HPAC - Healing in Jesus Name

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foreign [Music] [Applause] jesus is here right now while you're standing you get healing you know amen amen amen [Music] amen by the time you get up out your seat healing in the name of jesus healing in the name of healing in the name of jesus [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] i think of him all the day long i sing for i cannot be silent his love is the theme of my song [Music] we [Music] i know there's a crown that is [Music] [Applause] at home with the lord i shall be redeemed [Music] by the blood [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] we [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] we [Music] i am [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he will give me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is guiding me [Applause] [Music] [Music] from [Applause] me is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] look upon his face [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Applause] one day we shall stay home at last ever glory to god when you think of what you're going to be if you've been true and faithful you want to glorify god you don't want to be sick praise the name of the lord and we glorify god today because he's a good god we want to see jesus we don't want our liver to be in pain praise god we want to see him someday we want to see jesus are we going to reign with him it's not only to see him praise god he will stand before him and he will set the part from me i know you lord we want to stay with him we want to be with him in heaven because he said i can't prepare a place for you that where i am you may be also and if it was a soul you would not treat us here he is we will be also glory to god and we cherish this hope nothing day but we're gonna worship him today praise god we're gonna worship him too we're gonna forget about ourselves and we're gonna worship god we're gonna concentrate on god don't look at the moderators [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god praise god but are we gonna sing this worship song let's forget about ourselves and concentrate on the lord in jesus name to magnify his name and worship him we have come into his house to magnify his name and word [Music] to magnify his name as well she cries [Music] [Applause] [Music] ourselves concentrate on him [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] here and [Music] let us [Music] [Applause] magnify holy his name and words [Music] [Music] she cries the lord [Music] [Applause] he is o my righteousness i stand completed [Music] oh my righteousness [Music] righteousness [Music] [Music] lord we [Music] him [Music] his house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] by his name and word she cries [Applause] christmas [Music] in jesus name after the scripture will be taken from psalms 100 can you please stand the reading of god hold the world in jesus name make a joyful noise unto the lord holy land serve the lord with gladness come before his presence whose singing know he that the lord is god it is he that has made us and not we ourself we are his people and the sheep of his pastor enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endure it to all generations praise god blessed praise the name of the lord thanks for his word bless the name of the lord [Applause] [Music] for us it's the song hallelujah glory to god hallelujah [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah all the ways [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all the way oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] very careful [Applause] [Music] praise god we thank him today that we are in his house praise god to worship him many don't have this privilege but thank god he give us the privilege we wake up in our right mind bless the name of the lord and because we are in our right mind we can see and shout praise god and give god the glory we thank him today and we want to just worship him we want just to lift our hearts together praise god and we just want to look to god because he have done much for us we are so glad that we are among the leaders praise the name of the lord we give him thanks for giving praise we worship you we adore your neighbor we thank you god thank you jesus the might can open praise god and say thank you jesus some they can lift demons hands but thank god it could be worse hallelujah [Applause] thank god for the blood [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to worship him we want him to accept it praise god to us our freedom as we have foreign [Music] hallelujah sacrifice i pray i change it from saying we bring glory to god i don't know what everybody else brings but are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unto the lord praise god and we thank him today for the very first time we want to acknowledge you you stand if you are here for the very first time thank you jesus what a mighty god we serve keep standing keep standing praise god i say what almighty god you say god hearing and surprising we all pray that you will come in and god send you in praise god to worship him and whatever you're seeing doing praise god in your way bless the name of the lord and offer up to the almighty god and on behalf of our pastor pastor douglas and all these saints evangelist ministers we welcome you free to worship god in jesus name praise god we serve our grace [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] big wonderful [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is to be [Music] is foreign [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] be wonderful god praise god glory to god praise the name of the lord we can sing about our god because we know he's great and praises to be praised bless the name of jesus glory [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] but thank god [Music] [Applause] praise the lord church