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[Music] bless the lord r [Music] worship his holiness [Music] bless the lord [Music] oh [Music] let's sing the verse the song comes off [Music] it's a new day dawning it's time to sing your song again whatever whatever maybe [Music] bless the lord [Music] worship his holy name sing like never before [Music] you're rich in love you're rich [Music] is ten thousand reasons for my heart [Music] worship his heart [Applause] when my [Music] my soul [Music] bless the lord worship his holy name like never before [Music] sing bless the lord [Music] my soul worship is [Music] come on bless the lord again [Music] [Music] [Music] say worship your holy [Applause] [Music] worship your holy name [Music] so [Music] god placed a dream within your heart and if you made a start he wants for you to know all of your needs he will supply he's always standing by he's there to see you through just keep on climbing until you reach your goal just keep on striving with all your heart and soul all things are possible with god so don't given he'll move your mountains he believes in your dreams [Music] when the road ahead seems long with faith you can be strong he's there to show the way [Music] with every step you know what's right you conquer in his mind he'll bring that brighter day you just keep on climbing until you reach your goal just keep on striving with all your heart and soul all things are possible with god so dawn gavin he'll move your mountains he believes in your dreams you just keep on climbing until you reach your goal just keep on striving with all your heart and soul all things are served with god so don't get me you'll move your mountains he'll move your mountains he'll move your mountains he believes [Music] [Applause] today i will spend a few moments asking god to help all of us become more like him in this dimension and to give glory i've come to give glory to god for one of what i call the most precious attributes of his character and that attribute is patience if ever there was a dimension of god's character that has been unappreciated has often gone unarticulated and yes unincorporated into our lives if ever there was a dimension of the character of god that has been overlooked by theologians and many of us here today it would be this one critical pivotal dimension of god's character called patience to live a life of patience is one of the great testaments and testimonies that the spirit of god dwells in us in ii peter 1 verse 5 2 peter chapter 1 verse 5 and this by the way i want you to know that these verses of scripture and ii peter are some of the most important scriptures in all of the bible second peter chapter 1 verse 5 says and be besides this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue and the virtue knowledge and then verse six look at verse six and to knowledge temperance that means self-control and to temperance patience and to patience godliness brothers and sisters patience as it is in many other instances in the bible is translated in the old english as long suffering look at galatians chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love the fruit of the spirit is what love what joy peace patience long-suffering patience is a fruit of the spirit and an evidence that the holy spirit by his grace and power lives in us and controls our thoughts and minds in 1956 president john f kennedy wrote a powerful book entitled profiles in courage it gave deep insights on a topic near and dear to his heart really it's one that sadly today we are in great need of and that is political courage but as i studied the word of god in preparation for this message i saw what i would call so many profiles in patience in the word of god are you with me today daniel and the lions did daniel waited patiently for the intervention of god the three hebrew boys in the fiery furnace they waited patiently for their deliverance by god you know if god chose to bring them out of the fiery furnace from the flames praise his name and i'm sure you have heard of the patience of job amen the patience of job job's name has become synonymous with patience and long suffering job was patient with his accusing friends he was patient when their consolation turned to accusation job was patient are you ready for this with his wife hallelujah pray somebody say amen you got to be amen man we've got a good example in job be patient with your wife somebody say hallelujah amen she kept prompting him and even when she was urging him to curse god and die job was patient he was patient in his sufferings believing that god was allowing his trials to perfect his character and that god would bring him out or bring him relief job was even patient under death he said if a man dies shall he live again all the days of my appointed time i will wait till my change come yes job was patient though he slay me i will still trust him but today today i would like to focus your attention on what i believe is one of the greatest profiles of patience in the word of god his name is noah [Music] living in an age of wickedness if you have your bibles turned to read in the book of genesis chapter 6 verse 13 and 14 genesis 6 verse 13 and 14 the word of god said and god said unto noah the end of all flesh is come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth and verse 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood rooms shalt thou make in the earth and shall pitch it within and what without with pitch the second law tells us that one hundred and twenty years before the flood god told noah to build an ark and while building the ah he was to preach a message of warning to the people and look at genesis 6 3 god says and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his day shall be 120 years god told noah that he was going to tell the people