A Safe Place |Bishop David G Evans Ministries

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come on let's bless the Lord [Applause] I will go forever more come on let's bless him like we know it help me praise him right here come on hallelujah forevermore come on let's sing it together [Music] he's yeah [Music] Oh Oh [Music] he's happy [Music] Oh forever more [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] father I bless your name now for the greatness of your presence the consistency of your love the perfection of your care for love I thank you because you sacrificed your son you thought we were worth saving and I want to thank you for that [Music] even more than that you thought we're worth keeping your mercy and your grace has been so wonderful to us the personal care you take care of us the way you talk with us and keep us and guide us and lead us I want to say thank you today thank you that you're everybody's God but you're still a personal God I can call you my god and my father hallelujah Jesus you're my Savior you are the one that does it all for me I thank you right now for what you're doing right now Lord I could give you praise how you're working with us right now in the name of Jesus I first want to thank you for victory all day long hallelujah hallelujah I want to thank you that every battle was won and the enemy did not have his way thank you for that lord thank you that while the day progressed I kept my mind because you kept it for me I prank you right now that when I lost myself you knew where to find me hallelujah [Music] thank you for not treating me like filthy rags thank you for saving giving us your spirit working us tonight help us to see and understand I pray for those watching around the world those in this place right now who may not know you for themselves I pray you impress upon them by the power of your word in your spirit like the songwriter said I need Thee Oh I need thee hallelujah [Applause] grant us all the advantage of your spirit open our minds one more time open our hearts one more time help us to hear you tonight Lord were not being greedy but we want to feel you to touch us Lord Jesus moving us by your spirit release your power in this play treat us like the Hebrew boy burn up whatever binds us and set us free tonight bring us all the way through the fire dine us through the wilderness tonight show us ourselves so we can be delivered I thank you for the soul she will save for the lives will change I need your help once again I need your assistance help me holy go see it like you see it hear it like you hear it tell it like you would tell it challenged us tonight that we might be better than the time we walked in we want to be greater when we woke up tomorrow morning help us now in the name of Jesus and everybody sitting man amen come on put your hands together your godson take your seats let's bless God as others come in tonight safer rifles cannot be underestimated in the time we live they used to say here today gone tomorrow for a long time has been here today gone today that ought to elicit a praise for your lips God is still keeping you God is still keeping you and God is still keeping you I wish I had a witness that understood the integrity of what I just said if anybody knows it you know God is still keeping you out I know you [Applause] [Music] turn with me to John chapter 15 as we continue in this series called a safe place safe place [Music] John chapter 15 then I want you to jump over to Genesis chapter 2 and we'll start our conversation when you get to John 15 please say Amen and I want to draw your specific attention down to verses 9 and 10 the Bible says as the father hath loved me so have I loved you and based on that continued you in my love if you keep my Commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full because the father have loved me so have I loved you continue in my love if you keep my Commandments you shall abide in my love even as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love I don't want to get ahead of myself but um the text makes me wonder if the Lord Jesus is suggesting that we tend to look for the wrong things in people first we ask career questions and background questions but it appears as though the Lord is suggesting that I need to search for the love of God in a person before I discover anything and that if I don't discover his love that is not a choice for you because you can find someone with a good career come from an excellent family and they might have a kind of love but is it God's love because the text seems to imply not even on financial status can we have joy but if we find his love and that love is working that our joy will be full so it implies if I can't find the love of God in an individual my friendship with you will not be fulfilling our besties situation won't be as good as we think our love relationship will not be fulfilling because we have not searched for the foundation which God says is the love of God that's not what I'm talking to y'all about tonight but it just kind of sprung up in my spirit I need you to ask your neighbor can we have an adult conversation [Music] I need I need I need your permission I have I need your permission to have an adult conversation amen all right let's go over to Genesis chapter 2 so we can start talking Genesis chapter 2 and I want to draw your attention to verses 21 to 23 when you have that same man and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man here's my point right here and Adam said