A BASIC EDIT in On1 Photo Raw 2022

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hi everyone anthony morganti here on one photo raw 2022 is an in-depth application there's a lot of tools and a lot of adjustments if you're new to on one photo raw 22 it can be a little bit intimidating in this video i'm going to do a very basic photo edit that i hope will help you get started using this application [Music] [Music] all right i have an image open up in what's called the edit panel of on1 photo raw 2022. you can see over in the far right we have the browse panel and the edit panel and when you open an image up into the edit panel most often it will open right up into the develop module you can see right across the top we have develop effects sky portrait layout a local we're in the develop module and when it does that it will have the tone and color tab open uh you don't have to start here though you could start anywhere you like but typically you usually start with tony color now on this image it's a little bit crooked and it has a building in it in when you photograph buildings often they seem to look like they're falling backwards i like to fix all that right away before i do any tone or color adjustments so i'm going to minimize or close down that tab and you can see the other tabs that are in the develop module noise and sharpening lens corrections and transform you'll notice lens correction is turned on i didn't do that what on on1 photora 2022 will do by default is it will try to find the lens you used in its database and lenses and correct any distortion that that lens may have induced in your image and if i open that tab up you could see it found my nikon z24 to 70fp 2.8 s lens so it already did that it did it automatically now if uh on1 cannot find the lens that you used you could search for yourself go open up lens correction go to this drop down find the manufacturer then go to this drop down and find the lens you also could hit the auto button and try to have it find it or worst case scenario it doesn't have your lens in the database you would go to manual and you would attempt to manually adjust the distortions that were induced by the lens very difficult to do most often though luckily uh on one finds the lens automatically so you don't have to worry about anything with this tab now i had mentioned that typically i like to straighten the image and fix any like building issues like i have here i could start out with the transform tab so we'll turn that on and open it up you'll notice there's a few tools at the top keystone level and move the level tool is what we're going to use to straighten the image and you can see if you hover over a lot of these sliders a lot of these tools it gives you a tool tip it's telling us to click and drag well it disappeared but it's telling us to click and drag across a horizontal vertical element to straighten the photo so if there's anything in the scene that you know was perfectly horizontal or perfectly vertical what you could do is grab this level tool and drag across it and then on one photo raw will automatically straighten that image now in this case out in the distance here this is a break wall this is lake erie and there's a break wall there to protect the shoreline from erosion so what we could do is get that level tool when we do our cursor has a little level in the corner and then we could go over and go to one end of the break wall click with the left mouse button and then just drag across you can see we're drawing a line and just draw in this case right along that break wall i'm get the base of the break wall and let go and then it automatically straighten the image now i had mentioned it has a building in it and it looks like the building's falling backward a little bit you can see how the verticals look kind of funny to fix that i'm going to go to the vertical slider and i'm going to move that to left and just kind of straighten everything out a little bit so those verticals look more vertical so that looks pretty good now in doing that you can see we have some white area up here at the top and bottom black area at the left and right those are called blank pixels we need to crop those away now to do that we're going to get the crop tool over here on the far left is the crop tool we'll click on that at the top you can see there's attributes for this tool um you have original ratio free form crop one to one crop i'm going to use the original ratio this was shot at a two to three and then what you could do is just grab the handles there's a handle at the top corners bottom left and right and then just drag it around until i get rid of all those blank pixels and when i'm ready click apply so there we have we have an image that is straightened and we have it corrected for that building falling backwards so we're done with this transform tab now we could go to the tone and color tab now right at the top you'll see camera profiles camera profiles are kind of like starting points and on1 comes with its own set of profiles and also your camera manufacturer will have some profiles as well that if you're shooting raw will get carried over into on1 photo raw 2022 this is a raw file if i click this drop down you can see on one profiles you can see that as i hover over them the tone in color and contrast changes below that are camera landscape camera neutral and so on these are the ones that are actually in my camera so i could choose to use these you could import others or you could use what's called linear raw which is a very very flat image that some people prefer to start with now i'm going to stay with the default on one standard because that is a pretty good profile and that is relatively easy to process off of now we have tone we could either manually adjust which we're going to do we could use a i match if i