The Good Side of Me | 19.09.21

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welcome to react live broadcasting live from our kilburn location you can listen to and watch this service on ruac radio ruach's youtube facebook and instagram channels plus our app and website welcome to live hello everyone hello everyone welcome welcome welcome to ruac live i'm glad you're all with us today um so i'm stefan and we have a brand new host glad to be with us we have chanel hi everyone hello i'm chanelle and i'm so happy to be here we're happy to have you thank you thank you so um yeah we want to see you in the comments you know please show our our new host some love you know in the comments also where wherever you're from tell us where you're from if you're from the kilburn location um wall from snow burn and um brixton okay yes don't forget our bricks tonight so adophia probably still sleeps yeah listen if you're waiting for this uk church you know we understand so i'll fill it down for your location as well um and of course our international friends and family yeah and now we've got it yeah we want to hear from everyone don't we wherever you are wherever you are in the world we want to hear from you whether that's in the uk around the world in the caribbean africa um america yeah wherever you are let us know we'd love to hear from you and we'd love to give you a shout out yeah yeah we're going to show some people some love so um i'm going to be on facebook you know you're taking youtube yep i am indeed let us look for who is in the comments okay right i've got a few coming in right now okay so andrea says greetings greetings greetings from trinidad okay so we got the caribbean coming in already okay um we've got anyone um on youtube okay so keep keep them coming in once again we want to know where you're from we want to know you know are you attending the church today are you going to be in the building at the moment we're currently in the building at the kilburn location um we're just excited for church today we know it's going to be a powerful service you know we're looking forward to the word to the worship as we always get at rook city church so um we just want to just welcome you all uh so yeah get those comments coming in yes we are on youtube sorry welcome jesus cute lessons everyone blessings tv teams youth pastors and ministers god bless you bless you god bless you and stephanie great job thank you so much thank you thank you it's nice to get those little comments you know boost our confidence a little bit yeah yeah yeah janine says good afternoon good afternoon thank you thank you you're well and bishop francis greetings everyone bishop to bishop john francis also greetings to co-pastor penny yes and all our elders ministers orders in your respective places we love you all and greetings to you all um so we just have a few announcements to make um as we go out throughout this work live as you know so our first announcement is for the women's body alive fitness sessions so as we know every monday the women like to gather for a fitness session online you know just trying to get that body moving a little bit just trying to lose that lockdown i know i need to be in that class tomorrow listen we've all been there you know trying to get that locked down weight off so yes um you know if you're a woman sorry oh women only only women okay if you're a woman and you want to get involved in those classes there's going to be a short video it's going to play to give you some more information on those classes so have a watch and we'll be back after that this year 2021 is the time to get into shape and feel good about the body god has given me now is the time to get fit and now is the time to be healthy join our free body and life fitness sessions for women every monday at 6 p.m for 30 minutes on zoom body alive let's work out together okay so that was our women's body life sessions um so if you want to be involved remember it's on mondays every monday 6 p.m 6 p.m on zoom yeah and if you want to register you go online at so get involved get involved yeah and that one is running until um december 13th so until december yeah we've got a couple more months for that yeah and then it's going to alternate as well so there's going to be a mix of hit classes which is high intensity interval training and then that's gonna um alternate with latin type workouts and zumba which i love a lot and so yeah i might have to book on to that class tomorrow well chanel's going to be there we hope to see you there too yeah so to get involved in that register on our website and we look forward to seeing you there absolutely absolutely um so let's get back into the comments list we're gonna you know greet a few more people see who's he's gonna see us online um just show some people some love shout some people out yes um so uh we've got any on youtube yeah we've got minister juanita she says good afternoon everyone afternoon to you yes um i've got uh rev colin francis says greetings all greetings to you too um anyone else coming in on youtube um coming in coming in come on is coming coming in a bit slow today yeah it's okay you know we want to talk to you we want to conversate you know don't be shy you know you know we want to keep it flowing so uh cutest comments coming in um but whilst we wait for those to come in we want to um introduce you to our next announcement and this one this one's a big one this is i'm super excited for this one guys yes um we are hosting our annual women's conference women's friends yeah this one's gonna be amazing taking well the title actually is the sapphires women's conference 2021 it's going to be from the 21st of october which is a thursday until the 23rd so mark that date in your diary that's the 21st of october until the 23rd and the theme is still standing still that's a powerful theme over the last 18 months it has been crazy we've had lockdown we've had you know kavona virus pandemic you know we've had limitations on our whole life you know from traveling to meeting up with friends and socializing so we have been through a lot you know as women we've had to you know take on so much burdens in the house balancing work and children family everything so it's all about coming together knowing that we are still standing still standing in our purpose still standing in who we are as women so come out bring your your moms your daughters grandmothers your aunties grandmas yes female cousins just come out and know that you're still standing on his promise amen yes i'm excited for that well i'm excited for you i mean you know in this women's conference time you've got you've got to pray for the men you know because sometimes the spirit of jealousy can come upon us in in women's conference season you know we always hear these great you know reviews about women's conference and they've done this and they was doing that and you know spirit of jealousy can come upon you so pray for us in jesus name one time so if you are um interested in sharing your testimony for that um conference the women's conference um please get in touch and send us your um testimonies on how you know you have still stood in you know the past 18 months how how your life has has been challenges you've overcome we want to hear them and send us your testimonies at admin i want to give a special shout out to especially our single mothers out there you know how they kept still standing in this pandemic you know i'm a teacher myself and you know i love the kids yeah but the greatest thing about being a teacher is you you give them back at 3 o'clock yeah but you know the mothers who had to you know you know juggle the housework and the school work and everything together it's just amazing how you're still standing so shout out to all the mothers out there yes big shout out big shout outs doing it alone yeah with multiple children you know we salute you absolutely indeed um right so we're just gonna quickly shout out a few more people yeah um let's see who's we got online um on facebook we have um janet white says hi rurak family hello to you as well janet um i've got cat loaf and says good day beautiful people hope you hope you are having a great day blessings to you all yes thank you very much um yes yes these comments are coming in so bishop john francis said he's on his way to kilburn oh he's ready to release a word get ready get ready he's preparing you get ready for that word karissa said men come to the conference and love it so we want to see the men rolling out trust me i'm going to be there nice um pauline clark good afternoon everyone god bless god bless you someone said welcome chanel you're a natural thank you so much natural look natural thank you um i've got chanel another chanel oh says um hello rurak family and bishop and kopas and bishop and kurpasta i've also got donna um from bermuda oh wow what time is it over there so um so it's so good uh to have you all online joining us in this time of fellowship um so i think we're gonna move on we're gonna move on to our favorite part and i know it's a lot of your favorite part also it is time for the quiz i'm excited for this one i'm excited you know i was looking on the comments last week and you know we had a little bit of change for the quiz and i know a lot of you were you know a lot of them were feeling it they were feeling the the change so okay now we're gonna we're gonna do it again so the theme for the quiz is what is it in the bible or is it not in the bible okay so me and chanel we're gonna be reading some quotes okay some of them will be from the bible some of them will not be from the bible and you gotta let us know see if you know your word you know let us know he's ready for the for the challenge okay so remember get your families all around you know you can make a little competition friendly competition of course you know um but you know get yourself ready and we're about to get into it so um you know you want to do the first one should i should i all right let me go for it so the question is it's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself to forgive everybody is that in the bible or not in the bible okay let us know okay let's read that one one more time just say this the question is it's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself to forgive is it in the bible or not in the bible bible okay so let us know what you think is that quote from the bible is that quote not from the bible i want to give you know i like to you know give out some incentives give out some extra points okay if it is in the bible where is it in the bible what what scripture let us know if you can tell us or if it's not in the bible who said it hmm okay so we've got some yeah and send us some extra points there okay if it's not in the bible which famous author is known to have said that quote okay so i'll read it one more time one more time one more it's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself to forgive yeah forgive everybody that's a full quote okay so um i have a few comments coming in okay we've got a few different answers so michelle williams says in the bible um chanel says it's not in the bible yeah but the bible does promote forgiveness okay all right h blessed on youtube says not in the bible okay any more comments on youtube anymore okay so we've got a bit of a variation there okay some say it's not some so it is um shall we reveal the answer yes answer time so the answer is it is not in the bible and it is actually a quote from maya angelou maya angelou okay so give yourself a point if you got the right answer it's not in the bible mm-hmm give yourself a blessed on youtube well don't shout out to h blessed and if you managed to get the person which was very difficult because if i'm honest i have no clue who maya angelou is i've never heard of she's you've heard that yeah she's a famous author yeah okay so i need to do my research okay so right so shout out to you if you've got those answers correct okay so next question let's move on to the next question so the next question is even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna read that one more time just so you can so you can get it yeah even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues okay so let us know is that quote from the bible is that quote not from the bible yes if it is from the bible what do you know the scripture okay how much do you know your word if it's not from the bible like should know she knows her her famous people i don't but who is it from okay who's it from let us know so we're gonna have a quick look in the comments see if anyone's got it so far h bless you're on it wow she's on one they say it's in the bible okay joyce campbell on youtube says bible i'm assuming she means in the bible okay i've got um chanel coming through with the answers again shout out chanel um just in the bible and she also said proverbs okay joyce campbell also put down proverbs as well and kelly welly nets says it sounds like a problem sounds like a proverb okay yeah i got a few similar answers on the facebook janet white also says in the bible um donna also says in the bible uh cat uh says yes it's in the bible and she said oh i like this specific proverbs 17 verse 28 yes wow very very specific i like that jack c says not in the bible okay are you sure about that well we're about to see