Sunday Morning Live (2nd Service) - July 18, 2021

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[Music] you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] send us a lift up that praise to the king of kings to the lord of lord hallelujah hallelujah i came with my praise where is your praise this morning we're at the worship of this morning oh god almighty let the redeemer of the lord glory to god say so say so hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god you're worthy your worth you're worthy you're worthy to be praised hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah give me jesus in the morning every hour every hour every day [Music] every hour every day [Music] every hour every day [Music] every hour every day every hour every day in the mornings every hour every day [Music] every hour every day yes [Music] jesus i [Music] when you my i've got [Music] [Music] foreign jesus somebody call his name somebody call his name jesus hallelujah bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah just to mention just the mention of [Music] the desert blooms [Music] pure precious gold hallelujah hallelujah the [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus hallelujah [Music] fire [Music] just a mention of your name [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] jesus name i say yes lord i say [Applause] i say me i will go hallelujah i will go [Music] [Music] one more time i say yes i say yes jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] i will go hallelujah [Music] you saying yes this morning [Music] yes hallelujah come on lift up holy hands and worship the lord this morning come on say yes to the lord this morning say yes lord show your will lord i say yes lord hallelujah please the congregational hymn will be taken from the redemption songbook number 36 we praise thee oh lord for the son of thy love we praise thee o lord for the son of thy lord for jesus [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] all glory and [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah please remain in the spirit glory to god we are about to approach the throne of grace draw me near to you never let me go i laid all down [Applause] [Music] you are my desire [Music] [Applause] cause nothing else can take your place cause nothing else can take your place hallelujah [Music] to feel the wart of your embrace [Music] help me find a way to bring it back to you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] come on lift up your hands and [Music] like this [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me know you are hallelujah hallelujah glory to god in time like these we need a savior in time like these media and hunger we want to be very sure that our hunker holds and greet the solid rock which is jesus hallelujah father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth your only begotten son we come into your presence one more time god oh god we thank you for this beautiful day the beautiful sunshine we thank you lord that you are still god and he remembers your own and father right now we welcome your presence to be with us and to stay with us for this service hallelujah father i pray to you may come down very low and sit upon us in the name of jesus all glory to god i pray almighty god that no person came to these doors this morning we lead the same way they came but they will leave which i brought in their mouth and a world in their heart that come from the throne room of almighty god father we thank you that you sent your son to die and he gave his life on a cross and his blood was shed for removal of our sins that we can approach a mercy seat hallelujah we thank you almighty god that he came and he removed the veil hallelujah that we can come directly to you hallelujah confess our sins to you you can watch us and make us clean but only no priests speak to us this morning we can speak to you for ourselves and we thank you for that god father we thank you because this morning we were up on the wake up list hallelujah and we went to bed last night and none of us have insurance over here this morning because we don't keep ourselves but god almighty while we sleep you watches over us hallelujah and my god in the morning mighty god of daniel you sent your angels to wake us up hallelujah and here we are in your presence oh god and father i pray in the name of jesus i pray yourself will take a backseat today hallelujah and the spirit will come alive hallelujah because the word of god tells us glory in the flesh your glory in the spirit and the word said alleluia god your spirit and they that worship you must worship you in spirit and in truth almighty god i pray right now hallelujah may walk in the sanctuary from the restroom to the pew hallelujah and those who want to touch almighty god shall receive a touch of your mighty hand because in your hand there's a healing torture if they are sick they can be healed this morning if they are sad they can be made glad if they are weak they can be made strong because the bible tells us our strength is in you hallelujah oh glory to god i pray for the sentiment of this house and the sentiment of this house i pray for a fresh anointing i pray almighty god he may wrap them in your arms hallelujah in the mighty name of jesus from the colon of thee at his soul of their feet i pray may anoint them i pray for their children almighty god remember their heart this morning i pretty may minister unto them in the name of jesus christ of nazareth reach out to dale's cardinal and bring back a backslider jesus reach out to neil's card and raise up somebody almighty god who is lying down i want to praise about the kind because of sickness but i pray almighty god put a word in their mouth this morning that you are the healer you are the resurrected god and you said almighty god the same spirit that raised christ from the dead shall cook in our mortal bodies and shall raise us up hallelujah i pray for the speak of the word today the whosoever will i pray for a fresh torture i pray for a fresh anointing being that the person's mouth when the person shall speak hallelujah let a word go forth like liquid fire hello bosa in the name of jesus breathe upon us holy ghost breathe upon the musicians god breathe upon the minister's god breathe upon the congregation at large in the name of jesus our father right now your presence is with us and i beg of your dear god to stay with us almighty god stay with us almighty god and be with us while we go to this service today but we shall leave you almighty god we may say hallelujah it was good for us to be here so father god have your way right now but i wait upon thee for my blessings and i tell you thanks in jesus name amen hallelujah will you please stand lift up your hands above your head and go ahead and give god a praise hallelujah tell god something this morning you must have something to tell him this morning he woke up this morning hallelujah and he brought you in the house there are some persons who are not so privileged to be in god's house but we are more than conquerors we are privileged to be in god's house this morning so i want to hear you open up your mouth under your mask and lift up your hands and give god a worthy word and praise this one let the devil hear and run out of this place this morning that endeavor here and moving up his place this morning we come to worship god this morning we come to worship god this morning we come lift up his name hallelujah oh glory to god he's said if i be lifted from this heart i will draw all men unto me so go ahead brethren go ahead and do the chance go away sons of god i said give god a praise in the house this morning giving my praise in the house this morning hallelujah hallelujah what has he done for you lately hallelujah what has he done for you today and yesterday i said go ahead go right ahead and give a praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i say hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah come on tell him thanks tell him thanks hallelujah what he has done what he's doing i'm going to do it about you tell him this morning i thank you jesus i thank you jesus i thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god please grab your bibles and turn to the book of job praise god and while you do so let me take the opportunity to greet my pastor bishop dr delphi davis praise god to greet his wife minister dr petrova davis hallelujah to greet the ministers in the house this morning