this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man I want to talk to you about the right fit but I want to add something to that the one I've been dreaming of one I've been drink tell your neighbor remember you gave him permission just remember I asked you first praise the Lord there are a few questions that we must lay foundationally before the focus of this particular teaching can really have a solid impact on our lives once we leave this place tonight it's a very difficult question is one that desires and requires self analysis on another level one that causes us to have introspection that we don't normally do voluntarily sometimes we must be asking these questions in order for us to think this deeply inside but I need you to ask yourself tonight is it safe to be your friend is is if someone befriends you is it safe is it safe to be your significant other is it is it safe to love you or is friendship and significant relationship and love a risky situation when it comes to loving you you're not talking to me already are you an emotional roller coaster and in order to be with you do I have to ride up and down turn furiously sometimes feel like my life is turning upside down because I'm connected to you is it safe for someone to invest their emotions in you are we so needy that we dry up people's well of caring do do we have this neediness that cannot be hid to the point that we drain everybody around us that cares about us because eventually needy people will require you to protect yourself from them it is it is pitiless stay with me I'm taking you somewhere you gotta ask yourself sometime am I so sensitive that I'm just difficult to get along with do people have to have a conversation with us that requires constant vigilance because they have to be worried about offending you just in a normal conversation are we so primed for rejection that we read a fence into a normal conversation we so crazy sometimes somebody tells you have a nice weekend and you shout don't tell me what to do easy to a fan [Music] do you believe your presence I'm coming after this I'm enough right now are you do you believe your presence should be enough for another individual while you require them to be so much to be in any kind of relationship with you do you bring more than a knife in a fork to the relationship table and require Bank wouldn't be set up for you when all you know how to do is consume and not provide do we require what we know we're unable to give my resume for you is two feet long but I give you a resume that's one sentence long I'm a man I'm a woman whatever your preference is are you safe a person's desires safe with you are their needs safe with you is their wholeness safe with you are you acknowledging your so fraction but you demand wholeness from someone else do you expect wholeness but need somebody to accept and agree with what's damaged about us our dreams and goals safe with you are you someone that helps someone's dreams come true are you someone that has to limit people who have dreams around my aspirations safe when I sold them into your mind you start working and it helped me or do you start working against me are you that yoke that share strength or yoke that takes strength are you fractured and expect to be treated like you're not are you whole but addicted to folk who are dysfunctional I'm talking to you is it safe to love you the problem with love is that love runs faster than common sense ain't nobody talking today love gets out ahead of you by the time you catch up you may not know what you need to know so we spend the next 10 15 20 years trying to discover what love was running after ain't nobody talking to me up in here I mean you hit it ok I'm in your head I see I see I'm in the quietest church in America so the problem that I have and we've talked about this before is that every relationship every real relationship where this friendship or love requires this aggravating season of vulnerability you got to get to know a person and while you're getting to know them your feelings have already been committed come on talk to me now feelings get committed before you know the person and then your feelings start trying to correct what's wrong you start adjusting your lens on how you see the person cuz loved and ran ahead of you I'm trying to have a conversation with so this is this this animate it ain't days or hours it's a season of vulnerability because I can't be secure until I know you and then sometimes I know you and I realize I shouldn't be friends with you but I already love you this season of vulnerability makes us impatient we start to establish milestones in relationships that have not yet been crossed we start to adjust the horizon based on how we feel we we think a kiss will turn something into royalty I'm sure I'm trying to help you up in here the problem with this season of vulnerability and this is why people rush into certain milestones is when I'm vulnerable I feel weak when I'm vulnerable I feel like I'm powerless when I when I'm vulnerable I feel like things are moving too slowly so I need not for God the step of the timetable because he doesn't I need to rush cuz I don't like this feeling I'm not understanding that you can't get to know anybody friendship or whatever without a season of vulnerability when I'm vulnerable I feel unprotected I feel in certain part of the uncertainty is that I don't know but the other part of the uncertainty is you might learn who the real me is and my mind tells me my flesh tells me hurry up before you