that he was to tell the people he was going to send a flood of water on the earth to destroy the wicked those who believed his message of warning and repented and returned to the lord would be saved amen now church as a pastor i think i might be able to persuade you as a church to embark on a hundred day crusade but a hundred year crusade that's a different matter to preach the same message of warning for a hundred now y'all don't know what i'm that's that's amen that's like started in the 1800s and we're still here and i'm preaching the same message what is patience what is patience patience is the ability and capacity to accept or tolerate delay without rancor or complain can i say that one more time is the ability to accept delay without complaining patience is the ability to be at peace when you are forced to wait yes i'm talking about you today and i'm talking about myself because if ever there is a message i need to live it is this message patience is the ability to be at peace and to weigh when there is postponement or some troublesome interval patience is the capacity and ability to bear trial trouble suffering without getting even for one moment angry [Music] but pastor i'm only human that's no excuse for impatience pastor i can't be like jesus that's no excuse he is giving you the strength and the power to learn how to be patient what is patience one writer said patience is the greatest of all shock absorbers in life patience is the only thing you can get as a matter of fact let me tell you how he said he said the only thing you can get in a hurry is trouble so learn to be patient another person said a mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste is never quite all gone but a whole lot of mothers would disagree with that statement here today because even mothers can run out of patience another person said a handful of patients is worth more than a bucket full of brains one man said to me once a long time ago he said if i've seen one thing destroy more talented people than anything else in life it is not the lack of opportunity he said but impatience impatience is what gets you pregnant yes impatience is what gets you addicted patience is often bitter but in the end it's sweet fruit hallelujah god and you don't believe me ask anybody who has gotten a ticket for running a red light they will tell you that what they needed in that moment just before they got it was just a little patience nothing worthwhile ever happens in a hurry patience is the ability to remain are you ready for this one patience is the ability to remain smiling and silent while everybody else at the table is being served oh patience is when you're in the restaurant and you ordered before the other two tables and their food comes before yours you all ought to be hollering amen in this church because i'm preaching the truth if only some of us had the patience to put up with ourselves [Music] you know you can accomplish almost anything if you have patience i said you can accomplish you can even carry water in a bucket with holes yes i said it you can you know how you do it you wait till the water freezes [Applause] just be patient [Music] patience is the ability to count down [Music] hear me now patience is the ability to count down before you blast off with your mouth patience ellen white says it strengthens the spirit sweetens the temper stifles anger subdues pride patience bridles the tongue patience means learning and waiting without worrying and one way to learn patience is to pray for it some of us have to pray lord give me patience you have to pray for it and then after you pray for it guess what you have to do you have to practice it you have to practice it you know i would say this but praise god he's such a wonderful god patience is the ability to remain silent farmers are one group of people who have had to learn patience to be a farmer you need to learn that you can't sow and reap on the same day patience is learning how to control your natural propensity for impatience you know ellen white says that moses by nature was impatient yes moses and we have to learn how to control impatience how to bear up with the foolishness of other people oh now i'm getting i'm getting some action out of this church it's learning to bear up with the impatience yes and the foolishness of other people but can i tell you the best way to learn how to do that are you ready are you ready the best way to learn to do that is by remembering that others are bearing up with your foolishness it's easy finding reasons why other people should be impatient with you isn't it wonderful i heard about a teacher who was helping one of her kindergarten students put his boots on he asked for help and she could see why and without pulling him and pushing she noticed the boots still didn't want to go on when the second boot was on she had worked up a sweat she almost cried out when the little boy's teacher t boy is a teacher they're on the wrong feet and she looked carefully and she saw we were on the wrong feet and then she had to go she spent another few minutes pulling and pulling until she pulled the boots off and she was pulling them off she managed to get her cool together get herself together and this time little boy said teacher you put them on the wrong feet but teachers she said these aren't my boots i teach a bitter tongue and she you know she's trying to keep herself together she's trying to be patient and she said why didn't you say that and then she struggled to help him she pulled the boots off and then he said teacher they're my brother's boots my mom made me wear them this morning that poor teacher didn't know if she should laugh or cry finally she pulled herself together and she said now where are your mittens he said i stuff them in my boots god will take you through experiences in life to