Special Prayer Meeting - August 06, 2021

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your children come we could be otherwise minded but god we must see a call to be in your presence in your presence there's fullness of joy and that you're right under god they are pleasures forever so we come god we come we come to pop our hearts and our knees before you almighty god nothing could we bring in our hands but simply to the old rugged cross we come to cling with this morning our father god forgive us of our sins and our trespasses are the cleanest of us who wash us in the fountain of your blood turn on your spiritual search light and search of god you know us as individuals we know ourselves that we can't hide from ourselves and we can hide from god so we come near canada we come expose this morning search of god search us almighty god clean us over purge us this morning who wash us consecrate us to thy service lord oh glory to god hallelujah forgive us of our sins and our trespasses god forgive us we pray has become penitent as we come to power oh glory to god before your lord oh glory to god hallelujah father we plead the blood we plead richard vacations blood this morning check who over this service is one of a kind lord god it will go down in the animals of history lord where we come to meet with god in the sanctuary card on behalf of the church and the nation lord god we come back in your lord god to empty us set us free so we can worship your god so we can give you a true worship real worship this morning set zion free set us free as individuals as we come in total surrender this morning we surrender our will we surrender our stubborn will this morning oh glory to god to you lord use us this morning use us this morning moving the service as you have never moved before take whoever reigns and lead the service holy ghost of god holy spirit of god you are in control this morning lead the service god lead the service of leave us to an unturned uh leave us to an unturned touchdown in the sanctuary card has to let the smoke of god feel the sanctuary this morning move us only you want kiana in the name of jesus christ of nazareth stand guard hustling your warrior tells us to stand calm this morning at every two hours at every window this morning let that draw the sword let fire be elected for the sword as they move from the rustom to the pews that cover the secret altar card no strings of fire god has a cover the sanctuary has a what over the sanctuary card poor old this morning a liquid fire card has set fire from above we need to feel the refiners of fire this morning has ascended fire card every venture every cheer this morning i said move this morning holy cows the holy ghost of god movers you never move take pre-evidence and lead as only you want remove every human element remove our hands and you'll near your hands you'll lead this morning you move this morning and you never move we are depending upon your god that's why we are here we come together as one in oneness who an accord i say we come in the spiritual war room toward the enemy god we have no might against the enemy that has come up against us but our eyes husted our eyes our open card 10 reinforcements as i said back up this morning can we come lord we come back hallelujah we come this morning holy course of god as they show up this morning and show up this morning we're taking every limit of your card hi carl the card have your will this morning remember the shepherd of this house remember the apostle god apostle dr bishop diamond with the ask you to cover him under your blood and to fight for him god let his hands find out his enemies let his right hand find out those that hit him and let your anger king light up fiery walk with god and burn them as they cover him lord as they wrap him up with fire build a wall up fire run him and call him with the wallingworth fire card let not demand from hella touch him cover his wife god cover with fire lord wrap her up with fire they are doing a great job they cannot come down the walls must be built oh god cover the minister and servants cover the membership cover the viewers the browsers the sea of the unsee ever reclaimed the backsliders and strengthened zion this morning oh god has we come to empty ourselves as we come so we can worship you let there be worship in the house this morning let there be on top to worship god let the enemy on top to worship let there be real worship let the worship come from our recesses from the core of our beings this morning we come to worship our god real worship god help us not to have a form of godliness and to deny your powers god but we come lord we come expose this morning take over the service the services in your hands lead and guide lord let none come in your presence and live where they come lord jesus do your work this morning do what only you one can do and will be careful god to give you the glory to give him all the honor and to give him all the praise in jesus name may i ask you to stand up just raise your hands and just worship god give him a note of praise for what he's about to do today we are lifting our faith because we know god is going to move in the service god is going to move as they have never moved before uh oh glory to god move upon the singers move upon the worshipers move upon the intercessors move upon the travailing mothers the holy cause of god let there be some travia leaning zion i select zion travail this morning let zion bring food i said we must give birth we're gonna travel this morning and zion must bring water zion must give birth talk to the mother taught the warriors we come to travail we come to travail we come to travail torturing zion canada let's die in a week let hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god we thank you we thank our god we bless his name hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god we worship your god we give him praise and glory we give him all the honor he deserves it hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus glory hallelujah bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name take your bibles with me please hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah and turn to second chronicles chapter 20 glory to god we'll read from verse 2 to verse 9 hallelujah as long as you can stand please to stand as we read god's holy word second chronicles chapter 20 from verse two to nine then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying there comets a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria and behold they be in azerzan tamar which is in in gedi and jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the lord and proclaim a fast throat all judah and judah gathered themselves together to ask the help of the lord even out of all the cities of judah they came to seek the lord and jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of judah and jerusalem in the house of the lord before the new court and said o lord god of our fathers are not though god in heaven and rulers not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in thine hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee are not thou our god who did drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people israel and gave us it to the seed of abraham thy friend forever and they dwelt therein and built their sanctuary therein for thy name saying if when evil cometh upon us as the sword of judgment or pestilence or feminine we stand before this house and in thy presence for in thy name for thy name is in this house and cry unto thee in all affliction then thou wilt hear and help them let us read verse nine together again if when evil cometh upon us as the sword judgment or pestilence or feminism we stand before this house and in thy presence for thy name is in this house and cry unto thee in all affliction then thou wilt hear and help glory to god the lord had spoken let the church say the lord had spoken let the church say glory to god we are here to cry in this house and lord will hear us glory to god as the singers come let us sing one chorus before put on our bishop i won't move until you bless me i'm staying right here till i hear from you [Music] only you can make [Applause] until you've blessed me i'm staying [Music] [Music] and i am [Music] until you blessed me [Music] i'm staying right here i am [Music] i'm staying right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is god can make us older hallelujahs my pleasure serving you now put your hands together make our personal welcome apostle doctor sing that song again i won't move until you bless me [Music] i'll stay right here [Music] [Music] is [Music] nowhere until [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] i'm staying right here [Music] one more time i'm staying right here [Music] jesus i won't move [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] love your hands and give him the high praise of the house of god [Music] god bless you you may be seated [Music] welcome to everyone who has joined us in this sanctuary those who have joined us in other lands through other means we welcome you just to refresh you as to the order some came in after i gave it i'll be sharing the word of god momentarily with you for maybe 15 20 30 minutes the most but at 10 o'clock we will 9 4 10 o'clock we'll enter upon a series of prayer prayers intercession travail please hear me well for those two hours everybody will be fully engaged but i need 12 persons to lead in a prayer three from among the ministers led by minister dr petrovo that means herself and two others who will volunteer themselves three from among the prayer warriors including evangelist jennifer rowe so two others will volunteer themselves or if she appoints them three from among the exhausters led by exalter john aryak and two others to volunteer themselves and then the mic will be open for three others who have the passion the burden who will volunteer yourself so 12 persons will stand and lead in prayer while all of us participate between 10 o'clock to 12 noon praise god and after which we'll have worship praise and thanksgiving from 12 to 12 15 congregational prayer 12 15 to 12 30 which brings us to the close god being our helper but let me welcome all of you once again and thank god you have rallied to this call was not an easy one for me to make but because i'm not my own i belong to him i had to obey this call and if it meant myself alone to be here and no my wife would be with me i would have to be here today set us free that we may worship thee is the theme under which we have gathered set us free that we may worship thee almost two years now the church has been under bondage bondage i'll say it a little more later on but we're happy to have pastor clement logan from the knightsville assembly god bless you sir and his wife and others all right nights bill wave your hands wherever you are oh wait to my left right god bless you pass the tyrone white from the grove road assembly uh his noy's wife is not here any other from grove road [Applause] minister barton oh yeah minister faithful barton the lord bless you and our own ministers who are here everybody our musician minister i seldom note man our senior assistant pastor who has not been very active for a long time of course circumstances but continue to pray our strength and our full recovery amen and all the other faithful warriors god bless everybody boil your heads with me please father take us into the word of exodus chapter 3 and as we share oh god to your people as you commissioned moses thousands of years ago even so you have spoken to my heart i pray that you'll be pleased to anoint this lump of clay as i explain the reason for this gathering through the spoken word we thank you for hearing us now and for doing us good in jesus name amen exodus chapter 3 from 3 to 18 would be reading but it's very lengthy verse 7 and the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt and i've heard their cry by reason of their task masters for i know their sorrows and i am come down to deliver them out of the end of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good land and a large onto a land flowing with milk and honey onto the place of the canaanites and the ita tights the amorites and the perizzites and the evites and the jebusites now therefore behold the cry of the children of israel is come unto me and i have also seen the oppression wherewith the egyptians oppressed them come now therefore and i will send thee unto pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of israel out of egypt and moses said unto unto god who am i that i should go on to pharaoh and that i should bring forth the children of israel out of egypt and he said certainly i will be with thee and this shall be a token unto thee that i have sent thee when thou has brought forth the people out of egypt he shall serve god upon this mountain moses said unto god