There Is Healing For You - Delford Davis - April 17, 2019

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[Music] Oh believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed what a wonderful tense especially at a time like this god grant unto your servant our t to speak your word grant unto your people faith to receive your word let the Holy Spirit penetrate this house penetrate our hearts and our lives and that which you have purposed for every individual in my audience in this house today and wherever we find them at all and abroad we pray that your minister - hani's we rebuke everything that is anti-god right now and prayer that you will arise and all the enemies be scattered we speak the Word of Faith and healing in Jesus name touch your neighbor and tell them there is healing for you [Music] healing for you healing for you I believe that is one of the world's greatest need today is for wool nests wellness physically and emotionally and financially and maritally and all of the Hollies wholeness wellness the greatest need of the world is not for finance and for money oh no that's not the greatest need money is everywhere to be found everywhere maybe you don't have it I don't have the amount we all don't have the amount we need but it is everywhere to be found I'm the hearth is still the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell here here he created them and he horns them are you with me what are the invasion of sin and Satan he has deprived mankind of one of our great as wealth the greatest wealth is walnuts Dabra hol he and ESS horn as complete illness spirit soul and body can you say something there so when we talk about healing is for you we're not just talking about physical healing that's a wonderful healing because beloved above all things I would that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so every child of God who is flourishing in the spirit flourishing in your spiritual walk God says I want all the other gears of your life to flourish also just as all you speak in tongues and prophesy and dance and are happy in the Lord I want you to be happy in your pocket also I want you to be happy in your marriage also I want you to be happy in your mind also I want you to be happy in your family also oh you're not getting this hallelujah that you be man all be in health even as your soul prospers I almost think it's a sin Amen for a sanctified Holy Ghost believer to be rejoicing in the Lord living only walking right and can't find food to eat I said I almost think it's a sin because the hurt is still the Lord's kindess amen lift your hand and say Healing is for me it's a physical healing spiritual healing financial healing emotional healing psychological healing social healing marital healing healing is for being in the name of Jesus I will no longer be denied of Hany Jiri of healing that I need someone you're not saying it like you believe it by the authority of Jesus declare it and believe it that God will fulfill it Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah he was wounded he was bruised he was just eyes and by his stripes all these have been secured secure all glory when you you ladies of huge closets clothes closets well some of you many of you all of you I don't know clothes closets but nobody here has one dress nobody here has one suit of clothes nobody here has one pair of shoes oh you're not saying nothing I'm making a point here when time come for you to go to certain occasion if it's a wedding or a funeral or a fasting service our Sunday morning service our Sunday night service our hodor evangelistic meeting because you have clothes on shoes in store you don't run up your head and wonder you're simply go into your closet and take out the one that suits the occasion are you not with me here you go in there and you take out the one that suits the occasion amen to which you're invited your kitchen that you're attending upon Oh hallelujah so what's the point bishop the point is this all the here as of ealing that's half the period we have the period momentarily Jesus as secured enough every single one of them store Oh he has financial healing in store yes spiritual healing in store his closets closets is packed with everything that we need so when you need a spiritual healing and a spiritual cleansing just go to God's closet and pick out your spiritual healing and get healed when you need physical healing just go to his closet is to arouse healing from head to toes God Almighty you're going to the farmers and they have all kinds of pills and liquid medication for different condition on different sicknesses when you're going near the door just give you any and anyone to give you the one that is prescribed the one that your body needs according to the doctor dear God doctor jesus knows doctor Holy Ghost knows doctor Jesus knows exactly when you need what you need and he has it in store for you somebody praise God like a making sense praise God like I'm talking to you so don't act as though you are some little often do don't have a father who is rich in houses on land holds the wealth of the world in his and all glory to God somebody praise him here with me I did say praise him with me hallelujah so Oh am I to God let's go way back to the pre-incarnate christ amen from the commencement of the human race the commencement of human civilization God has imparted the word the positive word Amen of hope and healing and restoration to his people when he said sit and watch out devil your mess of creation and look what I'm gonna do I'm going to put enmity between you and between the woman between your seed and her seed you have bruise his heel but he is going to crush your head somebody praise God in church the moon this seed of the woman is gonna crush your head and when a man's head is crushed on my stomach done you don't farm don't finish hallelujah no more coordination mesmerize mr. hallelujah so please