discover who I really am I call it a period of a relational discovery that requires wisdom to navigate successfully so I gotta have wisdom to make it through this wilderness period in any relationship I don't know how you call somebody your best friend and you just met them six months ago but then I ask the question how many best friends have you asked because if you had eight or nine it means you always in a hurry best means time and circumstance what's this was not manufactured but it just happened and you found out there's this one person that no matter what fights you're in they've got your back but also when that person disagrees with you they get in your face don't care whether you mad or not tell you all smiling at you i'ma show it to you in the Bible you can't have somebody love you sincerely they're scared of you you don't have a best friend that won't speak up I'm gonna help you with something you may not like what I'm about to say but that's okay if you've got a friend that will not confront you you're being manipulated [Music] because they've learned what they gotta do to keep your friendship so they don't say anything that's gonna upset you because they care more about what they can get from you rather than what are you you'll hear me you in a transaction not a relationship so we need wisdom and we need to find out and this is going to be so simple it's gonna be powerful but it's so simple I don't want you to sleep on it everybody does not like to talk wisdom comes from a well of experience an experience that does not produce conversation means a person is taking the life trip but they're not learning anything while they're going along I don't talk much I don't know how you have a friend that doesn't talk much I don't know how you have a loved one that doesn't talk much the problem is not communication the problem is no conversation I communicate with you and I want you to know something I kind of a sake with you and I want you to understand me some people don't like conversation so communication ability must be revealed conversational really must be revealed before affection begins to build because it's hard to talk to somebody you care for it doesn't want talk folk to keep everything in their head am I talking to the right people folk you can't get a straight answer out of no kind of way I don't know what you're talking about many people discover after feelings develop that communication and conversation is inadequate now listen to me real clearly the level of communication you receive reveals the status you have in that person's eyes let me say it one more time the level of communication you receive reveals the status you have in there are you did you do you need me say that again did you get it repeat after me the level of communication I have reveals my status in the person's eyes watch me show it to you in a Bob go to John chapter 15 let me show it to you are they going on y'all gonna be up in this Bible tonight John chapter 15 this stuff is in the Bible yeah get ready so I'm splitting a hair now that we have been given the the indication that communication will produce these things that I believe just talking does not so so so so I'm splitting the hair that sometimes communication should be identified as just saying stuff getting things off our mind getting folk told Amen expressing my point of view communication does not necessarily have resolution attached to it because I can talk to you all day give you all the knowledge but I don't have a conversation around what we're talking about understanding can't be produced so I'm submitting to you that a lot of times it is not that you and I don't know what a person is saying because they've said it but have we had a conversation around so we can discover what's driving the words out of the person's head and out of their arts because if I can get you in a conversation your heart will open up in spite of yourself people that only communicate are indicating that their hearts are shut down am I making sense see but when I couldn't press with you over a period of time my heart can't help but reveal itself just make it sensible so it's not enough to communicate I have to have conversation and anyone that does not want to have conversation is hiding something because I can tell you about me and you still won't know me ain't nobody saying that we can communicate all day long and you know everything but who I really am so so I got to learn how to have conversation because I want people to understand me so I can I can say without equivocation that if there are people around me that don't understand me is because I haven't had the right conversations with them I've stopped at just giving them knowledge but the Bible says and all your getting get an understanding watch how this works now so so so anyone who is reluctant or refuses to have conversation once understanding without conversation some I say healthy relationship alright John chapter 15 verse 1 ready Bible said Jesus talking I am the vine and my father is the husbandman every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he takes away every branch that bears fruit he purges it or cuts it back then it may bring forth what so the first thing I want you to understand the Bible is teaching us about any friendship in a relationship any significant other anything you're involved in where your feelings are involved in it that could be business that could be that could be professional corporate life could be friendship could be significant other could I don't