A Time of Refreshing (Fasting Edition) - March 31, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again [Music] i will enter in his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his courts with praise i will say this is a day that the lord hath made i will rejoice for he hath made me glad so many things to be thankful for so many things so praise god for so many victories to celebrate and of course so many causes and concerns for us to pray about and this is why we're here gathered to today in our few in numbers to glorify god to seek his face and to reach you our brothers and sisters in all the places in all the lands in all the earth to celebrate the goodness and the grace of almighty god so this is wednesday the week of his passion heading into good friday until easter sunday morning resurrection mourn unusual times and certainly unusual things but we praise god so call up your friends and neighbors everybody everywhere let them know it's worship time worship time in the sanctuary worship time in your own worship time at the office to limited extent worship god in the hospitals in the street wherever we find you together let us worship god for i will enter in his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his course with praise i will say this is the day that the lord had me i will rejoice has made me glad church he has made me glad i will [Music] he rejoice made me glad he has made me glad yes i will rejoice for he has made me glad one more time i will enter in his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter his courts with praise i will say this is a day that the lord hath me i will rejoice for he has made me glad well he has made me glad oh he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me glad glad i'm so glad he has made me glad he has made me glad i will rejoice for he has made me god bless you we're coming to you from power fade ministries and our prayer leaders are here prayer warriors are here numbering five of them well god bless you they are the five wives okay matthew 25 the five wise are here and all those who are at home they are among the wise also so we want to engage you for the next hour hour and a half thereabout wherever you are so please get ready to worship in as much as you can as we fast and pray and seek the lord together a powerful message will come to you later on and we'll pray the prayer of faith for everybody so evangelist jennifer wrote our prayer leader comes at this time to take it from here and we'll return [Music] glory [Music] hallelujah thank you bishop glory to god hallelujah hallelujah it's worship time hallelujah hallelujah we come to give him praise we come to give him glory we come to give him honor hallelujah in spite of the circumstances ah we're giving him praise this morning we're giving him glory hallelujah hallelujah jesus he is worthy to be praised he is worthy to be exalted he is worthy to be lifted up there is none like hima and there is none to compare you can search the whole world true and you can never find another like keemer oh glory to god we worship the king of kings we worship the lord of lords we worship the conquering lyanna the tribe of judah the one that can break father the one that can destroy yoka our brother and bearer our miracle worker our our great physician our sympathizing jesus that can be tortured with the feelings of our infirmity we praise emma we praise emma we praise hima we glorify him this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus wherever you are this morning oh glory to god if you cannot lift up your hands sir oh glory to god just worship him from your lips this morning oh bless the name of jesus oh glory to god it's time to worship him it's time to exalt him it's time to lift him up god bless the name of jesus [Music] he alone is worthy he alone is exalted he's a great privilege this morning god bless the name of jesus to stand our glory to god in this position oh bless the name of jesus we give him all the praise all the glory and all the honor we said to you all over there this morning oh glory to god we are here with our prayer we are here with a song oh bless the name of jesus with the word hallelujah and wherever you are this morning if you're tuning in you can be blessed hallelujah hallelujah because the blesser and the healer is in the house hallelujah glory to god this morning i just want to read that scripture glory to almighty god hallelujah ah has we come before him hallelujah thank you jesus we will stand the eve of good friday oh bless the name of jesus glory to god i'd just like to read this scripture this morning and it's taken from isaiah 53 hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus wherever you are with your bible on your phone oh god hallelujah thank you jesus reach for your bible hallelujah glory to god isaiah 53. i begin who had believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he had no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of service and acquainted with grief and we eat as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteem him not surely he had burned our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we didn't steal him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgression ah he was bruised for our iniquities the justice meant of our peace was upon him and with his tribes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord had laid on him the inequity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before he shares his dom so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the reaching his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet he pleased the lord to bruise him he had put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul and offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pledge of the lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge and my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities twelfth and final therefore will i divide him a portion a persian with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he had poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he beared the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors glory to god thank you jesus glory to god here in the reading of his holy word let the church say amen hallelujah glory to god this is talking about jesus hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus and isaiah read the scripture this morning this song come to my heart oh bless the name of jesus were you there when they crucified my lord were you there [Music] when i crucified my lord sometimes [Music] were you there [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Music] the [Music] sometimes it costs me [Music] when they [Music] when the sun refused [Music] [Music] refused [Music] sometimes [Music] when the sun refuses to [Music] my lord where are you there where did [Music] sometimes it causes me to tread [Music] [Applause] [Music] your [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] dream sometimes it can cause me would you remember that's where you did when the sun refused to shine [Music] [Applause] sometimes [Music] hallelujah [Music] it was for you it was for me this morning oh god we hail him this morning oh we hang him up he could have called ten thousand angels oh glory to god to set him free but he died alone for you and i this morning he did not know no sinner hallelujah yeah jesus oh bless the name of jesus it was for your deliverance it was for my deliverance it was for your healing it hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus bless the name of jesus oh we bless your name we magnify your name we honor your name this morning glory to god coming to us this morning oh glory to god with our first intercession oh glory to god sister mary fritz hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god [Music] gloria glory to god hallelujah glory to the name of jesus glory to the almighty god were you there when they hang him on the cross oh glory to god i wasn't there but i thank you jesus i bless your name god a magnify your name jesus a glory for you king of kings and lord of lords who can fathom you god who can contend with you and come out victorious god i'll lift you up by your god a magnify your precious name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to the king of kings hallelujah to your name jesus a glory for you god you say a parable to this and glory to god that men ought always to pray and not to faint on god you say we are not to faint we are always to pray so we are here to pray almighty god because you said there was an unjust george in a particular city hannah with the woman okay jesus may have my adversary oh god but for the beginning the judge who didn't fear god our regard men didn't pay her any attention oh glory to god but continue wally she prays continually when he said i will avenger of her adversary oh because she's going to weary me and you say almighty god in the name of jesus christ if you