teach you patience [Music] now listen let's get serious here for a moment the sermon the lord reminds us that if we plan to live in heaven we must overcome impatience here [Music] if she says if impatience is not overcome we will lose heaven you didn't realize that patience was that important if you cannot overcome your impatience here she said it would have been better had you never been born patience those who manifest in patience you know how you see them they're the fault finders of people always look fine and fault sometimes i want to say those people just hush up i can see what you see but i don't have to point it out [Music] amen accusers will have to be converted patience is essential to us being christians who are christ-like brothers and sisters she tells us that impatience gives birth to impatience impatience and this blew me away she calls it a spirit of evil and by the way your parents bad example is no excuse for you not overcoming your own impatience how many times are you allowed to show impatience she says never never did you hear that n-e-v-e-r never should we show impatience impatience is the result of a lack of and if we are christians patience will be seen in our character keep yourself under control for heaven's sakes master yourself satan will take every advantage impressions only brings you trouble and sorrow nothing will be gained by your unholy anger when you are provoked to impatience go to your knees call on god say a prayer impatience shows up as anger it shows up as annoyance yeah i'm just annoyed that's impatience it shows up as irritability you know some people just just easily irritated that's the spirit thank you god of impatience it's a spirit it's an attitude and you should not let it control you did you know that the man who yields to impatience ellen white says is serving satan whenever you yield to impatience you are a servant of satan in that moment [Music] so you must take special care that you're not harsh with other people and impatient with other people anybody who ever said that prayer lord be patient with me have you ever said that to your friends be patient with me god is not through with me yet god has not come brothers and sisters back to earth because some of us have not yet learned how to be patient one other can did you hear what i just said did you hear what i just said that one of the reasons jesus has not returned is because his people have not learned to be patient many who heard the preaching of noah will prick but no the reason i said no was patient for 120 years he preached in front of a ship with no water for 120 years noah preached and waited for the ocean to come to the ship some may have thought that he built it that big because he had never seen a real ship before but he didn't know any better but let me tell you he built it because god gave him the special specifications nor built it big because it had to ride out a big storm are you with me did you know how big that boat was it was about almost the the length of two football fields some of those logs to build the boat the only reason they could be carried is because back then they were much bigger and stronger than we are today for 120 years noah preached that a flood was coming when noah someday when not not long from now how long though not long it's been 120 years now for 120 years he stood like a rock for under 20 years he reproved some called him a wild man a lunatic a crazed fanatic but noah believed god sometimes noah must have felt he was out there by himself and i found in my life when you know you're working for the lord it's okay if you're out there by yourself it's okay when nobody else is with you amen because god is with you as long as god is for you you're gonna succeed as long as god is on your side he'll keep your dream alive some years ago there was a tapestry in a home for recovering alcoholics it was a picture of a stream with a shoal and a large group of fish heading one way and but there was one solitary lonely fish swimming in the opposite direction and underneath the tapestry where these words any dead fish can float downstream it takes a live one to swim against the cup i can tell you when god is for you you're gonna be all right noah preached a strange power accompanied his words every blow of his hammer every grind of his soul and just think he held a crusade for 120 years and nobody got baptized people of his day were absorbed in everything but one day the animals started marching towards their i said one day as though directed by a divine lieutenant they marched through guided by an unseen hand and when they were all inside the ark a voice from heaven said it's time noah praise god i said the door was shut and the wicked jared and all of a sudden from the heavens came a cloud of glory more dazzling than lightning it hovered over the ark and that god instructed noah to build it so large because only my god listen to me listen to me that door was built so large because god wanted only the arm of god to be able to shut it down only the arm of god could have shut the door to the ark and then when the door was slammed shut somebody said didn't it rain chill didn't it rain oh my lord it rained and rain and someone said it rained all day and it rained all night after a while knowing his family could feel the boat lift off the ground floating free in the water it was the end of the world as they had known it water came from above water came from beneath water covered the whole earth the seven law says that the people were so desperate to save their lives they tied their children onto animals that were running towards the higher places of the earth patience patience will save your life yes where were you on september 11 tell you where i was i was scheduled to land at national airport at 11 00 in the morning do you know what time