we're about to see so yes the answer is it is in the bible yes where in the bible is it the scripture is in fact proverbs 17 verse 28 wow somebody knows their bible very very well okay i hope we're not using google the person facebook get it exactly right exactly oh my gosh fantastic right so once again give yourself some points for whatever you got right yeah whether that's one or two points let us know how many points you've got yeah we want to know yeah okay fantastic right shall we move on yeah next question i'll take this one so it goes i tell you you will not get out until you have paid the last penny is that in the bible or not in the bible let me know okay let us know so a bit of a harsh one there okay you will not get out until you paid every penny okay that sounds like a quote from the bailiff [Laughter] the tax man the tax man yeah right so let us know what you guys think is it in the bible is it not in the bible yeah so that reads i tell you you will not get out until you have paid the last penny okay let us know damn they ain't rampant not playing about um right i've got some comments coming in um chanel again shout out she now she's been consistent with her eyes hi chanel um she says in the bible and she said jesus said it i believe okay okay okay i've also got donna says in the bible um well this is not a comment but we have macarthur says grace and peace everyone watching from india nice one where in india let us know i'd love to go to india one day yes right um what's got michelle williams saying in the bible um anyone else come here no one really commented yet on youtube come on family let me know what your answer is shout out to a facebook finding we've got some consistent answers here you know um so yeah let us know h bless okay given us a nice comment he hasn't answered yet but he has said you guys are doing a fantastic job stay blessed so thank you thank you so much thank you so much um right so any more answers coming in we'll give you a few more seconds just to get those answers in and i want to get those answers before we reveal oh i got another one janet white also says in the bible once again if you know where it's in the bible let us know the scripture as well you can earn yourself some extra points there you know yes yes should we reveal the answer let's reveal let's reveal okay so the question is i tell you you will not get out until you have paid the last penny and the answer is it's in the bible the bible and where's it from exactly i'm gonna come on to that it is luke 12 59. luke 12 59 okay indeed and i think did jesus say it was it jesus it may have been me a lot well maybe that's something we'll have to research yeah what do you guys think would you do do you say it or not okay well to see right right we're gonna move swiftly on to our next question so the next question is ordinance quote i should say my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the shape of my heart and my portion forever okay right so i'm gonna read that one more time my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever let us know what you guys think is that quote from the bible is that quote from you know someone favors maybe a famous believer you know saying the god you know god is our strength god is his strength you know let us know what you think okay get those comments coming in on youtube yeah bonus point comes in if you can tell us where in the bible it is found right if it's in the bible that is yes okay so let us know what you think all right i'm gonna go back to facebook and see if we have any answers coming in okay right i do have a few coming in we've got anything coming in on youtube yeah yes just come in is h blessed again he said it's not in the bible are you sure about that okay right we'll have to see i have a few we have uh donna says in the bible and she says old testament i think okay where in the old testament is actually can you be even more specific okay um tammy says in the bible um cat loafern says yes in psalms okay so we've got we know we've got the book now okay she said it says yes in psalms nice i've got them now i've got a very specific one okay d says it's in the bible psalm 73 verse 26 i like those specific answers i like them i like them um we've got any more coming in on youtube no youtube's gone quiet on me guys where are you at on youtube right we're gonna have to get to the answer okay so the answer is it is in the bible yes yes yes it is in the bible and the scripture is in it is psalm 73 verse 26 yes so well down to d okay um so that is all we have time for today is you know it's flowing by today but i hope you've enjoyed um thank you for all your comments you know thank you for all your uh involvement um you know we're going to just get ready for the service get ready to receive the word from bishop john francis he says he's ready yeah and he's on his way on his way so um so we've been your host today um stefan and chanel chanel i love my new hosts so we'll see you soon so take care and have a blessed day yes thanks guys bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is rack city church please be aware that the video screen that you're watching behind the stage may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy euro discretion is advised [Music] come on i want you to shout and welcome those who are joining us on online come on come on ruach amen glory to god come on come on clap those hands welcome welcome to our online audiences amen those who are joining us on facebook come on keep clapping keep clapping to welcome them those who are joining us on facebook welcome to ruac city church those who are joining us on youtube welcome to ruac city church those who are listening to us on the radio we want to welcome you to ruac city church on behalf of our bishop bishop john francis and co-pastor penny francis we want to welcome you amen to this atmosphere this atmosphere where god god is free to do his uh to have his own way to do his thing in the sanctuary hallelujah so i want you to shoot your hands up in the here we're going to pray at this time we're going to welcome his presence because we know that it is in his presence there is fullness of joy it is having the presence of god that burdens will be lifted it is having the presence of god we know that yokes will be destroyed is it having the presence of god that our faith will be increased in him it is having the presence of god we know that we are more than conquerors through him that love us with an everlasting love so lord we thank you lord as we shoot our hands in the hair lord as a mark of surrendering to you lord we want to esteem you above our problems we want to lift you above our circumstances we want to lift your god above everything oh god lord we want to just forget about ourselves and and concentrate on you oh god and worship you oh god in the name of jesus lord god you said that for this thing oh god we were created almighty god to give you worship to give you praise to honor your name to lift you up to magnify you lord who is like unto your great jehovah oh we thank you that your god you are you almighty god you are the great i am that i am we thank you almighty god that you are our provider we give you glory we give your honor lord we give you praise jesus we thank you almighty god because great is our god and greatly to be praised and we say oh god come tabernacle with us welcome you almighty god your holy spirit we welcome your spirit almighty god your spirit of liberty we thank you almighty god because we have the assurance we thank you almighty god because we know that we are more than conquerors we thank you almighty god because we know that you are able oh god to bless us almighty god in a pandemic you are able to keep us you are able to deliver us you are able to set us free and we thank you god great jehovah come on come on clap those hands uh great jehovah oh you are our great provider ah jehovah's ira jehovah rapha jehovah oh my god missy we thank you lord we honor you we give you praise glory to god we give you praise father god we know that when the people of god gather we know oh god that principalities and powers tries to oppose us but we know that in you oh god we are more than conquerors and mighty god you have told us oh god that we just need to decree a thing and it shall be established so today lord as a church collectively we decree and we declare that everything that opposed the spirit of god will bind them with chains oh god in the name of jesus we're buying them with shackles and chains and we command them that they will not be moving in this atmosphere be still we put a muscle on their mouth in the name of jesus lord let praise and worship be easy let preaching be easy let people be saved oh god in the name of jesus we give you glory lord we give you honor we give you praise come on clap those hands join us online come on clap those hands hallelujah join us online in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god you may be seated at this time uh before prayers and worship come i just want you to participate also in this part of the service we're gonna pray for those who are sick the bible said that we should call for the elders amen and we should anoint with oil amen and we are anointing you by faith today so if you're online if you're if you're dealing with sickness if you know someone who are dealing with sickness you're in the house today and you're dealing with sickness or any form of bereavement i want you to stand and you can stand also in the gap with for someone who you're praying for you're believing god for amen at this time also you can turn your mobile phones on and you can connect with that person and let them know that the church is praying for them amen praise god the word said that all we need to do is to send the word and we're going to decree healing in the name of jesus come on so if you're online and if you're if you're believing god just stretch those hands stretch those hands to the screen stand where you are in your living room wherever you are join with us amen and we are going to decree healing in the name of jesus father the word declared that by his stripes we are healed father god we are the joint ears and we are the seed of abraham and because almighty god we are entitled to the very same blessings that you have decreed over abraham and over his seeds in the name of jesus and right now oh god we speak in the name of jesus to every ailment every sickness every disease everything that your people are believing you for in the name of jesus lord we stand in agreement and we decree that by the stripes of jesus you are healed by the stripes of jesus the person you're believing god for is healed in the name of jesus we command sickness to flee we command every disease to flee we command everything that is not of god to flee right now and to go to the foot of the cross in the name of jesus we command diabetes to go we command cancer to be healed we command it in the name of jesus high blood pressure we command we speak to lungs in the name of jesus and we decree the healing power of god we speak healing in the name of jesus we agree in the name of jesus and we agree for total healing we agree for testimonies in the name of jesus come on clap those hands as we believe corporately we believe that healing has gone forth before you in the name of jesus ah we give you praise we give you honor lord bless praise our worship bless the speaker bless everybody oh god who is going to participate in this service and we're careful to give you the glory for this is the kingdom the power and the glory it belongs to you and we give you praise in jesus name as we end over to praise and worship hallelujah hallelujah how many want to lift up the name of jesus in this house today i said how many of you want to lift up the name of jesus in this house today wherever you are at home how many of you want to lift up the name of jesus regardless of what's happening we are here if the bible tells us to enter these gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise so wherever you are right now we want to enter in is that okay we want to enter in is that okay we want to enter in is that okay hallelujah the name of jesus lifted high here we go dance with us sing with us we want to hear you let's rejoice right now here we go [Music] [Music] the name of jesus lifted high lifted high lifted high the name of jesus [Music] is in this place is sons and daughters shall be saved shall be saved shall be saved sons and daughters shall be saved in this place shall be saved [Music] yes [Music] [Music] let release you're here [Music] you're here [Music] you is [Music] rising i hear the sound of an army arising today [Music] is [Music] [Music] is must fight we must [Music] [Music] is [Music] the is of jesus lifted let me hear you lifted high lifted high the name of jesus lifted high in this place the name of jesus lifted high lifted high lifted high the name of jesus lifted went in this yes lovely let me hear you the neighbor the name of jesus sing that wherever you are right now in this place even in your homes declare that the name of jesus yes lift and high lifted the neymar [Music] oh come on lift up the name of jesus lift him up lift him up lift [Music] lift him up lift him up lift him up lift him up for his worthy as he is hallelujah his name is worthy and when