will not hug for your relay wouldn't you avenge your horny lake oh my god who call on your day and call on your night almighty god you said you will avenge your suddenly o god mighty god but you asked a question he said when you come will you find faith in us oh glory to god help us to have faith almighty god because you're the bigger of the biggest you are the mightier than the mightiest none can be compared to you god you're awesome in all your ways oh great jehovah i cry unto you this morning i cry unto you for jamaica land we love the men in jamaica land we love oh god holy ghost of the living god you say no man commit unto you unless your spirit draw them draw them oh god these men by your spirit oh god these young people by your spirit god because only you can save you can save to the ottomans you can say from the gotomost you can save almighty god i have tasted you and see god that you are a good god you're a mighty god you're everlasting father there's none like you god oh god i lift you up oh god almighty save almighty god save by your mighty power call him unto you god call him by your divine spirit oh man of jamaica ah jesus christ call you come come unto me he said holy that are revelation and i will give you rest he said take my yoke upon you and learn of me because i am make a lonely lord and he shall find rest unto your soul cause my yoke is easy and my burden is light oh great god we thank you oh great god we lift you up oh great god we call on you this morning because you're sovereign your hands are not shot almighty god neither your ears heavy you can reach the almighty god you can touch us oh god you can touch us oh god touch your hearts oh god because you said out of the heart flow the histories of this life oh god oh my god mighty god you say hold of this this life that you have given us flood history of life mighty god i remember in scripture you move upon david turn on my israel oh god you said oh god because they had sinned against you and you asked him to number them from them to be a shiva you say go and number them even when he was being discouraged by job he prevailed over him and went to number israel or glory to god hallelujah from god to be a shiva he number oh god he went through the london number he spent nine months and 20 days numbering israel oh god mighty god you caused him to do such a thing you said jerusalem was here thousand man glory to god and in judah is five thousand man oh god when job came back oh glory to god the heart of david was smitten and he said god forgive me i have done a terrible thing oh holy ghost of god we have had sin against thee forgive us oh god forgive us our trespasses oh mighty god forgive us forgive us oh god because he went and he said forgive us and when the final blow was going to be heard and the j and the angel was beside the threshing floor ah and the lord have to call to him and say stay your hand oh glory to god stay your hand oh god oh jesus don't consume us stay in your heart this morning have mercy upon us this morning have mercy on god have mercy in the ease have mercy on the west of mercy the knot have mercy in the salt almighty god of mercy this morning and he numbered our glory to god and he had to when the prophet god come unto him and said i'm giving you three things three things seven years of farming a treatment being brushed you by your enemy or three days of pestilence oh god david said i would fall and let me fall in the hands of the lord all glory to god hallelujah he said let me not fall in the hands of men let me fall in the hands of the almighty god oh great god let us fall in your hands this morning oh god let us fall in your mighty hands oh we are willing to fall in your hands this morning oh glory to god oh and we pray and we ask you for your divine forgiveness forgive us lord and david to go down to aruna for the threshing floor and he went down to aruna for the church and floor and that's ruined i want to keep him free jesus but he said no no no no no no no no how can i offer to god something that cost me nothing oh glory to god hallelujah honey shackles of silver for the threshing floor all glory to god and make a sacrifice into the lord and the lord was entreated well lord we are here this morning to make a sacrifice unto you don't ask your great god to forgive us our god with sacrifice of praise sacrifice of fasting sacrifice of honor mighty god you said all things was created by you whether invisible or invisible whether it's strong dominion whether it's principalities are born it was created by you for you oh god so we know when you allow it you have something you have something for us to learn oh god help our hearts to learn help our minds to learn help our bodies to learn almighty god let us be obedient let us be obedient and disciplined and pray and not faint or break jeopard we're looking to you we're looking to your heart we're looking to your finisher we're looking to your great god because evil the steward answer you stu enhancer your god hallelujah the man of her we heard oh god joshua tell me say more than with real stone than with this word oh great god hallelujah to your name jesus oh god tree answer you your cursed victory and its psyop they dry up you dry up you dry your blood you talk to water as the peace be still and the water happy here you our hearts can hear your god yes i can hear your god our body can hear your god talk to us jesus call up to us and we will hear you i call you jesus you say you will come and show us some things that we do not have oh great god that's why we look to you this morning we look to your great god the author and finish who can father you who can contend with you oh god who so almighty god we call you and i know you're here because you hear us you said we are too hot we are to seek and we are to knock so we are hurting this morning for your divine intervention rehasing you this morning for your divine power oh god there are none like you you sit upon the circle of the earth what a mighty god we serve we honor your god we bless your name god we glorify you god you're awesome in all your ways god will lift you up we tell you thank you jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus [Applause] jesus to the king of kings and the lord of lords we just shout like you lord we just extol your lord we just lift you up god hallelujah to your name jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah nebuchadnezzar was a great king in babylon and you let him go and eat grass for seven years you give him a beast heart oh god you give him a heart of a beast jesus mighty god you're telling me they grew up feather like eagles i include a claw like a bird but yet after seven years to restore him and he said his understanding was as lightened when he looked in the sky he said my understanding was enlightening lori x told you lord he praise your lord he gave your glory almighty god oh god what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve oh glory to god so i tell you thanks almighty god thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for your love almighty god and i said in jesus christ our lord hallelujah hallelujah jehovah is [Music] is your name [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus getting ready for the second intercessor glory to god coming to us at this time oh glory to god is evangelist janet brown glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus glory to god hallelujah bless the name of jesus jesus holy ghost of god we come this morning we come because you are god we [Music] this morning so we come to you and we coming on an aim for the name of jesus christ of nazareth by dimension of your name every knee shall [Music] lord god i'm here to pray for almighty god the leaders of the world i am here to pray for every leaders across the world this morning lord god almighty lead us in our places this morning lord god almighty you have called leaders to lead under your divine authority not authority for jesus christ of nazareth authority lord god almighty we are going through rumors of war with cooperating for jesus christ it is such an entire world so we come this morning to repent to repent for the entire world this morning nation and all over the entire world we are speaking to every leader every man every woman that stand up as a leader this morning there is a bigger leader than you this morning and his name is jesus jesus all over the entire glory this morning i want you calling my name wherever you're standing we are in my your city calling my name say jesus jesus christ i'm not already we need your help this morning we need your divine intervention we need your god we need you to show up don't know this is the country where we are and we are going to target tommy eckhardt this morning jesus christ a lot of wood and water i learned that you have called to be a landmark all of a sudden where you will dwell with your people but oh god this morning lord god are clearly here with this man every