praise the lord church the reason i could sing that song in march i packed up word and everything seems great and i don't know what came over me if you'd seen me then church many of you may have noticed i stopped coming to church i've had what i call it unexplained weight loss it was down to a majesty did you know what it was it's 7 12 a colonoscopy and the day i was going i'm saying what is this lord and no matter how much i pray i pray i couldn't i couldn't shake it and on the day i was going i remember my point that was 11 o'clock and i halved and i phoned mom i said mom i'm going to the hospital could you pray for let let me practice my appointment can you pray for me later on please child for what's the problem i said i don't know what it is i'm losing blood i don't wait you know unexplained weight loss sorry gonna give me a turn as far as they can see they think it's cancer yeah so i said mom pray for me later on please just away don't pray and all day why would [Applause] hospital prior to that i've already taken a ct scan i know where i'm going to las vegas philosophy the australians and mr basker cities can find what there's something to say deliver we need to do an mri scan as well come on not only by this in the past i feel it's a legion which is an ex you know and then um extra lord blood vessel it's a word to worry this is calling us i was worried about anyway i prayed went to this colonoscopy and while they're searching they're searching and i'm looking and they're searching and they're searching and they're searching and they're searching i'm saying okay this is looking good and they're searching and they came away and it says right we found nothing what could it be who could it be about god while still not getting this other problem where i'm weak [Music] i'm weak i'm walking up the stairs and i just stopped my i'm out of breath my heart is populating no matter what i'm weak still losing the weight when i had the mri scan i've been on there for about 45 minutes new mri scan a week later i got the result denied nothing to worry about that's what they found on the liver what did i still have this weight loss and this fatigue went to my doctor again she took some blood tests she says look she's not happy with my hemoglobin that seems low am i losing blood i said no not as far as i know such a cemetery especially on hematologists they're saying that i've got to wait 18 to 20 weeks that's four or five months that's nhs at the time the pandemic is honored so i says hello i've been with my com my workplace for 40 years i've been paying into this whole thing i'm going to use them called wealth health is more than better world so i went saw specialist hematology specialist took about 19 blood tests i came back a week later just to see what it was while i was losing weight came up a week later at the 19 it says right 17 is normal two hemoglobin is low and also your folate deficiency your fault deficiency you've got chronic anemia so that's where the tiredness was coming in and so on who could that be about god who could not be your god yes so he's got nothing followed i said for two months and i'm supposed to go back and see him wait and see but then again another problem started did i muscle my back i'm walking if i walk like this morning i walk from the station from a walk get up i'm fine walk 50 yards that's it can't walk anymore at the x-ray that said everything is fine seems like muscular went to a vision he said right he's referring me to treatment someone should hear from me in two weeks time a month passed and i rang him up friday my gpa and said what's happening when i saw this physio on the 26th of july i've known nothing yet the physio i'd send me for a reference i was just sitting there in admin nothing has been done but i said the devil is a liar the devil is a liar i was saying to my sister gene week that says yvonne i'm losing that connection with god i'm losing i need to get back i'm losing that i feel i feel it i'm losing that connection i feel i was losing that connection because i know i'm not forget what god done for me when i came in this church many years ago and i said to her even i'm going to church sunday no matter what sickness i've got meet me at the station she was late this morning i said to her listen meet your church i've just got this urge to go to church church please pray for me because i hate to stay under the blood and no matter what the devil throws at me i know god is my healer pray for me jesus praise god we serve a great bee wonderful god we don't have to fear we don't have to fret because we know that when we stop heaven praise god yes it is underway before you pray bless the name of the lord and we are grateful we're going to serve praise god greet our mother and pastor pastor douglas we greet you in jesus name praise god we give god thanks and we're gonna sing a lively chorus and we're gonna collect our friends in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] uh oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] easy [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unless you need depend but praise god as long as god did in your heart the joy is here praise god and you can help it because joy is the horse bless the name of jesus glory to god the blessing who would the lord set free praise god you no longer bound glory to god there's no change holding you praise god your soul is resting it's just a blessing praise the lord hallelujah praise god hallelujah we are free and i thank god [Music] praise god in the almighty god thank you jesus he took away our lord praise god this heavy lord has seen praise god replacing in our heart and we want to thank him and we want to praise him praise god it is all right praise [Music] [Applause] it's all right [Music] praise god bless the lord praise god to come praise god yes [Music] minutes [Music] okay [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you jesus