allow me to say what we have going around today I didn't say who was a walk nute agenda what we are going around today is a messed up devil who don't even know what is doing just causing huh all over the place come on Oh glory to God am I talking to anybody here God sorry one time was a wish party I come from all over the place making trouble but in the name of Jesus we live up a block here today we live up a stand out to be well god I feel I'm talking to somebody here all over the place causing trouble tell him when you come by you or get you'll get us blood from head to toes when it comes by your you are life your life was blood from head to toes when he comes by [Music] yeah you are covered under the blood and when I see the blood but somebody prays and I feel I'm preaching I didn't want to I mesmerize messed up devil causing all kind of problem don't even know who to kill killing all here tear all the club in front schoolgirl you're not saying nothing hallelujah don't know who to kill don't know who to mess up just causing trouble everywhere dear God but in the name of Jesus Oh glory we are believing God for healing to me somebody say healing is for me so from way back then he established what he was going to do and then having said that I'm on he said I'm gonna give man dominion authority over everything upon the earth the fish in the sea the fall of the year the cattle creeping thing everything upon the earth I'm gonna give man Dominion and authority over them brothers and sisters we have to take it back we have to get it back in the name of Jesus I know we lost it yes we did because our forefathers in the first other message of but there is a second harder Oh glory to God somebody called the name of the second atom what shall his name be called glory to God there is something about the name Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away glory hallelujah but there is something [Music] Jesus so what he says as I declared him plainly and what mattresses have already been chapter 8 and verse 17 much says himself took our infirmities in his body on the tree not all the tree that cross himself might you hate 17 be Jesus himself not Peter not Paul not Silas not an angel not one of the celestial being of Evon Jesus himself Oh hallelujah took our infirmity touch yourself once and my infirmity he took it in his body on that tree hallelujah and because he took it it says I have secured your elin so when they the wicked worm the troublemaker common cause affliction whatever types of affliction do not consider to be the norm of your life thus the exception are you not with me do not consider sickness in your body to be the norm of your life everybody gets sick one time or another I'm not saying no I'm not saying no to that but what do some people do when they get sick some say it is my diabetes some say it is my blood pressure some say it is my heart condition but hada say devil you are intruded in private property this body is a temple of the Living God and I'm on a fight you tooth-and-nail to get you outta my body with your sickness I'm not saying people don't become heal for one reason or the other I'm not saying I got it all under control what I'm saying when it comes you know it is not the norm so don't take it as an arm and sit down here under sits and dress it and buy it and go to bed with you to wake up with you must become uncomfortable and said this is not the real me the real me must be healthy the real me must be strong the real me must be prosperous the real me is a head and not the tail above and not beneath alanda not a power the real me is what God says I am dear Jesus glory to God give him praise if you love him come on the real me is all God declared me hallelujah give him praise and then in 1st Peter chapter 2 and verse 24 Peter uses even stronger language Peter says who in his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we were healed hallelujah so lord have mercy Peter said that took place a long time ago by the thirty-nine strides he took their cat-o'-nine-tails a cross is back by those trials we were heal every stripe he took it was our sickness and a disease so we were he long time ago and if we were healed dear God we are healed you're not saying anything if we were healed we are healed let us say heal glories of God somebody showed hallelujah Laurie aren't you glad to know that when the storms of life come raging you have someone who will stand by you right now I have a cousin first cousin Maxine pastor Maxine Taylor system oxy Marie I'm sorry our original name was Taylor okay maiden surname was Taylor boxy Murray you know her quite well her sister my first cousin is grievously afflicted right now the other traveler all the way from Portland to Kingston she's there getting medical attention whatever it is known and I talked it Minister Maxine this morning I said we are holding faith and believe in God I want you all on with your neighbor right now you know you don't know her in the natural but you know her in the spirit it's a woman like all the women sitting there just whisper short prayer now and ask God to heal mrs. Evans in the name of Jesus as she goes through she is going through today we don't know who may go through tomorrow he's someone to stand by you Kurama say today God in Jesus name as we pray for tell fine Evans pray also for all of the persons or afflicted by the enemy and pray that the healing power of God will flow through flow through right now across this auditorium across television across internet and across social media flow through Holy Spirit not just telephone heaven shall be you whatever passive connected in the spirits right now shall be healed in Jesus name any man lift your hands on praise God with me familiar to Jesus hallelujah Peter took it way back way back by whose stripes we were healed can you say Amen so when we read this text of Isaiah 53 here I mean I take 53 that we all know