i agree to you well to greet the president for the women of work department minister tamika peter king and their abid assistance and their executive members praise god the musicians i greet you well this morning the cameraman i greet you well those in my viewing audience are my browsers oh glory to god i greet you this morning in the awesome name of jesus hallelujah our soon coming king and the congregation in front of me any other space i greet you as well in jesus name amen job chapter 2 from verse 1 to 10. i'll read and you follow in your bibles again there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them to present himself before the lord and the lord unto satan from once come as thou and satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto satan as thou considered my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one that feared god and obscured evil and still he already fast his integrity although though although thou movest me against him to destroy him without cause and satan answered the lord and said skin for skin yea all that a man hath will be give will will he give for his life but put forth that hand now and touch his bone and his flesh and he recurs thee to the to the face and they lost unto satan behold he's in your head but save his life so so when satan from the presence of the lord and small job which source boils from the soul of his foot onto his crown and he took him a portrait of to scrape himself with her and he sat down among the ashes then said his wife unto him thus thou still retain their integrity curse god and die the tenth verse but he said unto her the speakers as one of the foolish woman speaketh what shall we receive good at the hand of god and shall we not receive evil in all in all this job did not sin with his lips this is the word of the lord and the church say thanks be to god this is the word of the lord thanks be to god let's do it again this is the word of the lord thanks be to god oh praise the name of the lord thank you jesus at this time we'll be faithful a recorded ministry from the voices of triumph choir please put your hands together and make the choir welcome i've lost friends a long life's way some loved ones departed in heaven to stay but thank god i did lose everything i've lost faith in people who say they cared but in times of my crisis they were never there but in my disappointment in my season of pain one thing never wavered one thing never changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] i never lose my joy [Music] my [Music] a long way loved once departed in heaven to stay but thank god i didn't lose everything oh i've lost faith in people who said they in cared time of my crisis they were never there but in my disappointment in my seasons i never lost my home i never lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and i went astray but thank god i didn't lose [Music] everything [Music] one thing never changed lost my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] when i've lost my focus lord and i went i went astray but thank god i didn't lose [Applause] everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] by walking walking in fears [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] never [Music] never lost [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is hallelujah hallelujah you may have lost some practice along the way you may have lost some friends along the way but once you don't want to lose your praise hallelujah your praise to almighty god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god at this time praise god to do a general welcome and acknowledgement worker lorna crookshank please make her welcome [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i never lost my hope hallelujah good morning church and i hope that this song really ministered to you this morning that in spite of everything that is happening you shall not and you will not lose your hope good morning again everyone and welcome to america cathedral the headquarters of the pfm incorporation located in port morris and catherine jamaica west indies it gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today in this second woman's sunday worship service we are all phenomenal women and i'm sure in our midst our supportive men for whom we are also grateful can we ask our visitors to stand our show of hands this morning hallelujah hallelujah make them welcome so on behalf of our pastor presiding bishop dr delford davis his wife minister dr petrov davis the ministerial staff officers saints and friends of this ministry we extend a cordial and warm welcome to all our visitors in the sanctuaries to our viewing audience and on pfm tv through all our local channels floor 672 and 602 digiplay 20 and to those viewing globally on facebook youtube and instagram we welcome you please put your hands together and make our visitors and viewers welcome today as we take the time to celebrate our strengths and give god thanks for his grace in our weaknesses we acknowledge that although they say it's a man's world it could not exist without us woman amen let me close with a few verse from this poem by miss landes and i'm going to ask all the women to stand for just a minute with me please arise woman of god rise up o woman of god in what he has given you the things god has laid on your heart rise up go forth and do unlock what god has placed within you the potential you have inside the world is waiting for your release to expand your wings and fly arise in your god-given gifts for this is your finest hour arise in the lord's holy might ignite and empower for you shall surely be transformed as in you god increases more and become a woman of true excellence bringing honor to your lord god bless you and enjoy the rest of the service thank you put your hands together for crookshank praise allah i'm sure you feel very welcome with that awesome welcome this morning keep everyone give her another hand please hallelujah coming back to grace us with their presence is a praise team as they do two lively choruses hallelujah come on stand to your feet and let's glorify the lord together hallelujah let me hear a shout of hallelujah hallelujah lord i will i will i will follow thee [Music] no matter where i be i will i will follow [Music] no matter where i'll be [Music] no matter where i'll be [Music] i [Music] when i hear your voice oh [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] is oh is my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i'm [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah jesus we need you at 19. if we're willing to walk we need jesus hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus hey hey jesus jesus [Music] hey jesus [Music] jesus hallelujah hallelujah sister lawrence this thing's sweet man this thing is real this thing is nice hey hallelujah jesus is a tale of heaven can in my one heaven will be like virgin glory to god hallelujah when the mists have rolled away and we shall be singing with jesus around the throne of god to celebrate hallelujah with all the anointing we don't have anything [Music] thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah [Music] thank you mr musician thank you hallelujah it's a bit we have to go with time how did the clock on the wall is telling us it's time to stop hallelujah thank you jesus before i should call our next presenter which is another woman of god hallelujah i want to know i know who loves the lord with all her heart before i call i want to acknowledge minister peter king our latest president put to put your hands together for her please under arab assistant deaconess gay exalter carol matthews and the executive members clap them please they're doing a great work and pray them up and work with them in the name of jesus this time coming to us is evangelist railing lindo hallelujah put your hands together for her hallelujah glory to god when she is true with her ministry but as that you stand hallelujah and receive our pastor our chief apostle bishop dr delphi davis but for now please make welcome evangelist ready linda it was my pleasure to have served you this morning god bless you stay in the spirit and sustain the spirit hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah somebody just lift up your hands and worship worship worship worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there is none like unto our god thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah indeed it is important in times like