praise god praise god we're not only seeing it but we know that he [Applause] a is that jesus is a healer praise god and heal all the time i am one of them more than one time thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is [Applause] [Music] i was going hyper i was going down but because of obedience here i stand praise jesus yes in the name of jesus and i'm telling you now bridget that was here they'll see what happened praise god and i tell you something when she say that god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i was so sick i could eat [Music] my [Music] thank you jesus [Music] i just bring up everything but thank god one night is your dream is through a feature i was telling somebody that you see me in my sleep the person that i was testifying to she had arthritis and i was telling her in my sleep you see me i am on australia god heal me so if you heal me [Applause] and i do the same thing there was nothing there it take me about three nights this sunday night i think it was tuesday or wednesday i went to the lady and i said do you have my charges she said yes she said sunday night [Music] tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise especially on the inside everything is going down and so it becomes foreign and the more you dress it and the more when you take out the dressing at it is the deadly sheet praise is i never [Music] he is [Music] i want to take this praise god to continue in this cool fashion and i praise god i'm going to ask our pastor to come to us praise god as god will lead her [Music] and we are following her as she's fell in christ every one of us [Music] that we [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] i shall see jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] amen we're gonna pray you know what we're gonna pray for while we're here watching one another the enemy wants to set us up they say when you think it's peace and safety it's not this amen somebody dreamt that they set us up because we opened tell your world because some of them some of them listening to his name so we know are we going to put god on them amen only but police because they set us up that we open and because some of them still in line they are setting us so if you want to come to church tell god they can't do nothing without god amen so if god allowed them that they are enemy to god that they don't want god to get glory in here god must know not you it's up to you so if you want god to open the door and run the police with a guns in here and turn back the enemies and fight them and leave your brethren alone leave your brethren and pray for them heads there [Music] stop talking about your brother your sister your this you'll have no time for that you should grow pray for them evil them enemies outside that are fighting against church pray for them now the door can shut and many will be glad that if god said so yes father they are the god of gods not the lord of lords they're at the beginning at the end yeah the first you're the last and that enemy are enemies against you that are plotting maliciously and watching the video and jealous and bad mind god whoever they may be i pray the whole world will pray for us right now even those that like this service and worshiping you because of these service laws god because they see this service and worshiping you that devil jealous and working up and his people upset things but i deliver them to you right now in the name of jesus christ watch the strong review of a troll scatter and burn up and turn them to you that they get saved that their turns reach their heart their fear of fear their fear they are stopping us but in the name of jesus turn the heart take the mind take the thought take them with lord and help them to change to come to you save them save them from hell turn them from eve wash out the heart put your lawn in them god and change them because they are preachers god they are worshippers i pray that you'll reach their hearts and lose them and turn them for the accuracy and eat from dead works and to reality god have mercy on them and change their life and fight fight fight fight fight lord give us the victory but then shall be the glory thing shall be the honor for the word god in jesus name thank you jesus amen the service turned to healing amen praise god we don't run things hallelujah amen yes amen amen amen amen amen amen yes damon amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen [Applause] amen we don't run things i i don't want to i don't know for you but i don't like to follow these spirits and if god talking about healing i'm going to follow there somebody need healing and that's why god brings this tasty monies and it's real yo you're about bible you read bible now you pray about your host i know only in here you come correct amen praise god amen amen if you didn't have the word of god in you amen jesus christ help me help me lord help help me yes yes yes you need something else [Applause] yes yes if you never heard the word in your heart you would never come to church today you won't come here now it's the word and god almighty in you tell you come to church are you come well god wants to heal you somebody come for healing all them them testimony you have to heal [Music] they don't let you awake when me almighty god me talking to my god and it really hurt me don't know you know i found my bad when he hit me said god they can't hurry and out of the world and calling me but when me going to comfort what may need but i have no time to need though just get to the point and believe god for you the same almighty god what we care about your baby and bring you here and give your sins your cross this street and you know it in nobody church god give you that sense and bring you and transport or if your walk is the spirit of god was leading you is god tell you to come and because god know you need healing god start talk about healing amen now if