behold when i come unto the children of israel and they shall sin and shall say unto them the god of your fathers have sent me unto you and they shall say unto me what is his name what shall i say unto them and god said unto moses i am that i am and he said thus shalt those say unto the children of israel i am had sent me unto thee and god said moreover unto moses thou shalt those say unto the children of israel the lord god of your fathers the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob has sent me unto thee this is my name forever and this is my memorial unto all generations go gather the elders gather the elders of israel together and say unto them the lord god of your fathers the god of abraham and isaac and jacob appeared unto me saying i have surely visited you and see that which is done to you in egypt and i have said i will bring you up out of the affliction of egypt onto the land of the canaanites and the hittites and the amorites and the perizzites and the evites and the jebusites onto a land flowing with milk and on the 18th and final and they shall arken to thy voice and thou shalt come thou on the elders of israel unto the king of egypt and he shall say unto you the lord god of the hebrews hath met with us and now let us go we beseech thee three days journey into the wilderness that we may sacrifice to the lord our god set us free that we may worship thee i want you to reflect with me as to what the operations the services the functions the ceremonies of the church have been over time and how much we have been greatly set back scale down reduce in all of most of those activities no conventions with mass gathering no crusades no tent meetings no street meetings no proper lord supper and washing of the saints feet as we have practiced over time no house for a meeting scaled down visits if any at all no hospital visits minister gloria campbell that led the hospital team ministry for many years every week for over how many years i can't tell you for over 20 years every solid week came from this church we're going to at least four hospitals visiting and ministering to people almost two years ago that has become non-existent no shaking of hands in fellowship as believers no hog as christian people to give warm embrace and encouragement no laying on of hands on the sick that they might be healed the word of god said you should lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed they shall recover no proper funeral services for our loved ones who have departed this life oh god no corporate prayer meetings as we have been accustomed to no full congregational worship where the body of christ would come together as one family to celebrate the lord and to encourage each other many thousands have not been in the house of god for almost two years speaking of this congregation speaking of jamaica speaking of the world millions have not darkened the door of the church with their presence for almost two years and satan is having a field day out there as he plunder among the flock as he is wreaking havoc against god's people all of these things have become almost non-existent the holy spirit said to me whilst we are allowed permitted to worship we have lost the freedom of our worship we have lost the freedom in our worship we have not been able to express ourselves in all the ways that i have said and many others and to make matters worse hundreds maybe would have been turned away from places of worship because when they show up on the required number is already there they are told we are sorry you cannot enter the house of worship god almighty anybody feeling my heart here this morning so once we have been able to come together in some manner i repeat we have lost our freedom in worship we have lost it go out there today and call a street meeting the police come and they arrest you hallelujah gather in larger numbers than permitted they can come in and shut you down arrest you and charge the minister oh nobody not with me you think we're not in serious time you think we're not in perilous times you think we're not in the end time reflect on what i have said oh god and all of these have come aboard come about because of the monster that has entered upon the world called covet 19. not just corvid 19 now but it has many family members corvid 19 and many family members who have been afflicting people and have taken millions of lives have been affected around the world god says his people need to be free so that they may worship him lift your hand and say set us free [Music] say set us free that we may worship thee [Music] hallelujah hundreds have been turned away i repeat from places of worship can you imagine the place of worship the sanctuary oh god turn them away you can't come in and not only that but look look at us today for the last almost two years we are worshiping fully masked that is foreign to jamaica that is helium to our christian culture can i talk to anybody here my heart is boiling within me it is foreign it is alien it is demonic it is not of god god gets no glory out of it [Applause] and i'm not here telling you to abandon your mask not at all because i wear mine too because we must be keeping with law and order and to seek to protect yourself because something is out there whatever is out there something is out there but in the name of jesus the church must arise and stand up against that which is out there that has robbed us of our freedom robbed of our joy in celebrating one another robbed us of communal worship and fellowship worshipping on the mass and not only are we on the mass we are worshiping distant from one another iron can't rub upon iron and sharpen iron again it's almost every man for himself check almost under the devil is a liar somebody said the devil is a liar says and you're a liar the blood of jesus is against you you are defeated distant worship [Music] and not only all those things that i've mentioned but we have become very skeptical of one another almost afraid of each other because i don't know what you have i don't know what you might unload on me i don't know what am i get from you so everybody become skeptical for one another amen almost fearful of one another dear god that's not how the nation used to live that's not how the church used to live we used to rejoice and praise god and celebrate with each other no i can't touch you you can't touch me we have lost our freedom in worship god says i must cry out but the nation must rise the church must rise hallelujah the warrior must rise and say to kofi than all his family members enough is enough enough is enough one vaccine lead to another vaccine leading to another vaccine leading to more booster dear god in heaven when will this stop where will it stop shaco somebody help me touch heaven here today when will it stop where will it stop heaven we need divine intervention it is reported but maybe over 90 percent of the israeli population has been fully vaccinated i know they're looking for another box vaccine because although they get double dose they need another one now and they have saved the scientists the epidemiologists have said they meant this new strains delta strength those who have been inoculated by vaccine one fox in two you might need another one because this one don't resist i didn't say so [Music] no man heaven do something normal even i could do something now heaven have to do something god is not dead god is not dead heaven have to do something rise up church of god rise of bloodbath change rise of firebrand let us call on the name of god [Music] [Applause] so wise we are still allowed allow to worship but we do so we do so under pressure we do so with so much restrictions god says tell my people cry to me as they cry to me in egypt and say set us free that we may worship thee and not blame in government and not blaming medical fraternity because if governments were to be blamed every god almighty government and hurt would have to be blamed because everybody is in the same bowls crumbling for answers somebody lift your hand and praise god sit down please we have lost our freedom in worship because of the many restrictions that have been placed on us we have lost it lift your hand and say set us free that we may worship thee set us free we can't take this no more and we don't even know what the carbon dioxide being inhaled on the mass for many hours we don't even know what that is doing to us [Music] oh you're not saying nothing set us free set us free that we might worship thee is a direct prayer to almighty god is a direct direct request being made of god it is a heart cry being made unto god it is a desperate call to the almighty god yes it is all of those it is an intercession being made to the almighty god it is a time of travail and said god when all around our soul give way you then is all our hope and stay so we are here to pray to request to call to cry to intercede to travail to the almighty god for deliverance deliverance everybody say deliverance we respect the medical fraternity and all that they have done and what they're doing what they've tried what they're trying and we empathize with all those persons who have been personally affected and families who have been affected our prayers are with you on the information and the recommendations that they have made we respect everybody say but you would have seen by know that they go so far no further seen it not bishop davis is saying it the sciences are proving it but because we believe psalm 46 and verse 1 and all the other verses anybody believe it lift your hand and say i believe i want everybody to get ready to say everything that you know of psalm 46 on one you know how it starts we'll start god is a refuge and trance a very present health in trouble therefore will we not fear don't the earth be removed do the mountains be carried in the midst of the sea though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountain shake with this swirling veer off fear is a river this tree will shall make glad the city of god the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high god is in the midst of her god shall help her right early the heat and rage the kingdoms are moved he hunted his voice their heart melted what do you say what do you say the lord of hoses with us the god of jacob [Music] that's why we're here to pray that's why we are here to cry that's why we are here to petition that's why we are here to request that's why we are here to travel that's why we are here to intercede [Applause] we believe it coming down we believe psalm 91 first one and all the verses why we are here god almighty he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord what will you say of the lord what will you say what will you say of the lord what will you say of the lord he is my refuge he is my fortress my god in him will i trust surely surely surely surely he shall deliver me from the spirit of the fowler from the noise some pestilence he shall and under his wings hey god somebody praising let me close somebody praise him let me close that's why we are here [Music] [Applause] that's why we are here we are here we are here because we believe psalm 121 the first verse and all the verses you don't believe it stand up everybody stand up time lift your hand and say i believe it that's why i'm here say i believe it that's why i'm here say i believe it that's why i'm here [Music] take a position beyond the ordinary beyond the ordinary posture standing up take a position and say i will lift up my eyes onto the hills from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my help comes from the lord [Music] he makes to heaven on the earth [Music] that's why we're here that's why we are here oh that's why we are here second chronic chronicles chapter 7 from verse 12. put it on the board for me not everybody might know this i close on this that's why we are here shock on double sailing come on militant warriors my god i feel the holy ghost oh jesus oh jesus the text says the lord appeared to solomon by night this revelation from the lord did not come to me by night i was on my stomach in that little sitting out there and the holy ghost visited with me and said call the people together on independence day and let them cry out to me and say unto me set us free that we may worship thee and the lord appeared to solomon by night and said unto him i have heard thy prayer and i've chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice or many other big breakfasts before you came this morning waving and saying thank you lord i had food to eat big sacrifice everybody says sacrifice big sacrifice it's not because you don't have food in your fridge and food and the table and food and the cupboard and food you have what to eat this morning even somewhere on medication said lord i'm taking this by faith no medication me a god awesome prayer [Applause] if i shut up heaven that there be no rain if i command the low cost to devour