A Tour Of The Masking Brush Toolbar - ON1 Photo RAW 2021

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hi gang scott davenport here in this video i'll give you a tour of the masking toolbar in on one photo raw 2021. there have been some additions to the controls especially for the masking brush that are worth knowing about so i'm going to walk through the toolbar and explain what these different controls are if you are thinking about upgrading to photora 2021 or you're thinking of adding on one to your tool kit i'd appreciate it if you use the links in the show notes below no extra cost to you gives me a little more support so i can do more free tutorials like this so let's take a tour of the masking brush controls we have in photo raw 2021. i've started some work on this photo i've got a filter applied that i don't want to have applied everywhere that's a call for a mask let's take a look at our masking tools and specifically the masking brush this is where we have some new options available to us first and foremost this is actually to me the most valuable feature here is styles now styles have been with us for filters for local adjustments but what it lets you do is bundle up a whole bunch of things the feather of your brush the opacity the flow and a bunch of things i'll explain in a minute but put those all together and save them as a style you can call back later you got a particular kind of brush that you like to use for dodging and burning you can save it as a style you've got a particular shape of a brush that you want to use for a certain architectural work you can save it as a style it's just a very useful thing to explore and add in new styles and i've only got the software for a day i haven't added any styles yet that's what styles are we now have a shape for the brush now the default's always been a circle we have all sorts of you know some things are pretty crazy like you know putting on eyelashes on folks the geometric ones can be useful for things like architecture one of those straight lines and edges that you need to get a really precision mask on or if you want to punch out a particular shape if you're doing compositing you know some of them may be a little gimmicky like the lightning bolt one we'll take maybe take a look at that at the end of the video but what i find to be quite useful are things like clouds silhouettes of birds if you want to put a few birds in into your photo to create you know the you know like just a look of a composite those are handy and textures they can prove to be useful for another way of doing compositing work that's what shapes are all about i'll stick with the the default shape there we have our modes paint out or pay 10 paint out i'm removing something paint in i'm adding something size feather so if i make my size bigger here let's make my brush really big the inner circle is where the full strength of the brush is applied that's the opacity the space between the inner circle and the outer circle that's our feather so if you want to have a soft feather make that feather larger and notice the shape hasn't changed but the inner portion has changed so the feather the space between the inner circle and the outer circle that's gronn the feather is wider opacity is the strength how much or how little are you painting out or painting in flow is new flow is kind of the amount that is going to be like uh you have you have opacity which is like your upper cap i only want to be able to let's say add 50 percent flow is how quickly will i get there if i have a flow of 100 i'm painting at 50 immediately just you hitting that all the way flow kind of controls how quickly you're going to hit your your boundary of your opacity it's it's nice to have because it is yet another control for really fine tuned masking work now last a we have angle that is predominantly useful with shapes so let me go back and add a shape such as a square so here's the square brush and now of course it is definitely a square if i change the angle we'll see that rotate right so you can rotate in the positive direction all the way around you know 360. so you've got the full range of motion but it only goes positively and so if i had something at a particular angle i could line that up this would be for very precision work or as i mentioned if you're trying to do something interesting with compositing and you want to have geometric shapes of different photos and overlaid in certain ways these these brush shapes do have some interesting potential applications now last two controls we have the perfect brush this is our edge detection and it works very very well it's the same tool that we've had in previous versions of photo raw the center of the brush becomes your color selector any color or tone that you're hovering over with the center of your brush that's what will be sampled and that's what will be considered when it figures out am i encountering an edge or not how you control that particular perfect brush is inside the gear menu you've got the perfect brush we can turn it off and on there may not show that again you can turn it off and on here and the color threshold and the transition show you or control how sensitive that perfect brush is short version is like shorter numbers smaller numbers mean more precision so those are the overall controls about a quick demo we'll do a little bit of masking on this photo and for this glow look let's say i just want to paint it in on the trees only and so since the trees don't occupy very much of the photo uh the first thing i'll do is actually show you one of the last controls i didn't cover the invert button so right now this filter and let me push this all the way up to 100 so we can really see a matter of fact let's make it something like really really obvious like this kind of light kind of glow that we can really see the difference you know before that change after i'll choose invert and now i'll remove that filter from everywhere and for the sake of argument let's say we'll not want to go past say an opacity of 80 percent and i'll adjust the flow too so i don't automatically hit that upper bound right away so if i do multiple brush strokes i can i'm using the bracket keys to change the size and you can see as i paint in these are getting a little bit lighter a little bit softer in their glow something like that as i get close to the edges i can turn on the perfect brush and if i keep that little cross hair just on the branches and don't go into the sky i can target just the trees with this glow effect hopefully that gives you a good tour of the different options we have with the masking brush in photo raw 2021 hope you enjoyed it you got questions go ahead and drop them below until next time my name's scott davenport have fun
Channel: Scott Davenport
Views: 4,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scott davenport, photography, tips and tricks, tutorial, education, photo editing, landscape photography
Id: wSOwUwjVKaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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