Approaching the Scene 166: A Tour of the New ON1 Photo RAW 2022

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exciting week i'm one's releasing its brand new software photo raw 2022. i'll take you on a quick test drive and show you some of the cool new stuff in it [Music] well hey everyone hudson here hope everyone is having a good fall back to school all that kind of stuff my kids are having a blast with school in person which is fun to see um before we jump in and talk about on one's brand new photo raw 2022 a couple quick announcements one the milky way course that i have long been promising is out it's up it's available for purchase and you can find it at milkyway and i'll put a link down in the video's description along with links to all of the stuff that i talk about today and all of the photo gear that i use and recommend and those links help me out so thanks so much for using them uh i want to make sure that everyone's invited and feels welcome to the office hours on october 26th rick lepage david archer and i are going to be taking off with three different groups of workshop students in yellowstone the tetons and moab over the next several weeks we're leaving on tuesday but when we come back we're gonna have an office hour we're gonna go through a gallery of your image submissions so please sign up at officehours for that free meeting you can join us on zoom or youtube live you can submit your image uh along with a question for the group of us you know we're really looking for night sky images since this milky way course just uh just launched but any images are just fine so you can find the place to submit those images and sign up at office hours again that's going to be on october 26 10 a.m pacific all right so let's talk just a little bit about on one's new software version photo raw 2022 actually the day this video is going live it's available for download it's got some really cool new stuff in it like a completely revamped export engine that lets you create really nice usable presets as well as some cool new masking tool enhancements sky replacement built into it smart sky replacement which i was actually really surprised with how well it works i'll showcase that and also some some uh some pretty cool from my perspective integration of no noise ai right into the raw processing engine of photo raw 2221 or 2022 and that means that you can take your raw file right through the image processor that you're working with as your uh as your main raw image editor if you're working with photo raw 2022 and non-destructively do that kind of amazing ai noise reduction that no noise ai brings and i'll showcase why i like that so let's jump in let's take a look at the software all right so let's go ahead let's fire up the brand new photo raw 2022 i love having my image as the splash screen is is very very honored to have that um so the software's firing up when i installed it it kept all my preferences and extras and catalog folders and everything from photorot 2021 that was very seamless there you can see that image that they used for the splash screen and again that's awesome i'm very proud to have that so um you know let's jump in i'll show you some of the cool new stuff that's integrated you know it's just skimmed in here you know into this this uh same familiar photo raw user interface there's just some interesting new things you know first and foremost i'm actually going to kill the webcam for a sec so you can see what i'm doing a little bit better one thing you'll notice right off the bat is down here you've got backup data and restore data you can hit backup data tell it a location that you want to back all of your sort of catalog information the edits that you've done to photos the previews that kind of stuff not the photos themselves just the work that you've done that sort of cataloged information and you can have it remind you to do that once a week or once a month or once a day i'm you choosing once a week here you go ahead you hit back up and it'll it'll save all the things that you've done that are catalog and photo rod that's something people been requesting it's nice to see it incorporated you know another thing that's that's really nice is the incorporation of no noise ai so you know here's a photo that i captured really late it was almost blue hour driving back to our hotel and gardner when we were in yellowstone a couple years ago rick lepage and i and we saw this mama and baby bear and i had my d500 they were quite a ways away i shot this let's look at info here iso 2800 with my d500 i have my 500 pf nikkor lens and i put a 1.4 teleconverter which put it at a 700 millimeter f8 wide open you know it was just to try to get a shot and i got this one with the baby bear's face it's nothing to to write home about but you know if you zoom in and you really have a look it's extremely noisy it's cropped a little bit too so you know let's just have a look here if i'm in here and edit and i go down into noise and sharpening all right so we jump into noise and sharpening and you're in the classic noise reduction and sharpening mode where you've got noise reduction and sharpening you know i've always said they're two sides of a coin you blur fine detail to reduce noise and then you need to sharpen the image carefully to get it back that detail well instead let's just jump into no noise ai and up comes our familiar dialogue for those who have tried this out wow pretty darn incredible right off the bat there you know i can drag this little slider and see what no noise ai is doing we're sitting here at uh i think a hundred percent right now you know and the thing i love in no noise ai is this enhanced detail slider so i can enhance details and you'll start to see it starts to get really crunchy and looks over sharpened and edgy you get artifacts or which is something that i often