the land or if i send or permit my word permit pestilence among my people if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their love that's why we're here that's why pastor logan drew from saint thomas to be here hallelujah that's why bishop sutton regrets that you can't could not be here because of all the tied up engagements somebody help me praise god that's why we're here and i'm sorry we're about getting ready now for two solid hours 120 minutes of storming heaven charcoal sander everybody like gideon's 300 like gideon's 300 like gideon's 300. there's a song that said you are here you are here sing it for me [Music] [Applause] lift up your hands i worship you i worship you you are here moving in this place [Music] lift up your hands everybody [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] me [Music] you [Music] is is that is who you are [Music] 120 minutes 12 warriors 10 minutes each [Music] with all of us here and with thousands of you out there at home and abroad bowing before almighty god at this time saying unto him we have lost our freedom in worship expression set us free that we may worship thee set us free that we may worship thee [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah jesus yes lord yes lord jesus [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah yes lord we worship we worship you jesus glory to god hallelujah we bless your name i are god jesus jesus a glory to god jesus jesus hallelujah we lift up our hearts we lift our spirits to you this morning almighty god i stand this morning oh god between earth and heaven i stand between life and death but oh god our eyes are upon you this morning you are our god yes lord hallelujah oh god we'll lift our eyes onto the hills from whence commit our help our help comment from the lord that made the heavens and the earth you will not suffer our food to be removed for he that keep it israel will neither slumber nor sleep you are our god almighty hallelujah this morning again lord will lift our hearts we lift our spirits up to you god almighty oh glory glory glory some trust in their horses some trust in their chariots but we will remember the name of the lord our god your name is a strong tower the righteous run it in lord and they are safe this morning glory to god you tell us in your word god we must stand fast in the liberty god where you have made us free and be not again entangled in the yoke of bondage and god this morning we come in your presence again one more time to seek your face god you said they that seek you shall find you divine god they shall go out and find green pastures this morning almighty god we are crying out to you set us free this morning god that we will worship you jesus christ israel were held for 430 years in egypt's bondage and the pharaoh star's masters but oh god they set themselves to seek you the lord they cried unto your god and you heard from heaven you raised up moses your servant and you sent him forth with aaron his brother to go down to egypt god we are like in egypt today god almighty we are like in bondage we are not free to worship as we are to divine god we are restricted lord god almighty we are like captives oh god this morning but god you're sitting the heavens oh god almighty you said if your people were called by your name we will humble ourselves and seek your face you will hear from heaven you will forgive our sins and you will hear the land divine god jesus this morning we are crying out to you jesus i blood for the godly man she said let me get my feel from among the children of men but oh god this morning you sit in the heavens your eyes go through on the fro of the earth you are god there is none like unto you there is not to be compared you inhabits eternity you are the ancients of days oh god this morning will you not hear will you not answer will you not stretch out your hands almighty god if you're not god we are going to perish lord jesus this morning our eyes are upon you in the name of jesus christ stretch out your hand in jamaica land god almighty we say we are independent lord jesus christ we say we are liberated but we are still bound oh glory to god you are the great emancipator you are the great liberator god god god this moment again oh god be called unto you and we are asking you god to come through for us dear god lord jesus christ when israel turned from you your servant elijah lord god almighty pray that you shut up the heavens that they have in our rain and you seal heaven for three and a half years almighty god and he came back on the scene and he stood lord jesus christ alone with you god and mount carmel and god almighty hey jesus christ 450 bill prophets were presented god the king ahab was in presence also and the bill prophets cried unto you got their gods from mourning until the evening sacrifice but nothing happened but god almighty elijah repair the altar elijah repair the altar we are here this morning repairing the spiritual altar we are here this morning getting things in order we are going to make a sacrifice almighty god this morning all glory to god holy ghost of god jesus jesus and as elijah repaired the altar of god and laid out the sacrifice he poured twelve barrels of water almighty god and he lift up his voice into the heavens and he said god of abraham god of isaac god of jacob that these people may know that god you are in israel send fire fire fire hallelujah fire from heaven catch you're the sacrifice and god almighty you send the fire and you consume the sacrifice you licked up the water oh god almighty the stones and everything god the very dust oh god almighty was being destroyed this morning this morning lord jesus christ we are plagued lord jesus christ we are calling unto heaven lord jesus stretch out your hand in jamaica land things around again we are tired oh god almighty i've been restrained and restricted we want to worship you again in spirit and in truth we want to worship you in freedom oh god almighty end of it today god this pandemic this plague lord jesus christ o god almighty i speak into the atmosphere i speak into the dominion of principalities and powers glory to god pull down every stronghold by the powers of hell glory to god and send us deliverance this morning almighty god almighty god as daniel bowed himself to seek your god and for 21 years he cried out to you you heard him from the very first day but the prince of persia in that is prayer our god almighty stop the messenger with the word but in the name of jesus christ clear the atmosphere to the god in the name of jesus every domain of darkness every atmospheric demons every stronghold we pull them down this morning our god god god god jesus jesus jesus jesus every demons every devils every shrimphorn will bring you down may your mother remember let your blood penetrate the atmosphere this morning deliverance deliverance deliverance deliverance holy ghost pull down stronghold right now and set us free set us free in the name of jesus corona virus whatever the knee of god we put on we put a curse upon it no we find it we send it back to the pit of hell from whence it comes holy ghost of god deliverance deliverance deliverance in the name of jesus christ robert kosha randall they can shield us the holy ghost of god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus it is done it is done the truth in the name of jesus christ our god oh god yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord jesus pray church pray church pray church pray my god [Music] jesus jesus set us free jesus that we may worship thee [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Applause] jesus jesus let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who been in the form of god thought it not robert to be equal with god and he made himself of no reputation but took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh wherefore he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross oh god gave him a name that is high above every name of things in the heaven and of things in the earth and of things even under the earth that at the name of jesus that at the name of jesus every tongue should confess and every knee should bow and declare that jesus christ is lord father this morning lord as we stand here and as we kneel here as we humble ourself here great god this morning as i saw the water of the oil of the anointings flowing from this restroom god as it goes out god to the communities of saint catherine and deport more and the environment lord god from jamaica to the world lord to set your people free oh god where are we now goddard where are the oil and the wine strength the lord those things which are about to die mighty god lord the deep is calling out to your people the deep is calling it out to your leaders ascend yourselves uh gather yourselves up for the lord shall do a mighty thing before your people almighty god jesus your word is saying proverbs 13 and the verse 22 that a good man leaveth an inheritance for his children children and lord we stand in this assembly we stand in this headquarters church we will not leave the corona virus unchecked we will not pass it on our lord to go on to our generation jesus father lord as the olympics are on and as lord the team run the four by one relay we will pass on a good button god from the first leg to the second leg alone because we are in the climax going down to the end time the footlight lord we are running this race with patience god will endure in hardness as good soldiers we are fighting the for good fight but god almighty some are getting tired some are getting weaker some are getting warned from the rigors of battle some have been pierced with despair some have been stuck with disorder some have been got shot shot by the pestilence arrows by damn but in the name of jesus christ that is above everything in heaven that is above everything in the earth and under the earth we speak to you now arise arise arise in the mighty name of jesus christ of nature we speak to every home we have already declared them healed ah god almighty lord to every mother lord will be father to every marriage lord god the kingdom jesus needs your hands the kingdom needs your knees the kingdom needed to keep it together put away selfishness away idolatry that take god almighty we can stand together burn together for us the national anthem saying together we are one people god we have the signs of liberation we have these speeches of liberation but god our worshiper is stagnant our worship is blocked because god we're not used to these bondages lord israel cried out over 400 years old god in bondage you did not close your ears oh god to them you did not shut up your ears to them oh god but god you set a deliverer whose name was moses and god almighty there are many moses sister moses and brother moses that's gathered in this assembly that is viewing the telecaster moses god need you you might have killed that egyptian you might have buried him in the sun and the devil is telling you you are not a moses but you are a moses arise right now arise right now for the lord is calling for thee moses you have been scattered to exile moses you have been gathered with just running starters but god is not telling you it's time to go back to egypt it's time to go back to egypt i liberate god's people moses moses moses you have too many objections and moses you can speak moses you are eloquent for god's open your mouth and i will fill it with word god almighty today some of your prayer life so many moses prayer life has been dormant and stagnant laziness and shockfulness has come upon you brother moses has come upon you sister moses but shake off the laziness up shake off the laziness uh brother moses you endeavors and demons you have been working through this corona virus masking yourself up disguising yourself trying to pretend as if it's just a virus we see you and today we stand in harmony today we stand in unity to address your evil workers we send your origins we send your roots we send your new classes back to the pit of hell go back go back go back go back to the pit of hellhound from whence you came in the name of jesus moses brother moses sister moses the call is for you to arise right now so that god's people can be set free to worship him to worship him to worship him leave that idolatrous state moses leave the place praise god almighty we lose now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we lose now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth thank you lord father moses sister moses thank you lord sister moses sister moses in the name of jesus christ we said come out the lord come on come out come out whatever life has lost on your hand in the place of my leadership build your fire again shake off that serpent and arise for god the voice is tougher a dog that may seem to be death in the path you shall leave him you shall liver you shall live you shall live up you shall