Layers & Compositing - ON1 Recorded Webinar

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so to start off I just have this photo that I've taken into the Edit module here and I just cropped it basically it's a pretty large photo and I just kind of cropped out this area in here and all I'm gonna do is I want to add a new layer to this photo and I want to add just some sort of guy for scale over in this area here well first I got to bring out the tonality in my image so Marshall just gonna head into tone and color and for this particular photo I'm just gonna pull back on the contrast and that's gonna reveal a lot of these shadowy areas and then I'm gonna pull up on the mid-tones a little bit and then the shadows and then I'll add a little bit of true black maybe a little more and then let's go in and let's add a little bit of temperature so now if I hit the backslash key my keyboard just kind of set the basic tonality for this image not anything more maybe I'll cool it down just a hair it's a little bit warm oops so is anybody else see the arm is anyone else not seeing the screen just real quick I know we have a cute question in the Q&A saying that they can't see the picture so does anyone else to see the actual screen for the on one photo raw screen is fine okay sorry can I'm not sure what's going on let me know if it continues and I'll try to figure something out okay sorry about that can I'm not sure what's going on with your computer hopefully it starts working out okay cool all right guys thanks so much for answering let's get back to the photo here okay all right so now we've set our basic tone for our shot and for whatever reason we want to add in a little bit of life you know we want to bring in some different elements onto our shot well it's really easy inside photo raw to do that because you have layers integrated inside of your edit module this allows you to bring in any of layer whether it's a picture a PNG whatever file type you have you can bring it in as a layer and then you can mask and blend it to create different pictures and visuals on your photo another cool thing about layers is that you can organize them really well easily so if you want to change the name of a layer just go into your layers pane here and just double click it and now you can rename that layer so for example this photo I'm just gonna rename it base layer once I hit enter now I have my layer renamed now this will make it easy for when I go back and I start adding different layers onto this photo I can tell which layer is which so now onto adding a layer to add a layer it's really easy all you have to do is click this plus button here so inside your layers plane pane sorry just click this plus button here this will pull up your on one extras and this is where you can go in and you can start adding different textures layers photos whatever it is onto your photo so I'm just gonna go to my browse and I made a folder named birds and I have a little guy standing in there that I want to add on to my shot so we're just gonna add this guy onto our photo here and what I did there is I added my layer so I have a new layer on my base layer here and I'm gonna double click that layer and I'm going to rename it guy so now inside my layers pane here I have my base layer which is our original shot and then I have my guy layer which is the person that I want to use for scale so there's a few different ways that we can grab different tools to modify our shot but the easiest way is to simply use your keyboard so I'm gonna give you a few keyboard shortcut ways that you're gonna be using when if you're modifying layers and one of those is V V is the move tool in photo op so if you want to grab your photo and you want to move it around or you want to rotate it or you want to flip it or you want to scale it all of that is done with hitting V on your keyboard to grab this little move option here so say you're out of you know you're on this layer and you click Z and you have a zoom tool now if you want to go back and you want to move your lair around or adjust the size of it just simply hit V on your keyboard now you'll notice that I have this layer selected and there's a couple different ways that I can actually scale or make this image smaller the first way is just ahead up to my top tool bar here and I can use this scale option and I can make him a little bit smaller or I can simply hold down shift on my keyboard to maintain the aspect ratio and then I can just simply drag to scale them as I please now I can just click and drag him around and I could put them over here where I want it obviously it's incredibly big but we're just kind of setting the base look so for right now it's not that big of a deal and obviously I want them looking out into this other area because if he was looking this way it wouldn't be as interesting so up in our tool bar here if we want to flip a layer or we're going to rotate it we can simply head into these tools here so if I want to click this and I want to flip it now he's facing the other way and it looks a little bit more natural now I'll just make him a little bit smaller oops maybe about right oops okay that looks pretty good right about there but now if we zoom in obviously our guide doesn't look very natural he kind of just looks like he's out of the ordinary because we're not blending him in with the environment at all well if I shot this photo from here and if I look at my original shot so if I click my base layer here and I hit the backslash key on my keyboard it's a pretty dark shot and whatever I shot over here is gonna be a little bit silhouetted and it's not gonna be as detailed as this guy's here well the great thing about using layers inside photo raw is that you can actually mask and blend them individually so if you want to apply adjustments to specific layers on one photo raw allows you the ability to do that for this base layer for example I know I need to darken it up a little bit and make it less of a focal point in my image so to do that I'm gonna head down into my tawny color I'm just gonna pull back on the opacity a little bit to darken them up I