care what you call it anything where your feelings have anchored you to an individual you heard the words are you where your feelings have anchored you to an individual there must be mutual fulfillment the relationship between the father and the vine is a mutually fulfilling relationship they want the same things but they bring different things to the equation each bringing something to the other that causes the other to be more fruitful you got to be careful that you don't give your affection to someone who's going to drag you down you can't get used to being drugged down but people get used to being snatched up I need somebody's gonna make me climb you didn't hear what I said let's gonna look at you and see something you don't see in yourself I think you're smarter than you think you are I think you're stronger than you think you're up I think you can do whatever you want to do not someone who's so insecure that every time you make a step forward their first response is what about me you got quiet then so-so have you ever wondered where what about me comes from you ever wondered how you can tell somebody you got promoted on the job and you know they gave me a staff of six and I'm I'm about to get some more money but I'm gonna have a responsibility and might have to stay over at work a couple days a week and you know do all that good stuff and they listening and all of a sudden they say well what about me [Music] okay I can't talk to y'all so I'm telling you tonight I have I have hit a plateau now I'm you know what I've been praying about it's starting to happen in my life and you know I'm moving forward God is blessing me and then I'm in a place where it wasn't supposed to happen watch this and it ain't I don't just have a 95 and then amazingly first thing comes outta my office well what about some of y'all I ain't saying that don't you said it amen some of y'all haven't said it but I asked you if I could have an adult conversation with you what about me what about me what about me what about me what about me so when when you were just friends you would go to social events and one of you is very outgoing and the others kind of quiet and and y'all walk in and everybody knows you its place just explode when you walked in the door Oh so-and-so's here is with parties about to break out now and you love before you start really getting committed being bashed in the glory of the other person's social status now everybody speaks to you and everybody wants to shake your hand can we get you something have you been doing tell of a sudden relationship starts to develop not everybody speaks to you is up in your face it goes from speaking to you - why was so and so in your how do you slip from acknowledge and everybody speaks to us - now everybody's up in yo you nobody talking to a man here so watch how this watch don't blow your mind so so this person who is not as social as you is always with you and they see the attention that you get and they love basking in the overflow of the attention that you get I'm a consistent and you just you just you know you just being you you just you know you walk in you say hello to people you you you you and and all of a sudden the relationship starts to develop and now when you go places your other doesn't want you to interact with people just I just need you to sit here with me I didn't bring you out here to sit what you all know stay with me I'm taking you somewhere so so so so what happens so the very thing that attracted you is the thing that offends you now I thought once we got closer all that attention that generates around you I thought it was gonna be all for me I thought all that was going to be brought to bear on you and I I'm helping somebody and get another you thinking is that what happened I used to be the life of the party how does somebody you will pimping become your enemy [Music] people get jealous because they don't understand the difference in importance it's crazy to get jealous of what's taking care of me but your ham is it's insane to interrupt the benefit you'll receive Christian's run into this all the time with people that don't know the Lord don't understand how you love the Lord the way you do and folk will start to compete with God in your life because they don't know the difference in importance I can love God and love you too but are you hearing me so people that are unsaved I just think you get calls before you come to Bible study so I'm some we have an adult conversation right all right so some of you don't know but you'll know after I finish telling you this story that I mentor several professional ball players and I start mentoring them some of them I started mentoring while they were in college okay and a couple of them praise the Lord have been number one draft picks and done some incredible stuff but because I counsel them I have to tell you the story and not tell you the person okay because part of the success of my counseling is that in 30 years and over almost 50,000 people I've never taken a note which means nobody ever sees anything about what I talk to a person about unless they can get in my head and read my thoughts they never ever hear anything because so because I have a memory for they call it relative memory I remember everything said to me so all my person has to do is start talking to me and all their previous sessions just pop up like a day it's almost like when I'm dropped down things so the problem is I can't get rid of what it said to me [Applause] that's the only problem so it's some it's