you know who he is that love that he has for us i choose to love him more than anything i choose to put him first he gave me a choice but i choose him i choose him i love you jesus more than anything hallelujah hallelujah thank you father thank you father thank you jesus [Music] yes thank you father thank you [Music] [Music] you you reign on the throne for you are god in god alone because of you my cloudy days are gone and i can sing to you this song i just wanna say that i love you more than [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] let's declare this i love you jesus i love you jesus [Music] i love you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] i just [Music] i wash your lord i am [Music] hey [Applause] i love you [Music] just [Applause] you [Music] who i jesus [Music] [Music] i love you jesus [Music] worship you jesus [Music] we were [Applause] worship you jesus [Music] [Music] without you [Music] we can make [Music] i love i love you [Music] i jesus you jesus [Applause] [Music] yes let's lord i love you lord lord i love you [Music] you yes [Music] oh if you love him clap your hands make a joyful noise unto the lord if you love him clap your hands and make a joyful noise unto our god we love you we love you we love you we worship you jesus yes we do god we worship you jesus [Music] we worship your child with all that i am we worship you jesus yes for we love you we love you lord i love you more than anything ah lord i love you lord i love you more than anything this world can bring cannot compare to you cannot compare to you lord i love you lord i love you i love you i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you i worship and i adore you i bow down before you i knew in your presence for you are worthy you are worthy you no one compares to you love i love you more let's move on jesus jesus jesus there's no greater name than the name of jesus i said there's no greater name than the name of jesus he is our luck he is our fortress he is our comforter he is our protector he's our father no greater name so we're going to stand on proclaiming here today we're going to stand and proclaim hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name god we lift you up god hallelujah we lift you up god [Music] there is a name that's a place i can run and be saved there is a name that can hear call my storm and peace be [Music] [Applause] things will change stand and proclaim jesus there's no greater name than jesus [Music] jesus so we stand and vocally [Music] there's no greater [Music] jesus there is there is a name [Music] yes [Music] [Music] jesus that jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's declare that i'm here today [Music] and i believe [Music] oh is [Applause] is [Music] i know is [Music] it is jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] she [Music] jesus let me hear you yes come on let me hear you yes it needs to come from us we call your name wherever you are home just call his name jesus jesus jesus jesus we call your name jesus [Applause] [Music] we call your name please [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus stand and proclaim there's no greater name than jesus how many you know that jesus one more time praise team stand and proclaim hallelujah there's no greater name than the name of jesus call his name jesus one more time stand and proclaim there's no greater name come on hazel there's no greater name jesus clap your hands everybody give god praise come on praise him on facebook praise him on youtube come on naomi brown praise him jesus keep praising denise sealy come on praise him let everything that have breath praise he the lord hallelujah hallelujah well i'm in the house of the lord and the devil can't do nothing about it i'm telling you how many you know that the devil tried to stop you from getting here but i'm glad i'm in the house is there anybody grateful for life is it yeah yeah yeah i'm grateful for life i'm grateful for the activity of my limbs i'm grateful that i'm alive i'm grateful that i'm coherent i'm grateful that i can see you i'm grateful to be in god's service one more time clap your hands one more time in the presence of our god let me just do this right now it is just a wonderful thing to have technology and begin to minister to people all over the world i was talking this week to a preacher in uganda he has probably the largest church in uganda and he said to me bishop francis you had been my mentor from before i started ministry i used to watch you i used to glean from you and i was quite surprised because he's got an incredible ministry thousands of people you don't understand and you don't know the people that you're making an impact on their life you don't know what some of you don't even know that just you coming to church and worshiping somebody's looking at you and drawing strength from you that that's why ladies and gentlemen when you come into the house of the lord you have to give god all your best you can because you don't know you really don't know the impact you're having on someone's life and um i want to thank god for technology i want to thank god for those that are in the building here but i want to thank god for our streaming audience with you all on the balcony everywhere give god praise for those who are watching us at home those who are watching us at work those who are watching us wherever they are come on do better than that give give god a praise for them god bless you hallelujah i want to give a big shout out to all our resident elders let me start with elder enid uh stewart from brixton location we love you woman of god we thank god for you elder clinton and elder jose from our walthamstow location god bless you sister janet and mama say thank god for you and all the wonderful people that is in uh birmingham pastor uh uh simone oligarchy and lan ray oligarchy god bless you and all the way on the waters to philadelphia our philadelphia family pastor andre jones and rachel thank god for you hallelujah and i know you haven't seen her we ain't been divorced we ain't separated it's just that she's been looking after my daughter but she's watching us right now oh how i miss her co pastor penny woman of god god bless you we love you in case you don't know she is the resident for this location but as a husband i have to stand in for her and be with her and i thank god for the praise and worship musicians and everyone rdmc god bless you how about us clapping and giving god praise for all our elders and our ministers their wives god bless you god bless you all now you know who deserves the biggest praise he woke you up this morning he started you on your way at the name every knee shall bow and every tongue somebody give him a prayer hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah clap your hands give god praise one more time is worthy to be praised you may be seated in the presence of our god i am excited to be in the house of the lord and i couldn't wait to see your lovely faces amen god is good all the time all the time god is good do me a favor look at somebody and just smile at them please give them a little smile let them know you're all right amen hallelujah salmon just a little bit more volume up here just a little bit i'm man amen you're good and i know some of you got masks on so we can't see your teeth the book of exodus ex-oldest we're going to exit today we're about to leave and move to another dimension the book of exodus chapter 33 verse number 13 i'm going to start reading from and if you found it would you do me the greatest favor to stand and let's be a part of this great presentation of scripture are you all right all right i'm ready for you guys i don't know if you're ready for me i'm ready i'm ready i won't shut down the devil today amen we're gonna have some church in this place exodus chapter 33 verse number 13. now listen how it reads now therefore i pray thee this is moses speaking to god if i have found grace in thy sight notice what he's about to say he says show me now thy way he didn't say show me in thy ways he's saying show me now thy way that word way there is a path that has been trodden listen to what he's saying i don't want to know about where you're going i want to know where you have been show me now thy way you need to get this i want you to be very hello look at me look i know you're reading your bible in your gadgets i want you to tune in today because i'm going to pull out some stuff and i need you to follow me look at your neighbor touch them and say follow bishop follow fish follow bishop you know let's get this all right so he says now show me now what thy way that i may know thee something about the past is gonna let me know who you are somewhere you've been that i may find if he says he says he said that i might know thee that i may find grace in thy sight and consider that this nation is thy people verse number 14 and he said my presence should go with thee and i will give thee rest and he said unto him if your presence go not with me carry us not up hence in other words if you don't come and we don't even move from it we ain't moving from here i want your presence i want your presence i know i'm reading scripture but i want to get somewhere now listen to what he says for wherewith shall it be known here that i and thy people have found grace in thy sight is it not in that the that thou goest with us so shall we be separated i and thy people from all the people that are upon the face of the earth and the lord said unto moses okay i will do this thing also that thou has spoken for thou has found grace in my sight and i know thee by name i have a relationship with you verse number 18 and i want you to tune in and then and he said i beseech thee show me thy glory and he said i will make all my goodness pass before thee and i will proclaim the name of the lord before thee and will be gracious unto whom i will be gracious and i will show mercy on whom i will show mercy and he said thou cannot see my face for there shall no man see me and live and the lord said behold there's a place by me i dealt with that and thou shalt stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass why my glory passed by that i will proclaim i will put me in the cleft of the rock and i will cover thee with my hand while i pass by and i will take away my hand and thou shall see [Music] my back parts another version says hind parts which is my back part but my face shall not be seen hear end of the reading of god's word if you believe the word of the lord shout a big amen i want to talk to you on the subject the good side of me look at someone say the good side of me um there's a lot of us in here we have different sides to us don't be fooled by these church folks i remember my mum back in the days i was at home and my mom would be shouting at us as kids i told you to turn off the lights and i told you this like then the phone would ring ring ring and subscribe hello she went shopping down the phone in fact she didn't even say hello no this is how my mom would really do it y'all make me sick i'm fed up of you ring ring ring we shall praise the lord hello you had a little praise the lord before the hello there was different sides of us there's a side that we see called the church side there's another side at home that i pray i don't ever see but one thing there's more to us meets the eye father i need you now let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable give us a word that will change life let burdens be removed let yokes be destroyed give us a word lord that will bring revival will change our circumstances we promise to give you the glory we'll take none for ourself for thine is the kingdom power and the glory forever and ever somebody shout amen on your way sitting down look at your neighbor say neighbor the good side of me [Music] lord i trust you when i can trace you so hold my hand and go before me lord i trust you when i can't trace you so hold my hand can go before me you are a pillar of cloud by day guiding my way you are a pillar of mine [Music] you are [Music] once again just say it's alright [Music] [Music] you have surrounded me [Music] i don't care what the devil's trying to do in your life god has surrounded you i wish i had someone talk back to me i've been chicago [Music] whatever witch who tries to put a smell on you god has just broken up the spell of the witch one more [Music] yes [Music] [Music] before [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] guiding my wake you are a pillar of fire by night give insight you are a pillar by day [Music] [Music] [Music] because i'm not surrounded [Music] encamped against me god's word has gone before me god's word has gone before me because god's word has gone before see when you got a word that's gone ahead of you no devil could stop you god's word god's word has gone before me i'm surrounded [Music] be seated i gotta preach [Music] you know the devil's walking all around you wondering how he can get to you but he can't get you god says i've surrounded you no covet is gonna get you i've surrounded you no sickness is gonna get you i surrounded you now cancer is gonna take hold of you i have surrounded you [Music] be seated i feel the glory of god already in this play [Music] oh yes god you know if your praise and deliverance is gonna go for somebody i hear the lord says as you're