just click on that it uses ai to you know process the image and it has ai auto which gives you a slightly different look now i mentioned we're just going to do it manually because um you usually will get a better edit if you do it yourself instead of allowing the computer to do it for you now what i like to do is look at what is most obviously wrong with the image in this case it's very dark most notably the shadows are really dark so i go right to the shadow slider and i open those up by moving that to the right then what i like to do is i look at the highlights and i look at the brightest parts of the highlights and i move the highlights that slider to the left until i see detail come back and return to those brightest parts of the highlights then after i adjust those two sliders i'll just mid tones to taste in this case i'm going to pull it down a little bit then i get a white and black point and the way you could do that in on one is holding the j key j is in jack when you do that you'll get either red or blue on the image and let me show you by moving the white slider to the right as i start moving it you'll see red is appearing that means i'm clipping the highlights when you clip highlights that means there's no detail there it's just pure white if you print it like this no ink will go down on the paper in those areas most often most photographers don't like to clip the highlights so they'll hold that j key in and back off that white slider until all the red disappears and then that would be a perfect white point similarly you could do that for blacks keep holding in that j key click on the black slider and move this to the left when you do that you'll see blue and then similar to the red the blue though is clipping the shadows and when you clip the shadows there's no detail there and if you print it you'll just get black ink now personally on landscape images i like to clip the shadows a little bit i think having some absolute black in the image gives it a lot of tonal depth and i like that for my landscape photography now for a portrait i probably wouldn't do that i wouldn't clip the highlights or the shadows in most instances but in this case i like to so we just adjusted tone you we didn't adjust contrast but you could come in and do that as well and exposure if you need to to reset any slider to its default position just double click right on the slider and you'll have it reset so that is tone below that we have structure and haze structure it's kind of really a harsh sharpening it's almost hdr like if you start moving it to the right typically i don't like to use that if you want to get kind of a dreamy ethereal look you can move it to the left in this case i'm not going to use structure at all haze if you have some haze in your image and you want to rid the image of the haze move it to the left so that's to get rid of atmospheric case if you want to add haze move it to the right in this case neither of those sliders need to be adjusted next we have white balance and there's three different ways you could adjust white balance go to the drop down and you'll see there's an auto setting there's a daylight setting didn't change for either of those there's a cloudy setting made it a little warm shade's going to make it even warmer tungsten is going to be very cool fluorescent cool flash custom in this case here i like the auto setting that's one way to do it another way to do it is just come in and move the temperature and tint sliders manually the third way to do it is you could click right on this little eyedropper and when you do that your cursor becomes a plus sign what you should do is find something in the image that doesn't have any color in it it could be a perfectly white cloud and click on that and you'll get a white balance adjustment or it could be something gray like this gray building in the background gray medium gray usually works best in this case here doesn't look bad at all so that's one way to do it i'm going to go back to the drop down though and i'll just keep auto which looks to be pretty much the same so that is our you know when you want to do white balance below that we have saturation and vibrance these two sliders are similar but they are very different in how they adjust color if i move the saturation slider to the right it will increase the saturation of every single color equally if a color is saturated and i keep moving this to the right it's going to over saturate the color similarly if i move it to left it's going to remove color from every single pixel and if i keep moving it to the left eventually we'll get a black and white image so saturation is very linear it adjusts every color equally and it will over saturate saturated colors vibrance on the other hand is a little more subtle it will bring colors to saturation if i move it to the right but it won't over saturate them if i move it to left it will bring color away from the pixels but it tends to not bring it all the way to a black and white image also vibrance doesn't affect oranges yellows and pinks as much as it does other colors that's why vibrance is a better choice for portraits so if you're adjusting a portrait you may prefer to use vibrance over saturation in this case i'm not doing a portrait so i'm going to move saturation to the right a little bit just to enhance the color and then if you do find that when you're adjusting either saturation and or vibrance and the person's skin is starting to look like they're getting a sunburn you could reduce the skin saturation by clicking on that button right there next is purity if you find that either the whites or the blacks have a tinge of color in there that you don't want you could use let's say the highlight slider move it to the right and you'll see that it's going to like suck any color out of the highlights similarly