i think i don't want to exalt itself in the iran here we are this morning we bring it down this morning lord god almighty i will plead the retreat blood this morning the blood of jesus christ of nazareth the blood that reaches to the ice mountain and it flowed to the lowest valley let that blood release upon jamaica from the great point and by this morning every leader the prime minister this morning the governor general this morning every leaders in the opposition lead us this morning we lift them up before your god and we pray that their eyes will be opened to see this morning that there is a king lord god almighty over the entire world he said to moses tell my people that i am the i am that i am i am the alpha i am the i am the beginner i am the loss i am the first and my thoughts are higher than your turn and my ways is higher than your ways so this morning we'll lift up our leader for this house this morning bishop doctor therefore the office we'll lift him up before you this morning you're dying my name you annoying my number you know is we are about hey god almighty all about satan one that you have chosen from the world you say you know i am before we entered mother's world lord god you say your ideal name before he was out of you lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus hey lord god he has a dynamite and when that done divine release out of his belly it reached the entire world hey god almighty shatter robosata rubber basata ratata makata rabbi city remember he can't do nothing about it he was anointed he was appointed [Music] to carry the world to the entire world lord god our daddy said my word have i given to you and it is than a twenty song so when you send the word jesse man we have to go delight i will have to go sassafras we have to hold in peace every pastor every bishop every evangelist every hell does oh god that you have called to lead in this preacher hospital we pray for the leaders that you're called oh god to lead jamie lord god is so much crying in so much things but jesus asked us of our cry out and said my sorrow but you know i have no power i am the might my lies are open jesus so this morning they will lead us across the 14th parish of jamaica you need to cry out tell god tell jesus i cannot bear this burdens [Music] jesus there is no plague that jesus cannot triumph do you think there is nothing that jesus cannot do he said nothing yes but people must repent repent of your color repenting this repent in the words repenting the lord repenting the songs there is a cry for repentance over the entire world over in america over in the white house over every state of america over canada [Music] so we shine hands together now we pray for the entire world everybody that is listening whatever video you are using right now once you are listening this morning shine a prayer and cry out for somebody cry out for a child [Music] that is leading in your country or wherever in the name of jesus christ of the mighty god your laws this morning you know each and every one of you so this might look to you we look to you we look to you jesus thou son of david amass your brothers have mercy we need your help this morning send your help another name for the name of jesus christ of nazareth as we call to you this morning lord hallelujah bless the name of jesus let's just worship him hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god thank you jesus when the prayer goes up when the praises goes up the blessing will come down coming at this time oh glory to god the final intercessor oh glory to god jesus sister carolina oh glory to god thank you jesus morgan oh bless the name of jesus [Music] glory hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus glory glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus bless the name of jesus thank you father thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we worship your lord be a doer your mighty god we lift up your name jesus mighty god i've done here we worship you this morning we exalted him jesus mighty god we look up to you jesus this morning from whence coming to our health this morning oh i am coming from you god you are reviving gideon almighty god as i come this morning almighty god to lift the sick body down this morning mighty god of daddy and they needed people almighty god of daniel lord jesus christ of nazareth father we please in every sick home hospital everyone is sickness the father jesus lord god we put you before god lord god almighty mighty god i'm not here create thy priest father i will look to you oh i help me strap you our eyes are upon you this morning mighty god of daniel remember your tell us god you were zoomed in for your chance question your experiences for your iniquity the achievement of your peace was a balanced almighty god and by your stripe we are healed this morning mighty god relief of sickness and diseases are you understanding mighty god abner will come against every sickness god will come at them lord god will tell him but your i hope like on your daily victory victoria which you are your cancer almighty god we drive corbin from the root we take it from the root we send fire in the name of jesus christ we shall retake our very spread of warfare mighty god of god yes in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty oh god you are your helper you are wild by god so we cry unto you god do you ever cry this morning breathing at the hospital i can never breathe and dog in the before clean up the hospital with your blood god heavy dead father almighty god some light oh god no nothing but god i'm gonna mean god we look to you jesus daddy we call our new daddy daddy with god and you all we cry on for help we say help god we say help we say help god jesus looked on god mighty god of daniel priest almighty jehovah jehovah jehovah yeah we have no other one but you jesus mighty god i'm done here take a dirty god take a charity come and do what other power can do this morning in the hospital speak to someone that he asked me to make someone here advise his advice that make a difference almighty god have done here great i praise oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god we need help god bless we need the help yes i think they still come from you seek this come from the devil love it but you are the one with the sick of god our eyes are open you our eyes are upon you jesus our eyes are upon you mighty god jesus christ of nazareth the son of the living god oh god almighty oh jesus almighty we pray almighty god lord god almighty for opening door feeling needed mighty god of daniel we pray if our opinion doing this morning lord god we say hope some do already enemy lock up lick them off jesus fly our baby in chapter name god almighty god who open the door for your people we'll fight for your people this morning provide god oh god you're dead as god yes almighty god you said he hurt his lord and a fullness thereof almighty god i've done it oh god your tail of god yesterday you will supply out of the knee as come to your riches in glory so jesus provide for your people provide god provide for your people provide for the shelterless provide for the needed lord god almighty walking toward jesus whoever some do already have been shut up fly with them reconciling jesus martin we shall lead them off in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we see we take mighty god and authority we take the authority lord jesus christ of nazareth we're going to be put on some things when people belong this morning almighty god jesus we are tearing them down this morning we are tearing them down we are crushing them god we are crushed every sword almighty god we are going to fight that directly almighty god when i retreat when i surrender we know about those when i give up almighty god i'm done yet we said death before nisana we said that before the sun in the name of jesus we are fighting god we are surprised we are christ god we are right why the god we are right with our christ in the name of jesus christ of nazareth mighty god of god mighty god almighty god we call that you jesus heal our christ hear your children christ even your children god father god will look to you this morning oh i have been from you almighty god i will leave everything you are this morning father we take a touch in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus glory to god thank you jesus glory to god it's not our willa this morning but it will be done hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus oh god we pray and god delivers bless the name of jesus at this time glory to god i must decrease hallelujah thank you jesus christ ah we worship you jesus we bless your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god touch your people touch your people lord deliver your people in the name of jesus christ lord we look to you hallelujah jesus ah oh my god we called for the fourth wings oh god blew up from the north the east and west ah jesus blew upon your people