had a little bit more contrast pull back on my mid-tones and shadows and then won't pull back on our true black so now if we zoom out it's looking a little bit better and it's a little more silhouetted but the thing about the shot is is that we shot it with a longer exposure so we're gonna have to soften this guy up a quite a bit because obviously he wasn't standing there for 30 seconds the entire time still as a rock if he was then we would have got him perfectly still but since he's a person and we were shooting this at 30 seconds obviously there's gonna be a little bit of ghosting in this person so if we want to add the ghosting or ghosting sorry if we want to add a little movement in our subject area we can use different filters to do that I'm gonna head and I'm gonna add effects here and let's go and let's add a we might have to motion blur let's just try a blur filter let's just see what a lens blur filter does so we'll do a lens blur so now the zoom out and now let's pull up on this amount there we go it's looking a little bit better that way so zoom in again let's make it less blurry you know let's do this so the reason it's not allowing me to do that is because it's taking all of the information within this layer so if i zoom in and I add a filter and I have this blur filter you'll notice a this blurring all of the information in the subject here when I need it to blur the entire guy so we need to do is we need to actually merge these two layers together so that we can modify this photo differently well an easy way to do that if you want to keep all of the layers intact that you were already working on is to right-click and then select new stamped layer making a new stamped layer is going to duplicate these two layers and then it's going to merge them together so this gives you a complete composite image that you can modify but also allows you to keep these two layers so that you can go back and you can play with those also so now let's say and once you bring in a little bit of blurriness into this guy here so we're gonna add a filter we're gonna add a blur filter and we're gonna add a motion blur filter and that's what I wanted to apply to this guy but it's being applied to the entire photo so what we need to do is we need to invert our mask to invert your mask simply head into your filter and your masking options are going to live in this little rectangle with the circle click on it and then you can head into your masking options and you can hit invert now none of that filter is being applied to my shot so now let's zoom in real quick here by hitting Z on our keyboard and I'll grab my masking brush by hitting B on my keyboard make it a little bit smaller with my bracket keys and I'll make sure upset to paint in now I'm gonna go up and I'm actually going to turn my opacity at a hundred and I'm gonna turn on my perfect brush and the reason I'm turning on my perfect brush is because I only want to brush in on these dark areas where this person is standing if I didn't have my perfect brush on it would just blob on this masking brush right here without actually using any tonal ranges to detect my foreground and background so now if I click in here hmm come on guy well let's do it up without the pervy brush and see if that works there we go okay maybe not to use the perfect brush so I'm just gonna brush this on this person here and don't worry I know it's intense but we can always go back and turn it down so now we'll turn this blur down quite a bit so now if we zoom out and we'll lower the opacity for this oops no that's actually looking pretty good right there okay so now what we can do is we'll add a filter well let's filter and we'll go in and we'll add a nice boom ice tea filter so now if I turn this layer off and I turn this top layer on and off actually let's reset this bottom layer well so now if I turn this top layer off see how much that guy brings in a nice lively element into this photo and adds a ton of scale so that gives your viewers kind of a you know a placeholder of like oh that's my anchor you know that's this is the size of this area this is what I'm looking at this allows me to judge the you know the depth of where I'm at you know kind of the rock size and just the sheer size of all of the you know the landscape elements in your photo so just quickly adding you know a person element or some birds just by adding layers really can add a lot to your shot so that's kind of just a really basic way to elevate a photo really just brought in one layer here and then added a lot filter so let's go and let's make a new composition let's just delete these layers okay so now let's go back in the this photo here and I know a lot of people when they think about composites or think about layers they think about using lamb to make double exposures and making double exposure photos inside photo raw is really easy especially since we have layers integrated inside of edit so if we want to create a double exposure look we first have to have a photo that has some large tonality in the background or the foreground more often than not it's going to be a portrait people like making double exposures out of portraits because they give your photo a nice creative look well for this image it works out great because we have this large tonal contrast between our subject and our background and to create a double exposure with this photo we're gonna need an image that kind of conveys the same but it's not a portrait so for this base layer I'm just gonna double click it and I'm gonna rename it oops sorry portrait then I'm gonna add a new layer okay sorry about that guys now let's go and let's browse I'll find my birds here boom boom okay really sorry okay so now we've added a new layer and let's just name this double exposure and obviously if we turn this off and on the photo that's behind it is black and white so we're gonna have to make this a black and white image well inside photo raw there's a couple of different ways you can do that the first way is to go into your effects tab you can add a filter and you can either add a Luntz or you can add a black and white so if you add