these we need a savior we need an anchor hallelujah this rock is jesus [Music] he's the one this rook is jesus the only one be very sure be very sure these times that your anchor holds and grips the solid [Music] glory to god hallelujah glory to god just turn to your neighbor and say it's good to know jesus it's good to know jesus many persons price themselves for knowing presidents and and parliamentarians and all of those people but it's good to know jesus hallelujah [Music] it's good to know [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is i came to jesus just as i was [Music] [Applause] and he has made me [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] everybody ought to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] is i love the lord cause he heard [Music] oh [Music] is is he hurt my cry as long as i live [Music] everybody it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is me tell you [Music] about some of the things i read in the world [Music] in the book [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] well it's good to know the lord wanting for sure he knows every one of us he knows every one of us even before we were conceived [Music] in our mother's womb because he was the conceptualizer of it all he is the executor of it all so he knows every one of us the question is do you know the lord it is good to know the lord what the apostle paul says is philippians 3 i think from verse 10 that i might know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death if by any means i might attain unto the resurrection of life clap your hands and give him praise you may take your seat for five minutes before i introduce another woman preacher on a woman's day on the leadership of a woman's president and past president woman moderated and women fill the church above men we are maybe wow what's the ratio i don't know but the lord is good isn't he lord have mercy we had a wonderful time first service and we always have wonderful times i mean it's the headwords almost preach ourselves to death i'm sorry not quite but the lord really spoke through her hold on you think preaching is easy business especially the way some of us preach with the intensity with the further with the anointing with the everything you think it's easy stuff oh no what do they say it is said that one hour preaching this pentecostal anointed holy ghost preaching one hour preaching is comparable to a man out there in the field with his peacocks or his shovel or is whatever for eight hours it's comparable to that that's the kind of energies that's the kind of everything that goes out of an anointed preacher [Music] so you must pray for the preachers paul said pray for us amen so pray for us mr maxine murray should be preaching at grove road closing up now minister maharaj should be on the pulpit at city mission in kingston preaching their men's convention maxine morris preaching their women's one day convention have them in your thoughts and in your prayers wednesday's daytime and evening time nighttime we meet for services and we want as many of you as is possible to make it to show up in the house nine o'clock on wednesday mornings great fasting service time of refreshing edition comes out of that when's the service also wednesday night at seven o'clock p.m we take you out and we take you in out of that out of those and into the wonderful blessings that god has for all of us on wednesday night we also pray for at least three nations of the world we do that on wednesday nights friday night worldwide prayer meeting and what a time it was here on friday night for those who were heir and those who were there i leave the service a little early but listened all the way through and when i got a woman sat down dear god you just bless my heart i said this morning there are some unknown giants that have to be brought before the goliaths of this world and when i heard one pray a giant i didn't know exalter sherman fritz had so much prayer in his belly where is his wife is she here is you teach him how to pray my dear dear god of heaven now i heard all the others and i know they are prayer warriors but having heard him for the first time like that dear god if you have a praying husband like that you must have a wonderful thing going no man pray like that and give his wife trouble wave here and say oh no no no no come on say it like you mean it no no no dear jesus so join in worldwide prayer meeting on friday nights at seven o'clock if you can as we intercede for everybody and believe in god for miracles or let me quit at the end of the service i'll meet with the ministers for 10 minutes to my left right over here those who are in this second service god is good isn't he dedication of babies first sunday in august which i think will be the first day of august in this 9 30 service i ask that we register no more than 40 babies for that dedication on august 1st you know i i i tried to raise a special offering this morning because those of you are on that side you see you have to be looking this way you can't see anything on the multimedia everything is down that side is completely out and that which remain is struggling a bit thank god it's holding up so far we had some struggles this morning one system and the lord is good that everything did not go down because you wouldn't be able to view us you wouldn't be able to hear us see us now nothing facebook youtube instagram pfm television i'd have to go home and preach from my house like we did in rough cove times but we are beyond that everybody said we are beyond that [Music] so what i want to say when i collected the offering a wonderful member came to me and said jesus christ well she didn't say that i'm saying that she said bishop somebody sent me this amount of money the other day i won't tell you how much it is and the lord said to me put it in your bible and carry to church because the bishop is going to ask for a special offering for a special purpose can you believe that oh what a little puny puny amen some of you don't know that god speaks concerning finances too bishop seat here is god money somebody send it to me and you must know when god gives you a seed because a seed represents a harvest but the seed has to be sown i wish i could identify the sister if she's still here but don't identify you see it here bishop i have it to give because she gave it to me after the service because we want to be able to secure the equipment that we need the the search has already begun minister brian and we wouldn't want next sunday morning we come and everything goes down moderation oh no we wouldn't want that so at the end of the service i want to ask you to give beyond your regular offering we started from 500 up to 100 000 anything between uh we started from 100 000 down to 500 anything there and between viewers home and abroad my canadian viewers my united states business viewers my united kingdom viewers and i want to celebrate with the family in the united kingdom i'll leave you nameless the reuniting of your family i give god thanks for you and i believe your view right now god's bringing people back together give the lord praise everybody so you will not give your regular offering this morning well those who choose not to do so it is every man according to several ability to the free will of his heart you don't have it today you'll ask the lord to bless you and you bring it during the course of the week this week next week whatever time but we will secure the equipment whether you give your son or we will but you want to be a part of it amen somebody shouted an amen down there stand with me please dear god let's put our hands together for bishop michael hutchinson and his wife minister patricia hutchinson celebrating their anniversary where are you sir i hope you're not in church give god praise for him he's a wonderful servant of god and for their daughter rochelle celebrating her birthday clap the family a missionary family indeed [Music] i'll say this and i quit many years ago we're doing all night prayer meeting rochelle will a little girl little baby down there her father and mother other in all night prayer meeting i was walking the floor praying over people they reminded me of this and when i reached over little baby in the bench there maybe 1am 2 am i pulled my jacket off and do over her like this just prayed my jacket over and say missionary family missionary family i never dreamt that that would materialize as it did and today bishop hutchinson