this morning touch them god touch them in their homes touch them in their business place touch them in their cars wherever they are this morning minister unto them god let somebody cry out i heal i cannot hold it or no longer save somebody recreate my backslider touch somebody that is oppressed taught somebody that is depressed deliver your people oh god we pray oh jesus we look to you we look to you lord we look to you this morning we give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor i will tell you thanks in jesus name glory to god at this time glory to god please receive our bishop our founder our spiritual father our bishop dr dalford davis receive him in jesus name hallelujah [Music] well praise the lord to god be the glory great and wonderful things have been done since we've begun our prayer session at 11 o'clock am and this is i noon in jamaica and we continue to seek the face of almighty god momentarily we'll be entering upon god's word to share with his people and we hope and trust the lord that all of you will be blessed challenged and inspired to continue your christian journey those of you who have not yet begun this walk of faith we trust that you will do so before your time expire here on earth because expire it will sooner if not later father we thank you for your blessings upon us poured out in all the ways that you have we thank you for the prayers of intercession we thank you for the intercessors we thank you for our musicians minister scott elder level we thank you for the prayer leaders we thank you for the warriors we thank you for all persons who are tuned in at home and abroad near and far we pray that you continue to minister to us oh lord and grant that when we shall have pronounced a benediction today we would have done your will and your will alone bind the enemy now subdue principalities and powers let god arise and the enemies be scattered we pray in jesus name amen god bless you juarez you can be seated [Music] i want to share with you god's word today i felt strongly in my spirit that the lord would have me to share word with you and i trust that it will be a blessing to you as at other times this church is a peculiar church let me explain what i mean by that the members of this congregation whenever they come for a worship session they cannot tell who will present the word they come well if they pray and the lord tells them that's different but because we have so many wonderful men and women of god in this church anointed by the holy spirit and because i have no problem in sharing this pulpit equally with all god's servants you do not know who will be the messenger for any particular service today we had two messengers ready and rearing to go i being one of those messengers i've said to the other messenger would you be kind enough to hold that message for another time soon and we are cooperative people we are people with the love of god in our hearts and we are people who complement each other to hear how the prayer warriors prayed each of them prayed differently and that's what it is all about can you imagine if all three of them came up here and everybody said the same thing the same way the same style the same manner it would be so boring but thank god each one allows the lord to use him according to his gift and calling and this is what ministry is all about he gave some apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers and helps and government and all the others for the working of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ oh glory until all of us come into the unity of the faith of the son of god that's what it's all about it is not competition it is complementing one another somebody giving praise out there glory before i enter upon isaiah chapter 53 of course we are right within this season of the year when we give special recognition and emphasis to what our lord jesus christ did for us over 2 000 years ago the time of his passion his death burial resurrection and his glorious ascension all of those are part and parcel of god's redemption plan for mankind before i get into that i want to thank all of you my viewers at home and abroad are nationals and internationals for standing with us in this ministry over these many years for your prayerful support for your financial support for your visits to this sanctuary whenever you can and when or whenever it is allowed we thank you i want to thank you in a very special way for having responded to the recent call made through me by the holy spirit to make a sacrificial gift to the work of god for needy persons and to assist the ministry i want to thank you for your generous heart towards god's work and in response to god's servant i stand here on behalf of the christian community because we are all in this thing together and i ask you from wherever you are to support your church support your pastor support your church leader especially at this critical time we are now in three weeks of lockdown weekend lockdowns many church doors are closed and you know needs are there among god's people so those of you who the lord has blessed in many ways be generous be kind to a church in your community go by leave a special offer and leave a seed faith and you will see what god will do in your life he will bless you when i'm through minister scott is going to pray a prayer of faith for all of you a prayer of blessing for all of you prayer of comprehensive comfort for coverage for all of you we believe god is going to move isaiah the 53rd chapter well-known portion the question is asked in verse 1. who arth believed her report and to whom is the harm of the lord revealed two very penetrating questions to individuals to all of us i want to declare today on behalf of the christian community that we believe god's reports i'm speaking that on behalf of every born again blood wash believer christian people from all denominations i'm speaking on your behalf what is my declaration we believe god's reports oh praise god we believe god's report this age and time in which we live there is no shortage of reporters there is no shortage of reporters there is no short shortage of media practitioners trained or untrained skilled are unskilled knowledgeable are unknowledgeable there is no shortage of reporters and equally so there is no shortage of reports we are bombarded with all kinds of reports from all walks of life from the national platform from international platforms from community-based platforms amen from individuals we are bombarded with all kinds of reports these days reports on covet 19 have been so many on divers and sometimes you wonder what should i believe who should i believe because some sounds credible yes it sounds good others so not very credible not very good others present a wonderful rosy picture while others present a picture of gloom a little doom what do we believe who do we believe oh glory to god the holy ghost is in this place i said the holy ghost is in this place oh glory to god and because of the multiplicities of reports and reporters from all kinds of sources some people are left in confusion as to what to believe hallelujah to the lamb somebody give him a praise glory to god they are left in some measure of confusion as to what to believe who to believe whose report is credible and i should believe it i'm here to tell you if there is but one and only source of credit credible reports if there is but only one and only source of true reports if there is only one source of report that you can bet your life on that it is true from start to finish it is god's report god somebody should praise him here it is god's report from genesis 1 through to revelation 22 21 the word of god is true the word of god is is an inherent word free from any herald the word of god stand sure amen heaven and earth shall pass away but his word shall in no wise pass away isaiah's question in the first verse of the 53rd chapter he asked and i asked them again who hath believed our reports unto whom is the harm of the lord revealed and those questions are universal to every man and i declare once again that we believe god's report we believe the report of the lord our world is well populated and some people think it is overpopulated and in the midst of maybe close to eight billion people six eight billion people amen everybody has a right to choose what you believe who you believe and who you do not believe am i talking to anybody here population explosion all over the world and persons like i said choose to believe this one that one the other one or choose not to believe so it comes down to a question of belief and unbelief belief and unbelief you choose to believe this or that or you choose not to believe today i want to show you a little of what belief will do and a little of what unbelief will do but i want to let you know above all things that you should believe god's report isaiah's report here in chapter 53 has to do with jesus christ god's son thousands of years before he was manifest