we switch god leave because leading us in healing and then we switch between our minds set up and we have you well sold out long time just a time then past the pasta do you say so i should not stop help no [Music] the word god almighty yes god switch god is god [Music] no now we can heal you but god can look at my sickness you're getting the word and you're going with the world but look how you feel believe god the evangelist praises song jesus is a healer and somebody pained that song and he said the world don't believe it but christians should believe for the word of god so we are in the world but we are not of the world so all believe different from the world that's why the songs of the world don't believe it but we believe anybody led to come forward to help to pray for the sick come amen the word of god said only believe all not some all things keep your mind on jesus if you want healing to achieve yourself sister touch jesus don't know come come see if they nobody can do it no they appear to help you know them god keep your mind stayed on him and touch him the son said if i could only touch touch him if i could only touch him other crowd like this but the woman touched jesus and she went down blow and touched him they hear me you know now stand up and touch the shoulder the head our heart was humble and you want deliverance if you want healing touch if you want jesus reach out help praise versus this this woman cry and the lord heard and delivered him yes the world said cry out and shout is the holy one in the midst of us now jesus is here right now while you stand there you'll get healing you know amen amen amen amen by the time you get up out your seat jesus touch you you're only going to pray i know they can't heal you a god if god not heal you the hand if god not healed in that the hand is god amen amen amen amen nobody never touched a woman you man touched jesus nobody never touched her she touched this man put himself at the pool waiting to go in the water jesus came spoke to her [Music] she take up and take up his bed and walk billy billy billy billy billy believe in the name of jesus healing in the name of jesus healing in the name of healing in the name of the name of jesus healing healing healing healing healing healing healing tell him yes yes not an imposter with him nothing is impossible nothing impossible all things are possible you only have to believe healing healing healing law they'll never be the same never be the same whatever it may be touch him touch him touch him the great physician now is here is jesus christ he's a great physician amen somebody said that he thought the man would put his hand on him but he said go and live when the river john and dipped only believe amen the word of god said my fear not them not everybody mine and i know some in here could get up and give some good testimony their faith make them whole [Music] some of them didn't come to church for prayer their fiat make them whole praise god praising praising crazy crazy yes crazy when you go on the plane you believe you're gonna learn where you're you're believing the pilot and you don't even see but you believe you're gonna land where you're going and you pay your fear and one plea oh dear my god you don't know but you believe you're gonna land on your land for truth why you can't believe god believe believe believe believe you are moral bible today you are healing amen amen amen amen amen hallelujah yes give god praise billy billy billy billy billy believe for your healing god talk to you he's a healer he's a deliverer principal he's safe and keep is satisfied if your mind wandering all over you can't help you but we pray your mind come back to god we pray your mind second in jesus name amen we pray your mind will be converted praising praising praising praising praising praise him thank him for healing thank him for deliverance thank him thank him thank you thank him yes yes he done it before and he can do it again yes yes yes thank you yes [Applause] yes yes yes weary weary and sick [Applause] weary reary and sad weary weary reary and depressed weary and down in spirit you're sick you're sick many are sinning and sinning and sin in your sick you're sick with sin hey that's why somebody says i'm tired of sinning hey i'm straight lord i'm tired of sinning and strain and strain from you but now i give up i'm gonna change i will never be the same again i'm tired of it sinning and praying going against you god you could kill me but thanks a mercy i'm tired of sinning and praying but now i'm going to change amen anybody need that prior year so now well up your hands you're tired they tell you before god almighty anybody feel like that come all those get healing go [Music] and those that are sinning and praying you're sinning you're in here you're in here may positive news here you are sinning your prayer your sin your prayer your sin and your prayer god's saying fed up of it this is your day for deliverance this is your day if you're shamed to come for prayer make sure you don't shame when god denounce you when you're ready for the prayer he is gone i am not god but this is for it that's your turn amen that there is none so you overcome we're gonna sing go on here overcome be overcome amen there's somebody you need to be seen when you don't i call you i'll be a christian son of yourself amen you need somebody to be saved when you overfed you get too fat i don't mean like that you overfed with the word so you said shout me no better than that but you need something else somebody need help we're gonna pray for jesus child be an overcomer that means you're overcoming and you're bold and strong you don't need no deliverance you don't need the word for many in your preach and teaching here come on thursday holy men and women boys and girls amen so god wants something else today touch them jesus the word of god said touching jesus is all that really mattered nothing else why