as a wonderful missionary family serving with him in the ministry give god praise everybody [Music] hallelujah give the lord praise this church is a wonderful church it's a preacher's paradise everybody can preach the way god anoints them to preach and i thank the lord for this women's sunday we got a woman of god earlier and another woman of god coming now she is no stranger to these pulpits at all she has ministered many many many times over and has been a blessing well she's been here from seven o'clock this morning maybe 6 30. lift your hand and say bless her lord minister sandra facey comes at this time to share god's word [Music] may you be blessed and may the lord use you to be a blessing praise god go ahead and give god some praise [Music] come on do better than that and give the lord of lord give the lord a clap of friend in the house this morning praise the name of jesus what a mighty god we serve angels ball before him heaven and hurt a dory he's a great god praise the name of jesus i want to give honor to god the father the son and the holy ghost this morning for this wonderful privilege to have me here this morning to share the word of god with you i want to greet my pastor and his wife this morning i want to greet our senior sister and pastor minister isilda man all my ministerial colleagues other ministers officers members glory to god well-wishers and all those who are viewing us from our social media places who want to greet this morning in the precious name of jesus i'm so happy to be in the house and i operate in the strength of god so god will see me through this day go ahead and let us pray father in the name of jesus we want to thank you god that you are the only true and wise god and so i commit my mind body soul and spirit into your hand that god you will have your way in my life this lump of clay god stand up tall in me and preach to me this morning thank you in the name of jesus leave no stones and turn not one person that live must leave you today the way they came but they will leave fired up and ready to take the devil by his neck this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth as you empower me to empower others and purge me to purge others father i give you thanks right now for what will be said in the lord to your word in jesus name amen praise god you may be seated and i just want to read two verses from the chapter that was read verse 9 and 10 job said to his his wife said unto him those though still retain thy integrity curse god and die but he said unto her thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaking what shall we receive good at the end of god and shall we not receive evil indeed in all this did not job sin with his lips praise the name of jesus i want to use our theme this morning in this life somebody say in this life every human being born into this world has been given the opportunity to choose to live a good life or a bad life glory to god and we were all born in sin and shape in iniquity but god sent its only begotten son to let us know that there will be a better life beyond this life we are now living is that a man somebody but before we reach the life that is beyond this life we have to live for him in this present life glory to god and this present life we are living in is full of surprises glory to god we are living in a world of so many choices amidst the conflicts of so many voices but when they all reach out to greet us we turn our eyes to our god because guess what we are found in him a resting place and he has made us glad glory to god he called us is very old glory to god in the highest god is a good god and the word of god says when job said to his wife his wife said to him will you curse god how can you retain such a thing because you see many of us we just want to live our christian life and go through nothing and so when things come upon us we are not prepared to fight back we are running up and down we don't want people to pick your son sorry for us but we are soldiers in the army of god and when we are to be prepared for war so when any time war comes we are ready glory to god in the highest so if we should live this life all over again we will choose jesus christ again and again and as i was led of the lord to preach to you from the song titled after all by one of our old-time gospel artists named claudel clarke and as i listen to the song the thing comes to mind in this life it says in this life my trials are many and sometimes my feet get weary and it seems like i would stumble and almost fall glory to god hallelujah and as it says but the gentle hands of jesus are the hands that keep me steady so when i want to a different part the hand of god bring me back into the center thank you jesus he said the gentle hands of jesus are the hands that keep me steady give me grace that i will make it after all jesus john could tell you that as one one war is off another one is on when it rains it pours star cloud rise and belows roads glory to god but just see jesus he will bring sunshine i'm so very glad that jesus knows all about my struggles glory to god and he will give me strength for the struggle glory to god in the name of jesus it is the gentle hands of jesus are the hands that keep me steady glory to god in this life when you take on take off in this race you must hold your speed when all the real athletes run about upon the stadium when they jump that they hold their speed some of them run into other people's lane but in this christian race when you're jumped off in christ you must hold your speed some of us are not maintaining the anointing because we lost all in our speed glory to god when you just get saved you would pray morning noon and night but now it's only when you feel like it you do it glory to god we don't serve god by feelings because feeling is very deceiving you can't feel like you know and don't feel like it later it's a term in somebody so your prior weapon needs to be re-sharpened because it is only grazing the surface but not leaving a mark when your prey must leave a mark rubber coaster on the devil's door said look here all trespassers will be persecuted he's attaining somebody in this life the bible says men ought always to pray and not to faint it is the key to unlock evan's door we should pray unless we enter into temptation is that aiming somebody in this life ask god to purge you that you can purge others to empower you that you can empower others glory to god in this life we must learn how to take a leaking and keep on ticking sometimes something's up to us and somebody carry costs i talk to us hard we draw in a corner and we take long to come out but you must learn to take a licking and keep on ticking we must know how to handle attacks from wherever it is coming from or from whoever it is coming from in this life we must look out for the expected and the unexpected nothing to take us by surprise is that him in somebody in this life we must be shocked in the holy ghost and allow the holy ghost to become the central fairness in our life when the holy ghost is a central fairness in your life satan is afraid of you he's not gonna just come upon you like that he watching but he can't touch you he's attaining somebody because the very steam of the fire of the holy ghost that is coming from you will back him up he's attaining somebody in this life we must love soul doctrine you must not be easily moved or shaken by what you see or hear some of us even when we look into our whatsapp group i see some things people say and do we just make it take a toll on us but we must not able to take on these things we must not be easily moved or shaken by what you see or what you hear is that they mean somebody if someone just in this life my trials are many but the trials come to make you strong if you don't go to nothing at all you can't be a strong christian and a lot of times we know what a lot of us don't want to go to nothing because tommy gets here nothing but never happened yet nothing bad and i believe if you don't see nothing going on now the dna is not attacking you you need to ask god something [Music] because you must be on the devil's atleast and if you are not there you are animal on the same side praise the name of jesus in this life we must try to model a christian life that is more internal than external why because man looked at the outward appearance but god looked at on the heart how many times people beat us up and look out outside of tell us how we look good and everything