complain that i find topaz de-noise does a little too much a little over sharpening which can lead to artifacts in your image well you can dial that down to where oh you know we're starting to to lose detail to the noise reduction so where do i want to set that line as i look at this image at 100 you know i i tend to to avoid that over sharpening effect i'd rather do that to the to the potential detriment of a little bit of detail in my image i just don't like that jaggy over processed look you know and now you know let's back out to 50 on this image and just slide our wow that's a huge difference that takes an image from unusable and you know i'm sure there's no way i could have done noise reduction to bring detail back like that that's pretty amazing i just go ahead and click done and you know one thing that i think is really nice about incorporating it into photo raw's engine is that you know my biggest complaint about taking a raw file and editing it in say uh dxo pure raw or topaz de noise or no noise ai is that you're taking a raw image and you're putting it through that company's processor and getting a new image out that's something slightly different in this case you're just using you're an on one user you're using photo raw it's interpolating the data and putting it through its raw processor anyway so now we're just adding that power of no noise ai into our chosen raw processor all of a sudden you get the benefit of that all right i got a few images here from olympic national park the same trip with my kids my kids first backpacking trip up on the northwest coast of olympic national park and and uh i had this image here it was smoky hazy day on the hood canal driving home from olympic national park after our backpacking trip and i got pike standing here in the water you know bland day cute picture of pike well i just thought i'd run that through on one's new sky replacement software and i think most of you know i'm not the biggest proponent on earth of sky replacements you know i do it occasionally in my image i just thought i'd test how well does this work i know a lot of people love it so i go ahead in here and i was really quite blown away you know i jump in here i've got sky swap ai and it's kind of automatically selected this guy i'll show you there's another thing in here you can say um here mask mask i you can go ahead and click that and it will create a sky mask like it's done right here now it's all not always it's going to blend it's not going to hit the edges perfectly it kind of does a little bit of selection of foreground and background blended together which makes it not work very well just like photoshop for doing night sky star replacements because you'll get stars blended into the foreground but it does a pretty good job in daylight images and i'll show you what i'm talking about here so you know you can go in here what category do you want to work with well i've got the latest sky pack that rick and i put in the uh the latest photo kit that we did on the palouse working the landscape and we've got a whole bunch of images in here now obviously a sunset sky is never going to look good blended into this midday image and you can see where you know some of that sky is being blended into the foreground of the lake but if i come down and i scroll through all these different skies i can get a midday sky rick had some really nice midday skies you know and i could i could click around and try some of those that looks pretty darn good doesn't it you know maybe i look at another one that has a little more directional light in it like that one that also looks really nice that's about the right time of day i feel as if the clouds are maybe just a little bit uh a little bit dark yeah you know what i like it better i think number five we'll go with number five here we're gonna click on that oop i hit blur didn't i i want to reset that no blur actually click that slider on my way out of that dialog all right so that's just the start we've chosen our sky pack that i imported in the extras and i've chosen the palouse skies and now i can choose whether or not to flip this whole thing horizontally right right now it looks like there's more directional light coming into the left side of pike's head and more directional light coming into the right side of the clouds they're brighter on the right side and shadowed on the left and that looks wrong to the eye just that simple click of this all of a sudden now the angle of light is more similar the clouds are getting hit from the left his head's getting hit from the left with that sort of semi-directional light i can choose to shift the horizon around a little bit you don't want to go do that much but you know you could you could play around with it if you wanted to i'm lining it up right about like that um we could take the opacity of the sky down just to blend it in a little bit to that kind of hazy background that we had before just you know you could go from the haze to 100 percent and i'd say just make big movements of this slider until it looks good to you the fade the edge these are edge refinement tools you can sort of take it see how that's fading it into your image just big make big movements of that slider watching your screen and hone in to where it looks good to you same thing with shift edge shift edge is just an edge refinement tool if you make big movements you'll see what it's doing there it's just kind of a edge fade in looks a lot better here particularly on the lake edge having done that scale just makes the clouds bigger or smaller i liked them how we started warmth warmth is going to warm the clouds up if you want cool the clouds down a little bit if you want they were pretty good to start with i'm not going to do much different there same thing with brightness you could brighten and darken them i thought they