especially 5 and 6 but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are physically well we are financially well we are socially well we are psychologically well we are family well we are ever with well because everything name Ellen was part of that process that Jesus went through somebody praise God glory to the name of Jesus what a mighty God we served give him praise so this Jesus he offered himself so that we can he can secure for us all of his people everything that we lost through Adam's transgression and that's where the problem began it began in the Garden of Eden but it ended at Calvary Jesus it began in a Garden of Eden but it handed a Calvary Sant John chapter 19 and verse 30 it is finished it is finished the battle is over it is finished there be no more war the Saints must walk in victory it is finished the hand of the conflict it is finished and Jesus is Lord God hallelujah hallelujah it started in a garden he struggled in a garden called Gethsemane Oh glory to God started in a garden and he struggled in a garden called Gethsemane I'm looking at get some in this garden right now because I've been there twice physically these feet walk the path where they said Jesus walked and some of those olives trees that are there that they declared to me over 2,000 years old if you see them get the his real DVD and you know what I'm talking about you will see what I'm talking about it was there in that garden where he struggled wrestled to the point or said father if it is possible oh I can't take any more of this let this cup pass from me hallelujah but I'm glad he finally resolved we'll to the father's will What did he say nevertheless I will oh Jesus live to Righton and say not my will but thy will be done say it again everybody hallelujah because some of you right now might be wrestling in a type of garden because God wants to bring out something out of you God wants to bring you out of something and your dear wrestling in the guard and the flash against the spirit I'm the spirit against the flesh it's okay but don't lose the battle in your garden because it's not over in the garden somebody praise God I feel the Holy Ghost on me here don't lose the battle I shall not struggle in your garden echo Sharma hood the best is yet to come [Applause] Jesus I feel the Holy Ghost upon me here somebody lift her head and praise him I just feel like somebody's wrestling in your garden right now and the flesh is telling you you can't take anymore you can't go any longer enough is enough tell the flesh you're a defeated fall I got to go through not my will but God's will be done it will not hand in this garden nor defeats in the garden one defeat was hot in the garden we will not have another defeat in the garden we are going where we belong to secure complete feet [Music] my god ain't nobody gettin this Jori Jori thank you Jesus somebody give him a break all of those struggles in your garden right now is because it's only a matter of short time the moment you say yes Lord not me where it's gonna take you another dimension and you're gonna be able to say like Jesus said it is all right who is that lady but a lady way down there yes my wave here and you I'm talking yeah you're looking around you know she's looking the one behind you yes that lady stand up lady glory are you a couple the gentleman beside you know him is she not answering me come here bow to you glory to God sharp I'm talking about struggling the garden with some stuff maybe your visitors your strangers yeah Jesus where you from contrary what country mean you didn't hear that we're smaller the Holy Ghost I'll be talking about struggling in the garden and he just poppy up to me like this I want to pray for more to your lines together you've got some struggling in your garden Jesus I want to believe God for you Westmoreland point your Antonia Church close your eyes and believe God to give you the breakthrough he was going out to Westmoreland shouting and praising God moco Shonda robbed AHA oligo Sony go stress upon them and do for them what know how the power shock chorus at night you brought this man from Westmoreland to do something for him touch him touch his wife touch everything belonging to them from the crown of your head to the soles of their feet let fresh eyes fool let the walk in complete victory in the name of Jesus well receive it my brother receiving my brother receive it in Jesus name the Holy Ghost is upon you about yes yes [Music] Shango somebody help me praise idea master Holly goes I'm talking about God arise for you your enemies be scattered [Applause] I feel a Mary touch of the Holy Ghost supporting [Music] hallelujah Laurita Jesus Frank killed our star Oh sohcahtoa glory to God hallelujah hallelujah [Music] precious Lord that's working is for Asotin hallelujah sit down please let's continue in the world and the time the operation finishes wavier know there somebody hooked help your pocket you're under anesthesia know of spiritual anesthesia when you feel the Holy Ghost is Shore with you ma'am and sir just wave your hand and somebody will help you somebody shout in the south coach I said somebody shout somebody showed up [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you lord give God praise nor reach Oh God so all that we've lost Jesus I am lost in one garden thank you sir you've got your miracle go back to Westmoreland praising God glory to God hallelujah glory to God what a mighty Hornitos I feel a mighty touch of the Holy Spirit upon me somebody just wave you he'll give him a praise even prayer [Applause] [Music] thank you lord [Music] so this Jesus Messiah spoke of here is the only one who has the capacity and the ability and all the resources to supply the needs of all human being across the world no first world country leaders no multi multi billionaire none of them the Warren Buffett nor disrespect mr. Buffett none of them as the resources the ability and