in the flesh thousands of here before years before amen he was manifest in the flesh amen isaiah declared him that he shall grow up before he must attend the plant and as a root out of a dry ground he hath no form on our commonest and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with greece and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his tribes we are ill isaiah said i'm giving you a report before the thing actually happened i am amen ahead of the news as it were i want to get you ready so when he comes and when it begins to happen you know that i told you it before oh glory to god and just like isaiah prophesied it that's the way it happened glory to god hallelujah jesus christ the son of god came to this earth came not to call the righteous but came to cause sinister repentance came to pluck men from the jaws of hell and bring them back into a relationship with god come that the sick might be healed came like the dead might be raised came that the discouraged might be encouraged came that the weak might be made strong came so that those who are on their way to a lost eternity oh my god can be turned around and be reconciled and find peace with god glory to god i feel the holy ghost on me here i love the words of the hymn writer he says a wonderful savior is jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me oh glory to god a wonderful savior he hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock we are reversed of pleasure i see he hide at my life in the depth of his love and covers me there with his hands oh i feel somebody need to praise him there and covers me there with his hand the brother goes on to say when cloud and his brightness transported i'll rise to meet him in clouds of the skies his perfect salvation is wonderful love i'll shout with the millions on i today i'm shouting it with with five prayer warriors in the church i'm shouting it with two ministers in the church but i'm shouting it with thousands of there somebody help me shout it and praise the name of jesus he is indeed a wonderful savior glory to god did the same isaiah said is the mighty god did he say he's the everlasting father did he say he's a prince of peace did somebody else say he's a conquering lion of the tribe of judah did i hear somebody say the rose of sharon who did say he's a bride and morning star and i can hear you say he's a fairest of ten thousand oh god of heaven somebody praise him here he's a fairest of ten thousand to my soul who i believe this report unto whom is the harm of the lord reveal let me digress a little from the text and note and flow with the spirit for a few minutes here as the holy ghost is leading me somebody shout an amen hallelujah a man named saul of tortures one point of his life did not believe the report because the harm of the lord was not yet revealed unto him oh glory to god but on his way to damascus riding his stallion horse i believe oh glory to god amen a noonday son showed up on him the glory of god came over him god knocked him from his high horse put him to the ground took away sight for three days sent him to ananias after that to go receive prayer and healing and then the same saul who did not believe the report because the harm of the lord had not yet revealed unto him this saul no said i believe the report and was made a prisoner for the gospel of jesus christ when you believe it you will live for it when you believe it you will die for it when you believe it you will pay any price for it when you believe it no hypocrite and back biters can turn you off because the harm of god has been revealed unto you somebody give him praise down here somebody showed a praise down here hallelujah so let's look a little at unbelief according to scripture hebrews chapter 4 and verse 11 unbelief amen because of unbelief some persons followed that example and were damned suffered some fell because they followed the example of unbelief do not follow at the example of unbelievers have faith in god if they choose not to believe this report that's fear problem not yours say like joshua of old said many years ago as for me and my house we will serve the lord oh somebody praise them here so they fell because they followed the example of unbelief and unbelievers so when god speak to you to come out from among some people you must come out when god tells you touch not you should touch not when he tells you taste not taste not when he tells you handle not don't handle anything amen outside of that which is sacred and holy and sanctified and morally clean let hell stay with all its evil we are not children of hell we are children of heaven we are not children of the darkness we are children of the day and often our light somebody praise god hallelujah according to hebrews chapter 4 same hebrew chapter 4 and verse 6 unbelief caused some not to enter god's rest because of unbelief they could not and they did not enter into god's rest paul says be careful lest any one of you fall away through unbelief because the hebrew one has deceived you hallelujah according to hebrews chapter 3 and verse 12 unbelief caused some to depart from the living god they were once believers i suppose some were once believers because to depart from a person to depart from a place to depart from a thing you would have had to be there am i talking to somebody hallelujah so because of unbelief some departed from the living god that's the reason you should not listen to everybody's report and believe it check it out hallelujah hallelujah some people are not newsmakers they are news mongers bad news mongers set out to destabilize community settled to destabilize family settles to destabilize church settle to destabilize nation the devil as his ancient his agents everywhere oh god am i preaching the truth here some people are not bill brib bridge builders they are not bridge builders they are barriers builders they build barriers to destroy other people can i preach a truth here today hallelujah according to romans chapter 3 and verse 3 unbelief makes faith in effective because faith and unbelief faith and doubt cannot coexist amen one in the other halt and where unbelief is faith will say i have no place here we are not bedfellows we are not companions oh god can i talk to somebody i have no place beside you we can't fellowship and you refuse to go but i have no problem to go faith which says because faith is always on the side of peace [Music] faith is always on the side of harmony faith is always on the side of love faith is always on the side of that which is honest that which is true that which is lovely that which is just that which is pure and that which is virtuous and praiseworthy that's where faith abides oh praise the name of jesus somebody shout another praise let me move on but we are declaring today what are we declaring we believe the report of the lord glory to god can any good thing come out of nazareth yes we believe the report of the lord that good thing will come out a nazareth jesus christ is the best thing that has ever put up into this world somebody praise him let me give you three more of this and move it away from this those unbelief people romans chapter 4 and verse 20 unbelief can make you stagger in accepting god's promise but the bible says in that particular verse abraham's target not at the promise of god through unbelief he said oh no i'm going to believe god i am 90 years old but i'm going to believe god god tell me to step out by faith in genesis chapter 12 i'm going to believe god i don't know where i'm going but i believe god i don't know right now what god is up to but i believe god i don't know how the way is going to be made but i believe god hallelujah glory to god i will make of thee a great nation i will bless thee i will bless your seed many nations shall call you blessed and abram said i believe it even if no one around me supports me in my belief do i have somebody there who will believe god even if you have to stand alone [Music] glory to god even if you have to stand alone like a daniel stood even if you have the standalone like shadrach meshach and abednego stood when everybody bowed and everybody danced at the sounds of the music the flute and the harp on the sock boots and the dulcimer and all kinds of music everybody bowed but three young man says no we believe god's report that we should have no other god somebody praise him let me move on oh glory to god unbelief will you according to matthew chapter 13 and verse 58 unbelief ended the ministry works of jesus in his own country because he was among his own people and they said is not this mary and joseph's son is not this joseph the carpenter's son do we not know his brothers around this place so how is he now coming to us as messiah brother you know ignorance is a terrible thing a terrible thing that's the reason at the time of your ignorance god winked because you do what you did in ignorance you know you didn't know better so god just overlook it but when you come to the