praising him i'm breaking something off of somebody's life as you're shouting something is happening in your life come on noah me brown praise him come on for me come on come on sharon here heaven come on come on open up your mouth everyone open up your town larry go ahead janet white i trust your god clap your hands give god praise i need to get in the word i need to get into it [Music] i need about 50 people to praise him right now something is breaking right now hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory oh my god i feel a breakthrough i feel a breakthrough somebody better praise him praise him on that balcony praise him wherever you are open up your mouth and give him glory [Music] yes lord yes lord oh i feel a shout and it's early i feel the praise and it's early look guard guard come on god god god god god god god you're gonna let it loose you better not can i give you 30 seconds for all the enemies you got to shout for your deliverables [Music] hold on hold on listen listen grab your neighbor say neighbor this phrase is a phrase that's going to release your breakthrough if you don't want to break through sit down be quiet but for those of you need a breakthrough even if you call dogs just wave your hands do something look at your say neighbor praise him now shut up [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] get get off your coach get out if you're driving your car park your car because i feel the glory is about to hit your dog now shout right where you are shout in the building shout out [Music] what's up [Music] lord you better sit down i'm about to mess up this service [Music] but look at your neighbor say neighbor your next miracle is in your way whatever's in your situation i want you to jump and wait jump away [Music] jump away i better he stop more than i ever expected all right all right [Music] please stop stop please sit down sit down sit down [Music] [Applause] be seated [Music] is [Music] you played that guitar time together [Music] all right all right hallelujah cut your hands in your glory glory [Music] please please be seated i'm not young anymore [Music] how do you feel god in this place here today be seated somebody just screamed yeah hallelujah exodus exodus lord exodus exodus the good hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah glory glory i feel you know when when god's presence is in the building you gotta let his prison take over you understand what i'm saying saying sister liz when he just turns up we have to just say yes to his will hallelujah clap your hands everybody the good side of me i i would like to if i can thank you begin to indulge you within the tax and as we begin to navigate the things that we are drawn to is the personality of moses moses was an incredible leader um moses was incredible and i'd like to say that he was bilingual uh he knew how thank you very much musician how to navigate through different cultures he knew exactly how to deal with that you've got to understand a couple of things about him number one moses was born a hebrew and although he was born a hebrew and i think i made a mistake last week by talking about potiphar's daughter when i meant to say the pharaoh's daughter found him uh you will understand that when he was found as a hebrew he was brought into pharaoh's house to learn the egyptian culture and the egyptian style of speaking so number one he's a hebrew but he is brought up as an egyptian not only that please let's remember that the uniqueness of moses that he also went out of his culture to marry a cushite a cushite who came from the land of cush a black woman you remember in the scripture there was a little bit of an argument with his sister because he had married a black woman i want to know my black brothers and sisters you are in the bible yes you are the bible says that he was also being mentored by jethro his father-in-law who also was from cush a black man the word uh or cushite means black one the other one or another terminology was the burnt face one the bible says this and let's just remember that now he was taught about delegation how to delegate from jethro and even today the art of delegation is what we use in the business world and it all can be traced from jethro so when i say moses was by lingo i'm saying he had the ability to integrate and to adjust himself to each culture sometimes god will put you in a culture that you don't quite understand why you're in between so many cultures so many people on here and some of you might be biracial and uh having different people in your life different cultures some of you have family members who are from one culture a mother from one culture another father from another culture and for you having to navigate between the cultures come talk to me you know what i'm talking about lizzy uh having to deal with one family member that operates a certain way and you dealing with your own family member that opposite operates a certain way because you intermarry and that's good and sometimes we ask ourselves the question god this feels like confusion but what god is really trying to do is teach you how to deal with change you cannot be an effective leader you cannot be an effective leader if you can't handle change whenever god calls you he will put you in situations that sometimes feel uncomfortable but he's teaching you how to navigate having to understand different types of people and it's not because where you are but it's because of where you're going talk to me say jam save jealous rice the bible says and he tells me this hang with me that moses was so unique in his leadership now he had to be because number one he has to understand how to deal with the culture and what god does he takes him from a hebrew culture brings him in to an egyptian culture because the egyptians are the one who has enslaved them hear me when i say this elder sonia you cannot approach or cannot come against something uh that is over you unless you understand it how do i put it this way you cannot you cannot confront something until you understand what you're confronting let me say it this way you gotta understand ladies and gentlemen that before moses could confront pharaoh he had to know how the pharaohs act and some of you don't understand why you're in the place you're in but god has put you in that place because you're going to do be a deliverer and you're going to change some things but god says i've got to put you first in some uncomfortable situation so that you will know how to navigate i'm not talking to anybody you can't change a thing until you get in the thing to change it and so change is important if you're going to be a leader of relevance change is important if you're going to have impact somebody shout amen but ladies and gentlemen you've got to understand that every change precedes chaos all changes are preceded by chaos let me say that again all changes all changes that take place always have to be preceded by chaos and our god understands chaos in fact the bible says when god created he created out of chaos the bible says the earth was without form and void darkness was on the face of the the face of the deep will i teach you darkness is chaos obscurity the bible says and in the midst of chaos god's not traumatized but he says let there be light i want to talk to somebody who's dealing with chaos if you're dealing with chaos god is using you to create something oh i'm getting happy about my own message god is creating you to begin to create something out of your chaos i come to make the announcement to everyone that's going through hell right now and everything's upside down god is about to push you in a creative mode [Music] things that looked upside down god's getting ready to put you in the middle of it to change the situation you need something of chaos in order to create something and i want to talk to the creative people today those of you that are not that are going through so much stuff right now you don't know whether you're coming or whether you're going i want to speak to you but god has now put you on a platform to begin to change some things and what the devil meant for evil oh i feel a shout in here god is going to turn it [Applause] no somebody didn't get well i said uh-huh yeah you got it god is gonna turn it oh yeah yeah yeah in fact as you turn just a minute everything in your life is about to turn everything is about to turn in your favor somebody scream yes [Applause] if you are dealing with chaos god is using you to create something progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything change starts with your mind problem with the children of israel was this they had been changed they had come out of the environment of slavery but although they were physically out although their circumstances had changed physically mentally they still were in egypt i come to pull someone out yes holy ghost thank you thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost you ain't gonna like this but i'm gonna help you i came to pull someone out who's still living in 2018 and 2019 y'all don't get this what happened then is over well bishop i'm in a pandemic i know you're in a pandemic is chaos but creativity is about to come out of your chaos no i didn't hear nobody shout like they mean it everyone thinks of change in the world but no one thinks about changing themselves if i could change this the world needs to do this everybody needs to do this no no no no no you need to change some things will never change let me help you let me help you i've been teaching some folks you know they go well you know i just want this to happen and i just want my parents to change because i don't like the way they are and what have you i said listen some of them ain't gonna change they their age they're the age they are they were brought up differently they came to the country differently they see things differently and if you sit down and wait for the change you're gonna be frustrated what you've got to do is understand some things are gonna stay the way it is and if i can't change i got to change in order to survive with the situation i'm in somebody how to change i need to recognize that in my life oh god i'm gonna preach this that has to change and so a lot of times when we're dealing with people we're trying to deal with them from a intelligent or from a mind perspective and so what we try to do in order to find out who you are there is a test that they have in a secular world called the iq test for those of you don't understand iq's stat because we hear all the time but most people don't know what it means it means intelligence quota that's what it means it means a measure measuring a person's reasoning and ability in short it is to suppose to gauge how well someone can use information by questioning them it's assessing them they give them a test to find out their iq find out how intelligent you are and i found out that we can get caught up with someone's intelligence and iq they may be smart and know how elder louis to put puzzles together and work out challenges but because you're smart doesn't mean you can handle situations because i found out in the secular world there is another one that they don't always talk about which is not just the iq test but there's one called the eq test which is talking about emotional behavior because you can be smart and intelligent and you can know how to solve problems but if you're emotionally unstable come on you understand what i'm saying it i i found some people who are smart minister andrew and i'm confused because i thought that they would behave a certain way and it's not that they ain't smart but they don't know how to handle their emotions sometimes you gotta learn that when people say something you shut your big mouth not everything is designed for you to speak back to come on talk to me sometimes you got to understand that people know how to press your butt and a lot of times we fail in how we deal with circumstances because we allow people to get us emotionally imbalanced and instead of us being a person that conquers and succeed in situations we allow people to get to us emotionally but i come to make the announcement today that there is a generation right now who will not be moved by people we will not allow our emotions to take a hold of us until we lose who we are [Applause] i'm trying to i'm trying to preach can you give me 10 minutes to finish this if you say hallelujah and hallelujah and yes lord and just wave at me and put your thumbs up i'll get through this real quickly because i i got a message for you today we're about to step into something we've never stepped in before before you get home all the host of hell is gonna say what happened to her today what happened to him today by the time you get home every demon that was at your house is gonna know when you step in your room something is different that's taking place in your life she amanda god help me oh help me help me somebody could shout glory [Applause] shout it on the balcony shout it in the middle one more time shout glory [Applause] so we talked about iq and eq but there's another one that they talk about i've been looking at these terminologies and so funny i've been hearing other people talking about them i was like oh god you're confirming there's one called the aq and the aq is called adjust ability being able to adjust to situations it's got