a Luntz it's gonna be a lot more of a stylistic black and white but there's a category for black and white and there's a bunch of different styles that you can apply for this photo I'm just gonna go I'm going to add a filter and I'm just gonna add a black and white and because we can modify each individual layer that black and white is only being applied to this top layer which is our double exposure layer well I want to position this in my image so it looks like I'm blending the two really naturally so an easy way to do that is to lower the opacity on this first layer and now I'm gonna hit V on my keyboard to grab my move tool now I can move this other layer around and I'm just gonna move it over here kind of right on top of his eyes maybe about right there so now I'm gonna bring this to a hundred percent and I'm gonna drop this double exposure layer right below my portrait layer so now I have my portrait layer on top and I have it selected so that I'm modifying that portrait layer well to create a double exposure or a quick double exposure an easy way to do that is to grab your base portrait photo while you have your double exposure layer on the bottom click inside this area here which is your masking options for your layer and then just go down and select Luman and the reason I want to select blumen is because it's going to create a luminosity mask for me that means it's going to create a mask based on this dark area in here and the light areas in my sky and in the water so watch as I turn this layer on and I select lumen now it's saying that this area up here is revealing it because it's the lightest area on my photo whereas this area and here is dark so it's concealing it from my double exposure layer so now what I want to do is I want to go in and I want to blend this in to this double exposure layer well I can do that really easily by just using my masking brush so my masking brush is automatically selected for me right now if it's not selected you can hit B on your keyboard and I'm just going to use the bracket keys on my keyboard to make my brush size a bit bigger and now I'm going to make sure that I'm set to a hundred percent opacity and now I'm just gonna brush out these areas that don't belong in the frame so now if I turn this off and on it does a pretty good job of kind of blending this area into the sky area and removing this area from the bottom well we can always go back and we can blend it even more I'm just kind of setting the base look so we can go in and we can start brushing it in really easily so now I'm gonna blend it by lowering my opacity on my masking brush so I'm gonna head up to my opacity and gonna lower it to about I don't know about 3540 and now I'm just gonna kind of start brushing away at the little areas that make my photo look less natural I can also go in and I can brush in those areas that I want to make it seem more apparent that the person is you know the person's face is on these trees so I can just keep kind of repeating that process by switching between paint out and paint in and I can kind of bring my photo to life by just bringing in some of these different elements maybe a little bit more over here okay so that looks pretty good if we turn this off and on I'm just gonna area in here let's view this mask oh we got an area in here that we can brush out oh sorry let me let me back up a little bit so when I turned this layer off and on I noticed that there was a little change down here in the bottom corner well I'm not sure what that is because it's pretty blended in with my photo but since I'm masking things away and I'm brushing things out of my mask a great way to tell how clean your mask is is to open up your mask view and an easy way to do that is to simply head into that layer or filter that you're modifying and just simply hit view now this is showing me my mask you for my photo and I can go up and I can remove these little extra areas really easily so now I'll view it again if I turn it off and on there we go maybe I can remove this little area down here okay so now let's say we want to add in another element let's say we want to add in some birds to this photo well what I want to do to this L this photo first is I want to crop it so to crop this image I'm just gonna hit C on my keyboard to grab my crop tool and I'm actually gonna go in and let's make this what is it right now it's about four by five that'll work and let's how does that look now let's do it this way so I'm just gonna bring this up a little bit and in and then we'll just send her that okay so now let's add a new layer and I'll just go and I'll grab these birds here so I'm gonna hit V on my keyboard and I'm just gonna move these birds over into this area over here so I'll just hold down shift and I'll make them a bit smaller that looks pretty good right be a little bit smaller okay so now we have some birds over here but they're pretty prominent in the frame so let's go up and I'm actually just gonna lower the opacity about 15 and 20 so now if we turn this off and on my palm to 100 there's pretty prominent my frame so by lowering them they don't take away from my subject in here and they're not so distracting when they're on the image so be careful when you're adding different elements you can really make it look a lot more natural just by lowering the opacity on some things maybe I need to lower it just a little bit that's probably too much that's probably good that blends in with those trees quite nice so now let's add just a little bit of contrast and that's odd that should be good right there and let's just lower the saturation just to make sure okay so now we have our birds in there and to make this look believable we have to make a reflection on the water well to make a reflection just make sure that we have this bird layer selected and I'm just gonna double click it to a rename and I'll just rename it Birds one I said we'll just rename it Birds sky and then we'll right-click and we can duplicate it just by clicking duplicate layer so now I'll double click this I'll name it Birds birds reflect oops so I guess terrible the typing today birds reflect