some dangerous stuff trapped up here and the gift is so aggravating that I can remember whether you said the or thee your inflection whether your grandma was good not anyhow you said you said that eight so you didn't say that isn't so so so I'm counseling this one guy football player number-one draft pick and he's in college and he's a star on campus so he has a relationship with a young lady that I helped raise and she she did young lady that he was going with at the time her you know her family members were professional ballplayers so she understood the life I got this other girl he dropped to her Alana and so because she was attracted to his glory Yong Yong here you don't hear what I see it y'all said I can have an adult conversation right look could you say it oh it's coming so so his parents call me on the phone and said he was about to be thrown off the football team can you call him and talk to him so I said sure I've been talking to him since he was in high school so it made sense for me to call him so I called my phone I said hey Doc how you doing so we know do you do the pleasantry thing and then I I slipped into oh gee no I just left I stepped into oh gee I didn't slip I made this shift on purpose cuz I needed him to understand what I was saying so I said describe what's happening to me I understand you're not going to crack this understand you you know you cutting classes on what's going on he said well I'm going just girl I said you dropped a girl I know he said yeah so why'd you do that so he told me you know well this girl was a little more exciting and you know just all of the all the dumb stuff just watch this month so so so so so so he says every time I get ready to go to practice she shows up at my room and it's not to do homework well it is kind of homework but not not book work I told you I need to have an adult conversation with you so so I said to him you told me what was going on and I said so describe it to me so he described every time he got really good practice every time it was time to do some some extra work she's sure he's how understand what's going on he said well I said I said what's what's going on is the fame you have at campus she wants for herself I said so what attracted her she's now offended by he had about an hour and a half and I could hear in his voice he wasn't convinced I don't know what that girl was doing but he wouldn't [Laughter] I don't I don't know I said I could talk to you so I asked him I asked him a question I thought was profound and I have been asking people this question for years now is what she given you worth 43 million dollars which is gonna be your signing bonus I'm PG in this cuz I was really talking to her I was mean I was there because I wanted to know the value that he placed on his distraction but you're hearing what I said and I told him this now I've been telling people this ever since don't ever let someone ask you to give up something they can't replace like are you hear me I said that she have a signing bonus to give you he said no I said what you gonna do I don't know what to do now I said two things you're gonna do first thing I told me dude was how to talk to his coach how to get back in his coaches blessings go toward what you had in your head I messed up I need your help that's what God told me to tell him to tell us go put him back on the team second thing you do she's in the way of 43 million dollars if she doesn't appreciate it now she won't appreciate it then you're not hearing what I'm telling you don't ever let anybody ask you to give up what they can't replace let's just stay home from work you ain't got a job to give me let's cut classes and you don't have a degree to give me people that have your interests don't want to see you fail some people will sabotage your blessing and not want you after you lose it it is difficult to be with a friend or other unless they bring something to the table that causes you to bear more fruit you can't last long with a consumer and the pati talking to him because one will be satisfied in the relationship and the other will not be some I say number two every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away and every branch that bears fruit he purges it cuts it back that it may bring forth more fruit so a healthy relationship helps you audit your personality guides you through processes in your life and it's careful how they respond to you because sometimes they have to be critical of you don't judge me is killing relationship I need you to cut back what's not productive so first house I had I had some rose bushes and um now this is weird so in Camden on the corner garage air conditioning and a rose bush garden in Canada so I don't know anything about rose bushes they were there one moved in so I bought me a book you said every year you got to cut them back I'm thinking you don't cut the thing back and it's gonna produce bigger roses book said yes so I'm outside doing what I think I'd have you bought the whole equipment I'm cutting the roses right up under where the Rose is so my neighbor comes out [Music] it's it's instead who said what you do I said his book say I need to cut these roses back she said you gonna kill the book I said how you not cutting it back far enough you're not going deep enough so she act like she knew what she was talking about mother so I you know against my will I I think I'm killing my whole yard now cuz I'm cutting like almost all the way down to the to the branch next year roses came out like that look like house