nothing to do with your emotions got nothing to do with your intellect it's how you look at the circumstances and realize i have to adjust it won't change so i will change it won't move so i will move and by me moving doesn't mean that i'm less of a person by me moving does not mean that guess what i am not who i am it means i have the anointing for flexibility i told you come on amen hallelujah help me come on get in there [Applause] danielle you gotta understand is that since the pandemic every one of us from you as a musician doing what you normally do the whole world went into shutdown and for some their lives had shut down but for some of us our creativity has woken up because the government shut down it doesn't mean i have to shut down and i'm trying to help somebody who's still shut down and ain't got up yet i'm trying to help someone you understand paul breitler jones i'm trying to help somebody who don't realize the pandemic now god let me let me because there's a lot of theology behind this god's not traumatized by the pandemic god knew the pandemic was coming god knew that in this pandemic some will be affected in a negative way and some will arise to a place of excellence and greatness that they didn't know was in them because the pandemic had caused me to adjust we are preaching now to more people than ever before because of the pandemic well bishop what are you trying to say because you all don't understand the thousands of people on different platforms who are watching us people that are duplicating our message people that are recording our messages and sending it around to their family members hearing the word that i preach and you think in your mind that this is a mess and god says i'm using the foolish things of this world to confound the wise so that no flesh will glory in my presence and the lord told me to tell somebody here that the reason why you are stuck is because you don't know how to adjust somebody are adjust somebody shout adjust moses had to learn to adjust he's a guy he's a hebrew guy all of a sudden he's in the pharaoh's house his royalty he had learned the language he had learned the pause he had learned how to walk how to dress he has his turban he has this majestic look about him but he knows he's a hebrew and after a while he could no longer adjust to the culture of the egyptians because he was seeing how his people were treated and so he had to adjust he had to run away he had to learn the culture from his father-in-law and his father-in-law culture wasn't even an egyptian culture it was a cushite culture confusion and listen ladies and gentlemen you gotta understand i'm getting to where i'm going that he now moves in and becomes a leader he leads millions of people out of egypt and they're now going into the promised land he's been trained to be a leader in egypt but he was not trained a leader as a hebrew because he only knew the dna of a slave but he was trained to deal with different cultures from his father-in-law because he married a black woman and what you don't realize and can i say to some of you out here i want you to know this because all you don't realize is that when the when they came out of egypt read your bible it would bless you it was not only the children of israel that left egypt some egyptians left too you get it so you have to know how to deal with your people and you have to know how to deal with that kind of people one of the things ladies and gentlemen what i have to learn even as in ruach i come from what we call a west indian background my parents were jamaican but even though they were jamaican i have been born in this country i am british yes stuff i laugh too every now and then not only that i spent some time in america so i got some american thing about me when i go to america they say how comes my parents moved from the uk and moved to america so i spent time in america so when i go to america and every time i go there i know in england we like words we're people of words and we're people of communication and when i go to america and some churches some churches i go in and preach i know their style and it is not that i'm not being myself i'm learning to adjust to the culture and to the people who i'm talking to because i need my message to go through i was teaching yesterday my elders i was talk giving a teaching on public communication and one of them walked away and said i never knew there was so much to communicating they said i never knew there was so much you have to think about and i says yes because when you're speaking you're not just speaking to one person you're not speaking to one culture you're not speaking to one people you're speaking to a mass of people and moses had to learn how to be navigate to be able to communicate to the people that he was speaking to ladies and gentlemen you cannot confront that which you don't know you've got to be able to study and understand the people who god is sending you that's why god has put some miserable people in your workplace because he's teaching you how to deal with miserable people because the next group of people that you have not everybody's gonna be nice and you can't allow when you're leading people to get messed up with your eq ah i'm preaching good y'all ain't saying anything but it's all right [Applause] you gotta learn you gotta learn that god is calling us to speak to a mess people outside of our comfort zone you're like god why you put me here you know i don't like it lord what's that what's that all about why you put the devil next to me they've you got the you got almost like you got the devil put their desks near your desk like you know you were working for years in that job nobody bothered you you were cool all of a sudden hr sent somebody or your boss sent somebody like what in the world is this who send her who sent the if you need to let the devil the lord rebuke you you'll every every time you work and they ain't moving you speak all the tongues you spoke uh you spelled holy ghost tongues you spoke english and you got you lose your temper and you spoke another tongue that i can't even speak because god god is doing something moses was a meek man but these people made him lose his temper and so [Music] here's my message and i'm going come out your way real quickly moses says all right god says i'm going to take you to this promise the first thing moses says you know what i want to ask you a question i want you to show me your way uh not show me your ways i would have thought show me your wage i want to see how you you carry on no the word show me your way means show me where you've been if i can understand how you're tracking if i can understand the way you have trodden listen you got to get this if i can understand elder louis get this get this this is so important if i can understand how god moves that's what he's saying how god trot how god goes about certain things if i can only understand why he did what he did it's all right to know what he's doing it's good to know what god's doing god's doing the work what is he doing he's doing a work what kind of work well he's doing the work yeah yeah but but what what kind of work is he when he's doing the work that he was doing what is the work that he was doing why is he doing what he is doing if i can understand show me here's what he's saying show me your way show me i'm trying to understand something about you don't understand and then he asked god for another thing i want you to get these things write these down first thing he says show me your way show me why you're doing what you're doing show me how you're doing the next thing i want you to do is show me not just your way i want one more thing he says i want your presence lord have mercy uh i can't go anywhere i just don't want angels some of you lord angel of the lord come right now god send your angel change your angel right now to bring deliverance hold on a second let me tell you what angels are for they're messengers of god let me tell you nothing about angels angels are messengers of god they deliver words they are ministering spirits and they work on behalf of god angels are not to be worshiped they are the substitute for god i'm in a prayer point right now i thank god for angels i have angels with me anyway i don't want another angel i want his presence are we going quiet in here is there anybody can see we we we got so used to entertainment now that we come in here and we want to hear a new abcd point and we come in hallelujah we praise the lord glory to god and now we got things so keyed up now that we got lights in the building don't get me wrong you know i'm trying to progress have we got led screens and then we can flash you and the flashing has an effect on you emotionally and we can get you to you know what we can do we can set this place up so good that make you lift your hands and you don't even know why you're lifting your hands there's technology oh god let me teach you this technology that's around now that we can put on the led screens that will affect you and you don't even know it's affecting you it will make you stand up and you don't know why you're standing up it'll make you put your hands up we can make you do stuff based on technology and one of the problems with technology it's good in some parts but one of the things i've noticed a lot of our churches does not have the presence of god we have the presence of lights we have the presence of music we have the presence of people but we don't have the presence of god and now a lot of our services oh god can i preach i just need 50 people who's gonna help me preach the truth in here we got to a place where we're happy we're just having the emotional things going on in the building and we have substituted the lights the music for the presence of god [Applause] are you listening to me hey listen to me i play a music you start jumping but you never jumped in your house you never praised any house why because there's never been a presence in your house i'm gonna say something you might not like what i'm gonna say but i'm gonna say anyway that's why some of you were dry because you don't worship at home you expect the praise and worship to worship for you but ladies and gentlemen god is about to bring his presence back into the church who am i preaching to turn my mic up i want to shout a demon down god is about who am i i'm trying to find a person on the balcony at the front i want somebody who believe in the presence of god to open up your mouth and look at me and look at the heavens i want his presence [Music] thank you terry for the music thank you guys you played great my god you played that guitar today i just wanted to shout when you were playing the guitar but if his presence ain't here why have we got to a place where we're so used to not having his presence that's why witches come in here and they're not bothered by us that's why people come in here and car spells and we don't even realize it because there's another presence it is not the presence of god can i preach it i'm almost done i just want to say this last point and i'll be done we like it we like not having the presence we like it now now now whenever the presence of god starts coming in in the building we're all right let's sing a hymn let's bring the dance team on let's change the atmosphere because guess what when his presence comes it convicts us [Applause] do you write your notes number one he says i want to know where you've been number two i want your presence i want no i don't want no angel i like angels they bring me messages but i don't want no angel i want you to turn up i want when i walk i feel you i used to sing a song in my old church jesus in milwaukee jesus in my talking every day of my life let it be jesus he's my reason for living he's my source of survival y'all don't know these songs oh every minute of the day let it be jesus your presence is everything to me his presence i want your presence are you with me all right i'm almost done and then oh god can i do this the third thing he asks he says now if i found favor i want your glory now there is this distinction between his presence and his glory the glory of god is the cabard in the hebrew cabard let me bring this down the weight the splendor the majesty the fullness of god it is god turning up with all of him the bible lets us know and the bible speaks from an anthropomorphic term and anthro anthropomorphic anthro speaking of a human terminology for those of you that understand the word anthropomorphism god speaks like a human being he would say things like i'm gonna let my presence but then he says i stretched out my hands the hand of the lord was upon me god uses human form to explain himself yet still god is not like man he took on the form of man but he's not like man the bible talks about the eyes of the lord going through the earth does god have eyes he explains himself so what he does he uses catchness with me human form that we understand to explain himself when he turns up i hope i ain't boring you uh he turns up and when he turns up ladies and gentlemen and his glory turns up it's not his eyes alone his head his feet the bible says he sits on the circle of the earth so god has the posture of sinning he said [Music] i am going to show you my glory my weight my splendor my sense my goodness my honor i'm gonna show you because you asked for the glory anybody