but only god knows what is going on on the inside in this life we must avoid getting into unnecessary chatting sometimes somebody answers that question now we give them a three different answer with them to ask us you must answer the wreck he must listen clearly what he said to you he's attaining somebody the word of god said a fool is known by a multitude of words in this life we must not allow ourselves to be hooked upon people's personality it is fellowship and not friendship because when you look upon people's personality you know when you run into people and then when they start to be somewhere you start you want to correct them that it cause a problem getting out of their company it is causing a problem you have to be careful let's say when you're on in lion what you take time joy don't do attainment somebody so even in church you don't run into people it's fellowship and not friendships when you talk too much you'll get yourself into trouble glory to god you have to be calm down and if you find that you talk too much you have to ask god to continue talking so you talk when it's necessary in this life there are giants standing in the gateway of our destiny for in god yes because goliath was standing in the gateway of david's destiny um destiny in god so god gave him something to bring down five smooth souls stone and a sling so we today they are giants that are standing in the gateway of our destiny in god and we need something to kill them so we asked god to give us something to kill them bring them down glory to god in the highest and get them out of our way glory to god in the highest we have to get something to kill them whether it be a sword to take off their head and make it become a trophy we need to kill them in this life when we go down to pray we have which is a swing around in our atmosphere and causing our prayers sometimes to fall back on us but we're going to take a bullet from the word of god and shoot on the witch from out of our atmosphere oh god oh god oh god we're gonna take a bullet unto the word of god and fire up the ant over that witching and tell us to get out of the atmosphere glory to god the atmosphere so that our prayer can come up before god as a sweet smelling savior is that him and somebody [Music] in this life in all we do we must live expected christ return [Music] don't get busy and get caught up look out for quite second return he's coming back again in this life because we are two fierce under one camp see a mojave at home still may be a church yeah don't forget i want you don't work you have to be real glory to god in the highest [Music] for christ we live and for christ we die in this life you can't be living for jesus and don't want to go through nothing non-chiang gossip jesus got you so much things for us to show us that we must go through things too and still serve him he's attaining somebody there's a lot of things that we will go through but some of us will nurse resentment and it holds us back we should not nurse resentment and of an ill feeling against no one who hurt us we should not go to a bed at night with nobody in our heart it's not good for you you will miss heaven [Music] many say they are soldiers in the army of god but they are not prepared for war so many things some of them are running pandora pray for me they look pretty me i'm making up my mind i'm going to get some bullet in my gun and i'm going to find where the devil his and i'm going to point it over in this direction sometimes it takes a bigger gun than what you always have a rocket launcher with a big bullet in here so when you let you talk in the devil's territory the whole place blew a [Applause] dog you're not serving god for not [Music] in this life you must be preserved by god's grace in every area and aspect of your life you must be a purple stripping and a purple sustained child of god purpose must be in your hands and in your feet and in everywhere purpose must be in your pulse we must be encouraged with action because some of us were encouraged but not production glory to god we must be encouraged with action and ensure that we do not miss god don't hear he comes in different forms as a less fortunate sometime as a beggar as a little boy or a little girl and we don't pay them any mind are we not not remembering that god can't come in any form just to test you to see how you operate you can you know sin of the presence of that jacket and tie you don't want to help them that is not of god we must not miss jesus down here for he's down here too if he comes hungry you must feed him and he's not going to come and say i am jesus walking with a stick like this he just come and tell us that he wants something for hit and she wants something like this are you walk past sometimes you get them come are you look don't even want to come up look through your window and if you're going to give them something give them steel bread the blood of jesus against that spirit you give them what you don't want that is not right when you are giving to people give them what you want to give away the best thing ever holy ghost of god if you come near it you should clue on him you see the sister working in a church and now one dress every sunday she's not one dress but you're talking every single nation i want you know i'm not nails can wear why don't you buy something why don't you ask him our size and [Applause] instead of you telling the next person that every sunday she not that dress every sunday me not that shirt in can i find not better for wear do something do something so when he returned he can say to us when i was hungry you feed me when i was thirsty you gave me drink when i was naked you clothed me [Applause] and when i was sick and in prison you take time out to visit me glory to god and you will act quite a lot of weird words he never come and show up himself as an old man as i am jesus but i dressed like an old man because he want to see oh many of us operate when we see certain people because some of us are only people we only we only we are we don't socialize with people because they don't fool our eyes they're not dressed nice like you and them that look good like you so you all are bypassing and go talk to somebody else god is watching you treat people like god jesus will treat them love them like god jesus would love them care for them like oh the holy ghost of god treat them like all jesus will treat them love them like oh god we love them care for them the way god will care for them god is going to hold a lot of us accountable for how we treat people then he will tell you i came by your gate one morning hungry and you did give me your what less you gave me you didn't give me your what if you gave me breakfast you know some people yeah i'm a man work him look like an insead person come at your gift and activate something eat are you going to go for steel bread overnight food and you don't even know what most of jesus you are dealing with so trip now come and say to yourself i am jesus god of heaven oh god of heaven lord help us these are the little things it's going to handle many of us from going into the kingdom stop looking down on people can't jesus love everybody there's no liquor you are nico me in god's kingdom he sees everyone as equal god is a good god and in this your trials might be many not all of australians are many at the same time but maybe somebody's here this morning your trials are many as one thing off another one is on another one come on so your spiritual muscles have to be built up for the fight you can't sit back and say you don't know what to do you don't know what to do there are so many weapons that god have that you can use take it from the bible if it's the enemies your neighbors are wrong are fighting against you go into the bible and draw the bullet from psalms 35 i said plead my cause oh lord with them that strike with me fight against satora [Music] i'm not afraid and no giant because god has given me a sword glory to god i remember going through some things at my workplace and when i went to my bed i saw somebody put something right on my desk there so and i get a sword this sword looks so different it's a square sword and i started to cut the person from bottom to top and when i looked at her they would crumble they come back together in one form i started to come from the top to the bottom and the person crumble and i pick up every piece that i draw it into a bag but you know when i wake up automatically i wake up speaking in tongues