live to declare the works of the lord amen amen amen father today we thank you that as we have this baton in our hand and we're running this race we'll make a good exchange lord if you do not tarry lord we make a good exchange so lord bless right now magnify yourself right now glorify yourself now and lord we give you thanks in jesus name amen amen praise god hallelujah oh god father we come to you today oh god we thank you for being who you are lord god today you declare yourself once again now god that moses should declare to pharaoh that the i am that i am sent to you we know who sent us today so lord god as we stand this day not just to give your heart a praise and glory but god to call upon you for back up at this time because lord god normal strength oh god normal will man's will is fainting at this time so in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we come this morning to declare like the psalmist plead my cause o god fight against them that fight against us oh god stand up for a shield and booklet this morning jesus the body of christ comes out of the severe pressure oh god and the pressure from the east the west the north and the south oh god this morning from believers if say oh god the body of christ is powerless but i hear this morning this morning this morning you spoke unto daniel i knew you declare unto him that they know their god oh god shall be strong and shall do exploit what god in the laws here and plus lord god your people have not been able to do any exploits lord god will be just doing peace meal because the lord god when you're under egypt's bondage thank god there is not much you can do but i know this morning god has some stand to declare that as the heart panted for the water broke some appointing this morning to feel the presence of god but i stand to declare this morning that the egyptians we see today we will not see them again anymore lord god we have some scientists in some labs we have some government leaders lord god support lord god even upon the land but this morning we stand up to the clear like when daniel knew that the decree was signed jesus having been signed lord god by the king perpetrated by his fellow prince and president but this morning god whatever decree has been signed against the body of christ against the church of the living god we come this morning not to disappear the laws of the land but to undo that which has been done in the heart this morning and so this morning i daniel did he remembered that when solomon erected the temple in jerusalem he declared that whenever one needs to meet with god turn his fears towards this temple and declare the works of god and so this morning we turn our fierces like daniel to the east where is your window this morning open it up that god may hear you because this morning we're calling in the direction of heaven that lord god you will come down and deliver us jesus we need to be free jesus we need our freedom once more jesus lord god freedom must not become relative lord god independence have become relative but in the name of jesus this morning not only are we requesting but we are declaring that our freedom will return lord god we know this morning that whatever prince demon stands up oh god whatever variant be it lord god we have one two three halfway whatever cannot be not fixed scientists out of heart i know but the grace of god is in order the power of god is standing strong this morning and we know the clear that lord god despite everything else that will happen lord god the land of jamaica and this independence day will call heaven we call the host of heaven lord dispatch them god like the prophet dispatched them oh god and open the eyes of his servant that he may see that those that are with us are more than those that are with them so right now lord we stand up knowing that the host of heaven back us up right now in the name of jesus we will not call to other forces nor sort of jesus but we will cry out this morning and say who will stand up for me against the hurricane of iniquity who will rise up for me against evildoers lord god i know you will you promise god that you will never leave us neither will you forsake us and god you declare it in your word first thessalonians 4 17 we are to pray without ceasing so we embark upon that this morning that lord god he will hear us from heaven and he will heal our land jesus jesus jesus christ for what you have done so far lord and where you have taken us but god we're not satisfied with the incremental our god freedom we need total freedom we need to be set free that we may worship thee oh god this morning moses said unto pharaoh let us three days that we may go and sacrifice god we are sacrificing everything today that we may worship thee so this morning lord jesus those among us who may be weak now oh god an uncertain as to where we go oh god let us now know that has the heart planted planted planted ponded let some become thirsty this morning let some become desperate we are tired of the oppression lord god will cry like israel did and you promised that you will come down lord god shall we stand in your holy place this morning i will wait upon your deliverance we wait upon your deliverance we are confident that it will come and it will come in short harder jesus so let the message comes lord god from saint catherine jamaica within this to the world that we believe in our god and he has never failed us we have got the call from this rock today oh god you sit upon this rock you will build your church so lord god the foundations are sure this morning shall we stand up this morning jesus knowing god jesus that despite everything that may come about everything that may come at us and everything that will set to come after this [Music] we are not afraid but we stand up god this morning jesus despite the prince demons blocking the prayers but he can only block for so long he can only sustain for so long but the people of god will continue to call and i know carly will begin to hear us now i will leave everything in your hand this morning we know divine god now that everything is in your hands and victory is at our next step jesus jesus jesus we thank you jesus we thank you we kindly done in jesus name hallelujah [Music] hallelujah to god hallelujah oh jesus when israel out of bondage came i see before them the lord reach out to his mighty hands and roll the sea away then forward still teach you off yes we don't be loser that shouldn't pray but with the concrete rather we push ahead and roll the sea away our eternal father our god one more time we come to you oh god as the children of israel cry unto you god from egypt go send god we glory to god to cry out to you all glory to god on this independence day 59 years oh god lord jesus but for two years oh god we have been in bondage oh god we have been in affliction oh god oh jesus but on this day 159 years we're crying out to you [Music] is lord god delta virus he's a bandage lord we are swearing his abandon lord jesus in the name of jesus christ set us free that we may worship you lord jesus christ like the children of israel like god when you set them free fear of still come after them lord jesus rex he was before them mountain on every side fear and islam behind them oh god you said to your man of god shut up jesus lord god oh my god oh my god [Music] of this time and you have spoken to him and you say call my people set my neighbor free to worship me open rabbit sweaty try your perijs in the name of jesus christ of god jesus jesus the numbers are rising hospital beds i pull up again but jesus we call militant we come out of god radical jesus jesus oh god [Music] lord jesus holy ghost [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] lord jesus no other nation no other country don't have our end time lord jesus but we are not living up to our end time because god you tell us god lord jesus then when trouble comes and it's because lord god i repeat the national anthem lord god eternal father free from evil powers be [Music] from [Music] [Laughter] oh jamaica language [Music] [Music] humility on mercy jesus a mercenary holy ghost what is nation again jesus other countries they know about us we're coming they know us about us we murder but in the name of jesus as we come to you today and as we call on to you let a revival pray for jesus and other nations will hear what jamaica that a revival that's broken out jesus jesus jesus we are depending on you we are looking to you we have no other help [Music] and this morning jesus we look to you however die don't worry right now lord god will give up this service in your answer we keep this nation in your hands we give the prime minister on his cabinet in your hands we keep the opposition in your hands every member of parliament every kia teacher every jesus we cry to you yeah well i cry right now we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor and we tell you thanks in jesus name hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god our father your words are clear in psalm 119 and the verse 89 and a 90 lord that forever forever forever o lord thy word is settled in heaven oh great god almighty oh jesus christ the son of the living god i am thy faithfulness [Music] lord god almighty twirled generations oh god oh god oh oh oh god this morning we thank you oh god that you're not just god of our forefathers you're not just god of abraham and i suck and jacob and moses because our long gone oh god but your god this morning and we stand upon your world we stand resolute upon your world this morning that forever lord your words are settled in heaven here we are art and vessels lord you are few not of yourselves we are souls this morning crying out to thee oh great god of this universe we come god our souls are being naked before thee oh great god of a true lord your words are true we have sinned against thee of our truth we have not talked into the voice of human servants and human servants lord when they speak oh great god we have 80 years for this morning you need us to come and to cry unto thee because your words still stand sure not before we call you have heard and before we ask you once oh god with benedict's heart [Music] and those that are mightier than us said machu 11 declare the kingdom oh god and the force carolina virus is the force god it's shut down the military force it shut down every forces of the world but this morning like a mighty rushing wind oh great god re-visit us again this morning holy ghost like you did on the day of pentecost ah holy ghost that mighty russian wind oh god that can back back this force like in the days of king nebuchadnezzar when he built that statue over 90 feet but you send a stone oh great god a lily white stone is among us lord will you shut up this morning oh great god from the east to the west the north the south central or great god lord so coronavirus is like a tsunami but in the name of jesus just one this morning and we shake we shake the foundation of this evil we cut the root and we cut off every fruit in the name of jesus holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost i'm mighty refreshing god the mighty refreshing oh great god turn the hearts of your people as i elijah prayed upon one coming and he asked of thee to turn the heart of the people back to you lord here we are jamaica westerners lord you cannot find us on the globe but we touch you that you start with nothing born more than sense holy ghost holy ghost do a new thing you did it in the days of josh you caused the sun to stand still whatever you have to call us to stand still in our days lord because we're not in the days of jesus christ our heart moves our heart mourns our souls god oh jesus bring back the days lord especially to this place that you have you now talk to yourselves i remember the early days lord as soon as you reach out there as soon as you're touching the yards oh god there was an anointing that was different from everywhere else people from all over the globe would come and testify oh lord we are not longing for fission bread lord we are longing for your whole holiness your righteousness [Music] in the name of jesus strip us again [Music] again oh god in thy righteousness and thy holiness almighty god do for us which no other powers can do lord god almighty in the days of hezekiah in his early days as reigning king you send lions among the people and the lions ate them up so that you people can be free whatever means you have to use for us we call unto thee set us free use your method almighty god and [Music] these two years we will not let it be 430 years like in the days of egypt what we are crying out in our second year holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost set a street shuttle street settle street freedom we need freedom again oh god oh god so that you can be glorified so that you can be glorified in the way that you are to be glorified oh great god are you