the capacity to supply the needs of everybody in the world only Jesus somebody say only Jesus supply the needs of all his people all the time for as long as you live and his supply is resource never an out so healing for you mean healing for you nobody can get it only you can get it here how many blind people heals and you they are still blind anytime your time come you will get healed they can get your healing for your blindness Oh glory to God millions have come but they are still ruled one more there's room at the foot of the cross for you somebody praising [Music] the great assurance he gives us comfort and assurance to all of us who trust him saying regardless of your circumstances I'll be there he said I'll make your bed in time of languishing he said I'll never leave you nor forsake you he says during maya32 anniversary written behind the wall someplace there is a call on to me and I will answer you ensure you great and mighty things which you know not off so don't be afraid to call don't be ashamed to call regardless of what the conditions and the circumstances are called it's a very present help in trouble Alleluia give him praise somebody glory we serve multifaceted God he's multifaceted he has all kinds of capacities to him Alleluia they're the streams that run in the Garden of Eden one of them pathan I think that's the name forget them no but one of those streams of seven rivers at was out of it are you with me what are you saying Bishop I'm saying God has the first capacity to meet everybody's need hallelujah and there are those who need physical healing he can heal you this spiritual healing financial healing marital healing social healing and all the ears of healing is not limited to any particular area he is not like some of his some of our physicians who specializes in one here of miracle health he's not a gynecologist who stops right there you're not saying nothing he's not an e mythology's who stops right at the blood he's not a cardiologist who stops right at the heart are you not saying nothing with me he's not a dermatologist who stops under skin goes on he's not a neurosurgeon that stops at the brain talk to me somebody he is the greatest general practitioner of all not saying anything minutes ago you just just bow your head you're not saying nothing is a greatest general partition of all one stop you get all the groceries you need one stop you get all the cure that you need one stop you get all the answers you need one stop you get all the treatment you need God Almighty somebody wave your hand and praise Him glory to God so if you don't need this what you need that it's able to give you this I'll give them tongs [Music] like cutting a little lyrics ear you know someone you need this on some need that you don't need this what you need that he can give you this and give them that let me enjoy myself man come on [Music] enjoy myself yes you can't give me this and give you that annoys what you need somebody praise him again lu lujah so regardless of the condition the states there is one God who does all things listen what the psalmist says in number 103 what he says bless the Lord O my soul Norma and forget and forget not all his benefits Oh forgive it he let if forgiveth all thine iniquities and heals all thy diseases and he croons us with loving-kindness tender mercies he satisfies our soul when good things and renews our youth praise given Prince he praise giving praise praise in every ear of his people's lives material prosperity good health spiritual prosperity good spiritual health those are blessings of God to his people if you're honest and healing is for me [Music] coming down praise the name of Jesus hallelujah those general ears of healing like I spoke to total wellness wholeness that's what God wants for his people said enter John above all things that would not you prosper and be in health so he wants to save he wants a rescue wants to make all he wants to deliver that's part of God's package for his people give Him praise again if you love him hallelujah hallelujah there is no mountain to I there is no Valley to Lord to deed that my god cannot take you through if your economic situation is on the don't turn promising to his lowest ebb God can turn it around one miracle for a woman will a little oil in her jar whose two sons were about to be taken as prisoners what one miracle one economic miracle turn her life around one economic miracle a woman will live with a little meal in her jaw to make the last cake for her son and herself to heat and die but mercy steps in Erica stepped in somebody praise him with me here hallelujah he stepped in right on time or clothes today I proclaim God's comprehensive healing package and if you have faith in your hearts to believe it then God has the capacity to deliver it for if thou canst believe all things are possible look how far the spirit went this morning all the way to Westmoreland God you never get it better than that and because of Copeland Minister to them Oh glory to God hallelujah to the lamb he can do it for you today no secret what God can do close your Bible please and stand up and lift up your hands and begin to give him some praise in this house and I'm going to get you ready to pray my general prayer over all of them [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus there is something about your name master Savior Jesus like a fragrance after the ring [Music] I swing what thinner is something your lift your head and say cheese cheese [Music] there is something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] after [Music] [Music] if you can't believe all things are possible there is a question the other day a little cream a general prayer I asked the question who heals people and somebody said to me Jesus is a healer vision and they are so correct then I ask the question again another question what heals people what heals people according to Jesus's own