knowledge of the truth he commands every man to repent and believe and go forward in faith somebody give him praise and glory down there jesus matthew chapter six and verse six jesus marveled at there on belief oh on earth could you be so unbelieving jesus might have asked if the great works that were done in other countries were done in entire inside and redone in this place god almighty jesus said you would have been rejoicing and shouting and praising god but you still sit in unbelief after having heard so much having see you know oh lord you'll be surprised to know what can cause some one-time true solid believers to become unbelievers just listen to the wrong source of information just listen to the wrong news media just listen to the wrong voices and jesus might have been saying how long i've been with you and all the miracles that i did the signs and wonders you saw the dead rays the blind eye opened the deaf ears on stop the walk the hunger fed you saw more than anybody else and still you do not believe he marveled at their unbelief he said oh no somebody else but not you another country but not jamaica god almighty another church but not your church another church but not power of faith another church but not this that that the other you'll see too much you have heard too much you also participate and partake of the miracles that god did you are a miracle [Applause] god of heaven somebody lift your hand and say i am a miracle oh glory to god declare i believe god's report [Music] glory somebody show the praise and let me move on show the praise and let me move on oh glory to god don't live in unbelief and do not believe the wrong sources of information hallelujah do not be easily convinced by all that you see and all that you hear i think my glitter and it looks like gold but someone said is not everything that glitter is gold test them at all put it to the test put it to the fire put it to the hover on give it to the smith let him work it check it out for you and tell you if it is 18 carat gold but thank god for those who believe the report thank god for those who have assurance and confidence and faith and trust in the god of the bible i did say the god of the bible because there are many gods all over the place these days living in the last days the evil days when men have become lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god when men have no natural affection we don't notice something we are in port morris and catherine and having heard the statistics on the police report on murder since year 2021. the member serves me right i think portmore this division south saint catherine is third on the list third with the highest number of murders oh no we can't settle for that and we can't settle for even less than that we don't want none at all come on somebody we we cannot settle for that neither will we settle for less than that we don't want none at all let the women live let the girls live let the men live let the community live let them live but because men are without natural affection they know not god not the lord jesus christ their hearts are like those are brute beasts that's what the bible says oh to take let me use the word innocent in quotes to take an innocent young lady 20 years old 18 years old 19 years old my god and the treats are worse than a butcher would treat an animal being killed for meat oh that's an indictment against everybody somebody say something here oh glory to god and i believe i believe i i respect the law i respect lawmakers and amen the court system the judicial system but i think our parliament is too soft on crime in this country i think we are too soft on the penalty that is meeting out for criminals especially of certain types no mercy should be speared oh glory to god somebody help me praise him i feel wild in my soul here today i'm bleeding on the inside no mercy should be shown i should have said not spirit no mercy should be shown to those vile offenders who commit those igneous crimes once they are identified and proven beyond any measure of doubt that you are the man you should be dealt with accordingly you know some of us advocate for a certain dispensation thank god we are not in that particular dispensation no that says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and he who sheds man blood by him also did i get it right he who sheds man blood his blood should be shed by man also are you not saying nothing oh jesus somebody praise him here church of god something has gone radically wrong in our nation and it's not just yesterday or to start today it's been brewing the kettle been boiling a long time the full cane i've been on the veer storing and boiling a long time we see some of the steam we see some of the fire but we never thought we'd have such a full blast of this volcano of crime and violence and murder in this land god help us as a nation believe god's report and love your neighbor as yourself believe god's report and do unto others as you would that they do unto you believe god's rep oh glory to god hallelujah believe god's report and be a samaritan somebody praise god let me move on i did say praise god let me move on hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus but belief is a powerful thing jesus in matthew chapter 9 23 he says all things are possible to him that believe if you believe god you can see great things you can see miracles signs and wonders mark 9 23 all things are possible to him that believe it matthew 8 and verse 13 amen has thou asked believe so be it unto you what do you believe who do you believe whose report do you believe you listen to the parliamentarians and you don't know who to believe you listen to the medical fraternity and sometimes you are confused because sometimes some of the 18 letter words that they use we don't know what they mean are you not saying nothing they are 18 and 22 letter words the ordinary person don't understand what they're saying so they're lit they're left in confusion somebody say help us lord i did say help us lord hallelujah we believe god's report joseph i told the people in ii chronicles chapter 20 he says believe god you'll be established believe his prophets you shall prosper some of you don't believe that god has anointed servants in this land proclaiming the mind of god to a nation hallelujah and we take the church for granted because we have some impostors in the church we think everybody are imposters are you not saying nothing because we have some wolves in sheep's clothing and they manifest their wolves type behavior we think everybody are the same wave your hand and say oh no we are not the same oh no we are not the same oh no we are not the same so because of that you turn to television station and you see a religious service and you turn away because it's another of the hypocrites oh lord have mercy you're running to the radar station and you hear a gospel preacher and you move away so fast because it's another of the hypocrites [Music] god almighty somebody help me here hallelujah we think everybody is the same because of the false representation that's coming out of churches these days hallelujah hallelujah the false representation the mixed signal the wrong message that has no place in the word of god hallelujah hallelujah here's some of what's going to say that's another one that's another of the hypocrites but thank god we believe god's report thank god we know he knew we believed and we are persuaded that he is able lift your hand and say fully persuaded devil is a liar we are not in any confusion so all of you religious news medias out there religious news media i'm not speaking of media houses and speaking of human being because everybody is a media personality is this a media practitioner everybody has a platform on youtube have a platform on facebook of a platform and this and that and the other and we can go there and say what we feel like saying god almighty what a world what a world what a world the prolification of media houses walking the street everybody who has this [Music] is a media practitioner give report instant report from any which part today anywhere you are you give instant media reports i phone with internet connection am i preaching elder level anywhere you are you can say anything you feel like saying to the world as it were some of you causing so much confusion and contention and all kinds of discord because you are not led of the holy spirit you are working in self and god's not using you and you're affecting the body of christ affecting the weakness of the church destroying the thing that you set out to build how can you be building a building at the same time you have a sledgehammer knocking it down come on people of god wake up christian people wake up church of the living god get the spirit of discernment know the rules when you see them hear the wounds when they speak and don't have no part with the rules of this world somebody shout and praise god let me preach the gospel [Music] oh glory