not the god of all gods of god are you not the god of our spirits stop you and some check every spirit lord we bear in our bodies your mark a great god almighty let your kingdom come in these earth and vessels and let your will be done [Music] [Music] hallelujah god oh god this morning i said lord we are saying to you this morning set us free so we can worship you sweet holy spirit sweet holy spirit of the living god oh lord god almighty your god all by yourself oh god you're mighty in all your ways oh god oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god we come to you as your manservant gate mighty god our mind goes back to david almighty god when they took everything from him oh god he was a sick lock of god an inquire of you and you say pursue and recover all we're pursuing up to you this afternoon oh blood oh god you tell us to cry unto you we are your vessels almighty god we are your vessels god in your temple oh god crying out to you we are not like those in bed scissors your chosen vessels and your gold and silver oh god that you put away in your temple but god then says our god went and touch your things mighty god you say great things of your temple so are we almighty god we are your children we are the chiefs of sleep of your pastors god we are crying to you mighty god when they touch the vessels your vessels mighty god dear comes on hand to right on the wall god and said your weight and phone wanting but god we are here all your lively stones this afternoon now we are saying god we are crying we are calling we are retreating you god we are urging you to buy back every place of the wicked one mighty god in the name of jesus christ it come in the form of corona mighty god was some persons mighty god by the spirit of the devil is behind it mighty god and we are asked you to shut them down mighty god bless says i'll never live to see the other morning mighty god he didn't get a chance like his father did to go and eat grass for a season but mighty god you shut him down and you tell him to backpack almighty god is somebody righteous holy for my rule in instead of almighty god you can do it for us oh great god we are depending on you or a heist or a heart our soul is upon you oh god to come and tabernacle with us we want to be free to worship we want to be free to call on the name of jesus christ oh jesus the son of righteousness and honest and goodness oh god we bow down to you we said hallelujah we said thank you jesus oh god like the twenty and four held us oh god in revelation with the beast in front of you saying holy god holy preachers free no son god almighty all the heavens declare your glory oh god the prophet support you and the work almighty god we glory for you god we bless your name god will lift you up oh god there's not like unto you god you sit upon the circle of the herd oh god you're mighty god you're mighty in all you're doing oh god you said when your light come god when you light come darkness cannot comprehend it almighty god so god i'm asking you in a personal way shine your light oh great jehovah shine your light that expel every darkness oh god mighty god shine your light against this virus shine your light in every dark situation shine your light where there is hindu runs to worship you touch our hearts again god mighty god move upon us again by your mighty power your hands are not your god neither your ears heavy you are he able to hear or cry oh god i entreat you jesus jesus oh god i entreat you this jesus afternoon of god god have your way in us and through us oh god in the name of jesus christ oh god thank you almighty god thank you for what you're about to do oh great jehovah thank you jesus thank you jesus our eyes our heart is on you oh god you said mighty god we overcome by the words of our testimony about the blood of jesus christ oh so the blood of jesus christ oh god is our vaccination today our blood of jesus christ is against coronavirus the undiluted efficacy blood of the living god is against you today oh we give you a search warrant and we lock you down we shut you off in the mighty name of jesus christ lord we want to be free oh god we want to be free to worship you god we want to be free god to be able to say hallelujah we want to be free to go out and visit the sick we want to free the free god to get souls for your kingdom oh god the harvest is ripe for the labor fuel god because of this god what you see i must call to the lord of the arts lord of the artists lord of the arrests come and help us come and tell the network come on great over and be with us oh god we need you we cannot do it by ourselves no god our eyes on you oh god we thank you this morning we glorify you this morning and we give you all the glory all the unholy praise in jesus name i need jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] jesus [Music] he's [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah god of my covenant with whom my soul is bound i thank you for today i thank you for this call oh god i thank you for your presence with you jesus i bless you god because you are still god and you are god that still cares oh god psalm 65 verse 102 god oh praise waiteth for thee in zion o god and unto thee shall the vow be performed oh god that here is prior unto thee shall all flesh come and this is what we are doing today god we come to you in this holy place in this holy house oh god to make petition to you lord jesus christ psalm 32 and verse 8 god lord jesus christ we are not coming in ignorance we are coming in knowledge of what we are requesting of you today lord jesus christ we are not like the hearts or the mules that don't have understanding we come with understanding today with the words that allah have given to your servants our bishop oh lord god set us free that we might worship thee god upon this merit we come today lord set us free that we may worship thee oh god we are tired we are tired almighty god of the bondage that we are under jesus this thing is like nebuchadnezzar carrying away the children of israel in captivity lord jesus christ o god oh god our lord they are oppressing us coronavirus and early families almighty god they are oppressing our worship they are oppressing our unity they are oppressing us oh god and today we want to be saved god we want to be delivered lord god almighty is like the children of israel sit by the rivers in babylon lord with their hearts hung on their willows and he almighty god they are asking us to sing a song one of the sons of zion in a strange language father we will not hang up our hearts we will not see no sun in a strange land we will not sit down comfortable lord god in captivity in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord this mask that we are wearing god this is like the babyland and probably 19 is like nebuchadnezzar jesus but even nebuchadnezzar shall realize god that there is a god ruling the heavens and he is the god over the earth also heal us and we shall be healed deliver us and we shall be delivered save us and we shall be saved o god for your holy name sake god for your holy name's sake let not disgrace come to the throne of your glory lord i believe with my heart that you have spoken to our bishop lord jesus christ and i stand firm upon this world almighty god lord jesus the christ set us free lord god you are the god that put men in bondage and you deliver them again you are the god that you heal again oh god you put in prison and you deliver again god you are able god your hands are not short of god your ears are not heavy and your eyes are not them oh god the very fact that we are gathered on this day jesus lord jesus christ is because you have spoken you have spoken and we have believed oh god and you said if we pray and repent and turn you will hear from heaven hear abraham to you god mediating between god and the wrath of god upon sodom and gomorrah he said god if you find fifty will you destroy the wicked with the righteous you said no i won't honey almighty god intercede down to 10 he said god if you find ten will you spear the land you said if i find ten i will not destroy sodom god here we are in jamaica send the angels of light let them walk through the land today because i can say before god you will find more than fifty of god in this land jamaica land we love crying out on their knees and the thousands and the hundreds that are online pfm family tv six out to one floor 672 and 20 and did you play you will find more than 50 god jesus spirits again oh god jesus set us free lord set us free lord i want to worship you i don't want to wear masks when i'm worshiping you i want to embrace my brothers i want to embrace my sisters oh god almighty we cannot do that unless you set us free lord oh my father look at my little daughter god she's just 20 months god she's singing alpha and omega she's singing hallelujah she's praying even in her sleep she's singing god and she cannot come to sunday school god [Music] she can't help the sunday school because of corbin restriction god jesus oh god help us jesus help us god don't sit still in the heavens and watch us perish oh god help us oh god set us free accept us free god who want to worship you we want to worship oh god but we need freedom oh god 19 come from we don't know if it is man-made god we don't know we are going beyond the surface today god search the agenda behind covert 90 and whatsoever the agenda is we stand by the god of heaven today by the run of the higher priesthood and we declare from this holy house that the agenda is spoiled it shall not come to pass it will not work in the name of jesus bend the back of the wicked jesus overthere oh god your tables let it become a trap lord jesus the everlasting son of god the christ of the living god in revelation god it speaks of the horse man and the one that ride upon the house god upon the white horse with the sword pursuing out of his mouth he name is the word of god his name is the word of god oh great god of sabbath lord the commanding chief of the house of heaven jesus we cry out to you captain jesus coffin 19 doors lift up your heads lift up your heads lift up your hands let the king come in who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty and battle lift up your head so he gets jesus even be lifted up here but lost the doors [Music] son of glory brighton mountain star wheel in the midst of the wheel god that speak on it is done the god that commanded the mourning under evelyn the god in whose eyes the sun arrives we cry to you this afternoon from the hq of power faith ministries international hear our petition let our supplications come up [Music] spirit of the living god we said the sword of the lord the sword of gideon jesus today we are not saying gideon jesus the sword of the lord we said a sword of belle for davis the sword of petrova davis the sword of elder grandison the sword of power faith international la pocay tele [Music] pray church with me a little bit more spirits of the living god they were planting that the lord of hosts have not planted let them be healed down today [Music] burn them with your fire god jesus oh my god oh my god set us free i wish church would cry set us free today i wish you would lift up your voice and cry set us free of god set us free o god that we may worship thee god set us free the senior citizens they can't come to church god they can't come and worship their god in the sanctuary you said there will come a day of famine but it will not be for meat it will not be for food but it will be for the word of god these days are almost like them days god when so many peoples are desperate god to hear the word of the lord and they can't hear it lord why because of covered 19 holla about what is this mountain before the lord what is this mountain before jerusalem even shall become a plane yes yes who is this uncircumcised philistine that defy the army of the living god we will not only keep the head of goliath and his body to the feet the bird of the ear and the beast of the field but we will keep the whole host of the philistines in the name of jesus christ men will not glorify themselves oh god let your name be glorified another day my descendant thank you lord i believe that after this day lord that after this day the sixth god of 2021 god bishop stand in the arena some years ago and prophesied upon crime and said i'll put down my mic if crime don't go down we are believing today god jesus that as of this day god prophet 19 will leave us i'm not saying i'm a prophet neither i'm prophesying i'm just asking of you god let this name the day when prophet 19 will leave us and when he shall go god he who will stand and take the glory of god [Music] any man will stand publicly to say we have done it our strategies and our things that we put in place have brought us the victory let them be almighty god like when herod stood up and made that proclamation and the people said this is the voice of a god this is not