A TINY BIT ANGRY... | Pogostuck

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to pogo stuck i realized that i was at fault in the last few episodes because i was being far too negative it kept me up at night made me feel remorseful about my negative attitude towards this game so i realized that if i go into this in a positive attitude and i don't let anything get to me then i should be able to conquer this mountain even if i do have a cheat i'm still going to keep that i'm not going to give that up because i need a little bit of joy in my heart to be able to carry on if i'm not giving up the boost to sit i'm not giving up the i'm not going to give up the boost to save my life i've become completely reliant on it and there's literally no way that i would ever be able to do it without it there's literally no way i would ever i don't even know how you'd make the bee jump without it actually you know it's entirely possible it it must be possible i have full faith that these developers know exactly what they're doing with this game and furthermore they've play tested it certainly enough that they have my full confidence in how to properly play this game oh my god how do oh my god i'm here i'm here i'm there i'm gone ah i mean back here no why would i do that why did i try oh my oh it's fine you know setbacks it's because i was relying on a a technique that wasn't the intended technique and therefore should should i be even be surprised that i didn't get it correctly no of course not oh maybe i could just oh ah that's close maybe maybe boom oh interesting look it's a technique it's not it's a shortcut it's a shortcut i'm trying to do this as much legit as i can i'm not i know it's thank you for saving me big nog the big nog in my head big saved me big time i gotta admit this is cute it's very cute oh hey buddy teeth hi teeth can i go this way and one more bounce oh my god please ah oh my god oh my god no no teeth damn it oh i'm fine yes oh my god where am i frick up oh why did i oh i shouldn't have boosted god it's my over reliance on this cheaty mechanic it really is gonna be the death of me because this probably should be able to be done yeah it should yeah exactly oh crap i'm sorry what i i will readily admit that like i know it's entirely possible without the double jump but my goodness it it seems like if this game was designed to have to have it like if you if you if you started off with double jump and they took it away like that would be hell it would feel so unfair yeah yes okay no god i said okay if i say okay that means it's okay and you should just let me carry on i'm fine this should be able to be done without oh okay nope oh no there you go it should be able to be done without any boost i think that's what's throwing me off in that because i keep trying to use boost but in reality i don't ah shoot oh there i go but in reality it shouldn't be necessary right okay great thank you for that like i know it's not oh wow oh stop oh my goodness now like i know it's possible without so i i don't think i should use it because i think it's messing me up if i actually just did it correctly then theoretically i should be able to conquer that section without too much trouble right okay just do it without it without it nope not doing it without there there oh god i did the thing again i did the the same thing i did before which is just try to boost over that which is not what i need to do i'm not even 100 uh where am i it's like lottery it's like a bounce lottery i always do it once perfectly because i'm cautious and then every subsequent attempt i throw caution to the wind and i'm like i got this i'm a pro what just happened i have no idea what just happened that was strange i slid right past the bee's buttocks no why why why no why stop oh come on oh come on damn it oh my god oh my god can you just get the timing right can you please oh my god it's perfect to the b it's so perfect to the b oh my god this is worse than if i just did it normally uh and you miss it by oh frick off this is hell i'm in hell i'm in hell i'm in hell i'm in hell okay okay okay where am i going where am i going where am i going where am i going where am i going i'm gonna hit this beat look i don't know what i'm trying to do i just feel like this is better than going through the stupid b gap to try to do the b beach oh i just had to say the words b-gap the computer heard me and it was like oh you you you need to be over by the b-gap come on oh my god i have a cheat code i know through the gap ah and there's a bee there of course there yes perfect exactly what i always wanted where am i going i don't know i don't know what i'm doing oh please let there be a bee god damn it of course there wasn't of course there wasn't like i can always hit the bees when i don't want to hit the bees and then when i do want to hit the bees they'll never be there it's the law of bee i really don't know what i'm trying to accomplish here but trust me when i say when i do finally accomplish my dreams oh yes through the gap of me thank you yes okay here we go and double jump and up to the wall i'm not facing the right direction for that and oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] be god i'm oh my god i was right there if