want the glory give me a couple of minutes something's gonna hit this house let me try that again anybody want the glory i beg by the holy ghost that the next time when i ask you this you won't just say it because i asked you to respond but i pray by the holy ghost you say it because you want a manifest presence of god you want god to change your home your circumstances your life your dimension he wants to change everything how many you want the glory of god in this place let me hear you [Applause] here and i'm done show me your glory did you hear that show me your glory moses asked for the glory of god and then god turns around and says ah you want my glory okay here's the funny part here's a strange part i'm gonna let my goodness pass by you excuse me i'm an intelligent person glory cabard weight splendor um weight honor glory i ask for your glory said oh yeah i'm gonna let my goodness pass and i thought about that ladies and gentlemen why did he say the goodness the goodness there is the beauty the gladness the welfare the goddess the good side the joy the wealth i am going to show you a part of me that is good in fact i am going to show you the good side of me because what you don't realize when you ask for the glory there are parts of me you can't handle psalms 46 says it like this he raised his voice the earth melted you've got to be careful what you're asking for god says if i open my mouth everything around you will melt you want my glory second samuel 22 14 says when i open my mouth when i upload to my voice when the most i open his voice it sounds like thunder but i'm getting ready i'm done to show you the good side of me i'm getting ready to show you a side of me listen to let me oh bishop my dad says when you preach something always make sure it completely makes sense to those who you're communicating listen to what god says let me read verse 19. could it could you do this with me uh 19 verse media team can you put it on can you put it on the screen i know i didn't tell you to do this exodus 33 verse 19. and you got it read what it says and he said what i will make all my goodness to pass before thee i will proclaim the name of the lord remember who the name of the lord is last week jesus i'm going to make jesus be the mediator because nobody comes to me except they come from jesus nobody can handle me unless they go through jesus and what i will be what i'll be gracious to whom i will be gracious and i will show mercy to whom i will show mercy wait a minute he's saying guess what i will be gracious if i want to i'm going to show mercy if i want to but there are some folks my glory will be their judgment when i open my mouth everything around them will melt but because i know you moses by name i'm not just going to show you my glory i'm going to be very deliberate i'm going to show you my goodness when i think of the goodness of jesus and all can i get somebody to talk to me i'm about to break something in here are you ready i'm ready he has done for me turn my mic up i feel a hollering my soul cries out hallelujah god is about to show his goodness upon the church we've had a lot of things that's gone wrong over the years and over the last couple of months but get ready for god's goodness to turn up god is about to show his glory in the house those of you that been struggling your struggling days are coming to an end who am i preaching to in here i want somebody in this building who wants the glory of god to stand up on your feet and start opening up your mouth and start screaming like you lost your mind cause the glory is about to come here the glory is about to come the glory is about to come that's it young lady that's it that's it i feel him the glory is about to come the glory is about whatever background i said the glory is about to come yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes watch it watch it stay with me stay with me stay with me because i love ohio shop [Applause] things that was supposed to kill you will not kill you in this season god says i'm showing my mercy i'm showing my mercy i am being gracious to you mercy there was grace and grace was free pardon there was multiplied to me there my sir burden soul found liberty at calvary the glory is coming the glory is coming the glory is coming come on musicians i need them [Music] the glory is coming look at your neighbor say neighbor the glory is coming you all ain't saying it like you mean it i said the glory is coming by the time you get home whoever put witchcraft in your home is about to shift right now your shouting ain't loud enough it's about to shift right now whoever whoever mess with you hear me hear me hear me you know my administrator said something to me the other day and i i was a bit hesitant and she said bishop some people should have been careful how they messed with you i said why you say that she said god will not let them get away because when the glory of god is on your life your enemies are going to be your footstool y'all ain't shouting you i know you're saying a little shout that ain't the shout i want to hear i want to hear a shout that vibrates in the rest of the spirit shout out [Music] listen you come up [Applause] [Music] watch this watch this glory is coming the glory is coming the glory is coming now [Music] there's so much i wanted to say and got time to say listen to catch this real quickly and i'm done catch this real quickly and i'm the look at your neighbor say neighbor catch this real quickly one of the three things he asked for samantha number one he said i want you to show me he said number one show me now your way show me where you've been show me what you've done that's that's what he asked for second thing he asked for i want your presence that means i want to feel you i want to know where you're there i'm a sensual person and as a central person when i know of somebody's presence come here come here hayden because you're in my bubble come here my cousins the moment you come i can almost feel you with your presence i smell your aftershave there's a scent that comes with his presence y'all don't hear what i'm saying [Music] i remember i remember i was in the office one day and i'd left and i was coming through the door and someone said bishop was here i was like what i came through the door i said well you're not saying you were here i guess how do you know i can smell your aftershave you've left the scent behind with his presence comes an aroma he hasn't touched me he's just gone close to me somebody's about to get the aroma of god back in their house back in their ministry back in their home hallelujah i want your presence keep moving have you ever been in a shop [Music] and you felt like someone was following you [Music] have you ever maybe you never dealt with that it kind of looked suspicious so they had security following you somehow you see a shadow in the background you know where there's a shadow there's a light come on i won't get closer i want you to get so close to me don't touch me just get close to me i know if i fall his presence will hold me [Applause] am i preaching to anybody in the building [Music] come close come close i can deal with any opposition once i know i have his presence because if you're gonna fight me you're gonna have to deal with him who am i preaching to in this place [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you but here's the thing he said show me your way show me where you've been show me your presence show me where you've been show me what you have where you've been what you've done yeah moses listen to this moses is the writer of exodus and genesis genuses moses wrote in genesis chapter 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of the lord moved upon the face of the water hold on a minute moses you wrote genesis you weren't there you weren't there [Music] you were there how do you know all of this information god said i will show you my glory i'm going to show you my goodness but what i won't do is show you my face i'm going to show you my back parts the back part of the person is the past of a person the front part of the person is the future of a person i'm not going to talk about your future i'm going to talk about where i've trodden what i did before i'm going to show you creation when you see my glory you're going to look into me and see what i did oh god you're going to look into me and see at the beginning i created the heavens and the earth and they will find a form and void and darkness you are there moses but guess what my glory is a revealer [Music] i'm going to cover you in the cleft of the rock and i will only show you my back parts my pass everything i did in the past the glory of my past the glory of my presence i would teach you but i don't have time that the word glory is linked in the greek with um the word doctor which means the opinion of a thing i'm going to give you an opinion of things i'm going to show you some things that you don't know the bible says that the earth is full with the knowledge of his glory there's some information you will get there was to be some knowledge you will get when you experience the glory i want for 50 seconds everybody open up your mouth and i want you to praise god for glory praise him for the glory come on if you have to shout shout for the glory say i want the glory i want your glory i want your glory i gotta stop i want your glory [Music] i want your glory lift your hands i want your glory i want your glory today i want your glory i want your goodness to pass by you will not experience judgment you will experience goodness i want everybody now in this building i want you to know hear this you might not feel but i know what god told me you're leaving this place completely different by the time you get home watch miracles start happening [Applause] your praise ain't loud enough your praise ain't nothing i'm getting ready to shout one more time it's gonna be a different type of shout look at your neighbor say neighbor by the time you get home everything that was going wrong get ready for it to turn around to go right goodness is coming to your house goodness is coming to your house it's for the glory of god it's not the glory of god it's for the glory of god come here come here both of you watch what's gonna happen now somebody say presents his presence he's gonna follow me surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord thou prepare as a table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup running it's running it's running jordy goodness and mercy [Music] [Applause] shall glory [Music] glory glory clap your hands and give him glory [Music] you may be [Music] i present you the message tonight this afternoon god said there's times you've experienced my judgment you've experienced my terror you've experienced some things that you wish you never experienced but because i found favor i am going to be gracious unto who i want to be gracious you know the glory of god is so powerful that to you it you can see something gracious but your enemies will see something else y'all don't believe me the bible says that the children of israel said moses we're fed up of you being the mediator for us we want to hear god for ourselves god said okay you want to hear me he starts bringing thunder and lightning and everything starts happening the earth starts shaking and the children say no stop stop we don't want to hear him no more moses you can hear him we can't handle you are going to see see the glory can be seen goodness happening in the midst of chaos [Music] oh you better praise him right now you better praise him right now you know come on praise him right here right here i feel that in my spirit [Music] glory everybody stand i'm done everybody who can stand still i'm done lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands in this wonderful place god said don't worry i'm to give you my presence it's going to be with you i'm going to surround you i'm going to surround you with my presence yes you're going home with goodness you're going to my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on lift your voice [Music] is [Music] now listen when the glory comes some of you gonna be scared because you're going to think is this going to is this going to be his judgment no god says i'm going to show your goodness i'm going to show you look at someone say goodness is coming after you turn around say goodness and mercy is going to follow you goodness is coming after you touch someone else find somebody else say goodness get ready for goodness hallelujah [Music] listen to this lord i trust you when i can't trace you so hold my man go before me lord i trust you when i can't trace [Music] everybody up here hallelujah go before me oh [Music] i can't make him by myself go before [Music] [Music] [Music] god is protecting your home i wish i had someone to say amen god is protecting your job [Music] let me give you another one god is protecting your family [Music] i see angels all around here [Music] anytime you see angels that means there's a message coming from heaven over to you get ready for the message that's about to change your destiny the message that's about to change your home the message has to change your life the message [Music] most of all the glory is here the glory is here the glory [Music] is here is foreign is is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah come on give him praise give him praise give him praise come on lift those hands give him praise hallelujah we thank you jesus for your glory hallelujah we thank you for the glory we thank you jesus we give you praise oh god hallelujah we give you glory jesus hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah we bless you jesus glory to god hallelujah we thank you jesus we thank you we thank you jesus come on come on come on church give him praise hallelujah we bless you jesus hallelujah we thank you for the glory hallelujah for it is the glory that destroys yoks hallelujah and set burdens free hallelujah we give you praise we give you praise jesus we give you glory lord hallelujah come on clap those hands give him praise clap those hands give him praise today hallelujah clap those hands and give him praise he's worthy he's worthy to be praised to god hallelujah to god glory to god glory to god we give him praise we give him praise glory to god change has to happen when his glory show up amen glory to god i said burdens has to be moved has to be lifted when his glory shows up glory to god we thank him we give god praise for such a powerful world today amen i'm encouraged today hallelujah i'm encouraged i don't know about you but i said i'm encouraged to know that wherever i go goodness and mercy is with me amen glory to god when you turn up at work goodness and mercy is with you when you turn up at that court hearing goodness and mercy is with you glory to god give him a praise come on clap those hands we thank god for bishop amen for delivering such a powerful word amen we give god praise the best is yet to come amen i said the best is yet to come amen praise god praise god you may be seated at this time glory to god we're gonna let you go with the glory amen the best is yet to come quickly before the pandemic hits before the pandemic hit we were having a all-night prayer here and i remember i didn't i wasn't on the schedule to pray or to do anything but i was called up to pray and god showed me clearly in a dream clearly and i shared it with roxy the church i feel led to share it again because it might look impossible to you it might look the opposite to you but god showed me this theater was packed with people packed with people and i'm saying it again people are gonna come from all culture all nations all tongues i'm decreeing it in the atmosphere again devil you're a liar amen we are not we are not traumatized by any a and pandemic but we know that god is going to send his people and they shall come from all nations from all tribes from all tongues amen to hear the word of god glory to god clap those hands give him praise give him praise he's worthy to be praised amen praise god we're going to do this quickly amen praise god we're at this time we're going to be continuing to bless god with our giving amen please prepare your tithes and your offering if you're in the sanctuary and then if you want to give online you can start preparing your giving to give online so if you can start um get your devices amen you know we're encouraging people to give online amen but if you're here and you want to give the normal way you were given a envelope on your seat please look for those envelope and start filling out those envelope amen we want you to give online that's electronic giving women you can transfer your giving to ru access to the church you know we are a church you are sowing in good grounds amen praise god we are we are determined to establish the kingdom of god here on earth amen so your giving will do just that amen so that people can hear the gospel amen way beyond london amen praise god so please prepare your tithes and your offering and you'll watch the ruach news for more information and how you can give amen also if you're online please join in this part of the service in preparing your titan offering to get thank you for joining us today and i hope you've been blessed by our ministry rural city church provides so many services for people in need our koinonia food bank supports many people who are going through difficult circumstances our outreach ministry team preaches the gospel and provides food for the homeless we also provide housing advice sessions for those in need of virtual tips to improve their housing situations rook city church works hard to give back help us deliver the gospel to people online and around the world help us to spread the word of god if you would like to support rueck city church support our vision and our ministry there are many ways to give to start using textgiving just text the word give if you're in the uk our number is zero one four four two eight zero zero six five zero if you're from the united states our number is zero one one four four one four four two eight zero zero six five zero for the rest of the world our number is four four one four four two eight zero zero six five zero you can also give by bank transfer if you'd like to set up a standing order or make a direct payment to york city church for your tithes and offering please use the following details account number zero three zero eight seven two four zero sort code three zero nine six zero seven how to give online go to the rec city website and click the give tab at the top of the page select your chosen offering type for example your tives all you need to do now is enter the amount it's really simple follow the instructions on screen to complete the transaction thank you amen praise god says you continue to prepare your tithe and your offering we just want to decree over you amen we want a decree over you amen are our decree for 2021 as well amen praise god as you prepare to give your tithe on your offering if you could just have that when you're ready just let me know amen we're going to stand and we're going to decree over our offering over our giving today amen praise god and i haven't forgotten about those who have given their hearts to the lord amen i'm going to pray for you straight after this amen we're going to pray and just believe god that god is going to add to his kingdom amen souls to his kingdom so we give god praise amen so if you just could stand with me at this time amen we're going to decree amen praise god the blessings of abraham over every single one of you today amen praise god praise god so where i'm gonna read the decree and you just agree by saying amen amen according to god's word in job 22 28 the things i decree shall be established in jesus name i decree that 2021 is my year to stand come on i can't hear you i decree that 2021 is my year to stand in agreement with ephesians 6 11 i put on the old armor of god so that i will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil in jesus name i decree that 20 21 i will walk by faith and not by sight i decree that when i hear bad news i will stand firm remain steady trust god and stay focused on his word in jesus name in 2021 i'll be steadfast immovable and always abounding in the work of the lord i'm standing on god's word as a giver and a tither so all financial curses are broken off my life therefore i decree quick progress in my money my business my health my job property education and all that pertains to me in jesus name i decree that in 2021 god will build a hedge of protection around me and my family in jesus name i decree that everything opposing my success will be completely destroyed in jesus name in 2021 i will rejoice always pray continually give thanks in all things agreement with god will with god's will in jesus christ i decree that in 2021 i'll stand in the power and the authority of the name of jesus i decree that i will have victory over all the schemes of the enemy principalities powers and evil rulers of the unseen world in 2021 i will stand in jesus name come on clap those hands give him praise hallelujah glory to god glory to god amen praise god please continue to give online amen you may be seated at this time at this time i'm not i'm very sensitive to the move of god amen and when god moves amen if there's anyone here who've decided you know what i'm going to give my life to christ today i'm going to give i'm going to surrender it all to him amen and even online if you're watching me online amen i want you to to to indicate online amen if you are giving your life to the lord just let me see by a show of the hands amen if you're on the balcony wherever you are if you're in the sanctuary let me just see with the show of your hands amen if you said you know what i'm deciding that i'm gonna i need the glory around me i don't know what's happening in this world but i need the glory around me if that's you just show your hands amen i just want to pray with you we just want to pray with you right here amen is there one in the house today amen praise god please do not be ashamed to accept him or to own him here on earth the word says that if you are ashamed to own your father here on earth he'll be ashamed to own you when he turns up amen so if there's one if there's one today that said preacher i want you to pray with me i want you to pray with me amen is there someone online is there someone online is there someone online please indicate amen if there is someone online that says yes i want prayer i want to give my heart to the lord please let me know amen is there someone online amen praise god we're going to pray the sinner's prayer is there one in the house today amen we're going to pray the sinner's prayer anyhow amen is there someone online yes seen amen amen praise god there's come on clap those hands amen praise god praise god praise god praise god we give god praise amen we're going to pray quickly we're just going to say i want you to repeat this prayer with me amen i want you to repeat this prayer with me and believe in your heart the bible says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart then you are saved amen so just a dear lord come on rock i want you to repeat it with my dear lord i come to you today i am a sinner and i need to be saved lord i heard your word and i pray right now that you will forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood cleanse me in the name of jesus says satan i no longer belong to you i know belong to jesus thank you lord for saving me thank you for your word thank you for changing me in jesus name we pray amen amen come on clap those hands clap those hands it's as simple as that amen praise god i see those clapping hands on on youtube amen come on come on clap those hands we give god praise and if you have repeated that prayer amen we want to give you some instructions on how you can come to hear more to hear more of the word of god you know the bible says that you are a newborn babes and we want to teach you i want to give you instruction on how you can join our discipleship program so please watch this video at this time hi my name is audrey alexander i'm one of the elders at rural city church i personally want to congratulate you in making the decision to follow jesus congratulations on behalf of bishop francis co pastor penny the eldership team and the ruach family we want to welcome you into the family of god as a church we would love to support you with your new life in christ so we are inviting you to our discipleship care program we host a 12-week program where we teach the fundamental principles of the word of god we support new believers with their personal growth and spiritual development and equip them in becoming disciples of jesus christ please listen to some of our course facilitators as they give you more information about the program our discipleship care 12-week program is for new believers and christians who want to build their faith on a strong foundation in jesus christ we cover topics such as how to study and grow in the word the life of jesus repentance and water baptism how to pray and fast how to hear god's voice how to persevere in times of temptation how to live a victorious life in christ and much much more the sessions are facilitated in small groups in an atmosphere that is warm friendly fun interactive and engaging we have a good supportive team that will assist you with your learning sessions take place every thursday at 7 pm on zoom we will be running some of our group sessions at the various locations please listen out for future announcements register today on our website to join our zoom sessions see you there amen praise god praise god come on clap those hands ruach amen praise god we give god praise amen glory to god amen before we go we want to just quickly uh do the the weekly activities amen just to give you the information regarding the weekly activities at this time so please sit back just for a few more minutes amen as we give you the ruac news for the weekly activities bless you hi guys my name is nicole joy and this is the rurak city church news where we focus on the word the worship and the world so let's get into it so just to recap we had channel 4 capture some amazing moments during our service and interviewed our very own bishop john francis if you missed it please do go on our website or youtube channel where you can rewatch it it's that time of year again guys react city church is hosting our annual women's sapphire conference titled still standing we as women have been through so much in the last 18 months as mothers grandmothers sisters aunts nieces and daughters we've had to fight and battle