and Gardens I'm Dan was but it wouldn't have happened sister code if I hadn't cut it back on purpose you got to have somebody around you that you trust to prune you so you become more fruitful I'm not trying to kill you I'm trying to make you better so you can't agree all the time [Music] so troublesome people devour your strength love must correct you because correction is designed and righteous correction is designed to produce greater fruit of the relationship the verse says bear fruit so fruit is never invisible a life excuse can't be God knows my heart no King it's the biggest ladder church has ever told we say things do things get chastised and then we say God knows my heart yes he does he says because out of the abundance of your heart you speak the issues of life flow from my heart what I don't like about me is the stuff that comes out of my heart I lost you I don't like what comes out of me at time it always tells me it reminds me Rhonda how much I need Jesus even after 40 years of walking with him get there's some stuff in here there still ain't right can I get some witnesses up in here all the perfect people shout amen y'all don't listen lying in church all the perfect people shout amen still line [Applause] [Music] should have been so quiet in here could hear the proverbial wreck and the pattern somebody say more fruit improvement cannot be theoretical you can't be the only person that knows you're getting better [Applause] God does not keep that secret he reveals that to people so I have to produce in any relationship business work love significant other friendship you have to produce something that's consumable and beneficial consumable and beneficial if we are a fruit Bearer then folks ought to be able to be nourished from knowing you and I people ought to get better knowing you is this making sense because they're consuming your behavior there's a lot of talk about compatibility apparent incompatibility is over come back fruitfulness apparent incompatibility is overcome by fruitfulness watch on this works all of us been in the mall seen two people walking together and you say to yourself quietly how in the world did that happen come on talk to me now what happened [Applause] what overcame that incompatible apparent incompatibility fruitfulness they put up and didn't draw that it was consumable and beneficial so you can be apparently incompatible but if you're fruitful person get used to being around you you hear now saying and they might try somebody else's fruit benign person too good too consistent they our friend in need so when you see people that don't look like they belong together it's because they've been bearing fruit they've been productive it's making sense to you that's how this works now because I got to stop got six minutes watch this now mm-hmm so we observe and consume one another's fruit productivity is progressive is necessary for progressive relationship and progressing relationships go down to verse three and four now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you abide in me watch this here comes abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can ye except you abide in me somebody say mutual dependence now this is tricky because you can either have a healthy or unhealthy mutual dependence to where you can't think without your best friend you can't think what your follow I'm saying so you're scared to move unless they tell you you can go so I'm talk about healthy mutual dependence and adult not adult child anytime you're in an adult child you give in ninety percent of the time because children think just being alive is enough for you must not be talking to the right crowd so there's a healthy mutual dependence that Jesus is teaching us says right here in verse in verse four abide in me and I in you somebody say mutual as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself tell you neighbor I need help Jesus say you can't do this by yourself you have to stay in me now watch this here's the revelation I'm gonna use this one word somebody say abide you ever had company in your house and they've been there a long time and you ready for them to go home I mean they've had dessert twice y'all don't watch your favorite programs and they actually look like they're getting sleep you know I'm saying it just cuz you can look at them and see how comfortable they look watch this in your atmosphere I'm trying to help some of you don't know how blessed your atmosphere is where people come to your house and don't want to go home they just want us bask in the aroma of the presence of God because your house has been recording what you've been saying it's been recording your music it's been recording your worship it's really caught in your praise and people get in there and they get comfortable I don't want to leave this thing Jesus says make sure I can abide and make sure I can be comfortable in you make sure you make me feel like you don't want to leave that you want me to stay forever that you're not tired of me that you just had peace with me being in here [Applause] some people are in friendships and relationships and they don't appear comfortable with one another there's a hostility in there love hard to love somebody you don't like but you can't love someone that you've grown not to like ain't nobody talking to him in the word about means to dwell comfortably in a thing to desire then not only that it come in but have free rein problem maybe there's that we invite folk into our life that are not comfortable with every area