looked great right off the get-go blur i'm not going to mess with haze is a slider i don't like to touch very often and not move it much if i do foreground lighting you can work around with some of the things about the foreground in this case i feel like we're looking pretty good but this this little guy here reflection is super cool i turn that on all of a sudden the clouds are reflecting on the water and i can i can sort of make it more which looks fake me or i can just fade it into where it's natural looking but now all of a sudden you've got some blue reflected in the water and look how it isn't doing it on pike pretty darn cool and i can shift it vertically sort of out of the scene and back down to where it looks about right to me for the scene that i'm working with and all of a sudden we've gone from that to that and i gotta say that was pretty painless and simple i i've got to say impressive uh i i find it pretty darn cool you know and while we're at it here i'll just show you really fast i'll jump back and edit this image one more time another cool thing that they've added is if you're in the masking tools here you got your masking brush that we're all used to you've got the graduated fill mask that you can drop in you know like a graduated filter that's a line across the the image you've got ai masking and you got this new line mask tool which for people who are you know photoshop affectionate or have used photoshop it's a lot like the polygonal selection tool in photoshop you can you can draw lines in your image and you can even drop a point in and kind of curve that line and create shapes and mask those shapes in and out this can be really handy when you have a straight line like that lakeshore so just you know kind of a cool tool the um i can get rid of each point that i put in there with undo that's control z that i'm hitting command z for the mac so another nice little add-on um i'll just say that between adding no noise and some of this more um more finite masking tools that you know working with night images is a really really cool thing now you can go in and do all the denoise work that you want right on the raw file non-destructively and you can blend you know foregrounds and backgrounds right here i've got this image that i blended this star stacked portrait of um of the big dipper this is one that i use in my milky way course i show how to do this both in photoshop and on one photo raw but i must say that when you're bringing in you know both layers here into photo raw's editor it lets you raw process you know your foreground or your star image independently from your foreground image and do noise reduction using that automated a denoise ai in your foreground if you'd like to and do all of the basic tone and color work on either one of these layers you know let let's say we wanted to work on the foreground and just boost the exposure of it well you know there we go i don't necessarily want to do that but everything's re-editable after the fact you do your blending you do your masking and all of a sudden you can continue to work on those layers as raw files there are the two raw files blended and just preserved for you to uh to work with so pretty cool stuff you know the final the final little note i'll hit is say you know we want to export a couple things they've really done some cool work in the export um department there are all these new very very nice to use options when you're exporting and you can save presets and edit those presets so that every time you just click on that all of a sudden that's what you're going to be doing you know i'm turning it off it asks if i've changed settings and whether or not i not i want to save them i click and turn it on all of a sudden those photos would automatically go to my social media folder and dropbox is 2500 pixel jpegs with sharpening for the screen at a low intensity it's really really nice as you run through you can even select multiple presets and export the files to multiple places at the same time at different sizes and different settings pretty cool stuff all right so i gotta say you know the photo raw 2022 not disappointing i'm i'm pretty darn pleased with the integration and seamlessness with which they've added these new features to the good old footer raw that we're used to working in and it really does let you work with your file data in a raw format non-destructively from sort of you know cradle to export let's put it that way all right so there you have it some pretty cool new features and enhancements in photo raw 2022. you know if you're interested in purchasing that i got a link right in this video's description click the title or show more you can also find the milky way course i described that's also at milkyway links to all the gear that i use always are in that video description as well as hudson ats links and make sure that you sign up for the office hours we're going to be going through your images talking about them woody rick david uh darren and i and that's october 26th 10am pacific you can sign up at office hours submit your image and also your questions for that big photo group meeting all right so i hope everyone is staying safe enjoying sort of the end of summer beginning of fall the colors are out there kids are back to school lots of fun stuff i hope you're finding ways to be creative while staying safe we'll see you next week
Channel: Hudson Henry Photography
Views: 4,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lesson, education, training, how to, gear, photography class, digital photography, Approaching The Scene, Hudson Henry, Nikon, No Noise AI, Milky Way, Stars, night, course, ON1, Photo RAW, 2022, AI Sky Swap, sky replacement, noise reduction, masking, export
Id: -UuTFFHxjAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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