the voice of a man and he didn't give you the glory and the angel of god struck him and worm eat his body before their eyes cursed be the man that will take the glory of the lord jesus christ the man that will tell the glory of the lord jesus when you have wrought us victory the people must learn to fear the old god let the people fear thee of god for in the days of the lord's power the people shall be willing thank you lord jesus [Music] lift up your hands with me in a moment and just worship him some of you are too quiet and you may know some of you ain't even praying lift up your voice and worship the god of heaven thank him for the victory that he abroad thank him for the breakthrough on the delivery name amen oh hallelujah continue worshiping god's sins in christ continue worshiping god right now don't stop worshipping god at this moment open up your mouth and lift your hands to heaven and give god all the praise give god all the glory give god all the honor in spite of everything we are to give thanks and prayers to the heavenly father almighty god of israel we come before you today we come before you right now god as your humble servants servants mighty god who have gathered here today under the leading of your dear apostle bishop therefore david's god you spoke to the man of god and we followed the directive that you gave to that man of god and we are gathered here today as an army in christ to petition before your throne dear god heavenly father we are nothing without you you are the alpha and you are the omega you are the beginning and you're the end you're the first and you're the last this very present day you knew about it from before we were even born god so almighty god of israel thank you god for being the king of all kings the lord of our lords the conquered lion of the tribe of judah the god that never fails the god that never quits the god that tramples upon every other first god mighty god of israel we are faced with a disease that has opened the avenue for demonic oppression for demonic possession and mighty god of israel we come right now god standing resolute every single one of us here right now are those in the distant land mighty god we come against this demonic spirit we come against the oppression of your children god we come against the depression that your children have been faced with mighty god of israel many have fallen to the wayside not that we wanted that to happen but mighty god of israel at times this burden becomes so unbearable it becomes so taxing on us god it drains us of every single thing that we are made up of god but mighty god of israel in a time dear god where we are physically weak we ask you for strength we ask you for deliverance we ask you for your breakthrough almighty god of israel your children have been bounded by shackles god we are afraid to even thank god of what might happen tomorrow we are even afraid mighty god of israel to come out and even worship you god there are many of us that from the very first day that this thing had been announced we have not been gathered here in the sanctuary some presses are at home in anguish and in pain god and mighty god officially ask of you right now god just lift up every single one of them god everyone right now mighty god that feels like all hope is lost we ask of you right now dear god to lift them up bear them almighty god of israel be the strength that they do not have be the guy that they do not have lord god jesus oh almighty god official our youths [Music] our youth god our youths are being attacked in every way shape or form even down to this delta parent of this virus god where they said that even the younger generation is more at risk we rebuke that in the mighty name of jesus christ we come against every demonic attack right now god jesus christ our youth shall be healed our youth shall be delivered oh you shall be strengthened god let everyone in here not my voice recognize that church is not keeping but it's not mean that they'll give up on god if we can't get that doesn't mean we give up on god all it means is that we dig a little deeper when a tree mighty god can't get enough nutrients from the soil it does only one thing it sends roots down further so father god let us send our roots further down in you jesus so that without new trend that we are lacking we will find it as we seek it we will find it as we knock on the door it shall be open god oh glory be to your name jesus glory be to your name god mighty god we're tired we are tired god we are tired god we are tired of the oppression we are tired god after depression we are done at god almighty god peace ask you jesus just almighty god happy friend we lift our hands to your god god in a time where persons are seeing their glasses as half empty father god let us be grateful for what we have and see the glasses are full [Music] mighty god officially have families that have lost lives they have lost loved ones to this virus and father god right now we come before you god i will put these families before you we ask you to strengthen them give them the strength to handle the things they cannot change let them recognize that you are in control and if it is a case where a family member went it was because you saw it fit for it to happen god let us not complain let us not murmur let us not grumble but god let worry change to our warrior spirit let everyone in this sanctuary today god stand on your feet and become militant for your god let us not fear anything that this world has to offer let us not fear the report of the medical fraternity but god let us trust in your word you are jail of a rapper a healer you you raise lazarus from the dead three days after and this might be dangerous of this after the inception of this virus but god you are never late you will never believe you will always be on time you will always be on time god jesus we trust you we trust you god and i ask you jesus give us the strength we need to overcome god let us no longer worry but let us always be prayerful whenever challenges may come god let us pray let us pray let us pray let us pray let us pray one shall chase a thousand two shall put ten thousand to fly so let's imagine millions what we can do when we stand resolute for one cause god god you are in complete control but i ask of you god i beg of you god i beg of you holy spirit bring relief bring reprieve to us god bring deliverance to us god so we can worship with our restrictions so we can fellowship with our restrictions so we can witness so dear without restriction witness to lost souls without the fear of people turning aside just because they fear of a virus we rebuke this cove in 19 virus and all fear it in the mighty blood of jesus christ that was shed on calvary and we command that this pharaohs will die and dry up and wither away and your children will be loosed above all that we have asked god we don't say ask you like your perfect will your perfect will be done in our lives god i will tell you thanks in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah come on church this is a macedonian cry hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we cry to your god hallelujah hallelujah hear our cry father hear our cry father [Music] father in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth god he called me for your presenter god to lift you up one more time god father to magnify your presence one more time hallelujah god to tell your [Music] father we'll lift our hearts before your god father will enter our spirits before your god father we bow on our knees before your god father repent before your presence god one more time almighty god we spread father we pray that in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god that will defeat her one more time almighty god who pray almighty god that as we grow in this house god like solomon almighty god cry on almighty god in the temple almighty god he said when your people are unclear in the name of jesus christ i'm not a regarded cry or to your god on our knees god and our praise [Music] whatever we have got almighty god for it to send through god our lord this grove in 19 upon the land corner father repent almighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth almighty god hands up foreign god you pray yesterday almighty god of goodness stretch water your hands have glory upon us one more time father god remember us god almighty god stretch out their hands from the very corner of our heads god to the very souls of our feet and lightly color for the lord wash us off the inside out cleanse us one more time god almighty god prayed yourself and purify his god as your national anthem god declarer on this day almighty god seeks the of our gospel eternal father almighty god creature guide us with your mighty hands keep us free from evil powers god further in the name of jesus christ of nazareth brother god will know that calvin 19 god has presented his help almighty god as evil almighty god restricting our worship god received in our praise you shooting almighty god almighty god of lift up our hands to your god but in the name of jesus christ you cry out for mercy god for the lord to cry out for your blood to cover up almighty god the fourteen percent to make a god brother as he cried from this house god that's what he promoted to god for the lord we pray in the name of jesus that the bloodstained banner god will flow from this atmosphere god into the atmosphere of the world almighty god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth father god you pray and cry god on our knees god father god cry god [Music] almighty god set us free for the god to worship your god for the last supper three cards to lift up your bloodstained magna carta in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth father god we pray god that is an angel's god to take stop almighty god in this house this morning father god our bishop almighty god ask us to raise your hands god for all those who have made us sacrifice governor despite the circumstances god despite the situation's god we are here crying out almighty god we pray in the name of jesus christ that he'll do it for us god almighty god be from the oldest god dawn to the very youngest god father god is called be nineteen has a lot of the economies god have a lot of recreations god have a lot of the word of god but in the name of jesus christ father hallelujah leave proper a bloodstained man of god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for foreign gods setting through unfold god almighty god the regions of this world father god send forth the holy ghost with poor god to visit every hospital defeating almighty god every home to visit almighty god every age hold god to visit everybody who feels seek god let the blood god that never loses power almighty god visit us in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth almighty god go before us god almighty god guide us and protect us almighty god in the name of jesus christ father god will still remember god the covenant almighty god from that recruiting god that the bishop god has given to us almighty god and healey family healing nation god for the god we are still under the covenant we are still under the blood god we are still at the greatest god jesus christ created god for us god and unto him be who god and we pray almighty god that will go before us god that will defend the god from the calling 19th pandemic almighty god from everything which is none of your god to other gods and confusion in the camp of the enemy god father god fight against you confuse an almighty god almighty god bind us together we can't cannot be broken in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth father god we place ourselves before your god we place ourselves on the altar god father god will place ourselves almighty god at obedience towards god who have listened to your call almighty god who have set ourselves on this day god to fast and pray god and cry unto your god father god this is a macedonian called god father god many almighty god has stopped what they are doing god to join us in prayer god father god i pray that you be pleased to come by here god defeated us god to shine upon us one more time almighty god to cover us almighty god you know god we know god and your covenant god almighty god let the plot be the sanitizer god that we need almighty god to be protecting god from this violence in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth god father god we pray even right now god that they touch god the very leaders of this country god as they put into place god as they implement strategies god to keep us safe god but god you pray that even right now god because you are a big structure this god you are the mighty god everlasting father prince of peace god god the god like you said unto gideon god and like you said at the torah to almighty god we join hands and hearts in fasting and prayer god we try hands