of our lives and wonder why there's so much difficult it's hard to be close to somebody doesn't have a prayer life hard for you to be churched and you got to fight them to go to church hard when somebody looks at you and you praising God and they think you having some kind of seizure you got your hands raised up there as you what's wrong nothing folk have to understand your lifestyle that God in church and that resume items for you this is how I live God is the air I breathe His grace has made me who I am I love the blood of Jesus they've got to know what you know and believe what you believe and praise what you pray to be comfortable in your life everybody stand up I got to stop [Music] repeat after me lord please make me a safe place [Music] y'all ain't praying hard enough the work that Jesus desires to do with us his intention has already been revealed else he would not have given us his spirit he not only desires to reveal promise to us but he desires that he become his camera to become your character that you bear the fruits of the Holy Ghost what I love about the Lord is he accepts you where he finds you but he has never content to leave you wave on anybody tells you the Lord loves you just the way you are yes when you get saved he's given you his spirit and his word that our personalities might be transformed that our horizons may be renewed that our strength may come back but we may start having a mind of Christ it gives us what we need to improve John 15 says I prove I'm a disciple because my life is an exhibition of increased fruit more of him is visible in my life every week says my disciples do what I ask them to do and they produce more fruit much fruit and much more fruit [Music] because trees produce more fruit as they mature they stand the test of time they go through the seasons they go through periods of looking non-productive when and sometimes we look at ourselves as like nothing's going on in my life I might just be in a winter season when God has strengthened to me on the inside but every time I go through an unproductive season I need to start praising God because as it he has another harvest in my future you might be down for a minute but you're not out [Music] begins with this mutual relationship with Jesus father introduces you to his son he says the relationship is so integral it's like a gardener taking care of a grapevine the gardener is glorified by the fruitfulness of the grapevine and the grapevine is glorified by the work of the father so the garden is reputation is built by how well the vine is doing and the fine purpose is revealed based on the relationship with the garden so God calls us his vine and then he the garden gardeners positioned you to produce in the coming seasons [Music] position you to be more fruitful every day a non-productive life is not good evidence that God is in you because he positions us to be fruitful every day of our lives I'm not sure if there's anyone with us tonight who does not know the Lord for themselves but he desires to have this mutually gratifying relationship with us he wants to do some things with you and through you he wants to cause things to happen in your life that you never thought would happen there's there's some things in you that have not been produced yet that if we will give ourselves to the Lord the thing you've been dreaming of will come to pass so Adams asleep God gives him a vision of his inadequacy and if his sleep comes the right fit tells me that God has your dream for you we just need to learn how to choose between a good choice and a God choice just a good friend was this a God for him it's a good bestie or God bestie is this good love or is it God love today the Lord wants us to make a decision for him that we would choose him and allow Him to begin to work in us because he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the working of his power power of the Holy Ghost in us if you're here tonight and you've never given your life to the Lord I want to give you a chance to step forward come take my hand I want to shake your hand and begin your brand-new journey into this life with Christ if you're here and you got saved at one point but you got off track and everybody does I want to give you a chance to come tonight and reconnect God didn't keep you alive and bring you here for you not to make a decision on his behalf and allow him to begin to use his favor to transform your life if you know you need to come back to the lower you learn more from your Bible and last out 45 minutes and you did in the last four or five weeks you need to be in the right place at the right time with the right people you're not in the church in the middle of the week because God doesn't have anything for you he wanted you here tonight you're not alive because of coincidence you're alive because this is a part of your destiny he meant for you to hear this tonight need to come back to the Lord you can come if you need to connect with God's house become a part of this great church family I offer you this invitation to come and connect tonight is there one would you come get saved for the very first time come back to the Lord doesn't matter how many times connect with God's house everybody needs a father everybody needs a father's
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 4,200
Rating: 4.7849464 out of 5
Id: nLs-6d_X4H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 21sec (4581 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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