and say the sword of the lord and the sword of gideon the sword of the lord and the sword of gideon glory to god mash up the devil's head mash up in territory glory to god in the highest theater you must be afraid of him he's not much to you [Applause] [Music] as a child of god you must not be puny puny look here i reap our pastor so much he doesn't fear no one we respect all but to fear none but almighty god you must respect everybody but don't fear anybody you must be nervous in your presence only god you must be free atmosphere no one else you can't power with our past and be puny puny and jelly back jeffy is strong you have to become complete just with action you have to be bald as a lion [Applause] shadow saturday come on come on don't make the devil frighten you you have to fight back you have to fight back and fight back with force when you're licking them there you don't lick him and nothing cannot drop down and get about you must deem leak until he can't get up [Applause] so then some people there inaudible name guard don't be afraid of them how do you want to do this get your primal trick like that now tell god stop let me complain and send god all before you let god deal with them am i well believe me god has been killed me from a far away and even where i work they know my style i am not in and of foolishness with nobody from top to bottom they know that miss fierce is a different person when others i put them light under my one up and about they have to know that i am for god i am a killer of darkness darkness is the absence of light you are a killer of darkness so darkness can come near you because you're too bright in our jesus [Applause] so you don't make darkness fully upon have you no incarnate darkness is the absence of light you must be a darkness killer everywhere you're turned you must be a darkness killer when you go from by a bulb if you don't test them you carry one ball but we don't have a little light color the muffin testable praise i'll make your sister bright but when you give it out to jesus the blood and jesus sitting in your life nobody knows their body they can't miss it they can't miss you at all because we're [Music] [Applause] the devil is a liar the devil is a liar we want to have them on god's people and they could think that we are some liquid we are not a puny puny jelly back type of christian we are christians with backbone with god stamina in us you see with me i'm at work you know i always i said god my manager is not my friend she's my manager and the only thing time i must go in our office is about work no unnecessary chatting devil is a liar every way of god you must you must be the one who take the place praise the name of jesus i want you to make sure that your armed and dangerous you know when you just get up in the morning and say well look at prayer does not make you dinner does not make it look here a lot of time god wake up somewhere you are in a middle night for prayer i look up now the ceiling all over go down on your knees and talk to god spend the rest of the night talking to god and build up your spiritual strength [Applause] [Music] and some of you all not yet filled the world goes look here we are filled with the we who are filling the world was satan blew us sometimes thinking can blow us over he's trying but he's not succeeding much as you yet not yet failed you know with all that job went through i mean look at my thing i'm in like it's about the same time with one after the other but job never going anywhere some of us do that maybe well we are not perfect because we are human beings but at least we must go and god you know where we learn to deal with circumstances when they come upon us you know if you're not groaning god you don't know how to deal with circumstances you know some people said that they got the gift of discernment but i'm a reader people pam and go on that's not the gift of discernment first thing to comment god don't give the gift of deserving to anybody he give it to people who are spiritually grown because the gift of discernment is to discern between good and evil not to read the people palm i know they see somebody coming you can't tell them this and that the gift of this woman is not to carry a chicken doggy mother and she strip it off and cook it for yourself and give you the blood to drink yeah that is not of god you must know god for yourself you must know god for yourself he's attaining somebody the songwriters are in this life my trials are many your trials might be many and sometimes my feet get me sometimes like you get tired and you feel like you're almost stumbling fall over but you must fight to the death never give up in this race and unlike the we oh god treating us about this christian race we don't even though we are running we are running together we don't run past one another i am the winner i was first you were second all of us go and win the rifts together when jesus come [Applause] nobody's gonna reach there before me and you we are going to win the race together that's the reason why while i'm running and i see you stop i must check on you to see why you're not moving [Applause] when when they saw the man on the side of the road drop down everybody else walk they're going to church but they walked across and gone over we oversaw they don't want to hit the man they don't want to go over but one man got over and encourage the man in the mighty center point island wine but for us today is encouraging words because when somebody is down all they need to hear is an encouraging word and they will get up nothing they will get up because if i am sitting down here and i need a just dear daughter what candida you come and say sister god is able that ticks are something in me so when the songwriter said in this life my trials are many meaning that we're not perfect sometimes we can get tired and we have to sit down on one place and say let me take two minutes rest you can't give me that treat cause it's a warfare winner don't it so it takes two minutes to rest somebody around the corner we are there so yeah all right why am i feeling ten no come on gotta get your strength you put your hand on my neck and make you walk try to run together until you get by the strength to start one by yourself again [Applause] somebody just said sometimes my feet get weary glory to god and it's a gentle end of jesus that keeps me steady you see me because sometimes the pressure reach us do no matter we are guy somewhere else and jesus back us back in other race because he's in the race with us and as a child of god we are to be strong we are to be determined we have to ensure that we don't give up this fight even when you're going to your bed you must be charged up because sometimes the eternity two are coming and he thinks that you're really asleep and the holy ghost that they'll watch over you'll get a plan of start fire peer bullet after him and drive him all more toyo [Applause] yeah so you have to be on your double watch and don't allow the devil to come into your your place your quarters i believe like him run things sometimes you get to know your children and become care getting are you i'm just jumping on one of them and as soon as you realize it you're not saying child need to go doctor lay your hand upon the child i said so the blood of jesus christ is against you then you will see the child start to act different the devil is a liar the blood of jesus christ is against him i want to thank god for saving my soul i want to thank him so much for making me hold you know today many people out there would have loved to get saved give their heart to jesus but sit and fight in them showing them the world or the world look nice and pretty right now they're putting up the entertainment center and everybody said get to it and just have one but one day one day they're gonna find out that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord they must mash down the priests they want entertainment for whom the people revel up in the face to the is order and it now profit them nothing this flesh one liquid get appear corruption in there that's why don't make such a sure of yourself one liquid gate you know some days your word priorities is some mana guanine and a call in a guanine deponent on the choker drive what am i gonna get to talk to you when the chocolate move with them [Applause] the nonsense don't prophet nothing they might look look by yeah look at your upon everything you know years ago when i was not yet