because the woman wanted help and she touched jesus not a pastor evangelist minister jesus and jesus deliver her jesus gonna deliver you jesus word of god say unto thee oh lord though i lift up my soul oh my god i trust in thee let me not be ashamed darling name of jesus christ yes yes be an overcomer [Music] oh is [Music] shall we is me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] kill you again oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] if [Applause] [Applause] everybody [Applause] oh oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes yes overcome fight fight [Applause] [Music] prior thank god for yourself thank god for what god help you through thank god for what you overcome thank him you're doing god and you've done it nobody wasn't to you is you're an almighty god thank him for yourself thank you for me god thank you for me [Music] thank god for yourself believe in god and you [Applause] [Music] believe in god and believe in yourself believe you got to make it and you will feel it you're going to overcome your will praise i like the song he said jesus go before you somebody said jesus walk beside him he said hello i don't want him silent me and jesus [Music] no i wanted to decide i want him to go before me and i want him lead me and i've i don't want him beside me lord have mercy i want him go before me [Applause] and lead the way and let me follow i let me know says him that may follow all the way [Music] pray for yourself your prayer told me your prayer nobody wasn't there when you are overcoming at home are in the congregation right in here nobody know but jesus pray everybody gonna pray we're gonna pray for yourself and thank god for what you overcome and where failed you was called upon for prayer tell god your disobedience because you were called for prayer and you know you feel and you stood there you don't care you don't want to know tell god thanks in olden days you'll die long time but thank god for mercy thank god for mercy that's why the words have mercy it was great for that person but they have a conscience they know what they were doing and they're looking to themselves conscience and they say mercy there was great and it's a good thing it was free but the turkle doves and heifer what they are to part in olden days for sin that person could manage to pay for that he said mercy there was so much time god have mercy mercy there was great and grace was free before a time they have to pay for it but jesus shed his blood and paid all that's why somebody look into themselves and say all today i hope thank you chief thank you chief thank you for the mountains thank you for the valley hey thank you for the heels thank you for forgiveness thank you for the peace that was given thanks for the change give him thanks give him thanks thank him nobody at home when you're praying to him nobody will beat you away when you're getting taste indian's all right in the heart only for people on your own give him thanks for that and you didn't sin thank you thank you thank you for helping us thank you from earth thank you for your strength thank you for your forgiveness thank you for healing thank you for delivering thank you for your patience thank you god away thank you you are great to respond thank you that your god alone thank you that you're our father that you care thank you that you love everybody thank you for loving me thanks amen in jesus name [Music] anyone in here today and you want to turn god's life now you're alive many times a submitter in my lifetime is not mine if it's mine i would never date it's my life what am i gonna do may not turn in my life my life to him me no i've known so if you want to be saved today if you want god to forgive your sin if you want god to take you in if i says as many that baptize into his name you put him on through baptism anyone would like prayer to be saved to turn to god today calm down come come sweetheart jesus love you stand up for jesus select the devil shield yes those boys all didn't watch no question they just pushed the knife thank god for you jesus meet you a long time you come around jesus beat you here and jesus loved you stay with him nobody would put up with you like him nobody would put up with us nobody is jesus and shed and suffer like that and we care all of us also baptize our son sinner then baptized by the old man take them over the word of god so baptize the old man and his deed and stop i made my choice for even box life i made my choice forever to walk with christ my lord that was him what am i saying not for him my souls i look into these things lord jesus beat you and my son is god talk to you are you better servant don't go back don't go back to that god his mercy kept you until now and bring it in here and let you hold up god love you because we could close but god said no there are souls that need jesus amen are we gonna pray that god deliver you in the name of jesus christ father father hallelujah father father the name of jesus christ god you say angel rejoice over one sinner and those that are sin god i pray or touch you his mind his body take his will give him strength where is we bring him out again thirst after you but god you said there that thirst after you shall be filled fill up with you god give him grace bring him back fight the battle for our sake i'm gonna fight him now bring up things turn him back with god oh live forgive him bring him out save his soul god let him feel your blood apply bring him out and forgive his sin in jesus name only believe me i want to say something all right good praise god amen we're going to break one another if you wish that something will force him but if you feel like to grieve one another do that in jesus name you
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 6,634
Rating: 4.8940396 out of 5
Id: v8uIN9t9q4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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