the stupid computer update didn't didn't screw me over last night i would have had that because i would have been at the right angle i was taking it nice and slow i had done it the correct way like everything was lined up to be perfect and yet i got screwed because that's how this game does that's just what this game does it's cruising no positive it is not it's a computer program it cannot feel it has no desires to screw me it would not have that because that does not make sense if they did oh my god if they did oh my god and every time i get the timing when i'm like oh yeah now is when it would be free i i balls it up and i oh god just touch the thing right you've done it before there now god oh my god i don't know what i'm doing how did i make this before like this yes oh my god this is it is it is it is it is it boom yes [Music] i'm now less than halfway to the top okay so like before just take everything nice and slow [ __ ] dude [ __ ] take everything nice and slow where am i going what am i looking for no where am i going exactly what was the lag [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god what was the lag what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god the game is very intentionally messing with me there's no denial of that now i don't know i don't know i don't know what i'm doing anymore i i've completely lost it and i really just don't know what i'm doing what i'm going for what what am i going for what uh what am i going for what am i trying to do i've forgotten my brain literally shut down and i no longer know exactly what i was doing what is my goal in life what is my purpose oh my god no no damn it stop where am i going okay here we go no there was supposed to be a bee okay come on please maybe that's a good technique just if i can climb the wall yeah just i don't know how i'll never be able to replicate what i did it was pretty impressive whatever it was but it wasn't intentional i guarantee you that damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn yes yes yes yes easy done done okay i'm just gonna keep going where am i going ah to the left i see it to the left nope oh [ __ ] oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god there i go [Music] windows update is moving to different monitors on my computer to try to remind me the i didn't pause that's windows update again why [ __ ] off when i say tomorrow i mean [ __ ] tomorrow oh my god i [ __ ] bullseye okay yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] me [ __ ] me i the thing is like i know when it's gonna send me through the gap i i am very well aware of when i'm gonna go through the gap i'm fully aware way before it actually happens and [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i am so mad no i'm so happy i'm so happy i get another chance to play through this level of the game again because i love this game so much because this game is so fun so of course i would be spending so much time on it because if i wasn't enjoying myself it would make no sense as to why i was playing it so much you know i i just want to see these sections over and over again because they're fun because they're so cool and well designed and just just a joy to be [Music] around no those two oh frick no frick oh my god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh please be please be there oh man i am having so much fun damn it oh that okay it doesn't matter anyway cause i'm going away and i'm gonna hit a b i knew it you know what what if this [ __ ] here i just said [ __ ] it too yep you know what i'm saying a big old oh do not do that to me do not do that to me yes yes exactly and this is exactly what i've always wanted where am i going where am i going oh no no not like this is this is this where i need to be oh my god it is oh my god it is oh my god here we go here we go no no no no oh my god oh my god oh why are you sleeping where why are you while y'all doing oh my goodness interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting fascinating fascinating fascinating very fascinating interesting okay interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting so avoid that and avoid that so how wait i'm a little confused ah shoot okay fascinating interesting new developments predicaments interesting new things to consider so if you're just bouncing on them you're fine yeah if you're just bouncing on them you're fine so i think the trick is to just bounce on them and have your boost ready yes okay okay just have your bounce ready yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wait what hmm what's this uh okay i've made it farther i'm proud of myself i'm proud of what i've done that'll be it for today i am very excited to see what new challenges i'm going to face in the next portion of the game i love you i hope you have a good day take care bye bye subscribe okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,725,691
Rating: 4.9659133 out of 5
Keywords: pogostuck, pogostuck markiplier, markiplier, markiplier rage, pogostuck rage, funny, funny moments, funny rage, markiplier funny, markipliergame, markiplier pogostuck rage, a tiny bit angry
Id: dwWd85XgkW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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