married i mean i was on the echoes of faith choir we were going home one day and they said to me sister ebert how come you're not getting married yet listen me everybody look from the wheels go down nobody now from the wheels come up [Applause] yeah but guess what who god blessed me with wasn't looking at me in that way right you see god in me and that's what i wanted the devil is a liar it's enough time he might drive getting us over your head with somebody commander come tell someone you just get sealed and some of them you're out there at the world so long and they never see you i know you give me out of jesus where were they when you're in another world or the mercy of your married your want you what do you give you out to jesus and know that look here it cannot work it won't work and some of them seeing at the workplace until you say don't want to come in a church call them like you come but you're not going to get me because the world don't alter you yet i always tell them to coming up because if they think they can come in here and get god's girls god will floor them and leave that girls alone because some of them being look here it's good to serve god god is a good husband he can be a wife to you he can be anything that you want him to be for your mechanic feel like anything that's why he is god he's attaining somebody i close right here please stand with me and make our pastor welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well glory as a bullet lady fires a lot of bullets lord have mercy make sure your gun is loaded [Applause] make sure your gun is loaded bullets off the devil from the word of god anybody got anything here today anybody god bless you today [Applause] hallelujah jesus comes in oh where's my voice of the storm hold on hold on hold on let's get it right my voice is gone that means off [Applause] when [Applause] if lift up your hands everybody and say my [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] he will say that's it jesus to deliver his children all of you to [Applause] deliver [Music] is [Music] [Music] there is no question as to whether or not job found himself in the midst of a terrible storm when you read those two first chapters the storm winds were blowing from all corners east west north and south behind before above beneath and around his friends could not understand all that was happening neither did his wife he himself did not fully comprehend all that was happening because he said i go backward i can't find him i go forward i can't find him i go where he works mystery i still can't find him but nevertheless he knows the way that i take and he's in one mind and he is allowing those things that are appointed for me to be performed and such things are with the almighty therefore i tremble at his presence you may be going through a storm that is unexplainable to you today no one can tell you the reason for the depth of your hurt no one can tell you the reason for the kind of sorrows and pains that you're experiencing no one can tell you why a friend has become a foe no one can tell you why your midday is turned into midnight it's midday by the clock but it's midnight by the experiences of your life and nobody understands it but jesus comes in the midst of all of those storms and when he comes his purpose is to deliver his children he said to the devil he goes so far but no further you take his children you take his ox and you take everything you took the mind of his wife you took the mind of his his friends you took everything and he's left alone but go no further i am with him and because i'm with him i'm gonna bring him out lift your hand and say the lord is going to bring me out come on say it like you mean it's everybody bring me hold of what bishop everybody knows what you're going through oh glory to god nobody knows like you know but god's gonna bring you out god's gonna bring you out in this life your trials are many sometimes your feet tremble and almost fall my god almighty this life this life this life this life in church this life in the family this life at the workplace this life in the community this life in the street this life at home this life abroad it is filled with trouble whoa somebody help me praise god i want to bring it out right now here my god a favor whoa this life we got some real nuggets us to how to deal with some of the challenges of this life what are you going through jesus comes [Music] spinning you in all directions oh my in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] left right and central [Music] when he comes in in the midst of my storm when my storm gets so [Applause] jesus one more time jesus comes in the midst of jesus to deliver all his children from home it's so rough way we gotta sing it one more time for somebody who is gaining get him some faith in god we will [Music] is it's about an eyes to close his prayer time in the house if you're hanging by a thread a sense that some of you are barely hanging on by a thread the song says still you can climb life's mountain though the cliffs are often jagged you can call and if you slip and reach rope's end you'll find the helm of his garments what is a message but don't let go of the last thread of hope is there a third of hope that is dangling before your eyes today is there a third of hope that is dangling before you in the midst of this turbulent weather you're going through i'm praying you know it's praying praying yeah is there a thread of hope that is dangling before your eyes and the physical storms that you're going through the financial storms that you're going through [Music] the emotional storm that you're going through the storm of loneliness that you're going through storms of anxiety and fears whoa the stomps god almighty of emotional wounds and scars the storms of disappointments and regrets god i could send some of you say why did i choose to serve god yeah you did the right thing because truth be told you did not choose him he chose you [Music] there's so many others that he might have chosen to follow him [Music] men of great learning greater distinction to follow him [Music] men with authority with force and ability who know how to speak and be heard [Music] but i don't know exactly why i'm here at all but today i followed the lord for he chose me [Music] i will [Music] god is ministering to his people right now and from now on holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost [Music] it's better on this [Music] it's better on this side it is better on this side far better on this side this army says i'd rather to be a door keeper serving my god and to enjoy the presence of sin first season i'm ministering to you that's what i'm doing oh yeah rather to be a door keeper don't look back in egypt the garlics aren't there anymore the leeks aren't there anymore the cucumbers aren't there anymore oh no it is all sufferings there task masters last week oh no don't look back don't look back hang on to the last thread of hope it is dangling before your mind's eye because the holy ghost is speaking to you jesus jesus where [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] so he leads me through the valley [Music] jesus by the experience though he leads through fiery trials come on sister job why do you think god caused what happened to upon you god is counting on you fiery trials [Music] through fire trials [Music] me [Music] no accident a chance to your life [Music] you are graven in the palm of his hands [Music] your walls are continually before him ever here on your head it's numbered oh jesus i heard this morning he says i'm going from a boy simon i'm going for simon peter we heard that this morning it's coming for you coming for you god is reviving some people here this morning you think it's close i don't want to close this service been here since 5 30 this morning oh yeah six o'clock i think it's close i don't want to close and go home you got to give life to the people of god yeah this is the final one for you take up your cross and follow me where you think you're going [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] follow me [Music] i am [Applause] there's a spirit everybody pray father in jesus name we thank you for the release of your holy spirit we thank you for the every conviction that is upon many hearts right now we thank you for the commitment and the recommitment that is being made to you right now we thank you for the resolve that is being established by many in this house and in other places