word your field jesus heals people and people's faith heal them is what he said woman my faith us make the or so I want to believe God through one of these you'll receive the dimension of healing that you need or the department of healing if it is spiritual if it is physical if it is financial and all the other house that Jesus would heal you or your faith right where you standing right where you were sitting on the desk yeah I know you clue to this glory to God oh yeah you're smiling I know you're glued to this God sends it for you right for you city Jesus we Helio are your faith tortuous of my faith you have no excuse you are no excuse if you are not born again you have no excuse if you're born again that make it worse because when you're born again you are bored Jesus unfair if you are not born again you made yourself AIDS because I seen a woman came to him of the Greek nation Zaira Phoenician woman and he said to a woman you're a dog we're not taking children's bread you don't call Christians dog you not with me here Jesus I feel as if my sword [Applause] woman will not take the children's bread you are not a Christian you are an allemande again you're not of this nation she say yes Lord you are well spoken but hear me the dogs are fit enough to know that when the master sit at the table and eat what is the church the dogs are feared enough the stair the master's table filled and weird for the crumbs thus the faith we're talking about oh jesus somebody somebody should have been getting getting a move of God in your soul already somebody's water should have been cetera so if you don't have Jesus you are not born again your feet like that sinful woman you can be my son be he he the name geez let me arise in your soul [Music] Hey [Music] of Jesus and lift her head answer eyes on me [Applause] [Music] let fear my horizon your soul Jesus Jesus [Music] you one more time all right [Music] of Jesus let faith arise in your soul in the name [Music] I'll get ready for my general prayer get ready right where you stand right through your city at home and abroad in the office were ever get ready look to Jesus lift your faith lift your faith look to Jesus you know what you need hallelujah father in the name of Jesus I have delivered that which you have given to me your words Lord not my word you tell me John 6:63 your word is Greek your word is spirit your word is life your word is sharper than any two-edged sword I ask in the name of Jesus that you reach out to every person in my audience now these loved ones in my immediate audience those and the extended audiences at home and abroad both faith is lifted to you now always looking unto you who has the hand of the me to her mistress as the eyes of the servant to his master we are looking to you know father in Jesus name I ask you Lord glory to God reach out to this one reach out to that one reach out to everyone in the form of their needs you are the great needs supplier let not one be left behind let not one be denied in the name of Jesus let not the enemy say our over one or let everyone walk out in victory let everyone run through the truth Lee Harvey Oswald crush the enemy Jesus tell me your word if any two shall agree touching anything that we shall ask in your name it shall be done Lord I agree with your people they agree with me we agree together but mountains shall be removed red sea shall be divided Sharan shall try ho pharisees and sadducees shall be a Canaanite son he retired on ship you seitan parasites and all the alien tribes Henneman son rise up against your people shall be brought down in the name of Jesus bring them bring them down low bring them down lon I'm home on a broad bring them down bring them down for the word peace bring them down in a community bring them down even in the church bring them down wherever they are give picture to the child of God picture victory hit trip to the child of God come on children of God reach out and claim your veto ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha bah bah ha come on come on come on come on mystery in the Holy Ghost mystery no Holly goes miss Reno hornigold [Music] Victorino holy ghost Victorino holy ghost picturing the Holy Ghost [Music] take a picture until you're feeling claimed a picture until you're feeling claimed a feature into your feelings picture until your feelings clear me time till your body tell you something is up [Music] 10 10 10 10 10 continue cup full tear cartilage is running off up take until you drink from your salsa hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah God released the will release the well holy God says somewhere you need to touch some here is of your body I need a release in the name of Jesus a fountain of healing is being released right now and if you're tapping my feet until those knees receive the fountain of healing till that back receive the fountain of healing tell them sides receive the fountain of healing tell those eyes receive the fountain of healing tell those kidneys in the name of Jesus received a fountain of healing tell those ears in the name of Jesus received a photon of healing tell that stomach in the name of Jesus receive the fountain of healing tell your heart in the name of Jesus receive the fountain of healing till your nervous system tyll tyll tyll tyll tyll tell them you shall speak to your Mountain Oh somebody worshipping somebody praise somebody glorifying my God my god if this thing is not real I don't know what is read it Jesus is not real I don't know who is real if healing is not real I know medicines not rely on healing not just cuts but only Jesus can heal dr. Scott but only Jesus can heal hallelujah [Music] lift it up musician lift it up lift it up lift it [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 22,367
Rating: 4.6293435 out of 5
Id: Oev7kvsTszw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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