for shadows if i move that to the right it will suck any color out of the shadows so that's if you want to get rid of a color cast that's in the highlights or the shadows so we're really done with the tone and color section of the develop module let's go to noise and sharpening if i open that what comes built into on1 photoraw 2022 is no noise ai as soon as i click this button it will turn it on and it will activate it you can see it's getting rid of noise now this was shot with an iso of 64. so what it's doing it's giving us a before on the left and an after on the right and you know there's really no noise in this at all but i would recommend to use no noise ai on your images because it really does a good job and it's better than the classic so i'm not even going to teach classic in this we'll just use no noise ai and auto on and then click apply just like that and we're done now we're going to zoom back out here i'm going to just double click on the image to zoom back out because it zooms you in when it's reducing noise so we're done with no noise ai now if we go over to classic uh there is there is sharpening here down here at the bottom but i prefer to use the sharpening that's found in the effects module and that's where we're going to be going next so we are really done with this entire develop module we did everything we need to do here let's take a look at what the image looks like before we started doing work on it to do that go down here where it says preview and just click on that there's before and there's after there's before and there's after so you can see just that little bit of adjusting and if i wasn't talking i could have did this in a few minutes it's really a nice image now with the effects module there's all different types of effects you could add to the image and there's really some nice things for instance i mentioned about sharpening if i go to add filter you'll see that there is sharpening here there's also something called dynamic contrast which i prefer to sharpening in most instances i'm going to turn that on or get that and you can see it automatically added some to it here i'll give you a before after just click that little circle right there and there's before and there's after you could see how it sharpened the image that's because it does this natural it adds this preset to it along the top you have some presets for the dynamic contrast there's natural there's surreal they're soft if i go to this drop down it includes those three natural surreal and soft but it also has grunge contrast and it has texture enhancer now i don't usually like any of those but let's start out with natural that's where i'll start and then i'll come in and manually move sliders you can see they're small medium and large um what i'll do is i tend to start from the bottom and work my way up meaning i'll um [Music] move all these down and then i'll go to large and move that well but i usually do it i kind of fit is i'll put these on zero or near zero yeah and then then i'll go and i'll move large first then i'll move medium and then i'll move small and then i'll kind of jock him around jump around until i get the look i want so i want it to be more subtle there's before there's after there's before and there's after also if you find that you kind of overdid it you could come in with the opacity slider at the top and just pull opacity down if opacity is at zero it's as though you didn't apply this filter at all it's at a hundred it's at a hundred percent below that we have some tone adjustments sometimes when you do adjust dynamic contrast it will throw off your tone that you work so hard with in the develop module so you could come in and you could readjust highlight shadows whites and blacks and it has a vibrant slider as well in this case i don't think i need to i'm really pretty much done what i like to do is i'll go to the add filter though and i like to add a vignette so right here vignette and you can see that it like the other like the dynamic contrast filter there's some presets for the vignette going across the top there's a subtle vignette a strong vignette big softie that one's just named big softy edges then in the drop down you can see there's a number of more including those four that were across the top big soft deep black edge burnout you can see just hover over them and you'll see what it looks like now typically um i like to either start with subtle or big softie and then come and adjust off it so if i go to let's say big softy and then i could go to the size here and you can see i could pull it start pulling it away from the edges or from the middle i'm sorry and i could um bring the feathering down you can see when feathering's all the way at zero we have a real harsh edge so you can better see maybe where it is also um when you're done kind of adjusting it not all the time do you want the vignette to be centered you may want it off to the side what you could do is click this little tool right here and then click let's say i want it centered on the building click there and you can see how it kind of shifts it to the left if you want it over here over here if you want to reset an entire filter just click right here and you reset it so i'm going to just for this image i think subtle is good i don't want too strong of the vignette but i think that one looks pretty good now i'm pretty happy with the processing i want to export this image and share it online so to do that we're going to go down here to this export button and when you do that you'll see that this could be a little complicated over on the left hand side we have some export presets if you want to just have one that's 1200 pixels on the long edge save to the desktop you could turn that one on right there and you could see it does adjusting over here to what's needed there's a copy