to god hallelujah to the land somebody shout your glory showtime hallelujah [Music] god almighty oh let's i got a few more minutes god of heaven so i feel the holy ghost on me here i feel the holy ghost on me here somebody wave here and i say something we believe god's report we don't believe what all the religious right is right we thank god for all the writers but we don't believe everything that everybody writes we don't believe everything that everybody says oh no we know as holy ghost people we know what it is to sift through the bones throw away the bones and heat the meat heat the meat of god's word throw at the bones a lot of bonus stuff going on these days [Music] jesus jesus but we believe god's reports that's what we believe god caused some facts [Music] inherent truth to be documented in the scriptures and we are true believers oh hallelujah hallelujah according to israel the bible began it's reporting amen over 150 here a.d after christ the documentation in a real concise way begun not speaking of those that were prophetic before his actual coming like isaiah and we believe the report the report of god concerning his son jesus christ we believe the report of god concerning the holy spirit we believe the report of god concerning the salvation of sinners we believe if thou shalt confess with that mouth the lord jesus christ and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth onto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation oh somebody praise god with me hallelujah we believe the report of god concerning jesus christ concerning the holy spirit concerning his second coming we believe the report we know that we're i'm just a stranger here i'm going home someday i'll take my flight for home sweet home and with the angel span i sing redemption song i know i'll overcome i'm going home one more time i'm bought a stranger here [Music] and with the angels band passing redemption song i know i'll overcome i'm going we believe god's reports concerning the rapture of the saints we believe god's report concerning the resurrection of the dead we believe god's reports concerning man's eternal everlasting destiny a place of peace and quietness in the heart in the very presence of god our place of sovereign torment and remorse of the presence of god we believe the report revelation 21 and 8 i dare you write it down and read it here write it down and read it we believe that reports glory to god we believe god's report in relation to all things that are stated in the holy scriptures yes we believe his report we believe his report as isaiah declared it as i bring this to a close hallelujah he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground isaiah 53 and verse 2. he hath not formed our commonness and when we shall see him there's no beauty that we should desire him we believe the reporter verse 5 of chapter 53 of isaiah but he was wounded glory to god wounded for me wounded for my transgression bruise of my iniquities chastisement of my peace was upon him and with his stripes or some of you should finish it you're not saying it with your stripes glory to god do your pain in your body tell the pain with the stripes i am ill i don't care how amen excruciating it is totally arthritis witty stripes i am ill tell the blood pressure tell the sugar diabetes tell the heart condition tell the spinal disorder tell the kidney problems and the lung problems tell the cancer oh god almighty stage one two three or four tell the cancer by his tribes i am ill glory to god somebody praise him here we believe god's report concerning the prosperity of the saints and it starts with spiritual prosperity beloved i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health just as all the same way your soul prosper i want you to have food on your table i want you to have shoes on your feet clothes for your back money to spend house to live in a car to drive if you choose to drive one can i preach a truth to anybody here your children must go to school and get a good education once they can take it you should afford it oh glory to god you will be the head and not the tail above or not beneath lender not borrow i believe it i believe god's plan for the prosperity of the saints that is founded in the scriptures oh glory to god somebody praise him i believe god's plan to bless his people going out and coming in i believe god that psalm 1 shall be to the righteous we walk not in the counsel of the ungodly we don't stand in the way of sinners we don't sit in the seats of the scornful we have our delight in the light in the law of the lord and in his law we meditate their nights i believe that we shall be lift your hand and say i am that tree i am that tree glory to god planted by the rivers of waters bring forth your fruit in your season your leaves shall not wither whatsoever you do shall prosper but you see some other people we won't even name them let the psalmist deal with them you see some other people they are not so they are not like the tree planted by the rivers of waters they do not have unfading leaves god almighty lord have mercy i won't tell you right now who they are like but read psalm 1 for yourself and you decide upon what god says come on somebody praise him let me close there [Music] we believe the report of the lord cdc center for the disease control give the report who world health organization give their reports all types of medical practitioners epidemiologists of every stripe and color experience and inexperience giving their reports the common man in the streets some don't even know what they're saying what they're giving the airport lord what the world my god somebody say something here and according to the apostle paul there is not one voice that doesn't have a bearing on somebody every voice that speaks say something and want a response every voice that speaks oh jesus am i preaching right evangelist who is this over here this mask thing just hide up everybody would even know who is who are you evangelist barrett okay all right good hallelujah every voice says something and wants us to respond in the affirmative to what they say the raster man has a voice bless his heart the muslims of their voice bless their hearts the haiti's of their voices bless their heart the infidel and knocks this on everybody of their voice politicians of every political parties of their voice churches of all denominations of their voice what a confusion if we were to try to believe and live according to what everybody says and do according to what everybody say we ought to do [Music] we would be a mess to people but i commend you to report today as i close this message oh glory from the depth to my heart i command you to report and the reporter the reporter is god the chief editor is god he's reporting agents jesus christ and the holy ghost since this world begun when he created man in his image and in his likeness he gave men the charter for life follow my instructions live by this and you shall love abundant life here and you shall have eternal life beyond this life oh jesus jesus don't struggle don't stagger at this believe it accept it practice it make it a way of life and you'll be the better for doing so i declare as i close this message today speaking on behalf of every blood bought blood wash born again sanctified believers wherever you are i declare on your behalf to the nations of the world that we believe the report of the lord [Music] wow somebody lift your hand and declare it in a personal way say i believe the report of the lord i believe the report i believe i believe i believe only belief own liberty all things are possible oh [Music] all things are possible [Music] only lord i believe lord i believe jesus lord i believe all things are possible [Music] oh jesus lord lord i believe all things [Music] believe jesus oh are possible do you believe him for healing today [Music] [Music] say lord i believe lord i believe lord i believe all things are possible [Music] lord all things are possible lord i believe jesus jesus often says according to your faith beat unto you oh glory he often said i stole us believe so beat unto you believing for your salvation confessing him through his word believing for your healing he was wounded bruised chastised for your healing believing for your deliverance believing for your coverage and protection believe him for yourself for your family why not your community why not your co-workers yes believe it for your country the anointing of god is upon us right in this place right now the glory of god is in the house somebody worshipping and received a miracle from the hand of the almighty god [Music] [Applause] glory to [Music] glory jesus jesus jesus jesus my god jesus your report we believe jesus jesus [Music] know to be dying and dying alone lord jesus we come we come we come we come this afternoon because your report we believe lord other report o god will not oh god take us nowhere but lord we believe in you this afternoon lord we thank you