saying i'll go with you all the way in this life trials are many our feet sometimes tumble but you give grace to all who apply themselves to you in the name of jesus minister to your body your body here in this earth as it was wounded on the cross even so it is wounded right now pour in the oil and the wine lift up the fallen strengthen the weak oh god restore those o god almighty need to be restored save the lost reclaim the backslido replenish the believers supply of grace replenish the believer's supply of grace and faith replenish the believer's supply of trust and confidence replenish the believer's supply of believing you taking at your word in the name of jesus those who are sick and body physically wounded we ask the lord god to pour in the oil and the wine and bring them healing right now healing is in your hand you're the bomb in gilead you're the great physician you're the sympathizing savior wounded bruised chastised and by your stripes we are here thank you for ministering to us today the way you have thank you for the vessel that you have used oh god in the way that you use each vessel presented to you thank you for hearing us in jesus name amen amen everybody stand up lift up your hands and give god praise and glory come on give him praise and glory give him praise giving praise [Applause] [Music] giving praise giving praise [Music] boy i tell you each surface really designed by the holy spirit with his with its own flavor what a wonderful service water refreshing water refreshing god bless every one of you go back to your seat with faith and confidence in the god whom you serve i want to give you a song going back to your seat it says follow follow i will follow jesus follow follow i will follow jesus anywhere everywhere i will follow him [Music] anywhere everywhere anywhere he leads me with my savior i will go here the streams are flooring and the dark waters flow with his hands to guide me i will never go astray nature cannot army while the lord is there [Applause] [Music] follow me [Applause] [Music] well praise the lord everybody thank you for sharing this wonderful service with us today let us prepare for worship and giving at this time and those of you my viewing audiences i thank you for sharing do remember we come to you every sunday morning seven o'clock and 9 30 monday tuesday thursday friday one o'clock time of refreshing and on wednesdays 11 o'clock from this sanctuary we bless the lord for you all right please get your tithes everybody those who pay tithes and get your special offer and those who can do so today remember i'm asking for very special offer those who can do so don't you feel bad okay we start at a low at five hundred dollars or a higher to one hundred thousand dollars so you give a hundred thousand dollars or go down the line or you give five hundred dollars and come up the line everybody let us pray father bless our gifts and above all bless the givers sanctify gifts and give us for your work's sake for the world because of our sacrifice lord you will bless your people we thank you in jesus name now what do you do those who are going to give the special offering to put it in the box please okay your regular orphan you can put it in the other stuff there if you are giving any of these special fifty thousand forty thousand twenty thousand one hundred five hundred ninety thousand one hundred thousand bring that special offering some other time you know you weren't prepared for it today but we are going to get all of the equipment in the name of jesus see i'm sowing the sisters money that she gave me bishop somebody sent me this money last week and god said to me thank you dear god said to me put it in your bible carry to church because the bishop is going to ask for a special gift god still speaks in financial matters somebody giving praise and glory glory machine is working please yes you can i guess somebody should be there so go over there and social distancing please don't crowd up with anybody please no announcer please give us some reminders minister peter king come and stand here please praise god thank you bishop welcome to the pages of the prophet ministries diary for we beginning sunday june 18th 2021 greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the prophet family from the following brethren who are overseas deaconess audrey mcdowell deaconess pamela lewis deaconess valerie smith deaconess rose green missionary gene douglas michener o'ara sister anne-marie edwards sister ivoratry sister ansel douglas and sister carlene josephs meeting after church all missionaries are asked to meet with me immediately after second service so missionaries it is important that all of you meet with me immediately after service in our upcoming events or the pfm missionaries councils present power women cake sale on friday july 30 2021. they have the following cakes on sale black forest red velvet chocolate mocha at a cost of eight hundred dollars and black ferris cheesecake red velvet cheesecake and ordinary cheesecake at a cost of thousand dollars all cakes are served with a cookie and a bottle of water please start making your order to with any missionary because they have their orderlies with them the baba word institute is now registering students for the new academic year 2021. for persons who have already registered there will be an orientation on thursday august 12th commencing at 6 30 pm registration is ongoing at the prophet administrative office monday to friday and at the church office on sundays the march enrichment ministry invites all couples both saved and unsaved to its mountain meeting on monday july 26 2021 at 7 pm in the children's church come on out in your numbers as we celebrate the goodness of the lord and of course the union of marriage the following persons have passed away and funeral arrangements are pending brother askwith douglas has passed away sister edna robinson has passed away sister carol lawrence lawson has lost her sister scheduled funerals in the interest of time i ask that you get the contact information from the church administration office for further details the funeral service for the system of missionary parish hall will be held on tuesday july 20 at the greater port more open bible church beginning at 11 a.m internment will be at dovecot the funeral service for the late sister doris decosta will be held on tuesday july 20th right here at the prophet ministries beginning at 10 a.m internment will be at meadows memorial gardens the funeral service or the father of missionary lolita pro hall will be held on friday july 23rd at the long green church of god in clarendon at 10 a.m in tournament will be at the family plot the funeral service for the son of sister arlene williams simpson will be held on thursday july 29 right here at the prophet ministries beginning at 10 a.m in tournament will be at meadoress the final service for the brother of sister violet harding will be held on thursday july 29 in shrewberry district west milan interment will be in the family plot photographs of deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the prophet family share with those who are ill or of lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous prayers in our thank you note the following persons have expressed thanks to bishop minister davis and the prophet family for your expressions of love kindness and support during the passing of their loved one the family of the late ruslin jackson and also deacon washington thomas and family in our victory note sister lida davis has a successful surgery and is now at home recuperating praise god also special thanks was sent to the usher department praise the name of jesus in our weekly activities brothers brothers you are invited to be out for men's gathering at 7 pm sharp in the children's church on july 19th come out in your numbers and don't be late friday is our worldwide prayer meeting from the sanctuary beginning at 7 pm the canteen is open serving refreshment immediately after service so go by and make and support the canteen with in closing in this life you will have tribulation be of good courage with god you will overcome god bless you have a wonderful week in the lord thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 15,825
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Id: Gu6g_EaeLDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 30sec (9030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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