the original image a dng a jpeg to a subfolder a tiff to zip it um you know so there's these presets over here let's turn that off for a minute let's go over some of the options on the right first of all naming i'll go here and there's some presets for naming i could use the date the folder name the year month of day the folder sequence custom name with the original file number custom current name custom name with a sequence year and so on let's go custom name with a sequence so it will be sequence number that's the way it would work and like that um just you know kind of gives you an idea what it would look like right here now let's go with a file name folder name you could do the file name here date sequence metadata so you could kind of drill it down and bring it to what you want um yeah let's just go with that then destination where do you want to save it to uh say same folder as the original no i don't really want to do that i'm going to save it to my desktop so we'll put it right there all right do you want to generate subfolders no need to it's just going on the desktop after export do you want to show it in finder that i have a mac if you have a pc it will show it in windows file explorer create a zip archive don't need to do that so you could do a lot right here well file type that's the important part i don't want to save a tiff i want to save a jpeg you can see you can save it as a jpeg photoshop file to file png or dng we'll do that i want the quality to be a hundred i want the profile to be srgb you can see all the different profiles you have to choose from most often if you're sharing it online you would use srgb it's giving you the estimated file size going to be 26 megabytes but i'm going to resize it i don't need to save this as the full size image i'm going to make the long edge 1080 because that's the size that you would use for instagram so let's just pretend i was going to save this to instagram so long edge it'll be 1080 resolutions 300 fine that number doesn't really matter when you're sharing it online uh don't enlarge that is if you had a really small image and you were you know accidentally had larger numbers in here clicking usually if you do that it's not going to look good so you can click don't enlarge and it won't it will just make it maximum it could be without enlarging it uh do you want to do some sharpening when you export it most often you would do this if you're printing the image you could do it if you're sharing it online like for the screen you have low sharpening and high sharpening then you printing it to glossy paper or matte paper you have those options let's do low i already did quite a bit of sharpening though then there's some manual uh sharpening adjustments here that you could do yourself what metadata do you want to include none or you could just you know keywords descriptions you have total control over what metadata is saved with the jpeg do you want to include a watermark i don't have any watermarks to use here so you could if you wanted to but i don't want to and i'm ready to export it so i'll just click on export and when you do that it does it in the background you can see in the lower right hand corner there's a little progress bar and it is saving it it's calling it export job one it does seem to take a long time to export compared to some other application some other applications go relatively quickly it is done now though we'll minimize that and there it is right there and you can see it has custom debt underscore zero zero zero because i didn't rename it um i should have kind of was getting um a little bit confused see right here so this part here where it says custom i should have over did that and i could have did this as outer harbor like that that's what i should have did with the sequence so sorry about that and here let's just export that so you can see that it's doing export job 2 now and when it's done exporting we'll get another image right up in here somewhere it does take a while though i've noticed um for some reason it does now it says zero zero zero zero that's if you uh had a lot of images you were exporting all at once it would incrementally number them since i only have the one image it's only doing the one so there's outer harbor like that so i kind of confused up that exporting part at the end but hopefully that made sense you know what that export dialogue is kind of complicated and i think i'm going to do a video dedicated to the export dialogue first of all i'm going to go through it because it is new in this version of on1 photo raw 2022 and i'm not totally up to speed on it myself so i'm going to go through it learn everything about it in a future video i'll cover everything there is to know about this export dialogue but that's it for this video hopefully this just helps get you started using it and you get a better idea how to use some basic basic functionality of it of course there's a lot of stuff i didn't do right there's a lot of different tools i didn't even touch there's a lot of filters there's a lot of adjustments you could do that i didn't even mention so i'll cover as much as i can in future videos thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 5,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, Photo Editing, Image Editing, Photo Editor, Lightroom Alternative, Photoshop Plug-ins, Lightroom, ON1, lightroom plug-ins, on1 photo raw, on1 photo, on1 photo raw review, is on1 like lightroom, layers in on1, on1 layers, layer blending on1, layer blending modes, on1 smart object, plugin, on1 photo raw 2022, on1 photo raw 2022 release date, what's new in on1 photo raw, is on1 photo raw worth it, swapping a sky in on1, on1 photo raw sky replacement
Id: shucwBjGP50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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