okay we're leaving it anyway so that's birds reflect and now I can hit V on my keyboard and I'm grabbing my move tool and now I can head up here and if I want to flip it to make it look more natural in the water I can just hit flip vertically now I'll just drag this down kind of position it so it looks real flip it that way oops so maybe about in there that looks pretty good it's not let's just make it a little bit longer here just come on there we go okay so now we need to make this look like it's a real reflection well nice way to do that is just to do the same thing we were doing earlier and playing with the opacity for this photo so let's go up and let's make it a little bit more a little less um transparent so that we can see it more because anytime you have a reflection the reflection is gonna be darker than what's in the top of your photo because that's where being reflected on water and it's losing some of its brightness so let's go up and let's increase the opacity for these birds let's go down and let's add a filter and we'll add that lens blur filter so now if I go and I'll blur these birds quite a bit okay that looks pretty good like that but they need a little bit of motion inside of them so we're gonna do the same thing we did earlier and we're gonna brush that on by using a motion blur so let's go in and let's blend these birds in a little bit more naturally by just brushing so I'm gonna grab my masking brush I'm gonna lower the opacity to about 50 and I'm just gonna brush near these birds not on them okay so now let's go down and let's all right sorry let's go up and let's right-click on this bird layer and let's do the same thing we did earlier with a new stamp layer so I'm just select a new stamp layer here and now we have a entirely new composite image with all of these elements combined so what I can do is I can right click or not right-click I can add a filter I'll add a blur will add motion blur will go in and we'll invert it and now I'll just go and I'll brush this on and now if I pull back on the opacity just your radio there we go that's what I wanted then we can lower the opacity and just keep kind of blending them in honestly they kind of look better just like that oh I see when I'm what we're doing duh sorry I'm gonna delete this layer I'm gonna lower the opacity for these birds a little bit more there we go so now let's merge this together again sorry now we'll bring in that motion blur what you see is that and then I'll just give up we'll just leave it how it is that looks pretty legit like that okay so now let's add another filter and let's just stylize it by using some blots so I'm just gonna let's filter here and the blue actually looks pretty cool let's see about some cinematic stuff here ooh I like that a lot there we go that's the winner for sure so now if we turn this layer off or these three layers in between off and we'll reset this layer properties if we turn this layer off and on then we could turn this one off to you you see how easy it was to just bring in some different elements using you know a couple different layers on this photo and then by bringing in a couple different filters we can modify it and blend it and make it look a lot more like an actual double exposure picture so I'll just delete all these layers here let's go back into browse and now let's do a quick little sky replacement here oops sorry wrong photo okay so let's take this photo in and let's replace this little sky area up here so just gonna grab my crop tool I'm gonna do I'll do like a sixteen by nine and let's just bring that down about right there well so now we have a nicely cropped six by nine photo let's say we want to replace this sky area well let's rename this first layer face layer now we'll add a new layer go to our extras going on one extras backgrounds and we'll go to skies and let's just scroll down and I'll find the sky I was looking for it it was this one here well okay so now let's go up and let's scale this down so that it fits on our photo I must actually rotate it or flip it sorry so that's opposite there we go and the reason I'm doing that is because just by looking at this photo right here I'm looking at these little clouds down here and if I pull this up there's a bunch of those little clouds kind of in this area here they're a little bit overexposed but they'd blend nicely with this area on my sky so just kind of a thing to keep in mind when you are replacing skies is to kind of lower the opacity for that layer and then just pull it over and see if that looks natural I mean this one looks pretty natural you know if we go in and we blend all these areas so this might work out but if you do have a little cloud area you know on your sky layer try to match that up with any cloud areas on your photo if you can so let's pull up the opacity for that we'll double click it and we'll rename it sky geez I cannot type today okay so now let's drag the sky layer down below our base layer and now what I'm gonna do is especially if I do it where I have a nice horizon line right here ooh actually let's pull this sky area down a little bit there we go is I'm gonna grab this base layer I'm gonna make sure my base layer is selected and then I'm gonna hit B or not B I'm gonna hit em on my keyboard so I'm gonna hit em on my keyboard to grab my masking gradient so now they have my masking bug or my masking gradient selected I'm gonna go up to my preset and I'm gonna choose linear bottom so now I'll just drop this down Oh must've been flipped okay so I want linear top then and now I'll just match this with a horizon line and then I'll lower the feathering maybe about right that looks pretty good like that so now what I want to do is I want to brush in this area right here that's kind of getting removed from my base layer so I'll hit B on my keyboard go up and I'll make sure the feathering is zero now I'm gonna go up and right here I'm going to select oops make sure I'm set to paint in sorry so I'm gonna select this I'm gonna hold down shift and then I'm gonna reach across and see how that used a straight line to brush that area out for me so all you have