and Eve was the mother of the human race and the Bible is very clear that there is no other Adams or EES that were created you say well where in the Bible does it say that if you'll go into Genesis and the uh third chapter and down to uh verse 20 there the Bible states that Eve was the mother of all the living Eve was the mother of all the living and the word all means all so we see from scripture that God created Adam first out of Adam created Eve in his own image as the very first human beings and Genesis 1 another important verse that I would encourage you to run a highlighter through Genesis 1 and verse 27 the Bible said so God created human beings in his own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them throughout almost the entirety of human civilizations in history we have always known this to be true whether saved or unsaved whether Christian or non-Christian whether Jew or Gentile whether righteous or Wicked there has never been debate until recent years that there are only two genders but the Bible is clear with no room for debate there are only two genders he created them male and female he created them and the scripture said in his own image any other narrative outside of male and female is delusional now you're welcome to your delusions I have no problem with people deciding that they want to live in a fantasy world and that they've created these delusions of multiple genders and even animals and and and lizards and snakes I mean it it just goes on ad nauseum you're welcome to whatever you decide is your fantasy world or your delusional world but you do not have the right to force your delusion upon science let alone the scriptures he created them male and female So Adam and Eve were created by God and Cain was the first biological child Born Into the humans ra the human race now that answers question number one who was Cain number two who was Cain's wife now this is why some people uh tend to avoid this subject they'll simply State the Bible has almost nothing to say about Cain's wife and they'll actually say the only record of Cain's wife in the entire Bible is Genesis 4:7 where the Bible said Cain had sexual relations with his wife and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch that's the only verse in the entirety of the Bible that mentions Cain's wife so some would say because the Bible is almost silent on the subject of Cain's wife any attempt to theologically Define to Define Cain's wife is supposition and must be avoided well that's not true because even though Genesis 4:17 is the only reference to Cain's wife it is not the only reference to the facts that can be pulled out of The Narrative of Adam and Eve and Cain and his brothers and his sisters and so forth let's take a closer look because when we carefully examine the full Narrative of scripture we do learn more about Cain's wife for example in Genesis CH 4 the Bible only identifies three Offspring born to Adam and Eve Cain Abel and Seth those are the only three children all sons that we find in the scripture identified as the children of Adam and Eve but that's not the full narrative what do you mean Tiff well go down to Genesis chap 5 and verse 4 Genesis 5 and verse 4 the Bible said after the birth of Seth Adam lived another 800 years and he had other sons and daughters so you can see if someone reads that verse that says that Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and to Abel and Seth if they were to just take that one verse out of context and say that's it we have no knowledge of any other children that were born to Adam and Eve other than three sons and their names were Cain Abel and Seth but as we get to chapter 5 and verse 4 the Bible tells us that Adam lived another 800 years as a matter of fact we know that Adam lived 930 years and the Bible said that during his lifetime he had many other sons and daughters so we don't know exactly how many sons and daughters Adam and Eve had but we do know that God had given them a command what was God's very first command to the human race be fruitful and multiply so we do know that Adam and Eve had an instruction from God when it came to pop populating the Earth that this was a command a part of the Covenant with God be fruitful and multiply now we can't speculate as to the exact number but you can imagine a man who lived 930 years multiplying on a regular basis there was an entire population on the earth that was growing and multiplying by the seed of Adam and Eve Adam lived 930 years had an Untold number of children throughout his life so Cain's wife because that's what we're dealing with here in point number two who was Cain's wife very simple Cain's wife was either a sister or a woman from Seth that is the most common answer but I also uh throw into that mix that Cain's wife could have also possibly have been from the bloodline of able I me take one step back if you're taking notes so that you don't um miswrite what I'm trying to teach you here I openly admit that there is much scholarship that answers the question who was Cain's wife and they'll say Cain's wife would have been uh one of the daughters of Seth or perhaps even a a niece but definitely a woman who was a close relative but why do I add the possibility that it could have been a close relative a woman from Abel's side well the Bible does not record any of the names of Abel uh Abel's children because the scripture tells us in Genesis 4 and ver14 that Cain was was concerned about being killed in an act of Revenge uh because of the murder of his brother Abel so there are many scholars who believe that because Cain vocalized in the scripture his concern that he might be murdered in an act of Revenge for killing Abel that the likelihood was those most motivated to kill Cain would have been the sons and the daughters and the bloodline the grandchildren Etc of Abel who had the normal fleshly right and reaction to hate Cain more than any other it would have been the children of Abel now again I'm not