facing all kinds of unexpected pushes and challenges but guess what guys we're still standing we've had to find our inner warrior and soldier on but in spite of all that say it with me we are still standing get ready to experience an amazing time at our sapphire women's conference 2021 from thursday the 21st to saturday the 23rd of october this sunday is youth takeover so you already know it's guaranteed to be a vibe you're not going to want to miss out our youth are so powerful and are literally taking territories there will be a word given by one of our amazing youth leaders guys honestly you're not going to want to miss out go on to our website and register now relax city church has partnered with amazon smile amazon smile has weighed over 3.6 million pounds for charities across the uk of every purchase you make on amazon smile 0.5 percent will be donated to rural city church and now you can support ruac city church when you buy a product on amazon smile here's what you need to do go on the app store and download amazon smile open the app and find in settings the main menu then tap on amazon smile search for rex city church select it and that is it if you have a desktop or laptop you can simply visit sign in with your amazon account search for rac city church and just start shopping happy shopping it's youth discussion week so join us at 3pm after the service our youth team have some interesting topics you won't want to miss register on our website and come down to our kilburn location if you can't attend a person you can simply jump on the conversation by a zoom let's get into the word the ll ministries in a healing and emotional wellness seminar this popular seminar explains how inner damage happens and how you can know god's healing love for yourself the team from ll ministry will share powerful teaching and this seminar will help to understand and apply the scripture that jesus christ was bruised for our iniquity and the chastisement of our peace was laid upon him so that by his stripes we can be healed internally and emotionally the seminar takes place at 11am on saturday 25th of september via zoom register on our website today this is a shout out to all the ladies it's time to feel good about the body god has given you this is the year to feel good both inside and outside the body join our free body of life fitness sessions on zoom every monday for just half an hour we will alternate the weeks between high intensity interval training and latin type workout zumba register now to attend rurak is live on dab so you can listen at home while you're driving virtually anywhere you can listen to gospel music hear thought thought-provoking conversations and interesting stories and now our very own sermons if you have a business and wish to advertise please contact us at admin reach and we will plug you in the ruac book store is open and ready for you to enjoy so if you would like to sew into yourself why not buy a book our catalogue is growing every month with new books being added so lots for you to enjoy also if you've written a book you can also now be a part of that growth so if you'd like to be added to our shop please email us at admin rear in july this year we learned the news of the passing of our dear pastor emmanuel soiree who was laid to rest in sierra leone leaving his wife ceba and their three daughters he was a son of this house and our loss was further compounded by restrictions and travel due to covid which meant we were not able to pay our respects and celebrate the life of a man of god whose ministry was so integral in the early days of rirak city church so on sunday the 26th of september we will be holding a special memorial service at our brixton location at 6 30 pm check the rurak website for registration details verac city church has many members and would like to help as many people as possible representatives from the wellbeing team are in attendance our sunday services and are available for quick chat and to sign posted to the various therapies that are available to you in these difficult times look out for them in their bright green t-shirts you can see them after the service at the back of church alternatively visit our website and click the well-being tab we are here for you what has god done for you we would love to hear your testimony if you would like to share your testimony with us email us at admin alternatively if you're at the kilburn location see me at the back of church and we will get you plugged in we can't wait to praise god for your victory this friday is our night of prayer and it's the night to decree our access to the heavenlies so join us this friday the 24th of september at 11 pm on youtube facebook and on our website it's going to be a powerful time and you're not going to want to miss it because women's conference is coming up we would like to invite you if you're a woman to share your testimony about how you are still standing if you're interested in sharing your personal testimony please contact us at admin congratulations to emma vadakanu i hope i pronounced that correctly on winning the 2021 u.s open final becoming the first british woman to win a grand sam title since 1977 and proving that age is nothing but a number well done girl it's that time guys it's the rurak family challenge where you get the opportunity to take a picture of yourself with whoever you're with or sit next to so we can keep connected so let's do it together in these three easy steps step one take out your phone step two take a picture of yourself with whoever you're with and step three tag us at rec city church so we can keep connected every week we pick a new picture this week we're picking this one and next week it could be yours this was the rurak city church news have an amazing week welcome welcome welcome and it is time for us to get into the deep dive yes that's right hi guys we are back we are back i'm stefan and we have chanel with us so we're about to get straight into it again uh a packed word from bishop john francis so there's so much to get into there's so much things that we can get into um and once again as we have this conversation we want to know from you all at home now what part of the world really touched you um what are you gonna take from the words yes the good side of me wasn't it a fantastic service like such a powerful word as always i feel energized i feel refreshed and i just feel filled you know the good side of me such a powerful word and i know i took a lot away from that we want to hear from you what did you take from the word what did you receive from it how do you feel it's going to impact your life what changes do you think you're going to make in your life you know following the word which was preached not long ago so let us know on facebook on youtube we want to see your comments we want to let we want to see what you think about the message so chanel what did you receive from the world today yeah so many nuggets really i feel for me like one of the key things that bishop mentioned was about dealing with chaos and the impact that chaos has in our lives you know he did mention specifically if you're dealing with chaos god is getting ready to change something which is you know vital when you think about life and the fact that we've just passed through and we're still in you know this pandemic yeah 18 months deep in it and it's been one chaos after the other and i feel like god is definitely getting ready to change things in all of our lives you know from new jobs new contracts you know starting families new relationships new careers definitely you know so much is yet to come so it's all about looking on the bright side and staying positive and that's yeah that's yeah having faith that that change is going to come yes and i think it kind of ties into what uh bishop was also saying where moses uh was saying to god you know show me your way you know you you gotta ask god you know to show him what has he done before you can look back yourself you know what's god done for you in your life you know exactly a lot of our greatest testimonies start with chaos you know it starts with you know something going so wrong so bad but then you know when god comes through you know you know he makes a change in our situations for sure like progress it's impossible without change like we in order for us to progress in life in whatever area of our lives it may be we need to you know we need to make that change to make that change yeah absolutely and that could be with anything it's a change of mindset change of behavior change of attitude to a certain situation definitely yeah so we've got um we're gonna get into some comments once again we want to know what you guys really took away we you know we take away so much from this work we want to know what you've got from it as well so yes um on youtube we've got youtube yeah jesus keeps says we will not go anywhere without god's presence being with us amen that's a good one so important you know um as you know bishop was talking about the presence of god and as you see him change can be so different so difficult you know but if we know that you know we've got god with us yeah we can you know if we could feel his presence know he's with us you know even as he says in the world that you never leave us not forsake us right he's with us you know if we know his presence is with us then we can go through these difficult times difficult changes so definitely that importance to know that the presence of god is with us for sure on um youtube we've got um victory saying also contending from the presence of god in your own home not just at church that is super important um they also mentioned not letting setbacks keep them from trying again and holding on to things from 2019 because there's room for things in every season wow that's deep i definitely felt that one when you know bishop said that you know holding on to things from years ago you know as we keep saying god's trying to get us to change yes change our ways change our mindset yeah you know and that can hinder us so you know it's gotta you know allow god to make that change in our lives yes absolutely yes because we need to progress and in order to progress we have to change ways behaviors yeah definitely i've got um a comment on facebook from chanel again she said what i took away from the word is that chaos always precedes change amen for me that's an indication that good is getting ready to happen yeah amen to that amen to that yes let us know if you've received any good you know even though we're in a pandemic good things have happened let us know what has happened yeah and you know what your testimony is we want to hear i got another comment from fiona um she says in negative situations i don't always need to argue my point let it go yes god's presence and goodness is following me absolutely amen amen to that amen yes karen miller says the past is behind us as it should be it's sometimes so hard for us to let go of the past but it's so important and vital to our progress to you know get let go of the past and don't carry it into our future you know and looking forward you know as yeah we want to look forward to seeing god's glory yeah and seeing god's goodness as you know as the messiah was saying the good side yeah you know we've been through so much chaos now we want to see the good you know the good side we want to see his blessing we want to see his mercy we want to see it's grace you know yeah i want to add actually to that stefan like using our intuition and our skills you know emotional intelligence at important times you know it's so crucial just to be diligent and known when to use these skills that are innate in us you know being adjustable and flexible when we're in certain situations are also crucial to our growth and progress um on youtube v martin says nice to see you chanel hello v martin hello hello yes minister juanita says it was such a great service it sure was absolutely absolutely um and we could go on because there's so much nuggets there's so much to take from this world but it is the end of the deep dive um once again we hope that you've really really been touched by this word and that you're gonna go into your rest of your week rest in a moment yes feeling enriched and and powerful yeah so you know knowing that this is the good side yes we're getting ready to see the good side yeah um so just take that with you into your week um so i've been we've been your host stefan um chanel chanel so we hope you have a blessed week and we will see you all soon take care bye we hope you've been blessed by our webcast today please be sure to visit our website www.ruapcity church to find out more about us don't forget to subscribe to our youtube facebook and instagram if you would like to help us as we help others through our ministry efforts and endeavors visit our giving page at forward slash giving we hope you can join us for our next webcast until then it is our prayer that you stay safe and stay well god bless you [Music]
Channel: Ruach City Church
Views: 3,361
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Keywords: Church, God, Faith, Gospel, Sermon, Christian, Jesus, Jesus Christ
Id: DmkhQRS4-6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 54sec (11394 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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