that plane went into the pentagon but i did something i almost never do i set my alarm clock instead of 5 00 am i set it for 5 p.m and i miss my flight and when i caught the next flight i got stuck in atlanta and as the word came in as a matter of fact when we boarded the flight we actually went out to the runway the pilot said ladies and gentlemen there is a problem and we're gonna have to go back be patient hear me when you're patient god directs your steps when you're patient god speaks to you amen i have a friend i have a friend who was going one day from the united states on a flight korean air flight going to seoul south korea the plane stopped in anchorage alaska and the lord spoke to him said get off the plane he didn't know what or why god was telling him that he got off the plane the plane took off and that plane was shot down with all its passengers hundreds of passengers by a russian air force jet a russian missile the fbi came to him they wanted to know they interviewed him why did you get off he still has the ticket to seoul south korea yes when you're patient [Music] praise god god will speak to you amen brothers and sisters one day god said noah you just go on and get on that boat well is patience a quality you need a little more of today i want you to answer truthfully to yourself do you need a little more patience i'm going to say one more time because somebody's scared to say let me say dude patience is not something that you do on the outside patience is something that grows on the inside thank you god it is a dimension of god's character that you must learn if you want to be restored into the image and character of god my life changed when god showed me that one of the most important keys to understanding his will brothers and sisters is to remember this whatever god asks you to be in his word he already is so when he asks you to be patient that means he is patience in perfection whatever god asks you to be he is so john 1 john 4 16 says god is love say it with me god is love and then do you know what first corinthians 13 says [Music] love is patient love is patient so that if if a equals b and b equals c then a equals c come on math people help me out so that means if god is love and the bible also says love is [Music] patient that means that god is patient he would never ask you to do and to be what he's not did you know when when when god moses said to god god show me your glory moses was saying show me your character and the lord descended in the cloud and the lord said pass by before him proclaim he said the lord god is merciful gracious and then he said he is merciful gracious and patient do you know every time god help help me lord every time god wants you to know what kind of god he really is he uses his character dimension of patience he reminds you he reminds us i am a long-suffering patient god he waits a long time before he shows his face he doesn't have to learn patience he is spacious amen patience is just not who he is patience is not who we are but god and and and if you think about it god should have lost patience with us a long time ago god is patient with us because patience is a cornerstone of his nature and character and were not for the patience of god we would have been lost a long time ago even the time we have needed to work out our salvation amen thank you god the time to work out your salvation is a gift of god's patience the lord is patient with us because he doesn't want us to perish the bible says he wants everyone to come to repentance peter says in verse 15 of ii peter 3 the patience of god is our salvation our salvation whoa thank you lord it's his patience if god was not patient we would have not been afforded the time to grow in grace and overcome he wants us to learn how to wait for others before i close before i close he wants you to learn how to wait for other people to come to their senses he has been waiting with for some of us to come to our senses hey and i'm still learning you can show patience by waiting joyfully instead of complaining regularly i want you to turn to that person next to you right now and say to them you can show patience just tell them you can show patience by waiting joyfully instead of complaining regularly they needed to hear that and so did you amen can you be pleasant when you're annoyed is anybody answered pastor i need patience can you be pleasant when you're annoyed if you can't you need a little patience can you get can you get in a long line with a smile on your face or thank you god let somebody pass you who is in a hurry and not feel offended or when somebody asks to go ahead of you and you see no good reason for their requests happened to us last night my wife and i were in dc taking off last night and a man you know some people think they're so slick ran up to the counter like he was asking a question and then came back and stood in front of everybody on the line it takes patience to let that man stand there and not say listen buddy who do you think you are we're not blind neither are we crazy we got your number we all see the little game you're playing but it was an opportunity for us to exercise [Music] patience is a work god does way down in your spirit and in your attitude nothing good in god's kingdom is born of impatience you can't rush a flower into this world it's coming in it's own time you can't force a mango to ripen it's on it's are you with me it's on its own schedule brothers and sisters i hope you heard from my heart today and from god's heart today patience patience is a dimension of the character of god that we must learn if we plan to live in glory [Music] will you pray with me wait on the lord wait i say your children will try your patience yes [Music] by the way wait i say on the lord god told me that he's speaking to somebody here today he's speaking