preaching that dogmatically nor making it a Doctrine I am just telling you that I believe there is a possibility that Cain married a woman perhaps from the bloodline of Seth perhaps from the bloodline of Abel but we cannot be definitive on that so the concise answer when somebody asks you who was Cain's wife the concise answer is Cain married a sister or another woman who was a close relation uh this leads us to question number three and the conclusion of our Bible study today uh the obvious and the awkward did Cain commit incest Tiff are you sure that he married a sister or a a a close relative there's no option he would have had to have married a sister perhaps even a niece uh but for sure he would have had to have married a woman who was a close relative which brings us to the obvious and final Point did Cain commit incest now the thought of Cain marrying a sister or a niece or a close female relative uh in our culture sounds offputting sounds perverted Even in our modern liberal culture incest is a detestable sex crime but that's looking at Cain's life and Cain's wife and Cain multiplying and having children through the lens of our modern culture and all Bible truth must be looked at through the lens of the Bible so let me give you some understanding because when you understand this awkward question from scripture the answer is really quite clear pay careful attention since Adam and Eve were the very first human beings their children would have had no choice but to intermar close relatives again in some liberal commentaries you may read the suggestion that God created other Adams and other EES and continued to create human beings to propagate and to populate the Earth but we know that's not true because the Bible clearly tells us that Eve was the mother of All Flesh so the Bible leaves no Scholastic argument there there is no legitimate debate as to whether there were other Adams and EES no one Adam one Eve and biologically the first child born to them was Cain then Abel then Seth the Bible then goes on to teach us that Adam lived 930 years and had had many sons and many daughters there is only one father and one mother of the human race and it's Adam and Eve created in the image of God now pay careful attention again because here is a very important Point not just biblically but scientifically biologically we know that because of them being the very first human beings on the this Earth that the genetic bloodline in that early population would have been incredibly pure and did not yet have genetic abnormalities I want to say that again because if you're taking notes that's something you need to write down we know both biblically and from an understanding of Science and biology that because they were the first human beings the BL bloodline would have been incredibly pure there wasn't yet enough time to bring the degradation of genetics and abnormalities and recessive genes and so on that was not possible in the infancy of the human race because the bloodline was absolutely pure one scholar wrote these words quote the human genetic code has become increasingly damaged over the centuries as genetic defects are multiplied Amplified and passed down from generation to generation Adam and Eve were perfectly designed by God and their lack of genetic defects enabled them and the first few generations of their descendants to have a greater qu quality of Health than we know now end quote very well written so one of the things that I want you to take out of this study is the degradation of human sexuality and genetics resulted in God defining eventually a sexual conduct and an Unholy sexual conduct in what we call the Mosaic Covenant but but the Mosaic law found in Leviticus for sexual conduct God in The Book of Leviticus and the 18th chapter in the Mosaic Covenant because with time because of the sinfulness of men because men became Wicked and fled from God not everybody stayed in close relationship with God the Bible tells us in Romans chap 5 wherefore by the sin of one man Adam that sin was passed on to the entire ire human race and so after every generation people begin to wander from God begin to wander from the principles of godliness and conduct and sexuality that God had originally created and so 2500 years later because there was now a clear distinct line between the behavior and the customs and the sexuality of of the wicked and the behavior and the customs and the sexuality of the righteous God drew a line between them and gave the Mosaic Covenant let me give you a homework assignment when you're done listening to this study take some time today and sit in a quiet place and go into your Bible and read the 18th chapter of Leviticus because the 18 18th chapter of Leviticus is where God began to Define very clearly what sexuality should look like for the behavior of the righteous as opposed to the behavior of the wicked the degradation of human sexuality and genetics resulted in God defining a new law but that law was not written until 25 500 years after Adam and Eve now those new laws it forbids marriage among close relatives for what reason again because of the degradation of human genetics it protected your family and your Offspring from genetic mutations and recessive genes and health issues and on and on let's take a moment to go to Leviticus 18 and let me just read six verses Leviticus 18 verse 1 reading down through verse 6 out of the New Living Translation then the Lord said to Moses give the following instructions to the people of Israel I am the Lord your God so do not act like the people in Egypt where you used to live or like the people of Canaan where I am taking you you must not imitate their way of life you must obey all my regulations and be careful to obey my decrees for I am the Lord your God if you obey my decrees and my regulations you will find life through them I am the Lord verse six you must never have sex ual relations with a close relative for I am the Lord you must never have sexual relations