for your word we thank you for the vessel of god that you have used lord to remind us lord that your report we must believe lord jesus we know when the doctor report oh god is not what we want to hear but lord your report oh god we all know that it said this is new lord we lift up your people across this nation many are suffering from sickness and all kind of disease god but lord jesus help them to trust you by faith believing and knowing that when the doctor can't you can in the name of jesus spirit of the living god healing jesus miracle working god will your sleep over sweep over the people this afternoon sweep over your people wherever they are wherever we find them oh god facebook youtube instagram oh god the internet flowcable network did you shall pray lord we reach out to you this afternoon and your behalf because we know we serve a god who is able we know god who is more than able is more than enough this afternoon to do the impossible so lord require to you from this house oh god for your people across this nation oh god help them to realize your god that they are not alone because you promised never to leave or snyder for circles and you god that healing is the children's bread of god lord we wait upon you with the expectation of god this virus oh god that is a non-nation god is creating havoc amongst your people many are fearless many have lost hope of god but left them to realize that our hope is built and nothing lesser but on jesus blood and his righteousness we dear not just as we destroy him lord help us to lean on your name you are that solid rocker you have that solid word jesus out of the ground is sinking son hear us as we cry out to you lord hear your children's cry an answer to her call we have no other help but you lord jesus not ahead but you this afternoon if you should draw yourself from us lord tell us where would we go we'll wait upon you with expectation god because we know we serve a god who never failed cannot fail and will not fail the devil is a liar the blood of jesus is against him he shall not cannot and will not prevail against god's people lord many are suffering oh god with financial difficulties many are suffering with all kind of difficulties in this time of god but god we know you're the supply of every need oh god help us help your people jesus help your people god almighty lord jesus if not a time we need help lord we needed no jesus we needed no lord so many murders so many family oh god left in mourning because of their loved ones oh god the heart of men become what's called desperately wicked men have become sick they heart failed them but god but god but god but god jesus christ the son of the living god we look to you this afternoon you are the waymaker oh god you are that bridge over troubled water you are not rocking a river land oh god you are the shelter in the time of storm somebody's crossing the red sea of god lord jesus and all they need us to see moses right stretch across oh god in the name of jesus oh god somebody are facing the record you rocket down oh god in the name of jesus oh god send upon to tell them that no life will be lost oh god help us to continue to trust you believing and knowing that all things are possible because we believe lord we glorify you we thank your god oh jesus for your servant lord jesus we have you so mighty continue to uphold them with your right and guards fly every trap of the enemy back him up on every side oh god build a fence around him be shield and butler oh god nothing shall be able to separate him from the love of god which is in christ jesus because through you true you lord he's more than conqueror remember his wife oh god big offense around his entire family in the name of jesus the devil does not like what is going on we do everything lord god to destroy them god but in the name of jesus in the name of jesus they will stand firm in faith not as strong enough here in their head will be heard because they serve a great big wonderful god and we believe his report jesus jesus yes lord jesus yes lord come down for your people jesus jesus though son of david we look to your god jesus we know oh god that all things are possible with you so this afternoon hear our cry answer to our call because the car oh god is urgent oh god the call is you yes and we need your jesus who is sailing in stamina with them lord remember those who have lost their loved one by the god lord even the host family lord who have lost the young oh god girl at that tender age lord will you speak to them at this time god and let them to realize that you are the comfort comforter of all comfort and you'll never leave them neither of us see them oh god send help for them oh god send help for your people across these nations as they reach out and touch you oh god touch you right now oh god wherever you are just reach out and touch the lord he's passing your way we bless your name i will give you thanks for every person that made it possible oh god to listen to this broadcast this afternoon lord jesus as we wait upon you because we know we serve this great big wonderful god who knows no faith and abundant limit he's no respecter of person and whatever it has done for others lord please do it for us the songwriter surpassed me not though thank you savior hear of a humble cry while adults are calling please lord please lord everybody in my audience please lord do not pass us by we give glory and honor to you we tell your thanks in jesus precious name hallelujah hallelujah yeah jesus now more than ever we are sailing in stormy weather all god's people must come together for we need jesus now more than ever one more time jesus now [Music] more than ever we are sailing in stormy weather all god's children must come together oh we need jesus now more than ever church jesus now than ever we are sailing in stormy weather all god's children must come together for we need jesus now for the never glory [Music] put both hands across what a few years believe god i'm going to pray a prayer of faith for you father in jesus name i speak the word of healing i speak the word of blessing i speak the word of deliverance i speak the word of comprehensive coverage and protection and let that word reverse everything that the enemy is trying against your your son in the name of jesus from the crown of his head to the souls of his feet i release aaron's oil right now a runs oil my god almighty from head to toes and in between i pray for supernatural touch supernatural breakthrough supernatural blessing upon his business in the name of jesus make him the head and not the tail above or not beneath devil you're a loser you cannot touch god's property and prevail in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i speak the victory for your son right now and every other son of yours oh god who needs a breakthrough who needs a special supernatural intervention sons and daughters alike do it for your people in jesus name thank you for the warriors who have come today to storm the forts of hell and to release supernatural anointing across the nations thank you for our musicians thank you for ministers thank you for everybody thank you for the thousands viewing at home and abroad bless them all we pray from the various places in jesus name amen and amen anybody got blessed here today anybody got blessed out there [Applause] i'll give god praise god willing we'll meet again those of you will meet me tonight at eight o'clock jamaica time worldwide prayer meeting take me out take me in on friday the lord tires for good friday service which will be nine o'clock a.m nine o'clock a.m will not be in the church but we'll minister to you from somewhere on all of these platforms sunday morning the lord towards the very same but it will be seven o'clock and 9 15 a.m sunday 4th sunday the 11th when we are able to meet again in the sanctuary in better numbers we will continue to minister to you but of course you know time of refreshing usually on will not be on friday being good friday will not be on monday being easter monday so please bear that in mind and spread the word thank you everybody for sharing today by the help of god see you tonight on worldwide prayer meeting i got so many people that i'll be praying for individually tonight yes i'm going to call your name before the lord in prayer on tonight i hope you you'll tune in to connect with that prayer grace of our lord and savior jesus christ and love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and everybody say we believe the report of the lord one more time one more time god bless you that's the report we believe until we meet again god be with you i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i know [Music] i can't take
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 7,296
Rating: 4.8798285 out of 5
Id: x_qaUyYE4GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 7sec (7867 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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