A Surprise for Christmas

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♪♪ [<i> 12 Days of Christmas</i> plays] Hey, honey! How was your day? Ugh, I am so tired. Everything hurts. I just-- ugh. Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Sounds like you could use some cheering up. I just want to put my feet up and veg out for the rest of the-- SURPRISE! [screams] [water dripping] All: Oh... What just happened? My water just broke. Oh, thank goodness. I was worried you got too surprised. Andy, I'm in labor. Oh,<i> it's too soon!</i> <i> You still have two weeks!</i> Oh, you're right. Well, why don't we just put all this water back in me and we'll be fine! I'm sorry, I knew you were super bummed about not being able to travel to see family this Christmas, so I wanted to bring your parents here <i> and surprise yo.</i> So sweet of you. Could have told us before Thanksgiving when plane tickets were cheaper. Okay, hello, I'm having a baby right now. Ah, I get to be here when my baby has her baby! I'm feeling very uncomfortable. My feet are wet. Should we call an ambulance? No, my hospital bag is over here. Happy birthday! [all scream] [more water dripping] At this rate she'll flood the place. <i>I'm sorry, honey,</i> I invited Grandpa Charlie too. I just wanted you to have a good Christmas. So you told him to jump out and shiv me? Shiv you-- Grandpa, why do you have a knife? Get back here, commie! No! I just need a drink of water Why didn't you warn me they were going to be here? Then it wouldn't have been a surprise. Surprise! [screams] Surprise! [screams] Whose idea was it to have party poppers? Why am I all wet? I am so sorry. I promise those are the last ones. Andy! Take me to the hospital. Yes. Yes, yes, yes! Everybody get in the car. No, I don't want them! Everybody stay here, we will call you when the baby is born. Surprise! [screams] We're missionaries! [door slams] Missionary: Okay... I did not plan that one. I think I'm having the baby here. I will call an ambulance. Ask them how to get amniotic fluids out of shirts. <i> Well,</i> seems as good a time as any to see the new Star Wars movie. Alan, our first grandbaby is being born right before our eyes. Okay, sweetheart, let's get you to the couch. Happy birthday! [all scream] Grandpa! Where are you getting those knives? <i>Uh, this isn't</i> working either. Maybe try baking soda? It's the miracle of life, Alan! Ahh! Both Parents: I can see the head! Just one more<i> good push, honey!</i> I can't, I'm so tired! Happy birthday! [all scream] [baby crying] [pleasant music begins] [all ooh-ing over baby] She's perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present. [groans] Yeah, I burned the shirt. Oh, would you look at that. A little Christmas miracle. Happy birthday! [all scream] So I've been thinking. I have this really cool trick and I want to get it into a sketch. [hands slapping] Can we get it into one? I'd really like it. You know what would be a cool trick of yours, is to like, comment, and subscribe. See how I did that? [fingers snapping] That's another one I did! Yeah? What about-- [mouth popping] Got to write these in.
Channel: Studio C
Views: 1,255,072
Rating: 4.9262433 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, christmas, holidays, family, travel, holiday, surprise, surprise party, water break, water broke, pregnant, baby, newborn, couple, home birth, doctor, wet, water, lds, missionaries, scare, scared, boo, hiding, surprised, whitney call, matt meese, jason gray, mallory everton, stephen meek, natalie madsen, adam berg, tori pence, dalton johnson, aaron fielding, james perry, jeremy warner, stacey harkey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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