to you you [Music] who have a tendency to be irritated when there's a delay god says he wants to teach you patience how to wait on the lord [Music] how to speak words of kindness when you're up upset how to overcome harshness when you provoked patience patience [Music] the one who yields to impatience is a servant of satan oh god oh god let no impatient words come out of our mouths oh god help us not to be fretful and fault-finding oh god oh god pour upon our lives the bomb of patience oh god help us to resemble and reflect this character dimension of christ in our own lives patience it is rare too rare in our churches and in our homes and god we're all guilty we're all guilty help us to understand that when you say wait yes it doesn't matter how long we have to wait it's how well we wait are we waiting with tolerance others and leniency to others and patience towards others please god teach us patience not only will some of us sit save our lives but it'll save our souls my god or jesus god you've been so patient with us now my brother my sister [Music] if you know in your heart [Music] you need to ask for god's help to learn patience because you want to go to heaven and you want to say lord teach me how to be patient will you raise your hand say it i need god to teach me patience patience oh do you mean it today if you raise your hands i want you to stand to your feet stand to your feet and come to this altar so we can pray together i want to pray with you and all you're saying is lord i need help teach me how to be patient the bible says the lord is slow to anger are you slow to anger if not you need patience [Music] i feel so bad and i look back at my life i was a class clown i i gave my teachers a fit [Music] but my teachers were so patient with me [Music] and ever since i gave my life to christ i am still so humble that god patiently pursued me [Music] you know what i don't know about you but i am thankful i am one person who's thankful that the lord didn't come 10 years ago [Music] i am thankful he didn't come five years ago he's still working on me teaching me patience the patience of god is extraordinary he gives some of us not days not weeks not months but years to turn around years to turn from our [Music] if god did not have patience we'll be done for we'd all be finished because he knows everything about us and still is patient with us hallelujah thank you god he gives us his patience gives us time to grow so i stand with you just to say thank you lord thank you for your patience and teach me god how to be patient to stop the criticizing to stop the fault-finding [Music] isn't there something impatience doesn't get you there any sooner it doesn't change anything for the good god said those of you who stood you come forward this is an important day for you this is an important message if you're above your head i want to pray for you father you've seen those who stood and those who come forward [Music] out to heaven seeing clearly that this dimension of your character must be fully manifested in their own we need to learn patience we need to learn to bite our tongue to hold our sharp words [Music] to be patient [Music] we don't have to comment on everything we don't have to give our opinion on everything when something happens that we don't approve of teachers patience the incomparable patience of god please god i'm asking for this gift for my own life and for the life of everyone who stood and was come to this altar we are sobered by this reality that without patience we will be lost we will not make it to the kingdom of god but we have a god who is ready and willing to teach us how to be patient always in everything for your name's sake and your honor and your glory i pray this prayer amen [Music] amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] lowest dance in spring in the icy wind they fade away [Music] brings the dawn soon the night will come and shade the new day [Music] but i dream of things eternal i keep this hole burning in my soul that somewhere the night is shining somewhere a world out there is waiting for me and i believe we'll get there someday and love will light the way and lead us home [Music] so teach the children well tell them god has got a home in the sky help them find their way to that place where dreams never die soon this darkness will be over i know we'll see a bright and better somewhere the night is shining somewhere a world out there is waiting for me and i believe we'll get there someday and love the light the way and made us home [Music] somewhere the night is shining somewhere a world out there is waiting for me and i believe we'll get there [Music] god's love will light the way and lead us oh [Music] [Applause] praise him praise him jesus [Music] [Music] holy name like a shepherd jesus will guard his children in his arms he carries them all day long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him every joyful song [Music] praise him praise him jesus our blessing redeemer for our sins he suffered and bled and died our hope of eternal salvation hail he inhale him jesus the crucified sound his praises jesus whom are our sorrows love unbounded wonderful deep and strong praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him never enjoyed the song praise him praise him jesus our blessed redeemers down with hosanna's ring jesus save your reigneth forever and ever found him found him prophet and christine is [Applause] praise him praise him tell us excellent greatness praise him praise him every joyful song [Music] [Applause] enjoyed it [Music]
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 2,721
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Church Service, Prayer, Palm Bay
Id: bolppCFxrck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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