with a close relative for I am the Lord thy God so this is incredibly important to understand incest was not even defined until 2500 years after the creation of Adam and Eve the father and the mother of all human beings until then in the early days God's creation was so perfect so pure their blood lines so pure so clean no genetic problems no recessive genes no health issues as we understand today they had perfect pure bloodline from the original creation of God created in his own image that's why through the gift of Salvation if you've heard me preach in teach when you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior when the Bible says that God breaks the curse of sin he not only breaks the curse of sin behaviors he breaks the curse of sickness and disease the Bible said that sickness and disease resulted as a result of sinful Behavior the degradation of human behavior caused the degradation of the human bloodline that's why the Bible in the New Covenant tells us I would above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers listen very carefully just as every sinner has the biblical right to go to God and ask for the Forgiveness of their sins every believer has the biblical right to go to God and ask for the healing of your body Jesus Christ brought a pure bloodline back the blood that was shed on the cross was the purest of all Bloodlines the sinless Spotless Lamb of God and by the washing of that blood BL mind body and spirit we are made a new creation in Christ Jesus where the Bible said old things pass away and All Things become new and God takes my sinful bloodline and he washes it fresh in the blood of Jesus and made me a new creature and the power of the blood of the Spotless lamb Jesus Christ cleanses us from sickness disease lack and Every curse carried on to the human race by the sin of one man whose name was Adam so therefore from our understanding of of scripture Cain did not commit incest by marrying a close relative whether it was a sister or a niece or a female close relative there was no incest at that time the bloodline was still p because of its proximity to Adam and to Eve it was only with time when men began to wander further and further from the laws and the decrees and the covenants of God that God 2500 years later drew a line in the sand and said beginning now here is the sexual conduct for those who are righteous and here is the sexual conduct and the curse that follows from those who live in Rebellion against my righteousness how are you living today the Bible says either your father is God or your father is the devil that's a pretty tough verse in the Bible but it's true you are either living under the blessing of God or you're living under the curse of Satan wouldn't you like to know today that no matter who you are where you're at what's your past that today you can put all of that behind you and the curse of sin in your life can be broken and today you can receive not only forgiveness but the New Covenant available through the blood of Jesus Christ and you can have the curse of sin sickness disease infirmity lack all of the works of unrighteousness can be broken and a new life can be yours just before we pray let me read a beautiful passage of scripture to you and then we'll pray Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 vers 17-9 the Bible said for the sin of this one man Adam caused death to rule over many but even greater is God's Wonderful Grace and his gift of righteousness for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man Jesus Christ yes Adam's one sin brings condemnation for everyone but Christ one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone because one person disobeyed God many became Sinners but because one other person obeyed God many will be made righteousness in summation wherefore by the sin of one man Adam sin became a part of the entire human race but God gave His only begotten son who died on the cross as the pure sinless Lamb of God and the bloodline of heaven was restored to the human race by all who placed their faith in Christ is Christ Lord and savior of your life today and if not can I pray with you and when you pray with me when you're done praying will you take a moment to just write in the comments of the YouTube video or if you're listening on a podcast or Facebook allows you to write in the comments but will you please write in the comments or let me know Tiff I prayed the Salvation prayer with you today and I am sincere and let us know we'll pray for you and anything we can do to reach out you can go to l slam.org it'll be on the screen and contact us there and write us a brief email and anything we can do to help you no charge we'll be so happy to help you in finding your new faith in Christ wherever you might be whether you're praying this for the very first time or you're away from God and coming back home just pray this prayer say heavenly father one man's sin Adam was brought upon my my life but one man's righteousness Jesus brought me forgiveness healing and New Life today I admit my sin and I'm willing to repent in childlike faith I turn my back on sin and today I turn my heart to Christ I trust in the cross in the death and the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ God's only son today I receive salvation as the gift of God come into my heart be my Lord and my savior for I vow this day I'll live for you in place of my weakness fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me the power to be what you want me to be and now according to the promise of the Bible which cannot lie today I'm saved I'm Healed I'm delivered I'm free and the blessing of the Lord is now my portion use me to reach my family and my friends and I pray this in Jesus name amen and amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 556,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 96SvYmRd5Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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