to do is click hold down shift and then you can click again and it will make a straight line for you so for this photo if I want to blend it and I want to remove this from this little bridge area here I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna make my feathering a hundred percent and I'm gonna make sure I have my perfect brush selected this is gonna detect tonality zin my photo and brush away my foreground and background automatically so I'm just gonna brush this base layer back in by clicking on some of these areas in here okay so now let's go up and we'll make our privet brush-off and then I'll just lower my opacity and I'll go in and I'll kind of brush these areas in that are a little bit janky I'm actually gonna go over okay so that looks pretty good we have our horizon line up here which is kind of janky but we're gonna fix that in a second so a good way if you're replacing a sky layer and obviously if I turn the sky layer off or here let's duplicate this let's put this at the bottom and let's reset it so if I turn these two layers off obviously my sky layer it's not as bright it's not as you know blue there's a huge contrast difference between those two skies so to make them natural again I'm gonna have to go in and I'm gonna have to brush on some of the original photo so let's go up and let's lower our opacity to about maybe 20 and let's make it super big I'm not that big and now we'll just brush this on oops geez make sure you have your base layer selected guys that's the reason I named it sorry about that okay so now let's brush this on and just kind of blend this in there we go do that maybe one more time there we go okay so now if we want to make this photo look more natural again we're going to have to use this same layer and we're gonna have to use a reflection so let's grab our sky layer we'll duplicate that sky layer then we'll right name it or right-click and name it and we'll name it reflection sky now I'll just drag this above my base layer I'll hit V on my keyboard to grab my move tool then I'll go up and I'll choose flip vertical now I'll lower my opacity to about 50 and I'll drag this down and I'll place it so that it looks natural in my photo how about something like that okay so now let's go over and we want to blend this onto our image so let's use our blending modes here and I'm just gonna use this nice blending mode overlay and that's just gonna basically overlay this photo on top of my image so that it kind of uses it as as a blanket basically you're basically just laying this transparent semi-transparent sky layer on top of your bottom layer and that's why it's blending in nicely with the greens and the Blues of the the water that's already there okay so now we're gonna brush this out on areas that we don't want it obviously we want to brush out of this area here so let's hit B on our keyboard again make sure we're set to a 100 make sure it's set to paint out and now I'll just brush this off oops I don't want that much definitely want that blue off that bridge though I'll brush this area over here now we'll brush it let's lower the opacity now we'll brush out some of these areas where it wouldn't be even realistic there we go let's actually heat this time this layer okay so now let's make the opacity a little bit more a little bit stronger okay now let's add an effect here and let's add a blur I'm actually gonna use motion blur and I'll just lower the opacity oops sorry lower the opacity for my layer and now let's just brush a little bit more of this layer out oops sorry for brushing on the blue layer make sure we're set to this there we go now let's just brush a little bit of this okay so now let's go in and we'll add one less element to the shot I'm gonna add a filter here or add a layer rather go to our folders navigate to where I had those birds open that and then we'll just add these birds here boom hit B on my keyboard I'm gonna make them a lot smaller by holding down shift and let's just make him fly over this area here lower the opacity quite a bit it's like let me come a little bit bigger what do you guys think maybe over here yeah that looks probably pretty good actually let's use those other birds let's delete this layer wellshe's these birds there we go I like these birds because they have the smaller ones for depth and those other ones just kind of are all the same okay so now let's make this smaller maybe set it over our roadway cuz a lot of birds like playing in the roadway and let's just put it about right maybe right there there we go so now let's go in and I'm gonna erase these birds that are on erase these birds that are on the bridge area and I'm hit V and I'm gonna go over to my opacity I'm gonna lower it to about 80% and then I'm gonna duplicate those birds and maybe I'm gonna flip it vertically then I'm gonna pull it down make it a little bit smaller and then rotate it a little bit then I'll go over and I'll use my same options and I'll use hmm let's actually not even use that let's just lower the opacity let's lower the opacity and we'll just add a blur hmm we'll add a lens blur rather you know just lower the opacity of these a little bit and then we'll use overlay okay so now let's right-click this will click new stamp layer so now we can go in and I'll turn all these layers off and I'll add a filter let's add another let's filter to stylize it I know I like using let's but they'd really bring in a ton of style to your shot so some of these are pretty intense I don't need their really intense ones let's just use a black-and-white those always look really good let's use that okay so now let's add one filter and let's add a vignette so now if we turn this top layer off you'll see how much we've added on to this photo simply by just using a few different layers
Channel: ON1
Views: 9,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photo Editing, Image Editing, Photo Editor, Image Editor, Lightroom Alternative, Photoshop Plug-ins, Lightroom Plug-ins, Lightroom, Photoshop, ON1, Photo 10
Id: mOgNemSQKA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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