and hearts god to live from the bloodstained banner god for the god of prayer email right now god that you send the boxing card of the blood jesus father and pray right now god damn your people god set us free god almighty god to worship you almighty god in the name of jesus christ father god to place everything into your hands god father we place everyone into your hands god father god you know many oppressions god and depression almighty god has been in the season almighty god season of uncertainty god season of uncertainty god but i pray in the name of jesus christ i'm not a regard that is said for surety god god the god is sent for liberty god father liberate us almighty god from this pandemic god liberate us almighty god in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth father god bow our hands to your god give our hearts to your god father god of our knees to you almighty god father will tell you deliverance god because almighty god delivered don't come from the east now the west god god deliverance can't come from your god and father god will look until the hills from one's comments are held god because you know our health coming from your god in the mighty name of jesus christ father god so we apply almighty god sacrifice almighty god 7 14 almighty god to return our prayer god and repent almighty god almighty god will ask your god god deliver us almighty god for our deliverance for our breakthroughs almighty god almighty god for our breaking for god almighty god hath our box god be a real reward almighty god in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth father god at the end of the service god father god you're going to get your glory god you are going to get the under god and you are going to get the praise god from this entire church god from this entire nation god from this entire world god and there will know almighty god that i recommend almighty god from pfmi almighty god to the seeking fortune and prayer god by the direction almighty god of our bishop father we just want to thank you for what you have done we thank you for what you continue to do in the mighty name of jesus christ amen hallelujah hallelujah we can take one more prayer from someone who is burdened to pray and then we are going to praise worship and thank god we are coming down nobody wants to pray we are here [Music] worshiping this place i worship you [Music] our [Applause] [Music] keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are light in the darkness [Music] lord we bless your name hallelujah lord there is none like your lord we worship you oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus oh god we come we come to thee nothing in our hands to bring lord but simple to the whole rocket cross we cling o glory to god consecrate me now till i service lord by the power of grace divine oh let our soul look up to thee oh mighty god i thank you lord oh god i appreciate you i thank you for this privilege and this opportunity lord oh glory to god it's nothing good that we have done oh glory to god i pray lord god this afternoon this morning that you're blessed lord god oh god bishop and minister david oh glory to god cover them under your blood afresh mighty god of daniela oh god remember hello granny son oh glory to god i remember some years ago lord oh glory to god while i was receiving for fellowship lord god right hand of fellowship and your man servant whispering to his ears of mine and said lord you have need of me oh glory to god those words sink into my spirit mighty god of daniela oh god i thank you lord god and as i sit there this afternoon and listen oh glory to god oh god i said lord god if you want me to go freely i will go lord and i remember feeling the anointing what should i pray about mighty god of daniel i'm standing in the gap even right now on behalf of families on behalf of youth oh glory to god this would be like a confirmation from your man oh glory to god we are family of god we are family lord god living together as individuals and i remember even in january god i remember crying to you lord god one night and early the morning you spoke oh glory to god and you said you have heard of a cry oh glory to god and you have come to deliver and here it is today lord god oh god as your man servant call here we are lord god almighty god of daniel standing on behalf of families oh glory to god families have been coming under so many attacks even though this coming time mighty god of daniel but lord god i look to you knowing god lord god as the songwriter said oh glory to god oh god we can't do nothing of ourselves oh glory to god hallelujah mighty god i thank you this afternoon this morning that you are god oh glory to god i understand lord god by seeing and hearing with my spiritual eyes even with the physical eyes oh glory to god we are hearing about this pandemic all glory to god and it is of ashore it is like a pandemic mighty god of daniel to destroy lies of that family to destroy the church but in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we stand flat-footed oh god as warriors on the cross of jesus christ and we put us top harder oh glory to god and kobe 19 and its demons in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we said satan we acknowledge your lies and we come this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy ghost of god as you give us your word as a defense mighty god of daniel we stand flat footed this morning and we say lord god heal the family in the nation in discovery time interview lord god mighty god of daniel i remember you have allowed me lord god even if it was lord god of my home you went before and i've went into that rhema community where i've grown a couple days ago understand lord god this is about fame and favor mighty god of daniel there are so many things that is happening and as i sit there this afternoon this morning and heard your servant pray about the youth even before lord god i said what should i pray and you say lord god spiritual awakening for the youth oppressed spiritual awakened for the youths of this day when we listen and hear lord god it's not just all the people dying from this pandemic oh god but even yesterday news 226 years old evil babes are dying mighty god of daniel we are dependent upon you oh god we say set us free that we may worship thee set us free lord that we may worship thee oh glory to god we are depending on you you never fail us yet you are nonsense god oh glory to god the songwriter said faithful faithful is our god you are faithful lord oh glory to god against george of your sin i god and so this afternoon we accept your lord god that you will wash us and cleanse us hear our cry o lord attend unto a prayer [Music] glory to god i my god isn't there not a bomb in gilead isn't there not a great physician why then are not the health of my daughters recovered mighty god of daniel i pray this afternoon that you go forth oh god by your spirit oh god and you will raise up oh god the mother father a brother sister mighty god of daniel we pray that you will save he'll deliver loose and set free lord will be careful to give you the praise oh glory to god we'll be careful to worship you we'll be careful to give you all the glory that is drew unto your name mighty god of daniela oh glory to god hallelujah oh thank you jesus as the sabbath said we are depending on you lord for everything you know better than us the things that we need oh glory to god we do not know what tomorrow may bring but we are depending on you and we believe the lord god with all the prayers that have gone up that you hear and you're gonna answer oh glory to god we know lord god that you're here oh glory to god we buy never forces of darkness ever which is ever wizard every black magic everything that is standing in the way oh glory to god to ender oh god the church from go on oh god we're gonna roll it over them in the name of jesus christ of nazareth you are not giving us the spirit of fear but of love power of his own mind and we are fearless in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we look to you this morning we'll be careful to give you the praise and glory oh god bless us all together today and we lord god will not live the way we came in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the darling holy ghost oh god we are season of the mercies in jesus name not my will but time will be done o lord in earth as it is in heaven the hurt is your children and they need your future that man will know that the world but man mighty god we give you thanks oh glory to god glory to god let us all stand at this time glory hallelujah and just leave your hands above your head just enter into his gate with thanksgiving hallelujah enter into his courts with praise be thankful unto the lord and bless his name for the lord is good hallelujah his mercies are everlasting and his truth endure it to all generation let us worship the lord let us worship the lord let us magnify the lord let us exalt his name for the lord is good the lord is good hallelujah glory to god i hope the worship leaders are ready hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i called for the worship leaders thank you jesus hallelujah you want us to break loose today cut yourself loose today god wants to give us complete liberation prepare your hearts prepare your spirit and enter into his presence and watch god work today let's worship let us worship [Music] hallelujah his presence is in the house just worshiping just worship you this day was ordained by god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i embrace this team set my spirit free that i might worship you o god you worship the lord out of a free spirit today hallelujah sets my spirit free that i may worship peace [Music] says my spirit pray that i may praise your name let all bondage [Applause] [Music] to worship me set my spirit free [Music] says [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] to worship [Music] that i may pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'll say [Music] hallelujah that i pray [Music] [Music] as [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign my spirits to worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh for the worst foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] [Applause] boys oh oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i worship you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus holy spirit is in the space the holy spirit is in the house the holy spirit is in the house this is your time for your breakthrough whatever you need right now whatever you need whether you can't just receive it there's just so much residence of the holy ghost holy ghost this is your host [Music] holy holy [Music] bring the burden this is yours this is yours [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is [Applause] this is your eye lift your hand in his [Music] presence [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more is this is [Applause] where the lord [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this is one more [Music] blindness time deafness no dumbness no stroke no hard condition no sugar diabetes no hypertension no spinal disorders this is yours [Music] ten minutes of congregational corporate prayer where every human being hearing of my voice the thousands of you i see on youtube and on i facebook see those on pfm television flow and digicel but everybody at this time will say a prayer we're coming down only 15 minutes to close bishop our james grant this is gonna lead in this prayer but everybody gonna pray at this time this is your house in prayer time um this is [Music] [Applause] this is [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah somebody somebody give me my praise give him my praise giving my praise somebody just give him a praise as you invite him into your house hallelujah this is god's house we are god's people and the sheep of this pasture we enter into his presence with things given and enters courts with praise with hearts of gratitude we want to thank god that is since in the heavens oh he heard our cry i heard the psalmist that this poor man cried and the lord heard and deliver him out of all of his trouble we are troubled at every side jesus but there is a god whose eyes are on this power and that watches over us today we petition him great god and father yes we crying to you god church prayers [Applause] jesus jesus lord god there's a whole lot of petition that went up into this sanctuary today jesus and i pray god and father for your deliverance we pray for your deliverance jesus we pray for your deliverance jesus i heard this a man said we pray and god delivers we prayed and god stopped the war here's a war a corona virus war that came to war against humanity jesus and the church is not immune but we have a god who can be touched with the feelings of infirmities i pray god and father for the families that are healing those who are hailing those who are going through deep distress jesus many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord but the lord but the lord delivered him out of them all god and father you're a deliverer today god and father your servant heard your voice that we should come together and petition you on behalf of our church on behalf of our nation on behalf of our world ends we are here today god and we're here today and we're here today our cries oh god attain and to her prayer from the end of the earth will i cry unto you when our hearts are over wherever [Applause] let me hide somebody shall let me hide myself indeed let me hide myself in thee oh god let us hide ourselves in him oh it is in him will it it is and it is in him we have our entire being so today great god and father jesus we pray that you will assign oh god an assignment we are no match for this very virus we are no match for this disease but our highest god johan said we are not much for this great company this great company that came against us but there were eyes church of the living god set your eyes on the eastern sky set your eyes on the lord he will deliver he is a deliverer he is a deliverer great god deliver deliver your people those who are her king those who are weeping those who are crying oh god my father hey spirits of the living god jesus jesus fall afresh fall afresh cause a paradigm shift dear god we are seeking for a shift a paradigm shift 360 degree a shift god we've been going through this for nearly nearly two years oh god almighty the church has been under lockdown the church has been on the lockdown the people are uh distant from each other oh god the word of god to behold our good and pleasant it is the brethren to dwell together in unity jesus but god it is being disturbed our lives are being disturbed yes lord but here we are this morning god oh god some justin horses some just in chariot but god we come to trust in you we're going to trust in your god we're going to trust in you we're going to walk by fear we're going to walk by fear we cannot walk according to what is happening around us jesus jesus oh god we're gonna look to you yes lord we're gonna look to you yes we're looking to you this morning oh god those that are viewing those who are not christians and you are viewing we come to call you to the kingdom the kingdom of god is here god almighty somebody need to be aware that we are living in the last days world of gods and perilous times shall come but we call on the christians we call on the believers we call on the church jesus said upon this rock i will establish my church on the cage of hell shall not prevail corona pirates shall not prevail god almighty it shall not prevail no condition will ever prevail god send this word and settle them they shall not return unto him void somebody better help me in this house someday to help me help me in this house cry out to him jesus jesus jesus cry out to him cry out to him his ears are not heavy you want to deliver your children great god and father there's a whole lot of disturbance in the classroom our children not even oh god to study and learn and and be intelligent oh god almighty there are so many things god that jesus come up against our families the families are enduring and disrepair god we cry unto you today yes yes come down and help help us help us help lord god almighty the nurses and the doctors they are not immune from the things that are happening they are came down with the virus too we have to pray for them some of them say pray for them they are our children the nurses and doctors they are our children the politicians they are our children god almighty god has called us as the church to come out from among them be separate said god so that when you speak jesus [Applause] hear o cry oh god attain unto a prayer from the end of the earth will i cry unto you yes when our hearts are overwhelmed us lead us lead us to the rock somebody said lead me to the rock lord so that i can worship you freely lead me to the rock god almighty moses said to fear lose the people let them go jesus let them go so they might worship church where are you where are you somebody said lose me lose me lose me lose me lose me lose me and let me go loose me so that i may worship lose me this is god's house hallelujah we should not in this season and it is time in this sort of condition where we have to be socially distant oh god almighty we have to be putting on masks masquerading from this plandemic it's a pandemic i believe it's a pandemic god almighty come on somebody help me but here's a god there's a god here's a god somebody help me there's a god who can't be touched boy jesus lord we pray for healing thank you jesus we're grateful for deliverance yes lord we pray for victory lord give us the courage give the church of the living god the courage to conquer give us the courage that we might be able to run through our troops leap over walls lengthen our stick strengthen our stick [Music] lord give your people a strength thank you lord take away intimidation remove the spirit of fear for god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and power somebody said power somebody showed power and a sound mind boy it's a power say give me power lord give me the power to overcome jesus give me the power to conquer give me the courage courage enable me to be courageous to be courageous to be courageous glory god and father i pray you touch your people yes everywhere under the hearing of our voice touch your people lord thank you jesus bring deliverance bring deliverance to power faith let it come through power faith oh god almighty let somebody run through their troops and leap over the walls strengthen and strengthen your stick oh somebody help me god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may also think there are so many things we ask him for this morning from all of these servants from all of these servants god's servants who came here today this morning and bending these great god and i trust and hope and i know without the shadow for doubt that that god hears our hope unto the cries of his people hallelujah he said if my people who are called by my name second chronicles 7 14. if my people say my people say i'm god's people if my people who are called by my name oh lord jesus with humble would call and come into repentance god said i will hear from heaven i will hear from heaven do you believe that he heard it this morning anybody in this audience believe that god heard i don't want to draw it out because if he heard that's the message for god to heard to hear and when he hears he will what answer hallelujah so we believe that god is going to do it for us so do it again lord say do it again send the revival revive us again my god may god richly bless you hallelujah hallelujah today is a very special day so many years ago 59 years ago we had independence independence but in this independent about 2000 years ago god ascend hallelujah his only son he came from heaven to earth to show the way from the hurt to the cross or death to pay hallelujah from the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky lord will lift your name and eye you can stand bishop is coming coming back so please stand i'm not sure if we i bless the offering stand up and let us bless the gift of god's people everyone stand in the house stand in the house give us special today is a special rendition very special special so it's a sacrificial sacrificial day today normally normally we all would have been in our homes with our families but they are there's an urgent call somebody's a hurt and call i didn't hear you say her urgent call hallelujah and this urgent call the fact that we respond to this urgent call we are going to give the best that we can we're going to keep a talking we're going to give a gift matter of fact we're going to sow into today's ministry because we believe that god is going to do something miraculous did i say miraculous god lord jesus i want you to give the best you can so take up the mic those who can give 5 000 i think that i know you normally give a thousand or few hundreds i want you to do the honors today in this very very strategic hallelujah intervention hallelujah father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god you said that it is more blessed to give than to receive and as your people come great god to sacrifice i pray god that you'll honor them with a thousand fold in return i pray gracious god and father that you bless the gift and bless the givers spirit of the living god cause a miracle like you did for the many persons who were in that audience when the boy had two fishes and five loaves and that two fishes and five loaves caused a multiplication cause this to be a god a marked day at power faith ministries as your people give touch them lord prosper your people favor your people lord open doors for your people oh shabbat shaykh messiah lord god open doors doors that are closed ah you promise that you'll open doors and no man shut it and you'll close doors and no man open it for your people today god divine presence and power give your people an open door of blessing the abrahamic blessing jesus in jesus name come from where you are and do this special special gift to the house no crowd please no crowd please please remember the protocols must be observed thank you sir bless you bishop you may be down somehow you feel like god has forgotten that you are faced with circumstances you can't get through right now it seems there's no way you're going under no crowd please god's proven time and time again he'll take care for you what do you say he'll do it again we'll do it again [Music] just take a look where you are now [Music] come through know god has not changed god knows the things he understands [Music] is [Music] and if [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] is [Music] we'll do it again [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] again do it again [Music] know [Music] [Music] lord bless you thank you bishop grandison for doing all that you did well god be praised anybody got blessed here today oh my god you know what it is to rise to every challenge we're going to dismiss you now but i want to thank everybody for sharing and especially visiting with us is the mds and ceos of mtm television minister reverend hanson and his wife all right sorry if you did sorry if you did not want me to call your name okay why don't you come to paraphate folks go and see you you know that for sure and i want to thank pastor logan they passed the minister tyrone white from the grove road and knightsville assembly respectively for coming and the saints who came along with them thanks to bishop grandeston thanks to the musicians the vocalists the prayer warriors and all those who pray the av department and you and you and all of you and the many who've visited and viewed us on the various media platforms this has been a wonderful exercise since nine o'clock this morning dear god stand with me please i promise to dismiss you 12 30. this is not bad time and i would have dismissed you 12 30. you know i'm a time guru except the holy ghost takes it away because the spirit of the prophets are what oh yeah i believe that strongly god bless everybody thank you for sharing now you're going to be enjoying the rest of your independence celebration with your family your friends keep it clean keep it nice keep it holy god willing we meet again on sunday morning for two great services seven o'clock and 9 30 a.m and those who are preparing for the water baptism it will be on the 21st of this month august 6 o'clock at the forum beach so please he who believes and is baptized shall be those who believe not shall be you don't want to be damned so if you believe you need to make a full commitment to jesus christ lift your right and with me please thanks to everybody once again just say the theme under which we've gathered today set us free that we may worship thee two more times father we thank you for all of you people gathered for this in-person service and those who've gathered in other places in their homes and overseas wherever we ask you to bless everybody and all that we have petitioned you for all that we have interceded on all that we have travailed on prayed on supplicated on god we believe that you've heard our prayers duties ours results are yours so we leave it into your hand and say have your way lord in jesus name grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and everybody says set us free that we may worship thee the lord bless you sorry those who miss my messenger came too late i preached earlier fellowship with one another
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 15,862
Rating: 4.8415842 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 26sec (12686 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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